An exceptionally elegant "Theory of Everything"

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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An exceptionally elegant "Theory of Everything"

Unread post by Lloyd » Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:41 pm

I just received this by email, which seems interesting enough to share here. I don't mean to detract from the other thread with a similar title. It's just synchronicity.

An exceptionally elegant "Theory of Everything" ... Everything
Friday, October 14, 2016 11:29 AM
From: "Arend Lammertink"


In a previous article, we stated that all currently known areas of Physics' theories converge naturally into one Unified Theory of Everything once we make one fundamental change to Maxwell's aether model. In that article, we explored the history of Maxwell's equations and considered a number of reasons for the need to revise Maxwell's
equations. In this article, we will make the mathematical case that there is a hole in Maxwell's equations which should not be there, given that we started with the same basic hypothesis as Maxwell did: A physical, fluid-like medium called "aether" exists.

Maxwell did not explicitly use this underlying hypothesis, but abstracted it away. This leads to a mathematically inconsistent model wherein, for example, units of measurements do not match in his definition for the electric potential field. By correcting this obvious flaw in the model and extending it with a definition for the gravity field, we obtain a simple, elegant, complete and mathematically consistent "theory of everything" without "gauge freedom", the fundamental theoretical basis for Quantum Weirdness which we must therefore reject.



By working out standard textbook fluid dynamic vector theory for an ideal, compressible, non-viscous Newtonian fluid, we have established that Maxwell's equations are mathematically inconsistent, given that these are supposed to describe the electromagnetic field from the aether hypothesis. Since our effort is a direct extension of Paul Stowe and Barry Mingst' aether model, we have come to a complete mathematically consistent "field theory of everything". And we found "Maxwell's hole" to be the original flaw in the standard model that led to both relativity and Quantum Mechanics, which should thus both be rejected.
Dear fellow dissident scientist,

I have spent a lot of time analyzing the history of Maxwell's equations and how those led to Relativity as well as Quantum Field Theory. Based on that analysis, I found an astonishing inconsistency in Maxwell's equations, which led to an incomplete model for electromagnetics.

For instance, Maxwell's equations predict only one type of electromagnetic waves to exist, namely transverse waves, while in actual fact at least two types of waves are known to exist, namely the "near" and "far" fields:

By correcting this inconsistency, we can come to a Unified model in an elegant, consistent and natural way. Please find my abstract below.

You can read the full article at my personal website: ... Everything

I hope you are able and willing to consider my proposal and let me know what you think about it. To me, it contains the answer I believe science has been looking for, but of course you may differ in opinion.

Kindest regards,

Arend Lammertink, MScEE,
Goor, The Netherlands.

P.S. I found your email address at: ... %20htm.htm

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Re: An exceptionally elegant "Theory of Everything"

Unread post by Lloyd » Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:44 pm

Gravity is Electromagnetic
I went and read their whole paper An exceptionally elegant "Theory of Everything" at ... Everything and see that they consider gravity to be a form of electromagnetism. I'll quote their central section below in blue after showing some of their important links.

They reference this paper:
The Atomic Vortex Hypothesis, a Forgotten Path to Unification

And this is their previous paper leading to the present one:
On Space, Time and the Fabric of Nature ... -of-nature

These are some Notes and FAQ: ... ngNotesFAQ

And here's their central section.
Deriving gravity from the second order Laplacian

In an e-mail Paul Stowe sent me, he wrote:
Gravity for example is Grad E where E is the electric potential at x. This resolves to Le Sagian type process as outlined in the Pushing Gravity models.

As Koen van Vlaenderen pointed out, it does not make sense to take the gradient of a gradient, but the idea that gravity should be naturally included in our aether model in the form of a field derived from the electric field makes a lot of sense. This is also supported by experimental data around the Biefeld–Brown effect, even though recent confirmation attempts by Martin Tajmar yielded a null result.

Further, considering the wave-particle duality principle which states that particles are electromagnetic in nature, there can be no other fundamental forces of nature but the electromagnetic and therefore gravity must be derived from the field definitions for the electromagnetic fields.

In other words: the most logical approach to define gravity is to derive it from the electric field, completely analogous to the way we derived the electromagnetic fields from our bulk aether flow velocity field, namely by working our the second order Laplacian for v, which would be the Laplacian for E.

... This way, gravity is described as being standing longitudinal waves. And as you would expect, this matches exactly to experimental data in so called Cymatics experiments, which show how this works in water and other fluids. This picture makes clear that gravity should indeed be considered to be standing longitudinal waves:

By now it should be clear that the combination of gravity, longitudinal standing waves, and magnetism, curl or vorticity, are the dominant phenomena responsible for shaping atoms, molecules, solar systems, galaxies, etc., etc.

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Re: An exceptionally elegant "Theory of Everything"

Unread post by lamare » Sat Oct 15, 2016 4:36 am

Thanks for posting!

Note that I don't consider gravity to be electromagnetic.

Fundamentally, we start out at the aether hypothesis. By applying standard fluid dynamics vector theory, namely the application of the Laplacian operator to the vector flow velocity field v, one can come to the wave equation, which can be worked out further.

Considering some vector identities, one can show that the magnetic field represents the vorticity of the medium. When considering the Helmholtz decomposition, this part of the Laplacian/Helmholz decomposition represents the transverse part of the Helmholtz decomposition, which is divergence-free, hence div B = 0.

The longitudinal part of the decomposition, represented by the electric field E, can be easily shown to be curl-free, hence curl E = 0.

By re-applying the Laplacian to E, one comes to the gravity equations, whereby the curl curl v term drops out, since curl E = 0.

So, gravity is defined as grad div E, which is thus not electromagnetic, since magnetism represents the vorticity of the medium and since curl E=0, there is no magnetism in gravity!

In other words; gravity is considered as the second order Laplacian of the vector velocity field v. The first order Laplacian, which defines E, leads to a wave equation for sound-like longitudinal waves. The second order Laplacian, defining gravity, leads to a wave equation is expected to represent standing longitudinal waves.

So: no vorticity in the longitudinal part of the decompositon, hence no magnetism!

However, in general terminology, it is correct that I consider gravity to be a form of electromagnetism, since that is the general term used to refer to these phenomena.

The bottomline is that electromagnetism is decomposed into a longitudinal and a transverse or rotational component, the latter being magnetism.

Best regards,


P.S. I posted the other thread myself. :D

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Re: An exceptionally elegant "Theory of Everything"

Unread post by Zyxzevn » Sat Oct 15, 2016 5:53 am

gravity is defined as grad div E

I would expect at least some kind of mass in there.

The whole "theory" seems a mixture of confused mathematics.

To make a theory more solid, you have to apply each mathematical step with practical
examples. And, if correct these examples will match up with (known) experiments.
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Re: An exceptionally elegant "Theory of Everything"

Unread post by lamare » Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:18 am

Zyxzevn wrote:
gravity is defined as grad div E

I would expect at least some kind of mass in there.

The whole "theory" seems a mixture of confused mathematics.

To make a theory more solid, you have to apply each mathematical step with practical
examples. And, if correct these examples will match up with (known) experiments.
There is mass in there, it's just not directly visible in the equations.

Essentially, these equations are standard textbook fluid dynamics vector theory. See for example: ... Theory.pdf

The basis of it is that impulse P is defined as: [P] = m [v].

The equations are differential equations describing the spatial distribution of the difference in the flow velocity "field" [v], which essentially describe stresses and rotational flows in the medium.

However, these are directly related to the mass distribution in the medium. When you have a flow, mass moves. The description of these flows in the form of differential equations involving the flow velocity field [v] is just the textbook way of doing that.

Hope this helps,


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Re: An exceptionally elegant "Theory of Everything"

Unread post by Zyxzevn » Sun Oct 16, 2016 5:36 am

The equations make it less clear what you are saying.
I know the maxwell equations, but it is not clear how you can simply state
that gravity is directly related to the E-field.

Equations are very testable.
G= grad div E is simply not true,
because we have currently not found a direct relationship between gravity and electricity.

Your idea of a super fluid is interesting, but it also has its downsides.

If you find a new theory, and it seems to work,
you should check under what conditions it may not work.
That is why I point out the gravity thing. :ugeek:
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Re: An exceptionally elegant "Theory of Everything"

Unread post by Lloyd » Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:04 am

I hope Lamare & others may like to read some of the following, to see if any of these papers help explain the aether etc. As I asked before, can the aether be photons?

Maxwell's Equations
Maxwell's Equations are also Unified Field Equations
Maxwell's displacement field pre-exists any field created by ions.

The Anti-Stokes Fudge
... the charge field went underground at the time of Maxwell. Maxwell's displacement [field] was never assigned to any real field by Maxwell

Maxwell's Lines of Force
In part 2, we will continue to study Maxwell's exposition of his displacement field

The Compton Wavelength
The Compton Wavelength is defined as “the wavelength of a photon whose energy is the same as ... [The charge field] applies to Maxwell's displacement field, not his E/M field.

Re-assigning Boltzmann's Constant
... also a re-assignment of Avogadro's constant ... It applies to Maxwell's displacement field, not the molecular field.

Central Discoveries by Miles Mathis
I discovered that Maxwell's displacement field was hiding the charge field.

Black-body Radiation
Black-body Radiation is the Charge Field.... [The] primary field and E/M is an effect of that underlying field. The charge field is Maxwell's displacement [field]

The Drude-Sommerfeld Model and the problem of heat capacity
Because Maxwell's displacement field was never [physical]

The Equatorial Anomaly
The equatorial anomaly is an anomaly in the E/M field of the Earth

Birkeland Currents

More proof of my charge field
Maxwell's equations and his displacement field, where I separate the photon field from the ion field

Replacing van der Waals Forces with the Charge Field

Electrical Charge

Homepage for Miles Mathis science site
I show that the displacement field is really my charge field.... I show how Maxwell's vortices fail

A re-analysis of the Michelson Morley interferometer
Space and time are not even agreed to exist anymore, in the way that Maxwell and Michelson thought of them. So analysis like I have done here is thought to be passé.

Special relativity
Maxwell was the first to propose that moving fields altered.... vt is the displacement of the train relative to.... Special Relativity applies to real....

The Third Wave: a New Definition of Gravity
Following a hint by Maxwell, ... It is the displacement of a thing that is moving.

We Watch Maxwell Finesse an Equation
I have shown all the other big names finessing equations, so here I will pick on Maxwell.

Universal gravitational constant
The UNIVERSAL GRAVITATIONAL CONSTANT (connecting the number 108 in accelerators to G, using a suggestion by Maxwell)

Tesla and Einstein Were Both Right
[They] were both right regarding the aether or ether.

The Heliospheric Current Sheet
Readers recently asked me about the magnetic field around the Solar System, found by the Voyager

The Magnetic Moments
The Magnetic Moments of Proton, Neutron and Electron ... Magnetism is therefore just a part of Maxwell's field equations or other equations.


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