On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:29 pm

What is the Ark of Sirius, the Kora-Na – the "Great Ark of Pure Earth"?

It is depicted as a step-pyramid with an antennae-looking rod at the apex.

Is it the Ark of the Covenant? What is the Grail Stone? Was it the “stone that fell from heaven”? Was it the tauoi crystal”, “the “firestone”, the Ben Ben stone, the Chintamani Stone, or the Phoenix (firebird)? Was it at one time the capstone of the Great Pyramid at Giza?

What is the Ark of the Covenant: A gravity wave or torsion wave generator; a solar powered laser; a thermo-acoustic weapon (the “sound eye”); an orgone generator and accumulator; a solar powered generator; a time travel machine; a spaceship; perhaps it is all of them.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 140#p27122

”The device is strongly associated with a multi-million year presence of “space aliens” per say or with some kind of pre-modern human civilizations rather than it has to do with modern “space aliens.”

What do you suppose this device or artifact could be? Could it be the Ark of the Covenant? If so, then what is the Ark of the Covenant?

Many myths talk about the Grail Stone in association with the Ark of the Covenant. Is the Grail Stone a component of the Ark of the Covenant?

The Grail Stone seems to have more than one meaning. Often it refers to the “black stone that fell from heaven”; other times it is a reference to the pineal gland.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 140#p27301

The Ark of the Covenant is a scalar interferometer powered by a master crystal (the Grail Stone). It is a synthetic (asterized) pure quartz crystal made by pyroelectric fusion. The crystal has been preprogrammed with all the tones or frequencies of the Universe and can be operated entirely with the mind (thought). The Vril force is psychic energy.

The Tablets of Destiny are the programmed instructions (the tones and frequencies – the “Registry” or the “Keys of Enoch”) that one must have in order to operate the Grail Stone.

The Grail Stone functions as both an optical and a thermo-acoustic laser

The Grail Stone is a phase conjugate mirror.

The Grail Stone also functions as an interstellar communication device – either as a pulsar or a type of cosmic crystal radio

The Grail Stone is also used in genetic engineering.

The Ark of the Covenant is a scalar interferometer
What was the Tuaoi crystal?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 182#p32718

Back in the 70's, I became interested in an Atlantean energy machine described in the Edgar Cayce readings. The machine was called the “Terrible Crystal”, or the “Tuaoi Stone,” (pronounced "too-oye") or the “Firestone” in the readings. Oddly enough, a “terrible crystal” is mentioned in the King James Version of the Bible, in Ezekiel 1:22, where he seems to be describing an extraterrestrial spacecraft:

“And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the colour of the TERRIBLE CRYSTAL, stretched forth over their heads above.”
Why would it have to be housed in a pyramid?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 140#p27313

This resonance structure is recognized as a solid-state global oscillator that functions in wavelengths of pure consciousness itself, entraining the human mind through redistribution and focusing of the global mind. Indigenous cultures across the globe recognize the Earth as a sentient being in itself and as consciousness has a frequency that can be measured as the EEG, then the frequencies of Schumann Resonance can be understood as the vital pulse of Earth.
What is Pyramid Power?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 140#p27316

There are quite a few areas in which the idea of the use of a particular geometry has overlapped with the advanced energy areas. Here is a summary of what I can remember off of the top of my head:

1. The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt, was built about the same time as the Sphinx, and I think it was definitely built way before the other structures there. It has a full base to height ratio of 2 to SQRT(Phi), where Phi is the Golden Ratio and is equal to (1+SQRT(5))/2. That gives an internal triangle with sides of 1-to-SQRT(Phi)-to-Phi.

2. The number Phi is also very interesting from a resonance point of view. What number does one get when they complete the series:

3. The number Phi is usually represented as a "Golden Mean Spiral", consisting of several connected one-quarter circles, where each successive circle has a radius of the previous circle divided by Phi, connected at the ends of the quarter circle. That is really not a true spiral, and is just a geometrical construct that looks nice in books.

4. Much has been made of "Tetrahedronal Geometry." This has recently been popularized in this country by Richard Hoagland, who has noticed that any tetrahedron drawn inside a sphere will touch the sphere at a latitude of about (+/-) 19.5 degrees, and this is where he says most or all of the pyramids are build upon the Earth, where the Great Spot is on Jupiter, and maybe there are links to the Cydonia pyramid complex that is said to exist on Mars. I don't know.

5. According to a couple of videotapes I have scientists in Germany and Austria are said to have isolated and used a "Free Energy" source of power during the 1930's and 1940's that came from "The Black Sun".

The theory here is that there is an unseen flow of energy through space, from a specific direction in space that comes toward and passes through the Earth that can be harnessed and used for levitation and energy conversion devices

6. Several experimenters that I know of have said that the results of their experiments have depended on the time of the day, and even on the time of the year. This has been said by Sparky Sweet and several others. Sparky noted that his best results came when Leo was directly overhead, and once asked me why.

Perhaps there is a flow of some sort of "free-energy" that comes from a specific region of space that could be used if we could only measure it, accumulate it, and then convert it.

Perhaps the use of specific geometrical shapes is a key in this accumulation and conversion process. This is beginning to sound like some of the theories of Wilhelm Reich with Orgonne Energy, and of T. Henry Morey with his free-energy device in the 1930's, is it not? Coincidence?

Several experimenters have noticed that four-sided pyramids build with this ratio exhibit strange properties when a base is aligned perpendicular to local magnetic north.
What is the Chintamani Stone? Was it the "stone that fell from heaven"?

Nicholas Roerich
Nicholas Roerich was a poet, artist and eminent man of learning who had emigrated from White Russia and settled in Paris. He was regarded as one of the most distinguished of the Theosophical elite of the period. Apart from searching for the home of the Mahatmas, the purpose of his scientific expedition across Tibet and Xinjiang to Altai (1923-26) was never made entirely clear in his diary, but appears to have been related to the return of a certain sacred stone to its rightful home in the King's Tower in the center of Shambhala.

The stone was said to be part of a much larger meterorite possessed of occult properties called the Chintamani Stone, which was capable of giving telepathic inner guidance and effecting a transformation of consciousness to those in contact with it. The black stone of the Ka'aba at Mecca and that of the ancient shrine of Cybele, the Goddess-Mother of the Near East, are both believed by some occultists to be pieces of this magical meterorite, which is alleged to have come from a solar system in the constellation of Orion, probably Sirius [part of Canis Major]. The Orion constellation, we may note, is a recurring motif in the Shambhalic story. According to lamaist lore, a fragment of the Chintamani Stone from what is probably the star Sirius [there seem to be actually three of them] is sent wherever a spiritual mission vital to humanity is set up, and is returned when that mission is completed. Such a stone was said to be in the possession of the failed League of Nations, its return being entrusted to Roerich."
Last edited by lizzie on Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:34 pm

So what kind of stone is the “Grail Stone”?

Is it Magnetite?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 885#p22897

As a magnetic material Magnetite is unique among minerals for its great magnetic susceptibility, approximately one-third that of soft iron

Some magnetites are permanent magnets, or lodestones.

Magnetites can be either inorganic magnets or biomagnets.

Magnetite is ferroelectric.

All ferroelectric crystals are simultaneously pyroelectric and piezoelectric as well.

Ferroelectricity is often referred to as the electrical analog of ferromagnetism.

Ferroelectrics are commonly antiferromagnetic, rarely ferromagnetic.

In order to exhibit spontaneous polarization, whether piezoelectric, pyroelectric, or ferroelectric, the electric charge must not be centered within the crystal lattice.
Is it Tourmaline?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 915#p23180

Tourmaline belongs to the trigonal crystal system. The style of termination at the ends of crystals is asymmetrical, called hemimorphism. All hemimorphic crystals are piezoelectric, and are often pyroelectric as well.

Tourmaline is also pleochroic, which makes it appear darker from some angles than from others.

Tourmaline is distinguished by its three-sided prisms; no other common mineral has three sides.

Tourmaline has unusual electrical properties: Tourmaline crystals when warmed become positively charged at one end and negatively charged at the other.

Tourmaline is the only one mineral to show permanent electricity on the earth and is also a natural source of negative ions and far infrared (FIR) rays.

Tourmaline comes from “the center of the Earth”

On its long journey from the middle of the earth up toward the sun, the tourmaline traveled along a rainbow collecting all the colors of the rainbow. This is why tourmaline came to be known as "the rainbow gemstone."

According to an ancient Egyptian legend, this is the result of the gemstone traveling along a rainbow from the Earth’s heart, up to the sun.
Is it Moldavite?

Moldavite is a very rare gemstone with magnetic properties of extraterrestrial origins. It is one of, if not the rarest gemstone on the planet Earth. It is believed to have fallen to earth in a meteor shower some 15 million years ago in what is now the Czech Republic. It is the only gemstone on this planet whose origins are not indigenous.

Moldavite has its origins in human use going back to ancient times when it was thought to be used in making tools and as Talismans, even used for bartering of goods. In Talismans it was used because of the energy field of the stone and was used as good luck and protection among others. It has been used by mystics to accelerate the awakening of consciousness and awareness as well as for healing. Moldavite was rumored to be the stone of the Holy Grail (an emerald that fell from the sky) and in many religious and spiritual artifacts. Moldavite was also given as a stone of royalty between royal families and this is still the case today.
In Search of Moldavite
http://www.envirowarrior.com/moldavite- ... moldavite/
But for now, I will continue with my search for Moldavite and the amazing power of synchronicity that exists within it, and within a universe that is alive and totally intelligent.

One such speaker at the convention was eminent local Canberra physicist, Wal Thornhill, who changed my life when he presented his groundbreaking discovery of an Electric Universe (from his current book of the same name). That is to say, that gravity is not the major controlling force of the universe, more powerful than that, is Plasma (electricity). The universe and earth is alive with the stuff. The sun is made of it, reflects it and the rivers and marks on Mars (and other planets) bear testament to it, as does Mythology and Thors Thunder, which is painted as a scientific replica of the absolute shape of plasma spirals when discharging?

Ever seen one of those new electrical party plasma balls, which emit a series of charges from their centre, and change when you put your hand on the outside of them? Well, there you have it in a nut shell (or ball). Exactly what the earth looks like, with vortexes of electrical Plasma (like whirling DNA strands). Revolutionary in many ways, because it means (for one thing) that meteorites dont crash into the planet as previously thought. Instead, the (living) earth sends out a charge to destroy them before they collide, treating them like our bodies treat free radicals.

The craters we *see* are created by the discharge of enormous energy, not impact compression, the former simply vaporising meteoric material and earthly rock into a gas, propelling it high into the atmosphere. This gaseous material cools and condenses into a liquid glass, which rains down on the crater and surrounding areas. A cool green silicon and oxide mixture, which in this case is ... you guessed it, my Moldavite.

A fusion of cooled meteorite, ancient raw cosmic plasma blast and earthly rock, now almost as valuable as gold, and quite soon to be extinct by sheer virtue of the fact that meteorites dont happen past our planet every day.

Moldavite is a part of the family of Tektites, all formed by exploding/vapourised meteorites, and also rather rare and expensive. These busted up bits of space rock (Tecktites) are said to carry the energies of a number of extraterrestrial streams of communication and information in them.
Or is it the Chintamani Stone?

Moldavite & Nicholas Reorich
http://moldavite.tribe.net/thread/8a0ee ... 613ba71e80
At one time, Roerich had possession of a “magical stone from another world” which was known as the Chintamani Stone.

According to David Hatcher Childress, it was purported in ancient Asian chronicles to have come from the Sirius star system, and is said it been given to Tazlavoo, the one-time Emperor of Atlantis, by an angelic messenger from the skies. Legend has it that this same stone was sent to King Solomon in Israel, from Tibet via a Vimana airship (one of which he was also believed to have personally owned). The stone, which is said to have had magical properties, is believed to have been Moldavite, a magnetic meteoric stone which is sold in many crystal shops, and is thought to have fallen in a shower of meteors some 15 million years ago. The great sacred black stone inside the Kabah at Mecca, which all Muslims venerate, is also a large fragment of meteorite, and could well be of the same Moldavite stone.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 095#p26744

With the current massive outpouring of information regarding the fabled Holy Grail (or Grails) it is impossible to ignore what may be the very first Holy Grail on Earth, the Chintamani Stone, the “Treasure of the World.”

This Chintamani Stone, which is of extra-terrestrial origin, had supposedly been brought to Earth by emissaries from a planet orbiting the star Sirius and then handed over to Shambhala’s principal resident, the elusive “King of the World,” a monarch known by many mystics in the East but only by a handful of occultists in the West.

In regards to its identity in the Holy Grail legends, the Chintamani Stone appears to be synonymous with the “Stone of Heaven,” the Holy Grail manifestation mentioned by Wolfram von Eschenbach in his famous Grail rendition known as Parzival, which is regarded by most Grail scholars to be the most complete and authoritative of the Grail legends.

The Chintamani Stone certainly fits the profile of Eschenbach’s enigmatic Stone of Heaven because, like its literary counterpart, the Treasure of the World is said to possess both the power to make a human immortal, as well as to have come to Earth from “Heaven” (Sirius), a truth that is supposedly engraved upon it as Sanskit letters that Roerich once translated as,

“Through the Stars I come. I bring the chalice (Grail) covered with the shield.”

Like Eschenbach’s stone the Chintamani Stone is, apparently, also green in color, since Roerich is on record as also stating that the Chintamani Stone is similar in appearance to a species of meteorite known as Moldavite, which is dark green in color. If the Chintamani Stone is indeed Eschenbach’s Stone of Heaven could it also be the original Philosophers Stone, which legends assert could turn a base metal into gold and a human into an immortal deity? Could it be the original Holy Grail, the one that was later emulated by all Holy Grails, including the Cup of Christ and the wood of the True Cross?

Other pertinent data regarding the Chintamani Stone maintains that it was brought to Earth by Sirian missionaries during a remote era in order to eventually help precipitate a one-world civilization based upon mutual support, love, and equality. In order to effectuate this lofty goal, the Sirians are believed to have, throughout history, made sure that the stone remained in the possession of certain planetary rulers or organizations that have been in the position of influencing the world on a grand scale.

There is some indication that one part of the stone has been the sacred stone of the Kaaba, which has united millions of Moslems around the globe. In recent history it is known that a portion of the Chintamani Stone was given to the founders of the League of Nations, whose stated goals were the creation of a one-world civilization free of hate and war. This was the stone that Nicholas Roerich carried back to Shambhala following the collapse of that international organization.

Could the Chintamani Stone have really come from Sirius? Did humans have contact with the Sirians in the distant past? Perhaps. In the last century anthropologists in Mali discovered that some of the African country’s tribes, such as the Dogon and Bozo tribes, claimed to have once had visitations from Sirian missionaries who acted as their teachers.

To prove their claims these tribes revealed some of the obscure information transmitted to them from their mentors, which included a knowledge of the Sirian grouping of three stars, as well as a knowledge of the moons surrounding certain distant planets in our Solar System. Such information could only be acquired through observation with very high-powered telescopes, a luxury these primitive tribes were never in the position to possess.

Robert Temple, author of The Sirius Mystery, which records the history of the Dogon people and their encounters with the Sirians, found another possible Earth link with Sirius soon after his book was published. Members of Freemasonry, who had long known of Sirius as the Great White Lodge in the Galaxy and commonly depicted it in their lodges as the Blazing Star, contacted Temple and invited him to become an initiate of their organization.

Although Temple could not subsequently find explicit indications that Freemasonry had been in direct contact with Sirian missionaries in the past, he did find intriguing clues connecting them to the star Sirius, including the eye within the triangle symbol which currently surmounts the pyramid on the US seal.

This triangle, an ancient Freemasonic symbol, depicts the Grand Architect of the Universe and is closely associated with what the Dogon refer to as the “Eye” of the universe, the dwarf star Digitaria, that is part of the trinitized Sirian grouping of stars and recognized by the tribe as the Creator of the Universe.

The US seal eventually became featured on the back of the US dollar bill during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, who was himself a high-ranking Freemason and Shriner, and before that it was the symbol of the eighteenth century Illuminati, who sought to achieve the Sirian goal of a one-world civilization although it is believed they did so with less than purely altruistic intentions.

Temple also discovered another clue indicating a close connection between the Freemasons and Sirius: the day of US independence by the Freemasonic fathers, July 4th, is one of the days of the year when our Sun is in its closest alignment with Sirius.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:09 pm

Perhaps the most interesting thing that the elders told Griaule was their cosmology. They told him of their knowledge that the moon is dry and barren, that Saturn - the star of limiting place - has rings around it and that Jupiter - dana tolo - has four large moons. They knew that the Milky Way is a spiral galaxy of stars, and that the planets move in elliptical orbits around the Sun.

The Dogon have a special reverence for Sirius. The elders told Griaule that Sirius is not just one star, but three. The one we see, sigi tolo (Sirius A) is just the largest and brightest. It is orbited by a smaller star, po tolo (Sirius B) which is named after a tiny grain that is also called Digitaria. They believe that this tiny star is the heaviest thing in the universe and that it is made of a metal called sagala. This tiny star orbits sigi tolo every fifty years, in an elliptical orbit. The third star in the system is called emme ya, the sun of women. It is four times lighter in weight than po tolo, and it travels in the same direction around sigi tolo, but in a larger orbit. It moves much more quickly through space, so that it takes the same amount of time to complete an orbit around sigi tolo. Emme ya has a satellite or planet of its own, called the Goatherd or the star of women.
Moon with a View
Or, What Did Arthur Know … and When Did He Know it?

“…the ship had long since passed the boundary set by outermost Phoebe, moving backward in a wildly eccentric orbit eight million miles from its primary. Ahead of it now lay Iapetus, Hyperion, Titan, Rhea, Dione, Tethys, Enceladus, Mimas, Janus – and the rings themselves. All the satellites showed a maze of surface detail … Titan alone – three thousand miles in diameter, and as large as Mercury – would occupy … months …

There was more; already he was certain that Iapetus was his goal.

… One hemisphere of the satellite, which, like its companions, turned the same face always toward Saturn, was extremely dark, and showed very little surface detail. In complete contrast, the other was dominated by a brilliant white oval, about four hundred miles long and two hundred wide. At the moment, only part of this striking formation was in daylight, but the reason for Iapetus’s extraordinary variations in brilliance was now quite obvious ….”

Those words -- written over forty years ago by my long-time friend, Arthur C. Clarke -- describe the voyage of a lone, surviving astronaut – David Bowman – to the ringed wonder of the solar system, the planet Saturn, aboard a 21st Century spacecraft named “Discovery.”

What Bowman discovers in the Saturn system – on an enigmatic moon called “Iapetus” -- will forever change the Destiny of Humans ….

But, Arthur’s prophetic words could just as easily be describing the current, equally astonishing 21st Century revelations of an unmanned spacecraft called “Cassini,” exploring the latest baffling mysteries of Saturn …. In particular -- NOT the much ballyhooed, though recently successful descent of Cassini’s Huygens probe to the surface of Titan … Saturn’s largest satellite

In Kubrick’s extravaganza, the climax comes when David Bowman -- the lone surviving astronaut of the deep space expedition, sent by a future “NASA” in search of the Force which, “godlike,” has somehow repeatedly intervened in “the million plus year evolution of Mankind …” – finally encounters the “Monolith” … a black enigmatic “door,” in orbit around the giant planet Jupiter.

The Monolith turns out to be (among its other wonders) a “stargate” – a literal doorway (which, of course, is why Kubrick cinematically made it a door …) to other dimensions of space and time … and, ultimately, the mysterious “Progenitors” of the Human Race itself.

When Bowman eventually falls through it, he enters the Stargate’s vast Hyperdimensional transport system, culminating in his own ambiguous meeting with “the Progenitors” (or, at least as much of them as they allow him to experience …), which results in his final “transformation” and return to Earth … the latest agent in Humanities continuing “managed evolution.”

In Arthur’s novel (removed from the pre-CGI, 1960’s limitations on film “special effects” that even Stanley Kubrick had to live with …), the Monolith is waiting much farther from the Sun … on one of Saturn’s distant moons—

The same moon -- forty years after Arthur’s novel – I would contend, which has now been revealed in Cassini’s latest images as—

Saturn - Source of Measure
Of all the planets in the solar system, Saturn is the most rigorous, the most regular and the most stable in its orbit. Its path exhibits the least deviation and is able to absorb the perturbations and disturbances of space more than any other body in the solar system. Saturn is imperturbable.

Also known as Kronos, Saturn is the Time Keeper of the solar family. Saturn's orbital performance provides a dependable gauge against which Earth's fluctuations in space can be observed, for only against a reliable standard can deviation, development, growth, or decline be measured. From our position on Earth, when it appears that Saturn is off schedule, so to speak, we can be fairly certain that it is we who are off. Saturn acts as a good mirror for planet Earth's capricious dance through space.
Why do the Dogon call Saturn the “star of limiting place"? Does it hold the keys to the stargate – the transplutonic realm beyond? Saturn measures time and space within this dimension; so, in effect, it confines us to this 3D realm.

Is the "boundary" between dimensions maintained by its moon Phoebe?

Is the Monolith a gigantic Chintamani Stone? :D
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 155#p27590

GaryN said: The smoking gun. I see the moon as THE object that has maintained the conditions for life to exist on earth. It is an E/M damper, or modulator in a precision mechanism, engineered by Hephaestus, (or some being the Greek myths referred to as he) and of critical importance in our very existence.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:57 pm

If the Earth is Hollow, then its internal sun is the Chintamani Stone which emits Superlight (magneto-electric radiation)
The Hollow Earth
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 465#p38690

So, great scientist John Cleves Symmes, Jr. stepped in. He actually ‘proved’ that the earth is hollow, with the crust of the earth being 800 miles thick. There exists two openings at the North and South Pole, each hole having a circumference of 1400 miles wide. The diameter of the lip at the opening at the poles is 1200 miles long, thus a person cannot see the other side of the opening. At the center of the earth is not a molten core but an inner sun which is six hundred miles wide and is 2900 miles from the Inner Surfaces. Also, the sun at the center of the hollow is half dark and half bright. So the portion of the hollow facing the dark side has night and the portion facing the bright side has daytime.
Lucifer of the Black Sun
http://hiddenlight777.wordpress.com/200 ... black-sun/
Lucifer is the goddess of the Black Sun which is truly the great dragon Typhon the mother of all creation and of humanity. Typhon’s self begotten son was Sut the ancient Egyptian god which was Sothis or Sirius. Which in later reckonings Sut was then named after the planet Saturn which was called in earlier times in history concerning Christianity Satan, or Lucifer.

There is a term called the Sun behind the Sun, which may be termed as the Sun behind our local Sun called Sirius. There are three Sirius planets A, B, and C which also cosmically allude to the existence of three Suns. The third Sun is called the galactic Sun which is a black hole in the depths of our solar system.
The Black Sun and the Hollow Earth
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 962#p35392
The Vril Force or Vril Energy was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a big ball of "Prima Materia" which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the Vril-ya and putting out radiation in the form of Vril.

This force was known to the ancients under many names, and it has been called Chi, Ojas, Vril, Astral Light, Odin Forces and Orgone. In a discussion of the 28th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry—called Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept— Albert Pike said, "There is in nature one most potent force, by means whereof a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world."
To confirm that all planets are hollow would be to admit that the Earth is equally so. To recognize that this planet is hollow, with a habitable interior, implies that one must make an accounting of possible other populations, and undertake expeditions to the center, but that is at the moment completely impossible. Why? Because, according to numerous legends of the Earth and in accord with the traditions of Tibet, the Eskimos, and even the Hopi Indians of Arizona, the interior of the Earth is occupied by a civilization of a highly developed intelligence, affiliated -- for some of them directly, and for others indirectly -- with the "Celestial Bestiary!"
Then the Vril force must be Superlight – magneto-electric light
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 243#p33332

Regular electro–magnetic radiation or light is formed when electric monopoles give off energy. The electron in orbit about our atoms is an electric monopole — as it changes its' orbit it either gives off or absorbs energy in the form of electro– magnetic radiation. Sunlight is converted into electricity by this process in a solar cell. Just the opposite occurs in optical diodes, which convert electricity into light.

So, electro magnetic radiation or visible light is produced when an electron (an electric monopole) lowers its orbit and releases its energy in the form of light.

Gravity is not an intrinsic property of matter, neither is inertia. These secondary forces are both formed by the reaction of matter to the dynamic field of SuperLight. Gravity is not an attraction! It is the result of a universal pressure, exerted by SuperLight as it rains in from infinity, from all directions, onto every object. Materials are not 100% transparent to SuperLight. I estimate, perhaps about 99.99999999% transparent. As a consequence, all material domains, all "matter", experiences an acceleration caused by SuperLight. Every "particle" is affected by a slight drag, or pressure differential, as SuperLight travels past and through them.

This acceleration is of little consequence when a single object is in space, at a very great distance from other objects, since the force vectors cancel out. However, when a second object comes close to the first object, then, the two objects shield each other from the full power of SuperLight pressure on the opposite sides of the objects facing each other. As a result of this, the objects experience a net accelerational force toward each other, which is directly proportional to their mass. Mass that produces the mutual shielding that each object experiences. Thus, falsely, each object is said to be attracted to each other! In reality, they are being pushed together by the net differential force of SuperLight pressure which results from the slight absorption of SuperLight as it passes through these objects. This, according to my theory, is what creates gravity. It is a push exerted by SuperLight, on objects shielding each other, from a portion of the SuperLight radiation.
Saturn is always mentioned as the lost or dark god, the sleeping god or the hidden god (just like Sirius C). He is confined to Underworld (center of the Earth) where he lies sleeping until his rebirth. He is equated with Satan/Set/Lucifer, alchemy (nigredo) and the grail stone (the jewel from Lucifer’s crown that fell to the center of the Earth).

http://www.soul-guidance.com/houseofthe ... my%202.htm
‘Matter’ has to be stripped of its superfluities in order to arrive at the center, which contains all the power of ‘the mixture’. The seed is the essence and contains all the essential powers of the body. One has to go to the center of his problems, to the center of his emotions, to the center of himself. There is the power of transformation.

Saturn is the planet that rules nigredo. Saturn as an alchemical symbol is used, like Mercurius, as a symbol of chaos, the prima materia as rough stone, and as the philosopher’s stone. These are all symbols for man at the beginning of the alchemical process. Saturn, with his traditional scythe and hourglass, is the god of death and putrefaction, from which new life will arise. The scythe is another tool for penetration, as is the lance and the sword. Saturn is the philosopher’s lead. He is the god that can cause melancholy and devilish visions. ‘Melancholia’ is another term for nigredo. As melancholy can arise when alchemically working on oneself, the alchemists advised the use of music to lift the soul.

Saturn is also a god of fertility. Therefore "our black earth is fertile earth", an alchemical expression to express the transformation of death into new life, which is also clearly depicted in the thirteenth tarot card. The putrefaction is a necessary phase to start a new beginning. Life itself is a cycle of death and birth, ever creating new life, giving man the opportunity to work on himself and strife to improve his condition.

The alchemists say that nigredo lasts forty days. Forty days has a symbolic value. Jesus fasted for forty days in the desert. There are forty days of fasting between Easter and Ascension Day. The Israelites wandered for forty days in the desert. Saint Antonius spent forty years in the Sahara desert, being plagued by visions of extreme erotic scenes and devils.
The Hidden Power of Saturn
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 741#p22436

Indeed this "Sleeping God" or "Lost King" who will one day awaken/return is an extremely prevalent archetype. It has been applied to the Greek Kronos/Saturn, Satan/Lucifer of the Biblical legends, as well as Jesus Christ of the same, an entire host of Sumerian gods and the "Fisher King" of the Grail Story, to name but a few.

This inner world is lit, according to legend, by an "artificial sun," or "The Smoky God," as it has been called, a ball of electro-magnetism that is said to provide warmth and light for the inhabitants of the inner Earth.

Alchemy concerns itself with the search for the elusive "Elixir of Life," a sort of cure-all substance that is capable of bringing health, wealth, immortality, and spiritual emancipation to him who possesses it. Literally, it involves the transformation of base metals into gold while figuratively it involves the transformation of the dross of the unrefined Soul into the "Lapsit Exillis" - the Stone from Heaven.

This stone represents perfection idealized, the amalgamation of opposites into a unified whole. And yet it is also called the Hidden Stone because it lies in the midst of all things, and men do not see it, giving rise to the parable of the "Stone that was Rejected" in the building of Solomon's Temple, which in the end becomes the cornerstone for the House of God.

In “The Polar Myth” by Joscelyn Godwin, there are two "Grail stones," one larger than the other, which keep in contact with each other via a magnetic link which is based upon the concept that Jehovah (Saturn) was merely "talking to" his subjects, from his real throne inside the Earth, via an electromagnetic hologram communication, and that, as it was expressed in "Raiders of the Lost Ark," it acted as "a radio for talking to God?"

Is it possible that the Black Sun, the seat of Jehovah's (Saturn’s) throne, is the larger Grail, whereas the Ark, a sacred gold-plated vessel containing the Tablet, is the smaller Grail? Perhaps the ancients, after discovering the lodestone, conceived of the concept of the electromagnetic spectrum, and a ball of energy in the center of the Earth from whence it all issued.

It is also noteworthy that Saturn is called "The Hidden One," thus alluding perhaps to his seclusion inside of the Earth, and that many researchers have equated him with the prototype for Satan, given that he was horned, rebellious, and cast down into the Abyss (the Chronian Sea) to become Lord of the Underworld.

Also note that, like Satan, he was also called "The Lord of the Earth," and that Saturn and Satan may be etymologically linked, as many have argued. Furthermore, Saturn is also called the "Lord of the Mountain," and so is Satan. And is that not what we're talking about when we speculate about a dead god being buried in the center of the Earth?

Moreover, as we have previously noted, the "Black Sun" stage of alchemy is attributed to the powers of Saturn, where his "element," sulfur, is mixed with the "element" of Hermes, mercury. Hermes, of course, was representative of the light-bearing aspects of Lucifer, whereas Saturn represented more of the "Dark Lord" aspects of what we would now call the Devil, as ruler over the Underworld and the Abyss.

An equally integral part of the myth is that these sleeping gods shall some day awake and their kingdom will rise again, just as the rediscovery of the Grail shall bring an end to the Wasteland and restore rightful kingship, bringing with it a new Golden Age. Then again, their kingdom may already be here, and men do not see it, as Christ said in the Gospel of Thomas, being invisible to all but the elect. Thus it remains the responsibility of those who feel worthy to receive these secrets to reach out and grab them, for they remain the divine inheritance of all who are children of the Forgotten Father.
What is the Ordo Lapsit Exillis?
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/merov ... ios_11.htm
The Ordo Lapsit Exillis is named after the Stone that fell from Heaven, the fabled jewel that is said to have fallen from Lucifer’s crown during the war in Heaven, and which in the occult is used as a symbol of enlightenment - of the descent of divine light form the mind of God into the mind of Man. As such it symbolizes Venus, the Morning Star, as well as the Luciferian doctrine of the initiates, the secret knowledge which men are not allowed, and which Lucifer’s angels were cast from Heaven for sharing with man. In Freemasonry, this is symbolized as the Blazing Star, which is often depicted as falling from Heaven. As Albert Pike writes in Morals and Dogma, The Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the ancients was the Sun. Masons also represent the Lapsit Exillis as the Stone that was rejected - the secret cornerstone of Solomon’s Temple which symbolizes the core of their teachings.

For us, the Lapsit Exillis is also a cornerstone, for it is the solid rock upon which our ideals stand, and upon which we have built our work. For us, the Stone that fell from Heaven provides the foundation of our fraternity, and is certainly a jewel most valued.

The stone that fell to earth was an emerald that adorned Lucifer’s forehead. It was cut into the shape of a bowl by a faithful angel, and thus the Grail was born. It was given to Adam before he was expelled from the Garden of Eden. Seth, Adam’s son, having temporarily returned to the earthly paradise, took the Grail along with him. Other people transported the Grail to Montsegur, a fortress in the Pyrenees, which Lucifer’s armies besieged in order to get the Grail back and put it into their leader’s crown, out of which it had fallen; but the Grail was allegedly saved by knights who hid it within a mountain.
- Julius Evola, The Mystery of the Grail.

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by mague » Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:27 pm

lizzie wrote:
Mague said: Maybe then geometric forms are not the last truth.
I have no doubt that geometric forms are not the “last truth.” I make no claims to have discovered the “last truth” since it most likely may not be the same as your “last truth” or every other person's "last truth". ;)
But it means there is still room for more. There is organic geometry.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... Brut_5.jpg
http://images.worldsoft-cms.info/wcms/f ... .180x0.jpg

Since you are interested in Orgone it might be of interest to recognize the difference between sharp angled, machine type geometry and soft angled, organic type of geometry.

I thought this could be helpful to sort out the crap from the good.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:18 pm

Is Le Sage’s theory of gravitation implying that gravity is “radiation pressure from remote forces”?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 285#p36028

In his work we read: ‘The lines of gravitating force near two dense bodies are exactly of the same form as the lines of magnetic force near two poles of the same name; but whereas the poles are repelled, the bodies are attracted. Let E be the intrinsic energy of the field surrounding two gravitating bodies M1 and M2...If R be the resultant gravitating force, E=Constant - Σ ((1/8 π)R2dV. The intrinsic energy of the field of gravitation must therefore be less wherever there is a resultant gravitating force.

As energy is essentially positive, it is impossible for any part of space to have negative intrinsic energy. Hence those parts of space in which there is no resultant force, such as the points of equilibrium in the space between the different bodies of a system, and within the substance of each body, must have an intrinsic energy per unit volume greater than (1/8 π)R2, where R is the greatest possible value of the intensity of gravitating force in any part of the universe. The assumption, therefore, that gravitation arises from the action of the surrounding medium in the way pointed out, leads to the conclusion that every part of this medium possesses, when undisturbed, an enormous intrinsic energy, and that the presence of dense bodies influences the medium so as to diminish this energy wherever there is a resultant attraction'.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 0145#p4596

All forces that act through a distance are attributed to cosmic radiation pressure and shadowing of these frequencies by matter. The shadowing causes a local unbalanced flow in the normally balanced radiation frequency flows of space. All matter exists as interference patterns in the Prime background radiation frequencies of space. A surface gravity and/or radiation pressure limit are shown to exist when the radiation flow is totally shielded by large planets. The cause for the inverse square laws of physics is shown to be a natural result of shadowing geometry with distance. Data and graphs are presented demonstrating the gravitational shadowing for our solar system planets.

A model of inertia is given where inertia is a result of unbalanced radiation absorption during acceleration. The unbalance is ascribed to a combination of the Doppler effect and the quantum nature of photons.

With a systems model for the cause of remote forces, various experiments to achieve artificial interaction become self-evident. A multitude of combinations of the electrostatic, magnetic and inertial forces may be tried, with the objective of shielding or focusing the radiation to modify the local effects of gravity and inertia upon an object.
Pushing Gravity - New perspectives on Le Sage’s theory of gravitation
Le Sage’s theory of gravitation has a unique place in science. For over three centuries it has periodically attracted some of the greatest physicists of the day, including Newton, who expressed interest in Fatio’s earlier version of the theory, and later Kelvin, who attempted to modernize the theory in the late 1800’s. At the same time, the theory has drawn just as many notable critics, including Euler, Maxwell and Poincaré. Despite frequent and spirited obituaries, Le Sage’s theory in various guises has always survived to challenge the prevailing wisdom of the day. Now, at the start of this new century, it appears that the theory may be on the rise again.

The reasons for the present resurgence of Le Sage-type models of gravitation are their simplicity and depth—features desirable in any physical theory. Whereas Newton’s theory and (later) Einstein’s relativity were essentially mathematical descriptions of the motions of bodies in gravitation, Le Sage’s theory attempts to arrive at the very cause of gravity. The basic idea runs like this. Space is filled with minute particles or waves of some description which strike bodies from all sides. A tiny fraction of the incident waves or particles is absorbed in this process. A single body will not move under this influence, but where two bodies are present each will be progressively urged into the shadow of the other. If any theory of gravity can be said to satisfy Occam’s Razor, it is surely Le Sage’s. Its simplicity and clarity guarantee that it will be conjured up again and again by those who seek to understand gravity’s mechanism, as opposed to merely its rules.

Other reasons also exist for the recent upsurge of interest. Over the last half century, it has become increasingly common to view space once more as endowed with energy-dense fields, known variously as the zero-point fields, the quantum vacuum and many other names. Since the existence of such fields is the central postulate of Le Sage-type theories, the status of such theories has correspondingly risen. In addition, parallel veins of research in geophysics and cosmology also seem to point to in the direction of Le Sage. As Halton Arp discusses in his foreword, the geophysical link is to the theory of earth expansion (as opposed to conventional plate tectonics), while the cosmological link is to alternative cosmologies (rather than the Standard Model).


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:33 pm

On Magnetoelectric Light, the Universal Scalar Standing Gravitational (Carrier) Wave (the Neutral Force), Gravity and Inertia via Radiant Pressure, Dipole (Anti)Gravity and Magnetic Monopoles

Regular electro–magnetic radiation or light is formed when electric monopoles give off energy. The electron in orbit about our atoms is an electric monopole — as it changes its' orbit it either gives off or absorbs energy in the form of electro– magnetic radiation. Sunlight is converted into electricity by this process in a solar cell. Just the opposite occurs in optical diodes, which convert electricity into light.

Gravity is not an intrinsic property of matter, neither is inertia. These secondary forces are both formed by the reaction of matter to the dynamic field of SuperLight. Gravity is not an attraction! It is the result of a universal pressure, exerted by SuperLight as it rains in from infinity, from all directions, onto every object. Materials are not 100% transparent to SuperLight. I estimate, perhaps about 99.99999999% transparent. As a consequence, all material domains, all "matter", experiences an acceleration caused by SuperLight. Every "particle" is affected by a slight drag, or pressure differential, as SuperLight travels past and through them.

I propose that SuperLight energy is the singularity or universal energy force in all nature and that its interaction with various forms of matter and energy produce all other forces in the Universe. Specific atomic structures and sub-atomic structures are resonant to and interact with some aspects of SuperLight as it passes through them and our bodies. The energy that is absorbed is converted into the electrical, magnetic, nuclear and gravitational forces producing our vital life force. This can explain all the forces of nature and life energies. It is the geometry and density of matter that explains the different forms and intensity of the forces that are produced.
Gravity and Inertia via Radiation
All forces that act through a distance are attributed to cosmic radiation pressure and shadowing of these frequencies by matter. The shadowing causes a local unbalanced flow in the normally balanced radiation frequency flows of space. All matter exists as interference patterns in the Prime background radiation frequencies of space.
George Merkl - Chondriana & Life Crystals
The primary discovery George had made years ago was a principle which he termed SCROLL WAVES. These waves are extremely small and can be likened to Aether or Zero-Point-Energy moving in continuous spiraling patterns.

To quote from George's privately published book "Inner Space":

"The photon is not a constant but is energy based on DECAYING spinning wave resonance. Now when an energy exchange takes place between two electrons (or particles), the electron may move with a velocity.

When the particle has absorbed or attained enough energy, it may get rid of that energy by emitting it in a full or partially MUTILATED wave form.

But a second particle or electron may REABSORB THE SAME ENERGY, whereas BOTH will SPIN and RECOIL IN OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS.

The direction will be determined by the recoiling photons. The photon transfer will be responsible for the force set up between the pair of electrons. The photon is energy in wave form which acts as a force field.

This moving wave form can convert to current as the force field is being produced when the photon RECOILS WHILE IT IS SPINNING.

This force is related to the inverse square law for the force of attraction and repulsion between two interacting particles through energy exchange."

George has many patents in several fields, with the majority on new chemical processes.
The unit will transmit a signal through any kind of shielding. We are working with ranges up to one mile so far without any problems that so ever. The units are portable and mobile. Mike has discovered a very important element in any scalar field generation. In order to have true scalar generation one must generate a "Shear Effect."
Theory of Global Scaling
http://www.globalscalingapplications.co ... einfo2.htm
The Theory of Global Scaling assumes that matter resonates harmonically at its lowest level of energy. This lowest level global scaling theory is not merely designated the “physical vacuum”; however, the frequency spectrum of the natural oscillations of the vacuum comprises many orders of magnitude and is fractally developed, like a melody. This “melody of creation” is, according to the theory, the cause of the logarithmic-hyperbolic, scale invariant, fractal distribution of frequencies of most varied measure – from the elementary particles to the galaxies.

Dr. Hartmut Müller was able to deliver the necessary scientific framework for these new discoveries with his theory of ‘Global Scaling’ in which he postulated the existence of a Standing Gravitational Wave in the universe.

GLOBAL SCALING allows for the calculation of physical properties of technical systems with extremely high life expectancies (superstability).

GLOBAL TIMING allows for the optimization of the temporal order of technological processes.

GLOBAL RESONANCE-MATCHING is a physical methodology of space-energy extraction by means of resonance coupling with the Standing Gravitational Wave. This methodology has already been exploited by scientists in Russia.
Logarithmic Spiral
Schauberger found:

That "the three dimensional vortex called the logarithmic spiral is the shape of water going down a drain, a tornado, a hurricane, a rams horn which, when played as an instrument, has two basic notes separated by a fifth musical note, atomic centers and galactic nebulas, possibly the entire universe".

"Atoms are nothing more than vortical patterns of energy, where a vortex is a three dimensional spiral. Growth patterns of shells and horns are nearly always spiral or vortical in form, possibly growing along some natural energy pattern". (Note: The Fibonacci Series of Natural Growth).

"Synchrotron radiation occurs when electrons spiral into a magnetic field.

That "the logarithmic spiral is based on a cycloid curve and is the exact opposite of the pressure screw used on airplanes and ships".

He believed that there existed one universal energy that manifests as dual forces depending on its polarity-

Pressure or Radiation leads to centrifugal motion (from the center, explosive), heat, friction and gravity

Attraction or Suction leads to centripital motion (toward the center, implosive), cooling and levitation.

"The term diamagnetism was applied by Schauberger to the attractive or centripital force".

Energy set in motion in a vortex pattern is self-sustaining once it achieves its critical velocity, which may mean the same thing as becoming resonant with some current of force such as gravity".

"Implosion of the water stream occurred for the same reason; namely, the added energy current being drawn into the water vortex along its path was sufficient to 'push' the water away from the wall of the water guide and cause the pressure on the walls to drop to zero.

Why the water refused to rise in the flow return pipe after it became highly charged with etheric energy (diamagnetism) is still a mystery. It is possible that once the water atoms became purified and completely saturated with etheric energy they no longer offered any resistance to the flow of etheric energy through them. Thus, there was nothing for the polar flow to 'push' against and sustain the water flow. When the charged energy was drawn off by the collectors, the charge on the atoms remained below a certain threshold and they still offered sufficient resistance to the polar flow to sustain the vortex implosion motion".
Diamagnetic Energy
7.1 Magnetism

..."spin and angular momentum cancel...total momentum / magnetism is zero... when the application of a magnetic field slightly unbalances the orbital pairing of electrons, the result is "diamagnetism", when it slightly unbalances the spin pairing (only in metals), it results in a very weak paramagnetism".

7.2 Diamagnetism: Superconductivity at Room Temperature

"Suppose for the sake of argument we are presented with a plastic material that is superconducting at room temperature. How could we use it? The obvious applications mentioned in the beginning of this article immediately springs to mind, but even more exciting prospects arise from a superconductor’s "diamagnetism" or impermeability to a magnetic field. Because of the highly coordinated motion of the electrons a magnetic field cannot penetrate the interior of a superconductor.

7.3 "Paramagnetism attracts positive electricity"

"Diamagnetism attracts negative electricity".

Paramagnetism - Has magnetic permeability (attracts +).
Slightly more magnetic than a vacuum.

Ferromagnetism - Abnormally high magnetic permeability.
Definite saturation point.
Much residual magnetism and hysteresis.

Diamagnetism- Has magnetic permeability (attracts -).
Magnetic permeability less than that of a vacuum.
Negative magnetic susceptibility.
Feebly repelled by a strong magnet.
In common vacuum = 'Negative pressure'.

7.4 Magnecrystallic Force

This force is neither + nor -. It is found in crystals when the cells attempt to align in the structure of the crystal as building blocks. From this amazing force we can see that it is not like any polarized force; therefore, it is higher than both, or perhaps more correctly, in the middle of both + and -. The only thing between + and - seems to be neutral. Therefore this force is neutral. Neutral is sometimes called the center, as the place where gravity's 'force' is found, according to Newton.

If Time is the information from the 1st dimension and Keely says time is gravity, then, gravity is the information from the Sun, not the 1st dimension, manifesting in the 3rd dimension. Gravity has ties to matter and that is different from the 1st dimensional characteristics of pure information.

Electromagnetism is "dead" force while the Sun feeds the earth with Life Force. That Total Life Force is earth's gravity. Some say the Sun is a living being like Mother Earth and was called Father and even worshipped, of course, this is correct. Father Sun gives to Mother Earth that which is Life. This is a good basis for a marriage of earth and Sun, woman and man. "Dead" electromagnetism and all other "dead" EM residual forces is what is left after all life is taken from the Life Force by the earth.

I learned that the Sun has what is called Ideo-rings (standing waves), upon which planets are set and revolve upon these ideas of the Sun.

The Ideo-rings (standing waves) are gravity, and it holds the total information to control all 'living' functions of earth. The Sun has no gravity or Ideo-ring affecting itself; they start with Mercury.

To give you an idea of the relationship, shape and generators of these Ideo-rings, see Buckminster Fuller's diagram "Tetrahedron as 4 dimensional Model".

This tetrahedral shape shows 3 radiative frequencies and 3 gravitic frequencies, the latter at 90 degrees to the former as follows:

Radiative from the apex- electron, positron, proton.
Gravitic around the base- neutron, neutrino, anti-neutrino.

If this is correct, I would think that gravity from the Sun's 19.5 areas (bases and apexes of 2 interlocking tetrahedrons or a Star of David inside the Sun), induct gravity into the earth's interlocking tetrahedra at the 19.5 areas, as Ideo-ring (standing waves) from the Sun.

Dipole (Anti)Gravity, Magnetic Gravity, true Gravitomagnetism
http://dipoleantigravity.blogspot.com/2 ... rinos.html
Actually Tachyonic Neutrinos idea is not new. Prof. Ricami of Italy and many others have already proposed this idea long time ago. Let's add one more feature into the properties of the neutrinos and that is "Neutrinos are tachyonic magnetic monopoles". In fact I think I have already discussed this topic in my previous posts. The reason I brought up this issue again is because of this lingering questions on if the tachyonic magnetic monopole neutrinos can have both signs of charges (N and S) or only one. In theory, there is nothing to prevent them to have both polarities.

If CPT (charge-parity-time) invariance holds, that means that there can be a universe populated with anti matters filled with the oppositely charged tachyonic magnetic monopoles, where the times goes backward compared to our universe. But these two universes cannot get close together. Because it would mean a gigantic explosion which is the generally accepted notion of what would happen in such cases. But if we think it over, the carrier of the light (electromagnetic waves) which is the tachyonic magnetic monopoles themselves will be paired off and they will lose the ability to carry away any light energy. So these two universes may not necessarily annihilate simply because there is no medium available to carry those energies away, although what it means by pairing off of the oppositely charged neutrinos is still a big question.

Esthetically, it would be plausible to assume that, in the beginning, two universes were created at the same time, one is our universe and the other is the one made up of the antimatter with the oppositely charged magnetic monopole neutrinos in the background where time goes in an opposite direction relative our universe, split into two from one single primordial entity.
Extended Static Gravity Potential
http://dipoleantigravity.blogspot.com/2 ... ntial.html
Although it should be obvious up to this point of the discussion regarding dipole gravity, I would like to present the succinct mathematical form of the static portion of the extended gravity potential for the rotating hemispherical (in general, longitudinal axially asymmetric) object.

The first term is the Newtonian gravity and the second term is dipole gravity where the information regarding the rotational frequency and the geometrical shape of the object are included in the parameter "delta r" which is the relativistic dynamic shift of the center of mass. The direction of the shift vector of the center of mass is toward the direction where it moves away from the stationary state.

Note that the traditional interpretation of general relativity did not allow us to include this information regarding the rotational frequency. So, general relativity could not be used to explain any of the fast rotating cosmological objects. And most of the problems related to the fast rotating cosmological objects including the spiral galaxy was begging for explanation. This is one of the reasons we have MOND and other phenomenological theories to explain them.

For a rotating full sphere, we have to add another hemisphere in the opposite direction to the one above. Since the potential function is a scalar quantity, we can add as many units of dipoles as far as their coordinates are adjusted with respect to the one single coordinate system.

If you fold two dipoles in the exact opposite direction, at the identical center of mass, the dipole effect will be canceled. However, remember that the center of mass of the two hemispherical dipoles in a single sphere are separated by the distance r (in the rest state).

We can now see that the poles of the fast rotating spheroidal condensed objects can be strong repulsive(antigravity) gravity centers.

This effect can cause the phenomenon of the hollow poles and the rings of the Saturn, as well as the observed jets from the fast rotating neutron stars and also from the fast rotating black holes.

This effect can also cause the stationary communication satellites to oscillate back and forth from the equatorial plane of the Earth which has been observed and by now a well known fact due to the GPS misalignment problem.

The equatorial plane of the fast rotating cosmological body is a shallow potential dip of dipole gravity which causes the debris and the satellites to oscillate back and forth around this potential dip. As the debris lose kinetic energy due to the collision and other frictional effect, they will permanently settle down at the equatorial plane to form the layers of the rings.
How Dipole Gravity Explains the Dark Matter Problem
http://dipoleantigravity.blogspot.com/2 ... curve.html
The fundamental mystery in the dark matter problem is in the flat rotation curve as the distance becomes large from the galactic center.

Within the framework of the usual dark matter halo hypothesis, if the density of the halo is assumed to be constant, it will not generate the logarithmic potential which is necessary to address the flat rotation curve. If one wants to make up an arbitrary density function to make it fit the rotation curve, one has to explain how the distribution has come about that way. However, if the dark matter halo is made of the continuous cycling flux of the matter ejected by the jets, as predicted by the theory of dipole gravity, the volume density of the dark matter halo will not be constant, instead the flux density will be a constant, because it has the definite source located at the center of the rotating galaxy.

The gravitational force within the relatively short distance from the center of the rotating galaxy is dominated by the strong dipole gravity force as derived previously, which explains the sharply increasing slope in the rotation curve near the galactic center.
How Dipole Gravity Produces the Jet Engine
http://dipoleantigravity.blogspot.com/2 ... ngine.html
The intricate structure of the jet engine can be studied from the three dimensional picture in association with the Z directional dipole gravity potential at the center of the star. The compressive and also attractive quadrupole gravity force has the effect of collecting the dark matters scattered around the rotating star toward the equatorial plane.

This same force squeezes the matters and feeds them into the central location of the black hole engine because that's where all the quadrupole gravity force lines are merging into. Now the Z directional potential indicates that the matters accumulated at the center of the engine are pushed away from the dead center toward the direction of the both sides of the poles as the central Z directional potential below indicates the down hill slope toward the center of the each of the hemispheres.
Last edited by lizzie on Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:37 pm

On Magnetic Monopoles – a Higher Octave” of Magnetism (Magic Monopoles :D ;) )

Shemsu Hor
http://tribes.tribe.net/mazdayasnianfel ... 928e0a4b16
The suppressed research papers were the efforts of the brilliant German physicist and mathematician Dr. Hartmut Müller while working at the Institute for Cosmic Research in Russia, during the 1980’s. The basis of Dr. Müller’s research was the discovery of a non-electromagnetic interaction between physical biotic systems.

It was later found by Russian scientists that this previously unknown “biofield” interaction even occurred between supposedly inanimate objects such as rocks or interstellar material.

Later, in 1988, microbiological experiments conducted aboard the Mir spacecraft determined that the biofield was actually gravitation and amazingly, modulated gravitation possessed the unique capability of transmitting biological data—a fact independently verified by the distinguished physicist and Sumerian scholar George Merkl, PhD.

Russian experiments conducted during the 1960’s and subsequently suppressed by the Russian Academy of Sciences, revealed that gravitational waves are able to travel at a minimum of twenty times the accepted velocity of light and that a “biofield” pervades the entire universe.

After examining this extensive corpus of scientific data, Dr. Müller was able to deduce that a logarithmic scalar gravitational standing wave pervades the entire universe. This standing gravitational wave confers appropriate resonant data to every biotic system within the universe, thereby imposing an enduring effect upon planetary evolution.

Contrary to popular scientific belief, Dr. Müller’s research reveals, much to the chagrin of human genome geneticists, that genetic information is not contained in DNA strands. Instead, DNA and RNA molecules generate optical holograms which are in resonance with, and driven by, specific frequencies generated by the universal standing scalar gravitational wave. Every living cell resonantly receives the appropriate data in the form of weak electromagnetic coded signals from the universal scalar wave necessary for biochemical processes such as protein synthesis.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 805#p34725

The Discovery of the Biofield - a Different Kind of Magnetism
(Unpublished, 1981)
http://www.buryl.com/DISCOVERY_OF_THE_BIOFIELD.pdf (suspended link)

There is another type of field around the body which is not electric or magnetic and is very much larger than either of them. It is indirectly related to magnetism, and lacking a suitable term, people have often chosen to use the term “magnetic” to describe it. Mesmer apparently was one of the first people to connect this field with magnetism.

Mesmer believed there was a fluid-like energy around the human body which was highly charged in healthy people, and weak or nearly absent in ill people.

In 1978, the author discovered a simple device which can detect and measure a force around the body which may be what Mesmer called animal magnetism. This shows up as a spin or rotational force on a frame which is suspended over a person’s head.

Since the body’s intrinsic magnetic field measured in shielded rooms is about one billionth of a gauss, this biofield could not be an ordinary magnetic field. The author has simply called it the Biofield, a contracting of biological energy field. Tesla, a contemporary of Edison and inventor of the alternating current motor and many other
instruments, was reported to have spoken about a “higher octave” of magnetism which had not been recognized by traditional science.

Whatever we choose to call it; the aura, animal magnetism, orgone energy, prana, spin force, ch’i, or the biofield, this energy is quite large; over 100 million times as large as the body’s magnetic field!

Well, then, what is the biofield? It appears to be a genuine new force in science. It manifests as a physical force clearly observed on all types of biological matter. As of this time (1989) it appears to be a force which produces movement at right angles around the human body. It does not push or pull like gravity or electrostatic forces. It appears to be in the form of a circular or spiral force around the body. The origin of the force is not electrical, magnetic, heat, or gravitational.

It is much too large to be produced by these forces. It needs a name. The author has chosen to call it simply the biofield, and to call the instruments which serve to detect it, biofield meters.

After several months of observations it was discovered that the amount of the initial rotational deflection of the Biofield meter varied in association with the geomagnetic field.

Usually the direction of the initial rotation of the frame is to the right or clockwise. At times of new or full moon or when there are large disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field the biofield often shows a change in the initial direction of rotation. Measurements

Dr. Brown thought the interaction was due to magnetism because it was still present when electrostatic shielding was in place, but nearly disappeared when magnetic shielding was used.

Taken together, the findings of Brown, Jones, the author, and other researchers all point to connections between living organisms, spin, and geomagnetic activity. All living organisms seem to be in resonance with Earth’s dynamic magnetic field. Earth’s magnetic field is in turn a function of solar activity and the positions of the Moon, and at least some of the planets.

A most important question is: what is the direction of this force? Is it truly a spin force? The formal and informal experiments and observations I made extending over many years suggest that it is a spin force, but that could be disproved by another type of experiment.

If this force were a spin force it would fit with other patterns found in nature.
Laurence Badgley has found that a spiral vortex field appears around sites of injury on the body, which shows interaction with magnetic.

Spin forces are not unique to living systems--they are omnipresent in the universe. Spin or angular momentum is associated with most sub atomic particles such as electrons, protons, neutrons, etc. Apparently every body in the universe spins!

Spin forces might be called “form forces” or “organizing forces”, for they help form complex living organisms, which abound with spirals, helixes, and circles over and over again in myriads of different ways from double helices in DNA and RNA to Whirling Dervishes.
Magnetic Monopoles Observed for the First Time
Magnetic monopoles are hypothetical particles proposed by physicists that carry a single magnetic pole, either a magnetic North pole or South pole. In the material world this is quite exceptional because magnetic particles are usually observed as dipoles, north and south combined. However there are several theories that predict the existence of monopoles. Among others, in 1931 the physicist Paul Dirac was led by his calculations to the conclusion that magnetic monopoles can exist at the end of tubes - called Dirac strings - that carry magnetic field. Until now they have remained undetected.
The Effects of Magnetite, Magnetic Water and Magnetic Monopoles on Plant Growth
However also in these three years I have been using magnetic water and magnetite in the soil to stimulate the growth of plants. I have had some very exciting results in plant growth related to magnetite in the soil or watering plants with magnetic water so I feel it time to write about it now.

Before I go into presenting the results of accelerated plant growth, that I have been witnessing, I feel a little explanation of the theory that I have developed to help me understand what is happening will be presented.

First I refer to the classic work that Phillip S. Callahan Pd D. as presented in his book “Ancient Mysteries and Modern Visions.” chapters seven, eight and nine about magnetic monopoles. His explanation of what magnetic monopoles are and how they are formed, I have found to be very enlightening and it lays the basis for all of my future understanding of what is happening in what I will be presenting.

We know that here on Earth we cannot make a magnetic monopole by just breaking a bar magnet in half. When we do this both broken halves instantly develop another magnetic pole opposite to the pole on the other end. Apparently a tremendous amount of energy is needed to separate these magnetic poles. Callahan says this is done by the sun whenever it has solar flares. He says the sun is emitting magnetic dipoles all the time but when there are solar flares and the dipoles go through these solar flares they are exposed to very high temperature energy sources. These magnetic storms are sufficient to break apart these dipoles into monopoles both north and south which continue to radiate out into space and eventually some of them fall to our earth.

Callahan says that the north magnetic monopoles come in and are attracted to the plants, tree leaves and green vegetation while the south magnetic monopoles are attracted to the soil, rocks and stones. In normal plant growth the south magnetic monopoles migrate through the soil to the roots of the plants. At the same time the north magnetic monopoles are attracted to the plant leaves. This combination gives the plants a magnetic dipole charge. As a result the south magnetic monopoles in the soil are attracted to the roots of the plants and, as Callahan says, the roots act as wave guides for the south poles to run up through plant stem to recombine with their former mates, the north poles, that are waiting for them in the plant leaves. This recombination releases a large amount of energy that the plant uses to support the photosynthesis process.

Photosynthesis has always been a mystery to scientists, because there is not enough energy in sunlight alone to break up the water and CO2 molecules. If this was so, the sun would decompose the oceans by just shining on them and there would be no CO2 in the atmosphere. So additional energy is coming from somewhere and I suggest that it is coming from the recombination of magnetic monopoles.

Some scientist say that the photosynthesis process is catalyzed by the chlorophyll molecule. This is also true but may I suggest that maybe the chlorophyll molecule gets some extra energy help from magnetic monopole union and subsequent energy release. We will talk about this idea of how chlorophyll helps later in the paper when I start talking about how this magnetic energy helps humans and look at the hemoglobin molecule in our blood which structurally and energetically is very similar to chlorophyll.

More on the theory:

Let's start with the conductivity of electrons (or, called by another name, electric monopoles). A wire for electron conductivity consists of a electron conductor like a metal which is covered by a non conductor material like a plastic which is an electron insulator. This covering keeps the electrons from running off to other materials that it may contact and it keeps the electric monopoles flowing in one direction.

Now I propose that there is parity in the universe between electric monopoles and magnetic monopoles. So, according to this theory, a good conductor for magnetic monopoles would consist of just the opposite structure. We would want an insulator like a plastic covered by an electric conductor. How wonderful nature is that it provides just that structure in the plant's root stems, and branches. The core of the plant root stems and branches is a wood-like material like cellulose (a natural plastic material) which is covered by a bark-like material which contains a water-like sap which is an electrical conductor. Callahan calls this structure a wave guide for magnetic monopoles, I call it just a good conductor for magnetic monopoles.

Phil Callahan has done more to build a worldwide appreciation of low-level energies in agriculture than anyone. His work in insect communication systems, low-level earth energies, and the paramagnetic force in rock and soil are changing ecological agriculture.
Phil Callahan, Ph.D
http://www.acresusa.com/tapes/thumbnail ... =49&pcid=3
Phil Callahan has done more to build a worldwide appreciation of low-level energies in agriculture than anyone. His work in insect communication systems, low-level earth energies, and the paramagnetic force in rock and soil are changing ecological agriculture.
Last edited by lizzie on Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:19 pm

Kevin said: Talking of geometry, Grand cross on the 7th
Rare “Cardinal Climax” Planetary Alignment This Summer Puts Stocks at Risk, says Veteran Sky Watcher
http://seekingalpha.com/author/hewitt-h ... /instablog
This summer the planets form a rare “Cardinal Climax” alignment, which puts financial markets at risk, says Arch Crawford. Publisher of Crawford Perspectives since 1977, the veteran sky watcher uses a mix of technical analysis and astrology to gauge which way equities and other asset classes are headed.

Certain planetary alignments put people under extra stress. And one way this stress manifests itself is in financial markets. After all, financial markets are a mix of fundamentals and emotion. Since astrologic events affect our emotions, I find it profitable to study the planets.

Tell me more.

It is common knowledge that when there is a full moon, there are more car accidents and other forms of aggressive behavior. Since financial markets partly reflect our hopes and fears, these markets are prone to mood swings. If you can anticipate these mood swings, you gain an edge over investors who focus solely on interest rates, growth forecasts, debt loads, and other traditional yardsticks.

I have examined every substantial move in the Dow Jones Industrial Average since 1896, and I find that when planets are at difficult angles, then owning stocks and commodities is riskier.

What is a “difficult” angle?

When two planets form a 45-, 90-, 135-, or 180-degree angle, with earth as the midpoint between the two planets.
Three Bright Planets Visible in Night Sky Triangle
http://www.space.com/spacewatch/three-b ... 00804.html
A trio of planets converging in the night sky this week and for several nights will give casual skywatchers the perfect chance to easily see and identify worlds they might not normally notice. The event building up to a super celestial snuggle in early August is also a chance to watch and grasp orbital mechanics in action.

Venus, Mars and Saturn will gradually, night after night, move into a tight triangular grouping in the early evening sky.
Are signs of 2012 galactic alignment evident now?
http://www.activistpost.com/2010/08/are ... nment.html
As the media focuses on the failing economy, there isn’t much mainstream discussion about the climatic and geological changes Earth is now experiencing. Although it may be a stretch for most people’s imaginations, it appears that the rapid decline of our economy and the increased geological activity are connected.

In the recent past we have experienced a spike in the number of earthquakes, floods, droughts, sink holes, and other natural disasters. The tsunami that killed almost a quarter of a million people in the Indian Ocean; the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile that were record breaking; and the many floods in the U.S. that have been caused by sudden extreme rainstorms, are increasing in frequency and effect. These are just a few examples. We are fast approaching the date agreed upon by both Eastern and Western religions -- and now science -- that will come about with great changes for our world: December 21, 2012.

How can economic events and natural disasters be connected you ask? The answer is very simple if you contemplate the effects of the astrological event that is approaching: our Sun and our planet are lining up with the center of the Galaxy, and the entire Solar System is passing through an interstellar energy cloud. This passing is causing an extraordinary flare up of the Sun's normal activity that occurs every 11 years, which throughout history has had devastating consequences. Some experts have charted even greater galactic cycles such as the Mayan 26,000 Great Year Cycle, and other cycles lasting hundreds of thousands of years.

Along with this unusual alignment comes Planet X, as NASA calls it. In mythology it is known as “Nibiru," a planet that has an extreme elliptical orbit that passes between the Earth and Mars about every 3,600 years. As we enter this mysterious galactic cycle, it seems the changing electromagnetic forces may be affecting both the Sun and our planet in more profound ways than we can imagine. And indeed, these energetic forces seem to be affecting human consciousness, as our entire central nervous system is an electromagnetic structure.

I find it very interesting that its path nearest to our planet correlates with the Mayan calendar that ends in December, 2012. Everyone has read some about 2012, but very few understand the astrological significance of this date. Some researchers are concerned because our planet is moving into alignment with our Sun and the center of our galaxy, which is considered by most astronomers to be an extremely powerful black hole about one million miles across.

The effects of this alignment cannot be underestimated. How this affects our climate, our geology, and our culture is a little harder to grasp because we live in such small conscious boxes. Like the vibrational changes occurring in the universe now, most people are simply too distracted to familiarize themselves with these events.

We are at a major turning point both from the point of view of Earth’s climate and its culture. We have gotten so out of balance with nature and our connection to nature that things must change. For those that take a scientific view that, “for every action there is an opposite but equal reaction," then surely, a galactic event of this magnitude will have an untold equal reaction.

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Joined: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:17 am

Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by kevin » Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:27 pm

They are noting that the gulf stream has stalled.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:23 pm

BP Oil Spill Stalls Gulf Loop Current
Oceanographic satellite data now shows that the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico has stalled as a consequence of the BP oil spill disaster. This is according to Dr. Gianluigi Zangari, an Italian theoretical physicist, and major complex and chaotic systems analyst at the Frascati National Laboratories in Italy.

He further notes that the effects of this stall have also begun to spread to the Gulf Stream. This is because the Loop Current is a crucial element of the Gulf Stream itself and why it is commonly referred to as the “main engine” of the Stream.

Why is this important to all life on the planet? The Gulf Stream is a strong interlinked component of the Earth's global network of ocean conveyor currents, which drive the planet's weather systems.

For this reason, Zangari's concern is that should the Loop Current fail to restart, dire global consequences may ensue as a result of extreme weather changes and many other critical phenomena. The repercussions of which could trigger widespread droughts, floods, crop failures and subsequent global food shortages.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:50 am

Why the water refused to rise in the flow return pipe after it became highly charged with etheric energy (diamagnetism) is still a mystery.
Is diamagnetism the key to understanding magnetic monopoles and dipole anti(gravity)? Diamagnetism is supposed to attract negative electricity (Keely's negative attractive force?). We have the electrostatic repulsive force. Could there be an "inverse force" such as "magnetostatic induction"? Its analog would be electrostatic induction?

The Sun is inducing gravity without a corresponding quantity of mass. This phenomenon is brought about by a plasma in a magnetically unified state; a magnetically sustained 'non-space', an absolute vacuum held in place by the photospheric plasma shell.

Non-space is an absolute vacuum which induces gravity. This causes the exterior mass/energy space to gravitationally implode upon non-space. Any given volume of non-space has a temperature of absolute zero and is without time.

I believe that a magnetic field can exist in non-space, because it is a manifestation of mass/energy, but is not mass/energy in itself.

It is my contention that when plasma particles of the same charge interact within a unified magnetic field, they fly apart leaving non- space in their wake. The 'nothing' left behind is a rip in the fabric of mass/energy/space and gravity is induced without a corresponding quantity of mass.
Electromagnetic inertia
http://www.mariner.connectfree.co.uk/ht ... ertia.html
Have you ever thought “If an electron induces a magnetic field when it moves, and magnetic fields contain energy, where does the energy to create this field come from?”

It comes from the force that accelerated the electron from rest - the work done in accelerating it (as the integral of the force over the distance) directly creates the energy of the induced field. Another way of saying this is that part of the electron’s inertia comes from supplying energy to the induced magnetic field.

We do not know the fine detail of the electron’s electric field structure, only the way it falls off as the square of the distance when we are some way away from the electron (in terms of the electron size). So it is easier to deal with the inertia of simple electromagnetic fields.

Electrostatic and magnetostatic fields exhibit inertial properties, but it is fair to say that there are issues awaiting resolution.

The phenomenon of inductance is clear proof that the electric field of a moving electron has inertia.
Electrostatic inertia is associated with the concept of inductance, used in electric circuits; creating the magnetic field in an inductor takes energy that must be supplied by the external electromotive source. This energy is ‘L.I2/2’, where ‘L’ is the inductance and ‘I’ is the current; the current is simply a count of the moving electrons, and hence is proportional to the total moving electrostatic field.

In order to make higher inductances the wires are formed in a loop or coil so that the induced magnetic fields from different electrons overlap and add. The electric fields from electrons in adjacent loops add linearly, so the energy involved increases as the square. This is why inductance ‘L’ is proportional to the square of the number of turns in the loop, and is clear proof that the electric field of the electron has inertia.

When current is flowing in a circuit through an inductor, and the circuit is suddenly broken open, a spark will jump across the break. This is caused by the augmented inertia associated with the electrons’ overlapping electric fields - they cannot stop dead, but have to dissipate their induced magnetic energy. This is a clear demonstration that an electron’s inertia owes much to its elecrostatic field.

Adding a ferrous core to such a coil increases the induced magnetic field dramatically, leading to much increased induced inertia.
The Electro-Magnetic Radiation Pressure (EMRP) Gravity Theory
It is hereby proposed that extremely high frequency, electromagnetic waves sourced by diffuse unpolarized cosmic waves in the upper gamma frequency spectrum, sometimes also referred to as zero point energy pervades all space. Radiation pressure imbalance of such highly penetrating extragalactic incoming radiation, acting through all matter is held responsible for pushing matter together.

Despite the precise predictions of the equations of gravity when compared to experimental measurements, no one yet understands its connections with any other of the known forces. We also know that the equations for gravitational forces between two masses are VERY similar to those for electrical forces between charges, but we wonder why.

We learn that electrostatic forces are generated by charges, gravitational forces are generated by masses, and magnetic fields are generated by magnetic poles.

Quoting professor Clerk Maxwell from his Electrodynamics theory, we read 'After tracing to the action of the surrounding medium both the magnetic and the electric attractions and repulsions, and finding them to depend on the inverse square of the distance, we are naturally led to inquire whether the attraction of gravitation, which follows the same law of the distance, is not also traceable to the action of a surrounding medium. Gravitation differs from magnetism and electricity in this; that the bodies concerned are all of the same kind, instead of being opposite signs, like magnetic poles and electrified bodies, and that the force between these bodies is an attraction and not a repulsion as is the case between like charges and magnetic bodies.

In his work we read: 'The lines of gravitating force near two dense bodies are exactly of the same form as the lines of magnetic force near two poles of the same name; but whereas the poles are repelled, the bodies are attracted. The intrinsic energy of the field of gravitation must therefore be less wherever there is a resultant gravitating force.

As energy is essentially positive, it is impossible for any part of space to have negative intrinsic energy. Hence those parts of space in which there is no resultant force, such as the points of equilibrium in the space between the different bodies of a system, and within the substance of each body, must have an intrinsic energy per unit volume greater than (1/8 π)R2, where R is the greatest possible value of the intensity of gravitating force in any part of the universe. The assumption, therefore, that gravitation arises from the action of the surrounding medium in the way pointed out, leads to the conclusion that every part of this medium possesses, when undisturbed, an enormous intrinsic energy, and that the presence of dense bodies influences the medium so as to diminish this energy wherever there is a resultant attraction'.
Dipole antigravity animation
http://galileo.phys.virginia.edu/classe ... tdipol.mov

Schauberger found:

That "the three dimensional vortex called the logarithmic spiral is the shape of water going down a drain, a tornado, a hurricane, a rams horn which, when played as an instrument, has two basic notes separated by a fifth musical note, atomic centers and galactic nebulas, possibly the entire universe".

"Atoms are nothing more than vortical patterns of energy, where a vortex is a three dimensional spiral. Growth patterns of shells and horns are nearly always spiral or vortical in form, possibly growing along some natural energy pattern".

"Synchrotron radiation occurs when electrons spiral into a magnetic field.

That "the logarithmic spiral is based on a cycloid curve.

He believed that there existed one universal energy that manifests as dual forces depending on its polarity-

Pressure or Radiation leads to centrifugal motion (from the center, explosive), heat, friction and gravity

Attraction or Suction leads to centripital motion (toward the center, implosive), cooling and levitation.

"The term diamagnetism was applied by Schauberger to the attractive or centripital force".

Energy set in motion in a vortex pattern is self-sustaining once it achieves its critical velocity, which may mean the same thing as becoming resonant with some current of force such as gravity".

"Implosion of the water stream occurred for the same reason; namely, the added energy current being drawn into the water vortex along its path was sufficient to 'push' the water away from the wall of the water guide and cause the pressure on the walls to drop to zero.

Why the water refused to rise in the flow return pipe after it became highly charged with etheric energy (diamagnetism) is still a mystery. It is possible that once the water atoms became purified and completely saturated with etheric energy they no longer offered any resistance to the flow of etheric energy through them. Thus, there was nothing for the polar flow to 'push' against and sustain the water flow. When the charged energy was drawn off by the collectors, the charge on the atoms remained below a certain threshold and they still offered sufficient resistance to the polar flow to sustain the vortex implosion motion".
Dipole Antigravity
Now the question is "where is the energy located due to this charge?" The conventional wisdom generally conveyed in the text books is that the energy is in the entire space of the electric field created by the charge Q.

This misconception has created a huge misunderstanding in the physics of electricity and magnetism. In fact, unless there is a separate electric charge nearby or in the entire space around this source charge Q, there is no EM energy in the space (outside of the conductor) due to this charge Q. Instead, the energy is within the charge Q inside the metallic sphere itself repelling each other as the electrons or the ions exert the force against each other as individual entities.

In the case of the concentric spherical capacitor, the electric field in between the two shells comes only from the charges in the inner sphere. However the energy stored in this concentric configuration comes from the attractive force between this electric field and the charges in the outer sphere. So there is no increase in the strength of the electric field between the shells due to the charges in the outer sphere. It is only the additional electrostatic energy in the entire configuration that springs up.

After all, it requires two spatially separated charges in space to create an electrostatic potential energy. So, if two electrons are spatially separated in space, they will create the electrostatic potential energy.

Now the serious question is if the two electrons can be considered to be in the three dimensional space if they are within the voluminous metal (how small it may be), which is the fundamental question that has never been asked seriously in physics.

Remember the interior of the metallic conductors are free zone for the electric charges within the physical boundary. There is no restriction of the movement of the charges inside the metal. So, it is natural to expect that the two electrons will tend to be separated as far away from each other as much as possible. So the answer to the question regarding the location of the two electrons will be "far at the end of the wire".

Now the next question is "Is there any electrostatic potential energy between these two electrons?" Yes there should be.

So the energy of the electric charge Q located inside the metallic sphere is not in the space outside of the metal. The energy is inside the metal in the form of the electrostatic repulsive force.
Anomalous Center of Mass Shift: Gravitational Dipole Moment
The anomalous, energy dependent shift of the center of mass of an idealized, perfectly rigid, uniformly rotating hemispherical shell which is caused by the relativistic mass increase effect is investigated in detail. It is shown that a classical object on impact which has the harmonic binding force between the adjacent constituent particles has the similar effect of the energy dependent, anomalous shift of the center of mass. From these observations, the general mode of the linear acceleration is suggested to be caused by the anomalous center of mass shift whether it's due to classical or relativistic origin. The effect of the energy dependent center of mass shift perpendicular to the plane of rotation of a rotating hemisphere appears as the non-zero gravitational dipole moment in general relativity.

1. The strength of the force acting on an object is proportional to the anomalous center of mass shift of the object.

2. The acting force is the same as the restoring force arising from the anomalous center of mass shift
Diamagnetic Energy
7.1 Magnetism

..."spin and angular momentum cancel...total momentum / magnetism is zero... when the application of a magnetic field slightly unbalances the orbital pairing of electrons, the result is "diamagnetism", when it slightly unbalances the spin pairing (only in metals), it results in a very weak paramagnetism".

7.2 Diamagnetism: Superconductivity at Room Temperature

"Suppose for the sake of argument we are presented with a plastic material that is superconducting at room temperature. How could we use it? The obvious applications mentioned in the beginning of this article immediately springs to mind, but even more exciting prospects arise from a superconductor’s "diamagnetism" or impermeability to a magnetic field. Because of the highly coordinated motion of the electrons a magnetic field cannot penetrate the interior of a superconductor.

7.3 "Paramagnetism attracts positive electricity"

"Diamagnetism attracts negative electricity".

Paramagnetism - Has magnetic permeability (attracts +).
Slightly more magnetic than a vacuum.

Ferromagnetism - Abnormally high magnetic permeability
Definite saturation point
Much residual magnetism and hysteresis

Diamagnetism- Has magnetic permeability (attracts -)
Magnetic permeability less than that of a vacuum
Negative magnetic susceptibility
Feebly repelled by a strong magnet
In common vacuum = 'Negative pressure'.

7.4 Magnecrystallic Force

This force is neither + nor -. It is found in crystals when the cells attempt to align in the structure of the crystal as building blocks. From this amazing force we can see that it is not like any polarized force; therefore, it is higher than both, or perhaps more correctly, in the middle of both + and -. The only thing between + and - seems to be neutral. Therefore this force is neutral. Neutral is sometimes called the center, as the place where gravity's 'force' is found, according to Newton. [/highlight]
Making magnetic monopoles, and other exotica, in the lab
http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/breakin ... n-the-lab/
Physicist Shou-Cheng Zhang has proposed a way to physically realize the magnetic monopole. In a paper published online in the January 29 issue of Science Express, Zhang and post-doctoral collaborator Xiao-Liang Qi predict the existence of a real-world material that acts as a magic mirror, in which the never-before-observed monopole appears as the image of an ordinary electron. If his prediction is confirmed by experiments, this could mean the opening of condensed matter as a new venue for observing the exotica of high-energy physics.

The monopole is thought of as electric charge’s magnetic cousin, but unlike positive or negative charges, north or south poles always occur together in what’s called a dipole. A lone north or south pole simply doesn’t show up in the real world. Even if you take a bar magnet and cut it in half down the middle, you won’t get a separate north and south pole, but two new dipole magnets instead. For symmetry-minded theorists, however, it’s natural that there should be a magnetic equivalent of charge. String theories and grand unified theories rely on its existence, and its absence undermines the mathematical feng-shui of the otherwise elegant Maxwell’s equations that govern the behavior of electricity and magnetism. What’s more, the existence of a magnetic monopole would explain another mystery of physics: why charge is quantized; that is, why it only seems to come in tidy packets of about 1.602×10–19 coulombs, the charge of an electron or proton.

To understand how a material can act like a magnetic monopole, it helps to examine first how an ordinary metal acts when a charge—an electron, say—is brought close to the surface. Because like charges repel, the electrons at the surface retreat to the interior, leaving the previously neutral surface positively charged. The resulting electric field looks exactly like that of a particle with positive charge the same distance below the surface—it’s the positive mirror image of the electron. In fact, from an observer’s point of view, it’s impossible to tell the difference.

Zhang discovered, due to a peculiarity of the material called strong spin-orbit coupling, the nearby electron would induce a current in the surface that circulates constantly without dying out. This in turn would create a magnetic field that looks like that of a magnetic monopole.
A Diamagnetic Theory
I was watching a Newton's Cradle swing back and forth and it made me think: Is there another way to do this?

I thought of several ways to do this, but my favorite was the magnetic concept.
Around this time I discovered that magnetic spheres are polarized so that "North" and "South" were on opposite ends. This would give the concept a fifty percent chance of working with each roll, and I wanted it to be full proof.

Browsing around the internet, I heard about a special type of magnet, a diamagnet that would repel all other magnets, no matter the charge. I heard bismuth was the strongest of the above, so I am currently using it in the design.
Magnetism of Matter: Maxwell's Equations
http://www.sci.sdsu.edu/classes/physics ... t.011.html
Magnetic Materials

•Each electron in an atom has both a spin and an orbital magnetic moment

•These combine vectorially to produce a total magnetic moment for each electron

•The magnetic moments of the electrons within an atom combine vectorially to produce a total magnetic moment of the atom

•And finally, the magnetic moments of the atoms within a substance combine vectorially to produce an overall magnetic moment for the substance

•Diamagnetism is similar to electrostatic polarization of a dielectric in that the induced magnetic moment tends to oppose the field that creates it.

•Paramagnetism is created when atoms with permanent dipole moments tend to align with an external magnetic field; the resulting field is greater that of the external magnetic field

• Ferromagnetism is similar to paramagnetism except much stronger and occurs primarily in iron, nickel, cobalt


•Diamagnetic materials do not have permanent dipole moments

•Diamagnetism is the weakest of the three types of magnetism in materials

•All materials exhibit diamagnetism but it is overwhelmed in paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials

•Diamagnetism arises because the dipole moments induced in atoms tend to line up opposite of the direction of the external magnetic field that created them. Diamagnetic materials thus weaken the external field
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Diamagnet ... 2722192984
If a powerful magnet (such as a supermagnet) is covered with a layer of water (that is thin compared to the diameter of the magnet) then the field of the magnet significantly repels the water. This causes a slight dimple in the water's surface that may be seen by its reflection.

Diamagnets may be levitated in stable equilibrium in a magnetic field, with no power consumption. Earnshaw's theorem seems to preclude the possibility of static magnetic levitation. However, Earnshaw's theorem only applies to objects with positive moments, such as ferromagnets (which have a permanent positive moment) and paramagnets (which induce a positive moment). These are attracted to field maxima, which do not exist in free space. Diamagnets (which induce a negative moment) are attracted to field minima, and there can be a field minimum in free space.
Magnetic monopole arises when magnets repel each other.
http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable ... her-2.html
Why do you suppose Bismuth increase in volume upon solidification like water?
It is the most diamagnetic of metals and has the second lowest thermal conductivity.
Connect the Dots ... Heat & Magnetic relationship.

Fire/flame is diamagnetic. (It's heat, not the "contents" of flame)

Heat changes magnetic properties. Connect the Dots.

Heating a magnet past its Curie temperature - the molecular motion destroys the alignment of the magnetic domains. This always removes all magnetization.
Heat and magnetism effect each other, directly connected, joined at the hip.

Everything interacts via Heat with Magnetics, doesn't it.

Howard Johnson - The Secret World of Magnets

Three kinds of Amperian currents we have observed are:

1. The double vortex where opposite spins are found along side each other.
2. The double vortex where one vortex is inside the other.
3. The third form is the flat vortex.

Dr. Feynman recorded finding some of these in his Vol. 2 Physics lectures 37 - (12 - 13).
http://www.archive.org/stream/researche ... t_djvu.txt
Pliicker concluded that the magnetic deportment of a crystal, and its optical deportment, went hand in hand and that from either of them the other could be inferred. He announced the important law that negative crystals, when suspended in the magnetic field with their optic axes horizontal, took up, on the development of the magnetic force, a definite position always setting the optic axes at right angles to the direction of the magnetic force; while positive crystals, under the same influence, set their axes from pole to pole. In the latter case the axes were said to be attracted, in the former case, repelled. This was the second generalization, which embodied Pliicker's correction of his first. It is well known that in crystals one constituent can often be substituted for another, without change of external form or internal structure.

We can replace a diamagnetic atom by a magnetic one, without disturbing the molecular architecture, or the optical phenomena dependent on it. Carbonate of lime, carbonate of lime and iron, and pure carbonate of iron, are cases in point. They are all of the same rhomboidal form; they have the same cleavages which, if followed sufficiently far, would show them to possess the same molecular structure. This identity of structure makes them alike in optical character. They are all three ' negative ' crystals. But the atomic change from calcium to iron, which does not affect the optical deportment, completely reverses the magnetic deportment. This single instance suffices to invalidate Pliicker's second magnetic classification; while it also disposes of the proposition, so often repeated, that magne-crystallic action is independent of the magnetism or diamagnetism of the mass of the crystal. A host of other exceptions and considerations are, however, adduced.

The character of the diamagnetic force itself was a subject of doubt and discussion. Was it a polar force, like magnetism, or an unpolar force, like gravity? Diamagnetic repulsion obviously augmented with the strength of the operating magnet. With feeble magnets it was hardly sensible; with strong ones, especially when the more powerful diamagnetic substances like bismuth and antimony were operated on, the repulsion was very sensible indeed. Was this enhancement of the action with the rise of magnetic power due to the magnet alone? It was proved that it was not the mere matter of the diamagnetic body (to which permanence of quantity must be ascribed) that was repelled, but something which, as in the case of magnetism, rose and fell, within wide limits, in exact proportion to the rise and fall of the magnetic power.

In iron, according to the latter, the act of magnetization consists in rendering pre-existent currents wholly or partially parallel to a common plane; attraction being due to the fact that the directions of these currents are the same as those of the influencing magnet. In bismuth, according to Weber's theory, the molecular currents are not preexistent, but induced; and, in accordance with Faraday's law, are opposed in direction to the currents which excite them. Ordinary induced currents cease, in a moment, because of the resistance of the conductors through which they pass. Weber, therefore, provides his induced molecular currents with channels of no resistance in which, once started, they can permanently circulate.
Diamagnetism is a very weak form of magnetism that is only exhibited in the presence of an external magnetic field. It is the result of changes in the orbital motion of electrons due to the external magnetic field. The induced magnetic moment is very small and in a direction opposite to that of the applied field. When placed between the poles of a strong electromagnet, diamagnetic materials are attracted towards regions where the magnetic field is weak. Diamagnetism is found in all materials; however, because it is so weak it can only be observed in materials that do not exhibit other forms of magnetism. Also, diamagnetism is found in elements with paired electrons. Oxygen was once thought to be diamagnetic, but a new revised molecular orbital (MO) model confirmed oxygen's paramagnetic nature.

An exception to the "weak" nature of diamagnetism occurs with the rather large number of materials that become superconducting, something that usually happens at lowered temperatures. Superconductors are perfect diamagnets and when placed in an external magnetic field expel the field lines from their interiors (depending on field intensity and temperature). Superconductors also have zero electrical resistance, a consequence of their diamagnetism. Superconducting structures have been known to tear themselves apart with astonishing force in their attempt to escape an external field.
Like pole repel each other. If a N pole is brought close to the north pole of a second magnet a repulsive force will be felt. Similarly if a South pole is brought close to the South pole of another magnet, the two magnets will repel each other.

Unlike poles attract and will stick together.

Magnets attract iron rich materials and like poles and the repulsion between like poles can be reduced if a strip of iron is placed between them.

How can we explain these intriguing properties? The domain theory states that inside a magnet there are small regions in which the magnetic alignment of all the atoms is aligned in the same directions.

Within a domain the alignment of the magnetic direction is the same. In the next domain it may be in a completely different direction. On average over the many domains in the magnet there is no preferential direction for the magnetic force. However, using a magnet the direction of the magnetic direction in each domain can be made to point in the same direction. In this way the magnetic field can be increased.

Consider a bar magnet which has been magnetised such that the entire magnet forms a single magnetic domain. Surface charges will appear at either end of the crystal. Associated with the surface charges is a secondary magnetic field called the demagnetising field which acts to reduce the magnetic field. The energy of the surface charges is called the magnetostatic energy.

The magnetostatic energy can be reduced if the crystal forms a second domain, magnetised in the opposite direction. In this way, the separation of positive and negative surface charges is reduced decreasing the spatial extent of the demagnetising field.

Naturally, one might ask, if the magnetostatic energy is reduced by the formation of domains, can they carry on forming indefinitely? To which the answer is no. The reason being that energy is required to produce and maintain the region of transition from one domain to another, the domain wall. Equilibrium will be reached when the magnetostatic energy is equal to the energy required to maintain the domain walls. However, domains are much larger than the individual molecules within the magnet.

Observation of domain boundary movement under the influence of applied magnetic fields has aided in the development of theoretical treatments. It has been demonstrated that the formation of domains minimizes the magnetic contribution to the free energy.

In addition to the magnetic dipole moment of the electrons, the fact that the electrons orbit around the nucleus give rise to a second magnetic field produced by the moving charge around the nucleus.

Ferri magentic material has two sets of magnetic dipole moments pointing in opposite directions. The magnetic moments do not cancel each other out because the dipole moment in one direction is smaller than the other.

Diamagnetic materials are composed of atoms that have no net magnetic moments. However, when exposed to a field a weak negative magnetisation is produced which causes repulsion instead of attraction.
Magnetic Monopole

Magnetic Monopoles
Contrary to normal experience, some theoretical physics models predict the existence of Magnetic monopoles. Paul Dirac observed in 1931 that, because electrical theory and magnetic theory show a certain symmetry, just as quantum theory predicts that individual positive or negative electric charges can be observed without the opposing charge, isolated South or North magnetic poles should be observable. In practice, however, although charged particles like protons and electrons can be easily isolated as individual electrical charges, magnetic south and north poles do not appear in isolation. Using quantum theory Dirac showed that if magnetic monopoles exist, then one could explain why the observed elementary particles carry charges that are integral multiples of the charge of the electron. Quarks carry fractional electric charge, but they do not appear as free particles.
Earth’s Magnetic Field
http://geophysics.ou.edu/solid_earth/no ... /earth.htm
By convention, the "north-seeking" pole corresponding to that at the north end of a compass needle is called the positive pole, and the "south-seeking" pole is referred to as the negative pole The lines of force are directed outward from a positive (i.e., north) pole and inward to a negative (i.e., south) pole."

Note that this means the Earth's north magnetic pole is a negative pole, because the positive "north-seeking" end of a compass needle is attracted toward it. The lines of force referred to would be the force on a positive "test monopole" of unit strength.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:24 pm

Is the scalar component missing that defines diamagetism?

The field of a magnetic charge is defined in terms of the force experienced by a test magnet. The field of a magnetic pole–one end of a long bar magnet, for example–is therefore radial. As can be seen from the description of the origin of electromagnetism, the field of a wire carrying an electric current would also be radial (in two dimensions) if it were defined in terms of the force experienced by an element of the current in a parallel conductor. But it is customary to define the electromagnetic field on the magnetostatic basis; that is, by the force experienced by a magnet, or an electromagnet in the form of a coil, a solenoid, which produces a radial field similar to that of a bar magnet by means of its geometrical arrangement. When the field of a current-carrying wire is thus defined, it circles the wire rather than extending out radially. The force exerted on the test magnet is then perpendicular to the field, as well as to the direction of the current flow.

Here is a direct challenge to physical theory, an apparent violation of physical principles that apply elsewhere. It is a challenge that has never before been met. The physicists have not even been able to devise a plausible hypothesis. So they simply note the anomaly, the “strange” characteristics of the magnetic effect. “The magnetic force has a strange directional character,” says Richard Feynman, “at every instant the force is always at right angles to the velocity vector.” It is likely, however, that this perpendicular relation between the direction of current movement and the direction of the force would not seem so strange if magnets interacted only with magnets and currents with currents. In that event, the magnetic effect of current on current would still be “at right angles to the velocity vector,” but it would be in the direction of the field, rather than perpendicular to it, as the field would have to be defined in terms of the action of current on current. When there is interaction between current and magnet, the resultant force is perpendicular to the magnetic field; that is, to the field intensity vector. A test magnet in an electromagnetic field does not move in the direction of the field, as would be expected, but moves in a perpendicular direction.
Electromagnetic inertia
http://www.mariner.connectfree.co.uk/ht ... ertia.html
The conclusion often made is that the electron could not be purely electromagnetic. However the calculation was made for a radial electrostatic field and hence the proper conclusion is that a radial electrostatic field violates relativity. By geometrical inference all electrostatic field structures violate relativity. We cannot suspect the laws of induction, which are well-proven - electric motors work because induced fields containing energy, nor can we suspect the laws of relativity, which are again well proven, but there is little doubt the two are in conflict.

There is no mechanism for an electrostatic field to propagate like an electromagnetic wave yet it has an effect at a distance. Either the electrostatic field must convert to an electromagnetic wave and then magically convert back when it sees another electrostatic field it can interact with, or else no energy is involved in its propagation implying that the speed of propagation of an electrostatic wave is either zero or infinite - the only possible solutions for this condition for any propagating field. The former is obviously disallowed by experiment, but no-one has ever worked out the speed of propagation of an elctrostatic wave from first principles as has been done for eletromagnetic waves to check the latter. Bear in mind that electromagnetic waves propagate by a falling magnetic field creating a rising electric field, and vice-versa, while moving electrostatic fields simply generate magnetic fields in situ.

A electric dipole generates electrostatic and electromagnetic fields; near the dipole the electrostatic fields dominate, but the field falls off at 1/r3 while the electromagnetic fields fall off only as 1/r2, so more then a wavelength or more away from the aerial the electromagnetic waves dominate.

Electrostatic and magnetostatic fields exhibit inertial properties, but it is fair to say that there are issues awaiting resolution.

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Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by kevin » Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:46 pm

Excellent posts.
Think about pressure.
They say that there is enormous pressure in that oil well pushing up.
Think about attraction and repulsion.
What would attract the oil to the surface?
Why would it try to travel to the surface?
Pressure they say, attraction I would say.
Thus to stem the attraction will stop the oil .

Basically gravity is travelling towards the surface, as gravity does not exist , there is no force termed gravity, there is attraction and repulsion, reverse the polarity of the oil and it will not be attracted to the surface in what they call pressure.
The surface is the surface no matter where the surface is, whether it's the top of a mountain or the bottom of the deep blue sea, though sea water does have it's own surface, thus the oil will float on the water, the oil is thus attracted to the surface but it does not have enough attraction to overcome the waters attraction.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:38 am

Kevin said: Basically gravity is travelling towards the surface, as gravity does not exist , there is no force termed gravity, there is attraction and repulsion, reverse the polarity of the oil and it will not be attracted to the surface in what they call pressure.
I agree! It’s all about negative and positive polarity and the “carrier wave” is the universal scalar logarithmic spiral (gravitational standing wave) just like what Viktor said (and all dowsers know).

Magnecrystallic Force (“gravity”) (No-thing) = universal scalar logarithmic spiral (gravitational standing wave); at the sub-atomic level (sub-quantum level) = scroll waves (George Merkel) = structure of the aether
Paramagnetism attracts positive electricity" (positive attraction) (positive pressure)

Paramagnetism - Has magnetic permeability; slightly more magnetic than a vacuum.

Ferromagnetism - Abnormally high magnetic permeability (positive attraction ++) (positive pressure ++); definite saturation point; much residual magnetism and hysteresis

Diamagnetism attracts negative electricity". (negative attraction) (negative pressure) (repulsion)

Diamagnetism- Has magnetic permeability (attracts -); magnetic permeability less than that of a vacuum; negative magnetic susceptibility; feebly repelled by a strong magnet;
In common vacuum = 'Negative pressure'.

Magnecrystallic Force (“gravity”) (No-thing) = universal scalar logarithmic spiral (gravitational standing wave)

This force is neither + nor -. It is found in crystals when the cells attempt to align in the structure of the crystal as building blocks. From this amazing force we can see that it is not like any polarized force; therefore, it is higher than both, or perhaps more correctly, in the middle of both + and -. The only thing between + and - seems to be neutral. Therefore this force is neutral. Neutral is sometimes called the center, as the place where gravity's 'force' is found, according to Newton.


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