Rime of the Ancient Water Bridge

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Rime of the Ancient Water Bridge

Unread post by mharratsc » Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:49 am

Rime of the Ancient Water Bridge

Bravo!! Mel Acheson = the poet laureate of the Electric Universe! 8-)
Mike H.

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Re: Rime of the Ancient Water Bridge

Unread post by hertz » Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:55 am

It was foolish of Rene DeCartes,
to separate science from art.
Layin' in bed
half out of his head,
no tellin' what he might spout.

Well done Mel Acheson, a real Natural Philosopher :)

btw, with regard to water bridges, i read this somewhere the other day...accurate?
I think the excess electrons (electricity) moving thru the "triple de-ionized" water are trying to complete a circuit. They gets things jumping (re-ionizing the water), and when the circuit completes they take on the characteristic gyro-rotation of a "real" plasma, which in turn transfers angular momentum to the water, thus giving the water a structural stability that allows it to "bridge"...in some respects the process is similar to the formation of rotating filaments that form in the interstellar medium, and which sometimes (if the magnetic field is switched off via diffusion) collapse into stars.


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