Red Herring

  Jun 28, 2013 The light from remote globular clusters should be blue according to theory because the farther away one looks the farther back in time one sees. It seems as if each new observation from the Hubble Space Telescope or the Chandra X-ray Observatory adds fuel to the…

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Stars That Will Not Explode

SN1994D, a supernova in NGC 4526

  Jun 27, 2013 NASA computer simulations are not able to correctly model supernova explosions. Contemporary astrophysical models of stellar evolution rely on the mechanical action of cold gas collapsing from gravitational impetus. Stars are seen as whirling vortices of compressed matter heated to fusion temperatures by pressure, alone. Clouds…

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Arc Mode Discharge

  Jun 26, 2013 Glass, plastics, and various metal oxides are efficient dielectric insulators. Dry air is another example. Lightning is not well understood. The most common interpretation involves the circulation of water vapor up and down through clouds in a process called convection. Water is heated by the Sun…

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Galactic Fireballs

  Jun 25, 2013 Images of the Coma Cluster from the Subaru Telescope reveal galactic filaments connecting bright “knots” of ionized gas. According to redshift calculations, the Coma Cluster is a sphere of galaxies 3.5 million light years in diameter over 300 million light years from Earth. The cluster is…

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Windy Waves

  Jun 20, 2013 Wind socks, bow shocks, shockwaves and collisions are often used to describe the phenomena that create high-frequency electromagnetic radiation in the cosmos. From gamma rays down through X-rays and extreme ultraviolet, conventional theories have relied upon gravity and acceleration as the only way for them to…

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  Jun 18, 2013 X-rays in space are an electrical phenomenon According to a recent press release, the most distant X-ray jet ever observed is spewing from a supermassive black hole (SMBH) in the center of a quasar known as GB 1428+4217, extending for an estimated 230,000 light-years from the source….

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