Wal Thornhill Adelaide talk in October...

Plasma and electricity in space. Failure of gravity-only cosmology. Exposing the myths of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, and other mathematical constructs. The electric model of stars. Predictions and confirmations of the electric comet.

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Wal Thornhill Adelaide talk in October...

Post by davesmith_au » Sat Jul 23, 2016 3:26 pm

Hi folks. Great news for South Australians and other Aussies keen on the Electric Universe.

I am delighted to announce that Wal Thornhill is to be special invited guest speaker at ASTRO SA's October meeting on Friday October 14th 2016.

ASTRO SA Inc. is a group of people who share information and invention ideas on a monthly basis here in South Australia. They are a very social bunch and this would be a great chance for South Aussie supporters of EU to have a 'meet and greet' opportunity as well as enjoy an informative talk.

The cost will be a paltry $10 at the door to cover costs. More detail will be supplied as the date gets closer.

If there are interested Aussies or Kiwis or others who may wish to attend you can add a post below to give us some idea how much local interest there is.

Those with a definite intent to attend can PM me so I can create a list to assist planning.

Cheers, Dave Smith.
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Re: Wal Thornhill Adelaide talk in October...

Post by Sputins » Tue Aug 23, 2016 11:49 pm

Dear Thundebolts Crew,

The official program and flyer is yet to be released but Wallace Thornhill’s visit to ASTRO SA in Adelaide in October 2016 is shaping up to be a fantastic event indeed.

Wal will present on the Friday night, October 14 from 8.30 to 10.30pm

Then on the Saturday, October 15 there will be two more talk sessions, a late afternoon talk and an evening talk, separated by a break (for dinner).

We are proposing a $10 entry fee for the Friday night (includes some supper and networking afterwards). Plus a $10 entry fee for both Saturday talks, but you’ll need to provide (bring/buy) your own food for the dinner break.

The host venue can seat up to 150 people.

If you are intending to come along, please indicate this to Dave, particularly if you are travelling from outside of the Adelaide region.

Even small events like these can help with the paradigm change!

More info to come:

Kind regards,
Mike - ASTRO SA Chairman.

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Re: Wal Thornhill Adelaide talk in October...

Post by Sputins » Mon Sep 12, 2016 5:18 pm

Here is the most recent flyer for the ASTRO SA event featuring Special Guest Speaker Wallace Thornhill.
If you intend to come from outside of Adelaide, South Australia or if you are a non ASTRO SA member, please also register your interest at astrosa@adam.com.au


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Wal Thornhill lectures in Adelaide

Post by moses » Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:28 pm

I attended these lectures along with Dave Smith, and a few words about it seems reasonable. Firstly, Wal is extremely impressive as a human being with majestic character and giving a sense of glowing health. He speaks very well and his memory is terrific. And of course his understanding of the subject is extraordinary.

However he has a most difficult task in judging what the audience knows about EU, and picking out bits that will enthral the audience yet leaving out the dry not so significant bits, could have been better in my view. He talked about a TOE (Theory of Everything) and especially gravity, which interests him greatly at the moment but probably was too dry for the audience, and not very significant to what EU means to ordinary people. One reads so many TOEs that one does not want to hear about it in a lecture in my view.

He also talks about Saturn theory as if it is a fact, which may be good for the group, but it is a lot like those dumb scientists do. He went into the Earth's past but steered clear of many controversial issues which would interest a group of ordinary people, perhaps impacting them negatively, but still promoting general interest. I would like to have seen the audience getting uspset as some of their precious ideas are threatened. But I guess that may be just me.
8 out of 10 !

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Re: Wal Thornhill Adelaide talk in October...

Post by davesmith_au » Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:58 pm

Had an absolute blast! Wal Thornhill's three presentations were outstanding, and I'm sure the attendees (didn't count but there must have been in excess of 100 over the two days) took much valuable information away with them. The level of interest was high, as evidenced by the quality of questioning which followed each session.

It was a successful event at ASTRO Tas(mania) which triggered ASTRO SA to invite Wal to Adelaide, and I think the group was very pleased they had. I know I am! It was a pleasure to be his chauffeur for the weekend, which included a visit to the Aviation Museum in Port Adelaide and lunch at a local pub whilst waiting for his flight.

For those who have never had much previous knowledge of the EU this was an outstanding weekend. The first talk, on Friday night, asked (and anwered) "Why do we need a new cosmology?" and was a wonderful introduction for those who have a science or technological interest in one field, but who have to rely on 'experts' from other fields for their broader scientific interests. This mostly covered why the gravity-centric models are so grossly inadequate.

The second talk on Saturday afternoon, covered "Our understanding of basic science" and went into some depth about how little we actually know, and also offered some insight into gravity as an effect of the electric force. Wal's work on beginning to really understand gravity is nothing short of outstanding.

The Saturday night presentation of "Our place in the universe and possible science of the future" was a very broad discussion of some of the "what ifs" and some of the areas of life itself often left from science discussions. This generated some great questions and ponderings.

All in all, I am sure everyone who attended took away with them not only a better understanding of the Electric Universe, but also of the current state of cosmology and astrophysics. I was manning a small stall of books and dvds and the interest the talks generated was outstanding, and the feedback very positive indeed.

Thanks to Wal for an outstanding weekend and to Michael, Cecilia, and the rest of the ASTRO SA team for making this weekend not only possible, but also a great success.

Cheers, Dave Smith.
Last edited by davesmith_au on Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: spelling
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Re: Wal Thornhill Adelaide talk in October...

Post by Sputins » Mon Oct 24, 2016 5:49 pm

First and foremost on behalf of the ASTRO SA Committee, Members, guests and me I’d like to extend a big THANK YOU to Wallace Thornhill for the weekend he spent in Adelaide.

This after recently coming back from Toronto Canada, only being home for just two days and then flying to Adelaide and doing three long talks over two days. – It was a massive effort on Wal’s part - he is on a mission for sure.

I have received some great feedback from the ASTRO SA Membership, saying they enjoyed the presentations and some have even said they have had some kind of an awakening.

I very much enjoyed all three talks. – However I found the last talk, "Our place in the universe and possible science of the future" – Among this talk are some statements that I have not heard Wal mention before. – Likely there will be some quotes from Wal here that might just go down in history!

The following message is from a lovely lady, Chris and her husband Joseph, who are in my view open minded, but down to earth people…

“Dear Cecilia and members involved in organising this series of talks
It was refreshing to hear the guest speaker's findings.
Education in this area certainly needs revising now.
The talks gave us a serious brain workout and although much was beyond our understanding, we now know why we were sceptical of the current theories.
We wish Wallace all the best in his research and presentations: a brilliant and brave person.
Chris & Joseph”

Once we have time to compile and format the videos from the event we will release them in due course.

Also photos to come and I also have a nice audio recording of the last evening session which I will try and upload to my mediafire, stay tuned.

Michael G.
ASTRO SA Chairman.

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Re: Wal Thornhill Adelaide talk in October...

Post by Sputins » Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:11 pm

Wallace said that ASTRO SA was the first mainland* Australian event dedicated exclusively to the Electric Universe. (*Credit for ASTRO Tas for being the first).
Some photos follow below:

Setting up early on:


Wal up the front speaking:

Wal and me:

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Re: Wal Thornhill Adelaide talk in October...

Post by seasmith » Thu Nov 03, 2016 4:40 pm

Thornhill and Peratt

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/elect ... gods_c.htm

Thank you both

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Re: Wal Thornhill Adelaide talk in October...

Post by Bob_Ham » Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:09 am

Could someone please bring something to Wal's attention if you happen to meet him in person at this event? I have been trying to contact him about this, but I haven't gotten any response.

In this video, Thornhill claims that gravity is nothing more than the force between electric dipoles.

In this short 3-page paper (specifically section 4 on page 3), it is shown that this "dipole claim" for gravity does not hold up, but is in fact 75 orders of magnitude too weak. In other words, the dipole interaction would have to be 1075 times stronger to account for what is observed in nature.

It seems to me that Thornhill's model must be drastically adjusted, as it can't even account for something as simple as the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. I would like to know what he thinks about it.

Thank you.

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Re: Wal Thornhill Adelaide talk in October...

Post by IgorTesla » Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:46 am

Bob_Ham wrote:Could someone please bring something to Wal's attention if you happen to meet him in person at this event? I have been trying to contact him about this, but I haven't gotten any response.

In this video, Thornhill claims that gravity is nothing more than the force between electric dipoles.

In this short 3-page paper (specifically section 4 on page 3), it is shown that this "dipole claim" for gravity does not hold up, but is in fact 75 orders of magnitude too weak. In other words, the dipole interaction would have to be 1075 times stronger to account for what is observed in nature.

It seems to me that Thornhill's model must be drastically adjusted, as it can't even account for something as simple as the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. I would like to know what he thinks about it.

Thank you.
Then again, what is being observed in nature doesn't support the gravity theory either.
I'm kinda missing the point here i guess, seems to me that that was what W.T. was saying about absence of sufficient force to account for what is observed and that Birkeland currents are provably playing a much bigger role then gravity could ever be in such processes.

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Re: Wal Thornhill Adelaide talk in October...

Post by Bengt Nyman » Mon Dec 18, 2017 3:36 am

Bob_Ham wrote:Could someone please bring something to Wal's attention if you happen to meet him in person at this event? I have been trying to contact him about this, but I haven't gotten any response.
In this video, Thornhill claims that gravity is nothing more than the force between electric dipoles.
In this short 3-page paper (specifically section 4 on page 3), it is shown that this "dipole claim" for gravity does not hold up, but is in fact 75 orders of magnitude too weak. In other words, the dipole interaction would have to be 1075 times stronger to account for what is observed in nature.
It seems to me that Thornhill's model must be drastically adjusted, as it can't even account for something as simple as the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. I would like to know what he thinks about it. Thank you.
Bob Hams evaluation above of the Thornhill illustration of dipole gravity is limited to Bob's interpretation of said model as a Surface Gravity Model. As such Bob's rejection misses what we all know; gravity is a function of mass, not surface. I have tried to contact Bob Ham but received no answer.

Bob Hams rejection of Electric Gravity is meaningless due to his lack of understanding of the complete theory and his claims do not address the Electric Gravity or Coulomb Gravity that rules our universe.


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