(Un)Settled Science - Hole in the AGWzone Layer!

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(Un)Settled Science - Hole in the AGWzone Layer!

Post by davesmith_au » Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:14 pm

January 14, 2010 ~ Guest Contributor - James P. Hogan

When beliefs that are normally regarded as the province of science become subject to an ideology that decides in advance what answers are required and censors the evidence in ways that steer beliefs toward them, then, regardless of what incidental use might be made of computers, satellites, and other kinds of advanced engineering and technology, what's going on isn't science. But most of the world has never learned to tell the difference – or maybe cared that much.[More...]
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Re: (Un)Settled Science - Hole in the AGWzone Layer!

Post by Orlando » Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:59 am

I enjoyed the accurate insight in the Article!
If truth is stranger than fiction, then we can clearly see that the Majority live in a Fictional Universe, Based on False Theories.

If an investor looks at all the Data presented in that Article they would not Invest a dime to this Global Warming scheme.
But considering that they ARE investing in the Legislative powers to enforce this Fiction, then it is surely a great return on Investment.

No matter how many gorillas are in the cage, it takes only one with a water hose to spray them with global warm water to get the message across.
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Re: (Un)Settled Science - Hole in the AGWzone Layer!

Post by mharratsc » Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:40 pm

This line of thought has gone around in more than one thread on the forums here.

Truthfully, I find myself in neither of the two camps listed in the article. I know that CO2 is not what is warming our planet (or the rest of the planets), but I don't think that the current status quo should be allowed to continue, either. :\

Sadly, they concocted the story that "we're killing ourselves with atmospheric heat" rather than suggesting (what I feel is true, at least) that we're killing our planet's global ecosystem... of which humanity is a part, and heavily relies upon.

I think one of the reasons why the First World countries aren't up in arms about it is because of all the science fiction and movies that show humanity able to live on barren worlds, synthesizing our atmosphere and food, etc. The Third World countries (that live hand-to-mouth) don't have any of that science fiction going on. Even subsistence farmers around the world are backing away from the 'slash-n-burn' monies they've been receiving and are starting to realize that that is only a short-term income, with long-term detriments involved.

With much less education, I think they see it much more clearly than most.

On the political side, all these governments (probably led by the US & Great Britain) have been trying to manipulate things towards a 'greener' economy. Personally, I think they're just trying to manipulate things towards any alternative economy! They are losing control of things against the growing financial power of big corporations, and they know it. They took a chance and tried to re-write the global economy on something other than OIL (which they don't control) in favor of something they would control... at least initially, at any rate. :P

I know there's no truth behind what they've said- it's been nothing but sheer desperation. I however, trust corporations much, much less than I trust democratic governments. Governments will always get people in power that try and twist things to their personal benefit, but at least the foundation for ethical representation of the citizenship is there!

Big Corps have no such weaknesses to hold them back as they strive to be 'the biggest winner' in the race to financial growth. :(

Offered as my own personal opinion based upon my own observations, and with greatest respect to people holding different perspectives and opinions of their own,

Mike H.
Mike H.

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Re: (Un)Settled Science - Hole in the AGWzone Layer!

Post by Orlando » Sun Jan 17, 2010 5:22 pm

I too have had many opinions on these observations, but iam afraid that the majority
is as informed of cosmology as much as politics, the majority of Government Services are sub-contracted to service provider Agencies either through Licensing or Membership governed and Legislated by ACTs to which sadly enough are run for profit as well. The Citizenship is not well enough informed which leaves their fiduciary responsibilities to their representatives.

The governments award many contracts to these corporations.
The Banks, Governments and Educsation work at Arms length through the derivitive markets with these corporations.
Very Hard to be Ethical in a Profit driven environment.

Who cares is more like it in the sediment department.
watch people and talk to them they all regurgitate pretty much the same song day in day out, I agree the ecosystem is being abused, and this more of a tidal mindset, but can we seriously expect a representative government to look after our best interest? Especially when they read the data of fuel consumption, garbage accumulation, putting themselves in debt to which if they knew how to handle in the first place wouldn't be in this mess, people have a hard enough time understanding money!

I think the Article hints on the inaction of the majority to do their due diligence in learning what is presented in the form of Mefia and Education, most just accept what is Mantrad on the media and re-ienforced at the water cooler or during get togethers.

Where are the questions and insights?
more like they have nannied themselves in a child like position and feel comfort in pointing the finger at their elected officials when things go wrong.
Aristotle stated that with Wisdom and Reason he never had any use of Law.

But that's just what I see.

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Re: (Un)Settled Science - Hole in the AGWzone Layer!

Post by mharratsc » Mon Jan 18, 2010 8:25 am

I agree with you, Or. Like you pointed out- the U.S. government was told to 'manage it's assets' bureau by bureau, and of course this started a snowball of these departments behaving like corporate entities. This made them crippled from the get-go by contrast to 'profit-only' corporations. The government offices still have a main job to do for the U.S., but the corporations don't have those obligations.

I work for one of them. The only reason corporations give a care about their customers is because they might lose their sheep to a competitor. They spend millions and millions annually on psychologists to come up with the most 'convincing' ads and marketing strategies, even when improvement of their product would suffice just as well and be hardly any more costly.

Why though???

I think because it's a game. Like gambling, and why it becomes an addiction to so many. The risk is a rush, the quarterly report is the payout and endorphin high. >.<

Governments cannot simply drop all their other obligations to go chasing that 'bottom line', yet they're told to be self-sufficient and profitable. Where's the 'win' scenario for them?? All the good public servant-types in government have been replaced by 'business suits' so that these departments can get a grip on the financial situations they've been given. Granted, this is all nothing but stereotype, and you have extremes on either side, but... well, that's the way it seems to me at least.

I saw my fair share of this from the upper eschelon, regarding Foreign Policy, over in Iraq. Everything that we seemed to be doing over there seemed to be a knee-jerk, fear-induced response. It permeated the air, and it was the topic of discussion on many a night. It really left a mark on lots of guys and gals who signed up to serve. We discovered that our world was a lot more complex than just 'stop the bad guys'.

I still have to say though that underneath it all, there is still the Constitution of the United States like a cornerstone. The government that is currently built upon it doesn't resemble the original very much... but the roots are still there. I have to believe that with the right incentive, the right impetus, the government 'Of the People, By the People, and For the People' could be brought back again.

If you don't believe that could happen, then there really isn't any hope left, is there? :\

Did anyone see the movie 'Wall-E' by Disney-Pixar? The world was run by the corporation 'Buy-N-Large'. Runaway consumerism, and a single corporation in control of the entire planet. They buried the planet under trash heaps higher than the buildings, and they had to evacuate the planet and leave the little robot garbage guys to clean up. The President of Buy-N-Large gave orders to the evacuation ships that the planet was unrecoverable- just stay anchored in space and stay there...

... and they kept on selling product to humanity- business as usual.

I don't want to live on planet McDonalds, or planet Exxon, or planet Mitsubishi. The notion of a for-profit corporation taking over a representative government is an oxymoron. How can a predator 'care' for it's prey? :\

I would like to see a Unified World Government, caring for the whole world equally. Isn't gonna happen in our lifetimes, but the UN is an example that it could happen, under the right conditions, if the people decided that it was more important to them than a new car, or a better stereo. To be able to achieve that aim, they would need to achieve at least some basic conditions, such as getting away from a 'Growth' economy and going towards a 'Stability' economy, and greater attention to Global Law and population control.

We really need to get it together as a species, and it shouldn't take the next Alexander the Great to get it done, either. :\

My apologies for side-tracking this thread. Didn't mean to steer it so much towards politics and views outside of the AGW debate. :oops:
Mike H.

"I have no fear to shout out my ignorance and let the Wise correct me, for every instance of such narrows the gulf between them and me." -- Michael A. Harrington


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