Alien Sky Video Comments

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Alien Sky Video Comments

Unread post by Lloyd » Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:16 am

* I haven't seen all the Alien Sky videos yet myself, but I read all the comments yesterday. Almost all of the comments were positive. I don't know how many were from members of this forum, but most sounded like people new to the material. I copied and edited the comments and divided them into the following categories. I deleted those that merely praised the videos and those that were fairly irrelevant or meaningless.
* The categories are:

let us not forget this possibility. Who are we to say that the universe is stable even now? Our own limited knowledge (time) means nothing. This is what I do not like about modern science, the accepted idea that constants now were constants in the past. There is no proof that this is so, therefore it is only a theory and the possibility of "instability" is more than possible.

Makes sense. All the ancient cultures worshipped Saturn by one name or another, and then Jupiter. Today, hardly anone can pick them out because they're so far away. Who'd build temples to a pinprick of faraway light. The origin of all religion is celestial.

The last "snapshots" of Saturn, Venus and Mars (whether their true or not), with the terrestrial landscapes and musical backround, are simply beautiful and inspiring. It's not clear (yet) how the ancients transformed those images into the gods, but I hope that that will be explained in later sections...

Awesome! In this video the 'Thunderbolts of the Gods' archetype finds a compelling explanation. It is no longer satisfactory to dismiss the ancient witnesses as ignorant savages who misunderstood natural phenomena. There is clearly more to this consistent worldwide motif.

I speculated once that the commonality of forms seen throughout history and across cultures stemmed from common experience with nature. This puts so much more wonderful context into my idea that I could cry.
By my idea I just mean an idea I floated around in my head. Not that I came up with it or anything.

The Thunderbolts video and its mythology rate up there and past J. Campbell. … This will have to go down as the Hermeticus book of our day.

I am impressed with the fact that so many symbols are shared. Shared between cultures seperated by time and distance. We have the explanation given in these videos. But perhaps ancient people where simply more mobile travelers than we give them credit for? Pehaps there was an "Old World Order" (Global) culture? Whatever the answer ultimalely turns out to be, it will be important. I can not see how the answer could be trivial.

Awesome pattern recognition! Either it's all a big coincidence, or maybe it's like the video proposes. My question, though - how old does this make the universe??

I'm a firm follower of the Electric Universe model, but I've never been fully convinced about the mythological connnections. This video however really made me think. It's certainly much more plausible than the scattered ramblings most often posted regarding symbolic simililarities found around the world.

… This is the only coherent analysis I've ever seen that covers the whole world mythos. Some symbology might be a little like grasping here and there since I'm very familiar with occult symbols and their meaning but overall I'm very, very impressed indeed. As bizarre as it may seem that Saturn once ruled the sky I think dave talbot is somewhat of a visionary.

What's the Mountain of the Gods MADE OF?
Plasma Lightning? Aurora Borealis? See, he doesnt go into the explanation (yet) of what he thinks could have formed those patterns.
He should put together a hypothesis or maybe even a simulation as best he can on how close Saturn could have come, Mars, and Venus before the planets (especially Earth) are basically destroyed. Saturn in Mars orbit Mars 4x distance to the Moon now?

Your missing the point. He says very clearly at the beginning of the segment, the planets move in unstable orbits. Not in perfect elliptical ways they do now. This is obvious when you think of the gravitational distribution throughout. He says the ancients new and wrote about it. Read some of their work, you'll answer your own criticism stop relying one source and look in to it.?

And even though Electric Universe hypothesis says that humans don't really understand gravity (I don't think we do, either).... gravity is still there.
Basically, this theory of his is very Earth Centric. Mars, Venus, even Saturn can decide to take a jaunt through the solar system, yet Earth remains in its orbit. So he needs to put forth some hypothesis on how earth remains in its perfect orbit yet Mars, Venus and Saturn can realize new positions without affecting Earth's orbit to boot.

beverins: your assumption is just that, an assumption; and it is not correct. There is no assertion and no implied conclusion in this film to the effect the Earth stayed in a "perfect orbit." Though numerous facts bear on the issue, one logical place to start is the human experience itself, letting the points of agreement between the diverse cultures lead the way.

By a "perfect orbit" I'm saying that the Earth hasn't really shifted drastically from the Zone its in at the moment. A slow drift 2 million miles one way or the other alters the weather slightly... shouldn't be too big a deal. I'm talking about drastic shifts on the AU scale. THAT would cause mass extinctions.
I can deal with Mars and Venus drifting around, they're "in the neighborhood" but Saturn drifting into plain view - he's gonna have to put forth SOME idea of how that happens is all..

But then again, think in terms of a more dense and electrified plasma environment in the past. It's apparent that things have changed significantly since the benign environment that inspired the myth of the "Golden Age." Personally, I would not make any advanced assumptions as to how far the congregation of planets was from the Sun. But I'd certainly keep my eye out for geologic evidence of the "cosmic winter' that is implied, following the Doomsday unraveling of the configuration.

You're making an assumption. Its never implied that the Earth was then, where it is today.

My skepticism arises from the energy from the sun, and the weather / warmth / solar radiation that rapidly diminishes the farther out you get.
I can accept that Earth could have lazily moved through the solar system. What I'm having a hard time with is that there isn't a fossil / cave painting / mythological record of drastic changes like that in recent times.
Also, I think his time scale is off - instead of 5,000 years he should expand it to 100,000 or more.

The theory states that during the Saturn Era, earth was nested within its "plasma sheath," which rendered the sun's radiant energy irrelevant.
… there isn't a fossil / cave painting / mythological record of drastic changes like that in recent times[?]
Are you kidding?! Have you watched the entire series?
… he should expand [the catastrophe] to 100,000 or more[?] - Based on what?

Based on the fact that today I read an article stating man used fire to form tools 72,000 years ago.
I don't know if it relates, but it is true. Modern man used fire 72,000 years ago to form tools (flint spear points) in South Africa...

If you read more about Plasma Cosmology and the Electric Universe Model, you will see that many radioactive dating methods have been shown to be unreliable at best. Besides, chipping flint doesn't require fire.
The break-up of the Saturn system doesn't mark where everything BEGAN. It marks the most RECENT of several interplanetary instabilities and cataclysms.
We live in a rough neighborhood.

1) Prove your allegation of "many radioactive dating methods..shown to be unreliable", and how you KNOW which method the professor in the National Geographic article used: 8/14/09 "More on ancient weapons point to first use of fire for tools."
2) I have read, and am very interested and intrigued by the Plasma/Electric Universe theory, contrary to your insinuations. I am not disputing it all.

… "many radioactive dating methods..shown to be unreliable" - Something as simple as common fire can alter the reliability of carbon dating techniques, for one example. Electrified plasma, especially at a planetary scale, can easily alter elements at the atomic scale.
If, on the other hand, man was using fire 72K yrs. ago (sure, why not?), it would have no bearing on the info being presented.

I am absolutely convinced of the role in plasmas in the universe, all the way down to weather and quakes on planets and moons. I also believe that the planets had to have interacted electrically to account for the planetary evidence we see geologically.
I confess that I'm less convinced that this happened in recordable human history. Mr. Peratt's arguments towards recorded higher energy plasma effects are very convincing, and Mr. Talbott's argument is plausible enough to merit consideration.
Watching this last video in light of, made me wonder if a more-highly energized Saturn had ejected Earth, and then Mars(?) along a polar jet that z-pinched, creating the record of a separate body that shaded the center of our view of Saturn? And then moved out of polar alignment with Earth during the proposed merger with the Sol system? Wouldn't that have created an interim period of great darkness at some point tho? Did that ever get recorded in history, I wonder?

I'd so love for this to be true. However, I have to ask how is it that the Earth's orbit didnt mess up?
If Saturn can drift close enough that its visible in the sky lke he's postulating, then Earth is also similarly loose. Small variations of a few million miles are one thing.... wild variance such that Mars surface features are visible in the sky is quite another.
So how is it that Earth is in such a "perfect orbit" and stays there while other planets decide to cut loose and drift?

who says that earth's orbit didn't get "Messed up" you're assuming that we've been in the exact same orbit we're in now.

I have played around with planetary motion simulators and have seen situations where multiple objects will suddenly settle into circular orbits after periods of chaotic looking motion.

… Could actually explain what happened in the asteroid belt. Perhaps planets collided and broke apart, leaving the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Maybe they [the planets] didn't move, Maybe Earth moved or something happened to shift several planets?

The last time I looked Venis and Mars were only dots of light...How often do these planets line up ?

It was never once stated that Earth has not changed its orbit like they say the other planets have. Just as an aside, the brown dwarfs we have discovered in the recent years mostly appear very close to their parent stars. This configuration that Talbott puts together does mirror that type of setup.

The only-gravity (=Big Bang) model is about to disappear.
Not by scientific thinking but by the SWARMS of recent satellites, measuring the complete El.Magn. spectrum.
Someday the range of low-to-ultraHigh EM radiation will be recognized as plasma phenomena.
Then it's Ptolemy-time again: replacing a long usable model by one that matches the (EM!) observations better.
Gravity can't explain; nothing collides in the universe; stars are just dust particles, MILES apart.

why the idea of an electric universe is so hard for the world to grasp is - odd - given the electrical displays inherent in nature. Everything from lightning to the aura surrounding the body.

electric universe? It's not hard!
Electricity, after all, IS energy/vibration . EXACTLY the same as the original idea of the Big Bang, that was an explosion of VAST energy, vibrations.
And the vid here says, "preposterous creatures never seen on Earth..." monsters, mythic creatures, archetype...except this vid maker and tptb, and others like him, are trying to tell us it's ole fairy tales and imaginings of the Ancient Peoples.
You know, the same people that gave us our GREATEST cultures, everything that is a foundation for our cultures, and undertakings today.
The Ancients gave us:
The Golden Mean, Measurements, Sciences, mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, Laws of Court, calendars, methods of counting time, architecture, theater, language, literature, writing, textiles, construction methods, fine pottery, carvings, horticulture, farming and animal domestication, stirrups, cookery methods, BRONZE works, aqueducts, roads, etc.
But the Ancients were also, so primitive, so childlike, they didn't know any better, in their imaginings.
Imagine (!) flying horses, and snake-haired women (shudder!) flying shields and chariots.
We ... are so advanced, in ALL ways, we KNOW better. Why, we've built a couple of stone pyramids, and Baalbeks, and Parthenons, and Stonehenges!

I can see that EarthaKit2 needs to watch the video a little more closely. Both this video and Part One are suggesting ancient experiences that are not part of the cosmic landscape today. Watch the second half of the present video in order for the point to begin to register.

keep watching it until things start becoming clear. Also start with "Thunderbolts of the Gods" because that's really the basics of the Electric Universe Theory and these videos will make much more sense to you after you watch them.

Electric Cosmology is poised to revolutionise many many fields. … - it was the craters that convinced me….

excellent videos -- opening the past greater insights to the electric universe - artist captured what they seen -electrical feilds -geometry - we reproduce these feilds in motors magnetics --also a bipolar preferance as twins discharge seeking a nutral core - sunspots ex-acting odd lately - yep,those rocks tell a valuable lesson - plasma flame fractal art when programed useing scared geometries scales -- mathmatics were often preist only taught----interesting place to hide ifo-Art -&!

… So is it safe to say that at one time however many thousands of years ago our planetary system and traveling pattern was completely different than it is now? And that at times planets got so close they rubbed against each other?

The planets themselves didn't, but their "plasma sheaths" certainly did!

Spitzer, Chandra, Soho, etc, etc all are measuring electr and magnetic fields and... particles (=plasma).
SOME day the only gravity model will get replaced by the plasma/electr. model of the universe.
Alas a slow paradigm shift, 'the advance of science goes per funeral'.

planets changing their orbits pale of bullshit.
intense electrical discharges in the earth\other planets atmosphere\ionosphere due to highly intensive solar activity due to higly intense activity in the center of the milky way galaxy maybe

Why bullshit? The fact that we haven't seen it in our lifetime doesn't necesarily mean it never could have happened. Surely the fact that so many monuments are astronomically aligned suggests that the earth's orbit around the sun had been measured very carefully, and why would you celebrate and give thanks for something as apparently regular as the solstices/equinoxes unless what it means is that at some point in the past they WEREN'T regular - in other words the orbit had been unstable.

not bullshit. i actually like this idea of planets changing orbits and idea of variable mass and electric gravity. I was trying to be logical and analytical about it. that's it. Unfortunately lots of people dont want to be logical and analytical about anything these days. They just jump the band wagon and off they go.
sorry. i mixed up my old post with a newer one. I actually changed my opinion about electric universe. it's still extremely controversial but i do like it

… i actually believe the universe is based on electricity and we are all made of energy

We live in a dynamic, charged, ever-changing neighborhood, peeps! I mean, why do you think we're all so damned cantankerous?!

Its all plasma. The Auroras and lightning are also plasma along with fire, as well.

Viva Velikovsky. … Everone should study his book "Earth In Upheaval". 1955.

We cannot be sure that anybody really understands the truth behind mythology. Velikovsky spoke of collective amnesia in regard to mankind. Check this out.

Simple fascinating, but Carl Sagan destroys all Immanuel Velikovski theories with an increidible rationalism, very convincing arguments, about their theories about the planetary movement

Actually, he did no such thing. Furthermore, in his final years, he openly admitted that many of his views and beliefs were misplaced!

i actually think humans have gotten dumber, not smarter...have you talked to the average person on the street no depth whatsoever...the amnesia has worsened not been made clear.

I don't agree with all the interpretations here but the basic fundamental paradigm busting notion that is so important to grasp is that the history of Earth is violent and catastrophic beyond belief and because of this, human beings are the most amnesiac creature on it's surface. We need to forget what many animals know instinctively in order to function in normal society as individuals despite dying in great numbers as a group during these cyclic extinctions.

This is fantastic work, but I just can't give up my idea of extraterrestrial visitation.

The Saturn idea was put forth by Velikovsky and a few other sources well before Talbott, but I fully agree on everything else you said. A lot of this only came into true being by matching these symbols and the rock art to plasma configurations in the laboratory.

funny how mars around the globe is always the war god or warrior

Interesting. One major error though: Heracles was not Mars. Aries was. Greece FTW!

Aries was of the underworld bud

Heracles was a Greek name for Mars, though Aries was a more popular name of the planet. For various warrior gods worldwide that were linked to Mars, see Part 4 of this series.

I thought Hades was the underworld the Roman counterpart is Pluto. And isnt it Ares not Aries?

No he wasn't.
Aries was the god of war, Mars is his counterpart. Hades was the god of the underworld, and Pluto was his counterpart.
Heracles Roman name was Hercules, and he wasn't a god, he was a hero.

DemonlordofRazgriz, for an answer you have to look beyond the popular encyclopedias. Second only to Aries, Heracles was a Greek name for the planet Mars. See
W. Roscher, "Planeten," Ausfuhrliches Lexikon der griechischen und romischen Mythologie
(Hildesheim, 1965), p. 2527. Heracles was also widely identified with other gods, such as the Babylonian Nergal, unquestionably identified as Mars.

The so called mystery of the dragon was derived from ancient accounts of active volcanoes of that time. Over time, those accounts were passed down by story and lore.

already lost his credibility in this piece, the dragon violates observation in nature look up oarfish and goanna, and crocodiles and umm dinosaurs! if an old civilisation finds remains of an older civilisation and/or dinosaur fossils - could that spawn a belief in a great old time populated by big dragons? :)

random0815, I don't mean to offend, but it doesn't appear that you paid attention at all. Where do you see analogs in nature today for the long-flowing hair, effusive feathers, and flaming countenance of the serpent-dragon of myth? The mystery is how such bizarre and "impossible" reptilian attributes took hold in human imagination around the world. The question cannot be waved away.
To deny a mystery is to guarantee continued ignorance on a subject.

look up oarfish :), they do have long flowing hairs at their back, and there are big jellyfish with colourful long flowing appendixes, consider lionfish, frilled lizards aso., in terms of shapes and colours almost anything can be observed in nature, and as said: dinosaur fossils - remains of giant extinct reptilians
im not saying all his theses are wrong, this statement just shows you that the speaker is not really coming from a rational scientific perspective
i think certain circles use the accusation of "ignorance" like religions use "heretic", what is "denying a mystery" supposed to mean real science and rational analysis always accepts a realm of the unknown, even in spiritual exploration rationality is required?

Let me see if I understand this, random 0815. Is it your claim that you've offered a credible guess as to the origin of the archetypal serpent-dragon theme of world mythology? Are you aware of the worldwide story elements? From what you've just written, I don't believe you are. You could do yourself a favor by watching the video series--unless you actually believe that an oarfish or a jellyfish could have inspired the archetype under discussion. :)

yeah nvm. -.-, you are not willing to think, he unambiguously said dragons would violate observation in nature! in particular that the hair would do, both is obviously false, there are both animals who look extremely dragon like and ones with hair of any shape and colour imaginable, even ones who have both, classical chinese dragons would easily pass as stylised oarfish, anybody throwing around such a claim lightly just doesnt know the limitless diversity of nature

Okay, good luck. It would be interesting to see if anyone else will support your idea that an oarfish could have inspired one of the most pervasive themes of world mythology.

Without commenting one way or the other on the validity of this theory, I would suggest there may be an easier explanation for the symbolism of the dragon: Pterodactyl (Pterosaur) fossils.
This week, an article was released that stated they have found "wing folds" like feathers, and that these birds flew, not just glided, and that they were warm-blooded.
Imagine yourself finding a fossil of one 15,000 years ago and "explaining" it rationally.
Perhaps the origin of the "dragon" symbols?
I have been following the works of a woman, an archaeologist, that to me, has PROVEN that some of the Greek myths were based on fossil rmains they found, and venerated.

What's the meaning of the obelisks? The p**is of Osiris?
Why would someone want to represent this organ in a form of a statue?

Phallic worship.?

Oh, well it goes back to ancient times and the mystery cults.
Of course the Freemasons were involved with the layout of Washington, and their history goes into all that esoteric stuff. …

I wouldn't consider all these myths and legends to be proof that anything actually happened. Ask yourself: Knowing how humans are, if you were to stick them in an average, mundane world for thousands of years, and with poor knowledge about how the natural world works, wouldn't they come up with the same kinds of stuff that we see in ancient civilizations simply to give their lives meaning? You bet they would.

I think you're overlooking the heart of the matter, Yoshi5020. The issue is not whether ancient cultures had a scientific understanding of "how the natural world works." Their accounts do not describe our natural world at all--that's the mystery to be solved. How did these "ignorant" humans, from opposite ends of the Earth, hit upon the same "preposterous" stories and cosmic images? View the series as a whole, and I think the point will begin to make sense. The images are GLOBAL and UNIFIED.

yea, i totally understand that statement, but we must keep in mind the study of "alchemy." alchemy teaches the cycles of nature & how we live through it & can interact with it. freemasonry has taught this knowledge for a long time, along with hermetic teachings & the hindu shaktipat require that you know that you are nature.

Astronomy and esoteric symbolology have become linked.

Look at that they look like crop circles out there.

The 8 pointed star is the symbol for Arcturus.

... I think he missed one symbol the Jewish Menora.

Look at 8:56 of this video: you're correct.

I have the books and follow the blog and was thinking...could the "tower of babel" be a part of this mythology? As in a tower whose electrical discharge might have scrambled men's brains enough to seem to be the source of "speaking in tongues" or whatnot?

As if the bible wasn't made up of myth: you act like you are trying to prove it is real.....The "Tower of Babel" was simply a cosmopolitan city where folks from many lands spoke many languages.

The Tower of Babel was a fairy tale to explain how different languages developed.

To theorize that cosmological events have produced various religious symbols and designs is potent and far reaching.
But why falling so easily in the trap of rooting each and every mystical symbol to such events ?
It is the best way to discredit an hypothesis which could shed further light on past cultures, like archaeoastronomy recently did.

To stilocked: I think it's only natural to suspect reductionism in a sweeping hypothesis of this sort. But would you agree that in the end the question you ask can only be answered by historical evidence? I suggest that you follow the evidence as it's presented, then see which ancient patterns, or archetypes, remain to be explained.

The word symbol comes from the greek word …, which derives from "symballein" meaning "putting together".
As such, symbols enclose several layers of information, allowing for multiple associations, not all of them justified.
For example, the crux halo is specific to Christ. If such a celestial event was integrated by babylonians, it predates christian era by about 2000 years. Why then didn't egyptians use a crux halo on their gods I only advise caution with extrapolation.

stilocked, to avoid unwarranted "extrapolation", always look for the earlier expressions of the idea. What you call the "crux halo" (not a common usage) others call an "encircled cross." The root concept was universal, denoting sacred space divided by four streams of light and life. The center meant the source of life, the axle of the wheel, the head (or king), the active ruling power. In Egypt, the symbol meant "the divine province," in strict agreement with the global archetype.

The so-called "Celtic Cross" is exactly that: an "encircled cross."

You do see the presence of some sort of crux in the Egyptian Ankh

You don't see the "Aton" disc in Egyptian symbolism? Then you haven't looked hard enough. The "halo" of "Jesus" is the symbol of the sun...."he" IS the "Sun", reborn daily.

… that symbol looks like the cerebral cortex found in our brains and also celebrated by the egyptians.
It is the eye of Horus!!!

How about Ezekiel's wheel within wheels?
or the 12 Tribes/12 Apostles/12 signs of Zodiac?
or the loss of Samson's power when his hair gets cut, like the gods mentioned in these videos?
or the loaves and the fishes story being the opposition of virgo and pisces?
or the four creatures around the throne of God in heaven, in OT & NT, being the signs of the four corners of the zodiac around a central sun?
or the 3 day death/resurrection being the stalling/turning of the sun at winter solstice?

The epoc being dicussed in this series occurred thousands of years BEFORE the distorted and decidedly fear-based belief systems of Judaism or Christianity or Islam had evloved out of much ealier belief systems; systems that were rooted in what was actually witnessed in the ancient sky. Modern humans are still suffering from a lingering psychosis that was instilled when the Saturn system cataclysmically broke apart.

… Third, all religions by time of Abraham-1800 B.C. were still using these tales as stories for their gods, like sumerians, babilons and Egypt and many others. Fourth, they kept worshipping them as their gods, while Abraham and his offspring DID NOT!

… Terence McKenna's "timewave zero" theory?

… Einstein himself was not satisfied with his theory nor should we be, We need to keep an open mind …

The stars that orbit the SMBH @ the Heart of the Fertility Goddess, giver of life (Milky Way) were visable at some point in our past. Rewind the clock and the stars would be far enough away for light to escape. They would have been flowing, firey, energized. Then one day they disappeared. The light could not escape the BH. Their god of sun and fire left. The coalesence following would have been viewed as punishment for whatever they did to scare the god away.
If you view an image of the Galactic center from the Chandra x-ray observatory, the image would be how this spot, at the point of Sagittarius' arrow, would have looked in the night sky. The ever changing landscape in Valhalla, at times, would have lit the night as if it were a full moon. As the serpent (SagDEG) swirled around it like a necklace (Brisings Necklace), babies would be fathered under such a sky and deemed to be empowered by the gods.
This death gave birth to lies of the "clergy".
The most detailed account of the disapearance of the stars around the BH at the galactic center, is found in the Norse religion, a story called "The Necklace of the Brisings". It tells the story of how the necklace came to be, how it was obtained by the fertility goddess, and how it was "stolen" by Loki, the shape shifter. from the view in Iceland, Sagittarius drifted south for the winter, then returned in Summer without the necklace. Great wars seem to have followed.
ALL answers are in the sky

The symbol he focuses on is the same symbol that Zecharia Sitchin claims represents Nibiru.

When Terra was aligned with other planets and civilizations all were in synch and Advanced Beings who traveled shared traded educated amongst all of us. When Terra was thrown off balance the poles moved out of synch with the many Advanced peoples
A pole shift in necessary to allow re- alignment with al those Advanced Beings.

does anyone else see how an extra solar planet with a wide orbit of every few thousand years could be travelling in and out of our solar system causing all the weird tilts or the planets as well as causing them to be "moved around" like this theory proposes? Why dont they try to marry these two theories?

[Does she mean Talbot’s & Sitchin’s two theories?]

I think that aliens are what we think of as "GOD". A god that disended from the heavens to create us in his image OR an alien culture that disended from space to create us for a purpose that we have to collectivly figure out in a peacefull way. People also need to remember how vast space is and how VERY LITTLE of it we have discovered. So if you truely dont beleive in aliens i feel sorry for you, eliminateing a whole array of posobility in your life.

i like … the great perspective over our history. Only have one divergence of opinion. Even though I can see the connection between the planets and gods as they depicture it. you should have consider the ETs themselfs. Because it's way beyond there. At least, that's what my research tells me.

... Here is a list of thought provoking videos for the educated layman who feels he should be able to make up hios own mind about our universe for you!!!
Neal Adams - 'Earth is in fact Growing' 10 videos.
James Maxlow - 'Yes!The Earth is Expanding' 12 videos.
Wallace Thornhill - 'Electric Universe' 4 videos
Bill Gaede - 'Einstein's Idiots' 12 videos
All the videos are about SCIENCE lol - no nibiru, no 2012, no 'big bangs', no god, just SCIENCE

The chemtrails are … the reason the govt is now classifying all asteroid events secret.

i have married the 2 theories quite easily. If the planets were closer, maybe they could get here faster. Or maybe a wayward planet caused Saturns rings, our big moon, the odd axis's of the planets. anythings possible at this point

… The myth and allegory in this presentation is beautiful but, simply observing astronomical phenomena would never have convinced me that I was somehow "chosen" or compelled me to chop off heads, cut out hearts or sacrifice virgins to volcano gods.

"I'm still waiting for a "civilization" to arise." Like "Lazarus from the dead?"
Oddly enough, are you aware that the symbolism of "Lazerus arising" is from the Egyptian god Osiris (Ausere in Babylonian), and the when "Christ" rose "L'Ausere" from the dead, it was symbolically bringing the reincarnated, or "Arisen" God Osiris back to life, like "Christ" himself would later have happen to him?
It's all connected, and distorted over the once was a world-wide religion.
… Lazerus [is] A name btw that was first used in a myth well before "Christ" or the "Bible" was ever written.

I believe they may be unto something here. Though I don't think the civilizations that sprung up 5000 years ago actually witnessed these events.
I think those civilizations had what Jung called a "collective unconscious memory" of what had happened to The Great Civilization of past which was brought to life by the Art Rock that was left behind for them to find.
Once the memory was brought to consciousness this allowed them to replicate some of the achievements of the Great Civilization that was now lost and explains why they seemingly sprang up out of nowhere.
Who knows how long ago the Great Civlization met its end? But the poster who mentioned 10,000 years or more in the past is probably closer to the truth than trying to "shoe-horn" these events into 5000 years ago.

Those in power will always equate strange phenomenon to their right to rule. Look at human history and one can rationalize this speculation easily.
This documentary also dispels the existence of reptilian aliens promoted by David Icke.

The music is a little too loud sometimes and drowns out the speaker

I have corresponded with the film-maker about this and he said that the original stereo audio balance often goes a bit wonky in the YT monoral compression process. It is indeed irritating, but there's nothing that can be done about it.


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