Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 08, 2011 2:29 pm

The Great Impact on Earth (the original planet Tiamat) was caused by the return of the remnant body (Planet of the Crossing) of the Giant Mother Planet (Sirius C) that originally gave birth to all the planets in the Solar System. In this case the Giant Mother Planet could also be Proto-Saturn. The remnant body (now the Planet of the Crossing) collided with Tiamat on a return orbit. This created the “Earth-Moon System (Earth’s Twin Planet). It also offers an explanation for the existence of a Polar Sun.

The Secret of the History of the Twin Planet Earth – Errol Hawkins, pg. 202-238
Part 1 ... &q&f=false
The solar system displays all the symptoms of the disorder caused by a truly major intruder because most of the planets rotate west to east except Uranus, Venus and Pluto. This must be regarded as evidence that Uranus, Venus and Pluto must have been involved in a major catastrophic incidence enough to change their rotational axes.

Venus is upside down. The Earth was broken into two pieces resulting in the Earth-Moon twin planet system in inner space. The continents on Earth have been broken up and displaced. Mars is a fraction of its former self. Pluto and Charon will be found to have had a similar origin to the Earth and the Moon.

A missing planet is by far the greatest damage to the Solar System. The second most important damage to a planet is not even recognized for what it really is; that is the recent death of the planet Venus. The death of Mars appeared to have happened before the formation of the Earth-Moon system. The paradox is that the missing planet is not actually dead because the remnant of the missing planet is Earth.

The more astute reader would by now be asking why is it that the planet with the most turbulent history, with three catastrophic orbit displacements, is the only planet in the Solar System to have sustained life. Why not Venus? Venus was killed by passing too closely to Earth. The Earth only avoids the same fate as Venus for just one reason – the active surface caused by the moon prevented the Earth from overheating.

Is there any wonder that ancient man (the so-called “gods”), our ancestors, in their mental state of denial brought about the mass deaths and destructions of the previous World Ages could not bring themselves to admit that the Great Flood was caused by the Moon because in fact the Moon was the “great saviour of the Earth.” And also at the same time the Moon is the bringer of death and destruction to three of the previous World Ages.

The most probable reason that the most unlikely and unstable planet sustains and clings on to life is because the “Giant Impact” left the Earth’s atmosphere oxygen rich and the active surface protects the planet. More than any other planet in the Solar System, the surface of the Earth is the most difficult to destroy by being overheated if the Earth is passed too closely by another planetary body. The Earth’s ocean would invade the continents, the crust would be retarded, the slip zone would act as a flexible zone (a shock absorber); the increased heat would be largely confined to the slip zone (the asthenesphere).

It is impossible for two planets to collide in a side impact. Because of the direction in which most of the planets rotate (west to east) much can be deduced from the formation of Pangaea. After the Giant Impact, in every case other than a head on impact, the fragments would travel in the same general direction of the faster moving impacting agent, which by definition is the smaller body. This is because gravity would cause the smaller body to accelerate faster towards the larger planet.

If the impact on the Earth was from the direction in which the Earth was heading (a head on impact), this would have sent the Earth in a direction not consistent with its the anti-clockwise orbit and retrograde rotation (an upside down Earth). This is till consistent with the directional formation of Pangaea and the Earth’s west to east rotation.

The formation of Pangaea was critical to the direction of the Earth’s rotation. In this case the South Pole was the “up Pole”; it became the leading Pole after the formation of Pangaea, and the “down Pole” at the end of the ice age. After the impact the Earth was upside down.

Effectively this brought an end to the first state of Earth’s pre-history. Not much is known about this first phase of Earth’s history except that the Planet was called Tiamat (a God/planet) according to the ancient Sumerians. The name was changed to Ki, the Sumerian word for Earth. Two catastrophic events of continental relocation and a displacement of its orbit were followed by a Great Flood. Then sometime later its name was changed to Atlas (a God/planet). What can be deduced was that Tiamat was less dense than the Earth and almost completely surrounded by water and was without a Twin.

The ancient Sumerian text stated that the Earth is the remnant of a collision between the planet Tiamat and one of the moons of a planet the Sumerians called Nibiru. Earth’s Moon (planet Lunar), it is said was a satellite of the planet Tiamat called Kingu. Kingu was pulled along with the remains of Tiamat (Earth) after the impact. Simply because there was a Giant Impact of a planet in the Solar System it would presuppose the existence of such a planetary body as Nibiru passing through the Solar System.

The proposed Giant Impact on the Earth has been modeled with the aid of a computer; when the modeled impact produced many moons, the hypothesis was altered until it produced just one moon. This is because only one moon still exists at present.

If there were a second large moon or more after the impact, the large moons or minor planets would be expelled. While it is possible for a twin planet system to exist, a triple planet system can only exist for a limited amount of orbit revolutions before one of the bodies must be expelled until only two remain.

A retrograde solar system planet is nearly impossible unless this planet has a hyperbolic orbit like a comet but critically, unlike a comet, this planet’s path must be flat conforming to the elliptical plane; otherwise the collision would never have occurred because of the prevailing that moves in an anti clockwise direction. Every object with a pro-grade orbit is a solar system object or an object that was captured by the Sun when it was approaching the Sun. This approach was not in a straight linear path towards the Sun but on the side of the Sun in the same direction in which the Sun is rotating (a pro-grade orbit). The only collision possible in this case is from the rear.

If, however, the object was on the opposite side of the Sun approaching from the direction opposite to the Sun’s rotation, it will easily be identified as a non-Solar System object because of its retrograde orbit. A head-on collision would ultimately be inevitable; it would only be a matter of time. If the prospective head-on collision was at anything more or less than at 180 degrees from both directions, then the smaller planet will pass harmlessly behind the larger planet (Earth). If a near miss occurred, the intruding planet would eventually return because it was captured by the Sun in a hyperbolic orbit that would take it well beyond the outer solar system. This is more important because it will probably never be known how many near misses occurred before the final impact.

The size of the planet Mars is only about 20% of what it should be; this suggests that Mars lost most of its mass on two separate occasions. The first occasion would leave Mars rotating on its side because the prospective impacting planet must be moving along the ecliptic; a third disturbance of Mars must have been vertical. The third disturbance of Mars would cause to rotate upright again.

The original Earth was a planet at least three times the size of the Earth at present, larger than the original Mars. As all the planets increase in size farther away from the Sun, the size increase stops at the location of Jupiter’s orbit. The location before Jupiter, of the size of the original Earth (Tiamat) was appropriate for that location. The Asteroid Belt is the proposed orbital location of the impact. The Asteroid Belt is between the Gas Giant planet Jupiter and the (now) small rocky planet Mars.

There is evidence to suggest that the planet Tiamat was impacted and displaced on the third passage around the Sun by the intruding planet. The impact that produced the Moon was not its last.

It is therefore proposed that the intruding planet was a remnant of a Giant Mother Planet that disintegrated on its journey into the Sun’s environment; its fragmented body is now the planets in the Solar System.

The incidents of stars with orbiting planets are extremely rate; the vast majority of stars exist as single bodies.

There is still some hope for the discovery of the details regarding the intruder or the Planet of the Crossing into the Solar System. The intruder planet is the only candidate for the disturbance of Uranus. Just as Venus was passed by the Earth-Moon System leaving Venus rotating on its side, so too the intruding planet must have been massive enough to disturb the rotational axes of the giant planet Uranus. The Earth and the Twin Planet must be just a small fraction of what remains of two larger planets.

In the second phase of the Earth’s prehistory, now with a Twin Planet, the formation of Pangaea represents a second stage of its history and was a direct result of having an over-sized satellite. The second stage of Earth’s history was the Earth with a satellite planet and the South Pole facing the Sun. Then the axes changed again at the end of the ice ate, this Pole became the South Pole, the “down” pole. The formation of Pangaea is pivotal to the confirmation of the direction of Earth’s rotation and the direction in which the Earth was traveling. The northern and southern peninsula of Pangaea was pulled to the east as dictated by the Earth’s rotation.

The available evidence suggests a vertical path for the Earth-Moon System after the impact. Pangaea was formed during the inward passage towards the Sun. Because Pangaea was formed on the Equator, the Pole that moved onto Pangaea became the South Pole; fortunately the rotational Pole was never in the center of Pangaea. The palaeomagnetic evidence shows conclusively that it was the up Pole that moved onto Pangaea because the path to the pole is seen to move from central Pangaea from the South.

The Season-less Orbit was divided into two different stages:

The first period of the Pangaea age was an orbit that cuts across the orbit of Venus at a steep angle. The gravitational influence of the tide of the fast moving inner planets would ultimately change the angle of the Earth’s orbit inclination. The South Pole would always face the Sun as the satellite Twin Planet was subjected to a greater gravitational pull, and so forced the Earth’s Pole to remain in one direction. The crossing of these three planets (the Earth-Moon system and Venus) orbital paths was the safer option for the Earth, as the crossing point (junction) was not always occupied by the planet Venus.

After the Great Impact, the only method by which the Earth-Moon System could survive the inward journey caused by the pull of the Sun’s gravity was if the Earth-Moon System went in a vertical direction. This is similar to the other twin planet’s system – Pluto and Charon cutting across Neptune’s orbit; instead the Earth cuts across the orbit of Venus.

This was a long and safe period of the Season-Less Orbit but it was not going to last. When the Earth-Twin was at the aphelion (far away from the Sun) in an oval shaped orbit, the inward journey would cause Earth to “follow” the path of Venus from high above the ecliptic. After many orbit revolutions and the slight “following” of the other planets, the result was the gradual flattening of the Earth’s orbital. When the orbit was flattened to conform closer to the ecliptic the Earth entered a dangerous period. It was almost impossible for the two planets to collide in a side impact in a crossing orbit unless the planets are of equal mass and traveling at the same velocity. The smaller of the two planets will always accelerate faster to the location where the larger planet was, By the time the smaller planet arrives at that location where the larger planet was, the larger planet would have moved on. The smaller planet is then traveling too fast to change its orbit.

This is the second period of the Season-Less Orbit: The second orbit was a hot period of Earth’s prehistory. The Earth now orbits 17 degrees to the ecliptic; the deduction of this orbital path now becomes self-evident because the rotational axes of Venus is 17 degrees from the horizontal (coincidentally, this is the same orbital inclination of the other twin planets Pluto and Charon).

Two bouts of continental drift happened only when the Earth’s orbit was flattened to comply with the ecliptic caused by the unidirectional influences prevailing surrounding the Sun, which is a pro-grade tide. This tide is due to the Sun’s rotation. The Earth-Moon System was forced into a pro-grade direction by this tide which caused the gravity of the other closely orbiting planets. This caused a crowded orbit location of the inner space with the four planets including the Moon, which had a gravity link with the Earth; this effectively brought the Earth’s first orbit after the Great Impact to an end.

This crowded orbit caused the Moon to be pulled farther away from the Earth only to be pulled back by Earth’s gravity causing the Moon to accelerate back towards the Earth causing displacement of the Earth’s land masses. There was always going to be a danger to the planets in that crowded location in inner space. After a limited amount of orbital revolutions by the faster moving inner planets, there was a final planetary encounter with the “misplaced Earth”. This time there was a difference as the Earth was further displaced by gravity acceleration. This was the end of the short-lived Second Orbit. The Earth was expelled from an orbit near Venus and into its present orbit. The Moon would then be pulled back accelerating past the Earth devastating the southern continent; the second bout of continental drift happened immediately after the double acceleration before the Earth entered into the new orbit location (its present orbit).

The Pass Over

If Earth was twice accelerated to attain escape velocity from the Second Orbit, the Moon would be pulled farther away from the Earth; that would cause the Moon to be pulled back, accelerating all the time until the Moon went past the Earth. This passage of the Moon close to the Earth is the cause of the second continental drift during the Exodus. There were only two bouts of continental drift. If the Earth passed too close to another planet, the Moon would be disturbed; if the Moon is disturbed, that would result in crustal displacement on Earth. The two bouts of continental drift are remembered as the religious feast of the “Pass Over.” This was the only “Pass Over” with the most disastrous consequences for Mankind; its true meaning has been completely forgotten.

The strong gravitational pull from the Sun was reduced; this allowed the Moon to significantly alter its path around the Earth. This time the Earth-Moon relationship changed from the previous formation. The Moon would go past the Earth and into a wider orbit. The location in space was different from the first two periods of continental drift which took place during the Second Orbit. The Earth was farther away from the Sun in a cooler orbit. The Earth was almost in the present when the second movement of the continent occurred. The dividing of the southern land mass took place during the Exodus. Then the Moon continued to recede exactly like at present; but unlike the present, that was just a single pulse of acceleration. When the ‘energy’ caused by the acceleration was spent, then the Moon began to be pulled in gradually, and so eventually causing the last recorded flood. In the Moon’s present orbit the Moon can no longer be subjected to orbit perturbation.

Between the movements of the continents (the entire duration of the Second Orbit) Gundwanaland, the southern continent was placed close to the South Pole.

The pull of gravity on Earth was the combined gravity of the close Moon, Venus and the Sun. The ocean naturally invaded the southern coast of Gundwanaland because of the pull of gravity from the Sun; because of the wobble, the water moved in a circle.

The pull of gravity on Earth was the combined gravity of the close Moon, Venus and the Sun.

The Moon perturbed by Venus caught up with the Earth; this was a near miss; the southern continent was locked by the Moon’s gravity; as the Earth rotated the southern continent spiraled and was broken up; part of the southern continent was carried north smashing into the dead continent (Asia). This is the forgotten flood; this is also the flood that is often confused with the Great Flood.

The expulsion of the Earth from the Second appeared in the form of a flood. The ocean covered the entire southern region of Gundwanaland. while the rotation of the Earth did not cause the flood to migrate globally. Venus was pulled along in the same general direction of the fast moving Earth traveling at escape velocity.

The most favorable location for survival (30 degrees South) was displaced to the North; that is, civilization was transported to the Near East by the moving continent. A long and thin North Africa was the moving continent; the other 80% of Africa was the ocean floor. The stars were visible for the first time everywhere on Earth. That Sun that once remained still overhead seemed to wander from its usual position as the Pole Star. The Ancients described this as “when the sky fell” and for the first time there was a 24 hour day-night cycle. The faint image of the Moon in daylight skies has changed into a bright but distant planet lighting up the night. The Moon would be seen from the Earth as orbiting in a different direction; this time going from South to North in a serpent like manner.

The Earth used to wobble with the Moon orbiting vertically (when viewed from space along the ecliptic); now the Moon’s orbit was flat along the ecliptic. The Earth’s South Pole is no longer fixed, held captive by the Sun.

The new Earth orbit did not bring about the beginning of the end of the ice age, the one and only ice age. While it does appear logical that the ice age was terminal in the third orbit, it was going to be extremely slow, if it was terminal. The initial causal mechanism for the ice age was done, but the means to maintain the ice age still remained. The initial causal mechanism; the Earth was orbiting and rotating similar to Venus; the only difference was that the Earth rotated faster than Venus and was tumbling. This means that a given location on the ice cap did not move through 12 hours of strong sunlight every in the day-summer; the path was curved into a higher latitude.

The abrupt ending of the ice age was because the Earth’s rotational axes became upright to 23.5 degrees off vertical resulting in sunlight reaching the surface of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres on Earth every single day throughout the year for the first time in Earth’s history. The Earth’s Third Orbit started about 11,500 years ago; the end of the ice age was about 7,000 years ago.

The main function of the Twin Planet during the First and Second Orbits was that it prevented the Earth from having seasons; this was achieved by its motion around the Earth in a 3-way gravity relationship. This caused the Moon to move around the Earth somewhat like an “atom around a molecule” – mainly above the E1quator but never Pole to Pole. When this three-way gravity relationship no longer existed, a new two-way gravity relationship caused a predictable and unavoidable outcome; the Moon was pulled closer to Earth.

The Earth’s rotational exes changed – the end of the Ice Age

The birth of Pangaea was the distortion of the shape of the Earth. Pangaea was then pulled onto the South Pole. The Sun’s gravity was pulling exclusively on the Earth’s Southern Polar region (hence an egg shaped Earth) while the Earth rotated with the weighted Equatorial Bulge. The Southern Polar Bulge and the Equatorial region were the two weighted areas on the Earth. It was the Moon and the Sun’s gravity combined that caused the Earth to rotate on its side, which in turn created the weighted Southern Bulge. The Sun’s gravity enhanced and maintained the Southern Bulge; and it is the Earth’s rotation that caused the Equatorial Bulge. The Earth’s Equatorial Bulge was generated 90 degrees to the rotational axes as it must.

Venus, Uranus and Pluto are three planets that rotate on their sides. The planet Venus and Uranus’s Equatorial Bulge is generated 90 degrees to its rotational axes. The centrifugal force (weight) stabilized the planets in the way so their axes are oriented permanently. It was impossible for the Sun’s gravity not to pull on the weighted South Pole of the Earth as the Equatorial weight would have kept the Earth permanently on its side like Venus and Uranus.

For the Earth’s rotational axes to change requires an external gravity attraction to overcome the stabilizing effect of the Earth’s weighted and fast moving Equatorial Bulge and to exceed the force of gravity from the Sun. For the Earth’s southern mass to escape the pull of the Sun’s gravity, the Earth needs to be farther away from the Sun.

There is nothing in the Solar System to rival the Sun’s gravitational pull. The gravity tug-of-war on the Moon was the Cause of the Season-Less Orbit (the ice age). The extreme non-variable pull of the Sun’s gravity on the Moon was the cause of the Season-Less Orbit. The rotational axes of the Earth could not possible have changed if the pull of the gravity from the Sun was still holding the Moon to the same extent which caused the Earth to be held and rotate within the Moon’s vertical orbital path. For this reason there is an unavoidable conclusion that we are forced to reach. The Earth is now farther away from the Sun and in a different orbit. There is only one method by which a force of gravity could rival that of the Sun and that is by being unusually close to the Earth.

The movement of the Earth was liberated; now there was a new major external gravity attraction on the liberated Earth; there is only one candidate, the Moon. The Moon exerts more gravitational effect on the Earth than the giant planet Jupiter; this is because the Moon is the Earth’s only neighbor.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 08, 2011 2:31 pm

The Planet of the Crossing, the return of the remnant body of the original Giant Mother Planet Sirius C

The Secret History of the Twin Planet Earth by Errol Hawkins (pg. 202-238)
Part 2 ... &q&f=false
Bodes Law:

Bodes Law is a mathematical formula, which generates a 95% accuracy, the locations of the planets orbiting in order out from the Sun. Similarly it predicted a planet between Jupiter and Mars at 2.8 astronomical unites; instead of a planet, the fragmented Asteroid Belt was found.

There are four major anomalies regarding the orbits of Neptune and Pluto. Neptune and Pluto are the only two planets that crossed each other’s orbits. The orbit of Pluto is the most inclined of all the planets in the Solar System at 17 degrees to the ecliptic. Pluto is generally regarded as the planet farthest from the Sun but at a certain point in Pluto’s orbit, it is not the farthest planet from the Sun, but Neptune is because sometime Pluto is inside Neptune’s orbit. Pluto is also part of a twin planet system with a synchronic orbit. The method of capture of an over-sized moon has already been discussed; if that is proved to be correct, then Pluto and its moon Charon must have a common origin.

Jupiter is the largest planet; from Jupiter outwards from the Sun, the planets get progressively smaller with the one exception; Neptune failed to comply. Neptune also failed to comply with Bodes Law. From Jupiter inwards towards the Sun there is an absolutely abrupt size reduction; this abruptness is the greatest of all ‘discontinued’ trends in the Solar System and this makes it very important.

From the giant planet Jupiter inward towards the Sun is the fragmented Asteroid Belt and the next small planet Mars. This location represents a breakdown of this ordered trend inwards towards the Sun. From Earth to Venus and Mercury there is a resumption of the ordered size pattern. The Asteroid Belt and Mars is a disruption to the overall pattern.

However, there is also a density gradient decrease of the planets; the farther away from the Sun the density decreases; Neptune is again the exemption. This is the most important factor because of the way in which gravity behaves and the acceleration associated with gravity.

The “Nebular Hypothesis” is a possible explanation for the creation of the Sun -- that is a Sun without the planets. The orderly density gradient decrease of the planets away from the Sun and the ordered size profile of the planets suggest another method of formation of the planets.

A more probable explanation for the size profile of the planets and also a density gradient decrease of the planets is if a Giant Planetary Body passed within the Sun’s gravitational field. This by definition presupposes the prior existence of the Sun; therefore making the Sun older than the planets.

A Giant Planetary Body could not possibly have been fragmented, trailed by a large quantity of dust and gasses as ‘this’ large body would act as a super vacuum cleaner in space. Because of its strong gravitational attraction it would have formed into a single sphere (a Giant Planet), not a giant dust cloud. This passing planet would be captured by the Sun and would be partially disintegrated by tide. If this happened to be a single event, the Giant Planet (the Mother of all the planets in our Solar System) would have been the size of all the planets combined, plus whatever remains of it. The passing Giant Planet would have been of a low tensile strength composed mainly of gasses, frozen solid, as it had wandered across deep space.

The path of such a large body would be altered by the Sun’s gravity; the velocity of the body would be increased by the Sun’s gravity. The radiant heat from the Sun would have increased the temperature when the Giant Planetary Body was passing through the Sun’s gravity field. All its lighter gasses would be pulled off towards the Sun into the emptiness of space. The light gasses from which the planet Saturn is composed, being the least dense, was the first to be pulled off. Saturn is very lightweight and would float, if it could be placed in the Earth’s ocean. The planet Saturn was the outer limit (the original) Bodes Law. That was before ‘they’ started adding the other planets believing that they were completing a formula.

As the Giant Body continued its journey into the Sun’s gravity field, the more dense matter began to be pulled off in a path towards the Sun; but was still influenced by the Giant Mother Planet’s gravity. This process continued with progressively more dense matter being pulled off towards the Sun as the Giant Mother Planet gets even closer to the Sun. Each time the Giant Mother Planet has less gravitational influence on the liberated matter for two very distinct reasons. One of the reasons was that at this point the Giant Mother Planet would have reached maximum acceleration and so was departing from the Sun’s gravity field at hyper-speed. Reason number two was that unlike the gasses and water that were first ripped off by the tidal forces into the emptiness of space, the more solid matter (mass) with its own gravity potential accelerated faster towards the Sun. The Giant Mother Planet is now fragmented. With the rapidly decreasing influence of the Giant Mother Planet’s departing gravity, the departing speed of the Giant Mother Planet was leaving a trail of the more solid mass stranded in a trail of debris.

Although the flow of matter from the Giant Mother Planet was continuous, the materials with different densities, mass and tensile strength are attracted towards a gravity attraction at vastly different rates of departure. Then they accelerate towards the Sun depending upon their mass, the greater the mass the faster the acceleration. As matter was pulled off, all large bodies of mass, will be formed into a sphere and accelerate. Different material would also be pulled off at different stages. The last materials to be pulled off are metals. This stage was when the Giant Mother Planet was approaching the closest point to the Sun but not after it had passed. This depends on the tensile strength of the body of the passing planet; if the tensile strength of the passing planet was low, the metal core would have been pulled out sooner rather than later.

The prevailing influences surrounding the Sun is a unidirectional pro-grade tide; this tide is due to the Sun’s rotation; the debris that was ripped off the passing Giant Mother Planet was caused by this tide; everything was forced into a pro-grade direction by the tide.

The heavy metals with superior mass therefore greater acceleration would orbit closer to the Sun (the planet Mercury). The next in the series would be the large metal-core rocky planet that was pulled off before the purely metallic matter (the planet Venus). The next planet out from the Sun must therefore be a small metal-core larger rocky water planet; this was the planet Mars, very much like present day Earth but larger. The next planet to be formed would be a small metal core, large rocky mantle with water and gas and probably very little dry land (this as the original Earth or the displaced planet). Moving outward from the Sun, the next planet would be the largest of all the Gas Giants Jupiter, and then Saturn.

As the Giant Mother Planet began to depart from the Sun’s gravity field, it would have been in an advanced state of disintegration; everything that was pulled off without a gravity potential was formed into clouds of dust and gasses as it sped away leaving a long trail of its, by now, lightweight matter. The gravitational tug of war between the Sun and the Giant Mother Planet stretched this lightweight matter.

At this point the reader is reminded that all the planets that were created by being pulled off were also pulled in towards the Sun, in an orbit according to what is appropriate for the planet’s density. The speed of the rapidly departing planet caused the long trail of debris to be torn from the part of its trail of matter to be formed into the huge lightweight planet Uranus. Still followed by a larger quantity of the remnant debris, this huge amount of abandoned debris was enough to upset the ordered size of the planets causing the (then) outermost planet Neptune to be larger than Uranus; in short the long stretched out mass of debris was broken up by a gravity tug of war.

Some elements such as hydrogen and helium are very common in the universe, making up 98% of the mass of all material in stars and galaxies. All the other elements combine to make up a measly 2%. It is from this vast amount of gas that was first liberated from the Giant Mother Planet as it approached the Sun’s gravitational sphere of influence. The outer gas giant planets were formed from this gas over a much longer time span and farther away from the Sun.

At this time it is utterly impossible for the small planet Pluto to be pulled from the body of the remnant of the Giant Mother Planet. It needed an external gravity attraction much greater than that of the Giant Mother Planet for that to happen. In the years that it would have taken to reach the location of Pluto’s orbit, all the fragments trailing the (remnant) Giant Mother Planet would have formed a new strata layer on the remnant of the Giant Mother Planet.

Because there was a remnant of the Giant Mother Planet, this demanded that there be an unnamed planet whose orbital path crosses the Solar System in a retrograde fashion. Because the passing Giant Mother Planet disintegrated at a distance from the Sun; this suggests that it was going against the tide in the solar system at great speed. The direction of the tide in the solar system is the direction in which the sun rotates. This means that the path of the passing Giant Mother Planet was retrograde; this also means that the tidal drag from the Sun was not only causing it to disintegrate but also to slow it down. The planet would not have slowed down because it was at perihelion (planets accelerate at perihelion); but instead its path was severely curved. The orbit of the passing Giant Mother Planet would not be like the orbit of the “daughter planets” torn from its body. This was a hyperbolic orbit and very flat along the elliptical plane. (The flat plain of the ecliptic was created by the path of the Parent Planet); the orbit was centered on the Sun going far away into outer space before slowing down to make an inward journey until it approached the perihelion again (the closest point to the Sun).

The remnant of this planet would return to the same point in the Solar System at perihelion. This is crucial if a Giant Mother Planet came apart to form the planets in the Solar System as opposed to Pierre Simon Laplace’s “Nebular Hypothesis Theory”. It is also crucial if at a later date one of the planets in the solar system could be in a planet- destroying head on collision. This “Passing Giant Planet Hypothesis” provides answers for each criterion plus it explains the ordered size variation of the planets and the diminishing density.

In the ordered series of planets outwards from the Sun, starting with metallic core shallow mantle Mercury; next small metallic core rocky dense gas Venus; then smaller metallic core rocky watery gas Earth; Mars needs to be a planet with a smaller metallic core and a huge rock mantle and far more water and gas (this planet should be larger than the Earth at present). This space, predicted by Bodes Law is where another planet’s orbit should be (a planet even larger than the size of Mars with far more water and gasses). This planet is missing and instead there are fractured remains – the Asteroid Belt.

This suggests that this was the path of the original “Giant Mother Planet” as it returns from its huge hyperbolic orbit. This would cause a planetary collision resulting in the destruction of the planet between Jupiter and Mars.

The remnant Giant Mother Planet was the Planet of the Crossing because of its orbital path and location it was, therefore a rocky planet and definitely less dense than the Earth.

As Pluto and its moon Charon “twin planets” could not have been created the first time around for the Giant Mother Planet; Pluto and Charon are younger members of the Solar System.

The return of the “Parent Planet” would be at the same distance from the Sun when material heavier than gasses was pulled off by the Sun’s tide. The missing planet between Jupiter and Mars would have been on a collision course with the Parent Planet and was going to cause damage to the other planets by tide at best or in the worst case scenario suffer a direct impact.

This impact would be head on from along the ecliptic sending two pieces of its metallic core flying like two super cannon balls into space above the ecliptic to form the twin planets Pluto and Charon. Pluto and Charon must have once occupied a location among the inner planets but were expelled. Other gravity acceleration would slingshot Pluto to the outer solar system. The other half of the shattered planet was sent flying. The shattered mass of (two planets) must have quickly formed into two planets and passed close to Mars altering the rotational axes of this small planet that was already out of sequential order when the planetary where planetary sizes are concerned.

There are only two candidates for the remnant of the displaced planet that is the Earth-Moon System and the Asteroid Belt. Old Earth (Tiamat) would have been less dense than Mars, but denser than the Gas Giant Jupiter because of its location out from the Sun. The acquired density of Earth was not the result of the Earth ‘swallowing up’ some of the mass of the impacting planetary body; the Earth became more compact when gravity had sufficient time to condense the Earth into the Third Orbit. There is sufficient evidence to demonstrate that the “Giant Impact” was not an ordinary impact where the larger planet remained intact; at least one of the planets was very large, but was reduced to the size of the Earth and the Moon. This simply means that the Earth became more condensed after the Exodus. Therefore, the Earth is too dense for its present orbit location.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 08, 2011 2:33 pm

The Origin of the Giant Mother Planet, Sirius C

The Secret of the History of the Twin Planet Earth – Eroll Hawkins, pg. 202-238
Part 3 ... &q&f=false
If the founder of Bodes Law was here to explain the working of this law, the most likely explanation would be that it is the law governing the major axes of the planets orbiting the Sun that were formed (pulled) from a Parent Body. This planet was first captured by the Sun as it approached perihelion on its debut passage close to and around the Sun. Bodes Law was never concerned with the plants beyond Saturn; that is why the planets beyond Saturn are not included.

There would also have been a secondary stage to this law; this second stage is defined by the point where the densities of the planets fall to the lowest. In the case of this Solar System, it is the sixth planet away from the Sun, which is the planet Saturn. Then the densities of the planets are reversed. This is the point where the planets’ gradient density reaches a low point; and the next planet out from the Sun obtains a higher density. The planet with this reversal (getting denser going away from the Sun) is Uranus. Uranus was not pulled off the Giant Mother Planet but was ‘pulled’ (backward) 180 degrees as the Parent Planet departed. The next planet after Uranus away from the Sun was Neptune. Neptune was not so much pulled but was stranded in neutral gravity. A planet with density gradient reversal will always have an outer planet larger than the previous one.

In this hypothesis the Giant Mother Planet was attracted by the Sun causing it to alter its path leaving material that was pulled off by the Sun’s gravity. This material forms the planets in the Solar System making the planets the Sun’s satellites. This would have important implications for the theory of captured satellites; this implies that a passing body from outer space is ‘never’ captured as a satellite but the surface matter is pulled off and forms into satellites. The remainder of the passing body will eventually return on its next orbit revolution.

The notion that a planet sized body can be captured in tact by a much larger planet or Sun must be seriously be brought into question; these planetary bodies would be fragmented and then form into moons. If however the passing planetary body was separated by an even greater distance, then the passing planet will pass the larger planet or the Sun (in tact) at hyper speed if it was outside the zone where its tensile strength could withstand the tidal forces.

The satellites (not classed as twin planets) will ultimately crash into the larger planet. Satellites that are classed as twin planets must go through cycles of being pulled in and then receding again over periods of thousands of years until its ultimate destruction. The orbits of satellites are never in a permanent or a final state. Ultimately the Earth must exist as a solitary planet.

Jean Francois Champolion a French archeologist in 1822 made the important breakthrough. Champollion could read both Green and Coptic, so he was able to figure out what the seven Demotic signs in Coptic were so allowing the hieroglyphs to be translated.

Zecharia Sitchin is the most noted author regarding the content of the Sumerian clay tablets. The strangest of all matters regarding Bodes Law was found six thousand years ago in the oldest known writings on Earth in the clay tablets of the ancient Sumerians. The written tablet entitled “Enuma Elish” tells of a creation story, but unlike the Bible it is very detailed. The text states that there was a planet between Jupiter and Mars called ‘Tiamat’. The tablet text stated that before Earth existed, the planet was in a collision; one half of the planet became our Earth; the fractured remains became the Asteroid Belt.

Another picture clay tablet from six thousand years ago reveals the entire solar system in the correct order in an anti clockwise direction including Uranus and Pluto.

The very same clay tablet gave the Moon an equal status to all the other planets making the Moon the Earth’s twin planet. The Moon was classed as a planet because the other moons in the solar system were not listed, only the planets.

An exploding star (supernova) is also a sign post relating to the age of the Solar System. Aluminum is the most abundant metal on earth, not iron. The gamma ray spectrometer on the Third High Energy Astronomical Observatory Satellite (HEAO3) has lately detected a high concentration of a cloud of Aluminum-26 in space surrounding the Solar System.

Aluminum- 26 is a radioactive dust cloud in space and is regarded as the signature of a Supernova. But this cloud of Aluminium 25 is surrounding this Solar System. The clues for cosmic collision beyond the Solar System are not hard to find. The Earth-Moon System was caused by a collision sending two fragmented bodies in the same general direction. The Earth and Moon’s gravity combined to create a pre-existing state of capture.

The star Sirius must have been in such a collision with a passing body sending the star Sirius and its main fragments into another part of the galaxy. Something happened to Sirius.

The reason for making such a bold statement is that Sirius is part of a twin system. This twin star system is rotating on its side; this has a familiar sound to it. The reason for this deduction is that Sirius moves in a way that is clearly visible form Earth; the movement of Sirius is exactly the same as the Earth-Moon System.

The Sirius System is rotating in exactly the same manner as the Earth-Moon system was before the end of the First and Second Orbit (rotating on its side) as defined by this book. Much inference can be drawn from everything that has been written here regarding the formation of twin bodies in space. The cycles of destruction of the Earth-Moon System happened many times faster than the same cycle of the twin star system; the smaller of the twin stars, Sirius B orbits Sirius A once every fifty earth years.

The Dogons lived in the remote West African desert state of Mali in an undeveloped state in the 1930’s. Two anthropologists lived among the Dogon (Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen). The Dogon appeared to have extraordinary knowledge of the solar system. They said that the Moon was “dry and dead” and they drew Saturn with rings around it (which is visible with a telescope). They knew that the planets revolve around the Sun. They knew about the moons of Jupiter (first seen through the telescope by Galileo). What is not generally known is that all the tribal people everywhere were once called by the name of the ancient “God”; in this case God was “Dagan”, the same ‘person’ known to the Philistines. The Dogon people draw the orbit of Sirius B as an elliptical orbit and place Sirius A off center, not in the middle of the orbit as someone without knowledge of astronomy would naturally conclude.

Sirius B was only discovered because its massive weight caused a perturbation in the orbit of Sirius A. The Dogon said the “gods” were from a third body in the Sirius system called Sirius C. To date Sirius C has not been found. Sirius C will never be found for one very good reason -- a triple star system will and must always expel one of the orbiting bodies. In 1928 Sir Arthur Eddington postulated the theory of “white dwarfs’ -- stars where atoms have collapsed inwards so that a piece the size of a pea could weigh half a tone. (Sirius B is the size of the Earth yet weighs as much as the Sun.)

If Sir Arthur Eddington’s theory of white dwarfs is correct, the (white dwarf) star we now call Sirius B became a white dwarf and was pulled in by Sirius A. Sirius A was orbited by a planet (Sirius C) at a great distance because Sirius A is 35.5 times brighter than our Sun. At a critical distance when Sirius B was pulled in by Sirius A, (Sirius C) the planet, must be permanently expelled altogether. Sirius B will continue to be pulled in until it (Sirius B) recedes in cycles (similar to the expulsion of the Moon by the Earth). The Sirius system swings each other, but Sirius A is brighter so what is seen from the Earth is a zigzag path of the brighter star.

The origin of the “Giant Mother Planet” is possibly a gigantic planet Sirius C that was expelled from the twin star system. This would have resulted when the two stars were pulled in closer. The giant planet would have been expelled in a similar manner the Earth was liberated into the present (third) orbit by gravity acceleration, the Exodus.

A body can travel through space out of range of a source of gravity attraction. Ultimately it must encounter a source of gravity. The Giant Mother Planet was naturally attracted to the closest star (the Sun at only 8.6 light years away). Then the giant planetary body was pulled apart by tidal forces to form the planets in the solar system. Incredibly, the ancient Egyptians linked their solar calendar with the star Sirius A as if to have a solar system with two stars (suns).


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 08, 2011 5:39 pm

Nebuchadnezzar’s Stargate Machine ... 270#p51402

Yes, and think about what got the Templars in trouble in the first place: they dug up something in the ruins of Jerusalem, which we know from Sitchin is the site of the Anunnaki's Command Centre. Now think about these two questions:

1. What is the most restricted and most secure place on Earth today? It is not the White House. It is not the Pentagon. It is not Kremlin. It is the Dome on the Rock in Jerusalem. Or it’s Area 51. It’s one of those two. Or rather they are probably about equal. Now what does it tell you, the mere fact that those two can be listed side by side like this? They are fundamentally of the same nature, major ET sites on Earth.

2. What is the never-ending conflict between Israel and Palestine all about? It's about Jerusalem. Even more specifically, about who ought to own that Sacred Spot. It is the apple of the dispute. Now why is it so special? Why is it worth risking World War III over? We know why it was so important in the past - it was the Anunnaki Command Centre. But why is it so important *now*? Is it merely because of its ancient history? I doubt that. What if there is some interplanetary communication equipment still operating there TODAY?

And one more point. We've all heard of government mind control and programming. They are putting programs in us. But think about it: where are the programs coming from? I'm a computer programmer by profession and know very well that programs need to be written by programmers and distributed, etc. What if the programs being beamed into our minds by the shadow government are being DOWNLOADED to Earth (from Alpha Draconis?) through the interplanetary radio link at Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem and then distributed further?
A lot of wild speculation in metaphysical circles these days concerns the possible return of Planet X, a mysterious roaming planet that swings to the far side of our solar system, and is expected to return to our part of the solar system soon. In Sumerian mythology, Planet X is called “The Lord” and is the home of a group of beings that the bible calls Shining Ones.

According to my interpretation of Sumerian myths presented in my book Ark of the Christos: Thee Mythology, Symbolism and Prophecy of the Return of Planet X and the Age of Terror, these wise beings, the ‘angels’ of the Old Testament, wielded enormously advanced technology. They operated a (star) gateway linking Heaven and Earth.

They genetically altered the human body to be a “resurrection machine” of “soul flower” to operate in conjunction with this gateway. They possessed the secret science of alchemy, the transmutation of the elements, through which they could create weapons of mass destruction and advanced human beings.

The Shining Ones of Planet X were last here in 3760 B.C., which is the time of Anu’s, the ruler of Planet X’s, last visit. In a morning-time ceremony in which Anu departs Earth, E.A. and Enlil, two sons of Anu, await Anu at what is called the “golden supporter.” They hold several objects: “that which opens up the secrets” (most certainly the Egyptian Key of Life), “the Sun disks,” and the “splendid shining posts.”

The “golden supporter” device is sheathed in a golden skin.

Anu and his wife, Antu, stand before the golden supporter, which can only be the golden Pillar or Tree of Life, a 45- foot tall device lined with a gold alloy the Egyptians said could ‘drill’ holes in space. This device (below) was mounted on a platform that resembles in form and likely function the Ark of the Covenant.

The device comes alive, the gate swings open and Anu and Antu enter the Abyss (sometimes called the Fish of Isis).

Incredibly, Sumerian scholar Zecharia Sitchin has recovered what may be depictions of this scene. In this scene we see two people flanking an entrance to a gateway in which a third person makes an entrance (or exit). The sun and moon symbols can be seen above this gateway.

The two guards hold devices, long poles with circular tops, which Sitchin concludes served an astronomical purpose. He also equates them with golden pillars at the entrance to Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.

This being so, can we see these devices as “golden needles”? Is the story of this golden needle woven deep into the mythology of the ancients? Is the ‘silver thread’ woven by this needle actually a wormhole linking Earth with the Planet of the Lord?

While it is uncertain if Planet X is headed this way in the immediate future, one thing is certain. The return of this planet centers on the recovery of a technology once housed at Solomon’s Temple that is used to open a gateway linking Earth with far off regions of space.

Recent military and political activity suggests that the world powers are jockeying for position as if the return of Planet X is imminent. The stakes are high. This planet is at the center of a biblical prophecy known as the “Day of the Lord.”

Sitchin, one of the few experts on Planet X, indicates that, according to prophecy, the last time Planet X was visible was in the 6th century B.C. The “Day of the Lord” (the return of Planet X) occurred c. 550 B.C. when prophecies said that Planet X was visible.

550 B.C. is an extraordinary date. In 576 B.C. the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar looted and leveled the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, took three temple wise men hostage and appears to have negotiated a deal with these temple priests to open a gateway to Heaven. As the book of Daniel describes, he put the three wise men from the Temple of Solomon into a “fiery furnace.” When they reappeared not only were they in pristine condition they were not alone. They had the Son of God in tow.

I have interpreted this ‘fiery furnace’ as a zone of frequency or vibration that is the mouth of a stargate or a wormhole. When the three wise men entered this gateway they traveled to a distant place, possibly to the center of our Milky Way galaxy, or possibly to Planet X, and returned with the Son of God.

In essence, as has been widely reported by prophecy watchers and international news organizations alike that Saddam Hussein is saying he is the reincarnated Nebuchadnezzar. He is attempting to recreate and outdo the feats of the biblical king.

Buried deep beneath the sands of Iraq are the secrets of the Shining Ones of Planet X. There are 10,000 archaeological sites scattered through the country, most of them not fully excavated. In Iraq historical monuments are a matter of national security. This is because they mark the locations of the secrets of the Shining Ones.

Ur, the Biblical city of the Chaldeans is the land of the prophet Abraham, father of the three great monotheist religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. What is presented as the ruins of his house from around 4000 BC can also be seen near the ziggurat. The ziggurat was re-engineered by Nebuchadnezzar.

An expedition sponsored this past winter by the Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut (German Archaeology Institute) in Berlin sent a team of researchers to make a partial map of a buried Mesopotamian city using a magnetometer. The sensitive instrument is able to detect the presence of man-made objects beneath the soil and reveal the remnants of walls, canals, and residential districts.

The team zeroed in on the legendary city of Uruk, immortalized in a famous Sumerian epic poem “The Song of Gilgamesh.” The poem tells the story of a Sumerian hero, Gilgamesh, whom many researchers believe may have been one of Uruk’s early kings. In the story, Gilgamesh goes in search of the Stairway to Heaven and the Abode of the Gods.

According to prophecy, additional primary targets of Saddam’s duplication of Nebuchadnezzar’s feats involve London, New York and Egypt. Each of these locations is home to obelisks known as “the images of Bethshemesh”. These “images” are referred to in Jeremiah 43:9-13. Bethshemesh (literally “House of the Son God”) is in the land of Egypt. “The houses of the gods of the Egyptians shall he burn with fire,” says Jeremiah.

“Bethshemesh that is in the land of Egypt” is the city of Heliopolis, which is 6 miles NE of Cairo, Egypt. It was the center of an ancient cult of an Egyptian Sun of God, who was symbolized by the phoenix or heron. Heliopolis was the location of the Temple of the Phoenix (or heron), the Egyptian sun god and savior.

Located just across the Nile from Giza and the pyramids, Heliopolis was the center of Egyptian religion. It is a place of enormous mystery. In the Bible the name given to Heliopolis was “On” or “An.”

Sumerian texts record this is also one of the names of Planet X, and was derived from “Anu,” the name of the ruler of Planet X. The Greek Heliopolis means “City of Helios,” literally the “city of the sun god Helios” (“light of life”) being the sun/son of An or Anu. Heliopolis, An, or Tula, as it was also known, became the center for the priesthood of the sun god, Ra, sometime around 3350 BC.

Thutmose III originally erected the obelisks of Heliopolis about 1500 BC. Thuthmosis III is known as the ‘Napoleon of ancient Egypt’. Historians note that his martial accomplishments matched precisely the impressive resume of the biblical King David, the ancestor of Jesus, and father of King Solomon. His rulership would witness the founding one of the most mysterious dynasties in all Egyptian history, a dynasty that included such illustrious names as Akhenaton and Tutankhamun. According to Laurence Gardner, it was also Tuthmosis III who established a mystery school of the original Rosicrucians, the Essene Therapeutate – meaning ‘physicians of the soul’.10 The Essenes later adopted this name.

If Tuthmosis III was the original biblical ‘King David’, as some scholars now suspect, this would mean that the descendents of David, including Solomon and Jesus, would have carried the ’sang azure’, the royal blue blood of the Pharaohs. The obelisks in New York and London are the property of this family.

Jesus, who came from the Royal House of David, potentially emerges as one of the last, if not the last, of the Egyptian Pharaohs. If the Davids were a group of people (possibly pharaohs) it would not be easy for them to simply disappear.

As it turns our there is evidence of the pharaohs continued existence as the Celtic Druids. Scholars debate the origins of the word Druid. In Gaelic druidh means ‘wise man’ or ‘instructor’. This is another appellation of the Shining Ones. Larousse’s World Mythology says Druid came from daru-vid, meaning ‘skilled’. One art in which the
Druids were highly skilled was the transmutation of the elements.

One classical scholar from the third century, Diogenes Laertius, said the Druids were the cult of the Magi, the sect of the Three Wise Men who sought out the Christ child Jesus. Does the Druid connection to the line of David explain why they sought the Christ child?

It was at Heliopolis that the Pyramid Texts were discovered. The Pyramid Texts are hieroglyphic writings written on the walls of the pyramids that contain the instructions for the rebirth and resurrection of the pharaohs. It was also a center of an alchemical priesthood that guarded the secrets of transmuting the elements.

Nebuchadnezzar’s expedition into Egypt gave the ancient fulfillment of this prophecy. However, modern fulfillment of this prophecy will be seen in New York City and London. The “images of Bethshemesh” (43:13) are literally, the “obelisks of Heliopolis”. These obelisks are also known as Cleopatra’s Needles. Jeremiah prophesied the destruction of these obelisks by the “king of Babylon”. Nebuchadnezzar is the only foreign invader to destroy Jerusalem.

Here the utter destruction of the city of Babylon is linked to 1) God’s overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah (a blast of light from heaven) and 2) the Day of the Lord (the return of Planet X).

Nebuchadnezzar’s stargate encounter began in 576 BC when he conquered Jerusalem, flattened its walls, stripped Solomon’s Temple of all its treasure14, set the city ablaze, and returned home to Babylon with the treasure of the Temple and a group of royal prisoners of war.

The Temple priests supposedly were forewarned before the attack. To save the Ark of the Covenant the priests took it to ‘Solomon’s Vault’ beneath the Temple, sealed themselves inside, and committed ritual suicide so no one would know where they hid it.

Nebuchadnezzar also took captive thousands and thousands of Jerusalem’s citizens, including the holy men at the Temple, and forcibly moved them to Babylon. Included among the captives were three wise men from the Temple, a young man and ‘master magician’ named Daniel, and another prominent prophet, Ezekiel.

From the Sumerian stories the Hebrews found missing pieces to their own Flood story and story of Creation. With a few name changes here and there both traditions match.

Most scholars now believe it was here in Babylon during the captivity of Nebuchadnezzar that the first five books of the Old Testament, including Daniel and Ezekiel, were constructed.

The marriage between the Sumerian and Hebrew mythologies was a match made in heaven. It was as if each carried the missing half to the other’s message. What both sides apparently wanted was access to the stargate of the Shining Ones. This was the gift of the gods of Planet X.

On entering ancient Babylon the visitor passed the Emah, the temple of the mother goddess Ninmah or Ninharsag. Emah is a highly significant word. It is the Hebrew word for ‘terror’. Beyond the Emah was Babylon’s most important temple, the Esagila, the dwelling-place of the sun god Marduk, the Babylonian name for Planet X.

Second only to Nebuchadnezzar’s famous Hanging Gardens Babylon’s most famous monument was the staged tower or ziggurat, Etemenaki, ‘the house that is the foundation of heaven and earth’, situated north of Marduk’s temple. The Marduk temple housed the golden image of Bel (‘the Lord’) and a strange golden table, which combined, weighed nearly fifty thousand pounds of solid gold!

Babel originates from the word Bab-li, which in the Babylonian language meant ‘Gate of God’. This is our first tip-off that Nebuchadnezzar attempted to construct a means -- perhaps even a stargate -- to transcend earth life and travel the cosmos.

Our primary interest is in the image of gold Nebuchadnezzar set-up in Babylon. The image is a massive three score (60) cubits high and six cubits wide. A cubit is 18 inches, making the image 540 inches high (three score or thirty times 18 inches high). 540 inches is 45 feet high, about the size of a four and a half story building!

Nebuchadnezzar could not make this gleaming image (the Pillar of Osiris) work. Like the tribal leader David, who ruled Jerusalem five hundred years before him, the king had planned to unify his kingdom, and the golden image was the unifying force.

Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged that Daniel had immense prophetic gifts, including the ability to interpret dreams. In chapter four of Daniel, he is asked to interpret a dream in which Nebuchadnezzar saw:

“… a tree in the midst of the Earth, and the height thereof was great. The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached into heaven and the sight thereof to the end of the Earth”.

There was great fruit in this tree and the birds of Heaven lived in its branches. From this tree the king saw a “watcher” and a “holy one” from Heaven emerge. They told him to destroy the tree, and leave its ‘stump’ in the Earth.

The “watchers” is another name for the Shining Ones. It is also the Egyptian name for “divine being” or “god” NTR, or neter, which means “one who watches”. Neter-neter land is the name of the place in the stars where these beings dwell. Sumeria, another earthly land of the Shining Ones, was known as the land of the ‘ones who watch’.

Why didn’t the Watchers want Nebuchadnezzar to join them in Neter-neter land? Could it be that it was because Nebuchadnezzar was not one of them but Daniel was?

In her Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker answers this question by saying ‘Daniel’ was a title used to distinguish a group of people, “a person of the Goddess Dana or Diana”. Dana was Jacob’s daughter, his 13th child. Her name means ‘light of An’.

That is exactly the same meaning as the Celtic Tuatha De’ Danann (‘Children of the Goddess Diana’). In Irish history, the mystical Tuatha De’ Danann, are described as heaven-sent ‘gods, and not gods’. They are compared with the Sanskrit deva (shining one, god) and adeva (Devil), which became daeva (devil) in Persian. The Old English divell (devil) can be traced to the Roman derivative divus, divi: gods. As we have seen, divas also links with terror.

These connections are important not only for their value in decoding the story of Daniel, but also for another important reason. According to Sir Laurence Gardner, Mary Magdalene, as the Miriam, was the Head Sister of the Order of Dan. Her order appears to be the continuation of the mysterious Tuatha De’ Danann. Mary or Mari’s title ‘Magdalene’ means ‘she of the temple-tower’, a reference to Jerusalem’s temple and its three towers.

Ultimately, as Nebuchadnezzar’s story continues there came three wise Jews from Jerusalem who refused to worship the hulking image or the god of the Babylonian king. The three insult Nebuchadnezzar by betting the king that their god will save them from the fiery furnace.

The three wise men from the Temple of Solomon possessed crucial knowledge that Nebuchadnezzar needs to make this golden gadget work. He was successful in firing up the fiery furnace component of the ‘image’ but he needed the ‘open sesame’.

What is this gadget, this golden image? This holy object is likely the Axis Mundi, the Pillar of God.

It was the sons of the Shining Ones of D’Anu, the people of Daniel, who had originally brought this device to Earth. The angel who appeared to the king was related to Daniel. There is no way they would want Nebuchadnezzar to enter their realm uninvited.

In the story from Daniel the three wise men refuse to tell Nebuchadnezzar what the ‘open sesame’ is to open the (star) gateway. Furious, the king orders that the three be cast into the ‘fiery furnace’.

The three men put on their coats, their hats and their other garments and were cast in the midst of the burning fiery furnace” says Daniel 3:21.

These garments turn out to be more than just standard-issue clothing at the Temple of Solomon or the garb of hostages in Babylon. That is, if they turn out to be like the coat, the hat and the other garments the goddess Mari is wearing in The Goddess with a Vase discovered at her temple at Mari in 1934.

Mari is shown wearing her Shugurra helmet (‘a hat’). Literally translated Shugurra means ‘that which makes go far into the universe’.

It may be more than coincidence that Shu-gurr-a resolves to Sgr A, the name of the radio source believed to lay at the exact Core of our galaxy. Also resident at the Galactic Core is a black hole. It is possible this is also the “helmet of salvation” described in Ephesians 6:17.

Mari also wears a heavy full-length coat and other garments. This coat is called the PALA garment.

This entire get-up is similar in description to that described in chapter 6 of Ephesians. There, in addition to the “helmet of salvation,” spiritual seekers are encouraged to “put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

The principalities and powers are the angelic spiritual forces that work as heavenly governors and messengers in the heavenly realms (i.e. galactic beings). This is exactly the angelic level of the Shining Ones. Apparently, some of these are harmful creatures that seek to attach themselves to human souls.

Does the “armor of God” uniform here described including the Shugurra Helmet of Salvation and the PALA coat simultaneously help to protect us from harmful spirits and make the cosmic connection with a stargate?

It appears so, for Ephesians next describes a person standing in front of the Ark of Covenant, the soul-transportation device that opens this fiery furnace!

What happens to those who don the “armor of God” get-up and walk through the fiery furnace? Where do they go -- through the black hole?


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 08, 2011 6:59 pm

One has to wonder if the entire "House of Yahweh" version of the "royal lineage" of the Khabiri (Haibru) serpent cult isn't just a counterfeit of the real one. Is this perhaps the real "royal lineage" of the House of David? The Yahweh version most likely was just an extension of the worship of the old Atlantean fire gods or solar deities.

The Israelites were Egyptian pharaohs ... n-pharaohs
I have been following a theory for many years now, that the Israelites were actually pharaohs of Egypt. This idea has been championed by Ahmed Osman, amongst others, but I believe I have taken the theory well beyond the reaches of any other researcher.

To start the discussion I will outline a few of the main planks of this thesis before you.

Firstly, the details of the Hyksos exodus out of Egypt are remarkably similar to the accounts of the Exodus from the Book of Genesis. Indeed they only seem to differ in date, and that aspect is easily explained.

Secondly, the reports and imagery from the court at Amarna bear distinct similarities to the accounts of Adam and Eve. Initially, I argued that the naked Adam and Eve were the naked love-birds, Akhenaton and Nefertiti. However, it later transpired that Eve's Hebrew name of Khavah was based upon the almost identical word Khiyah - with both meaning 'life'. In this case, it is likely that Adam and Khiyah (Eve) were actually Akhenaton and Kiya, his second wife.

Thirdly, there is the 'lost' court of Kings David and Solomon - why cannot these famous kings be found in Israel? The reason, I suspect, is that their main capital city actually lay in the Nile Delta at Tanis (Thus the biblical Zion is actually the biblical Zoan, which is another name for Tanis). What we are looking for, therefore, is a monarch who was identified with a Star and a City (as was David). What we find is that a pharaoh of exactly the same era, Psusennes II, was identified in exactly this same manner - as his cartouche contains the Star and City glyphs. A likely nickname for this pharaoh might well be Duat, which is similar to the Hebrew name Duad for David.

Furthermore, this pharaoh's daughter was called Maakhare MuTamhat, while David's daughter was called Maakhah Tamar. His army commander was called Tchoeb while David's was called Joab. And his architect was called Herum Atif, while David's was called Hiram Abif (the masonic hero).

All in all, the evidence constantly points towards the Old Testament being a reliable and highly detailed account of the life and times of the royal court of the Lower Egyptian pharaonic line. The Torah is simply the 'Day Book' from the Egyptian royal court.
Last edited by lizzie on Sun May 08, 2011 7:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 08, 2011 7:04 pm

The tombs of King David, King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba discovered
One of the primary problems for Judaeo-Christian theologians is the disturbing reality that both King David and King Solomon, the most celebrated kings of Judaic history, cannot be found in the historical record. So how can this be so? How could a wealthy and influential empire suddenly disappear from the archaeological record? The physical evidence, or rather the lack of it, has long been deeply troubling.

But, having at last discovered solid evidence that showed the true location for the tombs and sarcophagi of King Solomon and King David, I did wonder how these precious artifacts had not been identified previously. It was only on visiting this location that the reasons became clearer. While I had already ascertained that these two historic sarcophagi had lain, misidentified, in a museum for more than sixty years, I was still not prepared for what I actually discovered - at the back of a small, unexceptional room, the magnificent solid silver coffins of two of the most celebrated monarchs in ancient history lay in total darkness!

This investigation had begun several years ago with the publication of my first book Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs, in which I traced the history of the early biblical patriarchs and showed them to have been the Hyksos pharaohs of Egypt. If the truth were known, the biblical Exodus of 'lowly' shepherds out of Egypt was actually the historical exodus of the Hyksos Shepherd Kings out of Egypt. This book was followed swiftly by a sequel called Tempest & Exodus, which showed clear evidence that the biblical Exodus had been inscribed upon an ancient Egyptian stele of Ahmose I.

But what of the later and more famous Judaic monarchs from the United Monarchy of Israel? What of King David and King Solomon? While these monarchs were undoubtedly missing from the archaeological record of Judaea, could they too have had an Egyptian ancestry and heritage? This suggestion might initially seem to be highly unlikely, as it is obvious that nothing in the biblical history of the United Monarchy can be directly compared to the chronologically equivalent pharaohs within the 21st and 22nd dynasties of Egypt. But perhaps the real problem here is that this accepted axiom is so obvious that nobody has actually tried comparing these two dynasties, and upon making an initial comparison I was surprised to find a great number of similarities between the 'separate' 10th century BC monarchies of Israel and Egypt. For instance, the following table lists the known pharaohs of the twenty-first dynasty and compares these names with the equivalent biblical ancestors of King David:

Ezron (Hezron) - Ramesses
Ram - Ramesses
Amminadab - Amen-Nesbanebdjed (Smendes)
Nahshon - Nemneshu (Amenemnishu)
Salmon - Siamun
Boaz - Bas-Uasorkon
Obed - Amenemopet
Jesse - Harsiese
David - Psusennes II

This list clearly demonstrates that there are some equivalent names in both the historical chronology of Egypt and the biblical chronology of the United Monarchy - indeed the two royal lines appear to mimic each other remarkably well. But there is a problem with this suggestion, because the pharaonic king-list ends up with a pharaoh called Psusennes, whereas the biblical chronology results in King David. On the surface, there would appear to be no comparison to be made between these two monarchs whatsoever.

The method of making progress in this research is not simply to compare names, but to look at these characters' attributes as well. There are two main claims to fame for King David: phrases and imagery that have come down to us through the centuries and the millennia, and which are probably as familiar to us now as they were nearly three thousand years ago during the reign of this famous king - the 'Star of David' and the 'City of David'. Having highlighted these two, unique terms, the primary goal of this investigation would seem to be self-explanatory: if a member of the Egyptian royal family can be found who is strongly associated with both a star and a city, we may well be a long way down the road to resolving the identity of the historical King David.

As it happens, there was an Egyptian pharaoh of the twenty-first dynasty whose name in the hieroglyphic spelling encompassed both the star and the city glyphs, and he was called Pa-seba-kha-en-nuit.

The initial similarity between these two monarchs is, therefore, quite striking, and so the possibility exists that these monarchs may have been either related to each other or, more provocatively, the same individual. Having discovered this synchronism, it was even more interesting to find that the common Greek name for this particular pharaoh was Psusennes - the very same pharaoh who appears in the Egyptian king-list next to the biblical King David. It would appear that these two monarchs not only had similar attributes, but they also reigned at exactly the same time, according to the standard chronology.

However, if these two kings now appear to have once had rather similar attributes, their names still seem to be remarkably different. If these two monarchs are to be compared in some manner, then how did the biblical scribes manage to confuse a complicated Egyptian name like Pa-seba-kha-en-nuit (Psusennes) with the Judaic name, David? The simple answer to this is that the name David is a greatly shortened nickname, based upon the star glyph.

The common pronunciation for this glyph is seba, as can be seen from the name Pa-seba-kha-en-nuit. However, seba is not the only word in Egyptian that can be used to describe a star, and the one that the scribes were thinking about when they made the Judaic translation of this name was actually djuat.

The Hebrew form of the name 'David' is pronounced Daveed and even in this translation it is not difficult to see how this name was derived from the Egyptian original of djuat or djuait. But the Hebrew translation, as given in the text books, is not necessarily the original pronunciation of this royal name. The name of King David is only given by the three consonants of Daleth, Waw and Daleth, which can actually give us the name DVD or DUD, and this is recognised as being the short form of the name David.

Since true vowels are not written in Hebrew text, they have to be inserted between these consonants to produce a name like DaVaD or DaUaD. But if the true pronunciation of this name is unknown then this insertion of vowels is largely based upon guesswork, and if the initial vowel were deleted in this particular case, then the resulting name for King David would be either DVaD or DUaD. Rectifying this error in pronunciation would mean that the real Hebrew name for King David was actually Duad, whereas the Egyptian word for this star was pronounced djuat. But since the 't' and 'd' consonants are almost interchangeable within the Egyptian alphabet, the words djuat and djuad could be considered to be direct equivalents of each other. Only now can the truth of the matter be clearly seen, the Judaean King known as David [Duad] was most probably the Egyptian pharaoh called Psusennes (Pa-djuat-kha-en-nuit).

Since this suggestion represents such a fundamental revision to both theology and history, such a list of similarities and coincidences is simply not enough evidence to convince the sceptical reader. Luckily for the theory, however, this scenario is further confirmed by the name of a daughter of this same pharaoh, who was known as Maakhare Mu-Tamhat.

Surprising as it may seem, King David had a daughter who bore a strikingly similar name; she was called Maakhah Tamar. The only appreciable difference between the names of these two royal princesses is that the Judaean lady has dropped the 'Mu' from her second name - in the Hebrew texts, the Egyptian name Maakhare Mu-Tamhat has become Maakhare Tamhat, or Maakhah Tamar.

Contrary to the popular perception, here, at last, we can see some of the many conclusive and dramatic links and similarities that really do exist between the supposedly distinct and separate monarchies of Egypt and Israel during the 10th century BC. Throughout this investigation, name after name, title after title and event after event, drawn from these two dynasties, will be shown to be direct equivalents of each other. If the truth were known and its implications understood, the Israelite United Monarchy and the Egyptian 21st dynasty were one and the same. Israelite history is, in fact, the history of the Lower Egyptian pharaonic line.

It is at this point that the story diverges for a while, and the next task is to trace the origins of the legendary Queen of Sheba. So where did this famous queen really come from? Theologians will point towards Ethiopia, while historians will instead indicate that she came from Saba, an ancient city-state that was situated in modern-day Yemen. It transpires that both of these locations are wrong, and it was the first century historian Josephus who had a much better grasp of the history of this era, when he stated that the Queen of Sheba came instead from Egypt. This fact was actually noted in the biblical texts, but the scribes were being typically obtuse in not actually naming this famous (Egyptian) queen in this particular verse:

And Solomon made a marriage alliance with Pharaoh King of Egypt, and took Pharaoh's daughter, and brought her into the city of David. (1Ki 3:1)

While it is clear that an Egyptian princess did visit and marry King Solomon, the Bible tries to keep this verse separate from the section that details the 'additional' visit to King Solomon by the Queen of Sheba. (1Ki 10:1-13) But the Kebra Nagast, the Ethiopian Bible, eventually gives away the Judaic Bible's long-lost secret. Firstly, the Kebra Nagast says that this 'pharaoh's daughter' was actually the Queen of Sheba, which is remarkable enough. Secondly, the text then goes on to name this princess, and it would seem that she was originally known as Maakshare - a name that can also be read as Maakhare, as the 'kh' and 'sh' transpositions between the Egyptian and Hebrew languages are numerous.

The result of this comparison between three different textual sources suggests that the Queen of Sheba was an Egypto-Judaean princess who was called Maakhare Mu-Tamhat in the Egyptian language, and Maakhah Tamar in the Hebrew. But if this was true, then how did this Egypto-Judaean princess become known as the Queen of Sheba? The answer lies in the convoluted consanguinity rules that were applied during this era, and the resulting marriage between Princess Maakhah Tamar and her father, King David [Psusennes].

The precise Egyptian name for Pharaoh Psusennes [King David] was Pa-djuat-khaennuit.

It was from the star glyph in this name which can be pronounced as djuat that this king's nickname of Duad or David was derived.

Since the djuat was a star that was closely associated with this particular pharaoh, the common phrase for this glyph became the 'Star of Duad' or the 'Star of David'. In turn, since the princess called Maakhah Tamar was now married to King David [Psusennes], she would naturally have picked up the same associations, and so she is likely to have been known as the 'Queen of King Duad' or the 'Queen of King David'.

But there is another, more common way of pronouncing this particular pharaoh's name in the modern reference manuals, and that is Pa-seba-khaennuit. All that has happened here is that the star glyph has been translated as being the word seba (sheba), which also means 'star'. If this had been the fashion in ancient times, then King David could also have been known as King Sheba. This alteration would, of course, have had a corresponding effect on the title that was given to Maakhah Tamar, the daughter-wife of King David - instead of being known as the 'Queen of King David', she would quite naturally have been called the 'Queen of King Sheba', or perhaps the 'Queen of Sheba' for short.

The biblical texts confirm this argument when they appear to show that Maakhah Tamar had another title, that of Bathsheba. This title is composed of two elements, bath meaning 'daughter' and sheba meaning 'Sheba'. However, this was the name of Maakhah Tamar before she married, and since she was King David's daughter she would obviously have been called the 'Daughter of Sheba' (Bath Sheba). It was only after she married her father that she became the 'Queen of Sheba' (Malkah Sheba).

But the biblical texts say that the Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon, not King David, so how does this new theory solve this little puzzle? The simple answer to this problem is that Maakhah Tamar [Bathsheba, the Queen of Sheba] was not only the wife of King David, but also the young mother of King Solomon. She may have retired to Upper Egypt after the death of King David - she disappears from the biblical record at this point in time - but when she later visited her most famous son, who was now the king of all Israel (and Lower Egypt), she was still known by her previous formal title of the Queen of Sheba. This would explain the great wealth and status that the biblical texts have attached to this monarch; she was, after all, both the king's mother and the widow of the most powerful of all the monarchs in that era, King David [King Sheba or Pharaoh Psusennes].

While the evidence already given may seem to provide a convincing link between King David and the pharaoh Psusennes II, the final pieces of the jigsaw that truly confirms this hypothesis are the other historical characters that this theory can also identify. Once more, the classical perception of history would suggest that the court of Pharaoh Psusennes and the court of King David would have absolutely nothing in common, and once more the complete opposite of this is actually true.

The first of these similarities concerns the chief army commander of King David, who is said to have been called Joab. Surprisingly enough, the chief army commander of Psusennes II was called Un-tchoab-endjed, or Joab for short. Thus, surprisingly enough, the biblical and historical accounts give the same name for this army commander, a fact that serves to strengthen the links between Psusennes II and King David.

Then there is the strange case of the chief architects of this era. The Bible indicates that the chief architect of King David and King Solomon was called Hiram Abi, who is the same individual as is mentioned and revered in the masonic world as Hiram Abif. Meanwhile, if we search though the historical record, it can be seen that the chief architect of the pharaoh Psusennes II was called Herum Atif. Again this investigation has discovered the same name for the same individual in two 'completely separate' royal dynasties.

It is apparent that the historical and biblical records precisely agree on a number of names, titles and positions within these two royal dynasties of the tenth century BC, and all of these characters were known to have lived just one generation before the pharaoh Sheshonq I (the biblical Shishak) came to the throne. Perhaps it is worth listing these individuals for clarity.

King David (Duat) - King Psusennes (Duat) - A king who reigned before Shishak
Maakhah Tamar - Maakhare Mu-Tamhat - A daughter of the above king
Joab - Un-joab-endjed (Joab) - An army commander of the above king
Hiram Abi(f) - Herum Atif - A chief architect of the above king and his son

This is just the tip of the great iceberg of evidence that Ralph Ellis has drawn together and which proves conclusively that the Judaic United Monarchy of King David was actually one and the same as the Lower Egyptian monarchy of the twenty-first and twenty-second dynasties. While this declaration in itself represents a major re-evaluation of both history and theology, this evidence also brings with it one further dramatic revelation.

A number of excavations have been conducted in Egypt over the years. One of these discovered a cache of royal mummies at at Deir el-Bahri near Thebes, while the 1939 expedition of Pierre Montet discovered some magnificent, intact tombs within the temple enclosure at Tanis. The latter of these tombs contained the intact sarcophagi of the pharaohs Psusennes and Sheshonq, who I have identified in the book Solomon, Falcon of Sheba as being the monarchs of the Israelite United Monarchy. Thus, it is entirely possible that the magnificent solid silver sarcophaguses and the mummies of the biblical King David, King Solomon, Joab, Hiram Abif and the Queen of Sheba all now reside in the Cairo Museum.

Needless to say, if these biblical heroes do turn out to have been Egyptian pharaohs, this will be the biggest and most revolutionary change to our perceptions of history and theology that there has ever been since the dawn of civilisation. Surprisingly, given the stakes at issue here, there is a great deal of compelling evidence to suggest that this thesis is absolutely true, and that millions and millions of people down the millennia have been completely and utterly deceived by a few Israelite scribes who deliberately set out to alter history.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 08, 2011 7:15 pm

Welcome to Edfu
This new book attempts to tackle the New Testament head on, and discovers an entirely new vista where Jesus was actually a king and Mary Magdalen was his queen. Moreover, is seems likely that Jesus was exiled to England, where he became known as Arthur. Thus the Grail legends were simply a continuation of the New Testament - the dynastic royal saga continued in more northern lands.
King Jesus, from Kam (Egypt) to Camelot - King Jesus of Judaea was King Arthur of England

This book resolves the greatest mystery and international conspiracy of all time, the true origins of Christianity.

The original objective was to confirm that St Paul (Saul) was actually Josephus Flavius. However, this novel identification exposed new perspectives on the life of Jesus, who was actually a king.

Contrary to orthodox perceptions, King Jesus and Queen Mary Magdalene were the richest couple in Syrio-Judaea. The Romans wanted to impose taxes on Jesus and Mary, an imposition that provoked the Jewish Rebellion. King Jesus fought and lost that war, and so he was crucified, reprieved and sent into exile in Roman England. In those remote lands, King Jesus became known as Atur-tii (the Egyptian) or 'King Arthur and the twelve disciples of the Last Supper Table'.

This identification of Jesus as a wealthy, royal warrior-hero of first century Judaea may sound bizarre, but that is what the texts say. All research and quotations are from original sources, including the New Testament, Tanakh, Talmud, Josephus, Origen, Eusebius, Irenaeus, Herodian, Suetonius, Tacitus, Clement and many others besides. This is a secret history that has been deliberately concealed from us for two millennia for those feet, in ancient times, did indeed walk upon England's mountains green!
Book I - Cleopatra to Christ

Why was the birth of a poor 'carpenter' in the first century AD visited by the Magi: the Persian king-makers? Why was Jesus later known as the 'King of the Jews'? There is a great deal of evidence within the New Testament, which demonstrates that Jesus was actually of royal blood. But if this is so, then from which royal family was he descended? Using many strands of contemporary evidence, Ralph Ellis has pieced together a historical jigsaw puzzle, which demonstrates that the biblical Jesus was directly descended from Cleopatra VII, the most famous queen of Egypt. But this is not all, for in piecing this story together it would seem that Jesus also had an aristocratic Roman and royal Persian ancestry too; and it is the latter bloodline element that explains the appearance of Persian Magi at his birth. But why should the New Testament authors obscure the ancestry of such an illustrious prince? Well, the gospel writers were looking for an ideal family as their role model, but this particular royal family hid a dark, unmentionable secret. This is the untold story of a king and queen who were exiled to Judaea in 4AD just a couple of years before the Roman taxation of Judaea, when Jesus is said to have been born.
Book II - Scota, Egyptian Queen of the Scots

The legends of Ireland and Scotland tell a fantastic tale of an Egyptian queen and her Greek husband, who were exiled from Egypt at some point during the second millennium BC. Chased from their homelands, they took to the sea and settled in Spain and then Ireland. It is said that it was from this Queen Scota and King Gaythelos that the modern titles for the Scottish and Gaelic people were derived. All of these early Celtic myths were finally set down in a fourteenth century book called 'Scotichronicon', the title page of which appears on the cover of this book.

But what are we to make of this ancient story - is it based more upon fact or fiction? Historians have, as one might expect, taken the story to be complete fiction; but there are many elements to this hoary old tale that demonstrate that the authors of Scotichronicon knew a great deal about the ancient history and language of Egypt. Ralph Ellis has taken a lateral look at this mythology, and found many links and associations that lead to one inescapable conclusion - that the extraordinary tale of Queen Scota and King Gaythelos is probably true.

Having seen so many similarities between the Israelites and Egypt, I felt sure that the Book of Genesis should also contain elements of Hyksos Egyptian culture. But how could this be so if the rivers of Eden were the Euphrates and Tigris? The answer to this is simple, because the Hebrew Bible does not mention a Euphrates or Tigris at all. What it does mention is a river that runs through Eden and splits into four branches, and this just has to be a reference to the Nile running through the Garden of Akhenaton's Aton (Adon), and splitting into the four branches of the Nile Delta. Ergo: the Genesis story has to be based upon Akhenaton and his brand of alternative theology.
Eden in Egypt

The four rivers in Eden were the four rivers of the Nile Delta.
Adam and Eve were Akhenaton and Nefertiti.
The Genesis creation myth is a version of the Hymn to the Aten.
The Garden of Eden was the Garden of Aton (Adon), or the city of Amarna.
Genesis was written in ancient Egyptian.

Having seen so many similarities between the Israelites and Egypt, I felt sure that the Book of Genesis should also contain elements of Hyksos Egyptian culture. But how could this be so if the rivers of Eden were the Euphrates and Tigris? The answer to this is simple, because the Hebrew Bible does not mention a Euphrates or Tigris at all. What it does mention is a river that runs through Eden and splits into four branches, and this just has to be a reference to the Nile running through the Garden of Akhenaton's Aton (Adon), and splitting into the four branches of the Nile Delta. Ergo: the Genesis story has to be based upon Akhenaton and his brand of alternative theology.
Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs

The biblical Abraham and Jacob were pharaohs of Egypt;

The Israelites were not shepherds, but the Hyksos Shepherd pharaohs; this dispute caused the Biblical Exodus;

Jesus married his sister, Mary Magdelene;

Jesus, governor of Tiberias, leader of 600 rebel 'fishermen';

Jesus followed the traditional astrology of the Egyptians ... he was born a Lamb of God (Aries) and died a fisher of men (Pisces);

Saul was discovered in the historical record.

There is irrefutable evidence that the Biblical patriarchs were indeed pharaohs of Egypt; that is why their story was so important that it has endured for so many thousands of years. Using this new knowledge, Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs goes on to discover an entirely new face to Christianity, to discover startling new passages where the Biblical Jesus and Saul appear in the historical record. The Bible is transformed into a story of a royal bloodline, and it is a tale that is verifiable at every stage by references from the historical texts.
Tempest & Exodus

Tempest & Exodus describes the dramatic discovery of large biblical quotation on an ancient Egyptian stele. When compared to the biblical equivalent the text appears to be two separate accounts, from both the Egyptian and the Israelite perspective, of a conference in Egypt discussing the way in which the biblical exodus should be organised.

The quotation thus has fundamental implications for both history and theology because it explains why the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant were constructed, why the biblical exodus started, where Mt. Sinai was located, who the god of the Israelites was - indeed, it even explains exactly who the Israelites really were and thus why the Torah, Bible and Koran were written.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 08, 2011 9:05 pm ... 285#p51438

Anu and his wife, Antu, stand before the golden supporter, which can only be the golden Pillar or Tree of Life, a 45- foot tall device lined with a gold alloy the Egyptians said could ‘drill’ holes in space. This device was mounted on a platform that resembles in form and likely function the Ark of the Covenant.

The device comes alive, the gate swings open and Anu and Antu enter the Abyss (sometimes called the Fish of Isis).

Incredibly, Sumerian scholar Zecharia Sitchin has recovered what may be depictions of this scene. In this scene we see two people flanking an entrance to a gateway in which a third person makes an entrance (or exit). The sun and moon symbols can be seen above this gateway.

The two guards hold devices, long poles with circular tops, which Sitchin concludes served an astronomical purpose. He also equates them with golden pillars at the entrance to Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.

This being so, can we see these devices as “golden needles”? Is the story of this golden needle woven deep into the mythology of the ancients? Is the ‘silver thread’ woven by this needle actually a wormhole linking Earth with the Planet of the Lord?

550 B.C. is an extraordinary date. In 576 B.C. the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar looted and leveled the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, took three temple wise men hostage and appears to have negotiated a deal with these temple priests to open a gateway to Heaven. As the book of Daniel describes, he put the three wise men from the Temple of Solomon into a “fiery furnace.” When they reappeared not only were they in pristine condition they were not alone. They had the Son of God in tow.

I have interpreted this ‘fiery furnace’ as a zone of frequency or vibration that is the mouth of a stargate or a wormhole. When the three wise men entered this gateway they traveled to a distant place, possibly to the center of our Milky Way galaxy, or possibly to Planet X, and returned with the Son of God.
Bagdad Stargates
Scroll down to the "Monument to the Unknown Soldier".

Take note that it was specifically exempt from destruction by the Yanks. ... uments.htm

Notice the latitude 33 and longitude 44

Read Richard Hoagland: ... tary_1.htm

Note that Phoenix, AZ, namely Tempe/Scotsdale is at that latitude; the big blue obelisk and Egyptian style canals are there PLUS the fuggers perform ceremony on these crucial spots. Recall the Democratic "Debates" of 2004? Nothing but ceremony... There were ceremonies performed all over the world in synchronicity then.
Solitron Vortex Generators in Egypt Part 1 ... re=related

Solitron Vortex Generators in Iraq part 2. ... r_embedded


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Mon May 09, 2011 4:52 am

Background tor This Hutton Commentaries' Bulletin

The legend in the Cayce readings that follow begins with certain Atlantean scientists who designed and built a powerful, crystal-based device that could transform rays from the stars, including our Sun, and send the transformed rays to propel crafts of various types, both beneath waters and in the atmosphere above. But the rays were used in far more ways than just described and the Atlanteans became more and more powerful toward the final days of that civilization, when Atlantis finally sunk beneath the waves at its appointed time. The story of the rise and fall of Atlantis may duplicate roughly that given in the story of the Cayce readings, but it does not have to. That will depend upon whether or not our modern civilization has overcome it's cravings for attaining and exercising power over others.

We begin now with evidence of today's redevelopment of the Atlantean-age "Firestone," as described in the scientific paper below.

Optically-Induced Charge Separation and TerraHertz Emission in Unbiased Dielectrics

The above is the title of a scientific paper by W.M. Fisher and S.C. Rand, published in the Journal of Applied Physics on 21 March 2011. As the title suggests, an interaction phenomenon has been discovered that has, until recently, been overlooked by the scientific community. In a nutshell, they have discovered an interaction phenomenon whereby high intensity laser light can produce terraHertz (mm.wave) radiation from transparent optical media such as silica or sapphire or glass optical fibres. This interaction also produces alternating voltages between the ends of the transparent object being illuminated. Further, they have shown theoretically that coherent laser light is not necessary for this phenomenon to manifest. Concentrated sunlight (largely noncoherent) can also produce these effects. So far, efficiencies of the order of 10% are being discussed, which means that 1 kilowatt of solar radiation power (which could be collected by a 1 meter diameter mirror on a bright sunny day) could produce perhaps 100 watts of electrical power out. If these numbers are correct, 10 Megawatts of solar radiation input could stimulate 1 megawatt of electrical output power. Because a typical electric power plant produces 1000 megawatts, the required incident solar irradiation captured from solar concentrators would have to be on the order of 10,000 megawatts for a commercially viable system. Of course, this is all theoretical work at present and will require experimental confirmation of the calculations. No doubt experimental work will provide the keys to greatly improving the efficiency figures.

This revelation of a heretofore unknown electromagnetic interaction with transparent dielectric media immediately brings to mind the Firestone, as described by Edgar Cayce. In reading #440-5, Cayce described the Firestone as being a large crystal housed in a dome much like a telescope observatory dome, with a portion that could be rolled back to receive rays from the sun. The dome was made of some heat resistant material akin to asbestos. The choice of such a material suggests that the Firestone got very hot or produced a great deal of heat when operating. In fact, the dome is later described as a "power house." Energy from the sun or stars was concentrated with elements that are found and which are not found in the earth’s atmosphere. The Firestone was used to not only direct various craft that traveled on land, on the sea, and even under water....the directional control apparently being beamed directly from the stone to the crafts, but actually to impel these various crafts. The crystal is described as being hexagonal or of having a hexagonal cross section, which suggests that it might have been made of quartz, a crystal which grows naturally with a hexagonal cross section. Following is a copy of the actual reading. Those who have researched this topic before have seen it many times, but I thought it should be included here to make sure that those who have only heard about it get the authentic, accurate information.

About the firestone that was in the experience did the activities of the entity then make those applications that dealt with both the constructive and destructive forces in the period.

It would be well that there be given something of a description of this, that it may be better understood by the entity in the present, as to how both constructive and destructive forces were generated by the activity of this stone.

In the center of a building, that today would be said to have been lined with non-conductive metals, or non-conductive stone - something akin to asbestos, with the combined forces of bakerite [bakelite?] or other non-conductors that are now being manufactured in England under a name that is known well to many of those that deal in such things.

The building above the stone was oval, or a dome wherein there could be or was the rolling back, so that the activity of the stone was received from the sun's rays, or from the stars; the concentrating of the energies that emanate from bodies that are on fire themselves - with the elements that are found and that are not found in the earth's atmosphere. The concentration through the prisms or glass, as would be called in the present, was in such a manner that it acted upon the instruments that were connected with the various modes of travel, through induction methods - that made much the character of control as the remote control through radio vibrations or directions would be in the present day; though the manner of the force that was impelled from the stone acted upon the motivating forces in the crafts themselves.

There was the preparation so that when the dome was rolled back there might be little or no hindrance in the application direct to the various crafts that were to be impelled through space, whether in the radius of the visioning of the one eye, as it might be called, or whether directed under water or under other elements or through other elements.

The preparation of this stone was in the hands only of the initiates at the time, and the entity was among those that directed the influences of the radiation that arose in the form of the rays that were invisible to the eye but that acted upon the stones themselves as set in the motivating forces - whether the aircraft that were lifted by the gases in the period or whether guiding the more pleasure vehicles that might pass along close to the earth, or what would be termed the crafts on the water or under the water.

These, then, were impelled by the concentrating of the rays from the stone that was centered in the middle of the power station, or power house (that would be termed in the present).

440-5; December 20, 1933

Crystalline quartz is composed of silicon dioxide, as is ordinary glass, but whereas glass has a random molecular structure, crystalline quartz has a crystal structure consisting of a regular ordered array of molecules. Fisher and Rand describe the energy conversion phenomenon in both glass and crystals, so the identification of their discovery with the Atlantean Firestone seems appropriate.

Other technology breakthroughs associated with the Firestone are mentioned in Cayce's readings. He talks about reading inscriptions through walls and affecting gravity. There are rumors on the internet that the military already has a device that employs millimeter waves to look through walls, a feat that was included in an action sequence in one of Arnold Schwartzeneger's movies {the Eraser}. There are also rumors that the military has devices that control gravity as well. Unfortunately, essentially all new discoveries these days are immediately suppressed if they could possibly be used by the military as weapons. Because of "National Security" the patent office has thousands of new patents that will never see the light of day. In Atlantis, this high technology was in the hands of only the "initiates." Seemingly, nothing has changed over millennia in this regard.

This description of the Firestone seems to have some problems. Using one single crystal to direct many vehicles of various kinds seems unlikely unless there is more to the story. If the Firestone acted like a source of signals similar to our present day Global Positioning System, then the reading makes sense. In that case, many vehicles, ships, submarines, and aircraft could receive their directional control from such a system simultaneously. This technology apparently also had other interesting applications, as described further on in the reading:

Through the same form of fire the bodies of individuals were regenerated, by the burning - through the application of the rays from the stone, the influences that brought destructive forces to an animal organism. Hence the body rejuvenated itself often, and remained in that land until the eventual destruction, joining with the peoples that made for the breaking up of the land - or joining with Baalilal [Baal? Belial?]at the final destruction of the land. In this the entity lost. At first, it was not the intention nor desire for destructive forces. Later it was for the ascension of power itself.

440-5; December 20, 1933

We know that the millimeter wave airport scanners currently in use by the Transportation Security Administration damages DNA in those being scanned. In addition to the reading on the Firestone, Reading #2072 provides information about something called the Tuaoi Stone, which seems to be a synonym for the Firestone. Reading 440-5 gives this description of the Firestone:

As to describing the manner of construction of the stone, we find it was a large cylindrical glass (as would be termed today), cut with facets in such a manner that the capstone on top of same made for the centralizing of the power or force that concentrated between the end of the cylinder and the capstone itself.

Reading 2072-10 gives the following description of the Tuaoi Stone:

4. (Q) Going back to the Atlantean incarnation - what was the Tuaoi stone? Of what shape or form was it?

(A) It was in the form of a six-sided figure, in which the light appeared as the means of communication between infinity and the finite; or the means whereby there were the communications with those forces from the outside. Later this came to mean that from which the energies radiated, as of the center from which there were the radial activities guiding the various forms of transition or travel through those periods of activity of the Atlanteans

It was set as a crystal, though in quite a different form from that used there. Do not confuse these two, then, for there were many generations of difference. It was in those periods when there was the directing of aeroplanes, or means of travel; though these in that time would travel in the air, or on the water, or under the water, just the same. Yet the force from which these were directed was in this central power station, or Tuaoi stone; which was as the beam upon which it acted.

In the beginning it was the source from which there was the spiritual and mental contact.

Understand, these are the following of laws - if there would be the understanding or comprehension of these. For, as has been given, the basis, the beginning of law carries all the way through. And that which comes or begins first is conceived in spirit, grows in the mental, manifests in the material; as was this central force in the Atlantean experience. First it was the means and source or manner by which the powers that be made the centralization for making known to the children of men, and children of God, the directing forces or powers. Man eventually turned this into that channel for destructive forces - and it is growing towards this in the present.

The Cayce readings' "heads up" warning seems indeed prescient, and the public is finally becoming aware of the problem. And Fisher and Rand's paper points to a tantalizing possible future, assuming that the scientists investigating the light and crystal interactions wind up rediscovering the technology Cayce describes in the Atlantis of thousands of years ago. The upcoming staged oil "shortage", with oil prices heading over $200 per barrel, and gasoline priced at over $8 per gallon, will undoubtedly stimulate research into alternate energy sources, so it is to be expected that the Atlantean technology will once again become a part of our daily experience.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Mon May 09, 2011 4:43 pm ... 285#p51461

Optically-Induced Charge Separation and TerraHertz Emission in Unbiased Dielectrics

The above is the title of a scientific paper by W.M. Fisher and S.C. Rand, published in the Journal of Applied Physics on 21 March 2011. As the title suggests, an interaction phenomenon has been discovered that has, until recently, been overlooked by the scientific community.

In a nutshell, they have discovered an interaction phenomenon whereby high intensity laser light can produce terraHertz (mm.wave) radiation from transparent optical media such as silica or sapphire or glass optical fibres. This interaction also produces alternating voltages between the ends of the transparent object being illuminated. Further, they have shown theoretically that coherent laser light is not necessary for this phenomenon to manifest. Concentrated sunlight (largely noncoherent) can also produce these effects. So far, efficiencies of the order of 10% are being discussed, which means that 1 kilowatt of solar radiation power (which could be collected by a 1 meter diameter mirror on a bright sunny day) could produce perhaps 100 watts of electrical power out. If these numbers are correct, 10 Megawatts of solar radiation input could stimulate 1 megawatt of electrical output power. Because a typical electric power plant produces 1000 megawatts, the required incident solar irradiation captured from solar concentrators would have to be on the order of 10,000 megawatts for a commercially viable system. Of course, this is all theoretical work at present and will require experimental confirmation of the calculations. No doubt experimental work will provide the keys to greatly improving the efficiency figures.

This revelation of a heretofore unknown electromagnetic interaction with transparent dielectric media immediately brings to mind the Firestone, as described by Edgar Cayce. In reading #440-5, Cayce described the Firestone as being a large crystal housed in a dome much like a telescope observatory dome, with a portion that could be rolled back to receive rays from the sun. The dome was made of some heat resistant material akin to asbestos.
Clif High – the New Electrics ... -Interview
This is part of an interview is with Clif High of from 9/1/09. The new electrics he speaks of are mentioned in his report from July. It concerns a new technology for electricity that should come to light later this year.

Based on the information below I would hazard to guess that the “new electrics” to which Clif refers in his interview would involve crystal technologies. I would imagine that the ancient Atlanteans used a naturally occurring asbestos such as thermolite.

Bakelite ... astics.htm
After cellulose nitrate, formaldehyde was the next product to advance the technology of plastic. Around 1897, efforts to manufacture white chalkboards led to casein plastics (milk protein mixed with formaldehyde) Galalith and Erinoid are two early tradename examples.

In 1899, Arthur Smith received British Patent 16,275, for "phenol-formaldehyde resins for use as an ebonite substitute in electrical insulation", the first patent for processing a formaldehyde resin. However, in 1907, Leo Hendrik Baekeland improved phenol-formaldehyde reaction techniques and invented the first fully synthetic resin to become commercially successful, tradenamed Bakelite.
Bakelite ... kelite.asp
When early humans first began to produce tools and other artefacts, they were limited to stone and living matter - whether wood, plant material or animal-based - as the basis for their manufacturing. With time, the ability to heat materials and process them added metals, glass and ceramics like pottery to that line up. But for a good two thousand years there was nothing else available. In the early 1900s a sixth type of substance, the first truly artificial manufacturing material, joined the original five. It was called Bakelite.
Where is Asbestos Found? ... stos-found
Asbestos is a group of minerals that occur naturally in the environment and can be mined. The extraction and use of asbestos date back to Ancient Egypt. Typically, asbestos is found in these rock types: serpentines; some mafic rocks (which have higher amounts of heavier elements); altered ultramafic rock; metamorphosed dolostones; metamorphosed iron formations; alkalic intrusions and carbonatites. Varying amounts of asbestos can be found in these rocks. When rocks are broken or crushed, the asbestos can be extracted.
Tremolite Asbestos
Another type of asbestos is tremolite, which is named after the Val Tremola, a valley in Switzerland. The mineral, which is composed of calcium, magnesium, silicon, hydrogen, and oxygen, is formed when dolomite, a calcium-rich mineral, comes into contact with silica and water. The typical colors found in tremolite formations may vary from brown to gray or white to green. The mineral is partially transparent with a pearly luster and may contain streaks of white. Tremolite is characteristically found in large columnar or fibrous masses in ultramafic rock, which can be found in the United States, Europe, and many other regions of the world.
Atlantean Crystals
Theories about Atlantis mention the extensive use of crystals by Atlanteans. Crystals varied in patterns or grid - sizes - color combinations - and tones. Crystals follow harmonic frequencies and could be used with an instrument that looks like a tuning fork. They received power from a variety of sources, including the Sun, the Earth's energy grid system, or from each other.

Atlanteans allegedly harnessed the energies of the pyramids, using crystals to that end. As we have the Great Pyramid at the center of the planet linked to the grid matrix that creates our reality, so, too, did the Atlanteans. Their pyramid allegedly sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean which is a metaphor about returning to the collective unconsciousness or source of creation.

Just as we have major and minor grid points of energy on the planet - so did the Atlanteans. Grids points are often marked by pyramids. The Atlanteans used this energy, combined with crystals, to transmit energy from one pyramid to another.

Depending on the tilt of the Earth's axis at a particular time of the year, one pyramid would function to intensify and transmit energies to other pyramids which would then act as receiving devices and would disperse energy as it was needed. The opposite would apply when that pyramid was at an unfocused point to their celestial alignment, when other pyramids would be used as transmitters. It was an intricate matrix crystal grid system.

One of the most detailed descriptions of the Atlantean use of a mysterious instrument called the Great Crystal was given by Edgar Cayce, who mentioned it many times. The crystal, he said was housed in a special building oval in shape, with a dome that could be rolled back, exposing the Crystal to the light of the sun, moon and stars at the most favorable time. The interior of the building was lined with non-conducting metal or stone, similar to asbestos or bakelite, a thermosetting plastic.

The Crystal itself, the Tuaoi Stone, or Fire Stone, was an Atlantean Power Crystal. It was huge in size, cylindrical in length, and prismatic in shape, cut with six sides. Atop the crystal was a moveable capstone, used to both concentrate incoming rays of energy, and to direct currents to various parts of the Atlantean countryside. It appears that the Crystal gathered solar, lunar, stellar, atmospheric and Earth energies as well as unknown elemental forces and concentrated these at a specific point, located between the top of the Crystal and the bottom of the capstone.

The energy was used for various purposes. In the beginning it was used as purely a spiritual tool by initiates who could handle the great energy. The early Atlanteans were peaceful people. As they developed more physical material bodies, they used the crystal to rejuvenate their bodies and were able to live hundreds of years while maintaining a youthful appearance.

Later the Great Crystal was put to other uses. Currents of energy were transmitted throughout the land, like radio waves, and powered by these, crafts and vehicles traversed the land, through the sky and under the sea at the speed of sound.

By utilization of other currents originating from the Great Crystal, the Atlanteans were also able to transmit over great distances the human voice, and pictures, like modern television. In the same manner, even heat and light could be directed to specific buildings or open arenas, giving illumination and warmth by seemingly invisible means.

In this timeline, in the Bermuda Triangle, on the ocean bottom where the ruins of Atlantis now exist, the energy build-up in the sunken and damaged Fire Crystals can periodically trigger materialization of anything.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Mon May 09, 2011 6:20 pm

Anunnaki & Nibiru - The Return
An ongoing interest and debate has been Planet X. This allusive planet has been linked to the myths of the Sumerian Tablets, which speak of the returning of Nibiru (a mythical planet said to visit our solar system once very 3600 years due to its elliptical orbit). Nibiru is said to be the home of our forefathers; the original creators of the Human race; the gods of the Old Testament. Is Nibiru real? The writings of the Sumerian Tablets as translated by Zachariah Sitchin and pre-date any known written history, seem to suggest that it is.

A study of the myths in the Bible also reveals many interesting discoveries. The issue can certainly be debated until we're all long gone but it would appear that the stories of the Bible, written around 200 BCE, are actually a re-telling of stories from much earlier on - thousands of years earlier! The Sumerian's documented the stories of the Bible in the third millennium BCE! Their stories offer some of the best accounts of our creation and the events of early Mesopotamia. Yet, our Religion-based society continues to propagate the rewriting of our history for its own means.

There is no secret that the canonized version of the Bible from Constantine's' day has left out many relative books. The Gnostics; Book of Thomas; etc., were not represented because they were either not available at the time OR they contradicted the message Constantine wished to deliver to solidify his rule as Emperor. If you compare the various Christian religions you'll find that different versions of the Bible are used. Some have incorporated the "found books" while others continue to ignore their existence and suggest that they are not legitimate.
Now, consider this. What "if" the events of the Bible are more-or-less true. What "if" the events in the Old and New Testaments really did happen pretty much along the lines we're told they did but... much earlier!

There is significant proof to date the Pyramids to around 11,000 BCE for their construction. Certainly, with our technology of today we could build such monuments to the precision of these great structures - but... what about back in 11,000 BCE? The Humans of the Bible were farmers and Shepard's. The technology didn't exist to create such structures. Now, look at the Maya and their Calendar. Their understanding of astronomy and astrology far exceeded their ability to understand the stars yet they provided us with a calendar, which has been exacting. The examples of technology exist through out our history yet scholars often refuse to consider this when putting together their thesis or journals. It isn't mainstream science, thus it would bring way too much attention and critique and essentially ruin their career. But why?

The fact is, if you research you'll find that the events of the Bible just don't add up with the time these events are said to have occurred.

Next, one must consider that the stories of Jesus are a retelling of Pagan myth. Osiris was also a man-god who was born of a virgin and carried out miracles. If you consider that the Pagan's worshipped many gods and that this belief system dates back long before the Biblical times, the stories of the Sumerian Tablets start to take on a whole new meaning.

In the Sumerian Tablets, the story of Creation and the Garden of Eden are shared. The Great Flood is also a favorite written in the tablets. These stories aren't changed all that much when represented in the Bible - however, they are manipulated. The Sumerian Tablets tell of the Anunnaki; a race of beings from Nibiru who created Humans by taking the indigenous beings on Earth and splicing their own DNA with that of the Aliens. The Anunnaki were greatly advanced beings and created the great monuments found on the Earth; Moon; Mars and other solid planets/moons within our corner of the Universe.

We know that the Pyramids were built around 11,000 BCE. That means the Anunnaki must have been already here around that time. Considering that the cycle of Nibiru is this 3600 year cycle, we must conclude that anyone left here was stuck here until the next cycle. We are told that the gods had long lives but it doesn't seem imaginable that their lives would last the full cycle of Nibiru. So, we must then factor in the length of time that Nibiru would be accessible from Earth during its orbit. It has been suggested that the planet would only be visible for a few months but the length of time that it would be accessible might be years if not hundreds of years. Any advanced culture capable of creating hybrids would be seen as gods to their creations. We have that technology today.

We must also then consider that there are other beings than just the Anunnaki roaming the Universe.

Now, taking in the orbit of Nibiru and the fact that there were and still may be, alien outposts on Mars and the Moon, we can begin to paint a picture of the events as described in the Bible. Many have questioned the "virgin birth". Why is this so difficult a concept to accept? We have the technology to impregnate a female who has never experienced intercourse. So, right away, the idea of a virgin birth has to be considered plausible based on our own level of technology, today.

If this birth were between an advanced being and a Human, the offspring might have some advanced abilities. Even if the offspring didn't, the ability of the "father" who IS an advanced being could give that impression should he intervene on behalf of the son. Actually, all of the events spoken of about Osiris/Jesus persona could actually be factual. To the people of the time, simple things we take for granted today would seem like miracles.

Next we must consider the myths, which speak of the return of Jesus. Now, if you take into context the alien equation, the idea of a returning god is not so far-fetched. If the gods are truly on this 3600 year cycle, it would make sense that they've left and will return. It is also plausible that during this time we've had interaction with other alien beings who do not support the Anunnaki. The question of whether the Anunnaki are friend or foe can be debated. If we were created to be subjects of the gods, it would make sense that we wouldn't wish to be their slaves when they return. The idea of other aliens interacting within our society may be to provide us with advancements so that our awareness level would be high enough to understand the threat and our technology would be advanced enough to provide us with a means of defense.

The question of time-travel must also be called into the equation because of the suggestion of future events. Interestingly, the Bible is an excellent source of what is to come. Unfortunately, we don't often understand this until the events have come to pass.

Could the Anunnaki have the ability to travel through time? Well, while they "could" it seems unlikely because if that were the case, they'd be able to know about our advancements. It seems much more likely that other alien beings are more advanced than the Anunnaki and shared these future events. These aliens were the "angels" who came to Daniel and John. They planted the seed of warning in an effort to help guide us along a path, which would allow us to advance in our understanding; our awareness of our place in the Universe and in our technology. We advance quickly when we use cooperation. The Bible prophecies speak of this oneness within our nature and the need for us to get along and work together. Obviously, these prophets knew that the only way for us to advance in the time allotted was to get us to "play nicely" with one another. How better to do this than to write a code of ethics (of sorts) for us to live by.

So, what if all of this speculation is true? What if we were created to be slaves? What if we are waiting for the return of the gods?

Well, many of the Native American prophecies tend to point to the year 2012. The Mayan calendar ends in 2012. The Hopi Prophecy Rock points to a certain path we must travel, etc. The Inca prophecies also point to around 2012. They speak of the coming of the next density of existence. We've been able to extrapolate that this will be a time of ascension. This ascension isn't too dissimilar to the "catching up" or the "rapture" as spoken of in the Bible. Those who've become spiritually awakened (aware of their place in the Universe) will ascend into the next plain of existence.

Those who are still bound by the ways of the creators and the materialistic world will be left to see the return of the Anunnaki (the end of their 3600 year cycle). These people will see great changes in the Earth because of the influence of Nibiru. They will also see great battles between the Anunnaki and the Humans of Earth. The prediction of 1000 years of peace may only come about at the hands of the benevolent alien beings currently helping us to advance our level of technology.

It would make sense that we will see huge advancements over the next few years as we approach this 2012 deadline. It would also make sense to consider that anytime from now through 2012 that the Anunnaki may be close enough to actually travel in ships to Earth in limited numbers. It would make sense for them to assume that not much has changed since their previous visit. To those who come in advance of their planet, their discoveries may be quite unique. It may even be an Anunnaki who is the "anti-Christ". It would make sense that the Anunnaki would choose the region of former Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) for their return. The predictions speak of the anti-Christ coming from this region and gaining power in the European Union. It speaks of nations coming against Israel.

On a side note, it adds a new light to why the United States and its allies chose to attack Iraq at this time in our history. Are they perhaps preparing for the return of the Anunnaki?

Our nations are working on space based initiatives for planetary defense. Ronald Reagan spoke of threats from outside of this world in one of his speeches. He was the first to suggest a space based missile system (Star Wars). It would seem that our Government's are already interacting with Aliens. Look at the advancement in our technology over the past 100 years. Are we being prepped for Armageddon?

There will be many view points on similar topics. There will be many who agree and many who disagree. In the end, only the reader can choose to explore for him/herself or continue to stand true to his/her faith and trust in the authority of their Church.

It would be sad for people to not explore the role of Religion in controlling the population. It would be sad for people to not explore the way the various Churches have changed their doctrine to stay modern with the times. The RC Church said that the Earth was the center of the Universe and threatened early scientists who offered proof of the contrary. The RC Church now admits that Evolution is more than just a theory and accepts it as a more plausible means than Intelligent Design - yet, in the scenario explained above, the Intelligent Design is actually a fact!! How can anyone stand true to Religion when it continues to change its doctrine?

Are we in the end-times? That is merely a matter of personal perception. The Earth isn't going to end in 2012 and neither is life. If the Anunnaki are an advanced race and if they return in 2012 en masse, civilization as we know it may change forever.

Look at the events of the past and the cycle of these events. It is pretty likely that the fall of the advanced civilizations will in most cases correlate with the cycle of the Anunnaki. Look at Egypt; Atlantis and other great early cultures. What happened to them? Where did they go? Were they becoming too advanced and a threat to the Annunaki? Did those with an understanding of their place in the universe ascend leaving only the materialistic individuals to service the gods? Have we advanced far enough in this phase of existence to be enough of a challenge to the Anunnaki?


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Wed May 11, 2011 5:05 pm

The so-called “Dragon Bloodline”

In this instance the “good god” is Enki and the evil one is Enlil.

An ancient lineage of Hungarian Shamans evolved out of Egypt. The Dragon cult of Egypt emigrated to Hungary and formed the Royal Court of Dragons. It was from this lineage that the Pendragon family came to England.

The Dragon Court can first be identified in Egypt under the patronage of the priest-prince Ankhfn Khonsu at about 2170 BC. It was subsequently established more formally as a pharaonic institution by the twelfth dynasty Queen Sobekh Nefru in 1785 BC.

The Court was re-formed in 1408 by Emperor Sigismund von Luxemburg, King of Hungary, later to become Holy Roman Emperor in 1433. The Dragon kings whom the court has supported have rightfully ruled many nations and empires throughout history. In the case of England, the last legitimate Dragon monarch was Richard III.

The Royal Court of The Dragon was established in Egypt in 2170 B.C. under Ankhfnkhonsu, and more formally by Queen Sobeknefru in 1783 B.C. to provide an institution for the pursuit of the work of the Dragon of Al-Khem otherwise known as Thoth or Hermes. From Al-Khem we have alchemy, the Great Work of the Dragon. The most famous books attributed to him are The Emerald Tablets and The Pymander.

When the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court was reconstituted by King Sigismund in 1408 as the Societas Draconis, it was based upon an ancient bloodline tradition which Sigismund assumed that he had inherited from his presumed Egyptian and Scythian ancestors through the Pictish, Dragon Princess Maelasanu of Northumbria and the Ancient and Original Angevin Royal House of Vere of Anjou, the Imperial Dukes of Angiers.

This line had descended through the Tuatha de Danaan (the Dragon Kings of Anu) on the one hand, and the Egyptian Dragon Dynasty of Sobek on the other. The latter strain included the bloodline of the Davidic House of Judah who married into the descent of the Merovingian Kings of the Franks.

Sigismund assumed a personal entitlement to this legacy in 1397, the date upon which he sought to reconstitute Princess Melusine’s Dragon Court - as Societas Draconis - in a manner that he deemed the most suitable to enhance his power base and establish his royal claims. Following its subsequent formal inception in 1408, the Court recruited members from a number of prominent royal and noble houses. Historians have noted that these were not particularly known for their religious orthodoxy, including the later House of Vere in England, as one authority on Sigismund’s Dragon Court has asserted.

In 1408 (when Britain was in her Plantagenet era), the Dragon Court was formally reconstituted as a sovereign body at a time of wars and general political turmoil. As we have seen, the Court’s dubious re-emergence was instigated by Sigismund von Luxembourg, King of Hungary. Having presumptuously and erroneously assumed to have inherited the bloodline legacy in 1397, he drew up a pact with twenty-three royals and nobles who swore to observe ’true and pure fraternity’ within the Societas Draconis, a style subsequently misidentified as the Ordo Draconis (Hungarian: Sarkany Rend).

Although the original Court was by no means an Order in the recognized chivalric sense, the misnomer was strategically retained for the purposes of identification.

Along with Sigismund and the twenty-three nobles, Sigismund’s second wife, Barbara Cille (daughter of the Austrian Duke Hermann of Styria), was joint sovereign. Barbara was a Vampire who was taught by Ibrahim Eleazar, the keeper of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, and it is she who is the model for the beautiful Countess Carmilla Karnstein in Le Fanus novel of the same name.

Sigismund’s daughter Elizabeth was also a member of the Court, and the inclusion of the entire family thereby achieved the traditional overall standard of twenty six members or two magical circles of thirteen. Others prominent in the Societas Draconis were the Kings of Poland and Aragon, the Duke of Lithuania and the unrepentant heretic, the Duke of Split.

Shortly after this foundation, Sigismund was crowned Holy Roman Emperor and, as a result, the noble fraternity achieved a heightened status as an imperial edifice. Although the Court’s ancient origins were steeped in pre Christian lore, Pope Eugene IV was obliged to approve his Emperor’s non Catholic establishment, for the nature of the Dragon, even if you fake it, is such that its kingly tradition surmounts the mundane constraints of denominational dispute.

Vlad Tepes, a 15th-century Prince in Romania, founded the capital city of Bucharest. His popularised name, Dracula, means "Son of Dracul", and Dracul (or Dragon) was a style by which his father was known within the Grail fraternity of the Ordo Draconis (The Imperial Court of the Dragon) from

Comte de Saint-Germain was involved in Jacobite plot to restore Stuart dynasty to the English Throne (1743).

Today, however, the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court itself exists as a closed fraternity, a collective of individuals, comprising those who, unlike Sigismund, can trace their ancestry and affiliations back to the ancient, pre-Christian Elven, Grail and Dragon families via Anjou. The Court retains the traditional three tier degree system that Sigismund borrowed and to which he appended three separate representations of the alchemical Ouroboros emblem for the distinct ranks of the Court. A fourth emblem, configured in the form of the Egyptian Ankh or Albigensian Cross, was used by the family officers of the Inner Temple.

In Britain, the Tuatha Dé Danann (or Dragon Lords of Anu) were masters of the transcendent Sidhé, and were duly classified as "fates" or "fairies". Before settling in Ireland (from about 800 BC), they were the world's most noble race, alongside the early Kings of Egypt, being the Black Sea Princes of Scythia (now Ukraine). Like the original dynastic Pharaohs, they traced their descent from the great Pendragons of Mesopotamia; and from them sprang the kingly lines of the Irish Bruithnigh and the Picts of Scotland's Caledonia. In Wales they founded the Royal House of Gwynedd, while in Cornwall in the southwest of England, they were the sacred gentry known as the Pict-sidhé - from which derives the term "pixie".

The Royal and Imperial Dragon Court and Order, in conjunction with the The Dragon Court, led by HRH Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg, is an ancient order charged with preserving the royal Dragon bloodline, the secret Dragon wisdom, and the sacred Dragon tradition. The Dragon bloodline has been elsewhere described as the “Grail bloodline”, and the Dragon kings are the same as the popularly-known “Grail kings”, including Merovingians.

The Dragon Court can first be identified in Egypt under the patronage of the priest-prince Ankhfn Khonsu at about 2170 BC. It was subsequently established more formally as a pharaonic institution by the twelfth dynasty Queen Sobekh Nefru in 1785 BC. The Court was re-formed in 1408 by Emperor Sigismund von Luxemburg, King of Hungary, later to become Holy Roman Emperor in 1433. The Dragon kings whom the court has supported have rightfully ruled many nations and empires throughout history. In the case of England, the last legitimate Dragon monarch was Richard III.

In Sumer, the storm god who eventually became known as Jehovah was called 'Enlil' or 'Ilu-kur-gal' (meaning 'Ruler of the Mountain'), and his brother, who became Adon, the Lord, was called 'Enki'. This name is really important to our story because 'Enki' means 'Archetype'.

The texts inform us that it was Enlil who brought the Flood; it was Enlil who destroyed Ur and Babylon, and it was Enlil who constantly opposed the education and enlightenment of humankind. Indeed, the early Syrian texts tell us that it was Enlil who obliterated the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah on the Dead Sea - not because they were dens of wickedness, as we are taught, but because they were great centres of wisdom and learning.

It was Enki, on the other hand, who, despite the wrath of his brother, granted the Sumerians access to the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life. It was Enki who set up the escape strategy during the Flood, and it was Enki who passed over the time-honoured Tables of Destiny - the tables of scientific law which became the bedrock of the early mystery schools in Egypt.

Many books talk about the hermetic school of Tuthmosis III of Egypt, who reigned about 1450 BC. But it is not generally known that the school he originally inherited was the Royal Court of the Dragon. This had been founded by the priests of Mendes in about 2200 BC and was subsequently ratified by the 12th dynasty Queen Sobeknefru.

This sovereign and priestly Order passed from Egypt to the Kings of Jerusalem; to the Black Sea Princes of Scythia and into the Balkans - notably to the Royal House of Hungary, whose King Sigismund reconstituted the Court just 600 years ago. Today it exists as the Imperial and Royal Court of the Dragon Sovereignty, and after some 4,000 years it is the oldest sovereign Court in the world.

Draco was a divine emblem of the Egyptian Pharaohs, a symbol of the Egyptian Therapeutate, of the Essenes at Qumran, and was the Bistea Neptunis (the sea serpent) of the descendant Merovingian Fisher-Kings in Europe.
"In brief, the recorded Dragon lineage starts with the Annunaki [children of Anu, supreme god of Sumeria] and descends through the proto-Scythians, the Sumerians in one branch and the early Egyptians in another; the Phoenicians, the Mittani, back to the Scythians again through marital alliance, along to the "Tuatha de Danann" and the Fir Bolg; down through their Arch-Druidic, Priest-Princely families, to the Royal Picts of Scotland and the high kings of the Horse Lords of Dal Riada; through to the Elven dynasty of Pendragon and Avallon del Acqs, and down to a few pure bred families today."
Last edited by lizzie on Wed May 11, 2011 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Wed May 11, 2011 5:13 pm

Much has been made about the 13 tribes of Israel as to who or what the 13th tribe is. Here is a brief Masonic history of the “warm and loving First Family”, if you will.

Apparently Joseph was “taken to Egypt” and “sold” to Potiphar, a Captain of the royal guards of Pharaoh. Joseph married Potiphar’s daughter, Asenat, and had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. Who is Asenat?

Joseph had a total 12 sons and one daughter, Dinah. Most sources say that Dinah’s mother is Leah; others claim that her mother is Asenat.

Little is said about Dinah her except that she was supposedly “defiled” by Shechem, a Canaanite (Hivite) prince. This caused Simeon and Levi to commit genocide against the Hivite populace. Consequently, Jacob disinherited them.

If the royal bloodline was supposed to have been carried down through the maternal line, what happened to Dinah?

For a slave, Jacob certainly had unique talents: he was able interpret visions and dreams and was appointed governor who oversaw the grain distribution of the land, which at the time was the second highest office after Pharaoh. Benjamin later joins Joseph in Egypt.

The Pharaoh at the time of the “Exodus” was supposedly Pharaoh Sobekhotep IV.

Are these simply two rival dynastic bloodlines.? The House of Judah (the Southern Kingdom) could represent the Egyptian (Levite) priest class. The Israelites (the Northern Kingdom) could represent Moses/Akhenaten and his followers.

The 12 Tribes of Israel ... srael.html
Jacob is thought to have lived sometime around 1700 BC. He was the second son of Isaac (The second patriarch of Israel, the first being his father, Abraham). Jacob also had a twin brother named Esau. Tradition has it that his mother, Rebekah, was already feeling their presence while they were still in her womb, and that the two soon-to-be-born twins often wrestled each other, causing her to have much pain. Seeking an oracle, Rebekah was told that "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples, born of you, shall be divided: the one shall be stronger than the other, the elder shall serve the younger" (Gen 25:23). Esau was the first to be born, but Jacob followed soon, clasping Esau's heels.

Not much is known about their youths, but one day an important episode takes place, which is also described in the Bible. It is known that while Esau was a skilled hunter, and was stronger, Jacob preferred to stay at home. One day, Esau comes home, exhausted after a hunt, and finds Jacob preparing a pot of lentil soup. Esau asks for some, but Jacob replies "First sell me your birthright" (Gen 25:31). Esau replies "I am about to die; of what use is a birthright to me?" (Gen 25:32). Jacob makes Esau swear away his birthright before giving Esau his soup. Later, when death was approaching Jacob's father Isaac, Jacob was able to pretend to be Esau, and was able to receive his father's blessing. This blessing is of enormous significance, as it gave Jacob the right to inherit the lands of Canaan, and to become the third patriarch of the entire nation of Israel. Hearing of the deceit, Esau threatens to kill Jacob, and as a result it was decided that Jacob should go to Haran, an area in northern Mesopotamia, where his mother's brother was living.

It is during the trip to Haran, that an important event takes place. One night, as Jacob sat down in the wilderness from exhaustion, he saw a vision of angels ascending and descending a ladder suspended between heaven and earth (a.k.a. Jacob's Ladder). On the top rung stood God himself, who affirmed the promise he made to Jacob's grandfather Abraham by saying "The land on which you lie I will give to you and to your descendents; and your descendants shall be like the dust of the earth" (Gen 28:13).

When Jacob neared Haran, he met Rachel, who was working with her father to tend to sheep. Falling in love, he asks for her hand, but Rachel's father tells Jacob that he must first work seven years with him before it will be allowed. After seven years the wedding takes place, but the next morning, Jacob finds out that it was her elder sister Leah who had secretly replaced Rachel during the ceremony. Jacob did not love Leah, and objected.

However, Jacob was told that it was tradition for the elder sister to be married first, and that he would have to work another seven years for Rachel's hand. He agreed, and was allowed to marry Rachel in one week. After having served another seven years, Jacob decided to stay on as a shepherd, which he did for a total of 21 years. At God's suggestion, Jacob decides to return to Canaan, and to try to make peace with his estranged brother Esau. One night during this trip back, Jacob finds himself wrestling a mysterious stranger. They struggled for a long time, whereupon the stranger asked Jacob to be released, but Jacob refused unless he first received a blessing. The stranger replied "Your name shall no more be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed" (Gen 32:28). Israel means "he who strives with God".

In all, Jacob would have twelve sons, each of which would eventually rule one of the twelve tribes. With Leah he had six sons, (number denote the order in which they were born) Reuben (1), Simeon (2), Levi (3), Judah (4), Zebulun (6), and Issachar (9), and one daughter, named Dinah.

He had two sons with Leah's maid (Zilpah), named Gad (7) and Asher (8). He also had two sons with Rachel's maid (Bilhah), named Dan (5) and Naphtali (10).

Finally he also had two sons with Rachel, Joseph (11) and Benjamin (12), during the birth of which Rachel died. It is said that Jacob loved his 11th son, Joseph, the most.

However, it was Jacob's favoritism towards Joseph, and Joseph's visions that he would one day lead all his brothers, that left his other brothers conspiring to kill him.

One day, according to some accounts around the year 1683 BC, nine of his brothers gather to kill him; "Here comes this dreamer. Come now, let us kill him" (Gen 37:19). Reuben alone objected, and suggested they leave him in a dried up well, intending to return later to rescue him.

A short time later a company of Ishmaelites was passing by, and taking this opportunity, Judah sold Joseph into slavery. Reuben was shocked, but could do nothing. Instead the brothers dipped a robe in blood, and took it to their father Jacob, who seeing the bloody robe, concluded "It is my son's robe; a wild beast has devoured him" (Gem 37:33).

Meanwhile, the Ishmaelites took Joseph to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar, Captain of the royal guards of Pharaoh. Joseph's unique talent to be able to see and interpret visions and dreams, soon made him a powerful person, and he was appointed governor, and oversaw the grain distribution of the land, which at the time was the second highest office after Pharaoh.

Joseph also marries the daughter of Potiphar (Asenat) and has two sons of his own, Manasseh and Ephraim, who later are adopted by Jacob as his own, and after Jacob dies, and the tribe of Levi is made in charge of the priesthood, both Manasseh and Ephraim were made tribes (hence making 12 tribes again).

Meanwhile, famine spread in the lands where Jacob and his remaining children were living. Jacob sends 10 of his children to Egypt to buy grain. When they arrived in Egypt, they did not recognize their brother Joseph, but he did. The brothers were imprisoned.

Learning that his mother had another son, Benjamin, while he was in Egypt, Joseph decides to release his brothers, sell them the grain, and allow them to go if they left one of their brothers as a hostage, and return with Benjamin. Simeon decides to stay.

Returning home, Jacob objects sending Benjamin, saying "You have bereaved me of my children, Joseph is no more, and Simeon is no more, and now you would take Benjamin" (Gen 42:36).

Later, after the grain ran out, and the brothers had to return once again to Egypt with Benjamin. This time Joseph reveals his true identity to them, and invites his father and the entire family to Egypt, known as "The Soujourn", which is said to have taken place around the year 1662 BC.

Following many years of peace, the influence the Jews were having on Egyptian society became too great for Pharaoh Sobekhotep IV, who ordered the Jews to be taken into oppressive slavery, said to have been around the year 1517 BC. The following 70 years are known as "The Bondage" years, until Moses freed the Jews and takes them on the Exodus, which continued for 37 years, until the Jews reached Mount Nebo, near the Dead Sea, being able to see the city of Jericho.

After the city of Jericho was captured (1410 BC), and eventually the whole of Canaan, the twelve tribes split up. For the next 360 years, each tribe is ruled by a series of "Judges", and at times small skirmishes erupted between the tribes.

The tribes yearned for re-unification, which they believed could be accomplished by a great king. They asked Samuel, the last of the judges, in 1037 BC to choose such a king. He names Saul, of the tribe of Benjamin, to be the first king of Israel.

Saul was not up for the job, and God orders Samuel to travel to a man called Jesse, of the tribe of Judah in Bethlehem, because as God said "for I have provided for myself a king among his sons." (1 Sam 16:1). Eventually, David, the youngest of Jesse's sons, was chosen.

Israel was united under King David, and followed so during the reign of King Solomon. It is upon the installment of Solomon's son, Reheboam, in 931 BC that Israel split in two, after the 10 northern tribes rebelled after Reheboam said he would impose harsher taxes than even his father had.

Israel was now divided, with the Kingdom of Judah, comprised of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin (from which it is said that all Jews descend from) staying loyal to Reheboam in the south, and the northern Kingdom of Israel, led by Jeroboam, which was comprised of the remaining 10 tribes.

1- Reuben - The name means "behold a son". As the eldest son, he was the first in line to be the heir. However, Reuben sinned by having a relationship with Bilhah, Rachel's maid, with whom his father had had two sons (Dan and Naphtali). This action forfeited his right to be heir, and caused Jacob to divide his land amongst all his sons. It is said that Reuben had four sons of his own. The flag of the tribe is said to have been red with mandrakes.

2 - Simeon - The name means "hearing". At his birth, his mother Leah exclaimed "Because the Lord has heard that I am hated, he has given me this son also" (Gen 29:33). Simeon is famous for joining with his brother Levi to kill Shechem, a Canaanite prince who raped their sister, Dinah. It was for this reason that Jacob, at his deathbed, took away Simeon's rights and territories. Simeon's flag was said to be green, with the town of Shechem embroidered thereon.

3- Levi - The name means "to be joined". Despite his violent attack together with his brother Simeon on Shechem, a Canaanite prince who raped their sister Dinah, it would be his descendants from which the temple priests would be selected; the first being Aaron. However, Levi would not receive any land, like his brother Simeon. The flag of Levi was said to be Levi's was a third white, a third black, and a third red, with the Urim and Thummim embroidered on it.

4- Judah - Meaning "praise", it was Judah that convinced the other brothers to sell Joseph into slavery. It was during the second encounter with his long lost brother Joseph, that Joseph tested him whether he would sell his brother, Benjamin, to Joseph. He refused, offering himself up instead (Gen 42:6). This convinced Joseph to reveal his true identity to his brothers. Judah had three sons. At Jacob's deathbed, he told Judah that "Judah, your brothers shall praise you……your father's sons shall bow down before you" (Gen 49:8), and gave Judah the leadership position, after Reuben, Simeon and Levi were all discredited due to sins they committed, even though he was fourth in line. Judah's flag was said to resemble the heavens, with a lion embroidered on it.

5 - Dan - Meaning "he judged", no traditions about Dan himself have been preserved. Dan's flag was said to have been blue, with a serpent embroidered on it.

6 - Zebulun - Meaning "honor", The Bible does not mention much about Zebulun as well, only that he had three sons, and inherited the land around Nazareth. Zebulun’s flag was said to be white, with a ship embroidered on it.

7 - Gad - Meaning "fortune", his name derives from when Leah heard that her maid Zilpah had given birth to a son, she exclaimed "Good Fortune" and gave the son his name (Gen 30:11). Not much is known about Gad himself, only that he himself had seven sons. The tribe of Gad inherited the land east of the Jordan River. Its flag was said to be a blend of black and white, with a camp embroidered on it.

8 - Asher - Meaning "the happy one", the name is said to have been given by his Leah, who hearing that her maid Zilpah gave birth to a second son said "Happy am I! For the women will call me happy" (Gen 30:13). Asher had four sons, and his tribe inherited the western part of Galilee. Asher's flag was said to be beryl with an olive tree embroidered on it.

9 - Issachar - Meaning "man of reward", the name derives from the fact that his mother, Leah, saw it as a divine favor. His tribe eventually settled in around the valley of the Jezreel River. It is said that he had four sons. Issachar's flag was said to be blue, with a sun and moon embroidered on it.

10 - Naphtali - Meaning "wrestling", it was the second son born to Rachel's maid Bilhah. Rachel is said to have named him as a result of all the struggles she had had with Leah. His tribe settled in northwest of the Sea of Galilee. He is said to have had four sons. Naphtali's flag was said to be light red, with a hind embroidered on it.

11 - Joseph - Meaning "may He add other sons", much has already been discussed about the role Joseph played. As Jacob's favorite son, he is eventually bestowed as the fourth patriarch of Israel.

As mentioned he had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. Joseph's father, Jacob, on his deathbed, gave the second son, Ephraim, a stronger blessing that the traditional first son, Manasseh, saying "Manasseh also shall be great; nevertheless his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his descendants shall become a multitude of nations" (Gen 48:19). Joseph's flag was said to be black, with an onyx on it.

As Joseph's two sons also played an important role, their brief biographies will be listed here:

Manasseh - Meaning "God has made me forget", not much is known about the man who will eventually lead the tribe of Manasseh. A wild ox was said to adorn his flag.

Ephraim - Meaning "fruitful", his tribe eventually settled around the fertile land that is today Tel Aviv. A bullock was embroidered on his flag.

12 - Benjamin - Meaning "son of the right hand", he became Jacob's favorite son after Joseph was sold into slavery and thought to be dead by Jacob.

Several theories exist as to what happened to the 12 tribes. It is generally accepted that the two tribes that remained loyal to Reheboam, are the two tribes from which it is said that all Jews descended from. As a result, the remaining 10 tribes are referred to as being "lost".

However, some point to a prophecy by Ezekiel as proof that these ten tribes are not lost; "Behold, I will take the people of Israel from the nations among which they have gone, and will gather them from all sides, and bring them to their own land, and I will make them one nation in the land, upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king over them all; and they shall be no longer two nations, and no longer divided into two kingdoms" (Ezekiel 37:21-22).

In old Masonic lectures, which were used in England until 1813, it is mentioned that "There are in Freemasonry 12 original points, which form the basis of the system, and comprehend the whole ceremony of initiation. Without the existence of these points, no man ever was, or can be, legally and essentially received into the Order. Every person who is made a Mason must go through these 12 forms and ceremonies, not only in the first degree, but in every subsequent one."
In the story of the ‘defilement’ of Dinah Jewish tradition has it that Shechem, the Prince of Hivite and all the people were guilty. We think other interpretations are possible. Particularly we are fascinated by the possible change of Jewish history had the Hivite community been included in the wider household of Jacob-Israel. Blame can be placed for the massacre of the Shechemites on the disturbed family relationship between Jacob and Leah and the emphasis on the violence of Simeon and Levi.

Jacob rebukes Simeon and Levi for their mass murder and says ‘you have sullied me and cause me to stink among the inhabitants of the land’ (34:30)

It seems his complaint was directed at their misguided tactics. However decades later, on his deathbed Jacob instructs his other sons not to take heed of the council of Simeon and Levi; he defines them as cruel (a term Jacob uses twice); he curses their anger and wants to separate them from his brothers (Gen. 49:5-7).

Levi apparently understood the need for repentance, Simeon did not. When Moses, grandson of Levi, blessed the tribes shortly before his death Simeon does not even appear (Deut. 33:6-25). One may deduce that Honor killing was rejected by both Jacob and Moses.

Dinah, the daughter of Leah, whom she bore to Jacob went out see the daughters of the land (Gen. 34:1). Why the stress of Jacob as the father; it is obvious that being the daughter of Leah Jacob would be the father? She is under her father’s protection. It seems unlikely that she went out without his permission.

The text tells us Shechem, the Prince, took Dinah and slept with her, and dishonored or defiled her, but did not rape her as sometimes suggested (Gen. 34:2). Defiled presumably because he did not have permission of her father for marriage and she was a virgin. He disobeyed a Mid Eastern custom. Whether Dinah experienced shame or dishonor is not stated nor whether it is a cultural based perception by her brothers. The only other description of ‘rape’ noted in the Bible is the rape of Tamar by Amnon his half-sister. We are told he used his strength to overcome her. After raping her he banished her from his house in her torn clothes (2 Sam. 13:14,18).

How does Shechem act? ‘His soul cleaved to her and he loved and spoke kindly to her’ (34:3). The only other man in the entire Tnakh described in such loving terms to a women is Jacob’s tender feelings for his wife Rachel (29:18). We are also told that Jacob kissed her the first time he saw her (29:11). One could argue that such extreme behavior could be construed or misconstrued as close to a defilement as one could get in that society.

However, crucially different Rachel, of course is not Dinah’s mother. Dinah’s mother is Leah – the despised wife of Jacob (29:31). Imagine a young girl whose father married two sisters, her mother and her Aunt, one of whom, her Aunt, her father loves and speaks tenderly to, but to her mother he never speaks tenderly. Dinah’s older brother Simon is named ‘because I was hated’ (29:33). After giving birth again she names the child Levi hoping that after three sons ‘this time my husband will love me’. (29:34). Of course, he does not. Dinah, her daughter finds a man who speaks tenderly and states his love for her.

It seems highly unlikely that Dinah would not react positively to a man who is gentle with her, demonstrates his affection something she never heard her father say to her mother, although she heard her father say tender statements to her Aunt Rachel. This must have been the behavior she secretly fantasized about from her father towards her mother. The chances that she would not love Shechem back are almost nonexistent. Shechem asks his father to arrange a marriage and was prepared to offer any price to marry Dinah (34:12).
Sobekhotep IV Khaneferre (PHARAOH) of 13th Dynasty

The Sequential King Lists of the Turin Papyrus and the Sothis Kinglist
A Working Hypothesis - Tentativly we follow the suggestion of Dr. D.A. Courville that the Sothis list has been designed to omit the names of secondary and subsidiary kings and dynasties whose periods fall within the periods of other kings and dynasties. The summation of the reign lengths thus represent true elapsed time, as a close approximation, though the definition of what was included in the reign length differs at times from that used by the author of the Turin king list.

As Dr. Courville wrote, in that sense "the Sothis King List does not include the names of any kings of Dynasties II, III, VI to XI, and XIII, as well as kings within other dynasties whose period of rule was encompassed by that of another king."[`The Exodus Problem', Vol. I, p. 166]

The Turin Papyrus contains #5, the name `Aufni' or `Yufni'. Since in the ancient Egyptian language it was not unusual to exchange the `s' for an `n' sound, i.e. Sesostris vs Sesonchis, Aufni could also be read Yufsi. Transliteration of this name allows for transposition of the sounds to render the name `Yusif' or `Yusef', a satisfactory rendition of `Yusef', or `Joseph'.

Another dimension about Joseph and his time was opened by Damien in his paper on the Old Kingdom which could mean that there might be a connection between Aufni and Imhotep.

Two choices for the Pharaoh of the Exodus: Koncharis or Amenemhet IV.

It appears that either Koncharis or Amenemhet IV would make the best candidates for the Pharaoh of the Exodus. Many interpreters seem to favor more well-known kings for the pharaoh of the Exodus; however, their life span seems to be too long for the biblical narrative seems to require a king with a short life span.

D. Courville stated, "The name Koncharis is a Greek transliteration of an Egyptian name. Reversing the rules by which Egyptian names are transliterated into Greek, we are led from the Greek name to the original Egyptian name Ka-ankh-ra. This name appears among the names of the XIII. Dynasty kings on the Table of Karnak. Brugsch located this name, and by comparison of the briefer Karnak list with the more complete Turin list, he concluded that Ka-ankh-ra was to be identified as Sebekhotep IV [400] of the Turin list."

Insert: `However, since this was written, Damien researched the Old Kingdom dynasties and presents there another candidate for the pharaoh of the Exodus. This is to show that the subject is not resolved until we get a much better understanding of the Old Kingdom dynasties and their place in time. His paper has some intriguing aspects. Only further study will reveal its application to true ancient history. But we are proud to represent these varying viewpoints for the history of these ancient times is by no means settled beyond the need for great changes. After all we are talking about events from 4000 years in the past with scant records.'

In the report of Sir Flinders Petrie at Tanis he mentions two colossal statues of a 13th Dynasty king by the name of `Murmashau'. While we cannot find this name in this spelling among those of our Turin list above, we do find at least one name of similar construction, i.e. #18.

The first king of the Hyksos, as noted by Josephus, had the name Salitis. This name is No. 26 in the Sothis list column. This name is separated from a line of seven names which for the most part are derived from the name Rameses. Scripture strongly infers that a king by this name was ruling during the period of oppression. But this inference extends to the use of this name, as a family name, reaching back to the time of Joseph. See Genesis 47:11.

These Ramessies of the Sothis list are then alternate names for the kings of dynasty XII, since the famine of Joseph's time is dated to the reign of Sesostris I, an early king of dynasty XII. (But see our `Old Kingdom' file). We may then expect to locate among these names the pharaoh who enslaved the Israelites and the pharaoh under whom they served in building the cities Pithom and Raamses. Since dynasty XII ruled from the delta region, we now have a king by the name of Rameses ruling at the time of the oppression with his palace in proximity to the enslaved Israelites as pictured in Scripture. Thus this major discrepancy in the XVIII dynasty placement is eliminated."


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Wed May 11, 2011 7:34 pm

Dinah was the daughter of Joseph and Leah. Dinah had a daughter by Shechem named Asenat.

Pharaoh gave to Joseph as a wife, Asenat, the daughter of Potiphera who was the priest of On." However, Asenat was really Joseph’s granddaughter. Joseph was afraid that his sons would kill Asenat so he sent her away for safekeeping. (Joseph had very good connections for a "slave.")

Asenat bore Joseph two sons: Manasseh and Ephraim. So the 13th child of Joseph, Dinah, gave birth to Asenat, who then married her grandfather, Joseph, and then gave birth to the 13th tribe, Manasseh and Ephraim which some people call the “Rose Dynasty”.

How Many Tribes of Israel? ... srael.html
“The tribal arrangement in Israel was based on descent from the twelve sons of Jacob (Gen 29:32-30:24; 35:16-18). These “twelve patriarchal families" produced the “twelve tribes of Israel” (Gen 49:1-28). However, Jacob blessed Joseph’s two sons, Manasseh the older and Ephraim the younger, and said: “Ephraim and Manasseh will become mine like [his actual sons] Reuben and Simeon” (Gen. 48:5, 13-20). When the various tribes received their land inheritance in the Promised Land (Josh. chaps. 13-19), there was no “tribe of Joseph.” Instead, “the sons of Joseph,” Manasseh and Ephraim were counted as distinct tribes in Israel, thus giving thirteen tribes.
Vedibarta Bam - A Compilation of Selected Torah Insights ... rBereishit
Originally, Yaakov wanted to marry Rachael, but Lavan fooled him and gave him Leah instead. Yaakov suspected a trick and therefore arranged secret signs between them. When Rachael saw that her father was going to substitute her sister Leah for her, she became concerned lest her sister be embarrassed. Therefore, she conveyed the secret signs to Leah.

When Yaakov became aware of this, his love for Rachael intensified because the way she conducted herself with Leah convinced him even more of her righteousness and good nature. The Torah confirms this by saying:

Vaye’evah gam et Rachael” – “And he loved (also) Rachael more” – “MiLeah” – “through (because of what she did for) Leah.”

Yaakov was very angry when he realized that Lavan had fooled him and had given him Leah instead of Rachael. After he finally married Rachael, he hated Leah and wanted to divorce her. Hashem stopped him by making Rachael barren while Leah bore children (29:30).

Yaakov was destined to have 12 sons. When Leah became pregnant for the seventh time, she was concerned that if she should have another son, her sister Rachael would be inferior to Bilha and Zilpa, because she would have only one son while they each had two. She therefore prayed for her, and through a miracle, the female in Rachael’s womb was transferred to hers and the male in her womb was transferred to Rachael’s. Thus, she gave birth to Dinah and Rachael gave birth to Yosef (see Niddah 31b, Maharsha)

And his eleven children" (32:23)

Rashi asks, “Where was Dinah?” and gives the answer that she was hidden in a bod and, therefore, is not counted. How does Rashi know that the reference to eleven children does not include the daughter Dinah; maybe it does not include one of the sons?

One of the reasons why the Beit Hamikdash was built in Jerusalem on the land of Binyamin is that he was not born when Yaakov met Eisav and, thus, did not bow down to Eisav (Yalkut Meam Loez, Devarim 33:12).

When Yaakov met Eisav, he had eleven sons and one daughter. If we should say that the eleven children included Dinah and one of the sons was hidden in a box, then the child would deserve that Beit Hamikdash be built on his land more than Binyamin; because he was already born and did not bow to Eisav, while Binyamin was not born at the time. Therefore, Rashi knew that the missing child had to be Dinah, who did not get a share of Eretz Yisrael.

And there there went out Dinah, the daughter of Leah, whom she bore to Yaakov, to look upon the daughters of the land." (34:1

Why is Dinah referred to as "bat Leah" - "daughter of Leah"

Having become pregnant for the seventh time, Leah was worried that this could cause embarrassment to her sister Rachael. She knew that Yaakov was destined to father twelve tribes. Since she already had six sons, and the two maids, Bilha and Zilpa, had two sons each, if she were to have a seventh son, Rachael would seem less worthy than the maids. Therefore, she prayed that her sister be spared embarrassment.

At the time of her prayers, Rachael, too, was pregnant and carrying a girl. In response to her prayers, Hashem miraculously transferred the girl in Rachael’s womb to Leah, and the boy carried by leah to Rachael (Niddah 31a, Maharsha). Thus Rachael gave birth to Yosef, and Leah to Dinah. Consequently, the Torah emphasizes that Dina was the daughter of Leah, because without her prayers, Leah would never have given birth to her.

Shimon and Levi, Dinah's brothers, took each man his sword."

"They came upon the city confidently and killed every male." (34:25)

Why were Shimon and Levi confident that they would succeed?

Shechem wanted very much to marry Dinah. The sons of Yaakov agreed to the marriage on the condition that all the men of the city undergo a brit and be circumcised like Jews.

Shimon and Levi knew very well that if they would attack non-Jews, the residents of all cities around them would make an uproar and come to their rescue. Once they were circumcised, the entire world would consider them as members of the Jewish population and look aside when Jews were being killed. This sad truth was Shimon and Levi's source of confidence.

Yosef originally asked the butler to mention him to Pharaoh. The ungrateful butler, whose life was saved through Yosef's interpretation, did not return the favor to Yosef.

In addition, the Torah tells us that Yosef immediately regretted asking the butler to do him a favor. He forgot about the butler entirely and put all his faith in Hashem. Thus, each one forgot about the other.

"Behold, seven ears of corn came up upon one stalk healthy and good, and behold, seven thin ears sprung up after them." (41:5-6)

Why were only the seven good ears of corn on one stalk?

Yosef interpreted the dream to mean that there would be seven years of abundance and seven years of famine. When Yaakov came to Egypt, the seven good years were over and they were finishing the second year of famine.

When he stood before Pharaoh, he blessed him, and at that time the Nile river rose and irrigated the fields and the famine stopped. The five years of famine were only deferred, however, until after Yaakov passed away (Tosefta Sotah 10:3). Seventeen years later, when Yaakov died, there were five additional years of famine.

"The seven good ears of corn upon one stalk" allude to the seven years of abundance, which were consecutive. The seven years of famine were not consecutive; therefore, the thin ears of corn were not upon one stalk.

"Now Pharaoh must seek out a man with wisdom and insight and place him in charge over Egypt." (41:33)

Pharaoh only asked Yosef to interpret his dreams. Why did Yosef offer him advice as well?

Yosef's advice had a connection with his interpretation of the dream. According to the Gemara (Rosh Hashana 16a), the world is judged in four periods during a year. On Rosh Hashana people are judged regarding what should happen to them during the coming year. On Pesach, the harvest is judged as to whether there should be abundance or famine.

Pharaoh's dream took place on Rosh Hashana. Yosef interpreted it to mean good years and years of famine. Consequently, the harvest in Egypt would be plentiful in the coming seven years, and afterwards there would be a famine due to the land's poor produce.

Pharaoh asked Yosef, "If your interpretation is correct, why did I dream about this on Rosh Hashana, and not on Pesach when the harvest is judged?"

Yosef's reply to Pharaoh was "and now" - "If you are wondering why your dream took place now, on Rosh Hashana, and not Pesach, the reason is that - through your dream a person will be elevated to a very high position – and this was decreed today, on Rosh Hashana, when people's destinies are decided."

"Pharaoh said to his servants 'Can there be found another such person who has G-d's spirit in him?' "

What convinced Pharaoh that Yosef's interpretation was correct?

When Pharaoh related his dream, he attempted to trick Yosef to see if his interpretations were authentic or merely guess work.

The pasuk relates that he dreamt that ""he was standing on the river" (41:1). However, when he related his dream to Yosef he said "In my dream I am standing upon the bank of the river" (41:17).

Yosef interpreted each and every detail of the dream but did not explain the significance of where Pharaoh was standing. He told Pharaoh, "Hashem revealed no interpretation for your standing upon the bank of the river. Possibly, this did not appear in your dream."

In Psalms, Assaf states, "As a testimony for Yosef he imposed it, when he went out over the land of Egypt, I heard a language unknown to me" (81:6).

In view of above-mentioned, the passage can be explained to mean that Yosef proved his authenticity to Pharaoh when he told him, "You are telling me about 'sefat' - the river bank. However 'lo yadati' - I do not have any knowledge - with which to interpret this detail which 'eshma' - I am hearing from you."

"He gave him Asenat daughter of Potiphera the priest of On as a wife."

Why would a tzaddik like Yosef marry the daughter of a priest?

When Dinah the daughter of Yaakov married Shechem, she gave birth to Asenat. Fearing that his sons would kill her, Yaakov sent her away. Before sending her off, he made her a necklace on which he wrote that she was his granddaughter and that whoever married her would become part of his family. She later ended up in Egypt and was raised in the home of Potiphera and was considered as his daughter.

When Yosef was appointed the viceroy of Egypt, he traveled throughout the country. All the girls heard of his handsome appearance and came out to get a glimpse of him. They all threw presents at him, hoping that he would accept and marry them. Asenat threw her necklace. When Yosef read its contents, he decided to marry her.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu May 12, 2011 5:38 am

Who is Dinah? Who is Asenet? What is the "Rose Dynasty"?

In her Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker answers this question by saying ‘Daniel’ was a title used to distinguish a group of people, “a person of the Goddess Dana or Diana”. Dana was Jacob’s daughter, his 13th child. Her name means ‘light of An’.

That is exactly the same meaning as the Celtic Tuatha De’ Danann (‘Children of the Goddess Diana’). In Irish history, the mystical Tuatha De’ Danann, are described as heaven-sent ‘gods, and not gods’. They are compared with the Sanskrit deva (shining one, god) and adeva (Devil), which became daeva (devil) in Persian. The Old English divell (devil) can be traced to the Roman derivative divus, divi: gods. As we have seen, divas also links with terror.

These connections are important not only for their value in decoding the story of Daniel, but also for another important reason. According to Sir Laurence Gardner, Mary Magdalene, as the Miriam, was the Head Sister of the Order of Dan. Her order appears to be the continuation of the mysterious Tuatha De’ Danann. Mary or Mari’s title ‘Magdalene’ means ‘she of the temple-tower’, a reference to Jerusalem’s temple and its three towers.
The Tuatha de Danaan ... danann.htm
The Tuatha de Danann, the people of the Goddess Danu, were one of the great ancient tribes of Ireland. The important manuscript 'The Annals of the Four Masters', records that they ruled Ireland from 1897 B.C. to 1700 B.C.

The arrival of the tribe in Ireland is the stuff of legend. They landed at the Connaught coastline and emerged from a great mist. It is speculated that they burned their boats to ensure that they settled down in their new land. The rulers of Ireland at the time were the Fir Bolg, led by Eochid son of Erc, who was, needless to say, unhappy about the new arrivals.

The Tuatha de Danann won the inevitable battle with the Fir Bolg but, out of respect for the manner in which they had fought, they allowed the Fir Bolg to remain in Connaught while the victors ruled the rest of Ireland.

The new rulers of Ireland were a civilised and cultured people. The new skills and traditions that they introduced into Ireland were held in high regard by the peoples they conquered. They had four great treasures (or talismans) that demonstrated their skills. The first was the 'Stone of Fal' which would scream when a true King of Ireland stood on it. It was later placed on the Hill of Tara, the seat of the High-Kings of Ireland. The second was the 'Magic Sword of Nuadha', which was capable of inflicting only mortal blows when used. The third was the 'sling-shot of the Sun God Lugh', famed for its accuracy when used. The final treasure was the 'Cauldron of Daghda' from which an endless supply of food issued.

The original leader of the Tuatha was Nuada but, having lost an arm in battle it was decreed that he could not rightly be king. That honour went to Breas, a tribesman of Fomorian descent. His seven year rule was not a happy one however, and he was ousted by his people who had become disenchanted with hunger and dissent. Nuada was installed as King, resplendent with his replacement arm made from silver.

Breas raised an army of Fomorians based in the Hebrides and they battled with Nuada at Moytura in County Sligo. The Tuatha again prevailed and the power of the Fomorians was broken forever. The victory had cost the Tuatha their King as Nuadha had died in the battle. A hero of the conflict named Lugh was instated as the new King of Ireland.

The grandsons of the next King, Daghda, ruled during the invasion by the mighty Melesians. The Tuatha de Danann were defeated and consigned to mythology. Legend has it that they were allowed to stay in Ireland, but only underground. Thus they became the bearers of the fairies of Ireland, consigned to the underworld where they became known as 'Aes sidhe' (the people of the mound - fairy mounds).

The Melesians used the name of one of the Tuatha de Danann gods, Eriu, as the name of their new kingdom. Eriu or Eire is still used in modern times as the name of Ireland.
Shechem in Mount Ephraim - City of Refuge
Jacob, who was later named Israel, came to Shalem, a city of Shechem, in the land of Canaan, when he came from Padanaram; and pitched his tent before the city. Jacob bought a parcel of a field, where he had spread his tent, at the hand of the children of Hamor, Shechem‘s father, for an hundred pieces of money. (Genesis 33:18-19).

Dinah, the daughter of Leah and Jacob, went out to see the daughters of the land and was seen by Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, who was the prince of the country Shechem. He took her and lay with her and defiled her. His soul was strongly attracted to her and he loved her and wanted to marry her. Jacob heard Dinah had been defiled he waited until Hamor came to talk to him. Because these people were not circumcised Jacob said if they would consent that every male be circumcised then he would give Dinah to dwell with them, and they could become one people. Hamor had all his men circumcised. The third day, when they were sore, that two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Dinah’s brethren, took each man his sword, and came upon the city boldly, and slew all the males. This troubled Jacob who told Simeon and Levi they had made Jacob morally offensive among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanites, and Perizzites and he feared for his life. (Genesis 34:1-31).

Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel, the elders, and judges of Israel, to Shechem for his farewell address to the tribes. Joshua made a covenant with the people that day and set them a statute and an ordinance in Shechem. Joshua wrote the words in the book of the law of God and took a great stone, and set it up there under an oak that was by the sanctuary of the LORD. Joshua said the stone shall be a witness unto them and the LORD. Then Joshua died. (Joshua 24:1-28).

The bones of Joseph, which the children of Israel brought up out of Egypt, were buried in Shechem, in a parcel of ground which Jacob bought of the sons of Hamor the father of Shechem for an hundred pieces of silver: and it became the inheritance of the children of Joseph. (Joshua 24:32).

Abimelech, the son of Gideon by a concubine of Shechem, was the ruler of the city of Shechem. Abimelech the son of Jerubbaal went to Shechem unto his mother’s brothers, and communed with them, and with all the family of the house of his mother’s father asking them to follow him. All the men of Shechem gathered together and made Abimelech king, by the plain of the pillar that was in Shechem. When Abimelech had reigned three years over Israel God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the men of Shechem. The men of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech. (Judges 8:31-9:23).

Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, was made King after the death of his father Solomon. Rehoboam went to Shechem so all Israel were come to make him king. Rehoboam consulted with the old men who served with his father to advise him how to answer the people about their heavy yoke put on them by King Solomon. Rehoboam answered his father, King Solomon made their yoke heavy and he would add to their yoke. Rehoboam ruled over the children of Israel the house of David who dwelt in the cities of Judah. Israel rebelled against the house of David unto this day. Israel made Jeroboam king over them. (1 Kings 12:1-24).

Jeroboam had dwelt in Egypt after fleeing there from King Solomon. He built Shechem in mount Ephraim, and dwelt therein; and went out from there, and built Penuel. Jeroboam led Israel to sin when he two calves of gold so Israel could worship. (1 Kings 12: 24-33).

The residue of the families of the sons of Kohath had cities of their coasts out to the tribe of Ephraim. And they gave unto them, of the cities of refuge, Shechem in mount Ephraim with her suburbs; they gave also Gezer with her suburbs. (1 Chronicles 6:22-27).
The Rose Queen ... queen.html
Jewish prayer also refers to the Rose of Jacob (Shoshanat Yakov) as a symbol for the mystical Israel. he daughter or Rose of Jacob refers to Dinah who is the only daughter and thirteenth child of Jacob.

The 13 petalled Rose was thus the symbol of all Israel and of the Woman of Israel. Dinah was the grandmother of Ephraim and Manesseh. Their mother Asenat (Anath) was the wife of Joseph and the daughter of Dinah and the Prince of Shekhem (Sekhemkhet- bridegroom of Shekhem). Jacob later identified his granddaughter Asenat by the Rose birthmark she bore which was in the shape of the two mems of the Magen David.

Blessed Anne Emmerich (one of the greatest Catholic mystics) mentions that the Virgin Miriam also bore this birthmark connected with the letter mem. The number 13 became associated with Dinah’s grandson Manesseh and one matriarchal clan of the Manessehites was called the Tribe or Daughters of Dinah (Dana). They were later confused with the Tribe of Dan due to their intermarriage with some of the Danites in Greece. Joseph and Asenat’s daughter Antkaes married Unas Meriyibre Khety and their daughter was called Khentkaes Iput. Khentkaes Iput’s sister was the Beautiful White Rose (Sheshet/Sesheshet Neferu) the mother of Teti I.

Just as the Rose of Jacob refers to Jacob and Dinah, so do Jewish prayer associate the Rose of Jacob with Esther and Mordechai. Esther and Mordechai live in the city of Shushan or in the City of the Rose when read on a Mystical level. Esther is also described in language similar to that used of Rachel in Genesis. The Shekhinah is also described as the Heavenly Rachel.

The Rose dynasty goes back to the wife of the original founder of the city of Shushan. Shushana (Susan) the original Rose was the wife of Elam founder of Shushan and from her daughter Yiskah Bat Shoshana (wife of Madai) descended the direct Matriarchal line. Yiskah was a prophetess who gazed into the mysteries of the Divine Rose. She studied in the academy of her grandfather Shem (died 2194 BC) son of Noah (died 2341 BC) with her grandmother Sedeketelebab in the city named for her grandmother by Shem.

Her sister Ratzonia (Rasueja) Bat Shoshana was the wife of her uncle Arpachshad son of Shem (see the Book of Jubilees). Sedeketelebab means ‘righteousness of the Heart’ and this was the spiritual religion of Noah and Shem based on Divine Mercy (Khesed) and obedience to the Divine Will (Ratzon) as taught by Enoch. The names of Shem’s family reveal the ancient Enochian religion. Shem was known as the Messenger of Righteousness (Malakhitzedek) and in Jewish tradition he became confused with Melchizedek (the King of Righteousness) King of Shalem and the King of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Melchizedek was the angelic messenger sent to preserve the patriarchal religion in purity and pass it to Abraham. He continued the Academy of Shem where Isaac and Jacob studied. This is why the Egyptians referred to Shalem as Shem-re. The name Shemesh (sun) was associated with both Shem and Melchizedek as the sun was a symbol for the Divine Will in which all the divine attributes were united as one. This was the divine Rose seen as a six petalled flower represent by the six stems of the double Shin in the word Shesh the root word for both the number six and the rose (shoshan).

This Divine Rose and Sun was also seen as the Divine Seed (Zera/Osirus) and Divine Man (Adam Kadmon/Atum). Who is this Adam Kadmon? He is the Bekadmin Bera of the Aramaic first two words of Genesis read at the mystical level. At the mystical level it reveals the mystery of ‘with the Primordial Son’.

The Aramaic word for heaven or sky in Genesis 1 is Shamya which in Egyptian becomes Shem-re. Shamya in Hebrew is Shamayim. The concept of the Divine Name (shem) is associated with the Sea (yam/mayim) and with fire (esh). Thus the name (shem) of the Divine Sea (yam/yammah) which is especially linked to divine mercy (khesed) became shamayim (heaven) and the name (shem) of the Divine Fire especially linked to divine Judgment (din/dinah) became shemesh (sun). Shem is associated with the mystery of the double shin as shemesh (sun), as shoshan (rose) and as shesh (six).

His father Noah was associated with the mystery of the double mem as his other name was Menakhem and his life is linked to the waters (mayim) of the flood. Shem’s wife is associated with the mystery of the double bet of the Immaculate Heart (lebb) which is the mirror of the Divine Heart (leb). Reading from left to right this ‘lebb’ is found in the first three words of Genesis in Hebrew ‘eLohim Bera Bereshit’. From the lamed in elohim to the beyt in bereshit is 11 letters representing the array of the 10 sefirot plus the outer face of the sefirah of Keter called Daat (Knowledge) – this is the vessel or lighting flash that cloaks the inner essence of Keter called Ratzon represented by the aleph.

The mystery of the Rose (Shoshan) is the mystery of the hidden letter of the Divine Name YHVH. It is the mystery of the letter shin (sh).

As a result of Leah receiving the Dudaim flower she bore Issachar whose name contains the double shin but only one shin is pronounced. The name Manesseh also reveals this mystery as Manesseh (Menashshe) is written with one shin but pronounced with two shins.

This hidden or veiled shin is the secret letter of the divine name which the Zohar (1:224a) states that the shin is a crown that unites YH with VH. The menorah is also shaped like three skull-shaped shins that also resemble a tree or Rosebush with the rose flowers in bud shaped like the Magen David. Thus the Messianic pronunciation of the Divine name is YHShVH (Yahshuah or Yehoshuah). This reveals the deep hidden mysteries of the Triune God and the Cross.
The two shins also represent the Kingdom of the Divine Will which is the Rose Kingdom. In this Rose Kingdom is the Rose Garden and Rose Tower or Castle where dwells the Rose Queen called Shekhinah and Shabbat (representing the two shins). This Rose Garden is the mystery of the Rosary. This Kingdom is also the Grail Kingdom with its Grail Castle and the Grail Garden is Gethsemane.

The Rose, (or Lily) as shoshan (the male Rose), is in Jewish tradition associated with the Patriarch Jacob. Jewish prayer speaks of Shoshanat Yaacov (the Rose of Jacob). The Lotus, Lily and Rose are all used to refer to the Hebrew Shoshan. In Egyptian it is Seshen and the term Seshen – Yuab is the Rose of Jacob (or Rose Heart) which is a title of Ra as well as Seshenu en Nefer-Temu which refers to Asenat (Ausausit) the wife of Temu (Joseph). Nefer means white, fair and beautiful. Tem or Temu is Tam in Hebrew and refers to a complete, wholesome, perfect and upright man. Both Jacob and Joseph are associated with this word. It is also linked to the sefirah of Yesod/Tzadik whose archetype is Joseph.

The name Nitocris for a legendary Egyptian Queen of the 6th Dynasty with a beautiful white and ruddy complexion refers to the name Intkaes or Anatkaes (also Nutkawes). The Hebrew Matriarchs were known for their fair beauty. Ancient sources such as the Dead Sea Scrolls describe Sarah and Rebecca as having milk white hair and skin. The Bible also describes Rachel as fair of features and form. The beloved in the Song of Songs is also described as white and ruddy. King David is described as of ruddy complexion and hair. The Mystical Rose is also white and red as the Rosa Mundi. The dudaim flower was originally associated with Leah wife of Jacob. It was later in Egypt called sesh or shesh from the double shin in the name of Isaschar.

The dudaim flower had three petals or stems (like the fleur de-lys) and this is represented by the three arms of the letter shin. Two shins together are six arms or six petals and the vav between the two shins also is the number six. In some hieroglyphics a three stemmed flower that looks almost identical to the letter Shin is used to transcribe the word Seshen.

From dudaim would also come the word Beloved (dodi) in Hebrew and Mery in Egyptian also means Beloved. Miriam or Mariamne means in Egyptian the beloved of Amon. Amon means architect in Hebrew and is the name of Joseph in Egypt. Amon is also the name of the Primordial Torah. Dudumose means ‘the beloved is born’ which was the original name of Moses and his sister Miriam is the ‘beloved of Amon’.

As Prince Dudumose Moses also bore on his battle shield the red Magen David (double dalet) design with the two base lines in a vertical formation. The Star of Miriam on her drum was the white Magen David (double mem) with the base lines horizontal. The Star of Miriam is the modern Magen David on the Israeli flag and was the rose Magen Davids of the Tabernacle and Temple. The red Magen was also called the Magen Abraham based on his title of Dudimu in Egypt. His wife Sarai had the white Rose as her emblem.

This linking of the Magen Avraham and Magen David is found in Zohar Lekh Lekha in the discussion of Abraham and Sarah in Egypt. In a cryptic way this section of the Zohar is discussing the mystery of the magen as the mystery of the righteous male and the righteous female.

It also alludes to the time of Moses and Miriam who are associated with the magen. This is also the mystery of the male and the female represented by the date palm. "He does not flourish except as male and female. The male is righteous and the female is righteous, just as Avraham and Sarah were." The white rose or magen represents the white light associated with Sarah as the representative of the heavenly female called Shekhinah."

Sheshen-Yuab also means heart of the rose. Yeb or yuab means heart in Egyptian. The name Sheshi is associated with Mayebre (see the heart of Ra) and Yakubher with Meruserre (Beloved Power of Ra). The Stone of Jacob in Egyptian is sheshet yuab. Shesh-t means a white precious stone and yuab heart. This is a confused Egyptian telling of the story of Jacob’s vision of the heart of heaven while sleeping with his head on the Stone (shesh-t).

The stone as shesh-t is in the shape of the final mem which is similar to the hieroglyphic ‘m’. The stone as capstone is benben and is shaped like the triangular mem. There is some discussion in the Jewish tradition whether the stone tablets of the 10 commandments were in the shesh-t form of the square or rectangular mem or the benben form of the triangular mem. It is quite possible that one of the tablets was in the square shesh-t form and the other in the triangular and pyramidal form. The shesh-t is the foundation or base stone called in Hebrew ‘yesod’ and the benben is the cap-stone of the pyramid. The square base of the pyramid and the triangular sides and cap stone represent this mystery of the two mems and two dalets.

Noah (father of Shem) was also called Menakhem which means comforter or consoler but can also mean in Egyptian ‘Eternal Sun’ which is a symbol of the Divine Will (Ratzon). The names of the three sons of Noah are connected with the triune nature of the sun and the three heads of Divine Will represented by the three skull shaped boxes that make up the Ark.

The name of Noah’s son Shem refers to shemesh the fire or essence of the sun also seen as shem yesh (name being). It is also connected to the word Shamayim or shamya for heaven. This refers to Ratzon (will) and God’s omnipotence.

The name of Noah’s son Kham refers to the heat of the sun (Kham or Khamah). This refers to Taanug (Desire) and God’s omnipresence.

Noah’s son Japhet refers to the Beautiful Light of the Sun. This refers to Emunah (Faith or Trust) and God’s omniscience. This understanding of the sun as a symbol of the Divine Will in later generations degenerated into sun worship. Menakhem is linked with Shemesh, Metatron with Shaddai, Malkut with Shamayim and Mashiach with Shekhinah. This is the mystery of shin as a rose (shoshan) wheel.

The secret of the Emahot (Matriarchs) Rachel and Leah!
Dudaim – Mandrake
14 And Reuben went in the days of wheat harvest, and found mandrakes in the field, and brought them unto his mother Leah. Then Rachel said to Leah: 'Give me, I pray thee, of thy son's mandrakes.'

15 And she said unto her: 'Is it a small matter that thou hast taken away my husband and wouldest thou take away my son's mandrakes also?' And Rachel said: 'Therefore he shall lie with thee to-night for thy son's mandrakes.'

16 And Jacob came from the field in the evening, and Leah went out to meet him, and said: 'Thou must come in unto me; for I have surely hired thee with my son's mandrakes.' And he lay with her that night.

We also went out into the fields at the fertile time of the wheat harvest (between Pesach and Shavuot), the time when the world is pregnant, and just waiting to deliver the fruits of it's womb, gathered the fully ripened fruits of the Dudaim (Mandrakes), and carefully extracted and cleaned the seeds.
The Tribe of Reuben - Shevet Reuven
The Tribe of Reuben - Shevet Reuven - An illustration of Jacob's blessings and conversations with his twelve sons beginning with his eldest son Reuben. While praising Reuben for being the eldest son he reprimanded him for acting very hastily, with the metaphor of a stream of water running. Included in this painting is the Biblical plant Dudaim, the Mandrake Plant. Reuben was a very loving and sensitive son to his mother Leah. The Dudaim were known to have herbal qualities to induce fertility. Reuben picked the plants for his mother so she would be blessed with many children. In modern times the Dudaim plants were found next to the excavation sight of the Altar. They are small, low plants with large green leaves and purple flowers budding from the center.


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