Electric Spheres

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Electric Spheres

Unread post by GaryN » Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:35 pm

Just wondering if the authors believe that all those objects in the sphere
are stars like our Sun? If so, do they think those suns have their own solar
systems with planets and gas giants and current rings etc?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2011/10 ... c-spheres/
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller

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Re: Electric Spheres

Unread post by shadowmane » Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:29 pm

What I was wondering from this article is, what kind of astronomy is the EU doing right now? Do they have an observatory that they can use? If not, how about online networks of radio telescopes. Makeshift radio telescopes can be made with the small satellite dishes. If enough people string them together on the internet, then we let some of our resident astronomers use them while we're asleep, we could start gathering our own data, instead of mining the data of mainstream astronomers, who are making all of the wrong assumptions. We might not get spectacular images, but we could start mapping local Burkeland Currents. If some people have the old satellite dishes, or the new k-band dishes, then we could get even more information.

I know I've read about a network of radio telescopes (to be used as a kind of interferometer) used by people online before. I just can't remember where it was.

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Re: Electric Spheres

Unread post by 601L1n9FR09 » Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:34 pm

What a great idea!
This site is crawling with the people needed to establish and maintain just such a project.
Why wait for mainstream data that has all the facts "filtered" out of it when we can get our own raw data?
Awright now, there must be at least a couple dozen geeks on this forum any one of which can put this together.
Who is in? There will be press releases to make, announcing our, or should I say your discoveries. My endorsement of your findings could only detract from your credibility. (young earth creationist right here)
Look, if the mainstream wants to wallow in mutual admiration orgies some one has got to get on with the science.
I can't think of a better bunch to do it either. Okay, so you can't get the probe into the plasma sheaths but there must be something this proposed RLA (Ridiculously Large Array) can do for you. After a couple of press releases you may have donations that dwarf any government grants the mainstream can even dream about. All you have to do after that is avoid falling into the trap of becoming the next experts with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. That is not rocket science but may well be more difficult. Well, there I go with the over the top enthusiasm again. If you will kindly excuse me I have some nuclear modeling to get back to.
In all seriousness, there is genuine potential in your idea. I hope some one takes it and runs with it.




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