Mainstream electrophobia strikes again.....

Plasma and electricity in space. Failure of gravity-only cosmology. Exposing the myths of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, and other mathematical constructs. The electric model of stars. Predictions and confirmations of the electric comet.

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Michael Mozina
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Mainstream electrophobia strikes again.....

Unread post by Michael Mozina » Wed Dec 19, 2018 3:38 am ... s_999.html
It has long been known that the supermassive black holes that lie at the centers of galaxies, sometimes outshining their host galaxies, have coronae of superheated plasma around them, similar to the corona around the Sun. For black holes, these coronae can be heated to a phenomenal temperature of one billion degrees Celsius. It was long assumed that, like that of the Sun, the coronae were heated by magnetic field energies. However, these magnetic fields had never been measured around black holes, leaving uncertainty regarding the exact mechanism.
"The surprise," says Yoshiyuki Inoue, the lead author of the paper, published in The Astrophysical Journal, "is that although we confirmed the emission of radio synchrotron radiation from the corona in both objects, it turns out that the magnetic field we measured is much too weak to be able to drive the intense heating of the coronae around these black holes." He also notes that the same phenomenon was observed in both galaxies, implying that it could be a general phenomenon.
As soon as the mainstream stops being so electrophobic and they choose to include the effects of the *electric* fields that surround all bodies in space, they'll stop being "surprised" and mystified by every new observation. Just like the solar corona, the coronae of heavier objects is also powered and heated by *electric* fields, not just magnetic fields alone.

It's almost comical how often that mainstream astronomers are "surprised" by every new observation in space. They're like the keystone cops of physics. :) The primary heat source is *electric* fields for goodness sake, not just magnetic fields. Doh!

One has to wonder how long the mainstream will continue to allow their palpable fear of electric fields in space to prevent them from understanding even basic plasma physical processes like heating plasma to high temperatures. It's getting really old now. They can't even explain something that's been "explained" and simulated in the lab for over a century now, only because they refuse to embrace the concept of electric fields in space. How incredibly sad. If Birkeland's work were required reading in astronomy, we'd see some real progress in astronomy. As it stands, their self imposed ignorance of electric fields in space is simply absurd.


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