Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:20 pm

So who is the G.O.D. of the Old Testament? Is the Bible nothing more than a coded instruction manual for survival of the "elites" (the “Fallen Angels”). Would this “coded information” about Columba (Sirius) allow them to predict the precise return of Nibiru/Hercolobus/Sirius C? Would their secret knowledge of G.O.D’s Longitude allow them to determine the safest places on Earth to seek refuge?

First they would have to recover their lost scalar technologies as well as their "lost art" of genetic engineering. Then they would have to take special precautions to protect this knowledge so it won’t be lost once again. Is that why we are hearing the “rumors” about “deep underground vaults”?

Esoteric origin of "America"s name? ... -name.html
The official explanation for America's name seemed to me since childhood, when I first heard about it in the classroom, to be contrived. I could never believe that one of Christopher Columbus’ associates Amerigo Vespucci would end up usurping the latter's glory for the name.

As decades went by the more and more I read that Columbus actually did not even discover America since others had come before him for centuries, Templar myths and all. It then appeared to me even stranger that we don't really know at all who "Christopher Columbus" was; as far as I'm concerned this fact was the nail in the coffin for my trust in the whole official version.

When I once read about the "Planet of the Crossing" either named NIBIRU or HERCOLOBUS/HERCOLUBUS, my Gematria eye at once caught the match; it seems as if the English version of "Colon" (Columbus’ real name), is a secret reference to HERCOLUBUS, thus America would be a continent to arise in preparation of the Planet
of the Crossing's return, marking this period in time.

While some even contend that "America" actually derives from two old Norse words, "Omme" "Rike"; Omme means out/most remote/ultimate and Rike designates a place. Since the Vikings were the true voyagers to America before Columbus, it follows that this name would pay a homage to their best untold quests secretly so.

Yet the story does no end here, it merely begins; "America" as a name must be understood AS FRACTAL, containing several RESONANCES including the actual event of one Amerigo Vespucci involved in its first official European voyages of colonization.

America thus got officially "discovered" in 1492, the number 492 a famous part of the key 3x3 Magic Square of Saturn (Lo Shu Square), Nostradamus quatrains are 942, the year 1942 was a pivotal moment in the 20th Century, etc. So obviously the date cannot just be a sheer coincidence and as such is, in my opinion, deliberately reinforced by Nostradamus as a clear hint, implying the planet; one must look for the RITUALISTIC keys to the origin of its name as fractals.

Without going too far back in time we realize at once that maybe the most relevant origin of the name is to make it secretly FORM A PART OF GREAT BRITAIN; the founding provinces of Britain were part of "MERCIA", which included the "3 Stars/Pyramids" of Essex/Sussex/Wessex (along with northern ones, these 3 were the ritual ones). These "3 Mary’s have "XXX" as their last initials, the pyramid reference; this "XXX" glyph is the geometrical shape of the letters "M/W"; and the coat of arms of Mercia was the "X" Cross (in yellow). It is eerie how the word "Sex" and the female "X" chromosome, as well as the porn label "XXX" all seem to neatly land in the same glyph. Is this a hidden reference to a Hybridization programme?

When we consider this "XXX" glyph as originating way before Britain as Phoenician and denoting the 3 Pyramids of Giza (or beyond our linear-time history, simply as multi-dimensional language marker), it is strange that nobody has noticed how it could be the actual cipher for the Revelation 13:18 verse concerning the "666" (it should be viewed backwards from 3 numbers into 3 letters); in English Standard Gematria reducing all letters to 1 digit numbers, the Number 6 corresponds with 3 letters: "F/O/X", thus "XXX" is in this reduced Gematria is "6/6/6". Then this is definitely the most accurate rendition of the cipher, since the Greek text of Revelation reads literally "Three Score Six" for the number "666", emphasizing the riddle of a LETTER, not just a number,
repeated 3 TIMES.

Practically everybody has this exaggerated view of the Book of Revelation, while I and a few others think it is a sort of Instruction Manual for the global conspiracy, a symbolic and kabbalistic blueprint incorporating multi-dimensional science language (ET manipulated). At its backbone one can see the preservation of some extant Sumerian/Babylonian/Egyptian keys in the Collective Unconscious.

This takes us to the next onion layer; one has to be blind not to observe how "AMERICA" is also a fractal of "SUMERIA"; however, the latter indeed can be separated in a most indicative manner to pinpoint exactly the continent's most relevant nation, ours.

Out of which fractalize Britain's 3 Mercia originating provinces:

The name MERCIA is a latinization of the Old English "Mierce" (meaning "border ones"); it is interesting how in the US we have the CIA contained both in merCIA & AmerICA, while in Britain we have the MI intel agencies that contained in the old MIrcie.

But furthermore to the point, J.R.R. Tolkien included old Mercian dialect in his Middle-Earth saga, when writing about a mythical "Kingdom of Rohan" otherwise known as "THE MARK". I am of the opinion Tolkien was knowledgeable about this secret wisdom, and spilled a few beans into his writings.

As I have detailed so many times in previous posts (English Standard Gematria - (/ a=1, b=2, ..., z=26):

73 = UKUSA
73 = WBUSH

This goes to say that America, its emblem the US, is linked to the ancient recurring NIBIRU/SUMERIA/EGYPT archetype but only if and when it is "made part of Britain's United Kingdom". (This was effectively done in secret 3 times: in 1913 when the bankers brought on the Federal Reserve conspiracy to in fact render America merely another branch of the British financial system, and then in the early 80's (1982 to 1984) when in the Thatcher/Bush/Reagan era secretly the US was made part of the British Commonwealth, disguised through a secret Intelligence and Security Cooperation Treaty together with the totality of England/US/Canada/Australia/New Zealand. This was to a point effected also during WWII, as the US did not have a real intelligence service; and during the war it was provided and operated via the British intel services which then in 1947 were instituted as the US intel agencies, a crucial year; some have suggested the hidden goal of the fabricated WWII was precisely to bring the US into this fait-accompli global war, which in turn would produce the said takeover of the US by Great Britain.)

Thus in essence ever since the Independence there has been a very clever and concerted effort to re-assimilate the US back to the colonial British Commonwealth; but from this article's point of view it was bait for the much larger Orion/Nibiru/Sumeria/Egypt roots that took place on 3 consecutive crucial dates: 1913, 1947 and 1984. As 2000 seems to have been the final phase of this process, we would now be in a "global" takeover, after America as the most powerful has been assimilated via manipulation/conspiracy.

That this process was "finalized" under Bush is evident, because:


When we say "GOD BLESS AMERICA", we link the local dynasty's initials to America ("G.B."), doubly so.

It is a testament to people's weakness to subliminals how nobody seemed to notice that the "George Bush" CODE, acts both in the subconscious to mean "Great Britain"/"God Bless (America=Bush)".

Thus ritualistically via Gematria, the "final phase" of re-assimilating America to its British/Mercia agenda was effected under "WBush". Thus since 2000 on, America is supposed to belong to the GLOBAL WAR (GW) state, and the new goal is to relocate the global power center. No wonder some have suggested Bush and Obama both are
the famous "Mabus" of Nostradamus prophecy - "opposames" to merely play out in the public perception as opposites. Tthis line of thinking finds Gematria clues, when we put the 2 names together:


Therefore we see an undeniable esoteric code underscoring the name of America, which 'only' comes into play if America is "made part of the Mercia" fractal for the old Orion/Nibiru/Sumeria/Egypt lineage that is controlled and "owned" by the British Crown through the City of London. Then Lyndon laRouche is right when he indeed recognized this as the root cause of the problems here; but while he and others present the geopolitical conspiracy angles, I here present the hidden Gematria esoteric codes background.

NOTE 1: It was Gary Val Tenuta who saw the hidden key of the English Alphabet, related to the Book of Revelation (144 thousand "saved"), grouping by number of letters (3/4/5): [ONE TWO SIX = 144 ] and [FOUR FIVE NINE = 144 ] and [THREE SEVEN EIGHT - God = 144 ] as (God=26) and 26 is the number of letters in the alphabet.

NOTE 2: Besides the horrendous debasement of the God persona to a Caesar-Is-God mantra, few realize the word "God" as we use it does NOT appear in the Bible at all. There are 2 main names/titles for the Creator in the Bible; one is a 5-letter "ALHYM" formula often rendered "Elohim", which is not a name but a more generic designation as it is PLURAL and means "Gods" (i.e. the Gods). Another is a mysterious 4-letter "YHWH" TetraGrammaton very secretive formula that lately has been realized is merely the clue to the 4-letter Genetic code ("ACTG" as used by Geneticists today)

Here comes the Bush code again: G.H.W.B. and "YHWH". This formula was deemed too secret, and forbidden to be pronounced in vocal form; in its place the substitute "Adonai" was vocalized meaning "Lord". (It is interesting how the British system is made of Lords, the House of Lords, etc.).

The current name "God" is just a derivation of the old English "GOTHA", which happens to be the true name of the Windsor dynasty in Britain (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, changed to "Windsor" in 1917 to appease the disgruntled masses during WWI against the Germans. It is a Danish-German-British lineage). The only language in which the name "God" is also the name of a royal lineage is English.

In reaction to this awful fact, for example, the Watch Tower Society (Jehova's Witnesses) and other Bible cults had sought "to restore the true name" of the Creator as given in the Bible.

It’s all the more troublesome as some have suggested that "G.O.D." in this corrupt English name case is indeed an acronym for "Gotha Order of the Dragon", the Dragon being the heraldric emblem of the Windsor lineage ("I Am Your Leige-Man" recites the Prince when taking the Royal Oath; "Leige" means dragon). Besides, the "G.O.D. acronym when rendered in full Notarikon (first and last initials) is recursive and re-spells Dragon once again (GothA OrdeR DragoN ~~~ G.O.D./A.R.N. = DRAGON).

In addition to this, the Genetic DNA reference is there all the same as RNA means Ribo-Nucleic Acid (DNA is Desoxy-Ribonucleic Acid), that is to say, in English: ["DRAGON" spells "GOD RNA"]

An excessive emphasis on the "GOD" in the English corrupt denomination must be regarded as highly suspicious of this lineage; it seems more like a bloodline reference than a spiritual one. In most other languages, the generic reference to the Creator is also a past-tense of the verb "Give" (Goth/Gave, in old English); but only in English it stands for a royal bloodline?
Who is G.O.D. ... 210#p49923

Thought to be legend by those outside Freemasonry, Atlantis was an island continent located in the Atlantic Ocean. Extraterrestrials from Orion and Sirius known as "originators" had created Atlantis by using thousands of spacecraft parked in Earth's orbit.

The originators who had the responsibility of creating "Eden" were known as "galactic originator disciples". The hybrids simply knew them by their acronym, "GOD".
Who or what is Columba ... 4ec#p47427

St. Columba was an important part of that time in Irish history that produced two other great saints: Patrick and Brigid. Patrick, born of good Roman family, was sold into slavery in Ireland. Brigid was the daughter of a slave girl. Columba, born about three years before Brigid’s death, was eligible for the high kingship of Ireland, since both of his parents were of royalty. In the veins of Columba ran the bluest blood of the Celts. He was eligible for even the High Kingship of Ireland. Instead, he chose to dedicate himself to the service of God.

A section of Bayer's 1603 celestial map showing his "new" constellation of Columba portrayed as a dove with an olive branch in its beak.

The highlighted words above cite St. Columba, born on December 7, 521, and died on June 9 597, and thus his official saint day. The connection between the saint and the shuttle is rather easy to make, if we can set aside the myth that the American federal territory named "District of Columbia" is simply a nod to discoverer Christopher Columbus. The root "colum" means "dove," and the saint's baptismal name was Colum, hence the latinized form Columba. We can find a constellation called Columba next to Canis Major and south of Orion.

This constellation first appeared in the early 17th Century with Bayer, and then was popularized by Royer in 1679. It is likely that this is the constellation that the Masonic settlers of the New World associated with the new continent; the name now properly labels the 10-mile square region known as the "District of Columbia" in which the "City of Washington" resides. The same can be said for other institutions, such as "Columbia University," and even the "Columbia Broadcasting System," better known as "CBS," which has as it's logo a classic shape of sacred geometry that has matured to become the "camera's eye."

And from Genesis:

At the end of forty days, after the flood, Noah opened the window of the ark that he had made and sent out the raven to see if it could find dry land; and it went to and fro until the waters were dried up from the earth. Then he sent out the dove from him, to see if the waters had subsided from the face of the ground; but the dove found no place to set its foot, and it returned to him to the ark, for the waters were still on the face of the whole earth. So he put out his hand and took it and brought it into the ark with him. He waited another seven days and again he sent out the dove from the ark; and the dove came back to him in the evening, and there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf; so Noah knew that the waters had subsided from the earth. Then he waited another seven days, and sent out the dove; and it did not return to him any more. (Genesis 8:6-12)

So, why did the authors of Genesis depict a dove in this key role? Because (see Peter Tompkins, and/or Temple) of the geodetic role of doves in "primitive" geographical surveying. So, "doves" equal a priestly code for "earth measurement." And "doves" in the Noah story indicate a need to determine exact lat/long ...again, after a major, watery catastrophe.

Robert Temple, author of the aforementioned "Sirius Mystery", has exhaustively explained the deeper connection between the Argo (the Ark) and Sirius. Most interesting is his discussion of the deep (hidden?) relationship between the true nature of the companion to Sirius, Sirius B -- the amazing white dwarf -- and a little known visible star in the same constellation of Canis Major, called by the Arabs, "Al Wazn" -- "Weight" -- so-called (according to a leading Arabic astronomy expert) because "...the star seems to rise with difficulty from the horizon." The Arabic expert, Ideler, called this "an astonishing star name."

Temple goes on to equate this nomenclature, applied to a visible member of Canis Major, with the ancient, degenerate, "hidden knowledge" regarding the actual existence of Sirius B -- the super-dense (but invisible to the naked eye) white dwarf that orbits in the Sirius system. What Temple did not know (or did not report, because he considered it irrelevant for his discussion) was that when Bayer "stole" some of Canis Major's stars to compose the new constellation, "Columba," in 1603 -- one key star of the new constellation was this same "Al Wazn" ... "Weight!" The same star that Temple, just under 400 years later, identifies with a "secret," degenerated knowledge of the Sirian system itself .

So, there is an undeniable connection (through this star) between the "Sirian Complex" of the Dogon myth and mythos of Canis Major ... and the "new" constellation of Columba, "the Dove."

The other strong connection to Temple's Sirius Mythos comes with Columba's association with "Argo" -- the Southern Constellation representing (loosely) "Noah's Ark" -- and its classic use as an escape from a great planetary flood/disaster.

Temple refers to the other variants of this same Hebrew story then circulating in the Middle East, including "The Egyptian story that said that it was the ark that bore Isis and Osiris over the Deluge" Now if you refer to the major MIT science historian, the late Livo Stechini (in a significant appendix to Tompkins: "Secrets of the Great Pyramid"), you find that Stechini makes an excellent case that the "doves" of the Noah story are actually a classic Egyptian reference to "a standard Egyptian glyph for the stretching of meridians and parallels."

So it's clear that the "secret" creation of a visible new constellation called "the Dove" (Columba) in 1603, out of some Canis Major stars, linked with Argo and the entire Sirian Complex, was not accidental. It was, instead, secretly emblematic at that precise time of the transposition of the terrestrial Egyptian "meridians and parallels" into the sky.

Now, why do you suppose just after the BIG Calendar Change at the end of the 16th Century someone would have wanted a visible (Egyptian) marker in the sky to denote "celestial meridians and parallels?" Why indeed except, in part, to visibly mark in the sky (to those "in the know") the orientation of the critical "plane of the Earth's axis" at the end of the Twentieth Century when Sirius would cross the Meridian at Midnight in "2000?"

As Knight and Lomas have shown in "Uriel's Machine" there was a Sixth Century monk who took the Church from Ireland to Scotland. He also was heavily involved with the importation of a "sacred stone" imported from the holy land (ancient Egypt) used in all subsequent Scottish (and later English) Coronations. Oh, his name? "Columba!"

Why was he named "Columba?" And why did the Founding Fathers (mostly Masons -- from "Columba's" new home, from Scotland) centuries later call the New Republic they created in the New World "Columbia?" The classical story is, of course, that it all had to do with "Christopher Columbus" -- the "discoverer" of America and the New World; actually, as we have seen, Columbus was only rediscovering the "lost Atlantis" that most learned men of the day already knew was out there. In part, this prior knowledge was reinforced by at least one of the major "best selling manuscripts" of Columbus' time (even Queen Isabella was said to own a copy!): the remarkable story of another Irish monk -- "St. Brendan, the Navigator," a contemporary of "Columba" -- who also made a pilgrimage to Scotland.

According to Brendan's own telling of the tale, a thousand years before 1492, Brendan and fourteen other monks purportedly sailed west in a fragile skin-clad boat, to seek this fabled "Promised Land." Most of the voyagers, including Brendan himself (his manuscript continues), successfully returned to Ireland after seven years with amazing tales of everything, from "whales" to "icebergs," seen along the way.

So, was this a real, 6th Century "Irish Expedition" to the New World, or merely a clever means of passing down through the centuries "secret" Gaelic knowledge of this crucial "Promised World?" Even more intriguing was St. Brendan's name somehow accidentally substituted in this "code" for the far more appropriate (etymologically and geodetically speaking) "Columba," in the centuries-long recopying and retelling of the tale? Is this one of the reasons why the Masonic (Scottish) founders of the Republic ultimately called America "Columbia"?

Well, what we do know is that the Great Seal's reverse is an Eagle (Aquila) holding 13 arrows (Sagitta) and an olive branch with 13 leaves (Columba), and this under a field of 13 stars arranged in a six-pointed star.

Yet, all of this inflection does not bring us any closer to why Columba would be of such great import to Masonic interests. To understand the "why," we need to again look to the sky, and to the constellation to the north: Orion. In the northern hemisphere, at the latitudes of the contiguous USAnian states, we can see that the alpha star of Columba, Phaet, which means "dove," aligns on the meridian at the same time as the Great Pyramid star Alnitak (zeta Orionis), as seen in the next graphic; thus, Orion is the protector of the dove.

The alpha star of Columba, Phaet, co-culminates with Alnitak of Orion in the northern hemisphere. This alignment occurs at low-midnight of December 17/18 and high-noon of June 16/17 of the current epoch.
What is G.O.D.’s Longitude ... 450#p38304

John Dee was an advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, in particular, on the reform of the calendar. Dee did not in fact propose the adoption of a modified form of the Gregorian Calendar (with the omission of 11 days instead of the Pope's 10 days) but actually intended a quite different and superior calendar reform — an Elizabethan calendar with a 33-year cycle (based on the life of Jesus) including eight leap years and with the spring equinox always occurring on March 21.

In the Gregorian Calendar a year whose year number is divisible by 4 is a leap year unless it is divisible by 100 but not by 400 (in which case it is not a leap year). Thus the years 1600 and 2000 are leap years, but 1700, 1800, 1900 and 2100 are not.

In the calendar proposed by John Dee the rule for which years within a 33-year cycle are leap years is: A year is a leap year if (and only if) the remainder, when the year number is divided by 33, is non-zero and is an exact multiple of 4.

The primary motivation for the Gregorian calendar reform was that the date of Easter was slowly slipping (reaching about ten or eleven days by the 16th C.) towards summer. This date is sometimes loosely defined as the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring (a.k.a. vernal) equinox (which, as astronomer Duncan Steel has stated, implies that Easter can occur any time between March 22 and April 25).

The actual rule in both the Gregorian and Julian calendars is that Easter is the first Sunday after the first ecclesiastical full moon day, on or after the date of March 21st (the ecclesiastical spring equinox).

The ecclesiastical full moons are determined by the Golden number of the year and in the Gregorian calendar also by the epact shifts of all the Golden number dates (which shifts occur only in certain century years). No one really knows whether the Nicene fathers got any further than deciding that all Christians had to obey the same rule (without specifying an actual rule, other than the probable introduction of the Sunday endpoint).

Thus the Gregorian calendar reform was flawed at its inception, since it did not result in the vernal equinox always occurring on March 21 in the new calendar, contrary to the presumed wishes of the Nicene fathers [at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD] -- an embarrassment that presumably the Church preferred to remain silent about. (After the official introduction of the Gregorian Calendar in 1582 the vernal equinox stayed either on March 20 or 21 until 1652 (British time) or 1656 (Italian time), when it occurred on March 19.)

The vernal equinox cannot always occur on March 21 in the Gregorian Calendar (or on any single date) because in that calendar it is possible to have a leap year followed by seven non-leap years. The true length of the seasonal year is about 6 hours longer than 365 days, so the vernal equinox occurs about 6 hours later from year to year.

Over a period of seven years the last vernal equinox will occur about 42 hours later than the first, unless the date of the vernal equinox is made to be earlier by the insertion of an extra day in the preceding February. But if those seven years are all non-leap years, then this adjustment will not occur, so the 42 hours will always span at least two calendar dates.

The time-of-day of the vernal equinox moves forward by about six hours each year, so in four years it moves forward by about 24 hours. Actually it always moves forward by less than 24 hours.

The vernal equinox could always occur (at least, within a certain range of years) on the same date in the Dee Calendar.

A 33-year cycle in the Dee Calendar consists of seven 4-year periods (years 1-4, 5-8, etc.) in which the 4th year is a leap year, followed by a 5-year period (29-33) in which the 4th year (the 32nd year of the cycle) is a leap year.

Consider a 4-year period. Consider a day as divided into quarters (midnight to 6 a.m., etc.). If in the 1st year the vernal equinox occurs in the 2nd quarter (6 a.m. to noon) then it will usually (though not always) occur in the 3rd quarter in the 2nd year, in the 4th quarter in the 3rd year, and in the 1st quarter in the 4th year. Since the 4th year is a leap year, the date of the vernal equinox remains the same as for the 1st year.

The vernal equinox in the following year, which is the 1st year of the next 4- or 5-year period, occurs in the 2nd quarter, and so has the same date as the preceding four years.

Consider now the final 5-year period. If in the 1st year the vernal equinox occurs at about 7 a.m. then in the 2nd year it will occur about 1 pm., in the 3rd year about 7 p.m., and in the 4th year about 1 a.m. So the date of the vernal equinox in that year remains the same as for the 1st year because the 4th year is a leap year. Then in the 5th year the vernal equinox occurs about 7 a.m., on the same date as in the previous year.

Note, however, that the time-of-day of any event (such as the vernal equinox) is relative to local midnight, and local midnight depends on the place on Earth (more exactly, the longitude) where one is. So it may be that for most longitudes the assumptions are never fulfilled. But in fact for certain periods there is a longitude where the vernal equinox always occurs at just the right times of day, so that it always occurs on March 21 in the Dee Calendar.

The 33-year leap-day cycle of Dee's calendar accords with, and repeats indefinitely, the actual leap-days in the traditional lifetime of Jesus (years 1-33 AD). Dee (according to Simon Cassidy) believed that the obvious superiority of his calendar over the Gregorian would so much appeal to Christians everywhere that they would abandon the Gregorian reform in favor of his calendar, which was to be promulgated under the auspices of the Protestant Queen, Elizabeth I.

The adoption of the mathematically simplest, and most Christian, implementation of the 33-year cycle would logically specify the existence of a meridian or narrow band of longitudes within which, and only within which, the Nicene edict could stay correct. This would probably have come to be seen as God's chosen meridian by all Churches that recognised the Nicene council.

Bill Napier's novel Shattered Icon (2003, Headline, UK; published in the US as Splintered Icon and in Germany as Der 77. Grad) is partly a semi-fictional account of the voyage to establish the colony in Virginia and the reason for it, and is partly set in the present, where one of the main characters (after the plot is explained to him) says:

OK, I get it. The English establish a colony on the seventy-seven degree meridian, operating in secret. Once they've established it, they announce the Dee calendar to the world. A calendar that paces the life of Jesus, that's more true to the Biblical Easter, that holds more closely to the seasons. Irresistible! England's influence with other Protestant nations is increased, and the Antichrist, in the form of the Pope, is stuck flogging a second-rate ecclesiastical calendar which they'd only just introduced. Game, set and match to the Protestants. Quite a lad was our John Dee.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:07 pm

The PATAGONIA THEFT (Part 1) -a centuries old secret agenda ... s-old.html
If we add to this the fact that Germans understood better than anyone the agenda of the Zionists (since the abominable deliberately impossible to meet economic reparations forced upon Germany by the French and Zionists after World War 1 were vivid in the new German settlers arriving then escaping that grim economic Depression with a legendary Hyper-Inflation), we also realize some of the earlier colonizers were indeed sympathetic to the fleeing Nazis yet not necessarily agreeing with any sort of genocide practices, as these took quite some time to actually be believable in the "highly aware of Zionism's media tactics" mindset of some German colonizers; they all keenly understood what only a learned ones in the rest of the western world are aware of, that Zionism had manufactured World War 1 and later World War 2 in order to destroy Germany and steal its vast scientific and technological cutting-edge resources, as Germany was par none the most advanced nation in the world at that time in this respect, undoubtedly. Some also understood how World War 2 had been used to create the state of Israel, and while most German colonizers had no beef with the Jews, they however were evidently angry that this agenda had been effected via destroying Germany to be accomplished as such -not all colonizers fully buying the "whole extent" of the Holocaust as mediatized by the winners of the war, because we all know how always the winners of a war write the history to fit their version of reality.

In the Chilean side for example since 1850 on the government had established a fair & square system of immigration with the Germans, mostly in inhabited lands that were properly cleared and made harvest-ready and such, under tremendous hardship and human endurance; mid 19th century accounts of the "trail" to the lake describe heavy almost impossible to trek by horse forests with a floor-bed consisting of 3 feet deep leaves in mud and such, where one could not properly read a letter at noon on a clear day, that's how thick the forest was everywhere. Heroic hard working was just every day life for those early German settlers there; and these were in part former professionals, doctors, artisans, craftsmen, even musicians -well educated people suddenly called to endure the rigors of which they never even fathomed before-. But they all HAPPILY took up their new lifestyle, as the stress and constant deprivations of the harsh cyclical economies of Germany where it seemed like that only the Jewish prospered was something they not for one second wanted to even remember, much less return to. In general, this were the type of seasoned common-sensical and fairly educated people the new Nazis fleeing World War 2 had to later mingle with and hide in between. And then in the early 1970's, the newly "elected" (with only 36% against 35% and against 28% in a 3-split botched 1970 election) marxist government, enacted the "Reforma Agraria" system of crass expropriations of their lands & homes.

None other than Pinochet in the 80's had already started a controversial program to take the young Jewish people who just finished their 3 year military service to "vacation" in the Patagonia. This program has continued and increased now with locals reports of seeing not people on vacation but Jewish commando types dressed informally with electronic equipment and instruments & so forth, thinly disguised as "backpackers", seemingly prospecting their "future new homeland".

Between 1970 & 1973 first socialist/marxist Allende completely destroyed the high quality agricultural industry in the south of Chile, and then the one supposed to fix it general Pinochet (at right) didn't do a thing to revive the sector. Why? Because both were patsies of the same Zionist covert agenda, it seems. If real, this agenda evidently implies the "clearing the land" of locals, in other words removing its key residents-the German descendants; and that is exactly what has transpired uninterruptedly since 1970 on. Most German descendants and best educated people of the region left and are scattered in Santiago the capital, or sizable numbers of them abroad both in Europe and the USA typically; it has been a true diaspora of German descendants from the Patagonia ever since, and even considering Chile's recent prosperity, the Patagonia region is still a shadow of its former GLORY ERAS. When you think that the Patagonia is globally considered now the main quality food producer of the planet the fact that so many German descendants don't live there anymore, makes you suspect exactly that, a targeted attack and conspiracy. None of it makes any sense whatsoever the more you ponder it, unless the secret agenda is as real and shocking as it is proclaimed.


The Chilean Coup-d'Etat was then in September11 in 1973

Do you know where "GLADIO came from? It was not the "Americans" who acted as the visible cover to divert attention from the real center of things. There was a super secretive high level masonic lodge in Switzerland; amongst its members was one Henry Kissinger; its tentacles span a long way from the Vatican OPUS DEI to the P2 to an enormous number of high profile "key individuals and groups all over the globe. Just look at its first and last initial:

You may notice that the last initials form the word "DEE" as in "Sir John Dee" counselor to Queen Elizabeth I of England, astrologer, magician, lawmaker, and a notorious self professed contactee of inter-dimensional beings and legendary spy (the "007" in James Bond lore was taken from his signature to the Queen, the 007 forming eyes with spectacles, meaning "For Your Eyes Only")


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:10 pm

The PATAGONIA THEFT (Part 2) -a centuries old secret agenda ... s-old.html
The mysterious original first official flag of Chile constructed with the Golden Mean proportion was dated Oct 1917 (by decree) and officially inaugurated publicly in February 1818; the later and current flag, that is nearly identical to the flag of Texas, straightened the "tilted to the left" star and suppressed the central elliptical emblem, which is strangely tilted horizontally. Texas introduced its flag to the Republic of Texas Congress in Dec 1938, inaugurated publicly in Jan 1839; both flags share the name "Lone Star Flag". Clearly this flag was secretly meant to be seen standing "upright" in vertical position; it's obvious then that “the tilted Star” becomes "almost perfectly" perfectly aligned (though still tilted a tiny bit):

To me this means the star and 8-pointed figure symbolize the "Northern Star" (Hyperborea via Spitsbergen) at the northeast quadrant; then tilted left it becomes a horizontal flag and means "relocation to America"; and in finally flipping the flag upside down, the star points south (at the southwest quadrant = Patagonia)

Thus the coincidence that around the same time two figures such as most prominent Scottish Admiral Lord Thomas Cochrane the 10th Earl Of Dundonald and the much more obscure Antonio Arcos would have converged in London without crossing paths or at some point made a mutual acquaintance is a little hard to believe considering both ended up exactly in the same place in Chile working for the liberator Bernardo O'Higgins.

It seems to me that they both somehow could have crossed paths in London as a secret true extant Knights Templar "custodial" inner group beginning to weave their global network into Chile and into the Patagonia (or returning to Patagonia). I still ponder why Antonio Arcos betrayed his motherland. Perhaps he was one of the "converted" Jews of Spain (called the Marranos), those who chose to stay rather than face exile in 1492 still uneasy about the Crown of Spain’s imperial spread of Catholicism in America. Or better, maybe he was from a family with Basque ties and origins with a Templar/Grail secret background. The Basque population in Argentina and Chile is sizable.

Whether Antonio Arcos was a Crypto-Jew or a hired hand of the crypto-Templars or both could logically explain much better his constant flip-flops and lack of national allegiances. Relevant to this piece of the puzzle, bear in mind that Christopher Columbus himself has been heavily suspected of being a Crypto-Jew, who was financed by the Queen of Spain herself, Isabel la Catolica; we know nothing about Columbus’ origins, and the ridiculously coincidental date set for his "discovery" of the Americas in 1492 matching the same year of 1492 when the Jews were expelled of Spain speaks loudly about this claim.

(1). It's possible the Templars had secret knowledge of Patagonia as the gateway to, in Atlantean times the then ice-free Antarctica, thus explaining their secret real interest in the area.

(2). It's possible they had wanted to relocate some of their treasures, hypothetically stashed away in Spitsbergen-Svalbard, to Patagonia and needed the proper intelligent and capable people to do this; Scottish Admiral Lord Cochrane is indisputable the ideal candidate for this enterprise, but he needed other people as well.

The feared SS were formed to support the Ahnenerbe; its members could only be confirmed Aryans; here we see the sword symbolizing the Arthurian Grail myth of the "Sword in the Stone" that means the secret lineage of Arthur. I take this legend to imply the origin in the constellation of ORION as the 3 smaller stars in what is called ORION'S SWORD are also thought to symbolize his penis therefore implying the lineage via reproduction. The Arthurian Sword is made to be "in" the "SS" as the "stone". This myth has another take, with the "SPEAR OF DESTINY" legend; I will explain here the real meaning and solution to this riddle.

The spear-shaped island of Spitsbergen in the Svalbard archipelago in Norway at the north Arctic circle was "SS" a code for "S"pitsbergen-"S"valbard, representing the gateway to Ultima Thule as the Hyperborea inner earth land accessed at the pole, the origin of the "White Aryans" in Nazi mythology yet "pointing down" indicating that it is to go in the future to the south pole.

Longyearbyen is the largest settlement and administrative center, located on western Spitsbergen; one has to be intellectually blind not to realize it's a pun of the "GREAT YEAR" of Precessional Cycle lasting approximately 26,000 years.

We realize we are in the midst of a cover-up situation in respect to this ancient knowledge when we consider that the main accusation against the Knights Templar was that they "worshipped the demon idol Baphomet". Yet it appears as if this "idol" was rather the tools and instruments of studying the Earth's orbital path in relation to the stars! Was the Church's attempt actually a reaction to the Templars not sharing with them their deep secrets of ancient Atlantean science that they had found in their Crusades--the Crusades were the cover the Templars utilized in their global hunt for Atlantean information and artifacts. Were the tortures just the means of extracting this secret information from them?

Most are totally unaware that Judaism/Islam/Christianity are three monotheist religions that come directly from Pharaoh Akhenaten in Egypt and all the extant Sumerian precedents; Islam is the "Arabic" arm of an aspect of this secret knowledge; Judaism is the "Hebrew" arm of an aspect of the same knowledge, Christianity is the "Greek" arm of an aspect of the same knowledge (the New Testament was written entirely in Koine Greek. All three religions engaged in an agenda of lying to the people about their secret origin and taught "literal" beliefs of the texts while at the top elite levels they all knew the texts are ENCRYPTIONS of an extant more advanced science, often using allegories to transmit the Precessional Cycle or cyclic process of destruction caused by the Pole Shift at the end of the established astronomical ages.

Emperor Constantine's "Chi-Rho Sign" as a cipher-cryptogram of "Christ" also includes the "Alpha and Omega" symbolism (as Genesis and End-Times) and is the historical origin of the Cross symbol officially in Christianity; the fact is that this was a secret amalgamation of the esoteric knowledge from the Celtic Cross that is seldom if ever known.

The "P" means the pole, and this later secretly symbolized as the "pope", but there are two north and south poles, a fact hidden from the masses back then in early Medieval times when they ere deliberately taught bogus "flat-earth" version hile the elites knew the earth was round all along, since the Greeks had openly written about it way before.

The Greek Gematria experts had encrypted the geometrical construction of "Paul" as the pole or diameter, and "Peter" as the perimeter.

The 2 geographical poles of the Earth's orb fractalized as inside the brain, the gateway to the top crown chakra -- "Paul" is the "pineal" while "Peter" is the "pituitary".

Within the theme of these series the "Patagonia" is a fractal of "Peter/Pituitary" as a gateway to the Antarctica in the south pole.

When the Roman Empire elite realized the Empire was not sustainable they established a series of secret "theological studies" groups scattered in the least populated desert areas of the Middle-East that would gather and compile all sources pertinent to each group's chapter of spirituality and history. This was a secret enterprise founded and run by the Caesars themselves that would span almost 3 centuries. By the 3rd century when the Roman Empire was on the verge of collapsing, Emperor Constantine (who came from the British isles bringing the Celtic Cross secret knowledge, with the Cross for the 1st time entering Christianity as a symbol) finally had to rapidly effect the Final Syncretism of all these secret branches of research together with the multiple main sects and religious/ethnic groups within the Empire. He formally invited all the leaders to the "Council of Nicea" (325 AD in present day Iznik-Turkey), where each was given a part in the newly formed/designed religion or the public aspect of it all.

I contend that underneath it there is a strong embedded allegory of the events of the next impending End of Cycle / Genesis of New Cycle for those aware of such; also the public syncretism all but left out any traces of Gnosticism which consider this realm of existence in 3D materiality of low vibration and high density a "counterfeit" copycat parallel realm (the creator of this realm was what the Greeks called a DEMIURG, not the real God).

For almost 40 years the Vatican used stalling tactics to deliberately delay the translation and study of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1946 in Qumran 1 mile from the Dead Sea in 11 caves. Why? Because some in the Vatican know what I've here explained; they are the oldest known copies of extra-biblical documents, in Aramaic/Hebrew/Greek, dating from 150 BC to 70 AD, thus providing the irrefutable evidence that these "research and compilation" teams setup by the Roman Caesars are a fact. Predictably the content of these present a great variety of sources, the Bible matches only 40% of the scrolls at best; what emerges is a confusing picture with respect to Christianity, not matching the story we've been told. This is because the Syncretism of what became Christianity was effected much later and finalized around the 3rd century.

It was standard procedure for the Romans in charge of these secret research teams after the texts and information had been obtained to kill all the participants, thus leaving no traces. In part this agenda is what is behind what we know as the "destruction of the temple" in Judaism; but this occurred everywhere where all these extant Egyptian sources compiled texts, and in the case of much larger places of safekeeping (like the
Hebrew temple); this was made to be a part of a larger geo-political action so no one would figure out the routine. The exact same agenda was applied in the burning of the Library of Alexandria.

What we have in the Dead Sea Scrolls is just one research team that was eliminated being tipped off in advance about their impending doom, and proceeding to hide away whatever they could in the short time they had.

The Knight Templar were initially formed to "Recover / Retrieve custody" in the Holy Land of all the extant "sacred" treasures it contained; at that time the only literate people who could access any information whatsoever where basically the Church clergy and some aristocrats; so as time during the Crusades went by, the literate and somewhat educated participants in the Crusades, which were some Knights Templar, began to encounter Muslims and Hebrew people with a similar agenda only on the enemy side. These strange contacts during the war resulted in the Templars realizing that there was a concealed agenda of actually "hoarding and destroying" all ancient relevant information and artifacts on all sides of the conflicts.

The Templars encountered esoteric groups on the enemy side that were also aware of an identical agenda in their camp; all these people realized their respective formal public organized religion hierarchies were just enacting the same Theft/Hoarding/Elimination tactics that for centuries before the elites and the priesthoods had been enacting. Therefore they began secretly convening with each other to exchange crucial secret information, aware that their elites would soon come against them if found out; what these libertarian small groups on either side discovered is that the real background to all these religions on the surface is actually ANCIENT EXTINCT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FROM PREVIOUS FORMER ERAS OF LEMURIA AND ATLANTIS and that nefarious groups of the elite were seemingly intent on preserving the Total Dominion of what can be somehow termed an extant "Negative Atlantean Priesthood Faction".

Thus instead of waging war against each other, they began to transfer secret information and aware now that they were actually waging a covert war against their own elites, be they Hebrew, Islamic, or Christian. They had gathered enough hidden information to figure out about the Cosmic Cycles of Destruction and Renewal in the Precessional Sense as related to inherent Pole Shifts but also a positive aspect of which are the gateways or doorways to ENLIGHTENMENT BROUGHT ABOUT BY A CHANGE OF CONSCIOUSNESS AT THE CROSSING OF ONE CYCLE TO THE OTHER.

So the Templars cleverly sought the connivance of the Jewish Financiers of the era and started to become financiers in their own right while advancing by these means into the hierarchy of the Church; meantime most of their real findings and treasures they did not reveal to the Church. Eventually, of course, the Church began to figure out the Covert War, and when some French aristocrats saw them meeting secretly with the supposed "enemy" (the Muslim esoteric groups), they utilized this to bad-mouth them amongst the people, and ultimately proceeded to try to steal their amassed wealth and knowledge and artifacts. The King of France was in debt to the Templars so together with the Pope struck to dissolve them in one day; but the Templars were by that time prepared for such, and all the King and the Church got were a few high level Templars (who apparently sacrificed themselves to cover the majority that had fled with all their possessions) and their vast real estate.

My claim is that the Templars remained in Scotland for only a while, taking their possessions, some to the New World before Columbus "discovered" it, and the most crucial to Spitsbergen-Svalbard northwest of Scotland. All they had to do was sail northwest along the coast of Norway and then straight up north to Spitsbergen; but I think they also kept frequent contact with the Basque region at the northern border of Spain and France, and even with Algiers in North Africa.

The OPUS DEI was formed in Navarra on the Spanish side. Was the Opus Dei created to trace and assimilate back to the Vatican whatever was left of the Templars treasures? This would explain why the name is an obvious take on the Templars Constitution called "MILITIA DEI"; it gave the Templars total independence from any clergy jurisdiction, answering only to the Pope himself directly; in other words they were an Intel Secret Service. The Opus Dei also is the only order within the Catholic Church with an identical prerogative.

The motif of the four Precessional Ages links the Mayan calendar, or rather to Cusco-Peru to South America. This time it is only 1 POLE (below); is it trying to direct us to the South Pole? Are the "A"s in each quadrant meaning "AGE" also a hieroglyph for four mountain ranges?


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:13 pm

The PATAGONIA THEFT (Part 3) -a centuries old secret agenda ... s-old.html
This fabrication of a Mr. William Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire as the single writer of the masterful plays, from a man of limited education that had not traveled and had no access to the world of Royal Courts, unravels easily once you discover the obvious encrypted codes surrounding the alleged figure. For example he was also called "The Bard" or "The Bard of Avon", but an alternate meaning of bard in the dictionary is BACON; the Bard was simply pointing to the head of the secret "SHAKESPEARE TEAM PROJECT" Sir Francis Bacon. The same team was responsible for translating the KJV/King James Version Bible to English.

Another member of the Shakespeare Team Project was Sir Isaac Newton, who developed his Integral Calculus as a means of calculating the Probabilities of chance and coincidence against deliberate intent of design in his obsessive research on hidden GEMATRIA CODES (numerological) in the Bible, as part of a general Code of Life -- the study of Embedded Pattern Codes; behind all this was the secret elite knowledge that the New Testament as written entirely in Greek and loaded with Greek Gematria codes just as the Old Testament is loaded with Hebrew Kabbalah codes with one as the "Greek out of Egypt" linguistics chapter, the other as the "Hebrew out of Egypt" linguistics chapter. The literal reading of the texts was merely the "first Superficial Carrier Cover" of the Codes, not its ultimate meaning; this fact is even alluded to when in the New Testament "Jesus" is said to have spoken is "parables and allegories" to the crowds, so that they would not understand the full meaning of it all. The problem is that YOU did not understand that this was a typical slanted way of revealing the procedure, as the entire texts were intended to hide the full spectrum of the real sensitive information encoded in them... FROM YOU...!

Here you learn a tiny bit of the hidden history of Isaac Newton in his recently for the 1st time published book of interpretation of the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation; Newton calculated the year 2060 as the end of the world.

"SHAKESPEARE" means to "SHAKE (the) SPEAR"

The legend is that the "SPEAR of DESTINY" had been the Spear of Longinus which, in the encrypted narrative, supposedly pierced "Jesus" side at the Cross; and that whoever possesses it controls the entire world by its magic/sacred properties; it even connects to the Holy Grail's blood legend. However you will see how this cover-story of a cover-story is actually GEOGRAPHICAL information regarding the stashed away treasures/records/artifacts of Pharaoh Akhenaten’ hidden as his followers were fleeing Egypt following his demise, and which pertains to the previous more advanced and disappeared civilizations of Lemuria first and Atlantis later.


"LONGYEARBYEN" IS "LONGINUS SPEAR" (code for the "Long Year" - 26,000 years-the Earth's Precession of the Equinoxes)

What exactly is the theme here? It's about the secret knowledge of Atlantis concerning future events that occur cyclically on Earth. This is what the Akhenaten Agenda was about, and this is what "Judaims/Islam/Christianity" were really about, but secretly so. In a small scale immediate context, Spitsbergen-Svalbard is part of Norway and indeed it points directly at Norway. Using Standard English Gematria (a=1, b=2, ..., z=26):


What Spitsbergen-Svalbard in Norway as a Spear pointing down means is rather simple: At some point in the future the EARTH WOULD SHAKE AGAIN ("Shake the Spear") and that the old "NORTH WAY" (Norway) to the North Pole, now finds its opposite "SOUTH WAY" (South America) to the South Pole, because the only large continent located at the Pole is Antarctica at the South Pole. What is implied is also rather obvious. Antarctica was part of the global Lemuria and Atlantis and before its present thick ice condition was a fertile inhabited land; and now being frozen it makes the ideal place to have stashed treasures/records/artifacts a really long time ago, for best intact preservation also safe from looting. I consider it all a very simple encryption of an instruction to first go North to retrieve the "partial" preparatory information (related to the Pyramids, Akhenaten; "Piramiden" place in Svalbard) and then on how to finally go South to retrieve the "full" pertinent information on what to do at the coming Pole Shift. The first and last initials of "South Way" equal "North":

As the time table to the pole-shift draws near, the secret elite is quick to Urbi-et-Orbi "hide the agenda in plain sight", by ostensibly placing Obama and wife Michelle in the presidency, obviously physically resembling Akhenaten and his mother

But isn't the corollary aspect of all this that the Earth is experiencing "Earth Changes" both in the form of climate as well as increased earthquake activity, because the Merkabah Spin is being affected by the "2012" Galactic Cross Alignment? Some like Richard C. Hoagland suggest the Pole Shift changes will affect everything from gravity to atomic chemistry because what is being affected by the Galactic Alignment is indeed the Vortex Torsion Field itself (the heart of the Merkabah, in other words).

Drunvalo Melquisedek is the name of the new-age guru who wrote in his book "The Serpent of Light" that in Tibet as well as certain Latin American native sources, it is claimed that the Earth's main Kundalini vector has shifted since 1960 from Tibet to its new position on the Andes mountain range in Chile; this researcher is known to have popularized the "MERKABAH" hyper-dimensional Vortex notion as a spinning Tetrahedron, in a Sacred Geometry figure of a "Star of David". The North and South Poles of the Merkabah are the Center of Spin that form a Vortex in which "reality" is "manifested" as a dimensional form with a specific vibrational "materiality".


Could it be that what we call "Lemuria" was magnetically centered around the "south pole" as with a transition to a "sacred female" consciousness emphasis, then its following "Atlantis" civilization centered in the "north pole" as with a transition to a "sacred male" consciousness emphasis; such that the current pole shift is a return of the spiral vortex merkabah torsion field to a south pole, but this time as an "integrational synthesis" of both types of consciousness?

And thus pharaoh Akhenaten might have been a reptilian agenda to co-opt this "integration of consciousness" via a rogue agenda by creating a dubious "3rd gender", which served as the basis of the 3 monotheistic religions of Judaism-Islam-Christianity that derived from Akhenaten, deliberately slanted to repress the female gender in such a crude way as to create a predictable backlash or pendulum reaction, that would best fit that dubious agenda? and that the currently imposed global "gay agenda" is the political culmination of such "reverse strategy"?

33.33 degrees in the circle of the earth describe 2012 nautical miles; thus evidently another hidden message was being conveyed concerning the "2012" theme of the pole shift; Zecharia Sitchin wrote about the Sumerian tablets describing the creation of men as workers for the mines, i.e., humans as "miners" the rescue capsule was named "Phoenix" in clear ref to Egypt and the very ancient times, phoenix being a bird -i.e. a flying machine-.

Therefore through this miners incident, is the fact that the "33 degrees" in masonry means those of top secret masonic level who are informed of the real "big picture" agenda which is the "2012" theme of the cyclical "pole shift" that occurs on earth and how the elite have re-developed ancient technology (via reverse engineering of recovered artifacts and records) in order to prepare an "exit and/or survival" strategy for themselves.

Many researchers are piercing the veil of utter deception that has been sold as "official anthropology" concerning ancient Aryans and their presence everywhere on the globe. The Aryans seem to be a small subset of Atlanteans who are traceable to the North Pole and South Pole by extension. These ancient Aryans "remnants" were the objects of the Knights Templar secret quests for hidden repositories and absconded ancient knowledge. Much later on the Nazi SS engaged in identical quest for ancient Aryan science based on the scholarly work of many Germans before the Nazis, who had achieved quite a bit in this regard.



Antarctica is secretly a model of the Brain - the place where "God" dwells in or, the place where man meets the "Godly Consciousness" at the Pole Shift in the window or time frame that begins to open from 2012 onwards

(It encodes a 6-point Star of David that spells the word "MASON")

What is meant secretly is that the "chosen ones" are actually those who enter the Hexagram at the Pole or its 6-vector points; "666" is not meant to be "evil", this is done to scare/deceive the masses away and keep the chosen ones at a minimum, who know the real science behind it. You are baptized in Water, because Water crystallizes as a STAR OF DAVID:

Then the secret hidden meaning of "666" is actually WATER, the Water of Baptism; what this means is that in the previous POLE SHIFT there was a catastrophic DELUGE; but then the chosen ones in the Gospel are "Baptized in Fire" as in the Pentecost event. What this means is that in the coming Pole Shift ("2012" theme) the cataclysm is VOLCANIC in nature; this time it is Earthquakes and volcanic ash and lava that's to be expected.

Meantime at each Pole Shift either an ASCENSION or a DEVOLUTION is experienced in humans; the last time it was the latter; this time they are signaling it may be the former, that is for the chosen ones an ASCENSION may take place in their DNA and in their BRAIN. This Ascension is the REEMERGENCE OF THE THIRD EYE; this is what the "Eye of Horus" on top of the Pyramid means; the Eye is on top (North Pole) but its corresponding secret ORB (letter "O") is at the bottom South Pole in the Star of David schematic.

THE PINEAL IS "PAUL" (Pole/Diameter)

Thus "Peter & Paul" are the Gates/Pillars of Salvation -- (it is an allegory)

The United Nations is secretly a hidden multi-national elite project to save a "chosen few", while in the meantime everyone else who manages to survive the pole shift series of cataclysms becomes by default a serf of the new global order. The organization serves to hide all the relevant land and financial preparations to this effect.

This is why the logo of the United Nations is centered at the North Pole, concealing its reverse, the real "Land of Promise" for the "chosen few", the SOUTH POLE and its vicinities. The logo is surrounded by Olive branches, because in the allegory Noah in the Ark sent out a dove which came with an Olive Branch, signifying that they were saved from the Deluge that had taken place, and there was already a LAND amongst the waters for them to go live in.

This is understood as "Separating the Waters" of the Human DNA pool; in Genesis God is described as separating the Waters from above the Firmament and the Waters from Below the Firmament. The "Lower Water" is considered the generic lower Humans (the "234") while the "Upper Water" is considered the higher Humans or Chosen Ones (the "432"); the Lower Humans are to be ruled by a mind programming by the "Id Head" method described as "The Mark" in the Book of Revelation.

Here you see how the "4 gospels" represent the "4 paths" to the South Pole; the map is centered at the North Pole, with America/Africa/Australia (the 3 "A"s, the 3 pyramids, the 3 stars in Orion's Belt) being 3 quadrants of the paths to the south pole. The 4th quadrant (shown to the northeast) is empty, comprised of ocean, but therein lies Hawaii, and this is why Barack Obama is presented as "born in Hawaii", while Sarah Palin also studied in Hawaii. In this way, the 4 quadrants are "announced" to be "ready" for the next phase of the global multi-national plan.

The actual ideal archetypal shape of the Chalice itself represents the VORTEX TORSION FIELD because the general idea behind it is that during the Galactic Alignment the Torsion Field of the Solar System at the Winter Solstice aligns with the Galactic Torsion Field producing a "MASS TRANSFORMATION" or a "TRANS-SUBSTANTIATION" process, whereby all the constants of the previous Galactic Era on the Solar System and Earth are changed, such as Gravity, Mass, Planck constant, Light Speed, etc.

During the Consecration (and the whole Mass itself) WORDS have been meticulously chosen in ritual Liturgy to reinforce the Trans-Substantiation process; what this means is that WORDS ARE NUMBERS, and Numbers are the key to the Vortex Torsion Field, as enunciated by Marko Rodin.

In Marko Rodin's Vortex based mathematics, Numbers EXIST IN the ETHER as a fixed Grid fractally derived from the first 9 numbers 1-to-9 projected unto the Circumference of a Circle ("Peter" ~ "Perimeter"); no matter what orientation in the circle, the Numbers 1/2/4/8/7/9 describe a path WITHIN THE CIRCLE in the form of partial-diameters ("Paul" ~ "Pole/Diameter"), and the triad ("Trinity") of Numbers 3/6/9 forming an equilateral triangle within the Circle induce a Bi-Polar PULSE onto the previous set of numbers. The result is everything that exists.

One realizes that what in the past was conceived of as "religion" is but encryptions of the remnants of a Higher Science of mastery over Matter/Energy and Immortality, which dates to the previous Ages of Lemuria and Atlantis at a much more advanced stage of development than presently.

Rodin’s Number Matrix in a Circle resembles the masonic Compass and Square; it also includes the shape of the logo of some MARIAN MOVEMENTS in the Catholic Church, as well as some fascist organizations--an opposed conjoined "M" and "W". But otherwise no public figures related to this motif appear in "selected" places; no explanations are given; what happens in this case, is that the Latin word for MOTHER is "MATER", which coincides almost perfectly with the word "MATTER" for atomic physicality, and this in no way is sheer coincidence but an unavoidable reckoning. Religion has been a secret elite carrier of extant ancient Atlantean and Lemurian advanced science involving the manipulation of Space/Time and material manifestation, as well as the ability to create and/or alter life-forms and humans.

What exactly does "Immaculate Conception" really mean? Is it some supposed event that allegedly happened some 2000 years ago, or the secret agenda of something TO OCCUR IN THE FUTURE? Is it something related to a "New Genesis" of Mankind after the Pole Shift and the change in physicality by the New Torsion Field configuration about to take place?


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:15 pm

The PATAGONIA THEFT (Part 4) -a centuries old secret agenda ... s-old.html
Now Chile (specially Santiago) and Argentina are more "Southern European" countries, thus quite developed and at times somewhat impressively sophisticated, with a long history of excellent academic education; In the capital Santiago the Jewish and the Arab communities became very powerful during the 20th century, combined with a very powerful Spanish (from Spain) ethnicity; these 3 ethnic groups basically rule Santiago, while the Anglo or German or French or Italian descendants bear a more scattered imprint. The Germans descendants by contrast, ruled the far south of Chile, at the northern edge of Patagonia; these Germans were pretty open to the rest of the population, whereas the Jewish and Arab communities in the capital were not, mostly engaging in what is called the "MAYORAZGO" style of exerting power, only allowing sons to marry within their own ethnic group (none dare call it blatant Racism). Now the Arabs never had any issue with the Germans whatsoever, but since WW2 it is evident the Jewish groups in Chile began a strategy of "marginalizing" the Germans often through subtle boycott; this became the biggest secret of the Pinochet rule.

It boasted of being "German" prone, while actually it was regime fully dominated by the Zionist and Jewish groups, together with the Spanish and Arab economic groups, triangulated via the British and American (Rothschild & Rockefeller).

In other words, the way in which the Zionist and Jewish groups disguised their dominion through Pinochet was to blame all negative aspects of the regime as being "German" or "American" in origin; to this end the Colonia Dignidad saga was crucial, the perfect construct to "take the fall"; in reality, the Germans in Chile were mostly from the far South and held at the time little wealth and control when compared to the groups mentioned; indeed both marxist Salvador Allende and then fascist Augusto Pinochet systematically destroyed the South of Chile ruining the Germans and producing a true Diaspora. (This was all done as a part of a very secret plan.) Most of the educated Germans of the South ended in Europe or the USA. The truth of the fact is that it was the Jews became insanely rich and powerful during Pinochet's regime not the Germans.

The Banco Santander of Spain, the ENDESA electric utilities of Spain, etc, were some of the real movers and shakers in Chile, because Spain was the link through which the British & Americans could feasibly operate in the country, due to the common Spanish language; Spain is to Chile akin to what Britain is to the USA. This is the reason why the preparations to the military coup of 1973 were channeled via the Spanish OPUS DEI Order, which was in charge of funneling the money and directives

These can be summarized as a double-edged Zionist conspiracy; on one hand the masons were intent in destabilizing the nation via trojan Marxism; and on the other hand a new weird and aberrant Colonia Dignidad was formed in 1961 to foster the mystique of its opposite nemesis, Fascism. Between these two scourges - Marxism and Fascism, they sandwiched the nation and squeezed the life out of the once thriving and exemplary southern Chile, effecting the Diaspora of its Germanic residents.

The Illuminati Zionist agenda in Chile cleverly disguising itself as a "German" and/or "Nazi" slant to confuse.

Joseph P. Farrell's research is about the Nazi bell as it supposedly unfolded after WW2 in Argentina. We must understand that the political aspect of Nazism is not the relevant aspect; but this is a multi-dimensional science relating to the unified field called the "torsion spiral field" developed by the Germans, based on research done prior to the Nazis in Germany. In the case of the Patagonia the terms "German" and "Nazi" are confused and made to appear the same. We are peer pressured to confuse the Nazi regime with German science. When the Nazis took power in Germany, they took control of this science. The Germans were fully aware that western science and technology are based on the "centrifugal motion" or "explosion" which they saw as "demonic" and negative and not in tune with sacred geometry while they pursued research into the holistic or "implosion" type of science and technology which they saw as spiritual and multi-dimensional, in tune with sacred geometry.

What we must understand once and for all, is that there are 4 types of German culture in respect to the 1st part of the 20th century:

(1). German spiritualism / metaphysics / art / science

(2). German Aryan philosophies / anthropologies / idiosyncracies

(3). German nationalism-Nazism as publicly anti-Zionist politics

(4). Secret Illuminati British-Zionist agenda to create Nazism to destroy Germany, manufacturing a hidden "Nazi-Zionist" cabal that was to extend far beyond WW2; this cabal would sacrifice both Germans and Jews alike.

Each of these four was quite distinct from the other, and any given German person could be aware or part of a number of these simultaneously; most certainly almost no one was aware of the last No. 4 aspect, yet this was veritably the defining aspect of the whole conspiracy, as so many serious researchers have uncovered. This was the GLOBAL internationalist illuminati scheme to destroy Germany "FROM WITHIN", to steal its very advanced science and technology (Germany at the time was irrefutably the most advanced nation on earth). Thus many naive Germans truly believed the external public Anti-Zionist posture, unaware of the hidden "Nazi-Zionist" inner core. To this day most people ignore that between 100,000 to 200,000 Jewish soldiers fought in the Nazi military; these were part of the "Nazi-Zionist" cabal, although many of them were also not aware of the full scope of the agenda. ... 7f0#p46942

In 1988, Gunther Plaut, a prominent Canadian Rabbi, published a book implying Frankist Jews were responsible for the holocaust. The idea was endorsed by no less an authority than Elie Wiesel.

"The Man Who Would be Messiah" is a novelized biography of Jacob Frank (1726-1791) who led a Satanic heresy against orthodox Judaism. He claimed to be the Messiah and reincarnation of another Satanic impostor, Shabbetai Zvi (1626-1676). Their aim was to destroy the social order (nation, family, race, religion, property) and turn Torah morality on its head.

What had been prohibited would be allowed: adultery, incest, pedophilia. Inspired by the Cabala, they practiced "holiness through sin." Good would come through the annihilation of Western civilization and the triumph of Evil.

The Rothschilds were Sabbatean-Frankists. This Satanic movement gave birth to the Illuminati, Communism and the NWO. It controls the world today. But ironically, while many Illuminati pretend to be Jews, they actually wish to destroy Jews who earlier had excommunicated and vilified them. Thus, there is an unrecognized schism in the Jewish people, where heretics have exterminated the mainstream and taken control of the remnant through Zionism. Yet, due to the anti-Semitism the Illuminati Jews cause and organize, Jews mistakenly cling to their leadership.

The Nazi hierarchy was probably of Frankist origin. We'll look at this evidence later. But first we'll examine what Rabbi Plaut, who was President of the Canadian Jewish Congress, said about their holocaust plan.

By blaming "the Jews" for the NWO, patriots are falling into an Illuminati trap. Patriot and Jews alike need a new paradigm. The Jewish people, and indeed all religions and nations, are led by Frankist (Illuminati) Satanists, their lackeys and dupes.

Whatever we think of European Jewry, like Germans, Poles and Russians, they had a highly developed civilization. The goal of both revolution and war is to destroy Western civilization. Thus the Frankists (Illuminati) took charge of both sides and incited war for its own sake. In the process, they exterminated civilized Jews who had traditionally opposed them.

We remain in denial until we recognize that culture and politics are controlled by Satanists bent on destroying Western civilization. We can't see it because we "see through the spectacles they set astride our nose." ... 947#p43771

While Freemasonry was devoted to a monarchist objective, it was not until the advent of the Illuminati that Freemasonry would be used for the definite aim of seeking world order. The Illuminati was a secret order, brought into being at the instigation of the notorious Rothschilds, who were adherents, according to scholar Rabbi Antelman, of a heretical sect that represented an evolution of Lurianic Kabbalah. The Rothschilds belonged to a sect known as the Shabbateans, incepted by the false-messiah, Shabbetai Zevi.

In 1666, Zevi, followed by his prophet, Nathan of Gaza, proclaimed himself the promised Messiah of Judaism. Zevi succeeded in rallying a large following, extending to nearly half of the Jewish population of the world at the time, including the Jews of Palestine, Egypt, and Eastern and Western Europe. The movement was shattered however, when, forced by the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire to choose martyrdom or conversion, Zevi chose conversion to Islam. However, some followed Zevi into conversion, and there is, down to the present time, an Islamic sect in Turkey that follows his teachings, known as the “Dönme”, who profess Islam outwardly, while adhering to a mixture of traditional and heretical Judaism in secret.

The Shabbatean heresy, which for some time survived in secret circles akin to something of a Masonic organisation, eventually reasserted itself through the sect known as the Frankists. The Frankists were also known as the Zoharists, or the Illuminated, or simply as Shabbateans Zevists.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:44 am

Spiralling evolution
Our universe evolved from plasma into elementary particles, atoms, molecules, planets stars and galaxies that eventually created the conditions on Earth that were just perfectly fit to quicken lifeless matter into life. The real miracle of evolution is that the universe’s physical constants and laws are coherently fine tuned such as to allow for the universe to evolve and bear life forms. If the perfect coherence of all these physical laws and constants were only slightly different, there would be no universe as we know it today nor could there be life on Earth.

And yet here we are! There must be a plan behind evolution of the universe and life, the chances of the universe coming into its own being is utterly inconceivable without intelligent guidance.

Scientists discovered cycles in many natural phenomena such as biological processes, economic growth rates, stock market prices, population growth, etc. that somehow seem to be linked to planetary movements and the activity of the Sun. The amazing thing about these completely independent and separate phenomena is that they act in coherence. They are harmonically connected as if some unseen force connects them by means of resonance. Currently science is not able to explain these coherences, since how are we to explain resonance between completely different separate and independent phenomena if there is no known energetic effect or force that connects them. Only an omnipresent energy field such as the aether may eventually explain how independent phenomena such as the economic cycles are linked for example to the Sunspot cycle by means of resonance.

Scientist Ray Tomas has developed a theory called the ‘Harmonics of the Universe’. For many years Ray Tomas had been working for customers developing economic models to forecast developments in market prices of all sorts of commodity. Eventually he discovered cyclic behaviour in these stock market prices that were harmonics of the planetary periods. He also found musical ratios in the harmonics involving fractions of 3/2, 4/3 and 2 and proportions of 4:5:6:8 that formed major cords in the musical scale. His theory now suggests that many cyclic events occurring in nature such as biological, physical, and economical cycles have harmonic frequencies that are interrelated much like the notes in music. Ray Tomas has found that many economic cycles are pure harmonics of the Sun’s rotation, its solar rotation period at the equator of 25.8 days and of the Sunspot cycle of 11.07 years. The Sunspot cycle is the cycle in the Sun’s activity that decreases and increases in cycles to culminate to a solar maximum every 11.07 years. Ray Tomas believes that the cycles that we find in our Solar System are harmonics of even larger cycles that occur in the Milky Way, our galaxy. All galactic cycles eventually are believed to be harmonics of a single universal cosmic cycle. Vedic tradition has always explained that the universe is the result of one primordial resonating vibration, the Ohm sound of creation.

Eventually Ray Tomas found a very harmonic ratio 34560 that miraculously seems to be the ratio that by scale connects everything in the universe from the quantum realm to the universe at large. The ratio 34560 seems to scale all of the following spherical objects from small to large: nucleons, atoms, cells, moons, planets, stars, galaxies, and the universe. The number 34560 according to Ray Tomas is the seed number for many cycles in the universe.

Another astonishing fact is that a Sumerian clay tablet named after its finding place Nineveh has been found that contains a cosmological constant with a value of 70 * 60^7 (seventy times sixty raised to the power of seven).
The Nineveh constant, after being decoded by NASA astrophysicist Maurice Chatelain, perfectly described all the orbital times of our planets down to a second if whole fractions of this number are taken. Starting from the Nineveh constant, researcher David Wilcock discovered a galactic constant that he named the Wilcock constant that equals 0.7 * 60^9. This constant is exactly 36 times the Nineveh constant and according to Wilcock will harmonically connect all orbits of all objects in our galaxy.(3)

Russian scientist Dr. Nikolai A. Kozyrev who discovered the torsion wave, the spiralling wave that moves through the aether, was the first to suggest the relation between torsion waves and the phenomenon of time. He called the torsion wave the wave of time. Independently Tom Bearden also suggested that a relation between scalar waves (torsion waves) and the tick of time exists.

This is exactly what Professor Dr. S.V. Smelyakov and Y. Karpenko are suggesting and say they can prove. Professor Dr. Sergey Smelyakov is ISAR’s international vice president and member of the Golden Fund of Cyclic Science in Russia. Yuri Karpenko is member of the Astrological Research Society ‘Hamburg School’ and Astrovita. Together they published a remarkable scientific paper in 1999 called ‘The Auric Time Scale and the Mayan factor’. Although Karpenko co-authored the paper, the paper is basically Professor Dr. Smelyakov’s theory. In the paper it is suggested that planetary revolutions, the 11 year solar cycle, trends in demography, the epochs of the coming of Great Teachers for humanity, geological, economical and other cycles in nature and society are all interconnected and synchronized by the Golden mean number, Phi (Ф) and the Fibonacci series!

Even more remarkable Dr. Smelyakov claims that all of these cycles are related and synchronized with the Mayan Long Count, the mystical calendar that ends on the 21st of December 2012. There is general consensus that the start date of the Mayan calendar is the 11th August 3114 BC and that the end date is on the 21st of December 2012, covering a time span of 5125 years. We now know that the ancient Mayas knew the duration of the average solar year to a precision of several decimal places. Their calendar for Venus was accurate to within only 2 hours per 500 years! As amazing as these accuracies may be, the most mystifying of their knowledge is no doubt their Mayan Long Count calendar. The Mayas associated the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar with the end of time. I must stress that the Mayans did not mention it would be the end of the world!

To prove his hypotheses, Dr. Smelyakov first of all established scientific proof that the Solar System, planetary evolutions, solar rotation and the average solar activity period of 11.07 years are harmonically related. Resonance takes place in two domains, the harmonic linear domain and the exponential non-linear domain. Linear resonance is the resonance that takes place if resonating cycles are whole fractions of the source cycle. Ray Tomas and others had already discovered these harmonic linear cycles of the planetary revolutions. Also the Nineveh constant accounts for a linear harmonic resonance since it is the seed cycle number for planetary linear harmonics. If whole fractions of this number are taken, the revolutions of the planets of our Solar System can be calculated with a precision of a second.

However Dr. Smelyakov also discovered the non-linear resonance that occurs not only between the planetary revolutions but also with the solar activity cycle, the solar rotation cycle and the Asteroid belt revolution cycle. Now these exponential increasing or decreasing resonance frequencies are most remarkably the Golden Mean fractions of the source frequency.

Now we may recognize this series as the Golden Mean version of the Fibonacci sequence. It is the same sequence that by means of wave implosion in the implosion physics of Daniel Winter is responsible for the Golden Mean based recursive nesting of the Platonic wave shapes that create matter.

By means of the same principle Dr. Smelyakov now stated that evolutionary time (not physical time) itself is imploding by a Golden Mean ratio. Evolution is supposedly occurring in decreasing cycles of time, each successive cycle being a Golden Mean fraction shorter than the previous one. If this is indeed the case then evolutionary time itself should be imploding and exponentially culminate to a crescendo, an end time. What we should expect at this end time is open to speculation; it could be a transformation, a quantum leap in our evolution process, who knows? The end time of the Auric Time scale supposedly coincides with the predicted end time of the Mayan calendar.

To prove their hypotheses, first of all the harmonic relations between the orbits of the planets, the solar activity cycle, the solar rotation cycle and the revolution of the Asteroid Belt were mathematically structured in a model called the Solar-Planetary Synchronism (SPS). In this model the longer revolution cycles of Jupiter, Uranus and a hypothetical planet Proserpine were taken. The planetary period of planet Proserpine is the minimal period for which all other periods are harmonics. Within an accuracy of 0.1% all planetary revolutions of the Solar System, the revolution of the Asteroid Belt, the solar activity cycle and the solar rotation cycle could be proven to resonate with Jupiter, Uranus and Proserpine. The calculated revolution cycle time for Proserpine is 510.9 years, this hypothetical planet seems to be balancing point in the resonance.

Dr. Smelyakov artificially divided the Long Count calendar into 12 intervals that decrease in length by means of the Golden Mean ratio, the Auric Time Scale series. The separation epochs of these 12 time intervals are: 3114 BC, 1146 BC, 71 AD, 823, 1287, 1547, 1752, 1861, 1929, 1971, 1997, 2012. These dates were called the bifurcation points of the Auric Time Scale.

Dr. Smelyakov is not alone in his reasoning that evolution is spiralling in towards the end time of the Maya calendar. Years before the end date of the Maya calendar was finally established in the nineties by José Argüelles, Terrence McKenna and his brother Denis developed a Time Wave Zero theory. The Time Wave Zero theory was introduced in their book ‘The Invisible Landscape’ and published in 1975. In this book they explained that the evolutionary time is recursively imploding like a fractal to an end time that according to the original theory ends on November 17th 2012. It mysteriously missed the Mayan Long Count calendar end date by only 33 days!

What is so special about the 21st of December 2012? Does it have a cosmic meaning?

The Mayan Long Count calendar duration of 5125 years is a fifth of the so-called precession cycle of roughly 26.000 years, also called a Platonic year named after Plato who assumed this cycle to be the perfect harmonic number of 25920 years.

Precession is actually the wobbling of a spinning top. The wobbling starts as the spin of the top slows down and the revolutions become unstable causing the top to swing from side to side until it finally drops. The Earth’s rotation around its polar axis gives us our day and night rhythms, is also subject to precession just like a spinning top. Just think of the Earth as a spinning top on a flat surface called the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the virtual path that our Sun travels around the Earth each year. Within the plane of the ecliptic we find all the planets of our Solar System. The Earth’s polar axis makes an angle of approximately 23,5 degrees with an axis perpendicular to the ecliptic. In 25.920 years the polar axis completes one full circle of precession.

Precession can be monitored by determining the position of a zodiac sign at pre-defined moments of the year. These pre-defined moments are the solstices and equinoxes that define the change of the seasons. If for instance the Sun is observed on the vernal equinox (March 21st) every year for a period of 72 years, we would notice that the zodiac sign that aligns with the Sun has shifted 1 degree in position in the heavens. In order for this zodiac sign to make a full circle of 360 degrees and return to the same place in the sky, 360 * 72 = 25920 years would be required for a complete precession cycle.

But what makes the Winter Solstice of 2012 so special? On December 21st 2012 a very rare alignment will occur in the Earth’s precession cycle of 25.920 years. Although the exact date is hard to determine, somewhere around the ending of the Maya calendar, the Earth, the Winter Solstice Sun and the galactic equator will align. As the alignment occurs the Sun will enter the Dark Rift of the Milky Way near the center of our galaxy. So this alignment is very rare in the precession cycle. Since it occurs at the winter solstice of 2012 (21st December 2012), it is also called the Winter Solstice Galactic Alignment.

Two years prior to Jenkins his publication of his Galactic Alignment theory in ‘Maya Cosmogenesis 2012’, Dr. Smelyakov published his paper on the Solar Zodiac model in 1996. Hidden in this paper is Dr. Smelyakov’s version of Galactic Alignment. Dr. Smelyakov’s Solar Zodiac model places our Solar System in a galactic context and reveals that there are actually four galactic alignments in a Platonic year!

In the paper a galactic alignment is referred to as the Great Celestial Conjunction of which there are four in a precession cycle. A Great Celestial Conjunction is the conjunction of two crosses, the ‘Earth Cross’ with the ‘Galactic Cross’.

The first cross, the Earth Cross is created by the intersection of two planes, the Earth’s equator and the ecliptic. Since the Earth axis makes an angle of 23 degrees with the ecliptic, the Earth’s equator intersects the ecliptic. This intersection is the first line in our Earth cross. On the line of intersection we find two points called the equinox points. The equinoxes determine the moments during a year when the Sun is directly over the equator and night and day are equal in length. This happens during spring and autumn and that’s why they are called the vernal and autumn equinox.

The solstice is the annual moment where the elevation of the Sun above the horizon reaches its maximum or minimum. These are the moments that the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere is either directly over the Tropic of Cancer (summer) or over the Tropic of Capricorn (winter). The solstice axis is perpendicular to the equinox axis. The equinox and solstice axis are the constituents of the Earth Cross on the ecliptic.

The same approach can be used to create the Galactic Cross of what Dr. Smelyakov has called the Solar Zodiac. While the Earth’s zodiac is based on the revolution of the Earth around the Sun, the Solar Zodiac is based on the revolution of our Solar System around the galactic center of our Milky Way. The Milky Way consists of a number of spiral arms and our Solar System is on the outer edge of one of these spirals.

It takes 220 to 300 million years to complete one revolution of our Solar System around the center of our galaxy. The galactic equivalent of the Earth’s ecliptic is the Solar System’s ecliptic which is the imaginary track that the galactic center traces around our Solar System. In reality of course our Solar System revolves around the galactic center of our Milky Way galaxy and not the other way around.

Similar to the construction of the Earth Cross we can also create a galactic version of this cross for the Solar System. The cross is constructed from the intersection of two planes, the ecliptic and the equator; however in case we have to identify these planes first.

The first plane is the ecliptic of our Solar System. By approximation the Solar System’s ecliptic is the galactic equator because our Solar System is very close to the galactic equator and revolves around the galactic center in a parallel plane.

The second plane is the equatorial plane of our Solar System and for the sake of simplicity can be equaled to the ecliptic.

Both the Earth Cross and Galactic Cross can be placed on top of each other since both crosses share one plane in common. Whereas the Earth Cross is created from the intersection of the ecliptic and the equator, the Galactic Cross is created from the intersection of the ecliptic and the galactic equator. Since both crosses share the ecliptic they can be superimposed.

Unknown to the public but well known to organizations such as the NASA, is that the Earth is not the only planet in our Solar System that is experiencing global warming!

Professor of Geology Dr. Alexey Dmitriev of the Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Sciences has studied these phenomena and concluded that changes that are taking place in our Solar System are caused by highly charged material now entering our Solar System in this region of the galaxy.

The Sun’s heliopsphere is a magnetic field in the shape of a drop that extends to the outer space of our Solar System. The tail of this drop is pointing in the opposite direction that our Solar System is travelling. The leading edge of the heliosphere is showing glowing plasma energy. This plasma energy in 1990 used to be 4 to 40 astronomical units deep. The heliosphere now has a layer of plasma energy that is a 100 astronomical units deep.
NASA reports have also shown that there is a 400% increase in speed of solar particles that are emitted by the Sun as they travel through interplanetary space. The conductance of the interplanetary space has somehow increased.
In September 2004, new discoveries made by an international team of astrophysicists now seem to confirm La Violette’s theories. Using a newly developed array of 4 telescopes called H.E.S.S. (High Energy Stereoscopic System) they discovered that the center of our Milky Way contains a super-massive black hole. The scientists believe that this black hole at the center of the galaxy is the remnant of a supernova explosion that occurred 10.000 years ago! The black hole has been radiating cosmic gamma rays ever since!

If it is true that some unseen force drives the evolution of consciousness within predefined cycles, why does it seem to relate to planetary movements and galactic alignments? If the 2012 predictions are true and humanity supposedly will go through a transformation process of consciousness, what are the mechanisms that trigger these events?

David Wilcock explains to us that the conscious aether energy of the vacuum is responsible for all the Earth changes that were predicted by Edgar Cayce. Planets and stars throw off abundant torsion waves as they revolve and constantly rewrite the fabric of the aether. As we travel on this spaceship called Earth around the galactic center we enter different zones of aether densities. Wilcock’s claims are backed up by Cambridge University Dr. Harold Aspen who mathematically proved that the aether has varying levels of density that he calls ‘space domains’.

In 2000, Russian biophysicist Dr. Simon E. Shnoll published his 30 years life work in a famous Russian physics journal that proves that planetary motions create disturbances in the vacuum that affects both living and inanimate processes on Earth. He found that fluctuations in biological and chemical processes and even radioactive decay occur in cycles that correspond with the celestial movements of our planets. Shnoll studied the noise data in the histograms of many phenomena and discovered that this noise is not random at all and that these fluctuations keep pace with the celestial orbits of our planets. The coherent noise in totally unrelated phenomena proves that there is a collective cause for all these fluctuations.

It’s important to notice that mainstream western science cannot explain how totally independent processes such as biological, chemical and physical processes can be simultaneously reacting in a coherent way to outside influences that correspond with the motion of our planets. If we accept that physical matter is not made out of hard marbles called atoms, but in reality are vortexes in the aether, the same medium that our torsion wave travels through, we can start to see and understand how torsion waves are able to affect many things in our material reality. Torsion waves originating from our planets, the Sun and the cosmos affect all biological life on Earth as well. The Sun is by far the strongest torsion wave generator in our Solar System and all by itself has an immense influence.

David Wilcock even believes that torsion waves may be responsible for the spontaneous extinctions of existing life forms and speciation of new ones on Earth that took place many times in evolution, causing these quantum leaps in evolution and the missing links in the fossil records. The torsion field, what Ervin Laszlo’s has coined the A-field and Rupert Sheldrake the morphogenetic field, may be the true carrier of DNA information. David Wilcock suggests that the DNA’s morphogenetic field was already present in the vacuum even before the life forms that emerged from them existed on Earth. He believes that the morphogenetic fields are the precursors of biological evolution.

Since torsion wave energy is pure cosmic conscious energy it also has an effect on our collective and individual consciousness as well as our spiritual development. The different aether density zones in our galaxy correspond with the different World Ages of the Vedic traditions. There are zones in our galaxy that call for spiritual darkness and zones that call for spiritual awakening. We are just leaving the Kali Yuga, the Age that engulfs us in the darkness of materialism and loss of spiritual awareness. Our Solar System is now entering a zone in our galaxy that signals the end of the Kali Yuga and the start of the Age of Aquarius. Esoteric traditions have kept this cosmic knowledge alive for centuries but in the West we have just started to decipher its significance.(10)

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by kevin » Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:09 am


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:38 am

On Time, Torsion Fields, the Merkaba, the 2012 Galactic Alignment and the Rebirth of a New (hyperdimensional) Sun and Earth"? ... 147#p50147

On December 21st 2012 a very rare alignment will occur in the Earth’s precession cycle of 25.920 years.

Somewhere around the ending of the Maya calendar, the Earth, the Winter Solstice Sun and the galactic equator will align. As the alignment occurs the Sun will enter the Dark Rift of the Milky Way near the center of our galaxy. This alignment is very rare in the precession cycle and occurs at the winter solstice of 21st December 2012.

A galactic alignment is referred to as the Great Celestial Conjunction of which there are four in a precession cycle. A Great Celestial Conjunction is the conjunction of two crosses, the ‘Earth Cross’ with the ‘Galactic Cross’.

The first cross, the Earth Cross is created by the intersection of two planes, the Earth’s equator and the ecliptic.

The same approach can be used to create the Galactic Cross of the Solar Zodiac. While the Earth’s zodiac is based on the revolution of the Earth around the Sun, the Solar Zodiac is based on the revolution of our Solar System around the galactic center of our Milky Way.

Both the Earth Cross and Galactic Cross can be placed on top of each other since both crosses share one plane in common. Whereas the Earth Cross is created from the intersection of the ecliptic and the equator, the Galactic Cross is created from the intersection of the ecliptic and the galactic equator. Since both crosses share the ecliptic they can be superimposed.

If it is true that some unseen force drives the evolution of consciousness within predefined cycles, why does it seem to relate to planetary movements and galactic alignments? If the 2012 predictions are true and humanity supposedly will go through a transformation process of consciousness, what are the mechanisms that trigger these events?

David Wilcock explains to us that the conscious aether energy of the vacuum is responsible for all the Earth changes that were predicted by Edgar Cayce. Planets and stars throw off abundant torsion waves as they revolve and constantly rewrite the fabric of the aether. As we travel on this spaceship called Earth around the galactic center we enter different zones of aether densities. Wilcock’s claims are backed up by Cambridge University Dr. Harold Aspen who mathematically proved that the aether has varying levels of density that he calls ‘space domains’.

In 2000, Russian biophysicist Dr. Simon E. Shnoll published his 30 years life work in a famous Russian physics journal that proves that planetary motions create disturbances in the vacuum that affects both living and inanimate processes on Earth. He found that fluctuations in biological and chemical processes and even radioactive decay occur in cycles that correspond with the celestial movements of our planets. Shnoll studied the noise data in the histograms of many phenomena and discovered that this noise is not random at all and that these fluctuations keep pace with the celestial orbits of our planets. The coherent noise in totally unrelated phenomena proves that there is a collective cause for all these fluctuations.

It’s important to notice that mainstream western science cannot explain how totally independent processes such as biological, chemical and physical processes can be simultaneously reacting in a coherent way to outside influences that correspond with the motion of our planets. If we accept that physical matter is not made out of hard marbles called atoms, but in reality are vortexes in the aether, the same medium that our torsion wave travels through, we can start to see and understand how torsion waves are able to affect many things in our material reality. Torsion waves originating from our planets, the Sun and the cosmos affect all biological life on Earth as well. The Sun is by far the strongest torsion wave generator in our Solar System and all by itself has an immense influence.

David Wilcock even believes that torsion waves may be responsible for the spontaneous extinctions of existing life forms and speciation of new ones on Earth that took place many times in evolution, causing these quantum leaps in evolution and the missing links in the fossil records. The torsion field, what Ervin Laszlo’s has coined the A-field and Rupert Sheldrake the morphogenetic field, may be the true carrier of DNA information. David Wilcock suggests that the DNA’s morphogenetic field was already present in the vacuum even before the life forms that emerged from them existed on Earth. He believes that the morphogenetic fields are the precursors of biological evolution.

Since torsion wave energy is pure cosmic conscious energy it also has an effect on our collective and individual consciousness as well as our spiritual development. The different aether density zones in our galaxy correspond with the different World Ages of the Vedic traditions. There are zones in our galaxy that call for spiritual darkness and zones that call for spiritual awakening. We are just leaving the Kali Yuga, the Age that engulfs us in the darkness of materialism and loss of spiritual awareness. Our Solar System is now entering a zone in our galaxy that signals the end of the Kali Yuga and the start of the Age of Aquarius. Esoteric traditions have kept this cosmic knowledge alive for centuries but in the West we have just started to decipher its significance. ... 150#p48285

The “rise and fall of Lucifer” seems to be about the cyclical rise and fall of the “Dynamic Aether” during the precessionary cycle. Here the aether is referred to as Eloptic Black Light. The “cyclical renewal” of this energy, in turn, is supposed to be dependent upon the dynamic interaction between Sirius A, B and C and their resonant relationship with the Galactic Center (the Po) and our Solar System. The Solar System would pass through this “energy band” depending upon where the Sun was located along the ecliptic during the precessionary cycle.

The “interstellar ribbon” or “interstellar energy cloud” (fluff) most likely is the debris from Sirius B’s explosion. Perhaps this is what is meant by the “photon belt” since there is also supposed to be a resonant relationship between the Sirius star system and the Pleiades.

The return of Lucifer seems to involve the Solar/Sirius reconvergence and the return of Sirius C (Gliese 581?) and its planets -- a regular "Doppelganger Sun and Earth" or a "New Sun and New Earth".
In the introduction to his book The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar describes an interesting variant of the Hindu theory of ages. According to him,

...the sun, with its planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual and revolves around it in about 24,000 years of our earth-a celestial phenomenon which causes the backward movement of the equinoctial points around the zodiac. The sun also has another motion by which it revolves round a grand center called Vishnunabhi, which is the seat of the creative power, Brahma, the universal magnetism. Brahma regulates dharma, the mental virtue of the internal world.

Yukteswar goes on to explain that the sun's 24,000 year revolution around its companion star takes the sun progressively closer, and then progressively further away from the mystic center Vishnunabhi. In his system, dharma increases as we approach Vishnunabhi and decreases as we draw away from it. The cycle of yugas takes place twice in each 24,000 year revolution. As the sun recedes from Vishnunabhi, the ages pass in the usual order: Satya, Treta, Dvapara, Kali. As the sun approaches Vishnunabhi, the ages pass in the opposite order: Kali, Dvapara, Treta, Satya.
The Dogon understand that the general structure and evolution of the universe rest upon the three major stars: Sirius A - Sigi Tolo, Sirius B - Po Tolo and Sirius C - Emma Ya Tolo and their relationship with Po, the spiraling black hole at the center of the galaxy.

The Dogons believe that Sirius B was the oldest of the stars and was the creative organizing source and force of the world, producing a sacred energy of Eloptic Black Light from the stream of ionized hydrogenous essence of Sirius A, a brightly shining transitioning star moving consciousness and frequency with a spirit of wisdom.

Though, not yet confirmed by scientist, "The Little Sun" Sirius C, exhibits similar characteristics to that of Sirius B. Sirius C, Emma Ya Tolo, is hard to observe, since its small faint stellar field is masked by the great brightness of Sirius A. It is a red Dwarf Star or Pulsar and is called the "Sun of Women."

According to the Dogon, Sirius C lies at the centre of the Sirius Star System constantly emitting red solar rays - a Blazing Star transmitting its essence towards Sirius A and B from its orbital position. Sirius C is also accompanied by a spiraling satellite called Nyan Tolo, the "Star of Women."

This is also the key to the mythos about a Planet X or Nibiru -- a red dwarf plantet on a 3,600 year elliptical orbit with our Solar System -- prominently espoused through the interpretations of the Babylonian/Sumerian clay tablets by writer Zecharia Sitchin. But the designation of Nibiru as the Planet of the Crossing and the eschatological theories of the return of the Son of God is really about the passage, orbit and convergence of the Sirius Star System that has been “occultified” by this fraternal group of Priest Class Magicians. The Planet or Star of the Crossing is really the “Star of Women,” in Sirius – the Grand Cross that is symbolized in all instances of the Trinity and Cross symbolism since ancient history.
As cycles spin around, spiral in form as the universe decrees, the increased energies that birthed their Golden Age -- their own version of the Fluff that they resided in -- began falling or spinning away from the solar system into mythology, receding into the aether behind.

We spiritual beings called humans were entering the darkness at the same rate that the Fluff fell away, falling away from knowing the universe, falling far from the comfort of God's communion...A new name took hold...The Fallen. And the process of forgetting our souls began...of being separated from the divine, of the eternal fall from being a conscious spiritual knowing being utterly alone...a massive scarring took place within our collective pysche. During the falling process, when we were in the throes of forgetting what we are, we scrambled to remember what we were losing...Memories carved in stone, raised as monuments...frozen memories defying time. Some held on longer (they had yet to forget, but in their horror, they witnessed others already fallen) but knew that soon we all were going to lose contact with our souls...and so ensued massive trauma, something much worse than death, not only a tragedy to the human condition, but to our divine souls...the horror that was to come...the killing fields that would soak the world through...

They knew that when the Fluff left (the interstellar cloud, though they thought of it differently, of course) we would they wrote to the future...I Ching, 'religious texts', pyramids, secret knowledge, calendars, etc...someday they knew that there would come a day (the universe decrees the spinning of the spiral, after all) when a new Golden Age would surface...and just as our memory once fell away with a receding interstellar cloud, memory would rise once more, like a surging wave, an all encompassing spirit arriving on the cloud of God...

So, in attempts to tell us how to live properly, one with all, without killing/stealing/lying...without fear...they shouted from the past.

But there was a problem...They did not know how far reality would change. When going from one age of darkness, to an age of light, and vice-versa, 'reality' is confusion and misunderstanding and convolution reigned as one age living in a fading light, tried to communicate to the coming age of darkness.
Speaking of Discovery, the quest to discover what or who is inhabiting worlds like the Jovian atmospheres, brings us back to the science fiction writer Sir Arthur C. Clarke and his classical work, 2010: Odyssey Two, later adapted to screen as 2010: The Year We Make Contact. In the novel, the Discovery Two spaceship is sent out to investigate what happen to Discovery One during its failed mission to Jupiter. Lead by the mysterious monolith machine, under the control of aliens, Discovery Two discovers aquatic and indigenous life on Europa and is eventually destroyed when Jupiter achieves nuclear fusion and become a star called Lucifer that ultimately becomes the Solar System’s primary Sun.

This provides entrainment with my theory that this “Tipping Point,” is really the quickening towards the convergence of Sol, our Sun and Sirius, the astronomical star appellation and “occultification” by the Priest Class of Magicians of Lucifer. The astronomical research facility at the educational institution of the University of Arizona is run by the Vatican Church State, the modern incarnation of these magicians.

This must be contextualized with the recent discoveries of hundreds of exoplanets and Earth-like planets. A unknown signal was also detected coming from the Gliese 581 star system, where the planet Gliese 581 G was designated by scientists as the first Earth-like planet ever seen with the atmosphere and gravity to be potentially habitable.

I contend that the ribbon and the interstellar matter currently discovered by NASA is really part of the debris from Sirius B’s explosion and that the preparations being made by the Vatican constitutes the fundamental part of the worship and “occultification” of the interstellar explosions of Sirius B, which has been symbolically revived in the ancient traditions, mythologies and religions such as with the death of the God Osiris and his rebirth as the God Child Horus -- The Dying and Rising Phoenix. It must be remembered that according to the Dogon tribe, this explosion formulated a creative organizing energy source producing a sacred energy of Eloptic Black Light from its stream of ionized hydrogenous essence.
Every 10,700 years, our solar system passes through a 2100 year-wide belt of highly charged ion particles known as the photon belt. This belt is the "Holy Spirit" or God force of the universe stepped down from the Center of Creation.

Sol's passage through this belt happens twice during an approximate 26,000 year cycle -the time it takes to go around its greater sun (presumably Alcyone in the Pleaides). This huge vertical and doughnut-shaped belt presently appears (from Earth) to slice through the astrological ages of Leo and Aquarius. Since we are moving into the Age of Aquarius, we are also moving into the photon belt. The prediction is that we will officially and fully be inside the belt by 2012AD. When this happens (and it's already happening), the new energy will transform the planet and all life on/in it into higher dimensions or vibratory states. Those who cannot adapt to this higher, purer state, will die or be removed to another solar system. ... 210#p50078

The answers to these questions and others form a strong argument in favor of the idea that Planet X is in fact real and that the powers that be are aware of its existence and are attempting to make preparations for its impending arrival. Yet as evidenced by their obvious disinformation campaigns, they are adamant about keeping the masses in the dark at least until the very last minute. But we can change that by exploring facts past and present.

The ancient Maya kept records of a large celestial body which they called 'The Destroyer'. Most researchers of the topic agree that the Destroyer and Planet X are one in the same. According to a key Mayan artifact, the Dresden Codex, this object travels in a 3600 year orbit around our Sun.

Mayan astronomical accounts say that the next passing of 'The Destroyer', will also coincide with a rare stellar event. What they speak of is a planetary alignment that only occurs once ever 26,000 years. This will take place when Planet X reaches its orbital perigee. That is, at its closest position to our Sun and neighboring planets. At that time, 'The Destroyer' along with our Earth, Moon, Sun and the other planets in our solar system will align with the center of the Milky Way - the galaxy in which we reside.

The Maya describe the Destroyer as a reddish disk with gaseous wings when seen in the sky. The date upon which the Mayan calendar predicts that the next passage of Planet X along with this rare stellar alignment will occur also happens to be the same day that the calendar ends. That date is December 21, 2012. This is the real reason that this date has become such a hot topic.

Incidentally, the image of a reddish disc with wing like appendages - especially if those wings were tapered - could easily be construed as a head with horns. This might explain renditions of 'The Devil' that have passed down to this day. Yet this is hardly a lone example of a Biblical concept being mirrored astronomically. The story of the Nativity tells us that Jesus - the Son of God - was born under a star. The star referred to was and still is the brightest in our sky. It resides in the constellation Sirius, and is known as Sirius A. There is also a slightly dimmer star in that constellation known as Sirius B. Yet some skywatchers believe that there is a third star in Sirius, dimmer still, known as Sirius C. Sirius C is also called the 'Dark Star'. The Dark Star, also known as Sirius C, could very well be Planet X, or what the Sumerians called 'Nibiru'. ... 225#p50111

They had gathered enough hidden information to figure out about the Cosmic Cycles of Destruction and Renewal in the Precessional Sense as related to inherent Pole Shifts but also a positive aspect of which are the gateways or doorways to enlightenment brought about by a change of consciousness at the crossing of one cycle to the other. ... 225#p50113

Drunvalo Melquisedek is the name of the new-age guru who wrote in his book "The Serpent of Light" that in Tibet as well as certain Latin American native sources, it is claimed that the Earth's main Kundalini vector has shifted since 1960 from Tibet to its new position on the Andes mountain range in Chile; this researcher is known to have popularized the "Merkabah" hyper-dimensional Vortex notion as a spinning Tetrahedron, in a Sacred Geometry figure of a "Star of David". The North and South Poles of the Merkabah are the Center of Spin that forms a Vortex in which "reality" is "manifested" as a dimensional form with a specific vibrational "materiality".

The "North Pole" acts as the "Sacred Male" Magnetic Dipole, the "South Pole" acts as the "Sacred Female" Magnetic Dipole.

Could it be that what we call "Lemuria" was magnetically centered around the "South Pole" with a transition to a "sacred female" consciousness emphasis; then its following "Atlantis" civilization was centered in the "north pole" with a transition to a "sacred male" consciousness emphasis so that the current pole shift is a return of the spiral vortex merkabah torsion field to a south pole, but this time with an "integrational synthesis" of both types of consciousness?

Many researchers are piercing the veil of utter deception that has been sold as "official anthropology" concerning ancient Aryans and their presence everywhere on the globe. The Aryans seem to be a smaller subset of Atlanteans who are traceable to the North Pole and South Pole by extension. These ancient Aryans "remnants" were the objects of the Knights Templar secret quests for their hidden repositories and absconded ancient knowledge. Much later on the Nazi SS engaged in identical quest for ancient Aryan science based on the scholarly work of many Germans before the Nazis.

Antarctica is secretly a model of the Brain - the place where "God" dwells in or, the place where man meets the "Godly Consciousness" at the Pole Shift in the window or time frame that begins to open from 2012 onwards

(It encodes a 6-point Star of David that spells the word "MASON")

What is meant secretly is that the "chosen ones" are actually those who enter the Hexagram at the Pole or its 6-vector points; "666" is not meant to be "evil"; this is done to scare/deceive the masses away and keep the chosen ones to a minimum who know the real science behind it. You are baptized in Water, because Water crystallizes as a Star of David:

Then the secret hidden meaning of "666" is actually WATER, the Water of Baptism; what this means is that in the previous Pole Shift there was a catastrophic Deluge; but then the chosen ones in the Gospel are "Baptized in Fire" as in the Pentecost event. What this means is that in the coming Pole Shift ("2012" theme) the cataclysm is Volcanic in nature; this time it is earthquakes and volcanic ash and lava that's to be expected.

Meantime at each Pole Shift either an Ascension or a Devolution is experienced in humans; the last time it was the latter; this time they are signaling it may be the former; that is for the chosen ones an Ascension may take place in their DNA and in their Brain. This Ascension is the Reemergence of the Third Eye; this is what the "Eye of Horus" on top of the Pyramid means; the Eye is on top (North Pole) but its corresponding secret Orb (letter "O") is at the bottom South Pole in the Star of David schematic.

This is understood as "Separating the Waters" of the Human DNA pool; in Genesis God is described as separating the Waters from above the Firmament and the Waters from Below the Firmament. The "Lower Water" is considered the generic lower Humans (the "234") while the "Upper Water" is considered the higher Humans or Chosen Ones (the "432"); the Lower Humans are to be ruled by a mind programming by the "Id Head" method described as "The Mark" in the Book of Revelation.

The actual ideal archetypal shape of the Chalice itself represents the Vortex Torsion Field because the general idea behind it is that during the Galactic Alignment the Torsion Field of the Solar System at the Winter Solstice aligns with the Galactic Torsion Field producing a "Mass Transformation" or a "Trans-Substantiation" process, whereby all the constants of the previous Galactic Era on the Solar System and Earth are changed, such as Gravity, Mass, Planck constant, Light Speed, etc.

During the Consecration (and the whole Mass itself) Words have been meticulously chosen in ritual Liturgy to reinforce the Trans-Substantiation process; what this means is that Words Are Numbers, and Numbers are the key to the Vortex Torsion Field, as enunciated by Marko Rodin.

In Marko Rodin's Vortex based mathematics, Numbers EXIST IN THE ETHER as a fixed Grid fractally derived from the first 9 numbers 1-to-9 projected unto the Circumference of a Circle ("Peter" ~ "Perimeter"); no matter what orientation in the circle, the Numbers 1/2/4/8/7/9 describe a path within the circle in the form of partial-diameters ("Paul" ~ "Pole/Diameter"), and the triad ("Trinity") of Numbers 3/6/9 forming an equilateral triangle within the Circle induce a Bi-Polar PULSE onto the previous set of numbers. The result is everything that exists.

One realizes that what in the past was conceived of as "religion" is but encryptions of the remnants of a Higher Science of mastery over Matter/Energy and Immortality, which dates to the previous Ages of Lemuria and Atlantis at a much more advanced stage of development than presently.

Rodin’s Number Matrix in a Circle resembles the masonic Compass and Square; it also includes the shape of the logo of some Marian Movements in the Catholic Church, as well as some fascist organizations--an opposed conjoined "M" and "W". But otherwise no public figures related to this motif appear in "selected" places; no explanations are given; what happens in this case, is that the Latin word for MOTHER is "MATER", which coincides almost perfectly with the word "MATTER" for atomic physicality, and this in no way is sheer coincidence but an unavoidable reckoning. Religion has been a secret elite carrier of extant ancient Atlantean and Lemurian advanced science involving the manipulation of Space/Time and material manifestation, as well as the ability to create and/or alter life-forms and humans.

What exactly does "Immaculate Conception" really mean? Is it some supposed event that allegedly happened some 2000 years ago, or the secret agenda of something TO OCCUR IN THE FUTURE? Is it something related to a "New Genesis" of Mankind after the Pole Shift and the change in physicality by the New Torsion Field configuration about to take place? ... 620#p28438

The Merkabah is a powerful symbol that is formed by a combination of two tetrahedrons (3 -D pyramids)

One is pointing up to the heavens, channeling energy down toward the earth plain and one is pointing down, drawing upward energy from the earth.

The upward pointing tetrahedron is male and electrical in energy; it rotates clockwise (to the left) and the downward pointing tetrahedron is female and magnetic, it rotates counter-clockwise (to the right).

As the spirit is surrounded by counter-rotating fields of Light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, transports spirit from one dimension to another.

By using this tool of Sacred Geometry (referred to as the star tetrahedron) we activate the left and right brain together and therefore raise our level of consciousness.

The Merkabah is the energy field that exists around every living thing in the Universe. It is the divine light body and is used by the masters to connect with and travel within higher dimensional realms. When the Merkabah is activated, the individual is in a place of complete protection, generated by the unconditional love of the Universe. It is, in essence, an inter-dimensional vehicle, otherwise known as "The Vehicle of Light."

Simply put, theMerkabah (or Merkaba), is the divine light vehicle used to connect with the higher realms. It is mentioned in one form or another in most or all of the ancient texts, usually in reference to ascension. The Merkabah also plays an important role in holding our energy fields together.

The Merkabah is a crystalline energy field that is comprised of specific sacred geometries that align the mind, body, and heart together. This energy field created from sacred geometry extends around the body for a distance of 55 feet. These geometric energy fields normally spin around our bodies at close to the speed of light, but for most of us they have slowed down or stopped spinning entirely due to a lack of attention and use. When this field is reactivated and spinning properly, it is called a Merkabah. A fully activated Merkabah looks just like the structure of a galaxy or a UFO. ... 620#p28455
Much has been made of "Tetrahedronal Geometry." This has recently been popularized in this country by Richard Hoagland, who has noticed that any tetrahedron drawn inside a sphere will touch the sphere at a latitude of about (+/-) 19.5 degrees.

The tetrahedron has also been promoted in a religious field by Drunvalo Melchizedek in his recent teachings. He says that a human's energy field is primarily composed of two interlocking tetrahedron's, one up, one down and turned 30 degrees, all inside one sphere, and that the activation of a person's energy field, or "Merkaba", depends upon how you spin those two tetrahedrons and at what speed.
19.5 degrees north and south are the latitudes where the apex points of a star-tetrahedra within a sphere will contact that sphere's surface, when one apex is positioned at the north or south pole.

19.5 is called t, the 'tetrahedral constant', because of its significance in tetrahedral geometry (a tetrahedron is a pyramid shape composed of four equilateral triangular sides): the apexes of a tetrahedron when placed within a circumscribing sphere, one of the tetrahedron's apexes touching the north pole, the other three apexes touch the surface of the sphere at 19.5 degrees south latitude.
Among the many geometric forms that have been traditionally used as snapshots of the sacred, the triangular forms are very important. This is because we model wholes as circles, spheres, hyperspheres or cycles. In two dimensions, it takes three points to define a particular circle. These three points take the form of a triangle. In three dimensions, it takes four points to define a sphere (a hyper-circle). These same four points also define a tetrahedron. In 4-D, a hypersphere is specified by a hypertetrahedron (a 5-cell) of points. The same rule and the same "triangular" forms are continued as we go up in dimension. There is a triangle for every circle and a tetrahedron for every sphere.
Zero Point is an energy flux running through space and that is where interdimensional and multidimensional travel begins. Anyone traveling out of body [OOB] must find zero point before they will go out.

In fact, this is true for space craft traveling multidimensionally. Zero Point is what is found in portals, StarGates, vortices, wormholes, black holes and is what makes multidimensional travel possible including levitation and teleportation. We must also figure in the Harmony of the Spheres, within which our Planets and Suns operate.

These force fields run through Hollow Earth, and overlap the Planet. These are not only electromagnetic and ionic, but also crystalline. Every Planet in our Solar System has a crystalline core which is anchored energetically into its Planetary, Galactic, Universal, Multiversal and Cosmic Grid

The crystalline cores inside the Planets are all two tetrahedrons placed opposite each other.

Every Planet and Sun has this crystal at its core. Different Planets have different types of crystalline tetrahedrons. What are the sizes of these tetrahedrons? Imagine the first tetrahedron with the apex point at the North Pole. Now this tetrahedron has a 120 degree angle at the base. With this, you will see the points of the base land at approximately 19.5 degrees latitude.

This is zero point! Off to other dimensions. At this point on a Planet, One becomes HyperD.

We will be able to explore multidimensions with the HyperD model, knowing that we go out of matter through the 13D Gateway. The 13th Gateway is the connection from matter to antimatter. Everything from antimatter (formless form) is reflected into matter. Electromagnetic is 3D and 5D is physical-etheric-crystalline.
Well in a sense this theory explains that illusive "etheric" force we've been hearing all the other "crazy" people talk about for thousands of years now. That energy that perpetuates the universe pours in from geometrical points within a given field or event horizon. This all has to do with sacred geometry! The Merkaba appears to the geometrical shape that allows energy to pour into planets. It aligns at 19.5 degrees which if you draw the merkaba from the poles, lines up perfecting at 19.5:

My point is this, energy points that are synced up to the movement of the solar system, ergo the galaxy, we're seeing this increase in energetic activity for some reason and it seems to be accelerating and I've shown how this hyperdimensional theory has physical manifestations that are predictable and repeatable on quiet a few different energetic levels that we are aware of. So if these hyperdimensional 3d dimensional waves can affect all kind of matter from gas to solid rock, why wouldn't it affect us too, or our electricity, water, everything?


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:02 am

The 2012 Vortex

Time Machines are Real
I first heard about Kozyrev in Olga Kharitidi’s book, Entering the Circle. This non-fiction book is about the author who is a Russian psychiatrist and her journey into the fascinating world of Siberian shamanism. She recounts her experience of traveling to the Altai Mountains and interacting with shamans. They lead her on a series of trance journeys in which she experiences other Times and places. The Shamans tell her Time is not what she thinks; Time is spirals, two of which are currently intersecting, meaning an era of great change on the planet.

Upon return to her “normal” life, she meets a prominent physicist who invites her to his lab. When she goes there, he shows her a sort of Time machine made out of tubular mirrors. He explains that its design is based on the work of a Nikolai Kozyrev. Olga goes into the tube and experiences similar Time journeys to the ones she had with the shamans in the Altai Mountains.

Nikolai Kozyrev was an important astrophysicist sent at the height of his career to the Gulag by the KGB. While imprisoned he had the opportunity to meet Siberian Shamans also jailed there. They taught him about the nature of Time. Upon being released from prison Kozyrev dedicated all his scientific research to the subject of Time. He concluded Time is not an abstract concept or a static reality but rather an “Alive Energy.”

Kozyrev theorized that all of life is drawing energy off an unseen, spiraling force. Time is nothing more than pure spiraling movement. Time is created by spiraling energy patterns. He called these spiraling energy patterns made by time “torsion fields.”

Torsion fields or torsion waves are words used to describe the spiraling flow of “time energy” that Kozyrev discovered. The word torsion means spinning or twisting. These are often also referred to as scalar waves. Time is three-dimensional spinning vortices of energy existing in all sizes. Kozyrev proved that torsion fields can move at speeds exceeding the speed of light. These vortices of time can interact or intersect.

Rotating objects or sources that release energy like the sun, the planet, the center of the galaxy create torsion fields. Torsion fields are electrically neutral, meaning they cannot be detected with current scientific instruments. Kozyrev’s methods can be used and explored and are still being investigated at the Moscow Institute of Studies in Temporology.

The sun, because of its size, is the main generator of torsion fields in our solar system. The torsion field or time spiral coming from the center of our galaxy is another spinning source that has a major effect on life in our solar system. We are intersecting this torsion field and have been since 1998. This intersection ends in 2012. ... 2fe#p47842

But, scientists today are recognizing that "spinning fields" really do exist. Just as electromagnetic fields are caused by a charge and gravitational fields are caused by weight, torsion fields are created by any rotating objects.

Similar Heim theory is a collection of ideas about the fundamental laws of physics proposed by Burkhard Heim and further developed by Walter Dröscher and Jochem Häuser. Heim attempted to resolve incompatibilities between quantum theory and general relativity. To meet that goal, he developed a mathematical approach based on quantizing spacetime itself, and proposed the "metron" as a (two-dimensional) quantum of (multidimensional) space. Part of the theory is formulated in terms of difference operators; Heim called the mathematical formalism "Selector calculus".

The mathematics behind Heim's theory requires extending spacetime with extra dimensions; various formulations by Heim and his successors involve six, eight, or twelve dimensions. Within the quantum spacetime of Heim theory, elementary particles are represented as "hermetry forms" or multidimensional structures of space. For Heim, this composite nature was an expression of internal, six-dimensional structure.

Torsion fields also have the important characteristic of being affected by the specific topology/geometry of macroscopic objects and biological fields. Torsion fields have been found, by Dr. Buryl Payne, to emanate from living organisms

Torsion fields have been studied by several groups of Russian scientists for at least three decades and most of that time in secret. According to A. Akimov, torsion fields come in at least three types: E-fields, S-fields, and G-fields. The E, S, and G stand for Electric, Spin, and Gravity fields. The torsion field and its emanations are subtle energy fields. They are separate and distinct from classical Electric, Magnetic, and Gravity fields.
The Solar System's Motion in the Galactic Tidal Field ... 5B3%5D.pdf

What Will Happen During the 2012 Event ... event.html
I was Remote Viewing our Galaxy from a distance away, observing its structures in the third dimension, and the higher planes. From these observations it became clear to me just what is going to happen around the Winter Solstice of 2012.

Our Galaxy is a Spiral Galaxy, a flattened disc with a supermassive Black Hole at its center. The central Black Hole at the core of our Galaxy generates a Torsion field which gives our galaxy its shape. This Torsion field is like a donut shape, except that the outer edges are greatly tapered away from the center. The central Black Hole of this torsion field acts much like a lens, and in some Galaxies plumes of matter and energy are being ejected. This is probably not a good place to visit.

Our Solar System orbits the central Black Hole about one third of the way out from center at a 45 degree angle, so half of the orbit is below the plane of the Galaxy, and the other half of the orbit is above the plane of the Galaxy. This orbit of our solar system takes some 226 million years, so this is an event which hasn't happened in some 113 million years. On the Winter Solstice of 2012 our solar system will be crossing over through the plane of our Galaxy from galactic South to galactic North.

This region of space is very dense with gas and other matter floating around in it, which is the reason why our Sun and all the planets are heating up. However, right here on Earth, we are making a natural process much worse. Factory Farms are releasing most of the Greenhouse gases associated with Climate Change, and the Fossil Fuel Technologies are contributing as well. Moreover, Factory Farms are tremendous breeding grounds for diseases, and Fossil Fuel Technologies produce a great deal of carcinogens. We simply must stop this stupidity. We are poisoning ourselves and everything else, because of the greed of a very few rich people.

Now emanating right along the Plane of the Galaxy from the central supermassive Black Hole, is basicly a sheet of Cosmic Rays. It really can't be detected from above or below the Plane of the Galaxy. You pretty much have to be in it to know it is there. Cosmic Rays are the highest frequency of light in the physical part of our Universe.

Cosmic Rays are known to produce mutations in living organisms. A few are passing through the Earth all the time, just from the ambient processes of the Universe. This is why there is always a slow and gradual evolution going on. Whenever our Solar system passes through this sheet of Cosmic Rays, the process is accelerated quite a bit.

Cosmic Rays not only travel at the Speed of Light, they also vibrate at the Speed of Light. This is why they can pass right through a planet without blinking. Since Cosmic Rays vibrate at the fastest possible rate in the Physical Universe, they act as a carrier wave for impulses from the Higher Dimensions. That is why they push things forward.

Our solar system will be passing through this sheet of Cosmic Rays at the end of 2012. Since the Earth is going through its first Magnetic Pole flip in some 780, 000 years, the envelope of the Van Allen Belt will be down, and actually function like a lens focusing these Cosmic Rays upon our planet. We are going to get the full dose. Hiding in some lead and aluminum lined underground bunker, won't make one bit of difference.

It should take about 3 1/2 days to pass through it, since the sheet is pencil thin in galactic distance terms. This is going to push every living species on Earth about half a million years forward in genetic evolution. There will be some physical changes in all species.

Plants and animals will phase into the next steps of their development. After 2012 you can expect to see plants producing fruit they never made before, and there should be some new flowers around. Animals will phase into the next stages of their development. Some may begin using their paws more like hands, and a few will develop opposable thumbs or something like that. They should also be developing greater cognitive and language skills. A few animal species may begin talking with us.

Human evolution has been moving in the direction of a greater adaptation for upright walking for a long time. This will be completed now. After the 2012 Event, children born will not have the back problems we've had to suffer with. There should also be a few other changes, like the loss of the appendix. Outwardly, our species will continue to look much like we do now. The major changes for us will primarily be in the things you can't see outwardly. Psychic and Spiritual abilities which once were rare, will now become common. These things have always been latent within us, but since our genetics are phasing into the next stage of our evolution, they will become things which anybody born after 2012 will be able to do.

Now I've been talking about the main sequence of evolutionary development for all species on Earth as a whole, but there is, of course, the issue of what we will see as individuals, and what effects that will have upon us personally. This will vary quite a bit, because human beings manifest over a wide spectrum of Spiritual development. After all, a few of us are monsters; most of us are just regular people, and a few of us are pretty much Enlightened already. It is just like the Bell Curve of Probability.

We can just barely detect ultraviolet light, and Cosmic Rays vibrate much faster. We are not going to see that, at least not directly. A focused stream of highly charged particles passing through the Earth will produce effects we can see. Expect that Aurora Borealis will be visible all over the place. It should be the grandest lightshow ever.

Since Cosmic Rays act as a carrier wave for the Divine impulses emanating from the higher dimensions of our Universe above the third dimension, the principle of similarity of vibration is very important. The greater one's attunement with the Divine, the greater the effect one will experience. The most advanced people on the planet will undergo a process called Ascension in which one becomes both a physical being and a higher dimensional being simultaneously, Resurrection if you will.

Most people probably won't be going through this process quite that far at this time. However, in varying degrees they will experience something quite profound which will change the way they think forever. This will be very, very good. And then there are the very few people who really are monsters and barbarians among us. Their negative mindsets may alter the evolutionary processes, resulting in some very bad mutations in their genetic make up. It is quite likely that after the 2012 Event, that they simply won't be around for very long, and they sure won't be missed.

The rest of us, (and by that I mean nearly all of us), are going to be very busy fixing the mess they made, and establishing for the first time, Civilization on Earth.

There are a few preparations which need to be made. Since the Earth is already going through a Magnetic Pole Flip, and there is going to be a huge surge in Cosmic Rays, it is likely that our array of communication satellites may go down, and need to be replaced. Maybe not all of them, but there probably will be some interruption of internet, television, and phone service.

Additionally, our electric Grid is going to be affected, and depending upon where you live, it might take some weeks to get that back up. If you have solar or wind power, you don't have a problem, but for a lot of people this is going to be a rather big inconvenience. Human beings have always tended to pull together, and cooperate with each other in emergencies, and after the Cosmic experience we all will have, this will be more true than ever. Nevertheless, it would be prudent to have your own supply of food and water to last a few weeks while the basics are being put back in place.

So what is coming isn't terrible at all. Just get your stuff together in advance, and prepare to spend a few days in meditation. To quote HAL9000, "Something wonderful is going to happen".


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:40 pm

The Tarot as an Apocalyptic Cryptogram
The seeds of this essay were planted in 1980, when I met an Englishman named “Nab”, while working on Kibbutz Revivim in the Negev desert. Nab recommended a science-fiction trilogy he had read, called Illuminatus by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, which was a complex satire about the Illuminati conspiracy, possibly containing the secrets of “life, the universe and everything”, according to Nab.

In 1981 I read the trilogy, and found it very hard going, as it jumped backward and forward in time and space, and parts of it seemed to be pure nonsense. However, I persevered, and halfway through the second volume, the scattered pieces started to come together, so that by the time I’d finished it, I began to understand the style, spotting encoded words and phrases which were hidden clues. Instead of re-reading it, I tried for two years to get hold of Wilson’s follow-up book, which was a semi-autobiographical explanation of the trilogy. Finally, I found Compendium Bookshop, of Camden who were willing to import me a copy from USA.

The book, Cosmic Trigger; The Final Secret of The Illuminati, while not actually revealing the meaning of life, posed a lot of thought-provoking questions, and along with later books by Wilson, explained that he had used the Illuminati conspiracy to “touch on every readers deepest hopes and anxieties” as a way to “force the reader to think for himself or herself”. He had even cut up some of the key passages and jumbled the words to a state of gobbledy-gook, though they obviously contained a cryptic meaning. Wilson also explained, that during and after writing the trilogy, some of the gossip and even the jokes he’d made up about the Illuminati, were found to be actually true, or came true, so that he seemed to be surrounded by a web of synchronicity, as if a “cosmic coincidence control center” was communicating with him. Alot of this coincidence surrounded information on Sirius and its associated number - 23 - some of which was already familiar to me when I read the Illuminatus! trilogy, having read astronomer Robert Temple s The Sirius Mystery.

The Sirius Mystery is a scholarly work investigating the roots of the sacred knowledge possessed by the Dogon tribe, of Mali, in North Africa. They have been in possession of certain astronomical knowledge for thousands of years; a large part of this knowledge concerns details of the Sirius system; in particular, knowledge that it is a binary system, with a white dwarf companion - information only available to Western astronomers for the last few decades, with high-powered telescopes. They also know comparative weights and orbit times, and claim that the knowledge was bequeathed to them by extra-terrestrials from Sirius who visited them thousands of years ago. Temple has traced Dogon origins to Egypt.

Before having heard of Temple or anything else about Sirius, Wilson had apparently received a telepathic message that “Sirius is important”, following an experiment in Tantric yoga.

After reading Illuminatus!, but before reading Cosmic Trigger, I stumbled across more revelations about Sirius in Kenneth Grant’s book, Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God, stating that Crowley’s magical order, the A..A.. was named after the Argenteum Astrum, or Silver Star, which is Sirius, and that it is connected with the awakening of the Kundalini — the “fire-snake” coiled at the base of the spine - dormant in most people, but capable of being aroused by special techniques, to make its way up the spinal column, giving enlightenment and super-normal powers.

After reading Cosmic Trigger, one reference stood out above all others; one about which I had a “gut feeling”. This was a five- page summary of a book by Terence and Dennis McKenna, called The Invisible Landscape. The McKennas had developed a complex explanation for the meaning of life, which, when I try to analyse why I felt intuitively drawn to it, I suppose must be close to my own “deepest hopes and anxieties”, but there may be more to it than that.

The McKenna brothers had been promoted my certain events (more of which later), to study the ancient Chinese oracle, the I Ching. The I Ching is a system of sixty-four “hexagrams”, which represent every possible combination of Yang and Yin (a bit like positive and negative,) in a six-line structure (hex = 6; gram = written). The I Ching is known as The Book of Changes, and was consulted by throwing 6 sticks or coins. In the case of coins, each coin would represent a line of a hexagram, and heads and tails would represent the “moving line”, which would be changing to its opposite, indicating a change from one hexagram, or situation, to another (each hexagram had a name and a meaning).

The McKennas concluded that the hexagrams encode the pattern that governs change in the universe, and all the information contained in the original sequence could be converted to an equation that could then be converted to a graph that contains identical replicas of itself within itself, where each level is 64 times greater than the one below. The longest wavelength is from the beginning of time to the end of time. The shortest is in the range of Planck’s constant - the shortest events known (subatomic). The beginning of time and the end of time are the only points when all the waves peak together, and it takes 26 of these levels to describe all levels of change in the universe. When all the time-waves were combined into one wave, and plotted against history, using a sophisticated computer programme, the computed End of History was revealed to be scheduled for the year 2012 AD!

The way that Wilson summarised the acceleration leading up to this evolutionary climax made my hair stand on end!

Epagomenal Neters and Axis Tilt

Murry Hope has studied Egyptian mythology and has come up with a theory to explain why not only the Egyptians, but also the Hindus, Greeks, Babylonians, Chinese, Romans, Incas and Mayans used a 360-day year.12 The Chinese later added 5 and a quarter days to the year; the Mayans added 5 "unlucky" days, but had a "year-drift formula", (after 1508 365-day haabs, exactly 1507 solar years of 365.2422 days would have passed); the Egyptians added only 5 days, so their calendar moved out of synchronisation by one day every four years, taking 1460 years to return to its starting point. (This 1460-year cycle was known as the Sothic cycle, after Sothis, or Sirius, which is the only star in the sky by which the true Earth year can be measured “The Sothic cycle is established on the coincidence every 1460 years of the vague year of 365 days with the Sothic (or Sirian) year of 365 & a quarter days”).

Murry Hope finds the answer in the Egyptian myth of the Birth of the 5 Great Gods or Neters of ancient Egypt.

“Although various magical and mystical interpretations have been placed upon these stories by scholars, psychics and romantics, what the myths are basically telling us is that as a result of some drama played out between Earth, the moon and some solar energy external to our star system, the calendar had to be changed, and that it was Thoth, a LUNAR deity, who affected the alteration. In other words, a change in the Earth’s orbit involving the moon, which precipitated a change in the Earth s axis, was responsible for the five extra days we now have in our calendars...”

Due to the connections of the 5 Neters with Sirius, Murry Hope sees Sirius as the “solar energy” source she mentioned, which somehow affected the Earth & moon’s orbits

Sitchin’s Planet

A comet or large meteor impact is a scientifically acceptable answer to the question of what caused the sudden change of climate that wiped out the dinosaurs.

Zecharia Sitchin spent 30 years researching ancient mythology, especially Babylonian and Sumerian myths, revealed by archaeological excavations, in particular, from the bilingual library at Ninevah. Among these myths, he informs us, are the much older original creation stories, from which the Old Testament creation story was derived, and other stories, such as the Tower of Babel, and Noah’s Ark. 17

Sitchin has found evidence that there is a massive planet, on a huge elliptical orbit around our sun. It takes 3,600 years to complete one revolution round the sun, passing near Earths orbit on its way to, and again on its way back from its perihelion, creating havoc in the geomagnetic equilibrium of the Earth as it passes. The havoc could include pole-reversal, which geologists tell us has happened many times in Earth’s history, according to the magma in oceanic ridges; also axis tilt.

Star of the Tenth Moon

It is interesting that Murry Hope sees Sirius as "the third, and probably most influential player in a celestial drama" which caused the orbit and axis changes to the earth and Moon, and that it is due, in the near future, to cause a speeding-up of time, and an evolutionary quantum leap for life on earth. This is why:

Robert temple spent 8 years investigating the Dogon tribe, from Mali, West Africa; in particular, their detailed knowledge, not only about other planets in our solar system, but information concerning orbit times and the presence of a white dwarf in the Sirius system. They have known this information for thousands of years, and their religion revolves around it. They say they were given the information many centuries ago, by extra-terrestrial visitors from Sirius. Temple has traced their ancestry back to Egypt.

These beings are called "Nommo", which is a collective name for them. They came to earth in an ark, what Temple presumes to be their "interstellar spaceship hovering above in the sky at a great distance" but what is actually described by the Dogon as "appearing in the sky as a new star, and leaving with the Nommos at their departure from Earth".

They call it the "star of the tenth moon". When it appears, the description is more like a materialisation than the approach of an object. "The star is not easy to see...the ten rays placed in pairs are inside the circle because the star has not yet "emerged"; it will be formed when the Nommo's ark descends, for it is also the resurrected Nommo's "eye" symbolically".

Here we have a possible connection with Sitchin's "12th Planet", as he says the asteroid belt was originally a planet (the tenth), with 11 moons, which was destroyed when it collided with one of the moons of "Marduk" (Nibiru) - the 12th planet on the 3,600 year orbit.

The Dogon say that the Nommo will come again. "A certain "star" in the sky will appear once more" - the star of the tenth moon. The Dogon also say that "po tolo (Sirius B) and Sirius were once where the Sun now is".

All this is very strange, but it’s getting stranger...

No More Firmament

In the early 1920s Antonin Artaud wrote a one-act surrealist play called "There Is No More Firmament". After everyday scenes, there is rising panic as the Sun gets bigger and plague breaks out, accompanied by thundering noises; someone says, "It was a magnetic phenomenon", then a loudspeaker announces, "STUPENDOUS DISCOVERY. SKY PHYSICALLY ABOLISHED. EARTH ONLY A MINUTE AWAY FROM SIRIUS. NO MORE FIRMAMENT." One actor claims it is the end of the world. Another says it is 2 worlds ramming each other. There is a chant hailing the new ruler, King Mob. A revolutionary says, "We won't see the Antichrist yet"; then a scientist explains: "The molecular grouping in Sirius is everything. These two forces, ours and theirs, had to be put in touch with each other".

This brings us back to the Tarot, and Atu 17, The Star, which Kenneth Grant tells us is the "key to the Aeon of Horus", as it represents Sirius, the Star of Isis, the mother of Horus, who is "the son of this God, and the sun or father of our solar system". In Antoine Court de Gebelin's pack, of the late 18th century, Atu 17 is titled "The Dog Star", which is Sirius, and is accompanied by 7 other stars, which probably represent the constellation of Canis Major, The Great Dog, of which Sirius is a part (or possibly Ursa Major).


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:31 am

Millionaires don't have astrologers, billionaires do.

Sun Gods Zodiac Aquarius Seven Chakras Meditation Kundalini Chi Mayan 2012 Ezekiel's wheels
The biggest error in the program is RELIGION, something not as easily fixed, as grammatical errors.

Does the Bible contain a written coded language, just like the Matrix? Yes it does, that coded language is called MYTHOLOGY; it can only be deciphered if you have enough RAM in your computer/skull.

Like the coded message in the Bible revealing the constant speed of LIGHT, hidden in scripture. The tribe of JUDAH facing EAST the rising sun (light) 186,400 in all their camp.

The matrix code like the Bible is all Jibbersish unless one has the keys to unlocking the code. Drinking milk will NOT do it.

The DNA double-helix, is it in the Bible? Yes, if the speed of light is in the bible, so is DNA "Gods word" written within, of course. The 22 chromosomes are there as well, the book of Gene-Isis (the book of the beginnings), is the book of genes, written in mythology.

Looks like circular staircase or Ladder, and it says that even the hairs of our head are numbered. "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered". Mt10:30. DNA? Of course, it's the "book of life (the word of god)" and you're that book, the code that's written within you.

Chromosome 22 was the first chromosome ever to be read from end to end. It has fifty million letters on it. It's like a document fifty million letters long. The whole genome is 3.3 billion letters long. That's as long as 800 copies of the bible. And yet each of us has inside each one of our cells the entire document. So it's like having 100 trillion copies of a book as long as the bible inside ourselves.

This is the book that was finally read by the Human Genome Project, ending in the year 2000. 23 chromosomes come from the mother and 23 from the father. In each set of 23, 22 chromosomes are autosomal and one is sex-determining. The sex-determining ones are the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. The Number 22 is the Number of Revelation. It governs the overall structure of Scripture, and 3.3, is that 33? And what about all those fifties throughout the Old Testament, are these coincidences?

CHI 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet; Chi Eastern life force: there 22 letters in both the Greek and Hebrew alphabet.

What is so fascinating about Chi is that as the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet (pronounced KI), the 22nd chromosome was the first chromosome to have its genetic structure decoded, and in Stedmans medical dictionary, chromosome 22 is named Christ Church Chromosome.

22 chromosomes, 22 books in revelations, 22 bones make up the human skull, 22 major arcana in the tarot deck and 22 is the number of consciousness in Greek.

Jacobs ladder, see the angels/angles of light/photons, descending up and down?

There are thirty-three (33) generations leading to David, and then thirty-three (33) leading to Jesus. Then note that all of the sixty-six names.

Amazingly, Jesus is #66 from Adam! Just like the number of books in the Bible! 6+6=12, the number of disciples or cranial nerves in the brain.

There are many scriptures relating to DNA in scripture.

The universe can be thought of as a giant symphony of sound, with each entity represented by a unique underlying numeric property or unique sound. All things are nothing more than an expression of something numeric or harmonic. You can see God in the order and harmony of the Universe. Geometry is God himself. The universe is a musical instrument and everything in it is vibrating in tune with the larger things that contain it. In India it's called the "Hloy Shabad" (sound current).

I am about to tear apart the self-perpetuating myth that the bible is a book that is the LITERAL word of god, and a Jewish history book. It is NO such thing. Believing that the bible is LITERAL is the biggest MYTH of all, and that's the LITERAL truth, CONFUSED? It is mythology showing you how to overcome the lower/ego/matrix mind, and raise your consciousness to the highest cosmic/God conscious state, "all scripture is given by the inspiration of god" who by the way, who speaks in dark sayings of old "mythology".

Myth: That the bible is the LITERAL word of a god.

Fact: The Bible is Mythology, written by Mythicists.

Myth: The Bible is in no way related to Hinduism, Buddhism and Yoga.

Fact: The entire Bible is mythology describing the practice of kundalini yoga, the number SEVEN is found 735 times in the Bible. SEVENFOLD is mentioned 6 times and SEVENTH is found 119 times, the SEVEN are always making reference to the seven seals/chakras Gen 7:2 "Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female".

Origen’s writings were some of the most influential in the early church. He developed more fully Philo’s and Clement’s ideas of allegorical interpretation, understanding three levels of interpretation within a text that corresponded to three aspects of the human being.

Origen found foreshadowing types all through the Old Testament, not just in the more obvious messianic prophecies. He believed every story held spiritual significance if interpreted rightly. He also allegorized New Testament texts to symbolize the progress of the soul.

Allegorical interpretation allowed Origen to use the Old Testament in an abstract way that disregarded the seeming absurdities of the Jewish God who walked in gardens and spoke on mountains in the form of fire bushes.

Allegorical interpretation also helped Origen to affirm the Old Testament against Christians like the followers of Marcion, who rejected it completely. Rather than defending each story, he could insist that the other readers simply had not gone deeply enough into the meaning. The allegorical reading could find further, "spiritual" meanings containing universal and eternal truths, an idea reflecting Plato and Plato's idea that what we call god was simply TRANSCENDENCE, as taught by the Buddha and also the Great Tao and the Bhagavad Gita.


The Christian Book of Life:

Revelation 5:1 provides the following description. "And I saw in the right hand (right hemisphere of the brain/eastern sky or right side), of him who sat on the throne, (brain), a book, (the book of life), written within (within the human body), and on the back side, (the spine), sealed with seven seals (Seven seals/Seven Chakras).

You have just read the Hindu kundalini in the Christian Book of Revelation. We draw lines in the sand separating the spiritual books, and your bible is largely Buddhist and Hindu mythology describing the kundalini, the opening of the seven seals or chakras on your backside, it just shows how far religions have gone to keep the wall of separation up, but we shall tear down that wall, as Regan once asked the Russians to do, it is the iron curtain, because it keeps everyone operating in the lower self, which in alchemy is various metals, like Tubal Cain of the bible myth, it is the lower level of consciousness where the leaders of this world want to keep you, it is easier to control you. And god CANNOT remove these chariots of iron (lower levels of consciousness).

The biggest secret concerning the Bible is that the bible is a book about the mind, and the thoughts that arise out of one's own consciousness, either positive good thoughts, or negative bad thoughts, every single story in the Bible is making reference to this mind stuff, it is the most clever book ever put together in this regard. The Bible is the world's second great psychology book, completely cloaked in crazy stories.

Albert Churchward, in The Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man, sums up the influence of the zodiac upon religious symbolism in the following words: “The division here [is] in twelve parts, the twelve signs of the Zodiac, twelve tribes of Israel, twelve gates of heaven mentioned in Revelation, and twelve entrances or portals to be passed through in the Great Pyramid, before finally reaching the highest degree, and twelve Apostles in the Christian doctrines, and the twelve original and perfect points in Masonry etc.....”

The ancients believed that the theory of man’s being made in the image of God was to be understood literally. They maintained that the universe was a great organism not unlike the human body /brain, and that every phase and function of the Universal brain had a correspondence in man. The most precious Key to Wisdom that the priests communicated to the new initiates was what they termed the law of analogy. Therefore, to the ancients, the study of the stars was a sacred science, for they saw in the movements of the celestial bodies the ever-present activity of the Infinite Father.

The winter solstice, 21st December 2012, will see our solar system come into perfect synchronous alignment with the galactic equator of the Milky Way. This event will mark the synchronous completion of an 86,400 year galactic cycle and a 25,920 year planetary cycle. This alignment event also marks the transition from the age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

As we approach alignment, the Solar system is experiencing substantial increases in energetic radiation, years when our solar system aligns with the galactic equator during the winter solstice. Galactic radiation has enormous influence on human life. For example, our ESP ability peaks by 450% each day, during the period when the galactic center is overhead.

We are already witnessing many effects of this increasing energy, including increasing severity and heightened sense of panic in all major world events ranging from human disasters to global politics, economics and religion. The Sun is pulsating more energetically with increased solar flare and sunspot activity.

The Time of Global Change is at Hand. What is the end of the World for some is a New World for those who realize it is. To surrender logistical mind into galactic awareness is to surrender fear into Love. What was, shall no longer be - what was not, can now become.

Like the mythical phoenix, which arose in its own ashes, the Ram was chosen as a natural symbol of resurrection because of its ability, when shorn, to replenish its stock of wool. In so many ways and in so many places man was continually taught by God, in Nature as well as in the Sky and in the Heavens, that God was "life" and that God provided for all life "a rebirth" of the "same"; not different but the "same".

It was this "same Sun" that was reborn, it was this "same" plant that grew again, it was this "same" tree that blossomed again, it was this "same moon" that was born from the dead each month, it was this "same" Sun that rose from the dead daily, it was this "same" Sun that rose from the dead of the Winter Solstice each year in renewed life, it was this "same" Constellation that reappeared at the Vernal Equinox every 25,920 years (12 Houses, each ruling the Vernal Equinox for 2,160 years according to the Precession of the Equinox".

Man understood like the Ram in the Sky and like "Mother Earth" he will follow this SAME PATTERN of all life above him (Sky/Heaven) and around him (Nature); man will live again! We have here "Eternal Life" at is foundation. Man will follow in the "same order" what God was speaking to him "above him, and around him". So as Above, So beneath!

The sacred knowledge was concealed from the majority of people within the allegorical scriptures, so that (1) it could be both preserved for those who could use it; and perhaps even more importantly, (2) to be retrieved in the future by those who originally concealed it within the allegorical text of the scriptures. The fact that by writing the scriptures in this manner, the most ignorant would preserve it from generation to generation often spanning thousands of years demonstrates the absolute genus of the enlightened authors.

And all the alleged prophecies of a Second Coming, Armageddon and an End Times, is an allegorical portrayal of the Anointing, Liberation and Enlightenment of the seekers own mind.

Universal truth is universal when you know the science of your own being.

A true Christian follows in the footsteps of their role model. Yet very few that actually call themselves Christians follow anything Jesus said, because they do not understand the parable and the MYTHOLOGY of the Bible.

The secret is not to look for happiness outside of the self but seek it within. This was the good news that the true teachings of Jesus Christ, the Buddha and many others conveyed.

The Mystery of Revelation: To go from a lower plane to a higher one, by allowing the energy in the solar (sun) plexus within you, to open the pearly gates of heaven, the 12 cranial nerves of your brain, thereby opening the crown chakra, that's the seventh day of creation.

There shall be signs in the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars. Jesus Christ, Luke 21:25

Jesus is the SUN, and in order for the energy from the SUN to impact the human brain and bring about a change in consciousness, the SUN/JESUS will have to send forth its power/ELECTROMAGNETISM. This is what the sun aligning with the milky has to do with, and solar flares/magnetism reaching the brains of those people here on earth. The earth being destroyed, is not the literal earth, but the old mind, the old conscious, in mythology, the earth is always the brain and the physical body.

Keep in mind also that the human brain is an electrical instrument.

A total change in thinking and understanding caused by a brain power surge.

It's a new season in the cosmos, and we are all part of it, the changes will come, the world is sick of tyrannical dictators and leaders, the lies, the greed of those in high places, many in the world have little, while many have way too much, this world is unbalanced because of them, the Nephilim/EGO, the change has to come, there's no stopping it, the SUN GODS are returning, the planet Uranus is returning to claim its bride Gaia/the Earth.

Jesus said, when we see the man with the pitcher of water/Aquarius, to follow him, and that this would be the time of the Passover; the passover is the passing over from an old mentality (ego mind), to a new or renewed mind (non ego) (The SON of MAN), for the good all living things. The SON of Man in the bible is NOT Jesus, it is the renewed mind; it's YOUR SON, do you understand?

This is happening now, as evidenced by the suppressed peoples of the Middle East rioting and protesting against this OLD guard or OLD style of thinking, these OLD ways of thinking must end, so that a new consciousness for the good of all people will rise from the ashes of these repressed regimes, even in the U.S. this is coming, no country will be immune. It is Aquarius and Uranus energies, these entities are the renewers. The protests in Madison Wisconsin are just the beginning. The entire world system is ROTTEN, and was built from man's LOWER mind thinking.

It is an established truth that from the sun (center of the solar system) is derived all force, every power and variety of phenomena that manifests itself upon Earth. Solar system passes through one sign of celestial zodiac in 2,160 years (a twelfth part of total orbit of 25,920 years), hosting an astral influx peculiar to a particular zodiac sign.

No two signs are alike in nature or quality, hence the passage of the solar system from one sign into another causes a change of polarity in planetary action. The earth, in an annual passage orbiting the sun, receives the harmonious or discordant vibrations of this astral influx in multi-dimensions. Because all vibrates harmoniously to the stellar (astral) cause, hence every 2160 years a new astral influx is manifested on Earth, unto us humans. In this new era, upon whose threshold we now stand, the winter solstice, 21st December 2012, the vibrations will be more intense and enhanced. This is called ‘a mass-ascension’ or ‘the great shift’ in scientific lexicon.

To illustrate: In December 2012, the sun shall pass from phase of one zodiac, Pisces, into another, Aquarius. This is beginning a new cycle of dynamism through galactic and quantum forces, interacting through heliosphere and heliopause (periphery of the solar system within the orion arm of galaxy), beyond which exists all zodiacs, and much more about astro-world.

Yes! It is the doomsday, not for the earth, but for the ‘old cyclic phase’ of one of the zodiac signs, Pisces, where a redundant livingness is witnessed at large across the globe. But the same is a dynamic incarnation for a ‘new cyclic phase’ through another zodiac sign, Aquarius, thereby transiting a move to higher vibration, a new astral-influx, where earth as a whole, inclusive of humans in an enhanced form will make a difference. Human knowledge and acuity of mind are for sure to gain enhancement, through this doomsday! Charanjeet Singh Lamba

This solar system we are in is currently in the great galactic alignment, zero day is fast approaching, sometime towards the end of December of 2012 or early January 2013 according to NASA.

For the past 50 years Earth and the rest of the solar system have been feeling the effects of entering this alignment, each year the climate, earthquakes, volcanic activity have been progressively getting more extreme, due to the cosmic forces being amplified by the nearing of this solar system to the center of the Milky Way galaxy we are in, Planetary orbits and axis tilts are all being affected by this positioning in the galaxy.

The biggest effect that these corona mass ejections (solar flares) will have is on the human brain/mind, the electrical appliance sitting on top of your shoulders.

I tell you now that you cannot possibly listen to only one group, or one support, or and know everything. Look for, and consume all of the information from the many, and it will fit together for your puzzle and for your enlightenment. – Kryon


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:01 am

As antiquity gave way to modern history, the religious power structure shifted to an autocracy of the knowable, or a 'scientific dictatorship.' Subtly and swiftly, the ruling class seized control of science and used it as an 'epistemological weapon' against the masses. This article will show that the history and background of this 'scientific dictatorship' is a conspiracy, created and micro-managed by the historical tide of Darwinism, which has its foundations in Freemasonry.

In The Architecture of Modern Political Power, Daniel Pouzzner outlines the tactics employed by the elite to maintain their dominance. Among them is: 'Ostensible control over the knowable, by marketing institutionally accredited science as the only path to true understanding' (Pouzzner, 75). Thus, the ruling class endeavors to discourage independent reason while exercising illusory power over human knowledge. This tactic of control through knowledge suppression and selective dissemination is reiterated in the anonymously authored document Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.

Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on earth. Natural science is the study of the sources and control of natural energy, and social science, theoretically expressed as economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both are bookkeeping systems. Mathematics is the primary energy science. And the bookkeeper can be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodology of the bookkeeping. All science is merely a means to an end. The means is knowledge. The end is control (Keith, Secret and Suppressed, 203).

The word 'science' is derived from the Latin word scientia, which means 'knowing.' Epistemology is the study of the nature and origin of knowledge. This elite monopoly of the knowable, which is enforced through institutional science, could be characterized as an "epistemological cartel." The ruling class has bribed the 'bookkeepers' (i.e., natural and social scientists). Meanwhile, the masses practically deify the 'bookkeepers' of the elite, and remain 'ignorant of the methodology of the bookkeeping.' The unknown author of Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars provides an eloquently simple summation: 'The means is knowledge. The end is control. Beyond this remains only one issue:

Who will be the beneficiary?' (Keith, Secret and Suppressed, 203). In Brave New World Revisited , Aldous Huxley more succinctly defined this epistemological cartel:

The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles, and mysteries.

Under a scientific dictatorship, education will really work' with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution.

This is the ultimate objective of the elite: an oligarchy legitimized by arbitrarily anointed expositors of 'knowledge' or, in Huxley's own words, a 'scientific dictatorship.'

Since the Sun God (and his various relations, including sons and wives) were, after several thousands years of worship, beginning to fray around the edges in terms of believability, and a lot commoners were beginning to grumble that this stuff was all made up, the Illuminati came up with a new and improved version of their mind control software that didn't depend upon the Sun God or Moon Goddess for ultimate authority (Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 78).

Priests and rituals were soon supplanted by a new breed of 'bookkeepers' and a new 'methodology of bookkeeping.' Keith elaborates:

As the Sun/Moon cult lost some of its popularity, 'Scientists' were quick to take up some of the slack. According to their propaganda, the physical laws of the universe were the ultimate causative factors, and naturally, those physical laws were only fathomable by the scientific (i.e. Illuminati) elite (Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 78-79).
This consciously induced paradigm shift facilitated the emergence of the elite's new theocracy. The official state-sanctioned religion of this theocracy was 'scientism': the belief that the investigational methods of the natural sciences should be ecumenically imposed upon all fields of inquiry. This form of epistemological imperialism is not to be confused with legitimate science.

It must be understood that this new institution of knowing is a form of mysticism like its religious precursors. Contemporary science is predicated upon empiricism, the idea that all knowledge is derived exclusively through the senses. Yet, an exclusively empirical approach relegates cause to the realm of metaphysical fantasy. This holds enormous ramifications for science.

Returning to Pouzzner's previous statement, 'ostensible control over the knowable' is achieved through the promulgation of 'institutionally accredited science' (Pouzzner, 75). Now, the elite had to meet two requirements to insure their epistemological dominance: a science specifically designed for their needs and an institution to accredit and disseminate it.

The new secular church and clergy of the elite originated within the walls of the British Royal Society. The creators of the Royal Society were also members of the Masonic Lodge. According to Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln in Holy Blood, Holy Grail:

Virtually all the Royal Society's founding members were Freemasons. One could reasonably argue that the Royal Society itself, at least in its inception, was a Masonic institution - derived, through Andrea's Christian Unions, from the 'invisible Rosicrucian brotherhood' (Baigent, et al, 144).

Before the advent of the British Royal Society, science (i.e., the study of natural phenomena) and theology (i.e., the study of God) were inseparable. The two were not separate repositories of knowledge, but natural correlatives.

The cryptocracy has successfully harnessed to its own ends the huge potential for promoting secret political-occult agendas to the public, by presenting them as unassailable 'objective scientific truth.' Since the bogey of 'science' instills in secularists a sort of blind reverence, opponents of political and occult agendas promoted through the propaganda of scientism are quickly stigmatized as 'Neanderthal,' especially with regard to their opposition to Darwinism, a dogma proved false by Norman Macbeth in his magisterial Darwin Retried and exposed as a cult by Gertrude Himmelfarb in Darwin (Hoffman, 49).

Suddenly, 'ostensible control over the knowable' became the Divine Providence of god-like 'bookkeepers.' Meanwhile, their opponents became heretics and were 'burned at the stake' (i.e., marginalized by academia and other secular institutions). Hoffman states:

The doctrine of man playing god reaches its nadir in the philosophy of scientism which makes possible the complete mental, spiritual and physical enslavement of mankind through technologies such as satellite and computer surveillance; a state of affairs symbolized by the 'All Seeing Eye' above the unfinished pyramid on the U.S. one dollar bill (Hoffman, 50).

With the British Royal Society acting as their headquarters of propaganda, the elite had created an institution to provide credibility for their specially designed 'science.' Now, they needed to introduce the 'science.' Recall that the founding members of the Royal Society were all Freemasons.

According to Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of Charles Darwin, was the first to promulgate the concept of evolution:

Erasmus Darwin was the founder of the Lunar Society. According to author Ian Taylor, the Lunar Society was active from about 1764 to 1800 and its prominent influence 'continued long afterwards under the banner of The Royal Society.' The group's name owed itself to the fact that members met monthly at the time of the full moon.

Interestingly enough, in an article by Lord Richie-Calder, Lunar Society members were assigned the very esoteric appellation of 'merchants of light.' This was precisely the same description used for the hypothetical society presented in Sir Francis Bacon's New Atlantis (Taylor, 55).

Webster pointed out that one of the earliest and most eminent precursors of Freemasonry is said to have been Francis Bacon, who is also recognized to have been a Rosicrucian; the Rosicrucian and Freemason orders were closely allied and may have had a common source (Taylor, 445).

Now, it is easy to show that Darwinism, one of the pillars of modern biology, is nothing but a kind of cult, a cult religion. I am not exaggerating. It has no scientific validity whatsoever. Darwin's so-called theory of evolution is based on absurdly irrational propositions, which did not come from scientific observations, but were artificially introduced from the outside, for political-ideological reasons (Tennenbaum).

Given Darwinism's roots in occult Freemasonry and its expedient promotion of an emergent species of supermen, this is a fairly accurate assessment. Charles Darwin acted as the elite's apostle, preaching the new secular gospel of evolution. Darwinism could be considered a Freemasonic project, the culmination of a publicity campaign conducted by the Lodge. Evidence for this contention can be found in controversial Protocols of the Wise Men of Sion.

In addition to establishing the Lodge's official sanction of Darwinism, this excerpt also reveals a direct relationship between Marxism, Nietzsche-ism, and evolutionary theory.
Part 2
In Morals and Dogma, 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike bestows special honor upon Sirius, a heavenly body that 'still glitters in our Lodges as the Blazing Star' (Pike, 486). Indeed, Sirius represents a foundational axiom of the Masonic Craft. Pike explains that the star is: ''an emblem of the Divine Truth, given by God to the first men, and preserved amid all the vicissitudes of ages in the traditions and teachings of Masonry' (Pike, 136). As Pike continues, he reveals that Sirius has also held numerous other appellations: 'The Blazing Star in our Lodges, we have already said, represents Sirius, Anubis, or Mercury, Guardian and Guide of Souls' (Pike, 506).

Whatever its name, the star represents an entity of great esoteric significance to Freemasonry:
In the old Lectures they said: 'The Blazing Star or Glory in the centre refers us to that Grand Luminary the Sun, which enlightens the Earth, and by its genial influence dispenses blessings to mankind' (Pike, 506).

A little later, Pike reiterates: ''the Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the Ancients was the Sun' (Pike, 506). Recall that before the external characteristics of the oligarchs' control apparatus were cosmetically altered to present a 'scientific dictatorship,' the elite ruled through institutionalized Sun worship (Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 78-79). Within these statements, Pike provides a brief glimpse of the god of Freemasonry. Although the topographical features of its theocracy have changed, the deity has remained the same and his identity is associated with the star called Sirius.

According to Pike, Sirius was responsible for imparting numerous innovations to mankind:

He was Sirius or the Dog-Star, the friend and counselor of Osiris, and the inventor of language, grammar, astronomy, surveying, arithmetic, music, and medical science; the first maker of laws; and who taught the worship of the Gods, and the building of temples (Pike, 376).

It is interesting to note that, among his various contributions, this Freemasonic deity was responsible for the introduction of several forms of science. Does Sirius also represent the Lodge's 'ostensible control over the knowable?' Is the Dog-Star a symbol of the elite's 'scientific dictatorship?' Michael Hoffman further elaborates on the identity of Sirius:

The mythical Satanic bringer of civilization to earth was supposed to be an alien from the star system Sirius, around whom the Egyptians and all subsequent Hermetic systems constructed their elaborate and obsessive religio-astronomic observances. This star Sirius also served as an astronomic secret code, an allegory of the illusory quality and inherent 'trickiness' of the material world (Hoffman, 26-27).

This Freemasonic mythology of extraterrestrial intervention in human evolution may be poised for a return. Given the impossibility of spontaneous generation, Darwinism has faced a major obstacle to its unquestioned primacy. Recognizing this obstacle, scientific materialist Francis Crick presented a theory bearing an uncanny resemblance to the Sirius myth. According to Crick, technologically advanced extraterrestrials 'seeded' the earth with life billions of years ago.

Whether Crick was privy to the occult doctrines of the elite or was simply following the natural course of Darwinism's memetic metastasis, one thing is certain, he and other proponents of similar 'extraterrestrial intervention' theories are paving the way for the re-introduction of Freemasonic mysticism to mainstream science.

There is a distinct possibility that the agentur of the elite are already in the process of facilitating the re-introduction of this myth. With the veracity of Darwinism in question, the effectiveness of this meme has been declining and, with it, the influence of the ruling class. Of course, this is something that the elite cannot allow to happen. Consider the following account of Linda Moulton Howe. During a meeting with Richard Doty, an intelligence officer with the United States military, Howe was presented with a briefing paper regarding alien visitation. In its body, Howe read an interesting claim regarding the crumbling theory of Darwinism: 'It stated that all questions and mysteries about the evolution of Homo sapiens on this planet had been answered and that project was closed' (Howe, 151).

How convenient! By what means did these extraterrestrials facilitate the evolutionary process? Reiterating the basic contentions of Crick, the paper stated that:

'These ETs have come at various intervals in the earth's history to manipulate DNA in already existing terrestrial primates and perhaps in other life forms as well. To the best of my memory, the time intervals for this DNA manipulation specifically listed in the briefing paper were 25,000, 15,000, 5,000, and 2,500 years ago (Howe, 151).

Faced with the impossibility of spontaneous generation and the inexorable collapse of Darwinism, the elite could now be invoking an 'extraterrestrial intervention' myth cribbed from their own doctrines. Given Richard Doty's military intelligence connections, this remains a very real possibility. The Freemasonic doctrine of Sirius has circulated within military intelligence groups for quite some time. According to researcher James Shelby Downard, there exists a cult of Sirius adherents at the highest levels of the CIA (Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 49). Researcher Jim Keith elaborates:

He cites as one of their ritual locations the telescope viewing room of the Palomar Observatory in California. There, he says, the adepts of the Sirius-military intelligence cult enact rituals in the telescopically-focused light of the Dog Star, in imitation of the Egyptian priesthood, astral rays bathing the viewing chamber and the participants when the telescope is aimed Sirius-ward (Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 49).

Keith proceeds to cite the case of military intelligence officer Michael Aquino:

Utter madness? Tell that to Colonel Michael Aquino of U.S. military intelligence, the admitted head of the satanic Temple of Set, a deity [Set] identified in occultism with Sirius. Aquino makes no bones about the fact that he is the head of his offshoot of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan, known to draw many of its leaders from military circles. Again, we see the strange conjunction of Sirius, occultism, and military intelligence (Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 49).

Those who comprise this 'strange conjunction' could also be responsible for the perpetration of a disinformation campaign, derivative of Masonic doctrine and designed to maintain the waning dominance of Darwinism.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:05 pm

The Dogon say that the "spaceship" of the visitors - the Nommo - looked "like a new star", and that they will return one day, when "a certain star will reappear"
Mayan End Age 12-21-2012 ... 1-2012.htm
"Both the Hopis and Mayans recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age... In both cases, however, the Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another.

The mystery of the Serpent Mound boils down to the questions of who designed it, who constructed it, and why.

Whatever its origin, properly understood, the symbolism of the stellar serpent contained in the Great serpent Mound may be viewed as a golden thread running through all the great religious systems of the world and potentially functioning as a key to their secrets.

We are living today in the cusp of the Mayan end times, the end of a galactic day or time period spanning thousands of years. One galactic day of 25,625 years is divided into five cycles of 5,125 years.

The Great Cycle of the Mayan Long Count calendar ends on the winter solstice of 2012 A.D. Following Mayan concepts of cyclic time and World Age transitions, this is as much about beginnings as endings. In fact, it was considered by the ancient Mayans to signify the creation of a new World Age. We are almost at the end of the fifth and final 5,125 year cycle!

The Solstice on December 21, 2012 -- precisely at 11:11 AM Universal Time -- marks the completion of the 5,125 year Great Cycle of the Ancient Maya Long Count Calendar. ... 450#p38166
Quaoar was discovered in the constellation of Ophiuchus. Chiron, Ophiuchus and Quaoar form an interesting triangle; handling, bridging and manifesting original intent. Ophiuchus is a rather sprawling constellation covering a large area, it has a wide reach and this is also true of its influences. Through the ages, its stars have been looked upon as dangerous for mankind, occasioning much mortality by poisoning.

The last Age of Ophiuchus was from about 4500 BC to 2500 BC. Now that the Serpent Holder has returned, we have the opportunity to "remember" and once again access ancient wisdom from that time and specifically wisdom related to "serpent energy".

Since the late 1930s, all the planets have astrologically passed through Ophiuchus' area of the sky. All but one, that is. The planet Pluto began its journey through Ophiuchus and the Serpent around the start of the 1990s. Pluto will complete its journey through Ophiuchus around 2012, the date many of us recognize as the end of an over 5000-year long Mayan calendar cycle. The Mayan calendar is based on galactic astrology cycles. These are cycles involving the stars, such as the Pleiades. ... 450#p38170

Two things become apparent with the photograph that was not visible with astronomy software. First, the prominence of the galactic center, and the fact that it could easily be identified with the entrance/exit a cosmic birth canal through a cosmic cervix. Second, the relationship of Ophiuchus to the "celestial" image of birth is unmistakable. Ophiuchus can be seen on the photograph, standing with one leg on the cosmic cervix, and drawing the umbilical cord (Serpens) out through the birth canal at the "dark rift," where Quetzalcoatl waits to be reborn.

The "one legged" aspect of Ophiuchus has long been a concern of research. Now, with the photographic evidence it is clear that the primordial First Father of the Maya was symbolized in the birth process which surrounds Ophiuchus at the galactic center. He can be visualized as being photographed in the cosmic birth process (creation) as if it were a single frame of an eternal moving film. On his one leg, he swirls the hurricane of the cosmos, and the result is history (his story).

When the material photographic evidence is enhanced by the proper dot-to-dot connections, the stele on the cover of Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 showing First Father coming out of the mouth of First Mother is a clear representation of what is shown in the stars at the center of the galaxy. The material presence of the Cosmic Mother does not reveal the intent of the Cosmic Father, until some rational order is added to the apparent randomness of the celestial images. This is the birth moment of rationality, i.e., First Father. That rational order is the "Heart of the Sky" while the material essence is the "Heart of the Earth."
Ra resided in the asterism where the equinoxes and solstices arose from the cloud of the Milky Way at Ophiuchus. Tem was the last asterism before these seasonal markers dropped into the Milky Way. Two great circles which cross at the north and south poles pass through the two equinoxes and the two solstices. These circles are defined as the colure of the equinoxes and the colure of the solstices. They are the two most important great circles of the celestial sphere, for they identify the seasons and are the primary measure of time in the cosmos. When the colure rise above the Milky Way at Ohpiuchus, that is a moment of creation and the coming forth by day. When the colure drop to the Milky Way, that is the evening and the end of day. Below the Milky Way is the region of night, darkness, and the Duat of Osiris.
Zeta Ophiuchi -- Runaway Star Plowing Through Space Dust ... 55_prt.htm
The blue star near the center of this image is Zeta Ophiuchi. When seen in visible light it appears as a relatively dim red star surrounded by other dim stars and no dust. However, in this infrared image taken with NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, a completely different view emerges. Zeta Ophiuchi is actually a very massive, hot, bright blue star plowing its way through a large cloud of interstellar dust and gas.

Astronomers theorize that this stellar juggernaut was likely once part of a binary star system with an even more massive partner. It's believed that when the partner exploded as a supernova, blasting away most of its mass, Zeta Ophiuchi was suddenly freed from its partner's pull and shot away like a bullet moving 24 kilometers per second (54,000 miles per hour). Zeta Ophiuchi is about 20 times more massive and 65,000 times more luminous than the sun. If it weren't surrounded by so much dust, it would be one of the brightest stars in the sky and appear blue to the eye. While the sun will eventually become a quiet white dwarf, Zeta Ophiuchi, like its ex-partner, will ultimately die in a massive explosion called a supernova.
The Sirius Star System and the Secret Teachings of the Ancient Dogons of Central Africa ... 6949.shtml
The Honorable Minister Farrakhan and his delegation were hosted by then president Alpha Oumar Konare' in the capital of Bamako. Mali is the home to the more than 1,000-year University of Timbuktu and is also home to the mysterious Dogon Tribe who disclosed in the last century in 1931 evidence of their sacred ceremonies and teachings originating with visitors from the Dog Star System of Sirius.

In this remote desert-like environment, they have handed down from generation to generation their genealogical link to this distant star system which is also related to the beliefs and teachings of ancient Egypt. Millennium of years prior to the age of modern astronomy and modern telescopes and observatories, they tell about the visit of their ancestral gods and scientists and teachers named Nommos.

They identify them as traveling in a fiery spaceship and the appearance of a new star called the Tenth Moon which has only been recently identified by astronomers as the Tenth Moon orbiting the planet Saturn. They were also taught about the giant planet Jupiter and other closer planets in our solar system. They were instructed about the invisible stars B and C which rotate around Sirius A, which were also only recently discovered by astronomers in 1977 and 1995.

Again, they also relay through oral traditions and drawings that their teachings were brought to them by beings from that Sirius Star System who arrived in fiery air born ships which anchored on our planet and are described as the teachers of the ancient sciences of our universe.

This ancient wisdom also included the knowledge of the retrograde orbit of our Tenth Moon circling the planet Saturn named Phoebe, the rings of Jupiter and its connection to earth. They were informed about the orbit of the planet Venus and Mars. They were initiated into the ancient cosmology of the stars pertaining to the mechanics of our universe.

The Dog Star Sirius as we have studied outshines all other known stars in our canopy of stars located in the Canis Major Constellation (Big Dog). Since ancient times the Sirius Star System is also related to the Egyptian mysteries taught by the divine couple or pair Isis and Osiris. They are noted in ancient Egyptian lore as the sacred marriage that connects the constellations of Sirius and Orion with Sirius B representing the goddess sister Nefitus.

Author, Robert Temple, in his book, “The Sirius Mystery,” writes in the first chapter and opening paragraph the following words, “How could the ancient and secret traditions of an African tribe contain highly precise astrophysical information about invisible stars in the Sirius Star System? Some of it has only been discovered very recently by modern scientists, half a century after it was recorded by anthropologists studying the tribe. … In 1995, the French astronomers Daniel Benest and J.L. Dudent published the result of years of study in the Journal, Astronomy and Astrophysics, stating that a small, red, dwarf star Sirius C seems to exist in the system of the star Sirius. They have detected a perturbation which cannot be explained by any other means.”

In another part of his book on page 32, he explains the appearance of this phenomenal scientific information disclosed by the Dogon Tribe. “Is there any clue in the traditions as to where any sleeping Nommos might be? There is in the Dogon tradition. For the Dogon differentiates very clearly between the fiery, roaring landing craft which they describe as bringing the Nommos to Earth, and the new star which appeared in the sky while they were here, which would seem to be a reference to their larger base parked in orbit. This is called the ‘Star of the Tenth Moon.' The Dogon do three drawings of it showing it in separate stages which seem to imply that it could be expanded and contracted as a sphere at will.”

As remarkable as the above information may be, we have to compare this knowledge to the coming of the Great Mahdi to America in 1930, named W. Fard Muhammad, who also taught us through the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad about civilizations on other planets and pointed out the discovery of the planet Pluto, also newly discovered in 1930 at the time of his first public appearance.

He also pointed out the appearance of two stars in the southeast corner of the heavens, a blue and a red star, as a sign of universal change in the civilization on our planet. He also pointed out the presence of the Great Mother's Wheel and the advanced civilization on board this manmade planet. He also taught that we would come into the knowledge of a new educational system that would teach us advanced mathematics and astronomy and the mechanics of the universe showing us how our ancient people built great monuments on earth aligned to the stars. ... 946#p49639

Recently Louis Farrakhan, leader of the nation of Islam delivered a speech that sounded like it was from a Hollywood blockbuster film about aliens and the end of the world. He also stated that in a vision Elijah Mohammed saw that in the future the arrival of the UFO would take place upon the discovery of a second star or companion to our sun. He mentions a blue star or darker star appearing next to a red fiery star.

The cosmic catastrophes that I wish to speak of have so many variables. In the 21st century we now pay attention to things like “long counts” developed by ancient astronomers and stone calendars that speak in metaphor and deliver due dates that indicate “super waves” or cosmic anomalies will somehow show “serpent ropes” of the Gods from the Galactic Center itself.

When I speak of serpent ropes I take the term form the ancient writings of the Maya and the biblical references to the arrival of a Black Sun. The Black Sun was originally thought to be a reference to an eclipsed sun.

Coming from the dark mass were coronal ejections that appeared to be like fiery ropes or snakes. These coronal storms would find their way to earth and create devastating earthquakes, tsunamis and weather changes. At the time of the Black Sun’s appearance it was believed that the earth was about to end its cycle and with that cyclical end would come the deluge of fire.

The Black Sun was and still is a symbol of power in many darker secret societies. The societies claimed that this sacred symbol created an infinite beam of light which though invisible to the human eye existed in anti–matter.

The Black Sun symbol had several other meanings as well. It represented the Dark star, the Death Star or the fallen star or the dark moon. Hitler became a member of the Black sun society a secret group within the Thule society. Thule beliefs were based in the writings of Theosophist Madame Blavatsky. Blavatsky wrote in her book Isis unveiled that the return of the Black Sun or death star would be evident when the 13th house of Mazzaroth is active from the core of Ophiuchus. The 13th house is the Serpent holder and from it will come the Black Sun.

Blavatsky wrote, “The sudden star, though seen by all of the Earth, does not elicit the fear it should even as fire begins to stain the Northern skies. But, when Mars retreats from Ophiuchus, and the blue light separates from the green, know that war and sudden destruction is at hand as the Black Sun rises once again.”

Ophiuchus is new to many people. It is important to know about it when trying to figure out secret societal language. The accepted knowledge within the mainstream narrative is that our Sun travels through only 12 constellations in the Zodiac or Mazzaroth. They are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

However, it is a little known fact that the Sun spends only about nineteen days in this 13th house known as Serpentarius. As far as Astrologers were concerned, the Sun traveled from the constellation Scorpius and then proceeded directly into the sign of Sagittarius. The Sun, for 19 days of the year, travels through the star constellation ‘Ophiuchus’ before entering Sagittarius from Scorpius.

What is exactly in the area of Ophiuchus that is so secret? Many believe that the portal to God can be found there. Many say that it is the home of the Nemesis. The Nemesis of course is also reference to “Vulcan” the partner to a hypothetical binary star system idea, Nibiru the popular name of the 12th planet in the solar system and ‘Planet X” which is supposed to return from a wide elliptical orbit in 2012.

It is The Black Sun that will produce a whirlwind of fire or wormhole and it will create chaos and havoc upon the earth. Many have seen this anomaly and have called it Elijah’s vehicle, the shining vesture, the stairway to heaven, and the infernal maelstrom.

It was written in the old sacred texts that from the wormhole would come fiery rocks and comets.

According to the Mayans the end of the creation cycle commences on October 28th, 2011. It is a time where we move into an area of the Zodiac that at one time was devoted to a character who was known as the “serpent bearer” or the “serpent god”. Many others call this area of the zodiac the “dark rift.” The Dark rift is home to the Death Star. The dark rift is in Serpentarius (Ophiuchus), the home of the serpent gods it has also been called “zero point” or the point of creation.

Ophiuchus and some of the fixed stars in it were sometimes used by astrologers in antiquity as extra-zodiacal indicators in determining the times for cataclysms. It is interesting to note that the meanings of the crossing of the “Dark rift” Dark Star, Black Sun, or zero point is often associated with “Judgment” or “day of Judgment.”

From the cataclysm came the resurrection or renewal literally the healing of the earth.

The time of the Long Count will begin in October of 2011 with its peak in December of 2012. It is predicted to be the most significant astrological event in the history of the equinoxes and the solstices. Something crosses the sky that appears to rotate in a total period of 26,000 years. There is a symbol that represents this event and even though it is said to have connections to Christ, the symbol represents the alignment of the sun, the dark star and the earth at Galactic Central Point. The symbol also represents the crossing of Mazzaroth or Zodiac. It is the Celtic Cross.

From October 28th, 2011 to December 21, 2012 astronomers tell us that the sun’s path will visually intersect with the Galactic equator something that happens once every 26,000 years and that the Mayans identify this as rising of The Sacred Tree of life.

This forms a kind of celestial crossroads where the sun in Autumnal equinox and Winter Solstice converges with the center of our galaxy. Ophiuchus leads into Sagittarius, and Sagittarius’ spear points directly into the head (eye) of the “serpent” that is wrestled in Ophiuchus’ arms.

Astronomers present that the effects of an encounter with Nemesis will alter the magnetic polarity of the sun, combining with gravitational forces from the simultaneous alignment of other planets, cause massive solar flares, and create earthquakes that could move the Earth off axis.

Not to mention energy transmissions released upon our solar system by it aligning with galactic center. Mayan prophecy claims that during this time, realignment will synchronize us with the cycles of nature, mutate us, and accelerate our evolution. According to the Mayans, we shall see the “serpent ropes” descend from heaven. They will heal us after the tumultuous times.
Beyond 2012
Blue Star Kachina: An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". This will be the Day of Purification. The strange thing is the Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina! Gordon Michael Scallion provides the explanation:

"The solar system shall become a binary sun system, when the Blue Star returns...during the day it will appear as a silvery light, one hundred times brighter than the Morning Star...During the evening, it will appear as a moon...the Blue Star is a companion to Sirius B...the vibrations given off by the Blue Star will enable the soul to have an easier time in communication with its host...a new light body is being created."

Scallion as says that the Blue Star "will appear from behind the Sun, traveling towards Arcturus."

Readers of Robert Temple's The Sirius Mystery may recall that the Dogon tribe of Mali, West Africa, have known for centuries that Sirius (the Dog Star), is a binary star system, and that Sirius B is a white dwarf - facts they say were given to their ancestors by visitors from Sirius.

What you may not have heard, if you haven't read the new edition, (1998), is that astronomers have recently discovered Sirius C! Temple told us in 1976, in the first edition, that the Dogon knew of a third star, and that he thought it would be a red dwarf, if and when it was discovered. It was twenty years later, in 1995, when French Astronomers, Daniel Benest and J.L. Duvent announced in the Journal Astronomy and Astrophysics, their discovery of a small red dwarf star - Sirius C.

The Dogon say that the "spaceship" of the visitors - the Nommo - looked "like a new star", and that they will return one day, when "a certain star will reappear", and there will be a "resurrection of the Nommo". They also say that Sirius A and B "were once where the Sun now is". The star will be invisible before it "emerges", and is drawn with the rays inside the circle. It will only be "formed when the Nommo's ark descends, for it is also the resurrected Nommo's "eye" symbolically." Temple thinks this is Phoebe - Saturn's tenth moon.
Hopi Prophecy of Blue Star or Blue Kachina ... -blue-star
The Hopi elders have long passed down their myths and prophecies from generation to generation via oral tradition. Additional details are extrapolated from their many ancient rock pictographs and tablets.

One such prophecy reveals: "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge".

The Blue Star is seen as the starting herald of a Great Purification period beginning prior to 2012. This would last for 7 years in total. Interestingly comet Holmes 17P travels an orbit around the sun 7 years long. That fact makes for a rather ominous coincidence if you ask this researcher. That should mean the great purification runs through 24-10-2007 to 24-10-2014.

The time for all this was considered by the elders to be not so far off. As stated it would come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina removed his mask. This represented a blue star then far off and initially invisible which would make its appearance in this generation.

The Blue Star is seen as fairly benign in itself. The Hopi prophecy also speaks of a Red Star that will follow later. This is seen as more malignant and the harbinger of far more radical and intense unpleasant changes.

— Hawkeye • May 15, 04:49 AM said:

I hope this message won’t offend you, but you seem misled about what Blue Kahina is
Blue Kahina is known to be referring to Sirius according to the Hopi.

Sirius is known today to be a binary system:

Sirius A – very big and one of the brightest star
Sirius B – a tiny white dwarf

Another indiginous peoples, the Dogon of Arica, have a special connection to Sirius.
They have known prior to modern astronomy precise details about Sirius A and Sirius B – which truly puzzled scientist when Sirius B was discovered, and the Dogon “fairy tales” confirmed.

However the Dogon mentioned a second companion (hypothetical Sirius C) which has not yet been discovered. “Removing the mask” could refer to the discovery of that other star. ... c94#p48269

The Dogons believed that Sirius B was the oldest of the stars and was the creative organizing source and force of the world, producing a sacred energy of Eloptic Black Light from the stream of ionized hydrogenous essence of Sirius A, a brightly shining transitioning star moving consciousness and frequency with a spirit of wisdom.

Though, not yet confirmed by scientist, "The Little Sun" Sirius C, exhibits similar characteristics to that of Sirius B. Sirius C, Emma Ya Tolo, is hard to observe, since its small faint stellar field is masked by the great brightness of Sirius A. It is a red Dwarf Star or Pulsar and is called the "Sun of Women."

According to the Dogon, Sirius C lies at the centre of the Sirius Star System constantly emitting red solar rays - a Blazing Star transmitting its essence towards Sirius A and B from its orbital position. Sirius C is also accompanied by a spiraling satellite called Nyan Tolo, the "Star of Women." Nyan Tolo is represented by a spiral and/or cross. Sirius A, B, and C constitutes the Solar Trinity. The Sirius Star System is considered as the hidden, secret and spiritual Sun and is seen as the Eye Goddess and Tree of the Dragon. Sirius is also symbolized as the Silver Star, the Phoenix and the Pentagram.

As I have noted before, Sirius C the Red Star, also called Sorghun by the Dogons, is also called the “Sun of Women.” HORUS is a fractal of SORGHUN. HORUS in Gematria is 81 which is the same number for VENUS which illustrates how all of these mythologies stem from a singular narrative. Sorghun, Sirius C, is accompanied by satellite called the “Star of Women.”

This is also the key to the mythos about a Planet X or Nibiru -- a red dwarf plant on a 3,600 year elliptical orbit with our Solar System -- prominently espoused through the interpretations of the Babylonian/Sumerian clay tablets by writer Zecharia Sitchin. But the designation of Nibiru as the Planet of the Crossing and the eschatological theories of the return of the Son of God is really about the passage, orbit and convergence of the Sirius Star System that has been “occultified” by this fraternal group of Priest Class Magicians.

The Planet or Star of the Crossing is really the “Star of Women,” in Sirius – the Grand Cross that is symbolized in all instances of the Trinity and Cross symbolism since ancient history. This is the esoteric wisdom that has been hidden from the public, Sol’s co-orbit with the Sirius Trinity Star System and the previous orbital cycles that caused displacement of Stars, Suns and Planets and gave rise to the occult deification of stellar Gods.

Ancient astrology recognizes that there is this great cycle caused by the Earth’s wobble on its axis and one complete wobble is approximately 26,000 (25,920) years. In the Greco-Hellenistic period, there were astrological theories about how the Sun shifts through the twelve signs of the Zodiac, dividing the period into twelve periods or ages or chapters referred to as the World Age doctrine. This is seen in the Old Testament of the Bible, with the symbolism of Aries the Lamb and Pisces the Fish, and currently we are about to move into the Age of Aquarius. So this astrological doctrine has to do with our changing angular rotation due to the larger cosmos.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:02 pm

The Dogu Enigma ... dogu03.htm
When I read of Kenneth Arnold’s sighting the world’s first modern UFOs on June 24, 1947, I was immediately interested. A few weeks after I wrote Arnold, two friendly F.B.I. agents came for a visit. Here was I, a 17-year-old punk, being interviewed by investigators who were not very sympathetic. This only whetted my appetite, and over the years I contacted some of the early flying saucer buffs, including Prof. Adamski, George Hunt Williamson, Kurt Von Zeissig, Yukio Matsumura, Zecharia Sitchin, Meade Layne and others.

When the Korean War came along, I went into the army. While stationed in Japan, I began studying early Shinto legends and ancient mythology. To my surprise, these early tomes were loaded with references to aerial battles, underwater castles, exotic weapons, TV, and flying dragons that flew 6,000 leagues a day. What really impressed me were some prehistoric statues called dogu.

From my previous experience with the diving and aircraft industries, I felt sure these things were depicting a diving suit, or a space suit, or a combination of both. Dogus were made by a Neolithic people called the Jomon, who were the first persons on earth to make clay pottery.

Dating back as far as 12,000 to 14,000 years per R-14 dating, the earliest dogu were very crude. The last ones over 2,500 years ago showed a sharp, machine-tooled look. I’ve found over 30 points of similarity to modern space suits on dogus, including lenses, rivets, rubber cuffs, chest controls, safety straps, communication lights, etc. Can this be mere coincidence?

Archaeologists are baffled by the dogu statues. They resemble no other objects on earth. The science of archaeology in Japan was started over 100 years ago by an American Professor Morse. Since that time, the experts have called them sex objects, funeral depictions, etc. The best explanation I think is the word dogu which in Japanese means a tool.

Dogu statues are totally unique. There are no other figures exactly like them in the ancient world. In years of research since then, however, we have found indications that these same astronauts were seen all over the world. The 7,000-year-old drawings at Val Cominica, Italy, the prehistoric Tassali, Sahara, and ancient Australian Aborigine sketches all show helmeted, suited-up figures. There are statues, such as the Tula giants in Mexico, the Tiahuanaco space gods in Bolivia, the Cro-Magnon Venus cult of Europe, which show similar features. Figurines of the 8,000-year-old Mohenjo Daro culture in India are almost identical. The most remarkable similarity though, relates to the Kappa.

In Japan, the Kappa are popular mythological figures, still seen in cartoons today. These mischievous creatures swam underwater, had webbed feet (swim fins?), and flew around in shell cars. The Kappa often came ashore and taught the natives various advanced arts. What is remarkable about this is that there are at least three similar stories found around the earth.

The ancient Merovingian kings of France were visited by a half-human Fisher King. This is partly the basis for legends of Parsifal, the Spear of Destiny, and mysterious tools used by the Knights Templar. A second legend relates to the Oannes, half-human creatures seen in olden Babylonia. These beings came out of the sea every day to teach the world’s first agriculture, mathematics, law, and astronomy.

Every evening they would dive back into the water. Drawings show them wearing wrist watches and holding what looks like a rocket motor. A third group visited the Dogon tribe of Mali, Africa. Notice the resemblance of Dogon and Dogu. The oldest hot spring in Japan is called Dogon. I have found, in checking, about a dozen words of Dogon and Japanese which are virtually identical.

These visitors lived in an artificial pool they brought with them. Like the Kappa and the Fisher King, they had a bald spot on top of their head which, some would say, is still observed with the Catholic monks’ tonsure. They told the Dogon their ships came from a planet circling a dwarf star near the star Sirius. Our astronomers did not locate this star until 1952.

These beings were called the nommo. Note that the names of these water-living creatures Nommo, Oannes, and Kappa all have a double consonant. It is interesting that Japanese mythology is full of stories about underwater creatures (Umi Bozo) and others who engage in aerial warfare (the Ashura). There are stories of underwater castles seen on a clear day at the Inland Sea. Underwater lights have been seen in Yasushro Bay for over 1,000 years. In ancient times three suns appeared in the sky. A saucer-shaped craft landed and a blonde woman was seen inside. Japan’s greatest saint Nichirin Diashonin was saved from beheading when a meteor streaked over the frightened executioners.

The Russians are well aware of dogus, and Professor Kasantsev, also feels they are depictions of space suits. Kasantsev, incidentally theorized that the 1911 Tunguska explosion was actually a nuclear-powered spaceship that crashed on the Siberian tundra.

The Japanese reaction to all this is a bit puzzling. Hundreds of dogus are dug up every year, yet virtually nothing is mentioned about it. Yukio Matsumura, the early UFO researcher and founder of the Cosmic Brotherhood Association, has been under virtual house arrest. There are several Internet web sites called dogu and Jomon, but I have found them to be almost useless.

In July 1997 a Japanese artist displayed in San Francisco a statue which was obviously made to ridicule dogus.


Does the government know something they don’t want the public to know?
Is there some hidden knowledge about early Shinto legends which says the first emperor was the product of a sky god mating with a human?

And why has the Japanese government recently given 40 million dollars to start a UFO conference center?

Is this part of a campaign of misinformation?

The largest tomb in the world, over a half mile long, sits in Japan, some would argue, like a huge space beacon. This keyhole-shaped structure has never been opened, it is claimed. Is there any relationship here with the recently discovered underwater pyramids recently discovered off Japan?

As the old Latin saying goes, Quo vadis, who goes there?


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:08 am

The Illuminati are the Nephalim

Ancient Alien Nephilim, Giants, Mutants, Genetic Engineering, and Hybrids ... re=related

The Secret Order of The Illuminati ... minati.htm
This whole thing with the Illuminati and a Shadow Government may be unreal to many people, but stay with me for a while and give it a chance. Most of us can agree upon that something is very wrong with this planet.

The Illuminati (or Moriah Conquering Wind as they prefer to call themselves these days) is a very secretive group of occult practitioners who have been around for thousands and thousands of years. This is a very well structured organization consisting of people in extremely High Places. Those people are the Super Wealthy who stand above the law. Many of them don't even appear on the list of the wealthiest people in the world - it's that secret.

Those people are the top players on the International playground, basically belonging to the thirteen of the wealthiest families in the world, and they are the men who really rule the world from behind the scene. They are the "Black Nobility", the Decision Makers, who make up the rules for presidents and governments to follow, and they are often held from public scrutiny, as their action can't stand being scrutinized. Their bloodlines go back thousands and thousands of years, and they are very careful with keeping those bloodlines pure from generation to generation. The only way to do so is by interbreeding.

Their power lies in the occult and in economy - money creates power. The Illuminati own all the International banks, the oil-businesses, the most powerful businesses of industry and trade, they infiltrate politics and they own most governments - or at least control them. An example of this is the American election for presidency.
And who sponsors the "right" candidate? The Illuminati do. Most president campaigns are financed with drug money, which is understandable if you know that the Illuminati run the drug trade as well.

The power does not lie with the politicians, but with the Illuminati, whose top members are mostly International Bankers. The leading candidates for Presidency are carefully chosen from the occult bloodlines of the thirteen Illuminati families, and if we research all the Presidents of the United States from the beginning and up to now, we will see that almost all of them are of the same royal bloodline, and they are all "family"; related by ancestry and family trees. Royalty is equivalent to the Illuminati.

So what are the goals of the Illuminati? It is to create a One World Government and a New World Order, with them on top to rule the world into slavery and fascism. This is a very old goal of theirs, and to understand it fully, one must realize that this goal isn't of a kind that's supposed to be obtained within one lifetime - it has been a goal that slowly is to be accomplished over a long period of time.

This goal has been planned away from the public's prying eyes, in secrecy within the Secret Societies. All Secret Societies with secret grades of initiation are owned and controlled by the Illuminati, and Freemasonry is maybe the best known. The persons who control the societies and the Illuminati are occultists and Satanists, and they practice Black Magic. Their God is Lucifer. "The Light Bearer", and by occult practices they manipulate and influence the masses. It doesn't matter if you and I believe in this or not, as long as they do. And they take it very seriously.

It's a thrilling thought that this planet, as a matter of fact, is run with Black Magic - a planet where magic is not supposed to exist at all in any shape and form, except in the movies and in books, and if somebody tells you it does exist, he/she will most certainly be ridiculed. After people have watched movies like "Lord of the Rings" they wish there was more magic in their lives; little do they know…

From the occult, mind control and Intelligence have developed. By taking over the Movie Industry, the Record companies, and by their control of the Fine Arts, they know how to influence the teenagers to dance to their own tune and accept their kind of reality. This makes sense if you look at what kind of "entertainment" we are enforced to enjoy.

The music the teenagers have to listen to is often totally without quality and leads them into robotism, apathy, violence and drugs. It's also used for mind control.

The same thing goes with Hollywood, which is also controlled and created by the Illuminati. The "E.T"-movies, Dooms Day films and catastrophe-movies all align with the purpose to influence us in certain directions. Satanic movies have also been made popular; it’s all to prepare for days to come.

The men who control the Illuminati are members of thirteen wealthy families. Who they are have been a well hidden secret, and the leadership has gone from man to man over generations. Not many people know who these families are exactly, but quite recently this has become known, due to people from Illuminati who have left the Order and revealed the most remarkable data.

The Secret Societies have been present in the history of man for a very long time. It all started thousands of years ago with the "Brotherhood of the Snake", a secret society that refers to Satan (the Great Serpent) back in the Garden of Eden. The Illuminati consider Satan to be the good God and the Old Testament God to be evil. Their opinion is that Satan gave man knowledge, while God tried to suppress the same. From this viewpoint Satanism was developed and is practiced within the secret societies up until this day.

There are different theories as of where the secret knowledge within the secret societies comes from, and I am going to mention the two most common theories:

In the Sumerian Scriptures, which go back at least 6000 years, the stone tablets tell us about the Anunnaki "they who from heaven came". According to researchers like Zachariah Sitchin, David Icke and William Bramley, the Anunnaki were the Gods mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible, and they were aliens who came from another planet and created humankind as a slave race to serve them. The Sumerian Scriptures tell us about Anu, who was the king of the Anunnaki, and Ea (or Enki), who is equivalent to Satan. He is told to be the one who gave the knowledge to man in the Garden of Eden, and created the first secret society, the above mentioned "The Brotherhood of the Snake". The Anunnaki is said to have come here to exploit the resources of the Earth; especially gold, as this was something they were lacking on their planet, and they urgently needed it as an important ingredient in their atmosphere. Thus Ea, who was a brilliant scientist, created homo sapiens as a hybrid between a primitive earth life-form and the alien race.

First homo sapiens was only meant for slave labor and couldn't breed. Later on this was changed. Ea didn't like, though, how his created race was treated by his people, and wanted to enlighten them by teaching them who they were and where they came from. He also wanted to tell them the well hidden truth that each individual is a spirit inhabiting a body and that after body death the spirit lives on and reincarnates on Earth.

David Icke, who has researched the Illuminati for decades, claims that the top Illuminati bloodlines are shape shifting reptilians, aliens not from space, but from another dimension, and that they actually are the Anunnaki "Gods". According to him, they are the ones in charge of the secret societies. Those entities have the ability to shape shift into human form, and he says he has hundreds of witnesses who have seen them shape shift back into reptilian form.

The Christian viewpoint on this is that the Anunnaki in fact were the Giants that walked the Earth, which the Bible is talking about. Those Giants were the nephilim, who rebelled towards God and were cast down to Earth from Heaven, together with their master, Satan. Christians explain the shape shifting theory by saying that the aliens in fact are demons and the nephilim. They mean that the persons that have been seen shape shifting are merely demon possessed due to their black magic practices, and sometimes the demons "bleed through" and show themselves, either in reptilian form or as the "grey aliens". Maybe the different conclusions are just different interpretations of the same thing?

The Nephilim might have been here before us. I don't know that for certain. Robert Morningsky tells of the Star Elder whose craft crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in the 1950's. He was rescued by the indigenous people of the area and brought back to the reservation to recuperate. There he later taught selected children of the tribe the tales of the Nephilim and their overseer, Anki. Anki / Ea, the son of An, used his spare time in the creation of humans from genetic materials of the Nephilim and other beings. An was persuaded by his other son, Enlil, to relieve Anki of his duties and permit him, Enlil, to take over from his brother. Anki resisted this and at first succeeded in maintaining his position.

To protect the humans from the potential oppression of his taskmaster brother, he developed in humans the capacity of powerful feeling, emotion, and ecstasy as well as intuition. Eventually, however, Enlil won out and Anki was replaced as the overseer of the Nephilim. But Anki was permitted to continue his experiments. Anki became revered as the Creator and Enlil as the evil taskmaster. It was the Creator who brought "the power of the heart" to humanity while Enki was more interested in control and power. This Manichaean duality of goodness and evil can be seen in our experience on Earth. Knowledge is also a two-edged sword and people are easily fooled to believe that it is all "good."

Without Wisdom, Knowledge can be very dangerous and can be used as much to control and oppress each other as to open us to new possibilities. But the greatest danger is that in learning Knowledge, we lose our true connection to the Creator, the creation and the creativity of spirit. Without intuition, vision, and dreams the creativity of science would be short-circuited into mere technology and the technology short-circuited into control and power.

This is the path shown us by Anki, the Creator, but which has been limited by Enlil the controller and oppressor... The tale that Anu/Enki is Satan is untrue. Satan is the evil twin, Enlil. To be a Satanist is to follow the way of mind without heart. Satan is the great divider and rules by confusion and ego. "God" is the ONE of whom we are the sons and daughters, the family that knows separation into parts is in reality, illusion.

The truth is; in the background throughout all history there are secret societies. The original Brotherhood soon split up into cults when certain people on top were in disagreement with each other. Different powers of control developed where they fought against each other internally out of sight from an ignorant population. They invented the different religions and sects and cults so man would be busy doing something else instead of looking into what the Brotherhood actually was doing. They put themselves in charge of the churches to entrap people and to spread conflicts between different belief systems. Most wars throughout history have been religious wars.

Out of the original Brotherhood came Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians, The Knight Templars, Ordo Templi Orientis, Knights of Malta and more. Some people may object and say that Freemasonry is a charity organization and even a Christian society. Yes, that's what we're told and that is what most members of the secret society believe. The vast majority of people involved are good people who are ignorant of what is practiced on the highest levels unaware of that up there is Satanism and worship of the dark forces. They don't serve God, they serve Satan or Lucifer, and this is the key to what is happening in the world of today.

Adam Weishaupt (1748-1811), basically a Jew, converted to become a Catholic Priest and ended up starting a "new" secret society called the Illuminati. Actually it was not new at all; it's been there long before then under different names, but during Weishaupt's lifetime this organization was revealed in public. It's unclear if he was the master-mind behind it, but most researchers, including myself, are more or less certain that Weishaupt was just a puppet for the Freemasonic Elite.

The Freemasons had recently started a new branch of Freemasonry - Freemasonry of the Scottish Rite with its 33 degrees of initiation. It's still today one of the most powerful secret societies in the world, including members within high politics, religious leaders, businessmen and other for them useful individuals. Things point in the direction that Weishaupt was sponsored by the Rothschild's, who then were (and still are) the heads of Freemasonry worldwide.

The Illuminati had its own grades above (or rather beside) the 33 degrees of Freemasonry. Even persons who were initiated to the higher degrees of Freemasonry had no knowledge of the Illuminati grades - it was that secret. Weishaupt planned to take over the world, and he made up distinct strategies to create a One World Government and a New World Order. All this was written down into something called the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", written in a way to put the blame on the Jews if the secret plan would leak.

It is believed that Weishaupt was killed by his Freemason Brothers, as he was unable to keep his mouth shut and still continued to use the name Illuminati. There could also have been other reasons.

The secret goal, however, survived Weishaupt and the Rothschild's were now heads of the Illuminati (and still are today). A good help in the effort to reach the goal came from the Freemason Cecil Rhodes, who in the 19th Century tried to build a One World Government with the British Empire on top. This agenda was sponsored by the Rothschild's and it was also Rhodes who created the Round Table, a secret society in itself, named after King Arthur's Round Table, where the Brotherhood Elite is gathering up to this day.

World War I and II were both attempts to take over. After the Second World War people were so tired of all the killing that they welcomed the United Nations, when it was founded. The official policy of the UN was to safeguard the peace, so nothing like WW II would ever happen again. But indeed the UN was another important front organization for the Illuminati, to unite the countries of the world into one. Here is a typical example of how the Brotherhood works: "problem-reaction-solution". By starting two world wars they created a problem. This in turn created a reaction from the population, who wanted a solution to the wars. So the Illuminati created a solution to the problem they themselves started by founding the United Nation; one further step toward a One World Government. This eventually led to the EU project, which anyone can see goes right into the direction of the biggest fascist state known to man. And who are running EU? The Freemasons and the Illuminati.

By creating galloping inflation, the International Bankers (read the Illuminati) have succeeded in making us believe that the only solution is a One Currency - the EMU. When that project is safeguarded, the Central European Bank (Illuminati) has all the power over the economy in Europe and can lead us in whatever direction they want.
The European Union will soon expand into the United Nations of Africa, Asia, and South America. The end phenomenon will be that all those United States will be merged into one big fascist state, which will last in a thousand years, regarding to their occult belief. This is the Golden Age - the Age of the Antichrist.

The secret societies and the Illuminati believe in the power of symbols. The world is full of their magic and black magic symbols. The Illuminati believe that the more symbols around, the more magic power comes to them. The All-Seeing-Eye is the Eye of Horus which is the Eye of Lucifer, and goes back to the Egyptian era.
Last edited by lizzie on Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:15 am, edited 1 time in total.


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