LIGO -- calibration?

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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LIGO -- calibration?

Unread post by crawler » Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:18 pm

I dont think that LIGO has been calibrated.
I think u would need a big dumbbell, rotating at various rates.
Dumbbell would be located at various angles & at various distances.
Dumbbell would be rotated in various planes, angles.

Could praps use two 1 tonne wts at 10 m spacing. In a safety vacuum chamber. Very well balanced, no vibrations.

The produced QGW would be a Newtonian one, ie the wave strength would be based on Newton's equation for the change in attraction from the 2 masses as felt at a certain distant point.
The distance would be a worry, ie if the dumbbell were 4 km from the end of a 4 km LIGO arm it would then be 8 km from the other end. But a mathematician would soon work it all out.

The speed of the QGW would be interesting. Einsteinologists believe in two speeds, IAAAD & c.
I dont think that Einsteinologists believe in a speed of c/n, ie if in air.

Has there ever been any discussion of any such calibration?

I wonder what the math says. What would be an equivalent distance to the dumbbell, ie to give a QGW strength equivalent to what was supposedly felt by the three recent detections. Would it be 1m or 1 km or 100 km or ??km.

U could do such a test at one of the LIGO experimental mini-ligo's, ie to see if a QGW actually gives some kind of effect. And the speed. I say there would be an effect. I say the speed would be over 20 billion c.

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Re: LIGO -- calibration?

Unread post by D_Archer » Fri Apr 26, 2019 5:13 am

It is called 'LIE GO' actually, and yes there is a multitude of problems.

First, no such thing as "gravitational waves" actually exists in reality*

As for the detector itself, Miles Mathis has hit most problems in his papers on the subject, starting with:

Gravity Waves of Propaganda >1)

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Re: LIGO -- calibration?

Unread post by JeffreyW » Fri Apr 26, 2019 12:19 pm

LIGO is a well established farce. The fact that they continue to receive funding is similar to the bank crisis of 2008, "too big to fail".

Too many people are employeed, too many researchers have their careers based on it, too many textbooks are written about it. The G-wave farce is literally supported by faith, nothing else. The Main Book on Stellar Metamorphosis, Version 4

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Re: LIGO -- calibration?

Unread post by crawler » Fri Apr 26, 2019 3:30 pm

D_Archer wrote:It is called 'LIE GO' actually, and yes there is a multitude of problems.
First, no such thing as "gravitational waves" actually exists in reality*
As for the detector itself, Miles Mathis has hit most problems in his papers on the subject, starting with:
Gravity Waves of Propaganda >1)
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Yes i have previously read all of Miles's stuff on LIGO etc -- good stuff.

Re GWs, some kind of wave must exist. If the 1 tonne wts on my dumbbell were connected by a 10 m piston, & with dumbbell not rotating we placed a g-meter say 10 m away on the axis, & if the piston then drove the wts further apart by say 9 m & then back again, over & over, the g-meter (if super sensitive) would sense the change in gravity, & that change would be periodic, ie it would be a gravity wave (no need for the ational) of some kind. A Newtonian Gravity Wave, ie a NGW.

If the dumbbell were made to rotate instead of reciprocate we would get a similarish GW effect, what i called a quadrupolar Newtonian gravity wave, a QNGW.
I think that the supposed Einsteinian GW of LIGO is supposedly due partly or mainly to the annihilation of mass. A NGW or a QNGW have zero to do with any such annihilation.

Anyhow, as i said in the OP, LIGO (being super sensitive) could possibly be calibrated using dumbbellian QNGWs.
I suggested a rotating dumbbell, but a reciprocating dumbbell might be better.

An ordinary MMX interferometer would not be able to detect GWs. But Demjanov's twin media TM-MMX might, it being 1000 times as sensitive as an ordinary MMX (100,000 times as sensitive if scaled up to be the same size as Miller's MMX). However the only way that an MMX could possibly detect a GW is i think if the mirrors were suspended (as per LIGO). Fixed mirrors wouldnt work. But this stuff belongs in my other thread.

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Re: LIGO -- calibration?

Unread post by crawler » Fri Apr 26, 2019 3:45 pm

JeffreyW wrote:LIGO is a well established farce. The fact that they continue to receive funding is similar to the bank crisis of 2008, "too big to fail".

Too many people are employeed, too many researchers have their careers based on it, too many textbooks are written about it. The G-wave farce is literally supported by faith, nothing else.
Thanx for that link, i will study it later.

I am not a scientist, & i dont know the stink of a university, but i have been reading physics for 5 years, & i have read widely on STR & GTR, & on the history of Einstein's denial of QGWs & Einstein's denial of a QGWs ability to drain energy & carry energy, & the history of the sliding bean argument, etc.
I believe that aether is the fundamental sub-quantum essence, & is the cause of gravity -- & that aether creates the free-photon, the fundamental elementary quantum thing -- & that photons create everything else in our quantum infinite universe. Hencely i look at things from that perspective.


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