Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:31 am

Who is Hiram Abiff - Part 1

Ancient Egyptian Dynasties
Second Intermediate Period - 17th Dynasty c.1650-1567

Sobekemsaf I Sekhemre Wadjkhau
Sobekemsaf II
Intef VII
Tao I Seakhtenre
Tao II Sekenenre
Kamose Wadjkheperre

New Kingdom c.1570-1070 BCE 18th Dynasty c.1570-1293 BCE

Ahmose I Nebpehtyre (c.1570-1546)
Amenhotep I Djeserkare (c.1546-1527)
Thutmose I Akheperkare (c.1527-1515)
Thutmose II Akheperenre (c.1515-1498)
Queen Hatshepsut Maatkare (c.1498-1483)
Thutmose III Menkhepere (c.1504-1450)
Amenhotep II Akheperure (c.1450-1412)
Thutmose IV Men-khepru-Re (1412-1402)
Amenhotep III Nebmaatre (c.1402-1364)
Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten Neferkheperure (c.1350-1334)
Smenkhkare Ankhheperure (c.1334)
Tutankhamen Nebkheperoure (c.1334-1325)
Ay Kheperkheperure (c.1325-1321)
Horemheb Djeserkheperure (c.1321-1293)

Egyptian History: Dynasties 12-17 ... htm#hyksos
Weakened by internal problems, Lower Egypt was taken over seemingly with little fighting by the invading or perhaps just immigrant Hyksos, who set up two contemporaneous dynasties. The 15th dynasty (1674-1567) of the great Hyksos kings, which, according to Manetho, consisted of six kings who dominated the 32 Hyksos vassal chiefs of the 16th dynasty (1684-1567). Alternatively there was a dynasty of five kings ruling at Thebes.

Greek writers, beginning with Manetho, called them "Hyksos," which was mistranslated as "shepherd kings. The Hyksos were a Semitic (Canaanite or Amorite) people and may have come from southern Canaan or Syria. Evidence seems to point to their having had a nomadic life style.

The dating and naming of the Hyksos kings is still quite uncertain. The foundation of their capital Avaris, which used to be referred to as Tanis, and the beginning of their domination of the Delta took place in about 1720, according to the 400 year stela of Ramses II found there, which describes the arrival of his father Seti, then Vizier of Horemheb at Tanis to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the adoration of Seth at Tanis. The Bible mentions the foundation of Tanis

Their rule over Lower Egypt lasted from the conquest of Memphis by Salitis (Sheshi) in 1674, till their expulsion in 1567 BCE and was mainly a time of peace and prosperity. Major Hyksos cities or camps were at Tell el-Yahudiyeh, Heliopolis, Tell el-Maskhuta and Tell ed-Dab'a (Avaris).

But the Hyksos dream of being integrated into Egyptian society died within a century. The ruling family of Upper Egypt, which originated from Thebes, waged war against the Hyksos kings. Apepi I (Auserre, c.1600 to 1560) tried unsuccessfully to counter the threat posed by Tao II (Sekenenre) and Kamose (Wadjkheperre) by entering into an alliance with the Kushites who had conquered Nubia. He killed Tao II in battle (though some think that Tao was assassinated), but had to retreat northward before Kamose to the vicinity of Avaris in the delta.

In the end the Thebans forced Khamudi (Apepi II), the last king of the 15th (Hyksos) Dynasty to negotiate the withdrawal of the Hyksos army from Avaris and most of the Delta. The southern Pharaohs did not keep the agreement and Amosis (Ahmose I), the great general, drove the Hyksos out of Egypt by 1550 BCE after a decisive victory at Tanis.

The surviving records of Manetho concerning this dynasty are confusing. It sometimes seems to be identified with the 15th dynasty alternatively 43 kings are given ruling at Thebes. Among them were Tao I Seakhtenre, Tao II Sekenenre, and Kamose who conducted the military campaign against the Hyksos. After their expulsion the Theban kings of the 18th Dynasty kept on raiding the Hyksos cities of the Middle East for many years to come.
Egyptian History: Dynasties 18-20
Ahmose I (r. c.1570-1546 BCE), was the founder of the 18th dynasty, one of the most outstanding kings in the history of ancient Egypt. His principal achievement was to weaken the Hyksos, who had dominated Lower Egypt for some 300 years, by taking Avaris, their citadel in the north. He pursued them into southern Canaan and laid siege to Sharuhen for three years.

Ahmose continued Kamose's expansion into Nubia as far as Buhen (near the second cataract) in an attempt to prevent a recurrence of the incursions of the Kushites, which Upper Egypt had suffered from during the 17th Dynasty.

Amenhotep I (Amenophis) was the son of Ahmose I, and ruled from c. 1546 to 1526. He undertook military campaigns in Libya and in Nubia (up to the 3rd cataract) using boats on the Nile to transport his army, and extended the boundaries of his empire by establishing a vice-royalty in Nubia.

Thutmose I, (r. c. 1525-1512), husband of the princess Ahmose, continued the expansive policy of his predecessors, appointed Turi vice-roy of Nubia and extended the empire southward deeper into Nubia.
Thutmose II (r. c.1512-c.1504 BCE) married his half sister Hatshepsut and succeeded his father, Thutmose I. During his reign Thutmose put down Kushite rebellions in Nubia and revolts by bedouins in Canaan and continued temple construction, albeit on a small scale only, at Karnak.

Hatshepsut (Hatshepsowe), (died c.1482 BCE) was one of the few women to rule Egypt as a pharaoh. After the death (c.1504) of her husband, Thutmose II, she assumed power, first as regent for his son Thutmose III, and then (c.1503) as pharaoh. Toward the end of her reign she lost influence to Thutmose III who came to be depicted as her equal.

Thutmose III (c.1504-1450 BCE) was very young when his father, Thutmose II, died and was until 1482 the co-regent of his aunt, Hatshepsut. Some time after he became sole monarch,he tried, for unknown reasons, to erase the memory of Hatshepsut by destroying many of the monuments which bore her name or effigy. From 1482 onwards, he devoted himself to the expansion of the Egyptian empire, leading many campaigns into Canaan, Phoenicia and Syria.

Amenhotep II, the 7th king of the 18th dynasty, son of Thutmose III, ruled Egypt from c.1450 to 1425 BCE. He continued the military exploits of his father, particularly in Syria, where he crushed an uprising and demanded oaths of loyalty from local rulers. His mummy was discovered in the Valley of the Kings.

Thutmose IV campaigned in Nubia and Retenu. He concluded a treaty with the Babylonians and entered into an alliance with the Mitanni by marrying Artatama's daughter.

Amenhotep III ruled (c.1417-1379 BCE) Egypt at the height of its power. His extensive diplomatic contacts with other Near Eastern states, especially Mitanni and Babylonia, are revealed in the Amarna tablets.

Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) (c. 1379-1361), was invested as king not in the Amen temple at Karnak as custom dictated, but at Hermonthis, where his uncle Inen was High Priest of Re and immediately began building a roofless temple to the Aten, the disk of the rising sun. He soon forbade the worship of other gods, especially of the state god Amen of Thebes. In the 6th year he changed his name from Amenhotep ("Amen is satisfied") to Akhenaten ("beneficial to Aten") and left Thebes for a new capital at Akhetaten (El Amarna).

Living there with his queen Nefertiti, six daughters, and possibly several sons, he fostered new styles in art and literature. The confiscation of the wealth of the Amen temples wreaked havoc upon its priesthood. Akhenaten used these riches to strengthen the royal control over the army and his officialdom. His concentration on internal affairs brought about the loss of some of the Egyptian possessions in Canaan and Retenu (Syria) and of the Egyptian naval dominance, when Aziru defected to the Hittites with his fleet.

His religious reforms did not survive his reign and monotheism in its pure form was forgotten in Egypt, even though it found a new expression in the trinity of Re, Ptah and Amen. The Aten temples were demolished, and Akhenaten came to be called "the Enemy" or the "criminal of Akhetaten."

The subsequent events are unclear, but it is possible that on the death of Akhenaten, Meritaten, who had become his wife as well as co-regent, married Smenkhkare. (Some think that Meritaten may have been Smenkhkare)

An attempt by Kiya to usurp the throne was suppressed and the remains of Akhenaten and Tiye were transferred to another site in the Valley of the Kings; Akhenaten was buried in Kiya's coffin. In Tutankhamen's reign, both mummies were moved to the tomb of Amenhotep III.

Tutankhamen (c. 1361-1352 BCE), the son in law of Akhenaten, succeeded his brother Smenkhkare when he was only nine years old. His vizier Ay restored the traditional polytheistic religion, abandoning the monotheistic cult of Aten of Akhenaten, its religious centre at el Amarna and returning to the capital Thebes. By reviving the cult of the state god Amen he strengthened the position of Amen's priesthood. The pharaoh changed his name Tutankhaten, (living image of Aten), to Tutankhamen, (living image of Amen).

During his reign, the general Horemheb sought to 'pacify' Canaan and fought against the Hittites in northern Syria allied to the Assyrians.

Tutankhamen died at the age of 18, some claim that he was murdered, but there is no real evidence to support this. As there were apparently no legal heirs, a plea by the King's Wife for a suitable prince consort seems to have reached the Hittite king Suppiliuma.

Tutankhamen was succeeded by Ay (c. 1352-1348), who married his widow, Ankhesenamen, and furnished the former king's tomb. Ay acceded to the throne despite Horemheb's claim to be the designated successor. His accession to the throne may have been an attempt on the part of the Egyptians to appease the Hittites, by whom they had just been defeated.

Horemheb (c.1321-1293) who followed Ay, pursued a more hawkish policy vis-à-vis the Hittites, rebuilding his army devastated by the pestilence, which had affected much of the Near East killing the Hittite king Suppiluliuma who was followed by Mursili.
Last edited by lizzie on Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:33 am

Who is Hiram Abiff – Part 2

Was Moses a Hyksos prince who was adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh Tao II Sekenenre, the last ruler of the 17th dynasty? Was he a military general in the service of Pharaoh Ahmose I. There were supposedly two great military generals by the name of Ahmose: Admiral Ah Mose Abana commander of the new Fleet and Ah Mose Pen-Nekhbet

Supposedly Moses had to flee from Egypt because he murdered an Egyptian “foreman”. Freemasonic legend implies that Moses was in some way implicated in the murder of Pharaoh Tao II Sekenenre, the last ruler of the 17th dynasty. The Free Masons consider Pharaoh Tao II Sekenere to be Hiram Abif.

Pharaoh Ahmose the Great
The Son of King Tao II (Djehuty) (Sekenenre) 17th Dynasty, (reigned c. 1539-14 BC), founder of the 18th dynasty, who completed his brother Kamose's expulsion of the Hyksos (Asiatic rulers of Egypt), invaded Palestine, and re-exerted Egypt's hegemony over Nubia, to the south.

Resuming the war of liberation against the Hyksos early in his reign, Ahmose crushed the foreigners' allies in Middle Egypt and, advancing down the Nile River, captured Memphis, the traditional capital of Egypt, near modern Cairo. While his mother, Queen Ahhotep, ran the government in Thebes, near modern Luxor, he undertook a waterborne operation against Avaris, the Hyksos capital, in the eastern delta, followed by a land siege. When a rebellion flared in Upper Egypt, he hastened upriver to quell the rising, while the queen mother Ahhotep helped to contain it. Having put down the rising, he captured Avaris and then pursued the enemy to Sharuhen, a Hyksos stronghold in Palestine, which was reduced after a three-year siege.

Before advancing into Palestine, Ahmose, in three campaigns, advanced into Nubia, whose ruler had been an ally of the Hyksos. The rich gold mines of the south provided another incentive for Ahmose's expansion into Nubia.

Historic events:

Egypt was Defeated at the end of the Second Intermediate period by the superior Nomadic Semites forces from Canaan and Syria, who used a new weapon, the Chariot and they were called the shepherd Kings.

North of Egypt was occupied and the Egyptian suffered Harsh Slavery under the brutal barbaric nomads known as the Hyksos.

The Hyksos Worship the God Set (Satan) who was equivalent to their God(s) the god of Storms and wars

The Egyptians were enslaved by the Hyksos in the north and were forced to build the New city for the Hyksos known as Avaris.

The rise of the Princes of Thebes to liberate Egypt; the south of Egypt was under their control.

Building and Reorganization of the Army, and the advancing of new Weapons, including the Chariot, which he modified

Death of King/ Prince Seqenenra who fell in battle, after the start of the war of liberation

The two great Brothers: Prince Ka Mose & Prince Ah Mose pursue the War of Liberation and deliver Egypt from the Wicked Hyksos.

Two great Generals, Admiral Ah Mose Abana commander of the new Fleet and Ah Mose Pen-Nekhbet

The Defeated Hyksos entrenched themselves into the city of Avaris, besieged by the Egyptian army. Under a banner of truth, their expulsion from Egypt was agreed by the victorious Theban army.

The Hyksos and their families began their sojourn through the Wilderness of the Sinai Desert back to where they came from and lost the fertile land of Egypt.

Egypt was delivered and liberated by Prince Ah Mose from the wicked hands of the Pharaoh / Hyksos and his Allies of Middle and northern Egypt.

Prince Ah Mose, Heir to the Egyptian thrown, was crowned Pharaoh of Upper & Lower Egypt.

King Ah Mose’s Mummy reveals that he was not circumcised; the alleged Moses in the bible was also apparently not circumcised, for circumcision was compulsory in the priesthood and mandatory for the rest in Egypt.

King Ah Mose pursued the enemy to Sharuhen, a Hyksos stronghold in Palestine, which was reduced after a three-year siege;

Next came the conquest of Nubia and Kush and the western Nomadic tribes know as the Libu; followed by the conquest of Sinai and the push towards the final destruction of the Hyksos; and finally the preparation for the conquest of Canaan, Byblos, and the Middle Eastern Regions that posed threat to Egypt.

Egypt becomes a major power and rises again as a world force.

The autobiography of Pharaoh Ah Mose was the Ego Spirit behind the legend of the Exodus, which was changed by biblical writers who borrowed the story of the Expulsion of the Shepherd Kings into the Exodus

At the time of his succession Ahmose was very young and the Queen Mother, Ahotep ruled. Ahmose followed up the attack on Avaris eleven years after the initial confrontation by his predecessor (Kamose). Ahmose took his army north through Heliopolis to Tjaru (the fortress town of Tell El - Aba). By doing this the Hyksos were unable to retreat to Palestine via Sinai.

Some details of the war on Avaris that followed have been discovered at the temple built by Ahmose at Abydos. The city of Avaris was under siege for a considerable time after which the Hyksos surrendered and agreed to a treaty which forced the exodus of all Hyksos from Egypt.

Following the capture of Avaris, Ahmose led a further campaign to Southern Palestine and then into Lebanon. Ahmose then took his army south to Khent-Hen-Nefer (south of the second cataract) in order to destroy the threat of the Nubian bowmen. He then regained control of Buhen. There were a further two confrontations that Ahmose then had to deal with. The first was with a small group of Nubians that went into Upper Egypt on a raid .This was not a significant problem as the perpetrators did not even attack the army.

The other was led by Teti-An, an Egyptian. He had gathered together a group of people who had previously served the Hyksos king to attempt to overthrow King Ahmose. Ahmose`s army killed Teti-An and his rebel supporters.

During the rest of his reign Ahmose had many temples and monuments erected at Memphis, Karnak, Heliopolis, Abydos, Avaris and Buhen. Following the re-unification of Egypt there was an increase in wealth and a development of skills by artists. The style of art that had developed by the end of Ahmose`s reign set the standard of artwork found in the remainder of the 18th Dynasty. There appears to have been some contact with the peoples of the Aegean as, a palace built by Ahmose in Avaris, was decorate with Minoan frescoes. Memphis was also the center of further building work in the early 18th Dynasty. During Ahmose`s reign temples were built in honor of the gods, Ptah, Amun, Montu and Osiris.

Two stele have been found in the third pylon of the Karnak temple. One stele called the "Tempest Stele" states that Ahmose rebuilt tombs and pyramids in Thebes that had been damaged "by a storm sent to Upper Egypt by the power of Amun", whose statue had been left in a state of decay. It also states that the land was covered with water; this may mean that the usual Nile flood had been excessive. Ahmose supplied expensive goods in order to restore the area.

The second stele, the "Donation stele", tells of how Ahmose bought the "Second Priesthood of Amun" for his wife, Ahmose-Nefertari. The king paid for this from the wealth of his office, restoring him as the benefactor and linking Amun with the royal line.

A further stele, found in the eighth pylon court of Karnak from year 18 of Ahmose`s reign, stresses the power of the royal family and lists equipment Ahmose had made and dedicated to the cult of the Karnak Temple. Items such as gold offering tables, gold and silver libation vessels and drinking cups for the statue of Amun, musical instruments, jewellery for the statues and a new wooden processional boat for the temple`s statues were provided.
Last edited by lizzie on Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:36 am

Who is Hiram Abiff – Part 3

Who murdered Hiram Abif?

The Faking of Moses
"Manetho was a Graeco-Egyptian priest in the Temple of Heliopolis. He was born in Sebennytos (in the Delta) during the Third Centuary A.D. His "Egyptian History" divided the rulers into dynasties, or ruling houses and formed the basis of the modern system of dating Ancient Egypt.

No full copies of Manetho's text remain; we only have short sections of text and a few references in the writings of Josephus Flavius (first century A.D), Sextus Julius Africanus (third century B.C), Eusebius of Cesarea (third/fourth century B.C) and George Syncellos (a Byzantine historian from the eighth century A.D). As a result, our knowledge of the original text is limited, and coloured by the opinions of the authors who referred to him."

The First historic event was that of the two brothers Kamose and Ahmose, the Theban princes and the struggle against the Hyksos with the final expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt.

The Second the Historic Episode was of king Akhenaten and His Time, which archaeological evidence proves an exodus from his city

Question and Facts:

The name Moses is an Egyptian name which means the legitimate heir or son of.

Why did the Bible failed to mention the name of the pharaoh or most of the Kings of Egypt.

Why the Bible failed to mention the name of pharaoh’s daughter?

No Basket read can survive in the Nile; many tried that experiment and it utterly failed; all baskets with baby dolls drowned in the basket. However there is the famous story of the Holy Isis when she hid her Son Holy Horus from his evil uncle Seth, the Brother of Holy Osiris in a reed basket in the marshes; again it’s a story that was copied by the inventors of the bible.

Why would an unmarried princess of Egypt adopt a foreign child in the first place? Let us assume that it was to save the poor child from the Nile; but then how did Moses' sister “Miriam” an Egyptian name from “Meryamen” gain access to the palace or the princess?

The Old Testament mentioned that slaves burned bricks to build the new Store City, a practice that was introduced during Roman period. In Egypt they used dried mud bricks not burn them. And the city of Pi Ramses was built by Stones not even mud bricks.

Why would a prince of Egypt run away for killing an Egyptian Forman; surely his adoptive mother the princess, daughter of pharaoh, would protect him, if not the pharaoh himself, unless as in a democratic country no one was above the law and murder was not acceptable in a civilized society such as Ancient Egypt who had laws far more advanced than the so called ten commandments?

Moses story when he escaped to the Midianite tribes can be found in the classical story in Egypt from the Middle Kingdom in the famous story of Sinuhy

Why on earth would impoverished slaves have a festival for seventy days of wine, dine, and dance? Their Egyptian masters must have been too kind to let them have such a feast and not work.

Moses the prince of Egypt: why did he need his brother to translate from Egyptian into a Semitic language to explain to people who lived in Egypt for more than 400 years and all spoke Egyptian and had Egyptian names? Perhaps their Egyptian language was washed away while crossing the red sea, or it was forgotten while being lost in the Sinai by Moses and his followers for forty years.

Exodus 3:21-22 and 12:36 said that god gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians and that every women willed her neighbour for silver and gold for their sojourn from Egypt, the Egyptian must have been too kind to their neighbour slaves who were in a such a hurry to leave Egypt.

The Ten Plagues can be read in Egyptian fairy tales such as the story of Si Osiris and the Sealed Letter, when a battle of magic was waged between the famous Egyptian ten year old boy named Si Osiris son of the famous magician and prince of Egypt, son of King Ramses II, Prince Stena Khaemose against the giant Ethiopian magician.

More strange, they went up armed out of the land of Egypt with six hundred thousand armed men with their families only to be chased by the pharaoh himself and a mere six hundred chariots (exodus 14) manned by two charioteers; this gives us a total of only 1200 men, charioteers and bowmen, against a formidable armed force of 600 000 men, of which at least they would have had a minimum of one hundred thousand capable fighting men.

Wow! The Egyptians must have also lost their mind to chase after them or maybe the Egyptian army was armed with formidable weapons that are unheard of till today. However we know that the population in Egypt during this period could not have been in the hundred of millions. Egypt population at Ramses’ time must have been just over two million; so the Israelites left Egypt and wandered in the desert; why bother, they could have taken it by force. The Egyptian army of Ramses II numbered maximum in one big war, as in the battle of Kadesh just twenty thousands, not even one hundred thousand, the Egyptian would have been outnumbered sixty to one.

The crossing of the sea of reed and the opening of the sea of reeds in two halves can be read in an old fairytale from Ancient Egypt called the Lotus Flower and The Magic Book of Princess Ahura

Why would Moses carry the royal sceptre only held by a king or a co regent and keep it with himself and show it to the people; was he a king or perhaps a co regent? But no prince can have access to this kingly sceptre.

Where did two million people wandering in Sinai (Exodus 13), who were armed and reasonably too rich for impoverished slaves come from? (Were they the 60,000 inhabitants who lived and were later exiled from the city of Akhetaten to the city of the lepers by order of the new military generals in Egypt during the end of the Akhenaten period under the new appointed boy king Tut Ankh Amun

Moses the astronomer: why was he lost in Sinai for forty years, with his extreme knowledge and the expertise and education in Egypt and of those who where with him?

The Tempest Stele of King Ahmose I, Found in the Karnak Temple in Thebes, King Ahmose I who liberated the north of Egypt from the rule of the Hyksos and finally expelled them from Egypt, has few things in common with the story of the bible.
Tempest Stela
Chris Ogilvie-Herald, co-author of "Giza, the Truth" was poking around the library of the Egypt Exploration Society one day, when he happened upon a copy of a booklet by Ritner and Foster regarding an inscription on an Egyptian stele of Ahmose I.

The book "Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs" was primarily a comparison between the Hyksos exodus out of Egypt and the Israelite exodus out of Egypt. To me, the parallel texts were far too close to each other to be the result of coincidence; they had to be one and the same event. The only real problem with the whole thesis, however, was the fact that outside the biblical type texts, there is little or no historical evidence for the Israelite exodus. Even some Jewish historians have been inclined to regard the biblical exodus as a fable inspired by ancient myths and some eager scribes.

So the arrival of the pamphlet from Chris was quite an extraordinary and fortuitous event. My eyes were immediately drawn to a few paragraphs in the translation of the Stele, for they were familiar but why should the long lost scribbling of an ancient Egyptian scribe appear familiar to me? Was this quote something I had read about regarding the Hyksos pharaohs in Egypt? Was it from the many Egyptian text books that littered my office? Then the penny began to drop; I had seen these paragraphs before, not in a book on Egyptology, but in the Bible.

I was somewhat taken aback, for this biblical quotation detailed the events that occurred during the biblical exodus of the Israelites. Here was, quite possibly, the historical evidence for the exodus that had been sought after by so many people for so long. The "Tempest Stele", as it came to be known had been translated and poured over by Egyptologists and historians alike for over 30 years, yet nobody seems to have noticed the fact that a large section of the text was identical to sections in the Torah, Bible and Koran. It seemed impossible that these people had not spotted it before, but there again perhaps they were not in the right frame of mind to accept such a finding even if it were noticed.


The Tempest Stele was erected by the pharaoh Ahmose I at the beginning of the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt, which equates to about 1550 BC. The stele derives its dramatic title from the great storms that it details, which evidently struck Egypt during the reign of Ahmose I. Climatically speaking, southern, or Upper Egypt can be thought of as being in the midst of the Sahara desert, and although the occasional desert thunderstorm will create a flash flood every decade or so, the area is otherwise bone dry.

Ahmose’s account of a raging nationwide tempest of rain continuing without cessation and being louder than a waterfall at Aswan, can therefore be considered to be highly unusual in this region.

.. now then ... the gods declared their discontent. The gods [caused] the sky to come in a tempest of rain, with darkness in the western region and the sky being unleashed without [cessation, louder than] the cries of the masses, more powerful than [...], [while the rain raged] on the mountains louder than the noise of the cataract which is at Elephantine.

This was certainly a notable occurrence; it was not only worthy of an Egyptian stele being cut to record these events, but was it also worthy of a scroll being written too? Was the Israelite equivalent of the stele the second book of the Torah Exodus?

The biblical plagues have often been dismissed as being far too late, chronologically speaking, to be coincident with a stele being written by Ahmose I. But for various reasons detailed more fully in the book "Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs", I believe that the biblical exodus was much earlier than currently thought. In essence, I agree with the first century historian Josephus when he says that the Israelite exodus was, in fact, the exodus of the Hyksos peoples from Egypt. The Hyksos exodus has been determined as being in the reign of Ahmose I, which would therefore place the biblical exodus at just the right time for the biblical plagues to be coincident with the Tempest Stele.

The biblical plagues have a similar theme to that which has been translated from the Tempest Stele:

... a thick darkness, without the least light, spread itself over the Egyptians; whereby their sight being obstructed, and their breathing hindered by the thickness of the air ... under a terror least they be swallowed up by the dark cloud ... Hail was sent down from heaven, and such hail it was, as the climate of Egypt had never suffered before ... the hail broke down their boughs laden with fruit.


This brings us to the rather interesting translation of the Tempest Stele, which accords so well with the biblical account, indeed it appears to be a direct quotation from the Bible. There are a number of biblical quotations and similarities inscribed on the Tempest Stele and one of them reads as follows:

Then his Majesty began ... to provide them with silver, with gold, with copper, with oil, and of every bolt [of cloth] that could be desired. Then his majesty made himself comfortable inside the palace.

In the Bible, an exact equivalent of the description above is to be found. During the exodus the Bible says:

This is the offering which ye shall take of them; gold, silver, and brass [copper]. And cloth of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen ... oil for the light, spices for anointing oil and for sweet incense ... and let them make a [palace] sanctuary that I may dwell among them.

The quotations that I discuss in the booklet consist of three successive sentences, plus another three in another related chapter on the same topic. Here however, I will just look at just this one similar sentence and what we appear to have here is a section of the Bible written upon an Egyptian stele (or vice versa).


The reference in the Tempest Stele, to tributes of gold, silver, oil and cloth, makes little sense; were these precious materials supposed to be offerings to the gods? But in the stele text, a gold offering had already been given to the gods, so what was this second offering for? The biblical version of this text gives us the vital clue to the true meaning of the Egyptian text the biblical version is not describing an offering to the gods, but the expensive materials that were brought to Moses for the building of the mobile temple known as the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant.

This stupendously extravagant construction was a mobile copy of the standard Egyptian temple, with outer courts, an outer altar, rows of pillars and an inner Holy of Holies. The Bible describes this lavishly decorated and very expensive construction in the minutest of detail; it was certainly the centerpiece of Israelite culture, perhaps more so than even the Ark of the Covenant, which eventually resided inside it. Once the Ark and the Tabernacle had been constructed by the people, Moses made himself comfortable inside the palace (Tabernacle), exactly as the pharaoh does in the Tempest Stele.

So was this a description of the same event in both the Egyptian and the Israelite accounts? Was Ahmose I making a Tabernacle?

If this was a description of the same events, however, it might initially seem that Ahmose I would then have to be a pseudonym Moses! It is highly unlikely that Ahmose I is being confused with Moses, although the name is undeniably similar Ahmose I was not Hyksos and he did not flee Egypt as far as we are aware, thus it is unlikely that Ahmose I would have required a mobile temple as the fleeing Hyksos would have done. As a possible explanation of the similarity between the texts, this version has too many problems attached to it and a more plausible explanation is required.

If Ahmose I was not Moses, what other scenarios are there that would make more sense of the two texts? One obvious solution would be that one of the two scribes had simply copied the text from the other; but it is difficult to see why this would have been done if the events being described did not apply to that particular political grouping.

A much more likely scenario is, perhaps, to be glimpsed from the different context of the two texts. If the texts can be understood to be accurate in some detail, it is significant that Ahmose was giving the precious materials of gold, silver, copper, oil and cloth, but Moses was receiving them. Does this small observation make more sense of the two texts? I think it does. The alternative scenario is that there were two sides to everything that was being discussed two pharaohs, two sets of priests, two parties of advisors and two different perspectives from which the accounts of these events were eventually written.

What I am saying here is that Ahmose I had actually met his counterpart, the northern Hyksos pharaoh, and the tributes of precious materials were being passed from the Theban Pharaoh to the Hyksos pharaoh. Each side at this meeting would then have written their own, but obviously very similar, account of the proceedings. This does rather infer, of course, that Moses was either the Hyksos pharaoh himself, or, more probably, a high ranking enough official within the Hyksos royal court to accept these extremely valuable Gifts. As Moses was, by the admission of the various biblical type texts, brought up in the court of the pharaoh, an Egyptian army commander and also a High Priest of Heliopolis, perhaps this is elevated rank is not too surprising.


A summary of the events leading up to the exodus is perhaps required at this point. We know, from both the historical and biblical records that the people of Egypt thought that the gods were angry during this period; clearly, both the Tempest Stele and the Bible talk of great storms deluging the otherwise arid lands of Egypt. We also know that there were tensions between the Theban pharaohs and the Hyksos pharaohs, and likewise between the Egyptian pharaoh and the Israelites; both records again speak of political / religious tensions between the two parties involved. Furthermore, we know that both the Hyksos and the Israelites were thrown out of Egypt and that both these events involved a battle with the Egyptian army. Finally, both the entire Hyksos and the entire Israelites population embarked on an exodus towards Palestine, the Egyptian historian Manetho even indicating that the destination of the Hyksos refugees was Jerusalem.

The similarity between these two historical events is perfectly obvious and so it should not be surprising that someone should propose that they are in reality one and the same event. But even if they were the same event, what we are not quite so sure of is whether this exodus was initiated by a simple pitched battle followed by a hasty retreat, or whether there was some kind of treaty signed and a more orderly withdrawal initiated.

The constant biblical dialogue between the Israelites and the Egyptians would tend to infer that there was some form of discussion and possible agreement between the parties and not just outright conflict. According to the Bible, the Israelites wanted to leave Egypt, but the (Theban) pharaoh would not let them go. I think the Bible is nearly correct in this, but that the true situation was not that the (Theban) pharaoh would not let them go, but that the he would not agree to their terms. Thus the Israelites go back to the pharaoh time and time again asking if he will agree; he accedes at last, but only after there were a number of national calamities (plagues), including deaths among the Egyptian people.

So was there a negotiation between the parties and an orderly withdrawal? Was there an agreement that allowed the Israelites/Hyksos to leave Egypt on their terms, with heads held high and their pockets brimming with gold? The Tempest Stele could, just possibly, be a recording just this when it mentions the bounty of gold, silver, copper oil and cloth that was being given to some unknown party.

The Theban pharaoh Ahmose I is clearly giving a king¹s ransom to someone, and in a similar fashion the biblical Moses is clearly receiving exactly the same items of tribute from someone. So were these two independent reports of the same event? The third century BC Egyptian historian Manetho is often derided as being an unreliable reporter; however he clearly asserts that the above scenario was historically correct for the Hyksos people and their exodus from Egypt:

The [Theban] pharaoh attacked the walls [of Avaris] with an army of 480,000 men, and endeavoured to reduce [the Hyksos] to submission by siege. Despairing of achieving his object, he concluded a treaty under which they were all to evacuate Egypt and go whither they would unmolested. Upon these terms no fewer than 240,000 families with their possessions, left Egypt and traversed the deserts to Syria [later explained as being Jerusalem].

Clearly there was an ancient tradition that indicated that the Hyksos were bought off by the Theban Egyptians with a large tribute of precious metals and materials just before their exodus from Egypt. But what are the Israelite traditions? If the Israelites were the Hyksos peoples, as the historian Josephus says, then surely their traditions should say something similar? This is not only sound reasoning, but it also seems to be remarkably correct. The biblical texts say of this same event:

Speak now in the ears of the [Israelites], and let every man borrow of his neighbour [the Egyptians] ... jewels of silver and jewels of gold. And the Lord gave the [Israelites] favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians.

They [the Egyptians] also honoured the Hebrews with gifts; some in order to get them to depart quickly, and others on account of their neighbourhood and the friendship they had with them.

The Israelites, like their alter-egos the Hyksos, were apparently given a financial inducement to leave Egypt; and like the Hyksos, the Israelites also set off on a great exodus across hostile territory towards the city of Jerusalem. How many coincidences do we need before it is recognised that the Hyksos were the Israelites?

If the tributes mentioned in the Bible were really those that were mentioned on the Tempest Stele, then the reparations also seem to have included the expensive materials that were specifically required for the construction of the mobile Egyptian temple, known to Israelite history as the Tabernacle, and also for the construction of the Ark of the Covenant. It seems highly likely, therefore, that the gold, silver, oil and cloth mentioned on the Tempest Stele, was being donated to the Hyksos/Israelites by Ahmose I as an inducement for them to leave the country. Any people as deeply religious as the Hyksos/Israelites would have needed a mobile temple before even contemplating their long journey across the Sinai.

What we seem to have in the Tempest Stele is not only an account of the biblical plagues, but also an account of the beginning of the Hyksos/Israelite exodus and how it was organised and implemented by the two parties involved in the dispute. Although the biblical and the historical accounts of the exodus both hint darkly about a great deal of looting, pillaging and murder of the (Theban) Egyptians by the Israelites/Hyksos, it can now be seen that these apparently independent Israelite and Egyptian records both strongly allude to a diplomatic agreement between the parties involved; with substantial financial reparations being given to the impending Israelites/Hyksos refugees.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:42 am

Who is Hiram Abiff – Part 4

Did Moses murder Hiram Abiff?

Hiram Abiff, the True King of Egypt, 1554BC ... IkVeAcwQ--
Sometime before 1900 BC., many foreigners gathered in Egypt due to famine. When Abraham moved from UR it seems that he brought a 'foreign god' into the land of Egypt and the native population rebelled against the god and the people's vile customs. At some point the foreigners took over the northern area and created their own fortress at Avaris/Memphis. They established their first dynasty in 1805 BC. They were called 'the Hyksos' by the Egyptians who then moved from their first cultural center of 'ON' or Heliopolis back to the inner parts of Upper Egypt to Thebes.

In dealing with scripture, neither the KJ Bible nor the Torah mentions this established historical fact at all. Neither do the texts distinguish between the 'King' and the 'pharaoh' of Egypt and never give us a name but the two were in fact separate and different.

Joseph's 'pharaoh' was not the true 'King of Egypt' and he was therefore not buried in 'The Valley of the Kings' as some have assumed.

Joseph, also known as 'Yuya' was buried at Avaris. His coffin is of particular interest. He was buried at Avaris in an Egyptian style coffin with the wings of 'Maat' covering the lid.

The True King has much to do with Hiram Abiff.

Many others say that Masonry is the chief part of Geometry and that it was the first founded, as is stated in the Bible, in the first book of Genesis and the fourth chapter. All the learned authors agree. Some of them affirm it more openly in Genesis in the Bible (Jabel, Jubal, Tubal and Lamech).

Masonry attributes the 'Grand Architect of the Universe' with all creation. God gave man 'knowledge' so he could take care of himself and his family. The Cooke Manuscript dedicates all the sciences that were given to mankind by God. First dictated to Enoch, every known science was passed down to future generations. Among the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1947, and dated to the 1st century AD., were copies of Enoch's secret Books. Left out of the official cannon of the church, Enoch's books reveal great wonders and secret things that man is just now rediscovering.

The scrolls also contain "Apocryphal" or "Pseudepigraphical" manuscripts (known documents from the Second Temple Period like Enoch, Jubilees, Jasher, Tobit, Sirach, non-canonical psalms, etc.) These are dramatically different in both language and content.

Hiram Abiff is a character who figures prominently in an allegorical play that is presented during the third degree of Craft Freemasonry. In this play, Hiram is presented as being the chief architect of King Solomon's Temple. Numerous scholars, both Masonic and non-Masonic, have speculated that the character may have been based upon one or more Hiram’s that appear in the Bible. For example, in the Masonic ritual Hiram is referred to as 'the Widow's Son', which is similar to a biblical reference to a Hiram found in 1 Kings 7:13–14. This biblical Hiram is clearly not the inspiration for the Masonic Hiram Abiff, as the Masonic drama has a separate character named "Hiram, King of Tyre".

Hiram lived or at least temporarily worked in clay banks (1 Kings 7:46-47) in the plain of the Jordan between Succoth and Zarthan. Hiram (often spelled Huram), a craftsman of great skill sent from Tyre. 2 Chronicles 2:13-14 relates a formal request from King Solomon of Jerusalem to King Hiram I of Tyre, for workers and for materials to build a new temple. King Hiram responds "And now I have sent a skillful man, endowed with understanding, Huram my master craftsman (the son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father was a man of Tyre), skilled to work in gold and silver, bronze and iron, stone and wood, purple and blue, fine linen and crimson, and to make any engraving and to accomplish any plan which may be given to him, with your skillful men and with the skillful men of my lord David your father." In the original Hebrew version of 2 Chronicles 2:13, the phrase translated above as "Huram my master craftsman" is Hiram Abi.

Josephus Flavius in his Antiquities of the Jews (Chapter 3:76) refers to Hiram as an Artificer. "Now Solomon sent for an artificer out of Tyre, whose name was Hiram: he was by birth of the tribe of Naphtali, on his mother's side (for she was of that tribe); but his father was Ur, of the stock of the Israelites."

Because Hiram, King of Tyre provided the labor and the cedar, some have connected the two, but there is no possible link apart from the fact that they share a name. Hiram meant ‘noble’ or ‘kingly’ in Hebrew, while Abif has been identified as old French for ‘lost one’, giving a literal description of ‘the king that was lost.

"Some of the Masonic seventeenth-century manuscripts do not refer to Hiram Abif, which has led some to believe that the character was an invention of this relatively recent period. However, the name Hiram Abif was only one designation for this central figure; he is also referred to as Aymon, Aymen, Amnon, A Man or Amen and sometimes Bennaim. It is said that Amen is said to be the Hebrew word for 'the trusted one' or 'the faithful one', which fits the role of Hiram Abif perfectly. But we also know that Amon or Amen is the name of the ancient creator god of Thebes, the city of Sequenere Tao II. Could there be an ancient linkage here?" - Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus

Hiram Abiff is, in essence, identical with many of the Mystery School heroes. The drama of the Egyptian god Osiris began with his tragic death, the search for his body by Isis, its discovery and restoration. This formula is ancient. It is the concept of the sacred king, who in many instances is lame (which signifies his dedication), and is destined for sacrifice, that the earth might become regenerated and uplifted by divine power.

Every Mason knows that it is Solomon's Temple where Hiram Abiff, known as 'the Widow's Son', was a Master Craftsman. He crafted the bronze pillars, a bronze tank, and many other gold and bronze items (kings 7:13 - 46). His name is Huram in this verse. According to the Ritual tradition he is killed before the completion of his work. The Bible and the ritual place him in Jerusalem. But the 23rd through the 24th focus of the Masonic Scottish Rite degrees describes a temple in the Sinai. Moses is in attendance and Aaron conducts a ceremony, perhaps a funeral. This unusual story does not coincide with the building of the Jerusalem Temple or the biblical story. It does however indicate that at the time everyone was in Egypt. It also indicates that someone was killed and Moses and Aaron are somehow part of the story.

In the legend, Hiram Abiff, the skilled artificer, was the Son of a Widow of the Tribe of Naphtali. (known as Huram Abi) The earlier accounts of Hiram are recorded in the 1st Book of Kings, 7:13 & 14. Hiram Abiff is the Master Mason in charge of the day’s assignments in the building of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. He writes these assignments on a "Trestle Board".

The trestle board is that drawing board, supported upon a trestle, on which, anciently, the Master Builder drew his designs. The Terms Trestle Board and Tracing Board seem to have been used interchangeably through the ages, and although they appear to have a common origin, today they should be given two separate meanings. The term 'Tracing Board' has come to mean the small boards or canvases, sometimes replaced by slide projections, on which the symbols peculiar to each degree are displayed for the purpose of explanation to the Candidate.

"Tracing the ritual back to Egypt 3500 years ago and actually finding the real 'King that was Lost' amazingly fits our Hiram Abiff perfectly." - quote taken from The Hiram Key by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas.

A contemporary of Philadelphus was Manetho, a High Priest at Heliopolis, and a learned man, also a prominent scribe of the Great White Brotherhood, who had access to the secret teachings of the Order. Manetho was also a master of the ancient Egyptian writing, or Hieroglyphics, which, in the Third Century B.C., was becoming archaic and could not be generally read. The Egyptians were at that time reading a modern version of the ancient writings, the Demotic, and Greek was becoming still more popular. Philadelphus commissioned Manetho to compile a history of Egypt, and particularly a text of the mystic philosophy of the Secret Schools of the Great White Brotherhood and Rosicrucian’s.

This knowledge, we are told, was mainly contained in the Hieroglyphic inscriptions in the library of the priesthood at Ra. It will be recalled that Amenhotep IV (Akhnaton) declared Ra, the sun, to be a physical manifestation or symbol of the great sole God. This library, therefore, must have contained the great truths of his monotheistic religion, and the truths which the thinkers with which he surrounded himself at Tell el-Amarna.

Much that we know of the outer or profane history of Egypt came about through this compilation by Manetho. In fact, it is generally conceded that Plutarch acquired much of his information from this source. In a book of Manetho's, called Sothis, of which fragments only are to be found in the writings of others, appears the following letter to Philadelphus, from Manetho, telling of his efforts to compile the ancient wisdom.

Manetho's greatest work was his Egyptian history, which was done in three books, and in the Greek language. It is famous because it is the only work in Greek based upon a full knowledge of the Egyptian sources. Fragments of these works come to us today in the writings of Fiavius Josephus and Julius Africanus. In the History of Egypt by Manetho, there is an interesting reference to Moses, which shows him also to have been an initiate of the Great White Brotherhood of Egypt, and to have transmitted their knowledge in a veiled manner to his people. The excerpt reads:

"Moses, a son of the tribe of Levi, educated in Egypt and initiated at Heliopolis became a High Priest of the Brotherhood under the reign of the Pharaoh Amenhotep". This refers to Dr. Ross Kelly's 2nd Intermediate Period in which we see the succession of Egyptian Kings and the Hyksos pharaohs aligned together during the same time frame. These are completely "separate" rulerships, separate locations, and separate groups of people. The HYKSOS had their own dynasty that ran alongside the true Egyptian 12th - 17th dynasty. Abraham, Joseph and all the' Hibru' lived at Avaris/Memphis.

It is entirely possible for Moses to have been born in the period right before Ahmoses became King of Egypt. That would mean he grew up in the Seqenenre Tao household with a woman named "Thutmose" as his adoptive mother. The "mose" in her name and her other son's names was also given to him as was the custom.

The chronology of the "New Kingdom" shows Amenhotep I just after Ahmoses.

This article by Josephus in his "Antiquities of the Jews" confirms Moses led an army against Ethiopia. His stepmother’s name was Thermuthis, who we've been told is the same as 'Thutmose'. She also ruled along side her son as co-regent for several years as he was only 16 years old at the time. She later took the kingly name of 'Ahmoses' also.

Moses was elected by the Hebrews as their chief and he adapted to the ideas of his people the science and philosophy which he had obtained in the Egyptian mysteries; proofs of this are to be found in the symbols, in the initiations, and in his precepts and commandments. The wonders which Moses narrates as having taken place upon the Mountain of Sinai, are, in part, a veiled account of the Egyptian initiation which he transmitted to his people when he established a branch of the Egyptian Brotherhood in his country, from which descended the Essenes. The dogma of an 'only God' which he taught was the Egyptian Brotherhood interpretation and teaching of the Egyptian King who established the first monotheistic religion known to man. The traditions he established in this manner were known completely to only a few of them, and were preserved in the arcane of the secret societies, the Therapeutics of Egypt and the Essenians."

Akhenaten was the son of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiy, a descendent of a Hebrew tribe. Sigmund Freud suggested that Moses was Akhenaten. Our debate on this subject aligns Moses with the 17th dynasty and pharaoh Ahmoses, who may have written a detailed account of the plagues of Egypt as described in Exodus, called The Ipuwas papyrus.

We think that shortly after Moses was born the Egyptian Royal families moved back to Thebes because most accounts say that Moses grew up in Thebes. Seqenenre Tao II was killed while living at Thebes and Ahmoses began his campaign to rid the country of 'the invaders' at Avaris. So Moses could not have been a prince under Amenhotep I, 1526–1506 BC, but Amenhotep was probably King when Moses began the Exodus. Josephus recorded that Moses' step-mother "Tuthmoses" brought him before the king that he might lead an army to repel the Ethiopians. But there is a view that the Ethiopians weren't the only threat to Egypt and that Moses may have led an attack against the 'Hibru'.

More proof is based largely on the Santarini volcanic eruption that occurred around 1550 BC., which coincided with the Exodus and was recorded in The Ipuwas papyrus. Some have interpreted the document as an Egyptian account of the Plagues of Egypt and the Exodus in the Old Testament of the Bible. The dating of the original composition of the poem is disputed, but several scholars, have suggested a date between the late 12th dynasty and the Second Intermediate Period (ca. 1850 BCE - 1600 BCE).

Those who interpret the Exodus as an historical event generally place it later in the reign of Ramesses II. This, in spite of the fact that there is absolutely no evidence from archaeology or from any documents that Ramesses II had to deal with the Ten Plagues or anything like them, or that he chased after runaway slaves.

The real evidence to establish the validity of The Hiram Key comes from Josephus.
Is it possible that Moses was sent on another mission after the Ethiopians were expelled? We have to conclude that this text has been altered to hide the fact that Moses actually fought against the Hebrews/Hyksos and subdued them.

The new Hebrew faith, or as they called it, Judaism was not established until Joshua got to Canaan. Joshua was a lieutenant under Moses. He is credited with the first 'editing of the bible' after Moses was gone. He may have even served in the Egyptian army as an officer. This clue also points to Josephus' story about Moses as the Egyptian Military leader under Thutmose. As we said, this is actually Kamose's mother. Military rolls of the Egyptians show the officers frequently included multiple nationalities.

Why does the bible not mention the death of Hiram?

It is a fact that the scriptures mention nothing about Hiram's death but the Masonic Degrees say Hiram died before Solomon’s temple was completed. As we read the scriptures we realized that the story wasn't really true but had an allegorical lesson in it.

"Among the traditions of the Order there is a legend referring to the tablets used by Hiram Abiff as a Trestle-Board on which to lay down his designs. This legend is intended simply as a symbol inculcating the duty of every man to work in the daily labor of life after a design that will construct in his body a spiritual temple."

Although this is a valuable allegorical lesson, it doesn't explain the 'death' at all! But the murder of Seqenenre does. Even more evidence comes from the 22nd and 23rd Masonic degrees, which takes place in the Sinai, in Egypt. We actually find Moses and Aaron in attendance at a funeral.

Eventually, this tradition about the murder of the king filtered down in garbled form into the secret traditions of the Jews, who had originated from Egypt proper and eventually assimilated much Egyptian cultural tradition. The secret tradition had been passed down over thousands of years to the Essenes in Qumran, who had left some of their most important and sacred writings in secret passages beneath the Temple of Jerusalem, shortly before the sack of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD.

Kamose (1551 B.C.) was raised as the first candidate following the murder of his father, but he only lived 3 more years at which time evidence shows us that Moses took over as the young Ahmose was not ready to lead an army. This is when Thutmose, the queen (Ahmose ruled as co-regent) pleads with the young king to let Moses to lead the attack.

On January 12 (approximately), 1538 B. C., Thutmose I was crowned succeeding Amenhotep I. He owed his position to his wife, Ahmose, who was the first woman to become a member of the class on equal terms with the men. The discussion regarding her admittance (preserved in the Rosicrucian Archives) forms an interesting story and reveals the origin of some of the doctrines of the equality of the sexes. The Rosicrucian Order had its traditional conception and birth in Egypt in the activities of the Great White Lodge. {p. 42}

Some say that in the 12th century, the Knights Templar dug up sacred scrolls and substantial quantities of treasure in secret passages under Herod's Temple, and began to practice the rites mentioned in the ancient scrolls, which they believed to be the purest form of Christianity before it was contaminated by the Roman mystery religions. Among these was the tale of Hiram Abiff, which would be a garbled echo of the story of the murder of Seqenenre Tao. After the Templars were suppressed in the early 14th century, their traditions spread in secret in proto-Masonic societies that are the forebears of modern Freemasonry.

The theory goes that the true Egyptian kings like Sequenenre Tao and his predecessors possessed knowledge of a secret ritual that was supposed to create a king by allowing the king-to-be to commune with the gods and gain from them his right to rule. Apophis and the previous Hyksos pharaohs never had knowledge of this king-making rite, and as Apophis could feel his authority slipping, he wanted it desperately. So he enlisted his new Grand Vizier to come up with a plan that would allow him to obtain these secrets. He turns to Joseph, who was vizier around 1598 - 1550 B.C.E. Did Joseph send his brothers, Simeon and Levi to do the deed? The writers of the Hiram Key think so.

Remember how Jacob says in Genesis 49:5 "Simeon and Levi ... their swords are weapons of violence." 49:6 "Let me not enter their council, let me not join their assembly, for they have killed men in their anger ...7: Cursed be their anger, so fierce and their fury so cruel! I will scatter them in Jacob (Israel) and disperse them in Israel." There is much, much more to this story.

Sometime before the completion of Solomon's temple, the legend has Hiram being brutally attacked and struck three times with 3 different objects by 3 ruffians whose names are Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum, who demand that Hiram reveal to them the secret 'Master's Word'. Confronted at each of the Temple's exits, each time he refuses. The last blow to his head with a heavy stone maul killed him. The moral of the story is that Hiram would rather die than break his oath to his fellow Masters not to reveal 'the word'.

The newly revised ritual says the wounds Hiram receives--to the head, throat, and heart--are said to represent the spiritual death imposed on humanity by the forces of tyranny and superstition: the head wound represents the death of thought, the throat wound signifies the suppression of free speech, and the wound to the heart implies that human feelings disappear when they are denied free thought and free speech. Widow's Son 2 has the original ritual.

As the legend continues …the body laid unattended to for several days. Men from Solomon’s Temple found it and symbolically 'raised' the 'Master' from the dead. This ritual is thousands of years old and goes back to Horus, son of Osiris being born of a widow after Osiris was murdered. The 'Masters Word' at that time was used by Isis to revive Osiris. In this instance, and according to The Hiram Key by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, after Sequenenre was murdered the 'Word' was lost. Only 3 people had it, the two High Priests and the King. The two priests are murdered after they also refuse to divulge the 'word'.

In the final degree or third degree Hiram is 'raised' from his grave by the Master in a special way. This does not represent the resurrection of Jesus in any way shape or form. This is a 'spiritual awakening', a realization, if you will, of the reality of Life after Death. We know the Egyptians used magical incantations and ritual in much the same way to insure their King reached the 'Afterlife'. These rituals were never written down, but were passed on by word of mouth only and the initiate or candidate took an oath never to reveal what he was taught, least he die a terrible death.

"And the Spirit came to him in haste when it raised him. Having given its hand to the one lying prone on the ground, it placed him firmly on his feet, for he had not yet stood up. He gave them the means of knowing the knowledge of the Father and the revelation of his son. For when they saw it and listened to it, he permitted them to take a taste of and to smell and to grasp the beloved son". Masons, does this sound familiar?.. from The Gospel of Truth in the Nag Hammidi scrolls.

It just so happens that the mummy of Sequenenre Tao II, 17th dynasty of Egypt, has three different and very distinctive wounds to his skull. Forensic science has not only identified the objects that killed him but the position he was in when he was killed and it was not on the battle field. The wounds on Sequenenre's head match exactly those described in the legend of Hiram Abiff. A previous blow to the head [ the top gash ] showed signs of healing". Experts suggest there must have been brain damage caused by this blow because one arm of the mummy was contorted."

Hiram Legend; "After the death of Hiram Abiff, the two kings resolved not to visit the Vault, nor communicate the ineffable Name, until they found a successor. But Adoniram, Joabert, and Stolkin had discovered Enoch's cube of agate, so these three Masters were initiated into this sublime degree in the Sacred Vault, and taught the true pronunciation of the Word.

There are many symbolic explanations for the appearance of the three ruffians in the ritualistic work. Their attempt to obtain the secrets not rightfully theirs, and the dire consequences of their actions, are symbolic of many things. Trying to obtain knowledge of Divine Truth by some means other than a reward for faithfulness makes the culprit both a thief and a murderer.

According to Masonic legend, just before the completion of the temple, three ruffians conspired to extract the secrets of a Master Mason from Abiff. They were unable to extract the secrets by force and ended up killing Abiff.

The ruffians hid the body in the temple, then carted it away and buried it. When King Solomon was informed that Abiff was missing, he was furious and took a role call of the craft, and found three were missing. These were the three ruffians. The king blocked the harbors and roads and sent out search parties. Finally, the three ruffians were found and brought before King Solomon, to whom they confessed. Solomon ordered each of them to be executed in vile, horrific ways, with terrible torture and severing of body parts.
So what became of Jubelum?

There is actual, physical evidence that suggests that he was eventually captured by the Thebans, and taken before Seqenenre Tao's son Kamose, where he was tortured by bathing him in rancid milk and leaving him under the harsh Egyptian sun for a few days, making him smell evil and easily recognizable to the forces of darkness which he served.

He was then castrated and mummified alive. He was then wrapped in sheeps cloth and put in a plain white painted wooden coffin, the sign of a priest. This seems to be borne out because Seqenenre Tao's mummy was, surprisingly, included in a cache of royal mummies found by the Egyptologist Emil Brugsch in 1881 at Deir el Bahri, exhibiting very strange wounds that attest that he had suffered a violent death, probably from a heavy blow to his forehead that cracked his skull and broke his neck; this being the only royal mummy ever found to show marks of violence

This odd corpse had been dated to the end of the Second Intermediate Period, just as with the body of Sequenenre Tao, but had not attracted much interest among Egyptologists, who tend to concentrate on the mummies of the famous. But to Knight and Lomas, this corpse would probably be that of Jubelum, one of the conspirators who murdered Seqenenre Tao and brought about the loss of the Egyptian royal secrets.

The mysterious Ineffable Name of the divinity which is invoked seems to be the center of most of the ancient and even modern Magic. By knowing that Name, which is assumed to be the name by means of which the world was created, the man or exerciser in Egypt pretended to constrain the god to obey his wishes and to give effect to his invocation if called by his true name; whilst in Chaldea the mysterious Name was considered a real and divine being, who had a personal existence, and therefore exclusive power over the other gods of a less elevated rank, over nature, and the world of spirits.

Solomon continued to use this power over spirits and had demons work for him. All he had to do was 'invoke' them by their name.

The legend has it that Hiram Abi 'initiated' Solomon into the 'secret knowledge' (the word) after 3 workers found a golden stone in the lower depths of the foundation of the temple. This stone had the name of the true God engraved on it. Of course that name was 'secret' and was at the time only known by the men who discovered it besides King Hiram, Hiram Abiff, and Solomon. The other men were Adoniram, Joabert, and Stolkin.

Today in the Masonic Ritual, this word is still lost so a substitute word was formed to be used until the real one could be rediscovered. From The Hiram Key; The words of Kamose reflect the invention of this substitute word after his father Sequenenre Tao II was murdered in 1554 BC.

"The elders prepared new substituted 'secret words and rituals'. Then Kamose stuck a finger in the air at Aphophis by changing his name to 'Wadj-kheper-re', meaning, 'Flourishing is the Manifestation of Re', meaning "you failed".

We find that Moses got the 'word' given to him by God himself. In the book of Jubilees (1:27 and 2:1), the angel who is said to have instructed Moses on Mount Sinai and to have delivered to him the tables of the Law is most probably Michael. In scripture his name is, "I AM THAT I AM". Masonic legend says Enoch is the King that engraved the 'word' on the stone and hid it.

After Enoch, as far as we know, Moses was the first man to know the Heavenly Father’s or Elohim’s (God’s) name some 2,513 years after Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden.

Before that time, the Hebrews referred to the creator as El Shaddi or Almighty Provider (Exo. 6:3). This proves that if anyone had written anything prior to Moses they would not have used the true names, but El Shaddi. The creator’s name was revealed to Moses in a vision by an angel appearing in a burning bush to him. Since we know that Moses was fully instructed in Egyptian magic and wisdom, invoking God's name could produce miracles and catastrophes on a massive the 10 plagues and even the eruption of the Santorini volcano.

From the Book of Jasher we have a story about Moses and "The magical Sapphire rod of Elohim." So the 'staff' of Aaron was even more powerful than the bible admits. And this proves that magic was used by Elohim (God).


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:51 am

More Secrets of Freemasonry ... IkVeAcwQ--
Most of the ancient texts are now available to anyone who takes the time and diligently searches. The ancient texts contain material that most people have never even heard of. Stories about the deluge, Enoch, Noah, Moses, Cain and Abel, the Ark of the Covenant, Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham, Adam and Eve, and others are found in these texts, the only difference being; the names of the patriarchs are in the language of the area in which they were found. Scholars have translated most of the material and its connection to the biblical stories cannot be disputed. We also use the Nag Hammidi Scrolls, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Enuma Elish, The Torah in its original form, and even the Koran. More secrets still come from the Book of Jubilees and the Book of Jasher which were left out of the cannon by the Roman compilers of the first bible, which wasn't put together until 425 AD.

The Masonic so-called secrets are not only complicated and cover a wide range of subjects but also contain facts that are revealed in ancient texts that were written up to 5000 years before any bible or Koran appeared on the scene. Church fathers will say these stories are myth but with all the new information available to us, we can now say they are actually history lessons.

Myth once replaced truth because the truth for the church is too dangerous. The texts contain dates and places and the same people as verified by scripture only they are written in cuneiform, hieroglyphs or the language of the country in which they were found.

As we know, there are two lines of descent mentioned in the KJ bible; one from Cain, one from Seth since Abel never married. Each of these lines has Enoch as a son. From Enoch comes the arts and sciences which he was instructed by God to pass on to mankind. But we don't see this in the Bible. Another text says, Eve only had one son with Adam and that son was Seth. Did Cain really have a great great grandson named Enoch?

The following is from Temple Legend or "The Mystery Known to Rosicrucians." which again exposes another side of the story.

"There was a time when one of the Elohim (Gods - plural) created a human being whom he called Eve. That Elohim united himself with Eve and she gave birth to Cain. After this, another Elohim, named Yahveh, created Adam. The Elohm Yahveh also united himself with Eve and from this union came Abel

Enki allowed Adam and Eve the ability to pro-create, thus Seth was conceived and became the first 'born of man' human.

Thus we see in this myth that Cain is a direct descendant of the gods, but Seth is a descendant of Adam and Eve who are divinely created humans. Now the myth proceeds:

"The sacrifices which Abel made to Yahveh were pleasing to him, but the sacrifices brought by Cain did not please him because the birth of Cain was not ordained by him. The result was that Cain committed fratricide. He killed Abel and for this he was excluded from communion with Yahveh. He went away into distant lands and founded his own race there." This race has no facial hair.

"Among the descentants of Cain are all those who have been creators of art and science, as, for instance, Methuselah, the inventor of the Tau script, and Tubal-Cain, who taught the use and working of metal ores and iron. In this line of descent, stemming from the Elohim were all those who trained themselves in the arts and sciences."

Even Carl Sagan, the well-known and respected astronomer, knew that Cro-magnon man could not have evolved from the Neanderthals without outside assistance in genetics. The change is way too dramatic and quick. Also, Cro-magnon man was living at the same time as the Neanderthals. Egyptian, Indonesian, Chinese, South American and Native American cultures; each one was founded or damaged by the involvement with the Annunaki and have based their religions and myths on their culture and activities. Some Annuna were favorable toward mankind, like Enki, while others were destroyers of cities, like Adad (also known as Yahweh and Jehovah).

The raising of Hiram symbolizes how a man can be raised to a perfection and understanding of one's self that is only available in this life. This comes from an ancient Egyptian ritual wherein a dead king was raised to an area beyond the Earthbound plane of consciousness and into a life of immortality. In fact Philip tells us in the Nag Hammidi scrolls:

"Those who say that the Lord died first and (then) rose up are in error, for he rose up first and (then) died. If one does not first attain the resurrection, he will not die. As God lives, he would [live...]. "Those who say they will die first and then rise are in error. If they do not first receive the resurrection while they live when they die they will receive nothing.

So also when speaking about baptism they say, "Baptism is a great thing, "because if people receive it they will live."

More clues that there might be "Secrets":

Ancient Symbolism

On page 125 of The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly P. Hall writes:

"Frank C Higgins, a well-known Masonic symbolist, has astutely noted that the ornate headgears of certain gods and Pharaohs are inclined backwards at the same angle as the earth's axis."

Indeed before Philip had sent me this quote, I had already noticed that depictions of Osiris showed the Atef crown was angled at 23 to 23.5 degrees. There's more to this than many of us know. Again, there are numerous references that indicate that the ancients had knowledge of the obliquity of the earth's Axis - even precession - and that this was made important to them - and again, its something that has been largely overlooked.

The ancient Egyptian god Osiris was not only associated with the eye (inner eye) as his name Aus-ir implies, but in his depictions as the Djed Column, he was also associated with the human spinal column associated with the internal processes of the enlightenment experience (Kundalini) which centre on the spine and the seven chakras relating to the seven endocrine glands. He was also known as the God of the Staircase - a staircase having seven steps. The "seven steps" also refer to The Seven Liberal Arts of Masonry.

H.P.H. Bromwell (1823 -1903) wrote in his massive tome Restorations of Masonic Geometry and Symbology that: "Although the number of recognized sciences far exceeds seven, yet, giving to that number the benefit of its symbolic meaning, it stands for the whole circle of sciences, whether specifically named among the seven or not. In the most general terms the Winding Staircase defines seven 'levels of consciousness', from consciousness of the physical body at the bottom to consciousness of the Spirit and Divinity at the top.

The idea of chakras as understood in Eastern philosophy does not exist in Western medical science. In Eastern thought, the chakras are thought to be levels of consciousness, and states of the soul, and 'proving' the existence of chakras is akin to 'proving' the existence of a soul. A mystic deals with these metaphysical concepts on the metaphysical plane as a model for their own internal experience; and when talking about 'energy centres', they are generally talking about subtle, spiritual forces, which work on the psyche and spirit, not about physical electrical or magnetic fields.

Among the many titles ascribed to Osiris, one frequently used is the god of the staircase. In Chapter XXII of the Ritual the deceased prays that he may have a portion with him who is on the top of the staircase, and there is any number of illustrations of a stairway of seven steps.

As the authors of Hamlets Mill (1969) have demonstrated, myths were indeed used to transmit complex truths and it’s possible that to preserve knowledge, an intelligent and scientifically-advanced people had decided to intervene in the cultures of people around the world shaping their cultures and loading certain information which would be absorbed in their art, their clothing, their rituals and their folk tales.

In other words, they depended on uneducated people to accurately and directly transmit the information across millennia and to the scientists of the future. What they didn't reckon on was that a great deal of this information, i.e., the more mystical knowledge would be subject to discrimination in that what wasn't understood would be misinterpreted and become corrupted, and what would be understood would either be ignored, kept secret, covered-up by mundane explanations or suppressed.

Those who have heard various theologians speak on different passages of the bible, or who have read books on theology, perhaps better understand the complexity that might exist in a religion that lasted for well over 3,000 years, but which has no live theologists that might explain its mysteries.

Both anointment and baptism are metaphors to the same experience of enlightenment.
Note the three attendants on the right. Are these the three Magi as referenced by the three pyramids of Gaza?

The head of Jesus is between two mountain peaks - the open legs of the world mother. His feet (two fishes) are swimming in the astral womb waters of the flowing river. The Dove disk is the star Sirius the Underworld and world mother from which he has been reborn.

It is the river in which the reborn shaman god-king is being baptized. His baptism also symbolizing his rebirth as regards his initiation into the mysteries is possibly the River Nile, which flows east of, and right next to the three pyramids. Again, if true, then the disk containing the dove is the star Sirius in the southern sky, associated with the world mother Isis. Again this baptism is associated with the thalamus and the glands in the brain. The Triad also represented by the three angels or three wise kings.

The word "US" appears in Genesis 3:22, 1:26 and Genesis 11:7. "Let US go down".... US? Who is "US?"

We also find the word "OUR" as in 'our likeness', 'our image' in Genesis.

Have you seen this and ignored it? Did you think it was a typo? Think again!

Look at the book of Daniel (4:13,17,23 an older copy) and see the word "Watcher" (messenger). Enoch also speaks about the "Watchers" in his secret books which was also left out of the bible. The answers to the many questions raised by these words were also found in the 5000 year old Enuma Elish or Sumerian Tablets, in the book of Jasher and the book of Jubilees.

More clues to the rebel god (Watcher) story are found in Psalms 82:1, "God presides in the great assembly; he gives judgment among the "gods" (plural). 82;6, "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.'

"But you will die like mere men; you will fall like every other ruler."

All 200 of them!

These are the gods of Genesis 6:2 and in 6:4 we find the sons of the gods called the 'Nephilim'. The fallen angels are called 'Watchers' in the book of Daniel and Enoch's Books. The 'Nephilim' are 'the giants' that roamed the earth in the time of Noah. They are not really 'fallen angels', but giant rebel half-man, half-gods!

Genesis 6: "For owing to these three things came the flood upon the earth, namely, owing to the fornication wherein the Watchers against the law of their ordinances went whoring after the daughters of men, and took themselves wives of all which they chose."

As we can see this is another version of Genesis 6 which lends evidence that there were many versions of the same story throughout history and time. It also supports the theory that there are two gods.

See: God takes over the 'rulership' of the world ( See footnotes Psalm 82. It plainly says "Israel's god". (Meaning Jacob's god; 'Israel' means 'deceiver!')

"AND HE SAID UNTO HIM, WHAT IS THY NAME? AND HE SAID, JACOB." Jacob confessed his name, which means "supplanter" or "deceiver." We may say, he admitted he was a sinner. Jacob’s name was changed from "deceiver" to "Israel," which means, "God rules; or strives with God; or a prince of God; or overcomes and prevails; or God’s fighter." (Again, which god is it?)

God - Judge of the earth: according to Deut 32:8-9, Israel's God had originally assigned jurisdiction over the foreign nations to the subordinate deities, keeping Israel as a personal possession. Now this God did directly take over the rulership of the whole world.

Did the church hide the archaeological evidence of the "Watchers" and the offspring 'giants' from mankind? We found the proof, but there is much, much more to the story before the "Watchers".

There is also overwhelming evidence that Nimrod was not an evil man and as we shall see, was not against the true God. He was against a god that wanted men as slaves and nothing more.

Details about the Nephilim:

If we are to understand why one god wanted to destroy mankind, and why there are many different religions, maybe we should investigate this material more thoroughly. Man's knowledge began with building skills and the art of metallurgy. Metallurgy was Nimrod's skill, while Tubal-Cain "made all kinds of tools out of iron and bronze" and Jubal made musical instruments. The early church used Nimrod to condemn science and force man into the 'dark ages'.

However the Books of Enoch indicates God wanted men to know the skills and He instructed Enoch to pass them on to his sons so that only righteous men would know them. This is the origin of 'the Craft'....This is how Masonry began.

With this in mind, we wondered how the God of the Jews and the God of Abraham who is also important in Islam, could also be the Christian's or Buddhist’s God too. Under the 'FEAR and OBEY' tags he is indeed the Jews, Muslims and the Christians’ god. That means there is indeed a secret that Jesus wished to be revealed to mankind in an Age of Reason and Understanding that wasn't present in the 30's AD.

This is the Age of REASON, Understanding and Logic. What we discovered makes perfect sense and it distinguishes the difference between the TWO GODS we found in Genesis.

Esoteric knowledge is that which is specialized or advanced in nature, available only to a narrow circle of "enlightened", "initiated", or highly educated people. The term esoteric first appeared in English in the 1701 History of Philosophy by Thomas Stanley, in his description of the "Auditors of Pythagoras." The Pythagoreans were divided into "exoteric," which were under review, and "esoteric," which had performed well enough to be admitted into the "inner" circle. The Essenes studied Pythagoras. The Essenes have everything to do with Jesus.

A variety of past traditions could be classified as forms of "esotericism" due to their similar "inner" focus as well as their "selective" and "secretive" nature.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:55 am

The Legacy of the Templars ... IkVeAcwQ--
Young people can read for themselves information about Prince Henry Sinclair and his voyage to the New World in 1398, almost 100 years BEFORE Columbus' Voyage. He built Newport Tower located in Touro Park in Newport, Rhode Island (USA). Another stone pictured is the Westford Knight. New discoveries such as the "Rune Stone" found in Kensington MN may change that view. The Newport Tower link above also contains an in depth archeological study of the tower.

Did you know that the Templar cross was on the sails of all 3 ships that visited the 'New World in 1607? Was Christopher Columbus a 'mason'? We can't find his name on any 'Famous Mason's List', but several Lodges are named after him. Did he have 'maps' of the route to the 'New World', given to him by other masons or Knights? It turns out that Columbus was a brother knight in the Portuguese Knights of Christ. His father was a ships Captain and Grand Master of the Portuguese order and Christopher seems to have married a daughter of the Sinclair (St. Clair) family.

Before Columbus made his historic journey:

With the aid of funding from the Knights Templar who had now been banished by the Pope, Prince Henry gathered a fleet of twelve ships for a voyage to establish a safe haven for the order of Knights and their treasure. The party was led by Prince Henry under the guidance of Antonio Zeno, the mapmaker from Venice.

The proof for the voyage seems compelling. There is the famous Zeno Narrative, a map which purports to show the journey the brothers took with a man called Zichmni (later identified by writer John Forster as Prince Henry himself). This provided the foundation for a 19th-century book by Richard Major, a well-respected geographer who suggested Prince Henry indeed reached America.

A later book by Frederick Pohl traced the actual landing spot to Guysborough, Nova Scotia. Pohl found confirmation of the voyage by studying Mi'kmaq oral history. And there is an ancient Venetian canon, a strange carving of a knight and the Newport Tower found down the eastern seaboard from Guysborough that offer further proof.

Finally there are the carvings at Rosslyn Chapel, built near Edinburgh by the Sinclair family in 1446 that show maize and aloe vera - plants which at that time were indigenous to North America but carved before Columbus discovered the New World in 1492.

The fleet left the Orkneys in 1398 and landed in Nova Scotia. The party is said to have built a castle and left a portion of their navy in Nova Scotia. As we shall see, the famous Oak Island just off the mainland of Nova Scotia has become part of the mystery surrounding Prince Henry Sinclair. New evidence has surfaced about the "Rune Stones" at Kensington MN., dated 1362.

News: October 12, 2007; Knights cleared of heresy charges by Pope Clement!! The document, known as the Chinon parchment, reveals that the Templars had an initiation ceremony which involved "spitting on the cross", "denying Jesus" and kissing the lower back, navel and mouth of the man proposing them. The document, signed by Clement himself, apparently cleared them of these charges.

Before the inquisitions, The Templars explained to Pope Clement that the initiation mimicked the humiliation that knights could suffer if they fell into the hands of the Saracens, while the kissing ceremony was a sign of their total obedience.

The Pope concluded that the entrance ritual was not truly blasphemous, as alleged by King Philip when he had the knights arrested. However, he was forced to dissolve the Order to keep peace with France and prevent a schism in the church. Clement was a pawn of King Philip, who at the time threatened Clement with death if he didn't 'go along'.

The final fall of the Templars may have started over the matter of a loan. The young Philip IV, King of France (also known as "Philip the Fair") had needed cash for his war with the English and asked the Templars for more money. They refused.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:36 pm

The Temple of Solomon – Megalithic Structures as Solitron Vortex Generators

The Lost Key of Solomon – the Lost Musical Chord – the Lost Name of God - The Tetragrammaton

The Holy Grail Vortex Avebury ... art_1_of_9

Rosslyn Chapel & Glen: Uncoding DaVinci
The mysterious Rosslyn Chapel is an extraordinarily beautiful ‘Cathedral in miniature'. Renowned for its elaborate construction , the Chapel was built in 1446 by Sir William St Clair . It is located seven miles outside Scotland 's capital city of Edinburgh , amid beautiful rolling hills and rugged outcroppings.

The Chapel is rich in both historic fact and legend. Supposition regarding religious artifacts stored in its hidden vaults has inspired academics and mystics for centuries. There are bodies of factual evidence pieced together with intricate theories that cover a wide spectrum of interest. Reputed devotees contend that some incredible relics, including the fabled Holy Grail, Sacred Gospel Texts, the Treasure of Solomon, and the Arc of the covenant, are housed in the Chapels sealed underground vaults.

However the ‘spirit of place' at the geographical location of Rosslyn goes back much further. The core question of the mystery of Rosslyn Chapel is why it was built in the first place. For this writer, one key part of the why is the where. Rosslyn sits amid an extremely potent telluric vortex and houses one of the most powerful portal-gates on the planet. Rosslyn is a multidimensional stargate.

Rosslyn Chapel is said to be centered over a dimensional gateway, and certainly the perception of ‘zipped’ condensed space had been apparent to me. There are several parts of the chapel that had an energetic hum, but this description does not entirely fit the bill, as it was more felt than heard. Two were especially apparent, one in front of the altar;, another behind the famed Apprentice Pillar.

The subterranean room had a serene energy, quite different from the upper floor. It felt far more ancient, and very pagan. While a sense of well being is felt throughout, in no place was it more soothing than the cool darkness of the lower chamber.

The seven sacred sites of Christian pilgrimage in sequence were Compostela de Santiago (Spain), followed by five sites in France and one in Scotland: Notre Dame de Dalbade in Toulouse, Orleans Cathedral, Chartres Cathedral, Notre Dame de Paris, Amiens Cathedral and Rosslyn Chapel. Researcher Trevor Ravenscroft writes that these sites were all specifically ancient Druidic ‘power' sites that were dedicated to planetary oracles. Each site possessing powerful ‘earth magnetic energies' combined with specific planetary alignments.

Perhaps the most celebrated of St Clair's interior embellishments is the famed pillars. The Mason's Pillar and the ornate Apprentice Pillar, for which Rosslyn is renowned worldwide, are said to represent the pillars of Joachim and Boaz, which stood inside Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. Indeed many scholars speculate that Rosslyn Chapel is a reproduction of that temple, and that crusading Knights Templar had in fact unearthed Solomon's treasure centuries before, beneath its ruins, while seeking to recover sacred relics from the dilapidated temple.

Solomon's treasure was theorized to be the mysterious source of Knight Templars enormous wealth, taken to France and later to Scotland. Among the relics, the arc of the covenant and Holy Grail. It is a fact that sealed vaults are beneath the Chapel, and it has long been speculated that recovered relics such as the Grail and Arc may have been placed there. Interestingly, Prince William St Clair is recorded as having personally overseen each construction and carving, with meticulous control. Vaults and chambers were built beneath the structure, and carefully sealed.

The finest materials, craftsmen and stone sculptors were brought in from Europe. The village of Rosslyn was formed in the forty-year construction process of the Chapel. It ended before completion of the full plan, with Sir Williams's death, and the theo-political upheavals of the era.

Yet even so the centerpiece completed is fully sufficient to superbly tap and employ the vortex engine of the volcanic land into a mega portal and accessible dimensional stargate to those seekers who are sufficiently advanced in such metaphysical sciences to tap into the energy window at Rosslyn. The Chapel pulls in, stores and amplifies pristine telluric and grid energies with its sacred geometric structure and key geomantic placement. The vortex energies here certainly predate the Chapel, by countless millennia. St Clair brilliantly recognized them, and constructed around them, as was done with many cathedrals of the era.

Yet none were done with such multi tiered messages that go well beyond the somewhat narrow constraints of theo- political Roman Christianity. As such it would be limiting for the seeker to visit Rosslyn Chapel without spending time in the accompanying glen canyon. The former feeds the latter. The Chapel refines, stores, and makes available the high frequency energy. The two are intricately connected, braided together into a singular higher purpose.

Through Jackie Queally I became interested in the amazing work of William Buehler. Buehler introduced me to the advanced technical concept of ‘reshel' grids. These are essentially a grid matrix deliberately established through sacred geometry in sacred sites and over larger geodesic areas. These are self generating energy templates that allow for a multitude of frequencial portals. These are also keys to uniting the three major geodesic grids around the planet, as well as astral grids. Rosslyn contains a potent reshel grid within its structure.

Rosslyn is a very special place, indeed, and its energies are an especially potent blend of geomantic and cosmic energies that converge precisely at this point. Here is a rare concentric apex. Because of this, within its structure lies a very ancient energy device that utilizes and refines the energy. It is not a relic from the Christian crusades.

The component is in the sealed vault, placed there by the founding St Clair. It is a circular vessel, both metallic and crystalline in composition containing twelve half spheres around the rim of its circumference. It is very ancient, and was in the care of the Secret Order based in Orkney. It is from before the Atlantean's era. Its source and construction and technology are of extra terrestrial origin. Its base is of a unique metallic alloy, having properties similar to gold and platinum, but with a much stronger magnetic field. The spheres are crystalline, each attuned to a dimensional field and projecting a strong electrical field. The structure facilitates dimensional travel, to those adepts capable of achieving sufficiently high vibrational rates.

This component may be considered as energy ware. It utilizes and refines the energies that culminate at this precise point. Rosslyn sits on a powerful telluric generator and is a major fulcrum point on the Planetary and Stellar Grids. This knowledge has been known in more advanced eras.

The location of Rosslyn Chapel is very specific. St Clair was in direct communication with an Angelic Host of Ascended Masters who guided the location selection, and every aspect of the coded construction of the Chapel. The Chapel at Rosslyn contains a full spectrum dimensional gate. There is a primary vortex in the center of the structure, in front of the altar. There are five smaller vortexes with unique frequencies surrounding and circulating the major vortex, which contains the portal gate.

Rosslyn Chapel is intricately connected to the Rosslyn Glen. The powerful leyline that runs through the glen along the river, encircles the Chapel, but does not intersect it. This provides a double matrix of clockwise and counterclockwise spin around the mound that emits the vortex complex into the chapel and supports the pattern of the dimensional portal. The Castle nearby is also connected to the energy of the Chapel. It stores the energy of the founding St Clair and those who protected the site for centuries. The castle still houses a living, conscious energy of protection, vital to the portal located in Rosslyn Chapel. You see the energy in a grid-fulcrum vortex, such as Rosslyn is multidimensional, thus timeless. Its energy of protection is a dimensional insert, a conscious, living hologram.

The grid overlay separating dimensional frequencies is particularly translucent, within the unique fountain of electro-magnetic energy at Rosslyn. As such a dimensional overlap occurs, and the linear space-time continuum is weakened. A space- time window occurs within a specific frequency. The vibrational blending of the electromagnetic ley, planetary and stellar grids, creates this dimensional overlap.

The energy within Rosslyn Chapel is generated and directly feeds a series of energy sites in Europe and Britain. The majorities of these sites have majestic Cathedrals constructed over them, and pulse with great energies.”

We began with a question; now let’s end with an answer. Three reasons: (1) The builders had a message (2) The builders stored some things inside (3) The builders wanted to house a stargate portal. The pre existing grid point and energy of place located precisely on the location of the chapel is perhaps the most powerful point on the planetary geodesic grid, with concentric access to all twelve dimensional overlays.

What about the uncoding of DaVinci? For this writer the most important message of the novel is about honoring the Divine Feminine… an essential truth forgotten by orthodox Christianity. The Cosmos is alive, and has divine expressions of male and female. We are both, and this divine unity is expressed in sacred nature at Rosslyn. Perhaps it's even written on the walls… albeit in code.
William Buehler - Reshel Grids ... mplarid=84
My specialty is the discovery and possible participation in the reactivation or upgrade of the ancient Ascension grid systems, now relevant in the Metatronic surge into a Transition much beyond the usual succession of "New Ages."

My work is based on information from inner-dimensional sources under the supervision of Metatron (highest archangel), the archangel Michael, and human Hierarchical luminary "Thoth" Raismes of Aphra as translated by Maia Nartoomid. Over a 35 year period this focus in grid organization of consciousness and associated energy systems has had wide input from many such sources, all consistent in the advancement of the present Universal transition into a collective Metatronic state of being.

This type of information has always been available across the Ages; it is found in the "Akashic Record" which can be translated by many physical humans. This Record is much more than the "Book of Life" found in scripture; it is "...the planetary 'Recorder Cell,' where thought, feeling and occurrences throughout all time in the planet's history are stored as a record of knowledge within the subtle etheric substance of the planet."

The last large group application of this information was by the Knights Templar followed by the Masons. Although much is found in Judeo-Christian scripture there is virtually no written history of these grid systems, for obvious reasons. The essential grid is called the "Techad, or ISIS Eye" or in the more accessible sacred language the "RESHEL" in Hebrew. It means: "Chief Head Stone of God" and is a "Breastplate of Metatron" (of 24). Its importance can be appreciated by referring to 1 Peter 2:4-8, Ephesians 2:19-22, and Psalms 118:19-28... to cite only a few examples.

The "Chief Corner Stone" usually connected with the Chief Head Stone is the golden-ratio rhombus format generally found in temples and earth grids as an "L" shape representing the rhombus' minor and major axes... thus the "corner" reference. It is also a Metatronic Breastplate called the "Eye of Ra" or "L-Gate", or in the Ps 118 reference the "Gates of the Righteous" and "Gate of the Lord"... there being two sets in the Reshel system. This grid is both a Time gate as well as a Pillar. (The two pillars in the Solomon Temple are examples: the Bo-Az and Yah-chen pillars where the unseen central pillar is the "Layooesh" pillar in modern parlance.

Most of grid activity is in the etheric and mental dimensions however they usually ground in the physical dimension with at least several anchor points: stone pillars, cathedrals, henges, mountains, et al. The physical anchoring will be the grid's chief reinitialization orientation however the grids can duplicate themselves, spin to track the Sun, stars or events in the planet or Celestial Sphere. This highly dynamic, complex movement must be remembered when viewing graphics showing grids in primary alignments. This requires close inspection of other important sites within the spin-field.
An Article on Earth Grid Geometrics, by William Buehler
Grid defined: For our purposes a "grid" is any system that organizes consciousness and energy patterns that supports the consciousness and its intention.

The geometric format: A simple triangle is an example and it represents the "3" or connective function. It is efficient in communications, building a pillar or bridge. It has a high Grace Factor and its Master Number 666 is a Christic Temple Pillar (best described in Rev 3: 7-12 as the Pillar in the Temple of God: the letter Vau, #6, or Key of David.)

The triangle or Key of David is poor for manifestation of form; its main form being a connective of forms. It is a pure symbol for a tetrahedron that is the triangle usually showing the base and each of its sides projecting triangular flat planes into a single unifying apex over the base.

An "altitude" line is dropped to the base at which point the tetra's center of power and action is designated, its "spiritual center." The apex of the base triangle is the "pivot" and the other two sides are the right and left brain poles for the pivot pole.

For example, the primary spiritual mode orients the pivot pole in the north. The SE pole is the right brain pole for the system and the SW is the left brain pole. The northward or vertical ("up") pointing apices represent the female or Shekinah ascending vector. The opposite male, causal or Christic complement is formed when the female or physical system is brought into clarity and an harmonic with the Christic state of being. This then forms a dual or "star" tetrahedron made up of two interpenetrating tetrahedrons.

The other two main geometric systems are the Square for Manifesting and the Pentagon for a Seed Matrix. Using the rationale above, the square or "+" Cross (Greek Cross) is complemented by the "X" Cross in which Spirit inserts its interface and codes when the physical cross is clear and up to speed. The same occurs with the 5-pointed star to give us a 10-pointed Wheel.

The zodiacal grid: Often a zodiacal sign or portion of the sign will be used as a grid. The Templar Virgo Grid in Europe is a prime example, made up of the principal Marian cathedrals. It is usually more permanent.

An Integral grid: This system can be any of the others but is a basic structural grid without which the structure will collapse. A "skeleton" grid describes it. The Earth uses the geometric five Platonic Grids for example.

An Artifact grid: This is an artificial system inserted for a specific purpose, usually a more permanent installation that is resonant with the others. A Zodiacal Grid is an Artifact; however, "artifact" here is used in a more general sense. An example is the Reshel system used in Europe and the Americas. The Reshel or "Techad" supplements the total Planetary artifact grid: the Rhombic Enneacontahedron Grid made up of golden ratio rhombuses. (This RE grid was discovered by Marvin Solit.) The RE Grid complements the Platonic Grids, phasing with the Penta Dodecahedron and Icosahedron

Every form then has a complete system of Seed, the Form and the Connective linking to the higher complementary Seed, Form and Connective. This is also the "Yahway" or "HVHY" creation Grid format.
The Pythagorean Theory of Music and Color
The key to harmonic ratios is hidden in the famous Pythagorean tetractys, or pyramid of dots. The tetractys is made up of the first four numbers--1, 2, 3, and 4--which in their proportions reveal the intervals of the octave, the diapente, and the diatessaron.

In the Pythagorean concept of the music of the spheres, the interval between the earth and the sphere of the fixed stars was considered to be a diapason--the most perfect harmonic interval. The allowing arrangement is most generally accepted for the musical intervals of the planets between the earth and the sphere of the fixed stars:

From the sphere of the earth to the sphere of the moon; one tone; from the sphere of the moon to that of Mercury, one half-tone; from Mercury to Venus, one-half; from Venus to the sun, one and one-half tones; from the sun to Mars, one tone; from Mars to Jupiter, one-half tone; from Jupiter to Saturn, one-half tone; from Saturn to the fixed stars, one-half tone. The sum of these intervals equals the six whole tones of the octave.

This diagrammatic sector represents the major gradations of energy and substance between elemental earth and absolute unconditioned force. Beginning with the superior, the fifteen graduated spheres descend in the following order: Limitless and Eternal Life; the superior, the middle, and the inferior Empyrean; the seven planets; and the four elements. Energy is symbolized by Fludd as a pyramid with its base upon the concave surface of the superior Empyrean, and substance as another Pyramid with its base upon the convex surface of the sphere (not planet) of earth. These pyramids demonstrate the relative proportions of energy and substance entering into the composition of the fifteen planes of being. It will be noted that the ascending pyramid of substance touches but does not pierce the fifteenth sphere--that of Limitless and Eternal Life. Likewise, the descending pyramid of energy touches but does not pierce the first sphere--the grossest condition of substance. The plane of the sun is denominated the sphere of equality, for here neither energy nor substance predominates. The mundane monochord consists of a hypothetical string stretched from the base of the pyramid of energy to the base of the pyramid of substance.

Pythagoras conceived the universe to be an immense monochord, with its single string connected at its upper end to absolute spirit and at its lower end to absolute matter--in other words, a cord stretched between heaven and earth. Counting inward from the circumference of the heavens, Pythagoras, according to some authorities, divided the universe into nine parts; according to others, into twelve parts. The twelve-fold system was as follows: The first division was called the empyrean, or the sphere of the fixed stars, and was the dwelling place of the immortals. The second to twelfth divisions were (in order) the spheres of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the sun, Venus, Mercury, and the moon, and fire, air, water, and earth. This arrangement of the seven planets (the sun and moon being regarded as planets in the old astronomy) is identical with the candlestick symbolism of the Jews--the sun in the center as the main stem with three planets on either side of it.
What Are The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies? ... eggio.html
I found this ancient scale to be part of a 6-tone scale sequence of electro-magnetic frequencies called the Original Solfeggio Scale through the book "The Healing Codes of Biological Apocalypse" by Dr. Leonard Horowitz. These particular frequencies were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo, who received them in a wonderful experience that some would suggest was mystical. These frequencies are not something new, but they are something very old.

The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:

UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order

I discovered that these powerful frequencies had been given to the church many years ago for a very spiritual purpose. This was back when the church was a wonderful place for the people in the villages to gather together. The church served as a social, political, and spiritual place. People came to Mass, which at that time, was done in Latin (until Vatican II came along). When people sing in Latin or musical tones, it is very powerful, because it gets through all of the limited thought forms, and into deeper levels of the subconscious – accessing insights beyond belief systems.

Additionally, as Dr. Puleo researched the tones further, he came across a book on Gregorian chants by Professor Emeritus Willi Apel who "argued that the chants being used today were totally incorrect, and undermined the spirit of the Catholic faith."

Moreover, Professor Apel reported that "one-hundred fifty-two chants were apparently missing. The Catholic Church presumably "lost" these original chants. The chants were based on the ancient original scale of six musical notes called the Solfeggio." Trust me, nothing is lost, it’s just neatly put away; however, they cannot hide from the masses what is energetically placed within the Soul.

According to Professor Willi Apel, "The origin of what is now called Solfeggio arose from a Mediaeval hymn to John the Baptist which has this peculiarity that the first six lines of the music commenced respectively on the first six successive notes of the scale, and thus the first syllable of each line was sung to a note one degree higher that the first syllable of the line that preceded it. By degrees these syllables became associated and identified with their respective notes and as each syllable ended in a vowel, they were found to be peculiarly adapted for vocal use. Hence "Ut" was artificially replaced by "Do." Guido of Arezzo was the first to adopt them in the 11th century, and Le Marie, a French musician of the 17th century added "Si" for the seventh note of the scale, in order to complete the series."

Further research states that, "Pope Johannes later became a saint - Saint Iohannes - and then the scale was changed. The seventh note "Si" was added from his name. "Si" later became "Ti." These changes significantly altered the frequencies sung by the masses. The alterations also weakened the spiritual impact of the Church’s hymns. Because the music held mathematic resonance, frequencies capable of spiritually inspiring mankind to be more "Godlike," the changes affected alterations in conceptual thought as well, further distancing humanity from God." In other words, whenever you sing a Psalm, it is music to the ears. But it was originally intended to be music for the soul as well or the "secret ear." Thus by changing the notes, high matrices of thought and to a great extent well being, was squelched. Now it is time to recover these missing notes."


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:01 pm

The Ineffable Name opens the Stargate

The Ineffable Name
The Tetragrammaton, or Ineffable Word,--the Incommunicable Name,--is a symbol--for rightly considered it is nothing more than a symbol--that has more than any other (except, perhaps, the symbols connected with sun-worship), pervaded the rites of antiquity. I know, indeed, of no system of ancient initiation in which it has not some prominent form and place.

If the traditions of Masonry on this subject are correct, the kings, after the establishment of the monarchy, must have participated in this privilege; for Solomon is said to have been in possession of the word, and to have communicated it to his two colleagues at the building of the temple.

This is the word which, from the number of its letters, was called the "tetragrammaton," or four-lettered name, and, from its sacred inviolability, the "ineffable" or unutterable name.

The Cabalists and Talmudists have enveloped it in a host of mystical superstitions, most of which are as absurd as they are incredible, but all of them tending to show the great veneration that has always been paid to it. Thus they say that it is possessed of unlimited powers and that he who pronounces it shakes heaven and earth and inspires the very angels with terror and astonishment.

The Rabbins called it "shem hamphorash," that is to say, "the name that is declaratory," and they say that David found it engraved on a stone while digging into the earth.

From the sacredness with which the name was venerated, it was seldom, if ever, written in full, and, consequently, a great many symbols, or hieroglyphics, were invented to express it. One of these was the letter י or Yod, equivalent nearly to the English I, or J, or Y, which was the initial of the word, and it was often inscribed within an equilateral triangle, thus: the triangle itself being a symbol of Deity.

This symbol of the name of God is peculiarly worthy of our attention, since not only is the triangle to be found in many of the ancient religions occupying the same position, but the whole symbol itself is undoubtedly the origin of that hieroglyphic exhibited in the second degree of Masonry, where, the explanation of the symbolism being the same, the form of it, as far as it respects the letter, has only been anglicized by modern innovators. In my own opinion, the letter G, which is used in the Fellow Craft's degree, should never have been permitted to intrude into Masonry.

Widely spread was this reverence for the name of God; and, consequently, its symbolism, in some peculiar form, is to be found in all the ancient rites.

Thus the Ineffable Name itself, of which we have been discoursing, is said to have been preserved in its true pronunciation by the Essenes, who, in their secret rites, communicated it to each other only in a whisper, and in such form, that while its component parts were known, they were so separated as to make the whole word a mystery.

Among the Egyptians the same sacred name is said to have been used as a password, for the purpose of gaining admission to their Mysteries.

In the Brahminic Mysteries of Hindustan the ceremony of initiation was terminated by intrusting the aspirant with the sacred, triliteral name, which was AUM, the three letters of which were symbolic of the creative, preservative, and destructive principles of the Supreme Deity, personified in the three manifestations of Bramah, Siva, and Vishnu. This word was forbidden to be pronounced aloud.

In the Mysteries introduced by Pythagoras into Greece we again find the ineffable name of the Hebrews, obtained doubtless by the Samian Sage during his visit to Babylon. The symbol adopted by him to express it was, however, somewhat different, being ten points distributed in the form of a triangle, each side containing four points, as in the annexed figure.

The apex of the triangle was consequently a single point then followed below two others, then three; and lastly, the base consisted of four. These points were, by the number in each rank, intended, according to the Pythagorean system, to denote respectively the monad, or active principle of nature; the duad, or passive principle; the triad, or world emanating from their union; and the quaterniad, or intellectual science; the whole number of points amounting to ten, the symbol of perfection and consummation. This figure was called by Pythagoras the tetractys--a word equivalent in signification to the tetragrammaton; and it was deemed so sacred that on it the oath of secrecy and fidelity was administered to the aspirants in the Pythagorean rites.

Elsewhere I have very fully alluded to the prevailing sentiment among the ancients, that the Supreme Deity was bisexual, or hermaphrodite, including in the essence of his being the male and female principles, the generative and prolific powers of nature. This was the universal doctrine in all the ancient religions, and was very naturally developed in the symbol of the phallus and cteis among the Greeks, and in the corresponding one of the lingam and yoni among the Orientalists; from which symbols the masonic point within a circle is a legitimate derivation. They all taught that God, the Creator, was both male and female.

The ineffable name, the tetragrammaton, the shem hamphorash,--for it is known by all these appellations,--consists of four letters, yod, heh, vau, and heh, forming the word יהוה. This word, of course, in accordance with the genius of the Hebrew language, is read, as we would say, backward, or from right to left, beginning with yod [י], and ending with heh [ה].

Now, reading these four letters, י, or I, ה, or H, ו, or O, and ה, or H, as the Hebrew requires, from right to left, we have the word יהוה, יהוה, which is really as near to the pronunciation as we can well come, notwithstanding it forms neither of the seven ways in which the word is said to have been pronounced, at different times, by the patriarchs.
But, thus pronounced, the word gives us no meaning, for there is no such word in Hebrew as ihoh; and, as all the Hebrew names were significative of something, it is but fair to conclude that this was not the original pronunciation, and that we must look for another which will give a meaning to the word. Now, Lanci proceeds to the discovery of this true pronunciation.

In the Cabala, a hidden meaning is often deduced from a word by transposing or reversing its letters, and it was in this way that the Cabalists concealed many of their mysteries.

Now, to reverse a word in English is to read its letters from right to left, because our normal mode of reading is from left to right. But in Hebrew the contrary rule takes place, for there the normal mode of reading is from right to left; and therefore, to reverse the reading of a word, is to read it from left to right.

Lanci applied this cabalistic mode to the tetragrammaton when he found that IH-OH, being read reversely, makes the word HO-HI.

But in Hebrew, ho is the masculine pronoun, equivalent to the English he; and hi is the feminine pronoun, equivalent to she; and therefore the word HO-HI, literally translated, is equivalent to the English compound HE-SHE; that is to say, the Ineffable Name of God in Hebrew, being read cabalistically, includes within itself the male and female principle, the generative and prolific energy of creation; and here we have, again, the widely-spread symbolism of the phallus and the cteis, the lingam and the yoni, or their equivalent, the point within a circle, and another pregnant proof of the connection between Freemasonry and the ancient Mysteries.

The triangle is another symbol which is entitled to our consideration. There is, in fact, no other symbol which is more various in its application or more generally diffused throughout the whole system of both the Spurious and the Pure Freemasonry.

The equilateral triangle appears to have been adopted by nearly all the nations of antiquity as a symbol of the Deity.
Among the Hebrews, it has already been stated that this figure, with a yod in the centre, was used to represent the tetragrammaton, or ineffable name of God.

The Egyptians considered the equilateral triangle as the most perfect of figures, and a representative of the great principle of animated existence, each of its sides referring to one of the three departments of creation--the animal, the vegetable, and the mineral.

The symbol of universal nature among the Egyptians was the right-angled triangle, of which the perpendicular side represented Osiris, or the male principle; the base, Isis, or the female principle; and the hypothenuse, their offspring, Horus or the world emanating from the union of both principles.

The symbol of the right-angled triangle was afterwards adopted by Pythagoras when he visited the banks of the Nile; and the discovery which he is said to have made in relation to the properties of this figure, but which he really learned from the Egyptian priests, is commemorated in Masonry by the introduction of the forty-seventh problem of Euclid's First Book among the symbols of the third degree. Here the same mystical application is supplied as in the Egyptian figure, namely, that the union of the male and female, or active and passive principles of nature has produced the world. For the geometrical proposition being that the squares of the perpendicular and base are equal to the square of the hypothenuse, they may be said to produce it in the same way as Osiris and Isis are equal to, or produce, the world.

Thus the perpendicular--Osiris, or the active, male principle--being represented by a line whose measurement is 3; and the base--Isis, or the passive, female principle--by a line whose measurement is 4; then their union, or the addition of the squares of these numbers, will produce a square whose root will be the hypothenuse, or a line whose measurement must be 5. For the square of 3 is 9, and the square of 4 is 16, and the square of 5 is 25; but 9 added to 16 is equal to 25; and thus, out of the addition, or coming together, of the squares of the perpendicular and base, arises the square of the hypothenuse, just as, out of the coming together, in the Egyptian system, of the active and passive principles, arises, or is generated, the world.

The triangle has, in all ages and in all religions, been deemed a symbol of Deity.

In the higher degrees of Masonry, the triangle is the most important of all symbols, and most generally assumes the name of the Delta, in allusion to the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet, which is of the same form and bears that appellation.

The Delta, or mystical triangle, is generally surrounded by a circle of rays, called a "glory." When this glory is distinct from the figure, and surrounds it in the form of a circle, it is then an emblem of God's eternal glory. When, as is most usual in the masonic symbol, the rays emanate from the centre of the triangle, and, as it were, enshroud it in their brilliancy, it is symbolic of the Divine Light.

But the true masonic idea of this glory is, that it symbolizes that Eternal Light of Wisdom which surrounds the Supreme Architect as with a sea of glory, and from him, as a common centre, emanates to the universe of his creation, and to which the prophet Ezekiel alludes in his eloquent description of Jehovah: "And I saw as the color of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from his loins even downward, I saw, as it were, the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about." (Chap. 1, ver. 27.)
The 231 Gates of the Sepher Yetzirah - How to grow a real Tree of Life ... ee-of-Life
The premiere Qabalistic text, known as the Sepher Yetzirah, or Book of Formation, supposedly authored by a Rabbi Akiba ben Joseph between the first and third centuries CE, lays out the fundamental approach to the study of the Qabalistic Mysteries. Through the contemplation of multi-layered symbolic correspondences and cross-correspondences, the Secret Wisdom unfolds itself in the consciousness of the initiate. Hidden within the words of the Sepher Yetzirah is a cryptic description of the global pattern of cross-correspondences, known as the 231 Gates.

There are many translations of the Sepher Yetzirah, but the one best suited to the student of the Hermetic Qabalah is the translation by Knut Stenring. Stenring calls the 231 Gates the "Great Master-Key to the theoretical and practical Kabala".

There seems to be a law of geometric growth in the unfoldment of the hidden knowledge, as we should expect from observing Nature. In the initial stages of memorizing tables of correspondences, not much growth is noticed by the initiate. After a year or so of dedicated effort, the rate of growth is much greater. By this time the initiate has internalized the symbolism in the sense that he now consciously functions according to the patterns of the Tree of Life, Wisdom Alphabet, and Major Arcana. He knows that none of it is arbitrary, not one symbol can be discarded. The patterns have completely taken over his consciousness. Growth will continue to take place even if he does not actively "tend to the Garden".

The hidden connections between two different symbols are revealed through meditation on cross-correspondences. The symbols are meant to be studied in conjunction with one another. Then symbols begin to mutually explain each other, resulting in breakthroughs to new stages of growth. Penetrating to the hidden relationship between two different symbols leads to greater comprehension of the other correspondences of each, as well as further knowledge of the overall pattern; a law of geometric growth is observed in the process.

This growth process is the growth of a personal Tree of Life, which is a Living Tree, not a diagram. It becomes a fractal subset of the macrocosmic Tree of Life, which is the whole Living Universe. This growth is actually an alchemical process of transmutation of the personality. It follows the alchemical formula of solve et coagula, or separate and recombine. These are not meant to be mutually exclusive, but strongly co-dependent.

The first stage (separate) involves partitioning the various functions and aspects of consciousness into 10 and 22 parts. The 10 parts are the Sephiroth, the Divine Emanations. The 22 parts are the letters of the Wisdom Alphabet, and also the 22 Major Arcana of Tarot. Together these are known as the 32 Paths of Wisdom. Growth begins through the contemplation of the descriptions of the 32 Paths as given by the Masters. Growth is sustained through meditation on symbols.

Originally Posted by Rabbi Akiba

In thirty-two mysterious paths of wisdom did the Lord write. He created his universe by the three forms of expression: Numbers, Letters, and Words.

Ten ineffible Sephiroth and twenty-two basal letters: three mothers, seven double, and twelve simple.

Ten ineffible Sephiroth, ten and not nine, ten and not eleven: understand with wisdom and apprehend with care; examine by means of them and search them out; know, count and write. Put forth the subject in its light and place the Formator on His throne.

The next stage is where we recombine the 32 Paths, in which we discover the secret symmetries, antitheses, and connections hidden within the symbolism of the Paths. In this stage of growth, true knowledge begins to unfold itself in the consciousness of the initiate. The moment of realization occurs when the initiate recognizes his True Self in the archetypal ideas and patterns of creation. Actually it is the Life-Power awakening to the self-knowledge of its own powers. Hence the Great Work is said to be fundamentally an act of remembering.

Originally Posted by Rabbi Akiba

Twenty-two basal letters: He designed them, He formed them, He exchanged them, He purified them, He weighed them, and He exchanged them, each one with all; He formed by means of them the whole creation and everything that should be created.

How did He combine, weigh and exchange them? A with all and all with A; B with all and all with B; G with all and all with G; and all of them turned round. Hence they go forth through two hundred and thirty-one gates, and thus it comes about that the whole creation and all language proceed from one combination of letters.

He created from the formless and made the non-existent exist; and He formed large columns out of intangible air. This is the token: He beheld, exchanged, and brought forth the whole creation and all objects by means of one combination of letters, the token of which is the twenty-two objects in one body.

The idea here is that there are 231 pairs of letters. There are 22 choices for the first letter, 21 choices for the second letter, modulo order. (22*21)/2 = 231). If we imagine the complete graph with 22 nodes, we have a good picture of the 231 Gates:

Every Hebrew word becomes a walk in this graph by traveling along the lines between consecutive letters. There are 231 lines in the graph corresponding to the 231 pairs.

The alchemical process suggested by the formula solve et coagula indicates that the initial stages of growth correspond to study and contemplation of each of the 10 Sephiroth and each of the 22 letters (separate). This is the planting of the seeds. The letters are then combined and studied in pairs, contemplating the inner correlations between things apparently different (recombine).

Once the each of the 231 Gates have been opened, one may begin the final stages of growth of a real Tree of Life. Each Sephirah has 6 important Hebrew names attached to it: the Title, God Name, Archangel, Order of Angels, Mundane Chakra, and the Intelligence. These Hebrew words become the paths the initiate must travel in the pattern of the 231 Gates. For example, when initiating into Malkuth (MLKVTh) the gates corresponding to ML, LK, KV, and VTh must be traveled repeatedly by the initiate so to affect a resonance in his consciousness with the vibratory pattern of Malkuth. And so on for the other names attached to the Sephiroth. The end result is that the initiate can invoke any aspect of the Tree of Life by vibrating the correct sequence of letters. The greater initiation is complete when all aspects of the 10 Sephiroth can be invoked at will.

This approach to growing a real Tree of Life is very detailed and precise way to make the Stone. We could say that the Tree of Life represents the Master Pattern for building the Stone of the Wise.

It is interesting that this application of the 231 Gates is not in the Sepher Yetzirah itself. The names of the Sephiroth come from the Zohar.
Serpents of the Kundalani Tree ... lini-fire/
To continue the tale of the serpents lets look at the Kundalini Fire from India. The Kundalini system looks like the Caduceus Staff with the two Serpents around the spine:

The serpents have two different colors like the two outer pillars in the Kabbalah Tree of Life, and they have the same interpretations as the Feminine and Masculine energies. Seven Lotus Flowers or Chakras, which are spiritual organs, are placed on the spine.

Left side of Man is the masculine side and the right side is the feminine side, as we see the Tree of Life from the front, the macrocosmic man.

In the Aurvedic tradition the three Gunas are the three principles of the world. The “trinity”, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, represent the gunas, or qualities of rajas, sattva and tamas.

The Pentagram and the Ether Streams

We’re always surrounded by five ether streams in the world around us on earth. They’re called earth, water, fire, air and thought ethers. These etheric streams are also active in man: earth either from the head to the right foot, from there water ether to the left hand, from there fire ether to the right hand, from there air ether to the left foot, and then thought ether back to the head. This is the occultist’s sacred pentagram, the symbol of man. Its point is directed upwards, which indicates that the spirit streams to man from the heights. The pentagram is present in many flowers and other things in nature. The sign of black magic is a pentagram with one point at the bottom, through which magicians attract bad forces from the earth and send them out of the two top horns into the environment by means of their bad will in order to use soul and nature forces for their own egotistical, evil purposes.

There are three forces connected with the spine, also called Aaron’s rod. These are Kundalini, the serpent-fire, Ida the female force, and Pingala the male force. The Moon moves in the Ida and the Sun in the Pingala. Ida is cooling. Pingala is heating. The two serpents, around the Spine, have two different colors like the two outer pillars in the Kabbalah Tree of Life, and they have the same interpretations as the Feminine and Masculine energies. They connect Earth with the spiritual world and the spiritual world with Earth. For these to flow the Lotus Flowers, or Chakras, has to be open or running. When European esoteric talk about Initiation eastern religions talk about Kundalini Rising. The development path is described in The Eightfold Path.

The Chinese know them and use them in their medicine. They are the base for Astrology, and most alternative medical schools. When we are born, our Astral organs contains a picture of our Karma, which through our youth are build into the Etheric organs, and the pictures are erased from the Astral body as they are imprinted in the Etheric body.

Astrology tells about Karmas influence on you, through those Etheric organs. Through your life you build your new karma in your Astral body, constantly modeling the Astral organs. When the Kundalini fires, your Astral body’s Chakras are imprinted into the Ether body, and you have now made your own Etheric organs, from the Karma you have build in this life, and is now free from the tyranny of your birth chart.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:36 pm

On Harmonics, Fractal Scaling, Phi and Phase Conjugation

PrimaSounds ... -harmonic/
PrimaSounds form a pentatonic scale with unique frequencies, chords, intervals, summation and difference tones. This differentiates its musical scale from all others, including other five tone scales.

The PrimaSounds scale is based on the acoustic phenomenon of the deviation of the natural seventh harmonic from all other tones. The seventh harmonic sounds out of tune with other notes. For that reason the seventh harmonic is excluded and avoided as much as possible in other musical scales. As a touch of cosmic irony, the "key" to PrimaSounds is what is "out of key" for all other music.

It's as if our ears had a built in programming allowing us to hear - if we listen very carefully that is - that the seventh was fundamentally different from other harmonics. It sounds "sour" whereas other basic fractions, intervals, sound "sweet." In more precise musical terminology, the seventh sounds "dissonant," whereas the others sound "consonant.

A few physicists studying acoustics also know about the anomaly. But it was just considered one of those many quirks of nature with no special meaning. Arnold Keyserling appears to be the first in modern times to realize the significance of this acoustic phenomenon.

But what do musicians and scientists mean by seventh harmonic? Harmonics pertain to reciprocal vibrations. Every time one tone, one vibration, is sounded, a series of discrete secondary sound vibrations are also created. This is an automatic phenomenon of nature, as natural and inevitable as gravity. Vibrations never exist by themselves. They always create secondary vibrations. These secondary vibrations are the harmonics.

In music the secondary, reciprocal vibrations are called the undertones and the overtones. The undertones are lower in pitch with longer waves, and the overtones are higher in pitch with shorter waves.

The harmonics or overtones whose frequencies are exactly double or one-half are called the octaves. They extend the scale, but preserve identity - the octave notes sound the same, but are higher or lower in pitch. This, by the way, is one of the best examples in nature of the scientific principle of "fractal scaling" showing how self similarity is preserved over different scales of magnitude.

The next discrete series of overtones are the thirds, called "fifths" in music, then the fifths, called "major thirds" in music. The overtones are the places on the string where the nodes and sub-waves, or harmonics, naturally form. The sounding of any one tone will naturally create these particular fractal tones as overtones and undertones. The fractal tones follow the fractions of the rational numbers. For example, when the tone C is played all of the overtones are also created, and the string includes fractal waves such as a wave one-third as long as that of C. This one-third size wave produces the note called G, forming the musical interval of the perfect fifth. (It's called a fifth because it forms the fifth note of the C scale, even though it's a third of the string length.) Other fractal waves include one which is one-fifth as long as that of C. This produces the note E, forming the musical interval of a major third. (Again, although it's the fifth harmonic, it's called the third, because it is the third note of the major scale.)

Like the overtones, the undertones appear in sound waves automatically whenever one vibration is initiated. The undertone harmonics sound lower in pitch than the fundamental tone, they move at lower frequency, and produce a longer wave. Thus, unlike the shorter overtones, the undertones can only be found on certain musical instruments, like bells, which can reverberate at a pitch lower than the fundamental.

As mentioned, the frequency and harmonics of the natural acoustic seventh are dissonant when compared to virtually all known tuning systems of the world. Although the acoustic seventh is avoided as an unacceptably sour note, the interval is still always present as a natural acoustic phenomenon.

When the acoustic seventh is taken as the basic interval for the creation of a musical scale, new tones and intervals (distances between the notes) result. The 7 to 4 ratio of the natural seventh harmonic creates a new musical scale, a five tone, pentatonic scale. The PrimaSounds scale uses twelve hertz as the fundamental tone (12 hertz is the mean value of alpha brain waves which are considered to be brain waves of between 10 to 14 hertz). Some temperament of the scale is then made to create a functioning musical scale. Temperament is a slight adjustment to tone frequencies which is made to preserve octave identity over scales, and is used in most musical scales, not just PrimaSounds.

When the scale was first invented by Professor Keyserling, he used the normal octave temperament employed in diatonic scales involving the square root of two. Experimentation over the years showed me that this was not the optimal temperament. I have developed a more effective temperament system based on the natural harmonics of the seventh itself.
The Quantum Space Time Fractal Harmonic Codex
http://www.themeasuringsystemofthegods. ... %20Phi.pdf
Tetrahedral [19.5], the Mars [687] sidereal and the Egyptian Pyramids,
Harmonic Codex of the Mile [5280] and Solfeggio Frequency [528],
Harmonic Codex of the Leedskalnin Numbers, and the Speed of Light

This document will present indisputable mathematical evidence utilizing the famous tetrahedral angle [19.5] and the Mars sidereal of [687] days, and identifying that [19.5] from within the Egyptian Pyramids math, from which a simple standard of fractional equations will create the fundamental basics of some of the most important universal constants such as Phi and Pi.

The Mars sidereal [687] will introduce the Harmonic Codex. This process inspired intuitively vectored mathematical investigation of the Leedskalnin mystery numbers [6105195] and [7129], from which a theoretical universal Codex number system has been developed presenting the most unusual evidences.

By using the dimensions of the newly discovered pyramid at Saqqara, reputed to be that of Queen Seshetshet by Zawi Hawass, I found the value of ancient Phi as related to the number [9], which is paramount to both Egyptian and Mayan calendar math.

Those dimensions in general were revealed to a pyramid of [14] meters height, and a [22] meter square base. Thus the prime numerators of this simplified Egyptian Codex using fractional values became [22] and [14], with denominators being a combination of half those values [11] and [7] to produce the ancient values for Phi and Pi.
Simple Harmonics, Fractals and Orbital Periods
Simple harmonics have an important place in the structure of solar systems. Harmonics is the science of melody, the relation of one part to another and of the parts to the whole. In music, harmony has more to do with melody than rhythm. Melody is fundamental to good music. Individual notes must work well with others in synch and through time in bars and in the musical score as a whole.

When applied to orbital relations of one planet or moon and another, harmonics has to do with the resonant relation of one orbit to another through time and position. The idea behind orbital harmonics is comparing periods of revolution to find exact divisions in time between two or more orbital periods. In other words, one might find that one moon or planet in orbit takes only half the time to complete a revolution, as does another similar body. Examined in reverse, one takes twice as long to complete a revolution, as does the other. But what works well for music, is a formula for disaster as far as multiple bodies in orbits are concerned. In harmonic relations, there must be no irrational remainder in the division of a length, such as in musical strings or an orbital period. If two planets orbit in harmony, then there is the inevitable drift to catastrophic change in one or both orbits. In order to have stability between multiple orbiting planets or moons, there must be no exact harmony between orbits.
Fractal Field Theory ... ntum08.htm
Because a fractal signifies infinite compression, it is what spans the gap between the symmetries of the very small and the very large. Fractals exhibit self-similarity, meaning their inner structure has the same pattern as their outer structure - like a pine cone or a fern tree.

Just as fractality describes the geometry of waves of energy or charge, fractals manifest as wave patterns that evolve ad infinitum - like an encoded thread linking larger spirals to infinitely smaller ones.

All the Platonic solids are Golden Mean-proportioned. Representative of our global scientific heritage, the Golden Mean is now being rediscovered and applied to cutting-edge physics and breakthrough technologies.

The Fractal Field Unified Theory illustrates that the perfect, infinite symmetry sought by physicists pre- and post-Einstein is a fractal and Golden Ratio phase conjugate field.

Practically speaking, phase conjugation describes nature's ability to organize and correct itself on a global scale. It is implosion perfected by the Golden Ratio and the path that energy takes from chaos into life.

Golden Ratio-optimized fractal phase conjugation provides us with a more precise language for terms such as:

Bindhu Point
Black Hole theory
Omega Point
Still Point
Zero Point

Phase conjugation proves that the fractal field can solve the riddles of:

Bio-Feedback and Natural Healing Mechanisms
Color Vibration Order
DNA Coherence
Focus and Perception
Life Force, Chi, Shakti, Prana

Dan Winter was one of the first scientists to provide evidence that the shape of the universe is a stellated dodecahedron.

As a shape capable of producing the perfect fractal, the stellated dodecahedron can cause charges to scale, materialize and implode. While electric field theory has been slow to produce a model of a fractal electrical field, the stellated dodecahedron stands as its perfect 3-D realization.

Winter was also one of the first scientists to attribute the cause of gravity to the fractal nature of the universe.

According to Winter's research, it is the stellated dodecahedron's perfect charge collapse geometry based on the Golden Mean that creates gravity.

Only the Golden Ratio allows for constructive interference of wave addition and multiplication.

World famous research scientist El Naschie agrees with Winter and has calculated groundbreaking mathematics proving the universe is a fractal based on the Golden Ratio.

The work of Alain Connes has shown that non-commutative spaces naturally evolve toward fractality. In fact, most astrophysicists now agree that the shape of the universe is a dodecahedron.

Groundbreaking physicist Andrei Linde has found fractals helpful in modeling the behavior of the universe, and is currently spearheading research suggesting that the fractal nature of space may actually be the cause of gravity.

The revelation that the Golden Ratio is the essence of fractality - and thereby the root cause of gravity (along with all centripetal forces) - is groundbreaking in that it links waves of all kinds to a single fractal heart.

“Why Phi” - a derivation of the Golden Mean ratio based on heterodyne phase conjugation ... gation.pdf
The optimisation of phase-conjugation for a scale-invariant heterodyne wave packet is analysed. The principle of scale-invariance is introduced anticipating its application in soliton wave physics and could be a requirement for optimal phase-conjugation. Heterodyne phase-conjugation here is limited to the rudimental form of one wavelength being the sum or difference of two others. A numerical demonstration of the optimal solution, a Golden Mean scaling ratio, is given by means of a heterodyne power scan over a wide range of ratios. The Fourier spectrum of a Golden Mean recursive heterodyne is given, which was found to have the form of a binary Fibonacci series of frequencies. The function of heterodyne phase-conjugation in soliton creation will briefly be discussed

It was mathematically proven that the Golden Mean (Phi) ratio perfects phase-conjugation in a scale-invariant heterodyne wave packet, in the ideal case forming an infinite Phi-recursive series. Also it was numerically demonstrated that Phi ratio maximizes the integral wave power of this type of heterodyne (using a limited series).Further it was shown that the Fourier spectrum of a (limited) Golden Mean recursive heterodyne forms a binary Fibonacci spaced series of frequencies. This shows that Phi could be a unique mediator between heterodyne and normal physics. The physical relevance of this type of heterodyne wave packet is supported by the abundance of Fibonacci series in nature. The term “phase-conjugation” has been put in perspective and is proposed to be used for heterodyne processes only. A more generalized “soliton” concept was proposed, which is intrinsically controlled by sustainable heterodyne phase-conjugate physics, accounting for effects which are considered anomalous in terms of standard physics.
Defining a Fractal
A fractal is a complex number map that is produced using complex numbers and has some resemblance to natural phenomena we see all around us. Fractals have shown up in chaos theory, art and in animation. They developed out of number theory that combines real and imaginary numbers and have involved problems of complexity such as turbulence, orbital dynamics and population interaction.

The basic idea of a fractal map is the concept of self similarity, self affinity and sensitive dependence, which is to say that small sections of a fractal map look like the larger sections to a greater or lesser degree and that a small input can have a major impact. Fractals also tell us something of the nature of chaos, or what we once thought as chaos, but now is seen in some cases as a more complex form of order. The basis of fractal generation is pre-calculus and complex number theory. When delving into fractals, one will learn terms like recursion, feedback, bifurcation, sensitive dependence, self similarity and self affine.
Global Scaling
With the aid of the so called Mueller fractal it is possible to find comprehensive views and conclusions about

• Mass distribution of the universe
• cause of forces like gravitation, electromagnetism, etc.
• the essence of time,
• preferred and avoided dimension ranges of nature for example for lengths, frequencies, temperatures, etc.,
• distribution of prime numbers
• interaction with DNA

The basic assumption of the theory appears very simple. In opposite to the - usually in science used - linear scales for many different physical properties, the theory of Global-Scaling assumes, that the natural scale is not linear but in first approximation logarithmic and in second approximations fractal and hyperbolic.
Using Sound to Tune Reality- Phase Conjunction- Time Reverse ... und-waves/
I started from the premise that it was conceivable to alter normal three dimensional reality through a process which I now call ‘tuned intent’. While at the time I didn’t understand the mechanism for the process, and still can’t provide its full mathematics, nevertheless, I pursued the premise, gradually understanding much of the engineering rules supporting it, and eventually made it workable.

From my research, I postulated a model for the composition of reality which confirmed my premise. This model takes into account two vectors: an E-field (electric charge), and an H-field (magnetism). Although these two vectors tend to have separate functions, it is the resultant vector between them that tends to describe our reality as we know and experience it.

Experimentation showed the electric vector to be the Summed Scalar Components that represents energy-as-information, while the magnetic vector locks this energy-as-information into a mode that renders it to us as our 3-dimensional reality.

Included as part of the magnetic vector are the gravitational field effects, as well as mass related effects of the spinning earth and its resultant fields.

What does this mean in a practical sense? If and when you are clever enough to locally cancel the magnetic and related components, while devising a way of tuning into the “energy-as-information”, then with a combination of this tuning plus your own “intent”; (or desire/will), you can affect that which gives identity to any reality.
By careful tuning you can achieve a resonance which allows you to modify that reality. Working with this simple premise and very minute amounts of normal electromagnetic (electricity), one can, for example, detect and analyze biological conditions in humans and animals, as well as the various patterns and energies that make up a farmer’s fields and crops, the weather patterns, and the telluric or earth energies at any given location.

Equally important, one can make basic and fundamental modifications to these various realities in their patterns of energy-as-information, which then reflects back into our normal 3-dimensional world.

Without elaborating the mechanics of how we accomplish this, I can state that it is mostly done by working with charges, circuits, and fields in which you convince, as it were, electron flow not to occur while you are doing this type of tuning with intent.

By using the same approach, one can collect the energy field or aura surrounding a subject, perform analysis in the form of FFTs (fast Fourier transforms), display it to a computer screen, and store the information to a hard or floppy disk drive for later evaluation.

Time reversal theory has decades of distinguished and important usage in physics, although most engineers in fields outside nonlinear optics have little or no appreciation for the concept.

However, the phase conjugated (time reversed) wave is a general solution to the wave equation and applies to waves of all types. It has been accomplished with sound waves, for example, although little engineering use has been made of the effect except in the field of nonlinear optics, where it is an essential part of the paradigm.

That phase conjugation (PC) waves can have beneficial effects on the human body has been addressed by Tom Bearden (e). Prestigious French scientists demonstrated that advanced electromagnetic machines, constructed by Antoine Priore using complex multiple signals of radar frequencies mixed and phase conjugated in a rotating plasma, exhibit significant healing characteristics, even against terminal cancers and leukemias (f).

Our purpose, however, in the use of phase conjugate sound in the BETAR tm is not to accomplish biological healing, but only the release and relief of embedded stresses in the body.

A means of amplifying the time-reversed wave by four wave mixing was quickly discovered (g). This mixing is a universal mechanism and easily provided for in any nonlinear dielectric system in which multiple-wave inputs are mixed. It is as true of sound as it is of any other electromagnetic waves.

The simplest case will be explained briefly. Into a dielectric medium, two sinewave oscillations are introduced antiparallel, or with components that are antiparallel, so that their respective phases are 180 degrees apart.

The nonlinear medium acts as a modulator, and locks the two waves together into a single wave with zero translation resultants, but with rhythmic stress oscillations (rhythmic compressions and rarefactions, or, simply put, rhythmic squeezes and releases) in the material medium. In phase conjugation optics, this stress wave is referred to as the pump wave.

The pump wave is not, however, the rhythmic variation of the stress: stress and relax: stress and relax: and so on, through the dielectric medium. Precisely, it is a wave of potential, a scalar wave, throughout the medium, rather than a wave of translation forces (rather than a vector wave). In the ideal situation, it is also a standing wave, and thus a standing scalar wave.

The medium together with its standing pump wave is referred to as a pumped phase conjugate mirror (PPCM). A PPCM has certain very significant characteristics, the chief one being the capability of acting as an amplifier for producing an amplified phase conjugate (time-reversed) wave. If a third wave is now introduced into the PPCM, an amplified time-reversed replica of that third wave will be output by the medium itself.

In other words, the embedded, bound stresses of the medium (due in this case to the presence of the stressing pump wave) are released by this emitted and amplified phase conjugate wave.

The entire system acts much as a triode tube: the third input signal is the grid signal, and the pump wave is the energy input into the cathode. The input of the grid signal results in an amplified signal appearing at the plate in this instance, departing the system and radiating away.

In the situation of continuous ‘pumping’; of the medium, the initiating signal must be continually applied. If the pump wave is only temporarily applied, then a single initiation of the grid signal will cause emission of a single amplified phase conjugate replica, which stress relieves the medium.

Thus with four-wave mixing and pumped phase conjugate reflection, bound, locked in stresses in a dielectric medium can be relieved and caused to radiate away as time-reversed waves. It is accented again that these characteristics and functions are universal to all waves and nonlinear media for them, not just to electromagnetic waves.

The application to the human body is straightforward. Since the body easily contains audible sound wavelengths, standing sonic pump waves can occur in the body tissues by properly phased, opposing sound waves, or sound waves with opposing or phase shifted components.

Body tissues form a highly nonlinear dielectric and modulator, locking together the opposing components into a standing scalar sound wave. Inputs of opposing complex sound waves produce a variety (a spectrum) of standing scalar sound waves in body tissues.

This standing scalar wave spectrum completely penetrates with a minimum of input power, and none of the body tissues are completely omitted from possessing an internal standing wave.

The body becomes a pumped phase conjugate mirror. In addition, other inputs which do not zero-sum at the moment are continually occurring across the spectrum, providing a constant barrage of grid inputs to the body PPCM/triode, scanning the entire signal spectrum.

By this constant and pulsating grid signal input, the body is continually stress relieved, even from its deepest and finest tissue levels by the amplified phase conjugate replica sound radiation. The effect poses enormous importance: excess bodily stress of any and all kinds is continually scavenged from the cells, tissues, vessels, organs, bones, the entire body; and is radiated away as harmless, complex time-reversed sound waves.

Further, only excess stress is scavenged and relieved. A natural control is present, since the scavenging (PPCM) effect only exists when and where stress exists. Hence, no damage or harmful effect is done to tissues since the power levels are kept below the intensity that would be necessary for physical tearing and tissue damage.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:40 pm

Phase shifting to other dimensions. What is "reality" anyway? ... 882#p46897

A new propulsion concept has been developed based on a proposed resonance between coherent, pulsed electromagnetic wave forms and gravitational wave forms (or space-time metrics). Using this concept, a spacecraft "propulsion" system potentially capable of galactic and inter-galactic travel without prohibitive "travel times" has been designed.

The "propulsion" system utilizes recent research associated with magnetic field line merging, hydromagnetic wave effects, free-electron lasers, laser generation of megagauss fields, and special structural and containment metals. Research required to determine potential, field resonance characteristics and to evaluate various aspects of the spacecraft "propulsion" design is described.

The field resonance "propulsion" concept has been developed utilizing recent research into causes of solar flares, magnetic substorms, black holes, quasars, and UFOs.

The concept is based on two assumptions:

(1) Space-time is a "projection" of a higher dimensional space in much the same way that a hologram is a projection or a subset of our space-time reality,

(2) A relationship exists between electromagnetic / hydromagnetic fields and gravitational fields - that is, Einstein's long sought for unified field theory can be developed. Mathematical relationships have been developed and theoretical concepts have been proposed to describe the causes and effects associated with the assumptions, but experimental data is required to develop the correct theoretical basis for the assumptions (Rachman and Dutheil, 1979). Specific research in a number of areas is needed and will be described later.
Shifting to New Dimensions ... _791.shtml
Over the years, I've read articles and heard stories that refer to unusual phenomena relating to experiments with high energy concentrations in a 'constrained' area. This energy can be in the form of high concentrations of sound, electricity, magnetism, etc.

At this point in time, my thinking is that a direct current (unmodulated - not alternating) produces a stress on the fabric of space in a local area. This stress, when produced using an untuned energy source, could be thought of as a water hose, shooting water out the end with no one holding the end of it. The hose would move all over the place, much like the 'water wiggle' toy.

Each spatial (and possibly TEMPORAL) location, no matter what dimension it resides in, has a specific coordinate, referenced by a combination of frequencies that equate to the 'signature' for that location.

These are nested frequencies - like bubbles within bubbles - because they are all standing waves produced by 180 degree phase conjugation.

If a modulation - representing a specific 'signature'/coordinate - is imposed on this stress field, then a portal is opened to that location. My concept is that a resonance is established between these two locations (there can be more), i.e. the physical-spatial location and the artificially-created image.

When a tuning fork is struck, a fork tuned to the same frequency will resonate with the excited fork, rapidly achieving an energy equilibrium between the two. Once this equilibrium is established, there is an energy transfer, almost in a holographic sense which phaselocks the two forks. This can occur between any two resonant spaces or objects.

By adjusting the amplitude of the vibration between the two resonant bodies/spaces, an energy flow can be established in either direction between them. High amplitude always flows to low amplitude in the natural attempt to achieve equilibrium, thus creating a flow between the bodies/spaces.

Once a resonance is established, I believe a mass can be caught up in this flow and physically transported between two resonant spaces. I am of the opinion that the claims of 'time travel' are much closer to being a dimensional shift where multiple realities exist within the same spatial location, yet slightly out of phase (alternate realities/dimensions).

By tuning to these alternate spatial, temporal or dimensional realities, creating a flow and then sustaining it, an object would shift to that location. In his book, 'The Excalibur Briefing' Tom Bearden refers to these alternate realities and the appearance in our reality of phenomena he refers to as 'tulpoids'.

These tulpoids include UFOs, bigfoot, Nessie and other Fortean manifestations of short duration, yet some of which leave physical evidence of having been here.

What if these are entities from an alternate reality caught in a momentary flow to be forcibly transported to our world? They would be lost and confused, probably antagonistic due to fear.

The question then arises as to where do they go if they appear here, that is, why don't they STAY here? When one of these alternate reality entities gets caught up in a high density energy field, it is 'charged' with the 'coordinate/signature' of the field.

For a short time, this signature overcomes its natural 'creation coordinate' and the entity transports to an alternate reality. The now charged entity wanders around in its new reality bleeding off energy which was absorbed and MAINTAINS its contact with the new reality. Once the energy has dissipated to a point allowing the entities natural 'creation coordinate' to resume, it transports BACK to its home reality.

One of the comments made in the infamous Billy Meier UFO case was in the form of a question Billy asked one of the Pleidians. The response has always fascinated me because it indicated an understanding far beyond what an itinerant Swiss farmer would normally be aware.

After one of the ships had taken off, the typical circular swirls of the grass where the ship was remained for as long as a year. The grass continued to grow in a swirling pattern. (Yes, I know, here we go with crop circles, but bear with this, its important).

When Meier asked about this, he was told that the South pole CCW rotation of their ships field had 'remodulated' the natural energy field (the aura) of the grass. As a result, the grass was charged with this pattern. The grass continued to grow in the swirling pattern until the artifically imposed field dissipated to a point where the natural field of the earth would resume and the grass would grow normally.

Taking all this into consideration, the question then arises, how do we accomplish dimensional shifts under controlled conditions?

Alan Holt's Field Resonance Concepts

In line with this idea of resonant transfer are two excellent papers by Alan Holt of NASA. A new propulsion concept has been developed based on a proposed resonance between coherent, pulsed electromagnetic wave forms and gravitational wave forms (or space-time metrics).

The field resonance system artificially generates an energy pattern which precisely matches or resonates with a virtual pattern associated with a distant space-time point. According to the model, if a fundamental or precise resonance is established, (using hydromagnetic wave fine-tuning techniques), the spacecraft will be very strongly and equally repelled by surrounding virtual patterns.

Using this concept, a spacecraft "propulsion" system potentially capable of galactic and inter-galactic travel without prohibitive "travel times" has been designed.

The Mandala/Mantra Connection

Incunabula Files refers to a mandala/mantra coordinate system which is used to transport the subject to one of unlimited parallel, other reality Earths. The principle applies to mass transfer from one set of coordinates to another set of coordinates.
The Dallas Connection

I have a friend who knew the owner of an electronics company. This man was very intrigued by high density magnetic fields. One day he built a transformer on a motorcycle type frame and installed a 'dead man switch' which would disable the power if the switch was released.

With his technicians running the machine, the owner sat on the frame and the power was applied. I have no idea if it was DC or a special freq AC. After about 3 minutes, the man began looking around the room as if he were seeing something different or new...shortly after, his body began to shimmer as if disappearing. It was at this point, he released the switch and the power went off.

He reported that the walls of the room began to melt away, showing a pristine, undeveloped landscape as if the city and this building had never been there.

The owner finally agreed only after the tech signed a medical and legal release in the event anything bad happened to him. He sat on the frame, power was applied and nothing happened until about 3 minutes had elapsed. This guy began looking around, just like the owner had, and his body began to shimmer. He did not release the switch.

As more time elapsed, the man’s body disappeared from view, yet the dead man switch was STILL BEING PRESSED. After 5 minutes, the owner had the other techs turn off the power.

The rider reappeared, babbling and drooling, totally insane. The machine is supposed to be locked up in the owner’s garage and he has moved to Colorado. I know this sounds like so much BS, but there is more that I won't bother you with at this time.

Something is going on here that is beyond urban folklore. Thanks for your interest, perhaps when I get a file compiled for my website, we can collect other correlative information that might give further insight into an experiment.

Personally, I would NOT step into a zone that caused me to disappear...where do you go and can you get back? Currently, I believe it is possible that we could go to one of many alternate Earths, totally undeveloped and which followed a different timeline.

How cool, millions of other Earths', coexisting slightly out of phase with us, wonder if that’s where Judge Crater, the Mayans and all those missing people and cultures disappear to?
The Florida Connection - Mental Shifts

Walter Rawls, who worked with the effects of monopolar magnetic fields on matter with the late Albert Roy Davis, told me in a telephone conversation of his experiments with a North pole magnet situated over the pineal gland.

A mask was made which held the North pole end of a long cylindrical magnet over the pineal gland. The purpose was to stimulate the gland and see if there was anything to this 'third eye' business. Exposure was in the range of 10-30 minutes per day over a period of about 4 weeks.

Within the first week, he was sitting at his desk reading documents when he noticed something move out of the corner of his eye. As he looked up, the ghostly figure of a man had walked through one wall, moved across the room and disappeared through another wall. The figure was totally unaware of Walter. Further exposures to this North pole field took place over a second and third week.

The second week, the same ghostly figure moved through the room and glanced toward Walter as he passed through. This time, the figure appeared to have slightly more detail, not quite so ghostly.

The third week, busy working on documents, Walter noticed a change in the room. When he looked up, the wall had dissolved away and he was looking at a small hill where a man and woman sat beneath a tree. It was the same ghostly male figure who he'd seen on the other occasions. He sat quite still, watching this pastoral scene for several minutes.

The man looked over toward Walter and appeared startled. It was as if he clearly SAW Walter this time and possibly recognized Walter as the ghost he had seen the previous week! The image faded away and the wall restored to its normal condition. From that moment on, Walter never used the pineal stimulator again.

In conversations about this, with Walter and other interested people, it was mentioned that there is a theory that we have multiple energy bodies, much like the KA and the BA of ancient Egypt. Each energy body lives in another reality, yet communicates with our consciousness here in this reality.

Another comment was that consciousness simply creates an energy body in whatever reality it VISITS. Prolonged presence in a given reality increases the density of the energy body, moving from a phantom, ghostly form that was at first not easily perceptible to the inhabitants of the other reality until the intruding energy body had become sufficiently dense to trigger their senses.

That could explain why repeated exposures would add density to Walter's other reality body, allowing its denizens to perceive him, thus the startled reaction from the male figure.
Final Comments:

A key concern is how to determine where you would go if a machine actually existed which COULD send or retrieve a subject from one of these alternate realities.

Possibly remote viewing techniques could be used to visit various realities from a mental standpoint ONLY and determine the coordinates necessary to get to a desired reality in a physical form.

The Incunabula files refer to the use of an Egg that takes advantage of sensory deprivation. When the correct 2 dimensional image (mandala) with its matching 3 dimensional image (mantra) is projected into an individual, a point of energy charge is achieved which produces the shift.

Using a series of coils to create a zone of very high flux density would establish the loose, untuned portal as indicated in several of the above paragraphs. If a modulation is introduced, especially bearing the signature representative of the coordinates necessary, then transfer in a physical sense might well be possible.

Also worthy of attention is the ancient Kabbalistic idea of the MerKaBa and the use of the Tree of Life as a map to these other realities. From my limited understanding of the MerKaBa, it is claimed to be a mentally constructed vehicle that is used by the aspirant to carry (and protect) its occupant as it travels through the different worlds.

There are also indications that it is the RATIO of each frequency to another within a specific signature that is the ONLY important consideration, frequency is irrelevant since all frequencies relate to others through octaves and harmonics.

It is also worthy of note that many of the reports of free energy devices, when in operation and drawing 'negative energy' also produce phenomena relating to weight loss and temporal alterations.

Years ago, Tom Bearden told me of an experiment he and an unnamed researcher had carried out using a scalar generated from interferometry. Two projectors were aimed to coincide at a fixed point in space. When power was applied and the frequency/phase was adjusted, there was no apparent change in the target area.

After some time had elapsed, the two went to get something to eat. When they came back a few hours later, it was observed that a black 'something' like a slit or opening had appeared at the target area.

Because they were working in a totally unknown area and for fear that 'something' might come through this slit once it opened up, they discontinued the experiment. A couple of years later, while visiting Peter Kelly at his lab in Georgia, he admitted he was the other researcher and verified Bearden’s report.

A couple of years later, after we both spoke at a conference in Denver and on the plane back to Dallas, I told Peter about an interesting experiment done by Walter Russell and recounted in his excellent book 'Atomic Suicide'. Two coils were wound on cones.

The apices of these conical coils were pointed towards each other and power was applied so that bucking fields were created by the collision of opposite magnetic fields. Very fine iron filings were dropped into the gap between the coils and a levitating sphere was produced.

When the coils were slowly pulled apart, an oval followed by a sphere surrounded by a disk appeared. When Peter arrived home, he tried this experiment and reported that when power was turned on, nearly eveyone in the building complained of feeling nauseous or queasy. He explained that an experiment was going on so that everyone would understand what was happening.

After about an hour, the very clear and cloudless sky began to suddenly boil up and a major thunderstorm ensued. Power was removed from the coils and the storm dissipated as fast as it had arisen??? Weird stuff no doubt and subject to duplication by others if we all share our information.... Jerry


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:21 am

Illumination on Illuminism
I spent about six hours of my life listening to the DVD lectures sold by Nassim Haramein. I got interested because he is a published, peer reviewed, bona fide brilliant physicist. I think the brightest I have heard speak in my lifetime. It is really ironic that I bought the series and listened to it because I was looking for a happy distraction from the daily gloom and doom all around the net. Boy, did I get a surprise.

The first three hours delivered wonderful, amazing new views of physics and the universe just as I expected. Then the last three hours tied that physics straight into the Mason/Illuminati cabal and what it all means to the future of the planet. It’s like I can’t achieve escape velocity from this issue no matter where I turn.

So, amalgamating all that I learned from the fine fellow mentioned above with my own research I have come upon a new and perhaps more understandable (to me anyway) timeline of our deliciously evil “Illuminati” cult.
So here goes – a brief Illumination on Illuminism – at least so far as I can understand it. This is based upon the works of Sitchin, Pye, Haramein, Marrs, Cremo, and others I can’t recall.

At some point in antiquity, at least prior to the last ice age, this happy little planet was ruled by a single united elite. They had distinctly different features from modern humans including elongated skulls with more than double the cranial volume we have. Modern men were the slave class and the big noggin boys were the whip crackers. The big boys lived in huge temples and other structures which they built of enormous megalithic blocks of stone. Why? Because with their level of technology cutting and placing these stones was child’s play, and wouldn’t we all like to live in solid stone palaces if they were cheap and easy to build? Sure we would.

The purpose of this ancient society is not clear to me and it was most certainly not the earliest civilization on this planet. Man has been on this planet in his present form for millions and perhaps billions of years. My best guess is that this civilization ruled from at least 24,000 BC, and perhaps from as much as 100,000 BC. While their purpose here on Earth is not clear their activities suggest they were mining for gold and other precious and rare earth metals. Earth may have actually been a penal colony and the mining may have been a sideline. There is little data I know of to nail this part of the story down.

The balloon head crowd probably adjusted the genetics of the “normal” humans for a couple reasons. I don’t accept that modern man is an experimental mix of bigfoot and space alien DNA. There is too much evidence that modern man existed long before this civilization. The purpose of the DNA manipulation may be directly related to the giant craniums of the ruling class. The rulers may have had enormous pineal glands which they used to directly manipulate matter via a complex technology. Slave humans were altered so that their pineal glands were puny and would never have sufficient surface area to access the energy sources the rulers used. The masters were also a randy lot and liked to use small headed human women for sex so they worked on our DNA to produce what they considered really pretty, aesthetic female bodies. Greek, Christian, Muslim and other ancient traditions are awash in stories of superior beings (angels, giants, gods, etc.) taking advantage of the pretty local girls. This act is so ingrained in us that when a ruler breaks bad in a serious way they always include sexual perversion as a major feature of their badness.

Every wonder why the Germans responded so strongly to Hitler’s rap about the Aryan race? Wonder why measurements of the skull were the key in determining if someone had “Aryan ancestry”? The overlords mixed sexually with the slaves and produced hybrids on a regular basis. These hybrids were probably mules, but not all may have been. If you look at the skulls of the Egyptian Pharaohs around the time of King Tut you can still see definite elongation – although they are nothing nearly as large as the skulls of the masters (many of which we do actually have in museums around the world). The cover story for these skulls is that they were produced by binding the cranium of babies with cords. Well, that would certainly produce a tubular head – but it would NEVER produce a larger cranium.

The rulers may have gotten into squabbles and started tossing nukes at each other. There is evidence of that and it is well documented in Sitchin’s books. They started disappearing around 10,000 BC, though their progeny were still active in Egypt up through the end of the age of the Pharaohs. They built the pyramids in complexes around the world (in South and North America, China, Japan, Egypt, etc.). In these pyramids they placed energy sources that consisted of miniature black holes in containers about the size of a bread box. These black holes were surrounded by containers of various layers and when all the pyramids were powered up they provided a grid of power wirelessly accessible anywhere on the planet by the masters. I think the pineal gland was the key in accessing this energy. They probably used a combination of both the gland and physical instrumentality. As the masters began to leave or be killed off their energy sources disappeared as well. Perhaps they decay somehow if not properly maintained. Perhaps they were taken away.

The last surviving generator was in the great pyramid on the Giza Plateau and was the primary basis of the success and prosperity of the Egyptian empire from the last ice age up until it was stolen around 1,500 BC. It was stolen by Moses, who was the younger brother of Merneptah. Both Moses and Merneptah were sons of Ramses II. Moses was likely so covetous of his older brother’s destiny to become Pharaoh that Ramses had to separate them by banishing Moses to keep them from killing one another. Once Rameses was dead Moses secretly stole back into Egypt. Needing allies he went to the Hebrews, who were mercenaries in the employ of the Egyptians. All that claptrap about the Hebrews being slaves of the Egyptians was invented by Hollywood.

Moses convinced the Hebrews that he was actually Hebrew by birth, and gained their allegiance in a plot to sack the Egyptian empire of its greatest treasure. Since Moses had the royal blood line and had been trained in his youth in the use of the power source in the pyramid he was able to use it to visit all sorts of magical plagues upon Pharaoh. His quest to leave Egypt with the Hebrews was not to free the Hebrews. His quest was to leave Egypt with the power source and a Hebrew army at his command. He eventually accomplished this and sacked Egypt for most of its gold and other treasures before heading off into the desert. Pharaoh Merneptah waited until Moses was well clear of Egypt (thus out of range for further use of the power source against Egypt) and then attacked him with his entire army. Moses chose to fight Pharaoh at the Red Sea and used to power source to part the Red Sea and trap and drown Pharaoh and his army. Thus the fate of Egypt was sealed. It ended the Middle Kingdom period and Egypt has been in steady decline ever since.

Meanwhile Moses made off with the power source. He used it to become the absolute ruler of the Hebrews and taught them that the power source was the direct manifestation of god on earth – which only he could handle. This was eventually placed in the Arc of the Covenant and Moses passed along much of what he knew about how to handle and care for the device to Joshua. Joshua inherited it when Moses died and used it to perform a number of useful tasks including parting the Jordan River to gain entrance to Israel, and knocking down the walls of Jericho.

The Hebrews lost the knowledge of how to use the power source and instead began to worship it as if it were god amongst us. They did carefully keep the knowledge of all the precautions one had to take before handling the device because not doing so meant instant death to anyone that approached it. They used to put on many layers of protection starting with a highly conductive oil, covered with a sandy reddish “spice”, etc. Being a primitive and very warlike people they just worshiped the thing and made sacrifices to it. When they Romans conquered Israel, the high priests carried it off to Qumran and from there who knows. Their traditions and all their knowledge of it were passed down via the Kabbalah.

The Kabbalah inspired two French crusaders to go searching for the device. They made up some stories about helping pilgrims to get investors to back their venture and called their organization the Knights Templar. I doubt that they found the actual device (if it still exists), but they did find a great deal of ancient knowledge which they made use of by weaving it into a secret religion of their own. Their understanding of the device was that it bestowed the power of god on whoever wielded it, so they considered that they were god’s chosen since they were the only ones that knew the secret of its existence and the true history of modern man. They built a cult based upon the idea of ruling the planet via a precious object given by god. Pretty primitive stuff.

Lacking the device itself they came up with the idea of ruling by gaining control of all the gold in the world. This inspired them to invent the concept of fractional banking. Eventually the King of France got tired of them so he seized their castle and tortured a bunch of them to death. The Templars didn’t disappear. They just stole all the gold they had on deposit and carried it off to Switzerland and started over (recognize a pattern yet?).

Switzerland is a natural fortress in the heart of Europe from which they were able to reestablish their banking cartel and from whence they have steadily progressed in their control over the world. They formed the Masons as a front group to induct new members. The Masons attract the right kind of recruits by espousing knowledge of ancient and secret geometry. In fact, the technology necessary to create a power source like Moses made off with is based on this geometry. By showing the ancient symbols of the technology (the all-seeing eye, the pyramid, etc.) Masonry attracts beings that know such symbols are a path to great power. The power hungry are inducted and then the useful recruits are hooked via induction into sexual perversions of the most horrible kinds imaginable up to and including human sacrifice.

The purpose of this group is to regain the “lost empire”, of antiquity where a few ruled over a world of slaves and had everything their greedy little hearts desired. There is nothing more to the traditions of capitalism and communism other than enslavement of the great mass of humanity.

Why do they call themselves the “Illuminated Ones”? It’s because the device radiated a luminescent vortex. The Bible describes it as a pillar of clouds by day and fire by night.

It really is time that mankind lifts its head out of the dust it has been ground into for these many millennia and realized that the real masters are long gone. Their power never was a god or gods. It was just technology. The current claimants to their throne are no more than scurvy dogs and criminals. They are thieves in the night who live and act only for their own benefit in the degraded notion that they deserve to rule us all because we’re all slaves and need to be ruled – so why not them?

We are not slaves. In the view of the true God we are all equal.

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by GaryN » Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:28 am

These tulpoids include UFOs, bigfoot, Nessie and other Fortean manifestations of short duration, yet some of which leave physical evidence of having been here.
That's one of my beliefs lizzie, that perhaps there are other 'dimensions' existing
along side of us all the time, we just cant see, or sense them. Maybe even Solar or
Galactic changes are enough to cause an overlapping of these domains? Not keen on the use
of the dimension word, phase and/or frequency shifted more likely, IMO.
Each spatial (and possibly TEMPORAL) location, no matter what dimension it resides in, has a specific coordinate, referenced by a combination of frequencies that equate to the 'signature' for that location.
Though I've always liked the idea of space travel, it seems unlikely we will ever get
far without something like that. Even if we had the ability to reach some decent
fraction of light speed, it would take years to get anywhere, and then I wonder what
the odds are of running head-on into even a teensy-weensy lump of rock at those
velocities? Don't think there would be much left to find. :shock:
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:45 am

Antigravity Technology
The main reason for this website is because we are convinced that anti gravity is possible. Like every natural phenomenon Gravity must have an opposite reaction. Just like Heat-Cold, Soft-Hard, Positive electric charge-Negative electric charge. North pole on magnet, south pole on Magnet, Dark-Light, Up-Down.

The many useful things to be done with anti gravity technology are numerous. For one we could build flying crafts that are weightless on the Earth's atmosphere, making propulsion much easier. Another important use is to render very heavy objects weightless, making it easier to transport.

With anti-gravity technology the elderly and handicapped could "float around" without trouble, they would be weightless therefore they could get around much easier and they would literally lose their old age discomforts and handicaps.

We also focus on perpetual motion machines. Perpetual motion is a motion in which the machine moves or operates forever without any battery or electric source. This motion is not only possible unlike what today's backward scientific community says. It has been completed by some, and machines have been built, nature gives us examples of this endless motion in tornados and other natural processes such as water flow, the constant and never ending Earth's rotation and more.
Antigravity Inventions ... tions.html
Here is a list of the most prominent and successful anti gravity inventors of the past 100 years or so. Each one of these inventors has built and successfully tested their anti gravity machines. If you are wondering why anti gravity technology is not currently in use today, the main reason is that no one could duplicate the machines of these brilliant inventors. However many people are currently working on duplicating the inventions of these inventors:

John Worrell Keely-Successfully rendered objects weighing up to 500 pounds absolutely weightless. He is our favorite anti gravity inventor, due to his immense success with his amazing anti gravity technologies.

John Hutchison- Succesfully rendered objects weightless using sound and high frequencies.

Edward Leedskalnin -Successfully moved extremely heavy stone sculptures without the use of heavy machinery. He did so with his own anti gravity technology. He claimed that he knew how the Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.

Viktor Schauberger -Successfully built machines which copy nature's motion. His devices produced "anti gravity lift". This propulsion lift can be used to either lift vertically or forwards of backwards if applied properly. His machines were very powerful.

T. Townsend Brown -Successfully built an electrogravitic propulsion device.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:36 pm

Magnetic Energy
Magnetic Therapy is often thought of just for people or just for horses, but it is actually the same for all animal forms. Illness and chronic states affect the human and animal body when tissue is stressed, becoming acidic and deoxygenated. Cellular regeneration is muted in an acidic/deoxygenated state causing arthritic tissue to develop instead of proper connective tissue, scar tissue instead of normal skin and muscle tissue, etc. Basically Magnetic Therapy is the use of static magnets to balance blood and tissue cells in an affected area, allowing the cells to become alkaline and oxygenated again. When cells are alkaline and oxygenated they respond properly, regenerate properly and will stop feeding the chronic state.

Animals are extremely sensitive to proper and improper energies. Humans have lost that sensitivity and need to be convinced. The facts are available but modern medicine has been slow to accept it, although some attention has been shown toward electromagnetic therapy. Surprisingly, the use of static or non-electric generated magnetics appears to work better and have less potential for side affects. There are a few different types of applications, all north, bipolar, and bipolar concentric, and all can be used successfully if used properly.

Scientists have discovered that cells in the body have a clockwise cellular spin when sick, stressed or injured. If the body stays in this state too long it becomes chronic, while cells in a healthy body spin in a counter clockwise direction and are alkaline and oxygenated. Much talk has been made in health circles about eating foods to create a greater alkaline state in the body and for proper tissue function. With the proper magnetic application we can create this counter -clockwise alkaline/oxygen state instantly in a particular body area or the whole body if a large enough field is used. Simply correct the cellular spin in tissue and allow it to return to a normal process of correctly rebuilding itself.

The cellular spin of tissue determines whether it is in a good building and proper operational state or in a degenerative state. A simple application of a proper polarity magnetic pad to the affected area can instantly bring the tissue involved into the health process with minimized symptoms and pain relief. Given time, body tissue helped to stay in the proper state will be allowed to regenerate itself properly, only limited by degrees of alterations due to accident damage or invasive traditional treatments.

Magnetic Therapy in its natural state is the dominant North Pole field of the Earth dominating over the life processes of the body. With a full magnetic field from the Earth the body goes through many actions to promote good growth, strengthen tissue and fight disease and damage from accidents or injury. However most of the Earth does not have a full magnetic field. Scientists tell us that as a normal process the Earth's poles reverse approximately every 5,000 years. This could explain the loss of the dinosaur. As we move to this polarity switch in about 2,000 years the Earth's magnetic field is lessening. With a decreased field the body is not always able to make all the changes it should and it makes it unable to successfully protect itself. An interesting note is that there are only four places left on Earth with full magnetic fields. Two habitable and two are not. The not are the North Pole and the South Pole. The habitable are Sedona, Arizona and Lourdes, France - both known for healthy living and healing. They can be thought of as East and West Poles.

Magnetic Therapy works by affecting our blood. Normally the blood operates in a North Pole orientation, or under a North Pole effect. In this polarity the blood is oxygenated and its process of distributing nutrients and pulling wastes and toxins from injured tissue is made most efficient. When the body is ill or injured the polarity of the site is switched by the body to a South Pole orientation. This creates faster, excited movement meant to draw blood cells to the area for healing. The blood does not work well in a South Pole orientation. Its movement does not allow normal function and an acid state is developed, which micro-organisms, viruses and malignance thrive in. Once the blood has been drawn to the area, the body, with the help of the Earth's magnetic field is supposed to change the polarity of the blood back to a North Pole orientation so positive activity by the blood may take place.

The problem is that with a reduced magnetic field the body cannot always make this necessary conversion and the injury/illness area is left in a South Pole orientation thwarting good cell growth with its acid effect and slowing the healing process. Without blood removing wastes and toxins from injury/illness sites they are left there to fester and become unwanted bursas or arthritic tissue or bad calcification.

By applying a structured North Pole magnetic field, using high strength North Pole pad, we can convert the polarity of the blood in the injury/illness area allowing the blood to work as it should, pulling wastes and toxins away to the kidneys and other cleansing organs, clearing a path for good cell growth aided by the nutrients the blood can now deliver. Use a Natural field to act as a catalyst to normal blood functions. The body can now heal itself naturally.
Apply a natural North Pole magnetic field. Convert the polarity of the blood to the North Pole orientated working polarity. Let the body heal itself. What is more natural than that?

BioMagnetics by Jerry W. Decker with information from "The Magnetic Effect" by Albert Roy Davis and Walter C. Rawls

One of the most important series of experiments ever done and yet still not widely known, were those carried out by Albert Roy Davis in conjunction with Walter Rawls. These experiments are FUNDAMENTAL to an understanding of magnetic forces and are to this day not being used widely because many have never heard of them.

They found that each pole of a magnet has SPECIFIC effects that are quite different from those of a full magnet where both poles are applied simultaneously. These polar effects are deemed "mono-polar" for one pole. The poles spin in opposite directions and have opposite properties.

Specifically, North Pole energies cause mass to contract and condense, rotating in a CCW direction, while South Pole energies cause mass to expand and dissipate, rotating in a CW direction.

Also, North Pole energies have alkaline properties while South Pole energy is acid. North pole energies tend to collect fluids while South Pole energies dissipate fluids. North pole energy is referred to as negative because it reduces or attracts, while South pole energy is referred to as positive because it expands and dissipates.
It was found that use of a North Pole magnet would provide an energetic environment which would cause cancer cells to contract and die out.

This energetic environment also has other healthy applications as detailed in their many books.

A new field of energy medicine is emerging. Magnetic energy can be used as a non- nutritional source of energy to evoke specific biological responses. Life is a matter of balance between north and south pole magnetic polarities and not just one or the other of the poles. The metabolic responses of biological systems to specific magnetic energy polarity and Gauss strength are consistently dependable. The body is an electrical as well as a chemical unit. Magnetic fields produce small electrical currents under the skin - sufficiently powerful enough to cause biological effects such as pain reduction, regeneration of cells and nerves, etc.

The beauty of the universe and the biological systems within it is its marvelous simplicity, unity of design and orderliness. Negative magnetic energy can cause increased melatonin production by stimulating the pineal gland at night. Melatonin has been established as having the values of a master control over hormones, sleep, immune function, anti oxidants, infections, respiration, mineral metabolism and all other metabolic energy systems. While our body is recovering its biological energy loss, as we sleep, melatonin and growth hormone are active participants in this recovery process.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:40 am

What if …

Orion Conspiracy - 1

Orion Conspiracy - 2 ... re=related

Orion Technology
This report was constructed from over 9 hours of video interviews, personal interviews and individual commentary. It is structured in an open question-answer format, without regard to who is asking the question and who is answering; this format also allows insertion of other data in the later part of the report in the same open Q&A format. The data is not proven or verified, but is reported as received.

This report contains information on the following: The Philadelphia Project, or Project Rainbow, Phoenix Projects 1-3, origins of the Radiosonde and connections with the work of Wilhelm Reich, government weather control programs and hidden agenda, the Montauk Hind Control projects, the deliberate murder of thousands of American children in mind control research and time tunnel experiments, government time-tunnel projects and operational procedures, how Nickola Tesla and Von Neumann contributed to these projects.
Let's start with the Phoenix Project.

It was a project that evolved out of the Philadelphia Project. it was a project that the Navy did in the 1930's and 1940's in an attempt to make ships invisible. They threw the switch one eventful day and the ship went into hyperspace. They had all sorts of problems with the people on the boat. It was a huge success as well as a huge failure - then they shelved it. Around 1947 it was decided to re-activate the project and it was moved to Brookhaven National Laboratories with Dr. John Von Neumann and his associates. Out of Phoenix I came Stealth technology, which I cannot talk about because of my job. It also produced all sorts of energetic little toys like the radiosonde.

What is a radiosonde?

Well, in all appearances it was a little white box that they attached to a balloon and sent up into the atmosphere. The government told people that it involved gathering weather data. It used a very unusual type of pulse modulation. In most cases they used a CW (continuous wave) oscillator and pulsed the signal. This turned out to be a very efficient conversion of electrical energy to etheric energy.

I very recently started collecting radiosondes. I never saw a receiver. I found out that they were designed up at Brookhaven National Labs. I started to talk to people at Brookhaven and ran into a retired gentleman who used to work there. He told me that the design was originally done by Wilhelm Reich.

That peaked my interest. The story goes that in about 1947 Wilhelm Reich handed the US Government a weather control device, a device that would do DOR-busting. Reich thought that if he could decrease the amount of DOR that storms would not be so violent.

(DOR is the result of orgone energy coming into contact with an enclosed radioactive source. This produces a Deadly Orgone Energy - DOR - which threatens life. It is also produced in the atmosphere through other processes. The government sent the device up there into a storm and it did reduce the intensity of the storm. The government liked it, and they started another phase of the Phoenix project where they designed these "radiosondes" and started launching them in large numbers, maybe 200 to 500 per day. The radio in these things had a range of about 100 miles. If they used so many of them, one would think that receivers for them would be common-place. I used to be a collector of radio receivers. I have over 100 in my personal collection. I have never seen a radiosonde receiver. I have heard of them but I have never seen them.

What are the frequencies used?

The frequencies used are 403 MHz and 1680 MHz. They used two different frequencies.

They are both on at the same time?

No. One or the other was used at any one time. The earlier ones used 403 MHz plus or minus 2 MHz. The later ones used 1680 MHZ, plus or minus 6 MHz. The "thermistor" in them had gold, silver, platinum and iridium in it. Reich used sensors that had gold and silver in them. The humidity element is a plastic plate with silver around the rim and conductive lines going across the plate. They put a very unusual mixture of chemicals on this plate. Unlike most humistors, the resistance went up as it got damp.

What we're theorizing at this point is that the "thermistor" (temperature sensing) rod acts like a DOR antenna out-of-phase. The "humidity sensor" acts as an antenna for the orgone; The pressure sensor is essentially what they call a barrel switch, which is a pressure sensitive cycling switch. The device would destroy DOR and build up the orgone. The transmitter consisted of two oscillators, one of which would run at the carrier frequency (403 or 1680) and a second one which was a 7 MHz oscillator hooked into the grid of the carrier oscillator. The result was that the 7 MHZ oscillator would pulse on and off.

How does all this relate to what was going on with these other projects?

The government could not tell the public these were weather control devices. What we are seeing here is actually the genesis of what became the Montauk project, which was a combination of Wilhelm Reich's work and the Philadelphia Experiment. There were two separate projects going on in Phoenix One. You had the invisibility aspect and you had the development of Wilhelm Reich's weather control.

Toward the end of the Phoenix project, by using some of Wilhelm Reich's concepts and some of the transmission schemes used from the "radiosonde" project, they found that you could combine the two -factors and use them for MIND CONTROL. Government circles would have me say "mood alteration", but mind control is what these idiots were doing.

That's what the Montauk project was?

No. Phoenix One. After political circles found out about it they wanted it shut down. The people that were running it went to the military and proposed that they could use it to "influence the minds of the enemy". The military loved the idea, and let them use the old Montauk Air Force Base. Among the equipment requested was an old SAGE radar unit, which was on the base. The base was shut down and everything was auctioned off. The group then moved in from the Brookhaven Labs. That began what we call Phoenix Two.

They spent the first ten years, from about 1969 to about 1979, researching pure mind control. They started out by taking the output of the SAGE radar, modulating the special wave that Reich had showed them from the weather control process, and combined that with something noticed from the Philadelphia Experiment work. They transmitted about 406 MHz. It would hop around frequencies and change in phase. They used the amplidine concept where you have many stages pulse-modulated. BRF was from 10 cycles to 750 cycles. The pulse width could be varied anywhere from 10 to 75ms. The center frequency was 406MHz generated from a stay-low type function which was referenced from a zero-time function.

Were any of the Montauk subjects given psycho tropic drugs?

I don't think so...

They used one drug which was used in connection with the Reich programming to make them more receptive. I don't remember the name of it. The effect of the drug was that it would make you "horny as hell".

Also euphoric at the same time?

Also euphoric, yes.

Did they get this mind-altering chair from the aliens?

The prototype came from the aliens. Beyond that we are uncertain. This chair was essentially a mind amplifier. The government would have specially trained individuals sit in the chair and generate thoughtforms, which would be amplified and transmitted. They could transmit the signal and put people in a pre-orgasmic state where they would be receptive to programming. It worked very well and they found other capabilities. They found that it could work in time. They had a psychically trained individual sit in the chair and generate a thoughtform of a vortex that connected 1947 and 1981. That's exactly what they got - a time tunnel they could walk through. There was a series on television at one time that portrayed this concept fairly accurately. These were some of the earlier capabilities. They started going forward and backward in time. That was the last phase of the Phoenix project.

When did this time machine get going?

Around 1979 or 1980 it was fully operational. This transmitter had enough power to warp space and time. The individual in the chair would have to synthesize the vortex function because they didn't have the technical capability to do that. It can now be mechanically synthesized. They did other things. They had the subject in the chair think of some creature, and the creature would materialize. They had the individual in the chair think of all the animals at Montauk Point charging into town, and that's exactly what happened. They almost had the power to create a being. The problem they had was that what they created only stayed as long as the mind amplifier was on. The power was somewhere between gigawatts and terrawatts. Tremendous power. The vortex could have a diameter of about five miles.

Can you describe what this looked like?

It’s like looking into a peculiar spiral tunnel which was lit up down its entire length. You would start to walk into this thing and then suddenly you'd be pulled down it. You didn't walk through it as such. You were more or less propelled through it. You could go anywhere in space and time.

What is the furthest anyone has traveled in the future?

10,000 AD.

So everything is locked in until 10,000 AD?

Yes. It's a dreamlike reality. No one has picked up a tangible future beyond 2012 AD. There is a very abrupt wall there with nothing on the other side.

Prophecies speak of earth changes around then.

Curious, isn't it?


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