Plasma and electricity in space. Failure of gravity-only cosmology. Exposing the myths of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, and other mathematical constructs. The electric model of stars. Predictions and confirmations of the electric comet.

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Post by Mjolnir » Sun Sep 15, 2019 3:10 pm

AdmiralAken1999 wrote:Exclusive Safire interview response from the Safire team to See the Pattern youtuber who made an initial reaction video the the 2019 Safire project update video...
Thank you! A very good find. Hasn't turned up in my searches.
In this one hour long interview Monty Childs clears up a few misunderstandings and speculations that could easily arise after the latest video from the Bath conference, and explains some of the limits to what information they can make public (having to do with economy, integrity and security).

Apparently, they regard their original mission - to test the electric sun model - as fullfilled. They have found no disparities with it. But as far as I can tell, they have not proved it, at leas not in a way that would satisfy the scientific community. Among other things, he says that the production of peer-reviewed papers is not going to be a priority.

They have results that can not be explained by current theory, but they themselves do not understand, or have an alternative theory for why these things are happening. But since they can control it, they can start using it and harvesting the energy. (Reminds me a bit of something I read about the first atomic bomb: They didn't use relativity theory to build it.)

So it seems they want ti sidestep the standard scientific process, and instead cooperate with government agencies and investors to keep SAFIRE going, while sharing "what they can" with the rest of us.

Thats how I interpret this, at least.


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Post by Electrodynamic » Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:30 pm

So it seems they want ti sidestep the standard scientific process, and instead cooperate with government agencies and investors to keep SAFIRE going, while sharing "what they can" with the rest of us.
Thats how I interpret this, at least.
Generally speaking, scientists use the scientific method to find evidence supporting a given theory. They do not tend to look for practical applications which is usually done by Engineers or inventors.

Given the urgency of climate change and the lack of clean energy solutions it seems a logical choice to bypass the normal peer reviewed science in my opinion. It could involve decades of bickering, infighting and accomplish very little of substance. I say let's start building millions of clean energy generators and getter done.

If it works then it works and the best proof is obviously millions of working power stations not science papers trying to convince people of something there not going to believe anyways. If they cannot believe the thing powering the grid and there house then let them remain ignorant to the facts. It's not our job to hold there hand because there scared or there feelings are hurt because they were wrong. It's our job to prove it, build it and apply it for the betterment of mankind.

There is a populist war raging against science and they would have us remain ignorant and dependent on fossil fuels and return to the dark ages. They are gutting our scientific establishments as we speak and I can only think book burning may be next. You don't bring a knife to a gun fight you bring a thermo-nuclear fusion power plant to light up the whole planet.

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Post by krav » Tue Sep 17, 2019 11:06 pm

Thanks for posting this:
Electrodynamic wrote:

Sounds like the Safire Project finally nailed it.

Power generation and transmutation just like a star.
It clarifies why not all information can be made public, would have been different if the ISF was publicly funded with open access to data.
Great to hear Monty is busy writing a second paper on the plasma double-layer observations.

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Post by neilwilkes » Wed Sep 18, 2019 4:50 am

Electrodynamic wrote:Mjolnir
So it seems they want ti sidestep the standard scientific process, and instead cooperate with government agencies and investors to keep SAFIRE going, while sharing "what they can" with the rest of us.
Thats how I interpret this, at least.
Generally speaking, scientists use the scientific method to find evidence supporting a given theory. They do not tend to look for practical applications which is usually done by Engineers or inventors.

Given the urgency of climate change and the lack of clean energy solutions it seems a logical choice to bypass the normal peer reviewed science in my opinion. It could involve decades of bickering, infighting and accomplish very little of substance. I say let's start building millions of clean energy generators and getter done.

If it works then it works and the best proof is obviously millions of working power stations not science papers trying to convince people of something there not going to believe anyways. If they cannot believe the thing powering the grid and there house then let them remain ignorant to the facts. It's not our job to hold there hand because there scared or there feelings are hurt because they were wrong. It's our job to prove it, build it and apply it for the betterment of mankind.

There is a populist war raging against science and they would have us remain ignorant and dependent on fossil fuels and return to the dark ages. They are gutting our scientific establishments as we speak and I can only think book burning may be next. You don't bring a knife to a gun fight you bring a thermo-nuclear fusion power plant to light up the whole planet.
Please do not start with the whole "urgency of Climate Change" nonsense - the planet os not overheating and CO2 is not a pollutant. Try doing some research instead of simply parroting what the warmist idiots say and as always, follow the money - Al Gore is now worth well north of $300 million since his first big Sci-Fi film (which even though it is grossly inaccurate in almost everything it claims is still shown to schoolchildren with the specific intention of frightening them silly) - but before he started this nonsense he was worth a paltry $1.6 million.
Now he bangs on about Meat eaters need to be treated like smokers? Bet you hadn't noticed he has put over $200 million into a meat substitute company. Hypocrite that he is, he will not even limit his own so-called "carbon footprint" and burns in his 4 homes more power than a small town. He has also got a new mansion for £9 million on the Malibu shoreline so he is obviously not bothered about allegedly rising sea levels either.
This is all utter nonsense - the future is COLD not hot.
You will never get a man to understand something his salary depends on him not understanding.

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Post by JHL » Wed Sep 18, 2019 3:09 pm

neilwilkes wrote:Please do not start with the whole "urgency of Climate Change" nonsense - the planet os not overheating and CO2 is not a pollutant. Try doing some research instead of simply parroting what the warmist idiots say and as always, follow the money - Al Gore is now worth well north of $300 million since his first big Sci-Fi film (which even though it is grossly inaccurate in almost everything it claims is still shown to schoolchildren with the specific intention of frightening them silly) - but before he started this nonsense he was worth a paltry $1.6 million.
Optimistic that a Democrat-controlled Congress would pass cap-and-trade legislation Gore lobbied for, GIM and David Blood’s old GSAM firm took big stakes in the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) for carbon trading. Accordingly, CCX was poised to make windfall profits selling CO2 offsets if and when cap-and-trade was passed. Speaking before a 2007 Joint House Hearing of the Energy Science Committee, Gore told members: “As soon as carbon has a price, you’re going to see a wave [of investment] in it…There will be unchained investment.” ... 39584632dc

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Post by Osmosis » Wed Sep 18, 2019 4:57 pm

Safire? What about the physics of that?

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Post by Electrodynamic » Wed Sep 18, 2019 5:17 pm

Please do not start with the whole "urgency of Climate Change" nonsense - the planet os not overheating and CO2 is not a pollutant. Try doing some research instead of simply parroting what the warmist idiots say and as always, follow the money - Al Gore is now worth well north of $300 million since his first big Sci-Fi film (which even though it is grossly inaccurate in almost everything it claims is still shown to schoolchildren with the specific intention of frightening them silly) - but before he started this nonsense he was worth a paltry $1.6 million.
Now he bangs on about Meat eaters need to be treated like smokers? Bet you hadn't noticed he has put over $200 million into a meat substitute company. Hypocrite that he is, he will not even limit his own so-called "carbon footprint" and burns in his 4 homes more power than a small town. He has also got a new mansion for £9 million on the Malibu shoreline so he is obviously not bothered about allegedly rising sea levels either.
Who cares?, I don't and pollution now kills more people than all other ailments and diseases combined. The really cool part is that I don't even need to point out which kinds of pollution because everyone already knows. It is self-evident in the air, the rivers, lakes, oceans and the earth.

My point was that if Safire does want to move forward they will be threatening a multi-trillion dollar fossil fuel industry built on death and destruction... that's all. Pollution kills, it destroys and at some point someone is going to have to pay the piper because there is no free lunch. I mean who ever said they love pollution and wanted to chug a old big bottle of it?... nobody.

The true irony here is regardless of whether you or I believe each other or anything there is now a greater than 50/50 chance that pollution will cause cancer in us or our families and we will die because of it. Nobody I know is dying of old age because cancer always gets them first. So believe whatever you want but know there is always a price to pay regardless of what you believe.

There is also the irony of hindsight, like that ignorant coal miner who dragged heavy metal laden coal dust into his house all those years. He literally killed himself and his family yet he almost begged to go down that hole day after day to earn a wage. There is a special place in hell for people like that my friend because a real man would simply find another job... one that doesn't kill him and his family. Real strength is not following along like a child it's telling everyone there wrong, they can go to hell and choosing a different path.

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Post by Sci-Phy » Thu Sep 19, 2019 11:07 am

neilwilkes wrote:
Please do not start with the whole "urgency of Climate Change" nonsense - the planet os not overheating and CO2 is not a pollutant.
This is all utter nonsense - the future is COLD not hot.
One day I was trying to collect climate data and found such data very interesting.
If I was a climate scientist, I would collect temperature data on hourly basis or even more frequent and then do integration.
For my surprise the common practice is that average temperature for a day equals to (min+max)/2!
Imagine +20C during day and cold wind of +10C during one hour.
Another scenario: +10C day and warm +20C wind during one hour.
The average temperature will be the same!


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Post by Michael Mozina » Thu Sep 19, 2019 7:10 pm

Electrodynamic wrote: Who cares?, I don't and pollution now kills more people than all other ailments and diseases combined. The really cool part is that I don't even need to point out which kinds of pollution because everyone already knows. It is self-evident in the air, the rivers, lakes, oceans and the earth.

The fossil fuel industry would *love* for us to keep arguing about climate change and the causes of climate change because any controversy simply takes the pressure off the air pollution caused by fossil fuels. The truth however is that air/water pollution, and the damage that it causes *should be* the real debate, not just climate change. I do happen to believe that humans are contributing to climate change, but it's only a small part of the damage caused by the burning of fossil fuels, and the debate is oversimplified by both sides.

The future of energy use is electricity. Our planet is literally embedded inside of a *massive* electrical circuit which is tied to other circuits flowing through the entire universe. All we really need to do is learn how to tie into that energy supply and we'll have all the sustainable "clean" energy that would could ever hope to use. The age of burning fossil fuels is coming to an end soon, and it can't be soon enough from my perspective.

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Post by Electrodynamic » Thu Sep 19, 2019 9:42 pm

neilwilkes wrote:
Please do not start with the whole "urgency of Climate Change" nonsense - the planet os not overheating and CO2 is not a pollutant. Try doing some research instead of simply parroting what the warmist idiots say and as always, follow the money - Al Gore is now worth well north of $300 million since his first big Sci-Fi film (which even though it is grossly inaccurate in almost everything it claims is still shown to schoolchildren with the specific intention of frightening them silly) - but before he started this nonsense he was worth a paltry $1.6 million.

For the record it was former president GEORGE W. BUSH, a REPUBLICAN who started the climate change ball rolling in 1988. ... al-warming

However not long after the psychotic Koch brothers decided the fight against global-warming may effect there fossil fuel empire. So they proceeded to create a massive number of fake foundations to peddle fake news and buy politicians to protect their interests. . ... of-freedom
Understand they were buying politicians to peddle their false narrative from both the Republican and the Democratic parties.

The irony here is that David Koch lost a long battle with cancer most likely produced by the very poison he was peddling to the masses, Karma's a beach isn't it?. This is the part I don't get, sure they are billionaires but one Koch is dead from cancer and the other almost dead so what did they gain?... a few more billion dollars?. So they would risk our children and mankind's future to gain a few billion dollars they don't even need?. There is a special place in hell for "there kind" in my opinion.

So our future is basically being put at risk so mostly psychotic rich people can get a little more rich?... Ain't life grand?. I mean I'm not even sure I could make this kind of psychotic nonsense up, it just defies the imagination. The lesson here is that there is a sucker born every minute but we my friends should not be that sucker.

This is what the boy's at Safire are up against and I truly do wish them the best of luck. The question occupying my mind is how can I, how could we, help them succeed?. Does anyone have a link to help fund or get involved with there cause?.

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Post by Electrodynamic » Thu Sep 19, 2019 11:14 pm

The future of energy use is electricity. Our planet is literally embedded inside of a *massive* electrical circuit which is tied to other circuits flowing through the entire universe. All we really need to do is learn how to tie into that energy supply and we'll have all the sustainable "clean" energy that would could ever hope to use. The age of burning fossil fuels is coming to an end soon, and it can't be soon enough from my perspective.
What is "electricity" when everything in motion generally carries a charge or disturbs something which does?. What is "energy" or the capacity to perform work (force x Distance) or motion when everything in the universe is in perpetual motion?. If not then name one thing which is not in perpetual motion in which case there is no example... everything is in motion which is energy.

There is also the issue of "sustainable" energy and yet all energy is motion which is always sustained as defined by the conservation of energy. Everything is sustained only being transformed to different kinds of motion on different scales thus always conserved. The most common problem is not energy in and of itself but our perception of it and the many ways it can transform, ie. Safire.

As well fossil fuels are simply hydro-carbons, hydrogen and carbon, and I have no issue with them as molecules other than the fact we are transforming too much of them into H2O and CO2, CO2 being a greenhouse gas causing global warming. We are also wasting a majority of the actual energy present in hydro-carbons as heat or molecular motion versus a motive force which serves our interests. Most heat engine systems are well under 50% efficient which is absurd. It's like saying I'm going to pay $10 for gasoline and put 1/2 in my tank and pour 1/2 on the ground.

So what does my diatribe mean?, Energy is Energy, it is always sustained or conserved as motion thus perpetual in it's nature and we are swimming in a sea of it. In my opinion this is the direction of the boy's at Safire and the EU model. So when we say fossil fuels or heat or electrical or sustainable or clean we take away from the true nature and understanding of what energy is ... universal motion.

I don't mean to be too critical but in my opinion the way forward is to cast off the false perceptions of the past. It starts with an understanding of what Energy "is", not the form it takes, not what it does but what it is. Understand what Energy is and the world is your oyster in my opinion.

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Post by dren » Fri Sep 20, 2019 5:40 am

The heat rejection in the radiator from ICEs likely contributes more to warming the atmosphere than CO2 ever wanted to attempt.

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Post by Aardwolf » Fri Sep 20, 2019 6:53 am

The only temperature graph that you will ever need because it's shown over a range that has actual meaning to life on this planet.


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Post by Aardwolf » Fri Sep 20, 2019 7:08 am

Adding large amounts of plant food to the Earth's atmosphere will historically be seen as humanity's greatest achievement. ... ning-earth
NASA wrote:From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.

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Post by MotionTheory » Fri Sep 20, 2019 8:40 am

Motion emerged from exclusive volume occupation. Force emerged from motion. Energy emerged from structural motion.

[quote="Electrodynamic"... It starts with an understanding of what Energy "is", not the form it takes, not what it does but what it is. Understand what Energy is and the world is your oyster in my opinion.[/quote]


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