Paul Anderson: Statistics To Save Us From Data Overload | EU2015

The amount of data collected from the Sun is overwhelming. The amount of data potentially collected from the SAFIRE Project will also be overwhelming unless clever ways are found to slice through the many factors and quickly find those that most directly create the analogs to solar physics. “Why does the Sun shine?” Paul will show some results from the SAFIRE Project Phase 1 to illustrate an approach to save us from data overload.

Dr. Paul Anderson works as a chemist for the US Army and is leading efforts in the SAFIRE Project to implement statistical design of experiments (DOE) approach to experimentation. By properly utilizing modern designs, the efficiency and statistical rigor in experimentation is greatly increased. He is also involved with exploring methods to quantify the effects of possible planetary scale discharges on the geologic landscape.

JOIN US for the EU2016 Conference: Elegant Simplicity//June 17- 19//Phoenix, Arizona

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