EM Radiation affecting weather?

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EM Radiation affecting weather?

Post by Alva » Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:17 pm

I'm new to the Thunderbolts forum, but have been following the development of the Electric Universe model for a good five or six years now. I'm glad to have been able to join the party here!

Excuse me if this has been covered before, but my big Q is this:

Can altered weather patterns that we're experiencing globally be linked to an increase in, for example, human-induced EMR in our atmosphere?

I'm specifically thinking of the wild water-based weather shifts Earth has been experiencing (see the excellent Earth Changes monthly video series produced by SOTT.net). Electricity and water have a very special relationship of course, and it doesn't seem a far stretch to this layperson to imagine that the hugely massive influx of wi-fi, EMR, and simple electricity into our daily lives (in the past decade, specifically) might alter water-weather patterns.

I don't want to go any farther than this to start with, but I look forward to reading what you wise ones here have to say : )

Thanks in advance from Reykjavik!

Ps. I fully subscribe to the solar system-wide solar-induced climate change model and the plasma/electric effects included in that. But I wonder if there isn't actually a human element that has nothing whatsoever to do with carbon-based fuels and such....

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Re: EM Radiation affecting weather?

Post by D_Archer » Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:00 am

Hi and welcome,

There could be local effects, old radio towers could pump a lot of energy but they are mostly disappearing, there are ways to make it rain with ionizing the air via electric grids*. WiFi does not have any influence as far as i know. And global influence? probably not, and i dont know of any research pointing in that direction either.

The Sun itself still has the most influence. See also the latest upload from the Thunderbolts conference> Bruce Leybourne: Earth as a Stellar Transformer -- Climate Change Revealed | EU2015:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiM_gLRIuGc


*http://climateviewer.com/2014/03/26/clo ... ification/
- Shoot Forth Thunder -

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Re: EM Radiation affecting weather?

Post by Alva » Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:12 am

Thank you for your reply, Daniel, and for taking my query seriously despite my colorful text. Colors stimulate, so I like to use them when I can : )

I'm excited to sit down and watch the Leybourne presentation. Pretty much everything I come across here on Thunderbolts is fascinating, to say the least!

I wonder...the idea of localized human-induced weather changes (incidental or intentional) is accepted and even fully acknowledged ( i.e. the Chinese using simple cloud-clearing weather mod tech during the 2008 Beijing Olympics http://goo.gl/SKoB )though there's doubt about global effect. Global weather, though, is one complete system of fully mutually interdependent microsystems. it's not possible to isolate any one aspect of weather phenomena from the whole.

Could we then be looking at something butterfly-effect-ish? Small weather mod here, short-term weather mod there, and lo! an accumulation of manipulations starts to set the whole system slightly wonky.

Just a thought...

Peace from Reykjavik!

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Re: EM Radiation affecting weather?

Post by D_Archer » Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:47 pm

I do not think butterfly effect exists in reality due to entropy.

There are always correcting forces, for the Earth the big discovery is that it is not isolated from its environment (ie space) and the biggest influences upon it are from the Sun and the Galaxy, maybe humans could advance enough to change global weather patterns, Tesla envisioned as much, his quote:
....If we could produce electric effects of the required quality, this whole planet and the conditions of existence on it could be transformed. The sun raises the water of the oceans and winds drive it to distant regions where it remains in state of most delicate balance. If it were in our power to upset it when and wherever desired, this mighty life-sustaining stream could be at will controlled. We could irrigate arid deserts, create lakes and rivers and provide motive power in unlimited amount. This would be the most efficient way of harnesing the sun to the uses of man......
( Nikola Tesla, June 1919 )

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Re: EM Radiation affecting weather?

Post by Alva » Thu Dec 17, 2015 3:39 pm

Ahh, Tesla! xoxoxox!

Thank you again for your reply, Daniel. I appreciate the conversation on this topic.

I admit I haven't read this whole article yet, don't have time right at the moment, but I just saw Thunderbolts post it on facebook, and I'm curious about it for sure. It seems at first glance to have at least a tiny bit of relevance/resonance with my query:

https://eos.org/articles/human-radio-tr ... -electrons

All the best,
Maria Alva

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Re: EM Radiation affecting weather?

Post by moses » Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:20 pm

Hi Maria,
you are flying very close to a very contoversial subject:
http://dutchsinse.com/want-to-know-abou ... re-you-go/

(Might take a while to load)
Probably not something to be discussed here.

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Re: EM Radiation affecting weather?

Post by BirdyNumNums » Wed Dec 30, 2015 5:03 am

What about collective consciousness effecting the weather?
Billions of brains and hearts generating and receiving each others electromagnetic fields.
Artificial fields may have more power but the natural fields of plants, animals and earth are more likely to be in tune with each other.
A jumbo jet may be loud but it cannot stir emotion like a violin.

Dr Micheal Persinger has some interesting stuff on youtube and around the interwebs regarding telepathy, remote viewing and spiritual experiences. I watched one called "no more secrets". It shows different perspective in regards to human EMF fields and the possibilities.

It would be difficult to show the connection and would likely fall into the realm of new age wackyness. Could you find statistics that prove the effectiveness of rain dances?

Can a group of surfers think their way to good surf?

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Re: EM Radiation affecting weather?

Post by Aardwolf » Tue Jan 05, 2016 8:45 am

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Re: EM Radiation affecting weather?

Post by ElecGeekMom » Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:55 pm

D_Archer wrote:Hi and welcome,

There could be local effects, old radio towers could pump a lot of energy but they are mostly disappearing, there are ways to make it rain with ionizing the air via electric grids*. WiFi does not have any influence as far as i know. And global influence? probably not, and i dont know of any research pointing in that direction either.

The Sun itself still has the most influence. See also the latest upload from the Thunderbolts conference> Bruce Leybourne: Earth as a Stellar Transformer -- Climate Change Revealed | EU2015:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiM_gLRIuGc


*http://climateviewer.com/2014/03/26/clo ... ification/
@ D_Archer:

I have been wondering about whether there was any connection between the proliferation of radio stations in the middle of the US during the 1920s-1930s.

Your comment about the old radio towers pumping lots of energy is interesting. Do you have any hard data about that? I'm particularly interested in where the radio stations were and how far their signal would reach, as well as a time line for when they operated.

I know this group isn't much for musical stage productions...but I have come across a stage production called "Radio Gals". It's modern production done in period style, about a music teacher in Arkansas(?) in the 1920s who was given an AM radio transmitter when she retired. She would regularly do broadcasting with it. If her listeners called in and told her they were beginning to have trouble receiving her signal, she would change her frequency and let her listeners know which way on the dial she was going. Eventually, the feds sent a fellow to investigate and eventually forbid them from broadcasting. Actually, they didn't stop broadcasting, but ended up on a national network because of some of the music done by their local performers. She also pushed a product that was supposedly a "patent medicine" - good for what ails you - but was actually moonshine...during Prohibition! It's a comedy. There are some twists and turns in the plot, so I won't spill the beans and completely spoil the surprise.

Anyway, I have been wondering whether there were enough of these radio stations, putting out enough energy, to have played a part in the Dust Bowl. I have been having trouble coming up with statistics about the timing and location and numbers of radio stations at that time.

Also, here is a web site that originally got me thinking about these things:


That site has charts that purport to present a connection between climate change and changes in the broadcast industry.

Finally, I'm inclined to think that many broadcast energies tend to dry out the climate as well as heat it up. I have even seen comments that WIFI has a drying effect. In fact, there was a short period recently where I would wake up with seriously dry eyes. I had to use my hands to move my eyelids up and down when I woke up because they were so dry they didn't move easily. But after I saw that comment about WIFI, and realized how many WIFI devices I had on all night next to where I sleep, then I decided I'd try just turning them all off when I went to sleep. It was immediately helpful. So now I always turn off the router, the phone, the tablet, and the laptop at night so my eyes will not be excessively dry in the morning.

I wonder if the new pharmaceuticals for treating dry eyes would not have such a big market if people would just turn off their WIFI devices when they sleep? ;)


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