Special Relativity Is Not Well Verified As Claimed.

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Chan Rasjid
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Special Relativity Is Not Well Verified As Claimed.

Post by Chan Rasjid » Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:17 am

Dear readers,

The idea that special relativity is a fully tested and verified theory is false. My paper shows the details.

Title:"Newton's Invariant Mass Has Remained Invariant"

"Contemporary mainstream physics has accepted special relativity to be a fully tested and verified theory. The internet has been full of references for experiments that purportedly verified special relativity. This article argues that many of these experiments purportedly verifying special relativity are irrelevant as evidence; a commonly quoted example being the Kaufmann, Bucherer and Neumann experiments. On the contrary, there is only one lone uncorroborated experiment that shows some evidence of the validity of special relativity - the 1964 experiment of William Bertozzi of the MIT; for the matter, the experiment provides only a weak evidence with 10% accuracy. If a lone experiment were sufficient as evidence in science, then the 1989 Pons & Fleischmann experiment could have won the experimenters a Nobel Prize in physics - they did not. The author proposes a simple experiment that could decide incontrovertibly between the two competing mechanics, the old Newtonian mechanics or the “newer” special relativity - by just directly measuring the velocity of electrons ejected in natural beta decay. To date, despite the simplicity of the experiment, no one has performed the experiment."

Best regards,
Chan Rasjid.

Posts: 37
Joined: Thu Mar 17, 2016 1:51 pm

Re: Special Relativity Is Not Well Verified As Claimed.

Post by Chickenmales » Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:39 pm

I would not be suprised if all these suposed experiments were counter-intelligence operations or just outright lies. The reason for the lies being that "they" already have a UFT and they don't want anybody else to find it, even though lots of people do, they just get murdered or suicided before they talk to too many people.


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