Ben Davidson: Does the Sun Trigger Large Earthquakes? | EU2015

Using more than 35 years of data from the Wilcox Solar Observatory at Stanford University and from the United States Geological Survey, a model was constructed using patterns discerned in the polar magnetic fields of the sun. These patterns in solar magnetism were informally observed to match with the occurrence of large earthquakes on our planet, so mathematical modeling was used to formally develop an algorithm describing those relationships. Ben Davidson will describe the results obtained from this research and explain other solar aspects related to seismicity.

Ben Davidson is the researcher behind the Suspicious0bserver channel on YouTube, a channel that has rocketed in under 4 years to over 52 million views, and is Director of the Mobile Observatory Project. Ben was classically trained in law and legal research, before taking up independent research in diverse sciences. His online presence has been a constant source of data dissemination, inspiring public interest in a variety of scientific fields, including the ‘electric universe’ theories. Ben focuses on the daily solar environment and the electromagnetic interactions between the sun, earth, and the galaxy. It was this interdisciplinary “due diligence” that led him to the surprising conclusions he will present at the conference in two presentations.

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