Doomsday Delayed

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Doomsday Delayed

Unread post by mharratsc » Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:33 am

Doomsday Delayed

I'd like to put a request out to Steve Smith to maybe consider editing the tail end of this TPOD, and just word it a little differently.

I understand what point the article was trying to make (although I don't really agree with it, but that's another argument entirely), but the way the article is written, it appears to be making a blanket statement (at least the way it came across to me, that is ) that comets cannot affect life on Earth- period.

I think Mr. Velikovsky is probably doing cartwheels in his grave right now... :?
Mike H.

"I have no fear to shout out my ignorance and let the Wise correct me, for every instance of such narrows the gulf between them and me." -- Michael A. Harrington

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Re: Doomsday Delayed

Unread post by The Great Dog » Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:27 am

The Great Dog sees that you missed the word "small."

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Re: Doomsday Delayed

Unread post by starbiter » Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:09 am

Comet Elenin has apparently broken up, not evaporated. If the breakup was explosive we might some day travel through a debris field. The pieces would now be more like a shotgun blast, instead of a bullet. ... gofire.htm Chicago Fire ... 7biela.htm ... gofire.htm ... nguska.htm Tunguska ... guska2.htm

With luck the pieces of negatively charged comet will not intersect the orbit of Earth.

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Elenin and solar flare activity

Unread post by StalkingGoogle » Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:05 am

Is it possible the breakup of this comet is related to the recent solar flare activity that's been getting a lot of media attention? I know there are at least a few TPoD's that draw connections between coronal mass ejections and comets, could this be a similar instance where the comet was destroyed by an intense discharge that is now persisting?

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Re: Doomsday Delayed

Unread post by mharratsc » Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:19 am

I see your point, TGD, and I understand the desire to put a gap between the alarmists and the EU, I do... but I still feel that the subject is a bit more complex than a blanket statement can cover, and that some newcomers may be confused by how this was worded.
Mike H.

"I have no fear to shout out my ignorance and let the Wise correct me, for every instance of such narrows the gulf between them and me." -- Michael A. Harrington

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Re: Doomsday Delayed

Unread post by current bun » Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:10 am

Whilst reading an old book on subtle energy I came across a comment regards the Vedas (ancient Indian scriptures) that the Sun could eject over 200,000 different kinds of ray. Whether this was a figure lost in translation I don't know but with ref to the earlier post about X rays, I would be curious to know if the behaviour of comets is subtly (or not so) different depending on solar condition.
With further ref to old texts, I read an almost decipherable tome which I would not recommend to anyone of a hard scientific bent called A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by the curiously maligned mystic, Alice Bailey. This book was written in 1925. It actually describes EU theory perfectly and more, particularly our evolution in electric terms. The Cosmic Fire of the title is electricity. My point is that somewhere there is more subtle information rgds comets.
If a large one - Venus - can create a cataclysm perhaps a small one interacts on a smaller scale and just stirs our imagination, hence doomsday scenarios but also inner curiosity extending to the bigger picture. Information as a quantum notion, will be delivered in both small and large packets.
Rgds Shoemaker-Levy9 - after breaking up it continued its trajectoy and then crashed into Jupiter?? Is there any link between this and the changing behaviour of the red spot?

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Re: Doomsday Delayed

Unread post by tayga » Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:02 am

current bun wrote:Whilst reading an old book on subtle energy I came across a comment regards the Vedas (ancient Indian scriptures) that the Sun could eject over 200,000 different kinds of ray. Whether this was a figure lost in translation I don't know
Given the inevitable inaccuracies of translation of concepts, 200,000 is pretty near to 'right' :)
If a large one - Venus - can create a cataclysm perhaps a small one interacts on a smaller scale and just stirs our imagination
Catastrophists would argue that our past encounters with Venus, amongst others, are what lies behind the historical conviction that comets portend disaster. I think your argument is that there is a physical mechanism (?). They would say it's a cultural one.
With further ref to old texts, I read an almost decipherable tome which I would not recommend to anyone of a hard scientific bent called A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by the curiously maligned mystic, Alice Bailey. This book was written in 1925. It actually describes EU theory perfectly and more, particularly our evolution in electric terms. The Cosmic Fire of the title is electricity. My point is that somewhere there is more subtle information rgds comets.
I'd never heard of this lady. I just browsed her Wikipedia entry. There are some interesting elements to her story. She seems to have been controversial on a number of issues, particularly race.

You might find some interest in Alice Bailey on the Human Question board...

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