Gerald Pollack: Beyond Water—What Makes the World Go Round? | EU2015


At our fourth conference EU2015: Paths of Discovery, Gerald H. Pollack, PhD, opened the event with this keynote presentation on Thursday, June 25, 2015.

He describes how water contains a fourth phase, which bears negative charge. When water evaporates, that fourth phase rises in the form of negatively charged aerosol droplets, while positive charge rises in the form of hydronium ions. The negative-positive combination may condense into clouds. In sunshine, the evaporated hydronium ions build high into the atmosphere, while at nighttime they hardly build at all; hence, horizontal charge gradients form at the day-night boundaries.

Jerry suggests that those charge gradients drive wind flow—perhaps the cause of terrestrial winds—and theorizes that the same forces acting to produce persistent winds may help to maintain the spin of the earth on its axis.

Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington, Dr. Pollack is an international leader in the field of water research. He received his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968.

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