Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

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Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

Post by Phorce » Sun Dec 07, 2014 8:01 am

I have followed EU for a few years and still find EU observations compelling. However I have become concerned that the debate could descend into a mud slinging match. I wrote a section in my page on EU about this ... ... ogy_debate_

Quotes from article ...
I'd like to see people supporting the right of "gravity based" scientists to publish their science without personal attacks or an overwhelmingly negative atmosphere. If EU scientists and advocates can't promote scientific freedom then what right does EU science have to claim the higher moral ground ? If what is assumed to be "bad science" is "shot down" regularly by statements from EU people, then what hope does EU science have of being understood by "gravity based" professionals ? Gravity based scientists and sceptics are known to discount EU out of hand or even make rude comments and personal attacks against EU and EU scientists. So why are "we" doing the same to "them" ?
... and ...
Here is a case in point. The video "Wal Thornhill: Breaking News | EU Workshop" (November, 2014)

With a sequence starting at 26 minutes in and then @ time index 26:38, Thornhill refers to nuclear/gravity science as a "crackpot theory".

Then at time index 31:50 Thornhill exclaims ... "based on erroneous science, non of it is valid"

I know that some of this may be based on Thornhill defending his theories from attack, but is this really language becoming of a professional scientist ? I thought one of the issues in the EU arena is one of freedom in science. If EU is going to successfully tackle that then it has to play by those rules by allowing fair and polite treatment of "gravity based" science. "Gravity based" science needs to be treated as an equally valid hypothesis or this debate will become simply one of "belief" rather than allowing the open and free exchange of scientific observations.
Is anyone else concerned that EU is becoming a sort of "gang" with leigions of "followers" that constantly make rude commens about gravity based science on Facebook postings ? I know not everyone is guilty of this and a lot of it is probably people's passions rising to the surface. But I would hate to see the scientific debate descend into a mud slinging match where "we" are right and "they" are wrong.
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Re: Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

Post by Zyxzevn » Sun Dec 07, 2014 10:14 am

This is probably more for the "net talk" subforum.
The way Gravity only scientists plant their theories, is without any skepticism about their own theories.
They defend themselves by claiming to follow peer-reviewed processes, but it performed by similar minded
scientists.. That way they simply neglect any real criticism.
The looking at the evidence they use present the theories they claim to be certainly true, it is really
in the category of crackpot science. Sometimes this evidence is provided by neglecting conflicting observations..

But if you have your own ideas about gravity, black holes, dark matter.. please describe the observations that
you like to base your theories on. Because if I am fair I don't see any. Leo on the forum here presents some
wild theories with black holes and dark matter, and he is welcome to do so without observations in the forum that
is "New insights and mad ideas". The place for all such theories.
If I look at the forum here, the people here allow criticism, in the from of observations.
The "water" that is observed at the comet is currently a topic of discussion.
Is there really water from inside the comet? Is water really observed?
It has a healthy skepticism.

Currently the mainstream theories of the big-bang, inflation, redshift, black holes, dark matter, dark energy, background radiation, comets, are all having a problem with their evidence. There seems to be almost none.
These theories are becoming beliefs instead of science.
How can we take mainstream science serious, when it behaves like an emperor without clothes?

So what you are showing here is that the problem is not here on the forum,
but the problem is in science.
And I agree, that it is a very very big problem..
More ** from zyxzevn at: Paradigm change and C@

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Re: Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

Post by nick c » Sun Dec 07, 2014 11:09 am

I personally prefer to not use the word "crackpot," better to simply stay away from that label.
That being said, proponents of the gravity only paradigm have used that word against EU theorists many more times than it has been used by them.
That is if you are keeping score!

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Re: Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

Post by upriver » Mon Dec 08, 2014 12:54 am

I agree. Dont lower ourselves to their level. The is no reason to use the term "crackpot".

We are better than that.

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Re: Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

Post by D_Archer » Mon Dec 08, 2014 3:13 am

Wallace can say whatever he wants. As long as we keep to observation, data and better experiments. "Modern" science should be called out. Maybe it is time to dish out. Is it smart to use terms like 'crackpot', no not at all, i would rather 'they' would be called, shortsighted, ignorant, ostriches or any/all of the three monkeys :lol:

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Re: Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

Post by justcurious » Mon Dec 08, 2014 3:33 am

I think that if you were called a crackpot for many years, decades, then it would be expected that you return some. That is what I would suspect is going on. I personally enjoy listening to Wal ridicule the high priests, it<s very entertaining. Who cares what the astrophysicists think or feel. I have witnessed their behaviour on many videos. It has only confirmed what I have been hearing from the EU. I have no respect for them, they are so lacking in intelligence and humility, let them fall hard... and good riddance.

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Re: Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

Post by Phorce » Mon Dec 08, 2014 8:22 am

nick c wrote:I personally prefer to not use the word "crackpot," better to simply stay away from that label.
That being said, proponents of the gravity only paradigm have used that word against EU theorists many more times than it has been used by them.
That is if you are keeping score!
Yes, I certainly don't mean to suggest in my post that the behaviour of some gravity based scientists should be excused. But maybe a problem is developing where some are doing exactly that ... "keeping the score", like some kind of football match. This is science not some kind of spectator sport.
upriver wrote:I agree. Dont lower ourselves to their level. The is no reason to use the term "crackpot".

We are better than that.
Agreed. It's a classic tactic. Anyone can see it going on in Wikipedia editing, or a debate in the pub. It's called "don't take the bait". I've seen in a thousand "conspiracy theory" arguments where the detractors either forget that people have feelings and forget to be tactful, or deliberately try and upset someone. Of course as soon you become angry then that's it, game over.
D_Archer wrote:Wallace can say whatever he wants. As long as we keep to observation, data and better experiments. "Modern" science should be called out. Maybe it is time to dish out. Is it smart to use terms like 'crackpot', no not at all, i would rather 'they' would be called, shortsighted, ignorant, ostriches or any/all of the three monkeys :lol:

But how do you know they are "shortsighted" or "ignorant" ? I thought this was Science ? The data and research has changed things countless times. Maybe it will be determined that the Sun DOES run as a nuclear furnace ? Aren't you jumping the Science process here and assuming that EU is all correct and "true" before the debate is over ?
justcurious wrote:I think that if you were called a crackpot for many years, decades, then it would be expected that you return some. That is what I would suspect is going on. I personally enjoy listening to Wal ridicule the high priests, it<s very entertaining. Who cares what the astrophysicists think or feel. I have witnessed their behaviour on many videos. It has only confirmed what I have been hearing from the EU. I have no respect for them, they are so lacking in intelligence and humility, let them fall hard... and good riddance.
As I said in my post these kind of areas can be fun as it involves various characters arguing their side. This is always interesting. But this ? ...
Who cares what the astrophysicists think or feel. I have witnessed their behaviour on many videos. It has only confirmed what I have been hearing from the EU. I have no respect for them, they are so lacking in intelligence and humility, let them fall hard... and good riddance.
Just seems like pure vindictiveness to me. Maybe you need a lesson in humility ? I have certainly found their attitude and responses equally frustrating. But I eventually realised that this was based on the assumption that EU is all "correct". That is not science ! ALL researchers are in the same boat here trying to understand important phenomena, and what worries me is that some are not encouraging an atmosphere of open investigation. One may disagree strongly with scientists who follow gravity based science but in my opinion they should be encouraged to publish their results in a polite, open atmosphere, not vilified !
Exploration and discovery without honest investigation of "extraordinary" results leads to a Double Bind (Bateson, ) that creates loss of hope and depression. No more Double Binds !

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Re: Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

Post by D_Archer » Mon Dec 08, 2014 8:53 am

Hi Phorce,

I think you are missing something. Dark anything, black holes, gravity waves, big bangs, cmbr, core fusion stars and the rest of the nonsense have all been disproved. So some ridicule is in order, but i would agree on the amount or how long you should continue but some jabs here and there is good for science. That is the thing that is missing from "modern" science; it is consensus/conformity that stagnates science ie NOT calling someone out.

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Re: Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

Post by Drakekay » Mon Dec 08, 2014 2:09 pm

We must adopt the ability to examine opposing, parallel theories without using one to discriminate against the other. After all, these theories are peers to each other, examining the same subject matter but using different and non compatible hypotheses. We must not disregard one for another, nor allow one to become substantially more prevalent without final proof. After all, We employ many theories that directly contradict each other, each having merit in our scientific studies, each providing us insight into that which we are no where near complete in our understandings of!
When one theory, that has been suppressed by an opposing theory, is ready to surface it should stand alone. Not arise on the ashes of another theory nor become ashes itself in the attempt. As such that opposing theory should do all it can to encourage examination of this new theory with an unbiased, open mind. A mind that is able to examine
anew without restraining the examination due to a previous path of explanation! We do not need to abolish the theorys held as "Mainstream", those have merit and deserves the full course of examination!

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Re: Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

Post by justcurious » Mon Dec 08, 2014 5:09 pm

Phorce wrote: Just seems like pure vindictiveness to me. Maybe you need a lesson in humility ? I have certainly found their attitude and responses equally frustrating. But I eventually realised that this was based on the assumption that EU is all "correct". That is not science ! ALL researchers are in the same boat here trying to understand important phenomena, and what worries me is that some are not encouraging an atmosphere of open investigation. One may disagree strongly with scientists who follow gravity based science but in my opinion they should be encouraged to publish their results in a polite, open atmosphere, not vilified !
I agree with you.I am just saying that, I can sympathize with the EU leaders poking fun at the astrophysicists.
Obviously, good science should be done in an intelligent civilized way. What I learned however is that scientists are very subjective (probably more so because they believe they are objective)

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Re: Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

Post by timeworm » Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:08 am

Zap! (“hello” in EU-speak :)

First, I would like to give my thanks to the Thunderbolts team and community. Thank you for making my view of the universe so much brighter and interesting!

Even if I'm not someone whose conversion to EU brings much benefit to it as I'm not a member of scientific community and can't really contribute anything substantial to it, I would like to share how I was converted to EU. This is not 100% on thread topic, but not worthy of its own thread so will use this one as it relates.

I used to be a member of (Finnish) astronomical association and as a devout lover of space I was fascinated by black holes, neutron stars, dark matter and all that relativistic space jazz. The nature of reality has interested me since I was a little kid and for many years I devoured without questioning everything the science magazines were telling me. (I eventually canceled my membership after I was ridiculed by trying to start EU related discussion, even if I did my best to present it in as non-confrontational manner as possible)

The first wakeup call didn't come from EU, but philosophy. At one lecture I was given something to ponder about. Modern physical science has three foundation stones it stands on and utilizes in describing reality: (1) Newton’s mechanics, (2) Einstein’s theory of relativity and (3) quantum mechanics. And the curious part to ponder about was:

If (1) is true, it follows that (2) and (3) cannot be true.
If (2) is true, it follows that (1) and (3) cannot be true.
If (3) is true, it follows that (1) and (2) cannot be true.

All three theories are incommensurable with each other. They describe reality with concepts that just don't translate to another theory. Einstein’s relativistic space is not the same space as Newton’s absolute space. Three different, incommensurable descriptions of reality.

I was bit shocked and vastly confused, but then I learned about Thomas Kuhn whose theory of paradigms helped me to understand better what was going on. Most of what follows are tagged ‘imho’ as I can’t remember what I read etc. to arrive at these conclusions, but they have been major part of my view towards science and the nature of scientific knowledge for past 10 or so years.
Current paradigm governing physical sciences is able to include (1), (2) and (3) by also adopting a set of rules and standards how they are utilized and in which context. Paradigms are not just a collection of theories!

Paradigms also include rules regarding how theories that it contains can be used. Paradigms dictate what can be observed and by what methods. And most important thing regarding observations and current paradigm is the concept of theory-ladeness of observation. For example when a cosmologist observes anything, the possible (=limited by paradigm) conclusions drawn from it are dictated by the theories involved, including the theories the observational instrument used is built on. No matter what is observed, the current paradigm won’t allow EU interpretation.

And then I learned about EU. So much more simple, so much more elegant, so much more coherent! A theory that makes sense and is not resting on inconsistent foundation. I was converted. I am still hesitant to say anything about the truth of EU theory as a whole since I do not have the required expertise regarding electricity and such, but the methodological approach and inherent rationality of EU has been enough for me to keep on following everything EU related. One very heart-warming aspect of EU to me is how it acknowledges that there are still many unanswered questions. EU knows it has limitations unlike the opposition who are armed with virtually omnipotent mathematical prowess and theoretical entities that they can use to make pretty much every observation to fit in their paradigm, unfortunately often losing connection with the actual physical reality in the process. I do have a suspicion that mathematics and use of theoretical entities might overpower the Kuhnian pressure for revolution and paradigm shift since the governing paradigm is too well adapted to deal with inconsistencies and anomalies. At the very least it should have entered crisis phase quite some time ago, but at least to me it seems that it is just shrugging off all damage done by anomalies and inconsistencies.

And to make a point on the thread topic itself. Engaging in conversation with the 'opposition' is often doomed to fail. The concept EU brings to the table cannot be understood through their paradigm. EU paradigm is incommensurable with their paradigm. I was easily converted since I wasn’t bound by opposing paradigm that I first had to free myself from.

When we consider someone who is deeply bound by current paradigm governing cosmology, proponents of the EU engaging in discussion with them should keep in mind just how strong the paradigms grip can be. It is very difficult to even come to consensus regarding the concepts used in EU vs. Modern Cosmology etc. discussions. Just look at the ongoing electric comet – discussion at international skeptic forum. Another good example would be the past discussion regarding setting up a debate with Nereid here on thunderbolts forums.

Another thing to keep in mind is that EU ideas attack the very core beliefs of the members of opposition. If EU is trying to convince professional astronomers that EU has it right, it is also suggesting that years and years of studying, dedication and passion of the professional astronomer has been in vain.. it is quite a hard thing for him/her to accept and quite understandably easily ends up in frustration and the style of communication can reflect that. It is certainly easier for EU proponents to keep their composure as there is less at stake compared to professionals of the opposing team. EU has everything to win, they have everything to lose.

EU proponents should certainly refrain from aggravating their opponents further than the topic (“you have it wrong”) does by itself. However, certain amount of academic aggression is probably necessary to point out the failures and inconsistencies of ruling paradigms. I am confident that the thunderbolts team knows what they doing and I have my popcorn ready to celebrate the scientific revolution that is on its way.. even if it is still behind the event horizon.

Oh.. one more reason to keep it civil on forums and elsewhere! Little bit into the future forum discussions about EU ideas will be a true gold mine for science historians and sociologists etc. who try to figure out how it was possible for science to be on such obviously wrong path for so long. :D

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Re: Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

Post by MrAmsterdam » Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:55 pm

Then at time index 31:50 Thornhill exclaims ... "based on erroneous science, non of it is valid"
He just says outloud what he sees. Who can blame him. It's an observation.

And do please note that he condemns the theories and not the people. Well, that's at least what I observe. ;-)
Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. -Nikola Tesla -1934

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Re: Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

Post by viscount aero » Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:59 am

Many EU proponents do not agree 100% with EU. EU has many issues that are not addressed clearly. However EU is far more resilient to scrutiny than the Standard Model and all of its dependent theories. If mud slinging occurs then who cares. It's a war. The establishment cosmology is largely in the Dark Ages and reveals itself to be highly unscientific. It deserves ridicule.

Conversely, the establishment, as vast as it is, consists of real people. I respect them as people but do not respect their beliefs whatsoever. I feel bad for them for choosing to remain as they are. But realize the detrimental effect the establishment has had on cosmology, often deliberately suppressing and ignoring highly damning datasets that incriminate the Standard Model threatening to categorically falsify it. The establishment is very busy protecting itself as lies are more valuable than facing the possibility of overturning those lies.

To add, the only time I ever go full force is on this forum. I almost never post anything about this on Facebook. And I do not go on "enemy" forums such as to start trouble. I've been on mainstream science forums in the past and they're painful and unfun to be part of. There's no point to be on there. I already know what they think so there is no reason to upset them. They are free to remain believing whatever they want.

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Re: Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

Post by Phorce » Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:05 pm

timeworm wrote:Zap! (“hello” in EU-speak :)
Hi :) :mrgreen:
And to make a point on the thread topic itself. Engaging in conversation with the 'opposition' is often doomed to fail. The concept EU brings to the table cannot be understood through their paradigm. EU paradigm is incommensurable with their paradigm. I was easily converted since I wasn’t bound by opposing paradigm that I first had to free myself from.
I've observed and in my personal conversations that someone is unlikely to go through some kind of "conversion" process on the spot. But think what happens when particular facts are bought up in a conversation. The conscious mind may automatically reject them outright. But the sub conscious ? No one can predict how information given will effect someone in the future. So when it appears that something I've said appears to have been ignored, I wonder if that information will become important at some future point for that person.
Another thing to keep in mind is that EU ideas attack the very core beliefs of the members of opposition. If EU is trying to convince professional astronomers that EU has it right, it is also suggesting that years and years of studying, dedication and passion of the professional astronomer has been in vain.. it is quite a hard thing for him/her to accept and quite understandably easily ends up in frustration and the style of communication can reflect that. It is certainly easier for EU proponents to keep their composure as there is less at stake compared to professionals of the opposing team. EU has everything to win, they have everything to lose.
Not sure about this one. Some may have emotional and career investments in promoting their theory, but research and work done is so open to interpretation that it can be turned to new directions. This is why I don't promote a "them and us" atmosphere. I don't think this should be treated as a "war". Its really just another stage in the evolution of science. Maybe there is no "coming over to our side" only a change in the way certain scientific evidence is looked at. Who said there were any "sides" in the first place ? Is this really about "winning and losing" ? Or simply a process of casting various scientific cosmological observations in a different light, and then people come to their own conclusions ?
However, certain amount of academic aggression is probably necessary to point out the failures and inconsistencies of ruling paradigms.
I don't know about aggression, which can so often turn into anger. But being assertive without getting angry is much more powerful in my experience. Anger just ends up denoting weakness and self doubt. Assertion shows really knowing that various EU investigations and determinations are really onto something.
Exploration and discovery without honest investigation of "extraordinary" results leads to a Double Bind (Bateson, ) that creates loss of hope and depression. No more Double Binds !

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Re: Mud slinging in the Cosmology debate ?

Post by ArniK » Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:05 am

Think of the billions of dollars spent supporting mainstream science's gravity theory. If you are a mainstream scientist and all your funding comes from gravity theory, you just aren't interested in killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. How embarrassed would you be after spending billions of dollars trying to capture a particle that will show the big bang is 'possible' based on your particle, division by zero and imaginary space fairy dust? If someone shows you are wrong, you also lose your livelihood. You fight desperately.

Funding stream zealotry is the biggest obstacle the EU theory has to overcome in order to be accepted, in my humble opinion.

Perhaps the best tactic would be to attack the big bang theory mercilessly, but support the scientists who find no scientific support for the big bang theory by showing them what wonderful research they have done to show that EU theory makes more sense. This might allow some to change and to see that their lifetime's work was not in vain but was in fact key to finding a new theory.

Except Plait, dump on him for all your worth.


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