Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

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Re: Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

Unread post by starbiter » Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:38 pm

Monterey Canyon and Lake Titicaca don't make sense.

Google Earth is great for looking at the Monterey Canyon. It shows depth where You put the cursor.

Monterey Canyon is 12,000+ feet too deep and Lake Titicaca is 12,000+ feet too high. The lake was at sea level once. Monterey Canyon had to be dry for water erosion.

Lake Titicaca is about 1,150 miles South of the Equator. If the lake moved South by that distance sea level might have dropped by the required amount. The same might be true with Monterey Canyon. If the canyon moved 1,150 miles closer to the equator, sea level might have risen the required amount. Sea level at the equator is 13.25 miles higher then the poles due to centrifugal force.

It's 6,000 miles from the equator to the poles. 1,150/6,000. Into 13.25 miles. I think that's close. Sea level is plastic. The land seems to have moved as witnessed by tilted beaches. But it's so much easier for liquid water to move.

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Re: Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

Unread post by seasmith » Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:14 pm

Lake Titicaca is about 1,150 miles South of the Equator. If the lake moved South by that distance sea level might have dropped by the required amount. The same might be true with Monterey Canyon. If the canyon moved 1,150 miles closer to the equator, sea level might have risen the required amount. Sea level at the equator is 13.25 miles higher then the poles due to centrifugal force.

Interesting hypotheses. Are there any antipodal instances of similar elevation shifts, to buttress the suggestion ?
Have others commented on this idea in the literatures ?


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Re: Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

Unread post by starbiter » Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:36 pm

seasmith wrote:
Lake Titicaca is about 1,150 miles South of the Equator. If the lake moved South by that distance sea level might have dropped by the required amount. The same might be true with Monterey Canyon. If the canyon moved 1,150 miles closer to the equator, sea level might have risen the required amount. Sea level at the equator is 13.25 miles higher then the poles due to centrifugal force.

Interesting hypotheses. Are there any antipodal instances of similar elevation shifts, to buttress the suggestion ?
Have others commented on this idea in the literatures ?

Hi Seasmith,

I haven't stressed this concept. It just seems like a coincidence concerning Peru and California. I assume there were numerous changes in many directions concerning Earth's rotation and equator location over the last 10,000 years. But it seems obvious Peru was lower and California was higher at some point.

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Re: Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

Unread post by starbiter » Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:52 am

A friend asked about the geology surrounding the Hanging Temple in China. My response follows.

The formations in China are thought provoking. I'll try to explain my version of the geologic process. It would be much better to walk through the area. I'll do my best using Google maps and images. The map linked below shows the location.

The link blow shows the area quite clearly. Full screen works best.

The layers below the temple would have been laid down first, obviously. My first choice for deposition would be something similar to welded tuff. Material blowing in from the left sticking to the windward side of a dry surface. The incoming material could have been wet or molten.

Above the temple there is a dark brown area. It appears to be a surface feature that's been washed off in places. Under the dark brown coating is beige rock. The dark brown coating might be a remnant of sediment that once filled the valley. If the valley was submerged while the sediment accumulated, and the flooded condition reversed itself, the valley might have been swept clean except for the brown coating. This scenario might transpire if the rotation of Earth reversed. The 13.25 mile bulge of sea level would rush poleward with sediment. When the waters were pulled back to the equator as the rotation accelerated in the opposite direction, the ensuing flood might explain the brown coating.

Above the brown coating are alternate layers of rock and plants. The rock might be molten dust like welded tuff and the area with vegetation might be material less heated. I see this pattern in the western US. Layers of rock and conglomerate as if the current density oscillated.

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Re: Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

Unread post by kiwi » Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:37 am

seasmith wrote:
Lake Titicaca is about 1,150 miles South of the Equator. If the lake moved South by that distance sea level might have dropped by the required amount. The same might be true with Monterey Canyon. If the canyon moved 1,150 miles closer to the equator, sea level might have risen the required amount. Sea level at the equator is 13.25 miles higher then the poles due to centrifugal force.

Interesting hypotheses. Are there any antipodal instances of similar elevation shifts, to buttress the suggestion ?
Have others commented on this idea in the literatures ?

Velikovsky did ... and a couple of Darwin's amongst other's :?
"[Clemens Markham, in The Incas of Peru, (1910), page 21
states], 'There is a mystery still unsolved on the plateau of
Lake Titicaca, which if stones could speak, would reveal a story
of deepest interest. Much of the difficulty in the solution of
this mystery is caused by the nature of the region, in the
present day where the enigma still defies explanation...'
[Markham also states, page 23], 'Such a region is only capable
of sustaining a scanty population of hardy mountaineers and
laborers. The mystery consists in the existence of ruins of a
great city at the southern side of the lake, the builders being
entirely unknown. The city covered a large area, built by
highly skilled masons, and with the use of enormous stones.'

"When the author of the quoted passages posed his question to
the scholarly world, Leonard Darwin, the president of the Royal
Geological Society, offered the surmise that the mountain had
risen considerable after the city had been built.

"'Is such an idea beyond the bond of possibility?' asked Sir
Clemens. [page 23]; Under the assumption that the Andes were
once some two to three thousand feet lower than they are now,
'maize would then ripen in the basin of Lake Titicaca, and the
site of the ruins of Tiahuanacu could support the necessary
population. If the megalithic builders were living under these
conditions, the problem is solved. If this is geologically
impossible, the mystery remains unexplained.' [Markham page 23]

"Several years ago another authority, A. Posnansky, [in
Tiahuanacu, The Cradle of American Man, (1945), page 15], wrote
in a similar vein: 'At the present time, the plateau of the
Andes in inhospitable and almost sterile. With the present
climate, it would not have been suitable in any period as the
asylum for great human masses' of the 'most important
prehistoric center of the world.' [On page 1 and 39 he writes],
"Endless agriculture terraces' of the people who lived in this
region in pre-Inca days can still be recognized. 'Today, this
region is at a very great height above sea level. In remote
periods, it was lower.'

"The terraces rise to a height of 15,000 feet, twenty-five
hundred feet above Tiahuanacu, and still higher, up to 18,400
feet above sea level, or to the present line of eternal snow on

"The conservative view among evolutionists and geologists is
that mountain making is a slow process there never could have
been spontaneous uplifting on a large scale. In the case of
Tiahuanacu, however, the change in altitude apparently occurred
after the city was built, and this could not have been the
result of a slow process that required hundreds of thousands of
years to produce visible alteration.

"Once Tiahuanacu was at the [lake] water's edge; then Lake
Titicaca was ninety feet higher, as its old strandline
discloses. But this strandline is tilted and in other places it
is more than 360 feet above the present level of the lake.
There are numerous raised beaches; and stress was put on 'the
freshness of many of the strandlines and the modern character of
such fossils as occur'. [See H.P. Moon, 'The Geology and
Physiography of the Linnean Society of London, 3rd Series, Vol.
I, Pt. 1 (1939), page 32]

"Further investigation into the topography of the Andes and the
fauna of Lake Titicaca, together with a chemical analysis of
this lake and others on the same plateau, established that the
plateau was at one time at sea level, or 12,500 feet lower than
it is today. [According to Posnansky, Tiahuanacu, page 23],
'Titicaca and Poopo, lake and salt bed of Coipagna, salt beds of
Uyuni -- several of these lakes and salt beds have chemical
compositions similar to those of the ocean'. As long ago as
1875, Alexander Agassiz demonstrated [in Proceedings of the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1876] the existence of a
marine crustaceous fauna in Lake Titicaca. At a higher
elevation, the sediment of an enormous dried up lake, whose
waters were almost potable [according to Posnansky, Tiahuanacu,
page 23], 'is full of characteristic [sea] mollusks, such as
Paledestrina and Ancylus, which shows that it is, geologically
speaking, of relatively modern origin'.

"Sometimes in the remote past, the entire Altiplano,with its
lake, rose from the bottom of the ocean. At some other time
point, a city was built there and terraces were laid out on the
elevation around it; then in another disturbance, the mountains
were thrust up and the area became uninhabitable.

"The barrier of the Cordilleras that separates the Altiplano
from the valley to the east was torn apart and gigantic blocks
were thrown down into the chasm. Lyell, combating the idea of a
universal flood, offered the theory that the bursting of the
Sierra barrier opened the way for a large lake on the Altiplano,
which cascaded down into the valley and caused the Aborigines to
create the myth of a universal flood. [See Lyell, Principles of
Geology, I, page 89, page 270]

"Not so long ago an explanation of the mystery of Lake Titicaca
and of the fortress Tiahuanacu on its shores was put forward in
the light of Horbiger's theory: A moon circled very close to
the Earth, pulling the waters of the oceans toward the equator;
by its gravitational pull, the Moon held day and night the water
of the ocean at the altitude of Tiahuanacu. [H.S. Bellamy,
Built Before the Flood: The Problem of Tiahuanacu Ruins,
(1947), page 14, states], 'The level of the ocean must have been
at least 13,000 feet higher'. Then the Moon crashed into the
Earth, and the oceans receded to the poles, leaving the island
with its megalithic city as a mountain above the sea bottom, now
the continent of the tropical and subtropical Americas. All
this happened millions of years before our Moon was caught by
the Earth, and thus, the ruins of the megalithic city Tiahuanacu
are millions of years old, that is, the city must have been
built long 'before the flood'.

"This theory is bizarre. The geological record indicates a late
elevation of the Andes, and the time of its origin it brought
ever closer to our time. Archaeological and radiocarbon
analyses indicate that the age of the Andean culture and of the
city is not much older than four thousand years. [According to
F.C. Hibben, Treasure in the Dust, (1951), page 56) Not only
the 'built before the flood' theory collapses; so does the
belief that the last elevation of the Andes was in the Tertiary,
or more than a million years ago.

"Sometime in the remote past, the Altiplano was at, or below sea
level, so that originally, its lakes were part of a sea gulf.
The last upheaval, however, took place in an early historical
period after the city of Tiahuanacu had been built; the lakes
were dragged up, and the Altiplano and the entire chain of the
Andes rose to their present height.

"The ancient strong hold of Ollantaytambo in Peru is built on
top of an elevation; it is constructed of blocks of stone twelve
to eighteen feet high. [According to Don Ternel in Travel,
April 1945], 'These Cyclopean stones were hewn from a quarry
seven miles away...How the stones were carried down to the river
in the valley, shipped on rafts and carried up to the site of
the fortress remains a mystery archaeologists cannot solve.'

"Another fortress or monastery, Ollantayparubo, in the Utabamba
Valley in Peru, northwest of Lake Titicaca, [according to
Bellany's Built Before the Flood, page 63], 'perches upon a tiny
plateau some 13,000 feet above sea level, in an uninhabitable
region of precipices, chasms and gorges'. It is built on red
porphyry blocks. The blocks must have been brought [Bellamy
continues] 'from a considerable distance...down steep slopes
across swift and turbulent rivers, and up precipitous rocks --
faces which hardly allow a foot-hold'. It has been suggested
that the transportation of the building blocks was feasible only
if the topography of these localities was different at the time
of the construction. However, definite proof in this connection
is lacking, and changes in topography must be deduced from
abandoned terraces, from [sea] mollusks of the dried up lakes,
from tilted shorelines, and from other similar indications.

"Charles Darwin, on his travels in South America in 1834-35 was
impressed by the raised beaches at Valparaiso, Chile at the foot
of the Andes. He found that the former surf line was at an
altitude of 1,300 feet. He was impressed even more by the fact
that sea shells found at this altitude were still undecayed, to
him a clear indication that the land had risen 1.300 feet from
the Pacific Ocean in a very recent period. [In his Geological
Observations on the Volcanic Islands and Parts of South America.
Pt. II, Chap. 15, Darwin states], 'within the period during
which upraised shells remained undecayed on the surface.' And
since only a few intermediary surf lines can be detected, the
elevation could not have proceeded little by little.

"Darwin also observed [on the same page] that 'the excessively
disturbed condition of the strata in the Cordillera, so far from
indicating single periods of extreme violence, presents
insuperable difficulties, except on the admission that the
masses of once liquified rocks of the axes were repeatedly
injected with intervals sufficiently long for their successive
cooling and consolidation'.
"When Darwin mounted the Uspallata Range 7,000 feet high in the
Andes, and looked down on the plain of Argentina from a little
forest of petrified trees broken off a few feet above the
ground, he wrote in his Journal [Of Researches...During the
Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle entry of March 30, 1835], 'It required
little geological practice to interpret the marvelous story
which this scene at once unfolded; though I confess I was at
first so much astonished that I could scarcely believe the
plainest evidence. I saw the spot where a cluster of fine trees
once waved their branches on the shores of the Atlantic, when
the ocean, now driven back 700 miles -- came to the foot of the
Andes. I saw that they had sprung from volcanic soil which had
been raised above the level of the sea, and then subsequently
this dry land with its upright trees, had been let down into the
depths of the ocean. In these depths, the formerly dry land was
covered by sedimentary beds, and these again by enormous streams
of submarine lava -- one such mass attaining the thickness of a
thousand feet; and these deluges of molten stone and aqueous
deposits five times alternately had been spread out. The ocean,
which received such thick masses, must have been profoundly
deep; but again, the subterranean forces exerted themselves and
now I beheld the bed of that ocean, forming a chain of mountains
more than seven thousand feet in height...Vast and scarcely
comprehensible as such changes must ever appear, yet they have
all occurred within a period, recent when compared with the
history of the Cordillera; and the Cordillera itself is
absolutely modern as compared with many of the fossiliferous
strata of Europe and America. But how extremely young the
Cordillera of the Andes is, only the research of recent years
has brought out.'" (18)

When did the Andes mountains rise? According to the New York
Times, (Oct. 3, 1989), pp. C1 and C14, "Archaeologists working
in Peru have unearthed stunning evidence that monumental
architecture, complex societies and planned developments first
appeared and flowered in the New World between 5,000 and 3,500
years ago." (emphasis added) The author of the article,
William K. Stevens goes on to say, "Around 4,000 to 3,700 years
ago, activity abruptly shifted and irrigated agriculture
replaced fishing as the main economic resource". Why would a
civilized people leave a thriving, hospitable environment to go
live inland in an inhospitable region? Stevens states, "It is
something of a mystery to archaeologists why any major
civilization would develop in the Andean valleys and on the
Peruvian coast. The region's altitude and aridity make it
'grossly hostile' said Dr. [Michael] Moseley [an archaeologist
at the University of Florida who has long worked in the region]
who added: 'That anyone ever lived there is a bit of a
surprise.' People do not move from more comfortable regions to
ones that are "grossly hostile". They move instead to regions
that are distinctly more conducive to life. In all texts that
deal with Egyptian, Hindu, Chinese, and Mesopotamian
civilizations, the authorities claim that these civilizations
moved into hospitable river valleys from arid regions, not the
other way around. "The emerging picture of this earliest
American civilization is that of a people tied initially to the
sea, but then moving abruptly -- no one knows why -- into the
Andes highlands to build a flourishing economy based on
irrigated agriculture that prospered in spite of the harsh,
cold, arid climate at altitudes around 10,000 feet." But it is
much more reasonable and probable that these cities were built
at lower elevations and were uplifted with the Andes about 3,500
years ago when civilization there declined.

The evidence presented by Velikovsky is highly conclusive. Why
then do Sagan and his colleagues hide from it? Macbeth informs
us that the Alps, Himalayas and Andes "Apparently all...have
risen extensively since men moved in, and much of the
upthrusting has occurred in the short period since the retreat
of the glaciers. It is impossible to express this precisely in
years, but the span of time is almost infinitesimal when
compared to the figures commonly used by geologists. Needless
to say, the upthrusting was not a quite everyday event.
Checking a couple of college textbooks used by my children, I
found that practically nothing was said about mountain building
and that the subject seems to baffle the scholars." (19) What
is most baffling is Sagan acting as if this information is
non-existent. His explanation of this evidence of the very
recent rise of the mountain ranges to support his assertion
would be most welcome. One can only suspect that he does not
deal with it because it probably cannot be explained away to fit
his uniformitarian time table.!topic ... kgi6k0TKJw

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Re: Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

Unread post by kiwi » Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:09 pm

seasmith wrote:
Lake Titicaca is about 1,150 miles South of the Equator. If the lake moved South by that distance sea level might have dropped by the required amount. The same might be true with Monterey Canyon. If the canyon moved 1,150 miles closer to the equator, sea level might have risen the required amount. Sea level at the equator is 13.25 miles higher then the poles due to centrifugal force.

Interesting hypotheses. Are there any antipodal instances of similar elevation shifts, to buttress the suggestion ?
Have others commented on this idea in the literatures ?

It now occurs to me I did not read this properly ... :? consequently my post above is pretty meaningless ,sorry lad's,.... oops! :D

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Re: Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

Unread post by starbiter » Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:43 am

Hi Kiwi,

Yes, Dr Velikosky thought Lake Titicaca rose 12,500'. And it might have. But for Monterey Canyon to have sunk 12,500' seems like a big coincidence. The equator moving 1,100 miles North seems much more plausible.

I must admit i'm uncomfortable disagreeing with Dr V. The thought of trying to explain this to him would be daunting. The same holds true for mountains being the result of external dust accumulating in a manner similar to welded tuff deposition. Dr V thought the stress of changes in Earth's motion caused mountain folding. My field work has brought that notion into doubt.

doubting michael
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Re: Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

Unread post by kiwi » Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:16 am

I must admit i'm uncomfortable disagreeing with Dr V. The thought of trying to explain this to him would be daunting. The same holds true for mountains being the result of external dust accumulating in a manner similar to welded tuff deposition. Dr V thought the stress of changes in Earth's motion caused mountain folding. My field work has brought that notion into doubt.
Im sure he would be most interested Michael :D :idea: ... and not at all "phased" 8-)

BTW mate.. Have a look at the graphic on this video at ~37 sec .... :o

If you want to stretch the Bow "full-draw" :arrow: , rotate Alaska about 10 degree's clockwise so the Alaskan/Yukon border is vertical,...and dump the BC Coastal Island's as far as Prince Of Wale's into Florida ... mad? yes probably :geek: ... =1&t=h&z=3

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Re: Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

Unread post by starbiter » Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:13 pm

The link below shows a formation just North of Calliente AZ. ... 17&vpsrc=6

According to geologists it's composed of welded tuff. Red hot dust that accumulated by growing back and up into the wind.

The image linked below shows a similar view as the map above. ... hQeEU/edit

It appears the wind was blowing towards the camera. The process produces cliffs. More examples of welded tuff below. The cliffs appear to be the leeward side of deposition.

The wind seems to have been from the right in the map and image below. ... 19&vpsrc=6 ... pDM00/edit

The wind was towards the camera below. ... 18&vpsrc=6 ... ByUkU/edit

The wind in the image below was towards the camera. ... 16&vpsrc=6 ... phTjA/edit

This process seems to produce cliffs in the shape of chevrons on the leeward side. Windward sides are often smooth. The windward side reminds me of a water ski ramp. ... 554,0&z=16

It not just welded tuff that has this shape. Below is an area next to Maroon Bells, S of Aspen. This formation is unconsolidated conglomerate. ... RWd3M/edit ... 15&vpsrc=6

Below is Maroon Bells. Maroon Bells is on the right. The wind was from the right. The formation on the left side of the image was windward. ... tKZnM/edit

Maroon Bells is at the top center below ... 15&vpsrc=6

Below is the windward side of the Bells. ... 15&vpsrc=6

The formations seem dendridtic to me. It seems the process of deposition creates dendritic ridges. Below are other examples of dendritic ridges with different types of rock. They all appear to be the result of blowing dust. ... ZtazA/edit Basalt ... 15&vpsrc=6 ... hEM3c/edit Granite ... 656,0&z=13 ... 9hcUU/edit sandstone ... 15&vpsrc=6

Below are the Dolomites, above the alps. ... KukP9Q8zRA

I see a pattern. Folding doesn't seem like an option.

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Re: Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

Unread post by starbiter » Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:58 pm

The 7th link in the above post should be the one below. Some links changed. Sometimes i need to open the link twice. Sorry. ... 17&vpsrc=6

Please let me know if You can't see my position. I've been there so it's easier for me to see.
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Re: Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

Unread post by starbiter » Sat Nov 23, 2013 8:28 am

The image linked below is just South of Caliente NV, in Kershaw-Ryan State Park. ... lwTWc/edit

The camera is at the 317 circle looking SE down RD 55 in the map below.

The link below shows the camera point of view. These maps have problems some of the time. Try reloading if there is a problem. ... 07639&z=17

Geologists agree that the material is welded tuff that grew back to the left [in the photograph], up and into the wind. The red hot dust came from the missing volcano. I think a river of fire [plasma filament] is a more logical source of heat.

The result of this event seems to be a mountain with dendritic ridges. Mountains of conglomerate, basalt, granite, dolomite, rhyolite, sandstone, and metamorphic rock all share the same look and shape as welded tuff mountains. Folding, we don't need no stinking folding.

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Re: Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

Unread post by starbiter » Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:26 pm

A friend asked about Oahu Island in Hawaii. He explained the standard explanation as follows.

"The usual explanation is erosion by wind and rain coming from the Northeast trade winds, of a volcano. This involves the claim that most of the volcano slid into the sea during a catastrophe. The only craters are the famous circle blisters at the southern end of the range, claimed to be calderas, although that did not make sense to me even as a youngster. These would be Diamond Head, Koko Crater and Hanauma Bay."

Me again,

The area in question is the Koolau range. The eastern side of the island. ... 92&bih=513

The eastern side of the ridge seems to be leeward, with the expected dendritic cliff. The wind would have been out of the NW. Flat layers to the windward side with drainages while the process played out. The drainages/rivers would prevent growth during the process.

When viewed with Google Earth-satellite it appears the process continues under water to great depth. ... 92&bih=513

A simple mountain chain. Windward to the N-NW. leeward and cliffs to the S-SE. Just covered by 16,000 feet of water, almost to the mountain tops.

Of course the Big Island has volcanic activity. But that might not explain the whole chain of islands/mountain.

If You view the area with Google Earth the elevation is given. Just move the cursor. The minus elevation is given at the bottom of the map for the ocean floor. It appears sea level was about 16,000 feet lower. That would be about 1,400 miles further from the equator. That's if the formation is a mountain chain caused by blowing dust.

The craters to the S of the island might be from giant electrical vortices while the air was choked with dust. It would be like a round mountain forming in the manner of welded tuff. ... 13#imgdii=_

No volcanoes are required with an electrical event while the air is full of comet dust.

If it's a mountain chain, one less disappearing volcano is required. I'm for the prevention of disappearing volcanoes. It's an epidemic. Disappearing volcanoes are everywhere.

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Re: Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

Unread post by starbiter » Mon Nov 25, 2013 8:13 am

Concerning Oahu and the previous post, it appears the winds weren't in a straight line. That's if electric winds and dust caused the formations. The map linked below shows the southern end of Koolau range.

It would appear the wind was from the S in this area. The dendritic cliff is to the N. This would imply a vortex to the E of the island pulling in material from the air.

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Re: Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

Unread post by starbiter » Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:26 am

Today's TPOD presents many mysteries concerning geology. ... ormations/

The images show lava/basalt formations that don't make any sense. I first saw many of the images 5 years ago, and could only scratch my head in wonder. It seemed as though electricity must have removed the cavity areas in a mysterious process. Slowly a possible answer presented itself. The key to this problem, and so many others, lies within the pages of Worlds in Collision. An overlooked aspect to the world wide events are the reports of dust in the air. The dust was so thick for the first 3 days nothing was discernible. The condition then continued for quite some time. The Sun wasn't seen for an extended period.

During this time a "River of Fire" was melting mountains like wax. Plasma caused by a close encounter with a comet, similar to the aurora could explain this observation. The dust choking the air was reported to be mingled with the river of fire, glowing red-hot in some cases. If this report is historic there would be consequences. The red-hot dust might stick to obstructions as it's propelled by hurricane + force winds, which were also reported.

I've seen formations in the desert which seem to shed light on the process. ... lyNFU/edit ... lyNFU/edit

These "volcanic" formations don't seem to be the result of a flow. Instead it seems there was a wind from the left pushing red-hot dust into an obstruction. The material grew on the windward side, back and up into the wind, like welded tuff. It might actually be considered welded tuff. I don't know the standard explanation for this formation. The process doesn't seem to have been constant in terms of current density. In the second link there is a gap between two cliffs in the formation. I can visualize a layer of unconsolidated dirt in between two layers of rock. The dirt would be more subject to erosion than rock.

The top image of today's TPOD shows "volcanic" rock that might have covered a pile of dirt. The "volcanic" rock seems to have actually flowed. Other images in the TPOD show formations with cavities. The same process of eroding dirt while the covering rock remains could explain the inexplicable images. ... rn_Ant.jpg

The image below would be red-hot dust blowing towards the camera creating layer after layer on windward. The leeward side becomes a cliff. ... ze/924.jpg

If an area is flat to start with the covering of molten dust can repeat the flat surface. This surface can then be covered with cooler material creating a layer of unconsolidated dirt. Then another layer of "volcanic" rock. Like a wedding cake. Or like Angel Falls.

Sea level might have been much higher, leaving these formation sticking up above the water.

All that's required for this explanation of "volcanic" formations is for WiC to be actual eyewitness accounts of recent catastrophes. The year and agent don't really matter. Maybe it was Nibiru 12,000 years ago. Maybe comet Venus 3,500 years ago. Maybe Mars even more recently.

My money is on Venus as the culprit. The coma of a massive comet seems like a good source of the dust. Enough dust to explain the world wide plague of darkness.

I Ching #49 The Image
Fire in the lake: the image of REVOLUTION
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Re: Are Mountains the Result of a Duning Process?

Unread post by starbiter » Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:58 pm

Here are a few examples of electric remnants in rock.

This appears to be the windward side, at lest in my mind. The missing sections look electrical to me. ... BhRWc/edit ... 7,75.375,0

I would guess some of this is metamorphic.

Next is a formation on the Feather River in CA. It appears metamorphic. I believe it was created in-situ by electricity. Possibly a telluric current. Without the road cut no one would see. ... Y1VnM/edit ... 15278&z=16

Most of the cut has normal trending to the right. The dark grey area seems zapped.

Next is Cache Creek in CA.

The layers seem twisted. ... 8,65.441,0 ... lmT2M/edit ... RZaEE/edit

Next is high grade metamorphic in Whitewater CA. ... wN2Mw/edit ... yMmU5/edit

You can zoom out and go to terrain for perspective on the map below. ... 03819&z=18

Next is N of Hawthorne NV. ... UwaEU/edit

I'm under the impression most of these formations are in-situ electrical metamorphic.

If the map links don't work try a 2nd time. Let me know if the problem persists.

I Ching #49 The Image
Fire in the lake: the image of REVOLUTION
Thus the superior man
Sets the calender in order
And makes the seasons clear


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