On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:42 pm

George Merkl
George Merkl is a nuclear physicist and president of Life Crystal Incorporated in El Paso, Texas. He has conducted research for the past 30 years in his own research laboratories, and holds more than 40 U.S., and hundreds of international patents on his discoveries and inventions. Dr. Merkl is listed in "Who's Who Among the Pioneers in Science Today". His latest discovery is the present discovery particle biochemistry and the secret of life. He is the author of "Inner Space (Unified Theory)", and he has discovered a new treatment which can cure AIDS, cancer, and many other degenerative diseases.
George Merkl’s Life Crystal Discoveries
George Merkl was a maverick within his lab. He often thought "outside the box". Even his methods in the lab were "outside of the box." It has been stated that George was light years ahead in his way of thinking. That kind of thinking is what led his intuition in the directions he went, which finally led him to the rediscovery of the Sumerian Technology from 7000 years ago. We were left with a legacy of technology it seems.

The Sumerians were a culture, which had scientists and was of an advanced nature. They certainly had the potential to view subatomic particles, which meant they had devices and instrumentation for accomplishing this feat. They knew how to scan molecules and atoms by "string photon scanning," a term coined by George Merkl. String photon scanning is the viewing of single file non-transverse-wave photons.

One of the discoveries, which led him into this area of rediscovery, was that Life Crystals could align matter into geometrical order -- lining it up into an organized matrix. These things he saw under his microscope, as he experimented with Penta-Carbons compounds.

George had a very good understanding of how electrons and protons can be slowed down, which drastically alters the physical properties of matter. This he could do with small scale equipment. Not big Tokamac reactors and things of that nature, but room temperature small scale alterations. The results were the product of his maverick ways in the lab.

George Merkl discovered how to slow electron spins and proton spins within molecules. This drastically altered physical properties within matter, and probably explains how the Hutchison Effect melts or seems to melt metals at room temperature -- the slowing of electrons and protons by electric or magnetic inductions. George found that geometric displacement in specific domains of around 12 to 20 Angstroms opened up a pathway of wave spin interactions. It is these interactions that he found tapped the cosmos for unlimited energy.

George Merkl knew of Orgone Energy and Reich. He knew of the works of Tesla and of the UFO researches of the Germans in WW2. George discovered what the Orgone wave is and the Life Wave. There are 5 elements as he saw them: Energy, Matter, Life, Light and Gravity. All these emanated from geometrical progressions of the gravitons.
The whole physics he rediscovered is based upon graviton interactions in geometrical progression and specific patterns to form Energy, Life, Light, Matter and Gravity.

He also stated that the geometry is spherical in nature. It has no limits either outwardly or inwardly. This pattern is on all levels infinitely positive and negative -- infinitely inward and infinitely outwardly in geometry. The spin wave interactions of these waves acts like Cooper Pairs and seems to be the governing factor behind why electrons, photons, gravitons, and the like, will superconduct or hyperconduct.

George Merkl found that under specific conditions, not too complicated, but just specific processes in the right order, could open these domains, and slow the spin of the electrons. Even reversing the spin of the protons within the material, which caused the formation of newly undiscovered properties of matter to reveal themselves.
George had discovered that energy, matter, life, and light all begin with the spin interactions of graviton waves. Specifically in a clustered arrangement. This all boiled down to two basic forces: the Negative force and the Positive force -- the outward expanding action and the inward imploding action. Both are the balance of each other on multiple levels.

George explained the expansion of the universe has two parts to it. One governs the other. As the universe expands, the inward atomic imploding force regulates the outward deploding force. This is a function of the matter wave -- the converging of spinning wave packets towards a central point, creating mass centers. Hence we have matter waves -- still only energy but in geometric formations or clusters in geometric order. The two are interactive and it is the inward imploding force that is the secret to tapping the cosmos for energy. Unlimited amounts of it.
Dr. George Merkl Ph.D.
Doctor George Merkl, Ph.D, was a Nuclear Physicist, Molecular Biologist and President of Life Crystals, Incorporated in El Paso, Texas. Dr. Merkl conducted research for over 30 years in his own research laboratories, resulting in more than 40 U.S. patents and hundreds of international patents on his discoveries and inventions, many of which were immediately classified as top secret by the National Security Agency due to their applicability in defense-critical areas. His achievements include the manufacture of gem quality diamonds by growing them in his laboratory. Dr. Merkl's legacy has the potential to solve many of the complexities of degraded, toxic conditions from the past century and its obsession with war and domination by the military industrial complex.

Dr. Merkl is listed in "Who's Who Among Pioneers in Science Today" and holds several awards in Physics and Biology. His final and most momentous discovery involved "particle biochemistry" and the Secret of Life. He is the author of "Inner Space (Unified Theory)", and has discovered new treatments which can cure HIV-AIDS, cancer, and many other degenerative diseases naturally.

Dr. George Merkl was born and raised in Budapest, Hungary. He worked in Europe as a young physicist and scientist during the Second World War, following which he immigrated to the United States. During subsequent decades, Dr. Merkl worked for the Rand corporation as a microbiologist, as well as worked in various capacities for the U.S. and German governments, including employment in the 1960's and 1970's by the US Naval Weapons Laboratory in the field of nuclear weapons research. Much of Dr. Merkl's research during this period was in nuclear weapons development and the design of nuclear reactors for use on submarines. In the early 1970's Dr. Merkl formed a private research and developement laboratory, which primarily performed contractual services for the Laboratory and other, defense-related sectors of the US government.

During the early 1970's Dr. Merkl conducted his first, successful cold fusion experiment, fully demonstrating Muon-catalyzed fusion (μCF) (theoretically proven in the 1950's) and successful well over a decade before Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons reported that they had produced fusion in a tabletop experiment involving electrolysis of heavy water on a palladium (Pd) electrode.

In 1977, following several health issues that included terminal cancer and heart disease, Dr. George Merkl had several spiritual and mystical experiences that launched him on a 15 year search for the true 'fountain of life'. This search culminated on Christmas Day, 1995, where after stayed up all night in his home laboratory looking under a microscope of his own design and manufacture at 30 to 80 million power magnification, Dr. Merkl witnessed within his advanced Life Crystal Sumerian Water formula what he has called the “Cosmic Bio-Machine”, and the emergence of our ancient, microbial ancestors.

There is reported to be a race of giant humanoids who have played a role in seeding the Earth with humans, and who periodically return to the Earth to determine how effectively Earth's resources have been utilized by humanity and those extraterrestrial races playing a role in 'managing' humanity. These are described by the Sumerians in the Sumerian Tablets left behind as the 'Anunnaki' from the world 'Nibiru' in the extensive cuneiform texts translated by Zecharia Sitchin. These giant humanoids apparently form the chief 'founding' extraterrestrial race that were the gods described in ancient mythologies and religions. According to the accounts of the Sumerians, the Anunnaki's chief god is Anu, otherwise known as YHWH. The pantheon of Anunnaki as described by Sitchin form key figures in the hierarchy that secretly oversee management of humanity and the planet Nibiru, which periodically returns to the vicinity of Earth.

It appears that the Anunnaki's mode of operation is to leave 'primitive' species such as humanity to flourish on the planet's surface, while more advanced races accessing the inner earth, such as the Giants in the inner earth and the reptilians between the inner earth and the surface, all form a kind of 'planetary management team' to harvest humanity in a way that serves the long-term interest of a faction of the Anunnaki, who return periodically to assess their 'human experiment'. It therefore appears that the Anunnaki form a kind of regulatory agent to ensure that the Earth's resources, and humanity in general, are responsibly 'managed'.

The Anunnaki have a relationship with the Earth-based Reptilians, based on whatever historical agreements they reached about how humanity will be managed. It is also likely that the Anunnaki have some form of agreement with the Draconians over how the latter intervene in worlds where the Anunnaki have established 'human experiments'. Finally, it is also likely that some members of renegade Anunnaki have remained secretly on Earth, and therefore have played a role in the creation of elite human organizations to manage human affairs. These 'agreements' and/or secret control of human elite groups indirectly make the Anunnaki a part of the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex who made their first contact with the Nazi's.

According to Sergeant Dean, the Anunnaki are major players in human affairs and this is likely to become more significant as their home planet, Nibiru, returns to the vicinity of Earth. It is the apparent return of the Renegade Anunnaki that appears to be a wild card that concerns national security agencies that are unaware of how this race of extraterrestrials will impact on global humanity and the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex that has been created to manage extraterrestrial affairs. The main activities of the Renegade Anunnaki are to influence the long term human evolution through elite groups, systems and institutions, and by influencing human consciousness. They appear to be in competition with the Draconians for control of Earth and the human beings here. The main global problems they contribute to include elite domination, fundamentalism through religions belief systems, a patriarchal global culture, and a culture of war and violence.

On February 20, 1954, a delegation of 'human looking' extraterrestrial races met with the Eisenhower administration in an unsuccessful effort to reach an agreement on the US's thermo-nuclear weapons program. The apparent stumbling block was that these extraterrestrial races were not willing to provide technology that might be used by the military-industrial interests that dominated the Eisenhower administration and set the tone for subsequent extraterrestrial – human dialogue. The principled opposition of this group of extraterrestrials to being co-opted into an emerging military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex (MIEC) marks an important indicator of a large grouping of 'human' extraterrestrial races who lie outside of the web of interlocking interests that make up the MIEC in the U.S. and elsewhere on the planet.

Zecharia Sitchin claims to have translated Sumerian tablets referring to an alien race which created a race of humans to work as slaves in their mines in Africa. This [alien] race is called the Anunnaki and Sitchin claims that the 'Black-headed' people of Sumer were created by these beings by mingling the 'life-essences' of 'man and beast'. According to Sitchin, the 'Black-headed people' were considered slaves in the Sumerian caste hierarchy beneath their creators. The Sumerian Tablets refer to the creation of the Black-headed people in the geographical area called 'AB.ZU.', which is said to correspond to West Africa.

The royalty was said to be a combination between 'dragons' and humans, or to be direct descendants of the Sun God, Shamhash. Contrary to the claims of David Icke, the Draconian Sun-God aspect of the royalty does not correspond to the Anunnaki, but to a different set of gods and their lineage. Anunnaki comprised only 23 gods in the Sumerian pantheon, including Enlil (lord of wind/air) and Enki (lord of earth). Other gods were not Anunnaki at all, but were personifications of the Sun, or what were described as 'Sir', or Dragons, in Babylonian. This word, 'Sir', also apparently meant 'great serpent', and is related to the Sanskrit word 'Sarpa', which was also used to describe great 'Dragon-Gods' who ruled over, and created, the original Dravidian culture. Sitchin also suggests that the Anunnaki probably still exist in some form or another, with some degree of influence over humanity.

"Doctor George Merkl once stated that they still do exist among us, but were able to miniaturize themselves and slip into the 4th dimension. There they continue to influence our culture. One faction chose to continue to control us and keep us as a slave race while the other faction chooses to assist us in our re-genesis" -- Amarushka

"They are here and have never left us and influence us through our genetic codes! He discovered how to re-awaken them and put them to work for us!" -- Dr. George Merkl

Laurence Gardner, one of our very best historians and holder of many titles, claims that a 'Dragon Bloodline' (a 'Holy Grail') was created in ancient Sumer, when reptilian aliens called 'Anunnaki' descended upon the region and created a royal bloodline through genetic engineering. . .He claims that this is supported by ancient Sumerian tablets, as well as the histories of the indigenous peoples of Africa, such as the Zulu, [and] physical evidence such as ancient mines, which have been discovered by the Anglo American Corporation, dating to 60,000 years B.C.

The Nibiran so-called Gods on Earth differentiated themselves into two murderously competitive lineages. One of these lineages descended from Enki (the "Yahweh" who in the Bible created Earthling hybrids). Enki’s lineage struggled with the lineage descended from Enki’s half-brother Enlil (another of the composite 'Yahwehs' of the Bible; this 'Yahweh' ordered hybrids mostly drowned in the Deluge.) The 'Gods' of each of these lineages, as well as factions within each lineage, taught Earthlings the skills and mind-set of genocidal war, violence, slaving, defoliation, male domination, hierarchical thinking and lust for gold. Each God insisted on his or her slaves’ unquestioning obedience. Each God demanded his or her slaves hate and fight opponent Gods’ kings and their slaves. Sounds familiar doesn't it?

“Our intelligence has been suppressed, our knowledge has been erased, our life span has been genetically shortened and our memory has been removed. Our genes have been tampered with, resulting in the shutting down of most of them (97%) leaving behind an unintelligent, primitive and subservient creature. We are an inferior, genetically-cloned mutation of the great civilizations of the past, left behind." Yet. . ."the ancient 'Gods' who populated the world and enslaved humankind may still be active among us, not allowing knowledge to spread, keeping their firm grip through religious oppression over their 'slave species.'" --Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, Pages 9, 58, 114]

Some Earthlings escaped the mines and settlements of the Gods and fled into the hinterlands, away from the Gods’ wars. No more would they be fodder. . .for spears, arrows, then chariots. They’d escape also [the] terrible, technological killing devices of the Gods: explosives, lasers, gas and biological agents. In 2023 B.C. wars of the Gods climaxed in thermonuclear genocide of Earthlings in Canaan and Mesopotamia. The unexpected fallout from the nuking prompted the Gods to scatter over or exit Earth.

Our science confirms the records the gods dictated to their hybrid scribes. We have verified and continue to verify the Nibiran gold miners' genetic, metallurgical, geological, scientific, mathematical and astronomical accounts. In our museums and hinterland caves Earthlings have drawn Sumerian rocket ships, helicopter-like whirlybirds and flying saucers. Modern biology validates Sumerian engravings of Enki splicing double helix DNA to create an Earthling worker. Our science still hasn't deciphered how the Gods moved giant rocks better than we can to build their navigational landmarks -- the Giza pyramids, monuments on our moon, Mars and on Mars' moon, Phobos.

With Sitchin's evidence we free ourselves to create a new paradigm, a paradigm unfettered by the 'Godspell'. Godspell is philosopher Neil Freer's word for the yearning of Earthlings for the return of their Nibiran Lords, the good faction that is. The yearning for such 'divine' lead created alternative and competing religions which mandate murder of millions -- murder seen as service and duty to Gods, worshiped by the competing faiths.

And the Gods, remember, are merely long-lived, technologically advanced humans with a wide range of individual quirks and a hierarchic, largely patriarchal, warlike culture. The Gods were, by and large, obsessed with genealogical precedence and male superiority. Most Gods were petty, homicidal slavers, contemptuous of Earthlings' consciousness. . .genetically we're half Nibiran, with their genetic propensity to violence, greed and genocidal competition.

"Our other half, the Homo Erectus in us -- the hominid the Nibirans altered -- resonates with Gaia, this planet. Homo Erectus was probably a species devolved from earlier Homo Sapien settlement of our planet, millions of years before the arrival of the Nibirans" -- Cremo, M. and Thompson, R., Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race, Cremo, M., 2003

Our Gaia aspect cooperates more than our Nibiran aspect. When we know and balance both within us, we break the godspell; become peers rather than servants of the Gods. We and they evolve together to support, encouragement, love and celebration of consciousness and its manifestations.

"The Sumerian tablets describe the planet Nibiru as a radiating planet which they symbolized (see below) as a cross to indicate the planet of crossing which orbits clockwise around our sun. The drawing of Nibiru also indicates radiation in the form of heat emerging from the planet. The thick atmosphere due to volcanic action, protects Nibiru against the long cold periods while deep in space and hot periods when closest to the Sun. When Nibiru's atmosphere degrades, Nibirans mine gold from Earth to replenish it." -- Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of God

Doctor George Merkl discovered the ancient Sumerian Anunnaki, existing in hyper-dimensional space. He was able to call them back in time. He states that they were able to miniaturize themselves and move into the 4th dimension, just out of our sight. There they remain, timelessly preserved with the codes for our own re-genesis -- our spiritual heritage and legacy. These Cosmic Bio-engineers, whom Merkl referred to as 'PACMEN', are here to assist us through our coming re-genesis. Merkl says those he discovered have the best interests of the human race and Earth at heart. They will not interfere unless we invite them to do so. Doctor Merkl opened a portal through his discoveries and invited them to do their part in the work of Planetary Redemption. With Doctor George Merkl's re-discovery, we can 'recatalog' our DNA / RNA codes, allowing us to 'reference' them fully and move beyond the current programs that were set into us at the time of our genetic engineering by the Gods of Sumeria.

Doctor George Merkl discovered in his Sumerian Water formula the original information codes, ready to assist us through the 'workers' or 'PACMEN' in repairing the damage done to us so long ago. Doctor Merkl refused to share his discoveries with certain government and other leaders (including those of extraterrestrial origins) that approached him and offered him a lot of power and money to do so. He was fully committed to not helping them with his knowledge and Metatronic Light technologies. He felt his re-discovery was for all of us to have and use to restore ourselves, thus evolving beyond the current, DNA slave program we are trapped in. Dr. Merkl has presented us with an 'ADAM KADMON 101' manual. We do not require our Creator Gods to return at 2012 or anytime beyond. The legacy they left for us can now be recovered, now that we are mature enough to utilize it. Doctor Merkl has made this possible, through the legacy he has left to the Children of Light on Earth.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:09 pm

The Vortex, the logarithmic spiral, and the torus – universal form and movement
Until scientists discard the shackles of dogmatic thought and establishment an attunement with nature, they will fail to realize that the key which unlocks the mysteries of not only Nature, but also serves as a portal between the physical and non physical realms is the vortex.

This vortical form is well evidenced in images of the vertical flow of sub atomic matter obtained by means of bubble chambers, where the vertical flow of such so-called “particles” conforms to the golden mean ratio 1:1.618. Note that this form of spiral repeats its proportions infinitely, no matter how large the spiral becomes, which is why the arms of some spiral galaxies are also in accordance with the same mathematical ratio.

The extremely sophisticated experiments of physicists Dr. George Merkl revealed that light consists of incredibly small crystals. It follows that the packets of energy and information comprising the strings of the author’s postulate may also be of a crystalline nature. Such crystals would be oscillating at frequencies far greater than that of visible light and accordingly would be undetectable by means of conventional laboratory equipment. The author surmises that such crystals would possess an octahedral geometry since the octahedral crystal has perfect internal symmetry. Crystals also possess the capability of storing and regulating information.

The experiments of Lloyd Zirbes revealed that the rate of acceleration of a falling body was dependent upon its molecular structure and that a rotting body developed an energy field around itself, the field strength being dependent upon the permeability of the material to the energy flowing from the center of the mass. This means that gravity is not dependent upon a volume of mass, but rather on the permeability of the mass to the energy flowing through it.

The “falling bodies research of the late Lloyd Zirbes provides us with a possible insight as to solar energy production. The late Dr. George Merkl proposed that solar energy was generated by mechanical means. This becomes quite a plausible theory if we imagine our sun to possess a gigantic rotating core consisting of a multiplicity of rotating spheres. Due to t heir rotation and dissimilar polarities, each sphere would possess an energy field which would repel adjacent rotating spheres. The gigantic rotating core would possess a composite gravitational field which would be the primary gravitational field of the entire solar system. Surrounding this core would be thousands of smaller rotating bodies which would orbit the central core at varying orbital velocities depending upon their radial distance from the core. Brian Desborough – “A Blueprint for a Better World” – pages 164–180
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 285#p35777

Zirbes’ research suggested that the sun is not a gigantic fusion reactor as is claimed by academia, but rather consists of thousands of individual bodies which release energy by means of the interaction between their respective gravity fields. In other words, the sun’s energy production is by mechanical not nuclear means, something also claimed by that brilliant scientist and Sumerian scholar, Dr. George Merkl.

Zirbes stated that there are only two fundamental forces in the universe: motion and gravity.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 510#p39148

George Merkl knew of Orgone Energy and Reich. He knew of the works of Tesla and of the UFO researches of the Germans in WW2. George discovered what the Orgone wave is and the Life Wave. There are 5 elements as he saw them -- Energy, Matter, Life, Light and Gravity. All these emanated from geometrical progressions of the gravitons.

The whole physics he rediscovered is based upon graviton interactions in geometrical progression and specific patterns to form Energy, Life, Light, Matter and Gravity.

He also stated that the geometry is spherical in nature. It has no limits either outwardly or inwardly. This pattern is on all levels infinitely positive and negative -- infinitely inward and infinitely outwardly in geometry. The spin wave interactions of these waves acts like Cooper Pairs and seems to be the governing factor behind why electrons, photons, gravitons, and the like, will superconduct or hyperconduct.

George Merkl found that under specific conditions, not too complicated, but just specific processes in the right order, could open these domains, and slow the spin of the electrons. Even reversing the spin of the protons within the material caused the formation of newly undiscovered properties of matter to reveal themselves.

George had discovered that energy, matter, life, and light all begin with the spin interactions of graviton waves specifically in a clustered arrangement. This all boiled down to two basic forces: the Negative force and the Positive force -- the outward expanding action and the inward imploding action. Both are the balance of each other on multiple levels.

George explained the expansion of the universe has two parts to it. One governs the other. As the universe expands, the inward atomic imploding force regulates the outward deploding force. This is a function of the matter wave. The converging of spinning wave packets towards a central point creates mass centers. Hence matter waves. It is still only energy but in geometric formations or clusters in geometric order. The two are interactive and it is the inward imploding force that is the secret to tapping the cosmos for energy. Unlimited amounts of it.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... cd0#p39144

Dr. Hartmut Müller was able to deliver the necessary scientific framework for these new discoveries with his theory of ‘Global Scaling’ in which he postulated the existence of a Standing Gravitational Wave in the universe.

Victor Schauberger said, “that the three dimensional vortex called the logarithmic spiral is the shape of water going down a drain, a tornado, a hurricane, a rams horn which, when played as an instrument, has two basic notes separated by a fifth musical note, atomic centers and galactic nebulas, possibly the entire universe".

George Merkel said: That scroll waves are extremely small and can be likened to Aether or Zero-Point-Energy moving in continuous spiraling patterns.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 03d#p40745

Is the Sun a magnifying transmitter and multidimensional harmonic oscillator? Did the Universe begin with a “Big Pinch”? Is a spiral galaxy a “vorto-sink”?
Lloyd B. Zirbes
The late geomagnetic researcher Dr. Lloyd Zirbes discovered that Galileo's suppositions are complete error. He proved that Newton's law of gravity is also an error. This puts the foundation of science and technology of our world on error and lies. You can't build a world on error, or it will fall. It is unfortunate that we are the "last generation" Mat.24:34 who will "witness" the END of the WORLD.
George Merkl
George Merkl is a nuclear physicist and president of Life Crystal Incorporated in El Paso, Texas. He has conducted research for the past 30 years in his own research laboratories, and holds more than 40 U.S., and hundreds of international patents on his discoveries and inventions. Dr. Merkl is listed in "Who's Who Among the Pioneers in Science Today". His latest discovery is the present discovery particle biochemistry and the secret of life. He is the author of "Inner Space (Unified Theory)", and he has discovered a new treatment which can cure AIDS, cancer, and many other degenerative diseases.
The Modern Legacies of Thomson’s Atomic Vortex Theory in Classical Electrodynamics

The Quantum Vortex Theory of Matter
By William F. Hamilton III
Abstract: The investigation of matter at atomic and sub-atomic scales has resulted in a standard particle theory and a family of particles that fit into a matrix of categories based on properties. Quantum theory depicts particles as behaving both as particles and waves. The duality of the so-called wavicle is accepted theory and yet the point-like depiction of elementary particles is so unsatisfactory that it has spawned new theories of matter which are known as M theories (string and superstring theories) and quantum gravity. Some string theories call to mind the old aether-vortex theories of the late 19th and early 20th century such as those described by physicists Oliver Lodge and William Thompson (Lord Kelvin). These old models of matter have been discarded by the early part of the 20th century as both the Special and General Theory of Relativity gained ground. Albert Einstein had pronounced the existence of the luminiferous aether as superfluous to an explanation of the transmission of light through the vacuum. Later, in his work Sidelights in Relativity, he affirmed the existence of an aether of sorts when he realized that his General Theory, a theory of gravity, required space to have physical properties and, therefore, having a property that allowed it to curve, bend, or warp just as a sheet of metal would do, except it would be a sheet of extremely high density material. It was then difficult to visualize how space and matter co-existed as two separate entities when Einstein started working on his Unified Field Theory hoping to explain all forces as fields, which is to say a dynamic volume of space that influenced matter in certain ways.

Space has the properties of a superconducting superfluid.

Quantum Dynamics of a superfluid vortex:

“The superfluid state, in general, is characterized by frictionless, highly correlated irrotational motion of the fluid particles. The superfluid accommodates to rotation by forming a lattice of quantized vortices in which the vortex core, typically singular, breaks the topological constraint against rotational motion.

Electron vortex rings

The main point was that in an ideal fluid, a vortex line is always composed of the same particles, it remains unbroken, so it is ring-like. Vortices can also form interesting combinations.

A hypothetical global rotation of the universe will induce rotation of photons, electrons, and galaxies. Any conglomeration of matter in the universe is rotating with respect to some frame of reference. This includes planets, their satellites, solar systems, and galaxies, and possibly larger structures. At some phase in the evolution of the universe, spin becomes inherent in its objects. If all objects are composed of one universal substance, and this seems inescapable, then vorticity would be a common process and vorticity produces interlocking or intermeshing structures from atoms and molecules to galaxies. That electrons occupy shells and orbitals in specific numbers.

We therefore "label" an atomic electron by four "quantum numbers":

1. n = 1, 2, 3, ...., denoting energy;
2. l = 0, 1, ..., n-1, denoting angular momentum;
3. m = -l, ...., l, denoting orientation (the "magnetic quantum number"),
4. s = -1/2, 1/2, denoting spin (m s is also used in place of s).

The Quantum Vortex:

Positive charges have opposite vortex spin to negative charges and thus their respective vortices mesh, reducing interspatial pressure, and drawing the particles together.

The ring model of an electron is derived from an ether vortex flow. This vortex creates a pressure normal to its spin that is conjectured produces the electrostatic charge. The magnetic pressure gradient is normal to the electrostatic pressure gradient and acts along the central axis of spin. A vortex contains a low internal pressure, and a high stream pressure. When the stream flows mesh, the particles will attract one another and when they clash, will repel. The vortex field produces a pressure gradient that diminishes with radius from the core boundary. The force between electric charges is inversely proportional to the radius (sq) and directly proportional to the kinetic energy (mv2) of one vortex times the kinetic energy of a paired vortex with the sign relative to the circulation vectors.

The toroidal form of the electron vortex may be generated by the helical form of the photonic wave that produces the electron in pair creation. The antimatter counterpart of the electron, the positron, has a circulation in the opposite sense.
The SVP Universal Cosmology
Polarity Manifests as Rotating Vortex

"Coexistensive and coeternal with space and duration, there exists an infinite and unchangeable quantity of atomoles, the base of all matter; these are in a state of constant vibratory motion, infinite in extent, unchangeable in quantity, the initial of all forms of energy." Keely

The formation of matter (defined structure) is an autopoietic process in that each material structure is self-generating and perpetuating. Each unit is self-contained and occupies its own space and time. The idea of space and time limits (dimensions) was born from or with the split mind or dual (reflected, egoic) consciousness. With the idea of limits comes the idea of space or a "place" where limits can exist. Any space must be defined (more limits). This definition must of necessity have dimension. There is still nothing in space but there is dimension or orientation of direction. There is a sense of direction in and out (the fundamental basis of all vibratory and/or oscillatory motions). Two dimensions, directions or poles are established. This process is not linear in that dynamics do not occur sequentially. If there is established an in and out from a point there must be concurrently all three directions because an in and out motion is in all directions at once.

Vortexial Motion - As an expanding wave front of entropic wave reaches the Plane of Inertia it reversed polarity and begins to collapse back to the Center due to mutual assimilation between all participating particles/centers. The collapsing wave encounters and conflicts with more entropic wave fronts. This confliction results in the inward and outward vectors skewing or slipping around each other thus initiating vortexial motions. The skewing occurs by virtue of the levels or degrees of Polarization as may be seen in Russell's Focalizing Lenses graphics.
Torus Applications
Using his Vortex-Based Mathematics, Marko Rodin is able to show that numbers are real and that nature expresses herself through numbers. He solves the longstanding debate in mathematics – whether numbers are a man-made contrivance or based in nature - by proving that numbers are a condition of creation. With this math, Rodin is able to demonstrate the man-made mistakes in mathematical theories and arrive at a correct solution. He is also able to predict any missing unknown prime number and to show that symmetry exists in all prime numbers.

In Rodin´s Vortex-Based Mathematics, zero does not exist, but is replaced by the number 9. Instead, zero is defined as the vortex-well that passes through the center of the Rodin Torus. Vortex-Based Mathematics harnesses the secret of the upright vertical axis by aiming all of the numbered quantum tiles over the torus surface topology at a single point in the center, which Rodin calls the Dandelion Puff Principle. This is based on Rodin´s proof that numbers are stationary vector interstices resulting from positive emanations. These positive emanations have been postulated and conjectured to exist, but have never been observed. Marko Rodin is able to demonstrate that they are linear, they do not bend, and travel in a straight line, forming linear radial spokes along the Z-axis of the Rodin Torus.

Because Rodin is able to tap into this newly discovered emanation he is able to create electricity without reluctance or friction, which he refers to as synchronized electricity. This synchronized electricity can be observed in its past, present and future position using Rodin´s mathematical interferometry numerical patterns, which are non-invasive and hence, eliminate the possibility of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. This "principle" states, for example, that you cannot know the future position of an electron even if you know its past and present position, because one position affects the other by your way of knowing it. The only way scientists can model an atom is to observe it, invasively, through an electron microscope, but this causes the electrons to absorb the light and jump the valiance ring and you´ve just deflected and contaminated it. With the Rodin Solution, an electron is observed not with light, but by creating a mathematical matrix or interferometry numerical pattern. Thus, nothing is contaminated. Hence, Rodin is capable of determining the electron moment in all frames of reference. This enables him to "see" infinitely small or large, from the quantum level to the shape of galaxies and the universe.

The Rodin Solution explains the secret of creation. It explains how the universe reprocesses matter, uses matter as its coolant source to bathe itself at the core of a black hole, and then to dissipate heat away from the center of the galaxy. And every galaxy in the universe, it turns out, is in the shape of a torus.

The Rodin Solution also explains how black holes work. A black hole is a negative vortex where everything implodes – swirled and compressed until it reaches the inner diameter of the toroid, which is called the singularity. Spirit emanates omnidirectionally from this toroidal pinch. Matter is drawn in at the top and ejected at the bottom. This is the source of gravity, of all motion, and of time. It is what causes everything to warp and spin. When the old, dead stars and planets are shot out of the white hole (every black hole is connected to a white hole), they are a hot, gaseous stream of inter-nebular matter. As this stream gets further away from the toroidal pinch point it cools and amalgamates, forming new stars and planets all over again. This is why our human bodies are made of stardust – we are made of countless stars of the past. This is an endless cycle of renewal.
Universal Vortical Singularity enlightenment on the dipole anisotropy pattern of CMBR
Based on UVS, the observed CMBR dipole structure is encapsulated within a much larger nested Ultra spheroid in precession, the CMBR dipole phenomenon observed is a precession effect of the orthogonally wobbling Ultra spheroid.

The anisotropy pattern of the CMBR dipole suggests that the Ultra spheroid should have an elongated torus-shaped structure and it has a primary rotational axis (blue line), this axis is tilted at an angle from the accretion disc within. This accretion disc in its plane (red line) should be revolving on an internal axis (grey line) of the orthogonally rotating Ultra spheroid.

Based on the UVS model, the observable universe could be encapsulated within an orthogonally rotating plasmatic Ultra spheroid in a closed system. From the UVS perspective, this closed system could be levitated on the surface of an accretion disc of another larger vortical system, and this larger vortical system could be held on a curved equipotential surface on another larger hypersphere, or it could be vortically levitated on a flat accretion disc within the larger hypersphere. The structure that held the physical universe beyond the observable universe would be in the not observable universe.

The entire physical universe could be an apparently open system of a vortical universe with extensive nested hyperspheres in vortical motion held in the conceptual space of nature.
The Aether and the Universe
http://www.ethertheory.org/en/gorbatsev ... sum_en.pdf

http://www.mae.cornell.edu/fdrl/publica ... air_98.pdf
In this paper, we present results from an experimental study of the dynamics of a pair of parallel counterrotating vortices, which is uniform in the axial direction. We observe the existence of three-dimensional instabilities at different axial wavelengths, depending on the Reynolds number of the flow. Under the effect of a long wavelength Crow instability, the vortices develop a growing waviness, leading eventually to the formation of periodic vortex rings. A short-wavelength instability, which occurs above a threshold Reynolds number and can be associated with an elliptic instability of the vortex cores, causes internal deformations of the vortices and, in combination with the Crow instability, leads to a faster decay of the large-scale vortical structures.
http://www.aetherometry.com/Aetherometr ... r_grav.php
Aetherometry proposes that when units of nonelectric aether superimpose and condense to form matter particles (mass-energy), each massbound particle is accompanied by a quantum of massfree gravitational energy (i.e. a graviton). For the charged leaf of an electroscope to remain deflected, the constant microscopic work performed by gravitons in pushing the atoms of the leaf down has to be counteracted by the work of the massbound charges trapped in the leaves; this work, in turn, can only be sustained if the trapped charges draw in environmental latent heat to produce a flux of antigravitons sufficient to balance the constantly downward-pressing gravitational flux.

Aetherometry proposes that all energy manifestations (mass-energy, kinetic energy, and the massfree energy of gravitons, latent heat or ambipolar radiation) always involve a primary superimposition between two wavefunctions, one internal and the other external to the associated linear momentum that defines the type of particle involved. If the energy manifestation is electric (e.g. electrokinetic energy or ambipolar energy), this primary superimposition couples an internal magnetic field wave with an external electric field wave (corresponding to the conventional function of electric potential). When generating massbound particles (through the process of secondary superimposition), aether wave energy is reconfigured into a circularized, looped flux.

This has led the Correas to develop a detailed toroidal model of the electron, which makes sense of various universally accepted, experimentally determined values. For instance, the looped flux forming the electron mass-energy is composed of a magnetic wave pursuing a circularized motion around the larger radius of the torus, and an electric wave pursuing a continuous helical motion around the smaller radius of the electron torus and wound around and transversely to the magnetic wave. The total flux path can be divided into 19,206 rings, a number equal to the reciprocal of the fine-structure constant squared (α-2). The circumference of each of these rings is equal to the Duane-Hunt wavelength (which the Correas extract from the Duane-Hunt law), and the total wavelength coiled around the torus therefore equals the mass-equivalent electron wavelength. The average of the two electron-torus radii is equal to the Bohr radius (the radius of the lowest-energy orbit in the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom).
Viktor Schaubergers Vision
Our natural world is essentially an indivisible unity, but we human beings are condemned to apprehend it from two different directions — through our senses (perception) or through our minds (conceptual). A child just observes and marvels, but as our rational minds become trained we are taught to interpret what we see, usually through other people’s ideas, in order to make sense of our sensory experience. Both are forms of reality, but unless we are able to bring the two aspects meaningfully together, the world will present nothing but incomprehensible riddles to us. This, in fact, is the basic shortcoming of our present human society. It is the great weakness of the prevailing scientific orthodoxy. As Schauberger noted: The majority believes that everything hard to comprehend must be very profound. This is incorrect. What is hard to understand is what is immature, unclear and often false. The highest wisdom is simple and passes through the brain directly into the heart. Some of the pioneers of science were able to bridge this dichotomy. Their way was to immerse themselves so deeply in the world of pure observation and experience, that out of these perceptions the concepts would speak for themselves.

Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) possessed this rare gift. As a result of this, more than anyone else of his time he foresaw, as early as the 1920s, the environmental crises in which we are now engulfed. Viktor’s forebears had a long tradition of caring for the welfare of the natural forest and its wildlife in the Austrian Alps. Although he was born into a family that cherished unspoilt Nature, Viktor, like most pioneers, was the rebel amongst them.


Viktor Schauberger recognized that Nature’s evolutionary purpose is to facilitate the emergence of higher life forms, to promote greater complexity of interrelationships and to raise the level of consciousness of the higher life forms, all a consequence of the continual refinement of energies. Viktor showed that highly ordered systems lose their stability when their environment suffers deterioration. He predicted that a decrease of biodiversity in Nature would bring an increase in violence and a degeneration of spiritual qualities in the human community.


Perhaps the most important of Schauberger’s insights that we have to heed is the importance of balance in Nature. The nature of some attribute of an organism, its wholeness or unity is composed of two seemingly opposed qualities in resonant balance. Thus, for example, both egoism and altruism are necessary as human qualities, but for evolution to proceed, altruism must be more in the ascendant.

Water The Source of life

Schauberger saw water as a pulsating, living substance that energizes all of life, both organic and inorganic. He called it ‘the life blood of the Earth.’ Whether as water, blood or sap (which are essentially water), it is the indispensable constituent of all life-forms, and its quality and temperature is fundamental to health. When it is healthy it has a complex structure that enables it to communicate information, carry energy, nutrients and healing, to self-cleanse and discharge wastes. He believed that one of the causes of the disintegration of our culture is our disrespect for and destruction of water, the bringer of life, for in doing so we destroy life itself.

Temperature Gradient

Another cornerstone of Viktor’s ecotechnology is the importance of temperature in Nature’s processes. Modern technology creates vast amounts of waste heat (entropy) which contribute to global warming, especially in cities and industrial centres (carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels being the principal source of global warming).

Increasing heat will ultimately destroy life on Earth. Nature’s creativity, however, thrives on measured coolness. Most significantly, he showed how small variations in temperature are as crucial to the healthy movement of water and sap as they are to the human blood. He identified in particular the importance for water of the temperature of +4°C (39°F), referred to physically and chemically as the ‘anomaly point,’ when water is at its densest and has the greatest vitality, health and energy content.


An understanding of motion may be the most important of Schauberger’s discoveries. Our current technology uses the wrong form of motion. Our machines and processes channel agents such as air, water, other liquids and gases into the type of motion that Nature uses only to decompose and dissolve matter. Nature uses another form of motion for creating and rebuilding. Our mechanical, technological systems of motion are nearly all heat- and friction-inducing, with the fastest movement at the periphery (as in a wheel), a form of motion that is disintegrative, noisy and inefficient; this is the way we generate our power — centrifugally. By contrast, Nature uses the opposite, centripetal, vortical form of motion, moving from the outside to the inside with increasing velocity, which acts to cool, to condense, to structure, assisting the emergence of higher quality and more complex systems.


Nature’s methods of producing energy are silent, but inherently far more effective and powerful than our mechanical techniques, as Schauberger was to prove with his implosion machines that produced prodigious amounts of power. The difference between the two forms of energy production is fundamental to the quality of any process in our world.

World View

Viktor Schauberger took the ancients’ view of the Sun as the male inseminator of Earth to create bountiful Nature. But, also like the ancients, he saw Nature as the mirror of the Divine.

The Vortex and Spiral

The vortex is a window between different qualities or levels of energy. Black Holes can be thought of as vortices linking different parts of our universe or even different universes. The vortex and spiral became hallmarks for Viktor Schauberger, as for him they were the key to all creative movement.

Energy is the Primary of Creation

Viktor Schauberger shows us that we need to think of energy in Nature as the potential for creation, not as a mechanical working process. He criticized our present view of how Nature works as untenably mechanistic, which he said this is one of the main reasons why we’re in such a mess.


Nature uses egg-shapes to generate creative energies. The egg-shape became an important ingredient of his inventions. The egg is the only closed shape that will naturally generate vortical movement. The egg-shape is found, especially in the leading edge of growth, in many organisms. The structure of the pine cone is also a good example of the egg-shape, though an elongated one. Its form is developed according to another strict geometric formula.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:43 pm

Capturing Our SUN :D
The universe must be in equilibrium. Therefore, it must contain two opposing forces, a positive and a negative force -- a forward force and a reverse force. At the beginning of time forces were released from an energy well (nuclear well) in our Milky Way that we call the Big Bang. This spiraling vortex of the Milky Way birthed us and we called that birthplace the Big Bang. This energy explosion generated the gravitational time space continuum that we are currently fractalizing or phase shifting in and out of. The blue print of this part of the Cosmos was thus born from this cosmic out breath of creation!

The six plus one (the sevenfold) gravitational wave is the 'Pillar of Light' of the Cosmos. The one gravitational wave becomes a new energy well absorbing the other six, braiding the wave fronts along the interference patterns, becoming a unit, then seven units forming a new unit and the energy became compressed into matter! The new matter is Virgin, Pristine matter, as the intergerence of the energy waves remains orderly in sacred geometry. This sacred, cosmic matter, which some call 'dark field matter' or 'dark sun' matter is in reality trans-parent matter, which can form its own black holes as it turns out anti-gravitational fields and recycles matter. It can all be recalled back from our original Adamic Blueprint of Life, our legacy from our progenitors!

The opposing, implosive force of explosion is countering the forces of the Big Bang. When time retreats, aging shall reverse. Invisible matter interference is chaotic matter in the galaxies, suns and stars, turning out trash as aged matter recycles via imploding, red-giant Neutron starts and black holes.

By controlling the Sumerian Formula concentration gradient in depolarizing the water, it is feasible to maintain the black water liquid inside the cell, while stopping the clock on the biological processes. This can maintain the biological process or stop the biological clock altogether (Suspended animation finally has arrived in its embryonic form).
Since Life Crystals hold all glucose-fructose phosphate components with all adenosine and guanosine phosphates, it can be used safely at cryogenic temperature to preserve life in suspended animation. Even at room temperature, it will support life in water solution or encapsulating genetic material in Life Crystals.

The Life Crystals hold all the building blocks required for the genetic process, such as AMP-ADP-ATP-GMP-GTP-Nucleosides-nucleotides. This includes the components of carbon sugars and sugar phosphates like fructose-fructose phosphates, glucose-glucose phosphates. The fructose-glucose phosphates act as transport media across the cell membrane to deliver the adenosine and guanosine phosphates. ADP-GDP ATP-GTP will bind to hasten smart proteins while Life Crystal is depolarizing the water.

In Pristine matter the interference points are organized and are in lockstep, forming superlattice grids. Such Pristine matter holds the Breath of Creation and the blueprint of Life itself: the super-fluid, black-water substance from the void, the blueprint of Life.

Since Cosmic, Pristine Matter is in the superlattice it is therefore superconductive. Such superlattice can form an infinite variation of Cosmic Life that is far superior to us, and since it is energy-rich it can process CO2 and water in the presence of air, glucose, and genetic components. Sumerian Water, the Elixir of Life, is also produced, the Elixir that promotes life and cosmic geometry. This cosmic, black protein is the precursor of the mitochondria that in turn replicates the cosmiana, which then becomes the precursor to the ancient Chondriana; the Chondriana is in turn the precursor of all mammalian life forms.

This Cosmic Pristine Matter is replicating plant life that turns out sacred proteins and the Elixir of Life. It is the foundation of a Cosmic Physics unknown to us until now. Since the backbone of the cosmic matter is Sacred Geometry, produced by orderly interference of energy waves, it is capable of storing the breath of creation with the blueprints of life, thereby relocating predestined life forms. Such life forms have been discovered, call them the 'Cosmic Incubators' if you will. The Tibetan Dorje follows the proportions of the Cosmic Incubator.

Cosmic life forms are erecting hardware and assembling them into Bionic Plants, These life forms are capable of processing the software to replicate life from the interference of waves of light that mold the breath of creation. The Sumerian Water they produce is being used to deliver the life energy of the cosmic order of creation. The Sumerians tried to leave us a legacy in the Sumerian tablets about this incredible cosmic order, transplanting it into a primitive language that now has been translated into our own primitive conception.

With these smart proteins, our scientists will gender design and build Cosmic Bio-mechanics, following the cosmic order or the divine blueprint of all life. These cosmic order factories and their scientists came here to the surface of the Earth. Our question is, when exactly did they land on the surface of the Earth? Or can or did they call themselves back in time via this cosmic science? I have documented miniaturized and magnified life forms via interference of cosmic order. It’s like a hyper-dimensional hologram. Imagine a flying saucer or spaceship that turns into a microscopic size and hides in a grain of sand or in a crystal. Smart proteins hold the creators' blueprint of all life forms, including the Cosmic Bio-Machines. Ordinary proteins hold the bio-structure. Smart proteins hold the blueprints in interference, or perhaps seek out and process information held captive in the interference pattern. Smart protein scientists are born out of the Sumerian Elixir of Life that delivers the cosmic order of all things manifest!

These multi-dimensional Cosmic Scientists are harnessing the cosmic order that holds the breath of creation in lockstep order. This is the arrival of the new Macro-science and the authentic beginning of a New Golden Age, as we enter into a higher cosmic order with the rediscovery of Whole Light Technology! The main criteria here is the Sumerian Water Elixir, structured to Cosmic Order. By altering hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties, such water is essential to all life. Found in the nucleus of a cell, it is central to the building of microtubules (spindles for cell division) in the mitochondria, where the protein substrate that processes the ATP is held in sacred, structured water.The Sumerian Water Elixir is also found in the cerebral spinal fluid, where nerve impulses are transferred to distribution points throughout the body electric. (These are fingerprints of the cosmos)

Cosmic geometry is superconductive. The Sumerian Water plays an important role in processing water to produce specific geometry. Parts of the beta sheets in cosmic order are made from large, smart proteins. They also design amino acid chains to the desired length, building 'protein riveting' machines that in turn will build intricate bio-structures. Such bio-structures include bell-shaped optical devices: in and out-phasing dish antennae fields that produce the interference point blueprints. All of this smart protein precision hardware is hooked into a specific, life-replicating engine, that then processes the information necessary to replicate genetic material from light holograms held in hyper-dimensional space.

Smart Proteins also build and stack beta sheets of proteins through 'assembly workers', who lay down proteins one by one, like the masons laying down their bricks one by one. They fit the peptides into three-dimensional geometry via instant, on-demand production, much like bees building honeycombs. Smart Proteins use sacred, structured water as a scaffold, which acts as a mold in conjunction with the interference pattern laid into cosmic geometry.
The Sumerian Cosmic Bio-Engineers have already arrived, deep in the mitochondria of our own blood. They have been domesticated to teach us the sacred science of the cosmos.

Dr. George Merkl's discovery of Life Crystals paved the way to his re-discovery of Sumerian technology which the Anunnaki brought with them when they landed in the Mesopotamian Valley seven thousand years ago. The Sumerian literature they left behind was translated and the Sumerian math and geometry restored by Dr. Merkl, so we can now understand the true nature of the cosmos and how energy is condensed into matter and vice a versa!
"In nuclear well energy, gravitational waves are compressed into matter from within a black hole; such matter decomposes into gravitational waves. In a cell nucleus, genetic material replicates via self-hologram in water that has been structured in sacred geometry. ATP is produced in the mitochondria, where the protein substrate is in sacred geometry. The whole cosmos is alive, but when the cosmic order is disturbed, death will follow!" -- Dr. George Merkl, SUMER-TECH, Cosmic Bio-Machine, 1995

In sacred geometry the interference pattern holds the key to self-recognition and replication. If the hologram is in positive focus and magnified the replication pattern commands magnification into giants, but if the interference pattern is de-magnified the replication pattern commands the miniaturization of life forms.

The size of the whole cosmos is relative, which includes optical illusions and mirages. The interference points or patterns are viable; therefore sizes can be controlled by positive or negative forces. This gives rise to 'replication of death' to annihilate, as well as to rejuvenate and resurrect. The sizes fall in between: implosive forces form the macro cosmic, explosive forces create the microcosm.

With the reduction of energy volume, mass will increase. But with the expansion of energy, liberated from mass, compression and decompression is the name of the game! In order to create a nuclear well to condense energy into matter, all gravitational waves (as in 6 = 1) must be placed in cosmic order, or in coherent phase. This radiant energy then forms an interference pattern of six in 360 degrees and draws into the center the one that becomes the nuclear well. This creates an 'implosion well' opposite to the force released by explosion from positive monopolies. Actually, we can say that a nuclear well is six wave interactions, drawn into the seventh and forming wave units that form a graviton energy unit. When we take seven gravitons or gravity waves in the same way, we form phase coherence to fill the nuclear well and braid energy scrolls. Finally a photon and quantum of light has been born. When we begin to assemble quantums of light in marching phase (lock-step), sacred geometry forms, transferring the dectrons, photons and proteins into cosmic form. Superconductivity and superfluity will commence in these conditions.

The interference points of Cosmic Pristine Matter are organized in lockstep, forming a superconductive superlattice. Such Pristine matter holds the Breath of Creation and the Cosmic Blueprint of life itself. The superlattice can form an infinite variation of air, glucose and genetic components. Also, the Sumerian Water 'Elixir of Life' is produced; the Elixir that promotes life and cosmic geometry. This 'Black Protein' is the precursor for our mitochondria, which in turn replicates the Cosmiana. The Cosmiana is a precursor of the Chondriana, which in turn is the precursor of mammalian life forms.

This Cosmic Pristine matter is replicating plant life that turns out Sacred Proteins and the Elixir of Life. Pristine Cosmic matter is the foundation of a Cosmic Physics unknown to us until now:

"Since the backbone of Cosmic Matter is Sacred Geometry produced by orderly interference of energy waves, it is capable of storing the Breath of Creation with the Blueprint of Life, therefore relocating predestined life forms. Such Life forms have been re-discovered, and I call them Cosmic Incubators." -- Dr. George Merkl, SUMER-TECH, Cosmic Bio-Machine, 1995

These Cosmic Incubators are hyper-intelligent Protein Scientists, erecting and assembling hardware into Bionic Plants. They are capable of processing software that replicates life from the interference of waves of light that mold the Breath of Creation. The Sumerian Water Elixir they produce delivers the life energy of Cosmic Order! The Sumerians tried to tell us of this incredible Cosmic Order by translating it into a primitive language on Sumerian tablets that now have been translated into our own primitive conception of our creation story.

These timeless Protein Scientists as builders of Cosmic Bio-Machines are following Cosmic Order. These Cosmic Bio-Machines are factories that came here with the protein scientists to help us. The question is, when did they arrive? Were they here all of this time, or were they called back via rediscovery of the Cosmic Science within the Sumerian Water Elixir? Perhaps they never left us, but simply miniaturized themselves within us.

Smart Proteins hold the Cosmic Blueprint to all life forms, including the Cosmic Bio-Machines. Ordinary proteins hold only the bio-structure. Smart Proteins hold the master blueprints in interference points, or perhaps seek out and process information held captive in interference patterns along crystalline grids. Protein Scientists are born out of the Sumerian Water Elixir of Life that delivers Cosmic Order.

The arrival of Cosmic Physics is the beginning of a NEW AGE OF LIGHT. We will soon be able to enter into higher cosmic planes or dimensions consciously and at will. The hydro-phobic and hydro-philic properties of the Sumerian Water Elixir alternate, back and forth. , Such structured water is essential to all life. It can be found in the nucleus of a cell and is central to the building of microtubules or spindles for cell division in the mitochondria, where the protein substrates process ATP.

These Cosmic Scientist have arrived on the threshold of the New Millennium and have been domesticated enough to teach us the sacred Science of the Cosmos. Just as the Sumerians had access to this knowledge and science now so do we! With my Discovery of the Life Crystals I was able to mass produce layered stacked protein beta sheets to produce crystals in Cosmic Order. These crystals then are able to self hologram and reproduce themselves by copying via the light Hologram. This paved the way to the Sumerian technology which they brought with them when they landed in the Mesopotamian Valley the last time Seven thousand years ago. Now the Sumerian literature they left behind has been translated and the Sumerian math and geometer have been restored to understand the Cosmos and how energy is condensed into matter. Now we have free energy available thanks to them.

Most of all they could give us those extra years of an extended rejuvenated life span just as they had done in the past. They can provide us with advanced space travel in our own bubbles of light just like the Masters of Light move from realm to realm with. The new bio - electronics Industry could tap the infinite power of the cosmos for free energy for the entire world to have! Wow, what a wonderful world it could be! It’s here now via superconductivity and superfluidity as in photosynthesis and by tapping into the atom without a nuclear reaction. This is the reality today as the New Golden Age shall sweep out the old destructive fission based science once and for all! -- Dr. George Merkl, SUMER-TECH, Cosmic Bio Machine, 1995


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:03 pm

Sumerian Water Technology --
'The Elixir of Life'
The Sumerian Water Elixir is the super fluid bonding agent of life. When a protein is brought into contact with this Elixir it will fold into sacred cosmic geometry. This sacred geometry is then responsible for superconductivity and the continuity of all life forms. The secret to immortality lies within this sacred, cosmic order that delivers wholeness to every living organism. The free-energy scroll, vortex field generated by the seven fold interference field of the nuclear well gives rise to the three dimensional oscillations. This vortex field is the prime mover of the cosmos, the creative field that condenses into matter and distilled life itself. It does this through a state of coherence that develops interference points along the superlattice grid network. When the interference is put through cosmic order, matter will assume new entropy. The seven-fold interference represents free-energy scrolls, the seeds of light that are molded from dark gravity.

We shall see how genetic material absorbs the Sumerian Water Elixir that delivers the cosmic light to nourish and regenerate all life forms. The cosmos contains pristine 'dark matter'. This dark matter represents 90% of the cosmos. Dark matter is pure and exists in the form of superlattice grids: coherent, superconductive and super-fluidic. It acts as a nuclear well, recycling light to generate anti-gravitational fields that counter the gravitational force fields of the cosmos. This matter is translucent but generates anti-gravitational fields that trap light such as dark matter. These gravitational fields are compressing light, imploding and forming 'dirty matter' that then becomes the material to create new suns and stars. This dirty matter is chaotic, cycling towards aging and entropy and then recycling towards anti-aging and order.

The distance of heavenly bodies from the Earth does not reflect the true age of the cosmos. Photon belts are held captive by anti-gravity forces and black matter. Such forces can disturb gravitational forces within a solar system, causing catastrophic events that include pole shifts of planets. In such an event there would be complete darkness, because anti-gravitational fields are capturing the light. Many tend to believe that there is a twelfth planet with an orbital time of 36 thousand years. If such a planet exists, it would be composed of transparent matter that would make the planet black, churning out anti-gravitational fields powerful enough to break out from the solar gravitation field. It probably orbits between two suns; this would explain the long, orbital path.

The composition would also explain catastrophic events on earth that occurred when such a planet would have passed by in our past. It would have distributed the solar system by gravitational field-interaction. If disrupted, the interference patterns between suns and planets would result in orbital changes; such a catastrophic events could bring about airborne seas and matter, causing planets to flip over or even collide. Historical evidence indicates that such events took place in Biblical times.

There are several ways to enter into an atom. The ideal way is with low energy photons or particles in cosmic geometry, that absorb high-energy photons to deliver quantums of energy. A single photon has to be at high energy level to create a vortex tunnel through interference gates. In adopting the cosmic geometry, three photons at one-third their energy level accomplish the same result. One must realize that there are smaller energy units than photons. Gravitational wells have implosion 'pull'. Quantums of energy can be delivered in smaller, multiple units such as free-energy scrolls and gravitons via a delivery highway system issued forth by this implosion pull. Energy can be pulled out of the cosmos by implosion and can be delivered via the sacred geometry where zero-point, free energy takes place.

Cosmic Bio-Machines have two phase-in and phase-out vortex dishes, a black one to decrease or cancel the wave front and a white vortex dish to add or amplify the amplitude of waves. Both vortex dishes are coupled with to reproduction chambers, where the reproduction of proteins takes place via interference copying. This is done with the aid of the two, bell-shaped optical devices at the core of the Cosmic Bio-Machine. The energy is transferred to a molecular bond, and is also used for the photosynthesis of CO-2 to make glucose that utilizes the protein substrate in cosmic geometry.

By controlling positive and negative interference, the two vortex dishes also control the cosmic hyperdimensional hologram. The white dish produces the constructive interference and the black dish produces the destructive interference. In other words, the black dish produces gravitational waves which capture the light, annihilate and disassemble it, while the white dish produces the coherent beams for the hyper-dimensional interference. All this is coordinated with the optical system, which also controls the viable intensity of the wave form interfering. The Cosmic Bio-Machine Incubator adjusts the maximum control of interference intensities for desired functions, phasing in and out the coherent flow of wave fronts. (This can explain the scrambling of the optical focus on the microscope).

Once Cosmic Bio-Machines are completed, they cover themselves with protein substrates in superlattice. From this superlattice protein substrate, they get transfers of free-energy to satisfy all their needs. All space between parts and sandwich substrates are insulated with dielectric nucleotide crystals, which also serve as part of the optical system to project holograms. To drain energy from the nucleus we must shift waves out of phase, so that wave “x” is positive and wave “y” is negative. The reduction of amplitudes and intensity will be determined by the phase shift angle. If x – y, the opposite, direction interference will disengage and gravitational waves will be turned loose, generating a gravity field. This is achieved by a superlattice vortex, reversing the spin state of the carrier waves.

The Cosmic Bio-Machine exists as ‘creation hardware’ incorporated into the very fabric of creation. It is in 'perpetual existence' throughout the many universes, functioning as Metatronic, Whole Light technology. The four bells of the Cosmic-Bio Machine create a ‘Cosmic Well’ in its center, a depolarized, toroidal circuit holding multi-dimensional holograms for this Universe. This is the ‘Power of Cross’ of the Black Sun, stepping down the Pillar of Light from the galactic central sun through the software of the Adam Kadmon blueprint. This divine software blueprint was inserted by the seven mighty Elohim, our Anunnaki overseers, at the beginning of our current epoch. It controls and regulates our localized universe and its ‘gen-isis’ and up-coming ‘regen-isis’ threshold.

The Center of the Cosmic Bio-Machine is a step-down transformer. The vertical Pillar of Light comes down through the top bell of the Cosmic Bio-Machine to the center of the cross, where it is compressed through the lens of the Black Sun. The stepped-down and transformed Pillar of Light then moves out the bottom bell of the Cosmic Bio-Machine as Black Water. This Sumerian Water Elixir transports crystalline grids that have been pre-programmed as fractalized mechanisms that transport and transpose light into all manifested life within Adamic creation.

Our sun is a polarizing / de-polarizing, magnifying / miniaturizing lens for the great central Sun of the Milky Way galaxy, which is a Cosmic Bio-Machine model functioning at a magnified, macro level. Merkl recognized the inherent and severe entropy of our local sun and its effects on our evolution and well-being. Through solarizing his own blood via the Sumerian Water Elixir, Merkl was able to witness the creation hardware of this universe on a miniaturized scale within his own blood.

Without the knowledge and understanding that this sacred, cosmic geometry brings, we will never evolve and ascend beyond the three-dimensional reality known as death and re-birth on the Great Wheel of Life. The whole universe is fractalized through a self-replicating process, initiated at the core of the Cosmic Bio-Machine. Based on this cosmic knowledge, everything can be corrected and restored to the pristine conditions of the original Garden of Eden we left so long ago.
What is Superlight
SuperLight is magnetic light; it is magneto–electric radiation.

Regular light is electric light or electro–magnetic radiation. There is parity or symmetry the Universe, everything has an equal and opposite mirror–image counterpart, the Ying and the Yang, right and left, matter and anti matter, the electron and the positron. Why not light?

SuperLight is the unseen force in nature that has been ignored by science but real to the mystics and metaphysicians for thousands of years. It has been given different names by different cultures for thousands of years.

A Nuous, Chi, Biomagnetic Energy, Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Energy, Tesla's Free Earth Energy, Animal Magnetism, Space Energy, Vacuum Energy, and Zero Point Energy, etc. Those who have subtle perception know it is real.

First, I will describe how regular light is formed and then make the analogy for SuperLight.

Regular electro–magnetic radiation or light is formed when electric monopoles give off energy. The electron in orbit about our atoms is an electric monopole — as it changes its' orbit it either gives off or absorbs energy in the form of electro– magnetic radiation. Sunlight is converted into electricity by this process in a solar cell. Just the opposite occurs in optical diodes, which convert electricity into light.

So, electro magnetic radiation or visible light is produced when an electron (an electric monopole) lowers its orbit and releases its energy in the form of light.

Now, I believe a similar event occurs in the extremely dense and hot matter found in black holes. It is theorized that black holes contain magnetic monopoles and when these extremely dense, extremely small, extremely energetic magnetic monopoles release energy by lowering their orbit they radiate magneto–electric radiation, our SuperLight. So black holes really are not so black. They are radiant beings of SuperLight. Of course SuperLight escapes the strong gravitation forces of the black holes because its velocity is the square of the velocity of light and it therefore, can easily escape.

The current scientific thinking is that in the center of every galaxy in the universe is a black hole. There are billions and billions of galaxies all around us, and they all are producing SuperLight. We are literally bathed in a three-dimensional dynamic energy field, or an "Ether" of SuperLight — a Dynamic Ether.

Our body is electronic in nature and it is composed of millions and billions of micro–electronic units that are formed in structures that have a phase array organization. I believe that the electronic resonance in these organized conductive molecules have some resonance with very small amounts of SuperLight and that these energy fields and currents are responsible for the human aura and the energy vortexes found in the body chakra area. They also produce the Vital Life Forces. But, since SuperLight is so powerful, even a very, very small amount produces more than enough energy to sustain life. Thus, life is produced and sustained by specific forms and amounts of organized matter, and old age and eventual death occurs when too much disorder and disease comes into our bodies and breaks up this ordered structure. At that point, the body can no longer produce enough Vital Life Force from SuperLight to sustain itself. I also believe that all forms of organized matter produce its own aura–finger–prints or energy signature when it reacts with SuperLight.

Crystals are very organized structures and thus according to this thesis are also converters or transducers of SuperLight. This is where their energy comes from and explains how they seemingly can radiate a positive signal continuously without being recharged. As with herbs, crystals and minerals of different chemistries and structures develop different types of energy fields. This explains why different crystals have different effects on different parts of the body. The key to crystal healing is to match the required energy with the proper crystal that produces that specific energy need.

In the future, I conceive of manufacturing simulated body structures which will be micro–size phase array assemblies made of room temperature superconductors. They will be converters SuperLight into Vital Life Force for healing. Specific micro–structures will be designed to attune to, and resonate with, the exact energy needed, in the specific part of the body that needs an energy boost for healing and regeneration.

It is said, that the priests in Atlantis lived for thousands of years, and that their secret was that they, at times, would sleep in crystal lined caves and that this would rejuvenate their bodies, bringing healing and new growth.

I propose that, in the very near future, I will be able to test this idea with the fiber crystal that I am making in my lab in Albuquerque. Soon, I hope to be able to grow my fiber crystals long enough, and in large enough quantities, that we will be able to spin these crystals into yarn. Once spun into yarn, single crystal fiber cloth could be woven to make crystal cloth head and wristbands, hats, and meditation shawls. You could even stuff your mattress with crystal fiber, or cover your bedroom wall with crystal fiber cloth wallpaper. This should stimulate creativity, imagination, healing and regeneration.

Gravity is not an intrinsic property of matter, neither is inertia. These secondary forces are both formed by the reaction of matter to the dynamic field of SuperLight. Gravity is not an attraction! It is the result of a universal pressure, exerted by SuperLight as it rains in from infinity, from all directions, onto every object. Materials are not 100% transparent to SuperLight. I estimate, perhaps about 99.99999999% transparent. As a consequence, all material domains, all "matter", experiences an acceleration caused by SuperLight. Every "particle" is affected by a slight drag, or pressure differential, as SuperLight travels past and through them.


There is parity in the universe, therefore light has two forms:

ELECRTO–MAGNETIC — electric light traveling at C. (1010 meters per sec.)
MAGNETO–ELECTRIC — magnetic light traveling at C squared.

These lights are responsible for all created matter, all forces, and life itself. As a result of this theory, I make the following statements;


1. Vital life force energies come from SuperLight reacting with coherent structures in the body.

2. Organs and chakras produce energy vortexes from the interaction with SuperLight.

3. Aging comes from loss of coherence in the body.

4. Healing and regeneration will be possible, by exposure to higher concentrations of SuperLight.

5.All psychic phenomena takes place on the SuperLight wave bands.

Super Light as it Affects Physics and Astronomy

1. It proposes a three dimensional dynamic ether that reacts with all matter and energy causing all forces.

2. Gravity is not and intrinsic property of matter, but only a reaction to an external force. (e.g. SuperLight)

3. Inertia is not an intrinsic property of matter, but only it's reaction to acceleration through the ether of SuperLight's dynamic field.

4. It eliminates the problem of action at a distance.

5. It eliminates the need for dark matter, and solves Dr. Rubins problem of the outer stars in galaxies "traveling too fast". (There is a slight drag causing the stars to fall slowly into the center of the galaxy.)

6. Also, the gravity constant is not constant, but becomes less as one approaches black holes, due to the reduction effect of SuperLight radiating out of the black hole.

7. This also means that the gravity constant becomes significantly less at the edge of the Universe.

8. It also allows black holes to reach an equilibrium state, — matter in SuperLight out — thus preventing one black hole from becoming massive and gobbling up the whole universe.

9. It explains what neutrinos are: they are SuperLight.

10. It allows many new scenarios for the Big Bang and creation. For example: Since gravity and inertia are the result of matter reacting with SuperLight, which did not exist prior to the big bang, or in early times, then, the Big Bang could have been a Little Bang (or a big breath) because any force would cause and infinite acceleration, since there was nothing to hold matter back.

SuperLight And Space Travel

Communication, on the SuperLight wave bands, will permit extreme distant communication in space in much shorter times. (e.g. 100,000 light years in 3 to 4 minutes.)

It eliminates the need to take fuel, when you travel in space, thus permitting real deep space travel.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Oct 15, 2010 10:19 pm

Origins of Life -- Journey into Inner Space
"When electrons are placed in Sacred Geometry, a coherent electron beam is provided by the superlattice network. The coherent light is laced throughout and between each row of the superlattice grid structure. This superlattice acts as a beam splitter, resulting in a multitude of coherent photon beams. All wave form patterns are pinned down in this superlattice, remaining in place as the superstructure of this dimension. Photon emissions are then under control. The wave addition, therefore, will up-shift the amplitude and the similitude from the blueprints of life." -- Dr. George Merkl, SUMER-TECH, Cosmic Bio Machine, 1995

"Since the molecules are in lock-step, the split-beams on the existing grid result in a multitude of interference patterns, locking in the captivated blueprint of expressed genetic molecules. The captive blueprints of life then form templates in the photon light beam that will serve as the skeleton of life forms. The building blocks of life can now fill in the sacred map of the photons to reassemble life from the information stored in the light! Blocking in the constant phase insures the template printing of interference, and the mobility of the molecules are thus held in order by the superlattice network grid." -- Dr. George Merkl, SUMER-TECH, Cosmic Bio Machine, 1995

All life on Earth shares the same basic biochemistry ("Biochemical Uniformity") - using the ATP molecule to store energy and DNA/RNA to carry genetic information. As biology evolved this same materials were the foundations of a wide variety of kinds of organisms ("Morphological Diversity") - from microbes to slime molds, to plants and animals.

One of the criteria is the SUMERIAN WATER that is structured to this Cosmic Order! By altering the hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties, such sacred water is essential to all life and is found in the nucleus of a cell and is central to building microtubules or spindles for cell division in the mitochondria, where the protein substrate that processes the ATP is in this Sacred Water. In Cosmic Geometry and superconductivity, such water is also found in the cerebral spinal fluid where the nerve impulses are transferred to the distribution points along the grid. These are the fingerprints of the Cosmos. The Sumerian Water, or Elixir of Life, plays an important role in processing such water and producing it into specific geometry. Parts of the Beta Sheets in Cosmic Order are made from these large SMART Proteins. They also design the Amino Acids to the desired length. They design and build protein riveting machines to build intricate bio-structures. They design and build phasing in and out dish antennae fields, with bell shaped optical devices, to produce interference blueprints of all life forms."

“This Cosmic Physics of the Nuclear Well with a six-wave interaction that is drawn into the seventh, forms wave units to form a graviton energy unit. When we take seven graviton or gravity waves in the same way, we form phase-coherence to fill the nuclear well to braid into free-energy scrolls. Finally, a photon and a quantum of light have been born! Now, when we begin to assemble quantum's of light in matching phase, Sacred Geometry forms and transfers electrons, photons and SMART proteins into Cosmic Order; superconductivity and superfluity will thus commence."

"The Sumerian Life Amplifier (superlattice, beam-function order) acts as a gravitational hologram, containing the coherent electron beam and coherent light beam combined with the Sumerian Crystal water. [This is seen as] the surface tension forces compress the tetrahedra. The Sacred Geometrical constraints require the nucleotides in the superlattice to vibrate along this string. This frequency of resonance then is transferred, to be stored in the interference points of the coherent electron photo beams. Molecules then arrange themselves according to the ADAMIC BLUEPRINT, as is recalled for storage in the 4th dimension."

"In the Life Crystal water the water molecules are structured to the grid patterns of Sacred Geometry. The Sumerian Water is laced with the minute, Elixir of Life that I discovered in plant sources and it delivers light that is energizing the water. Next we have the birth of the Nuclear Well, which is holding energy into matter. Any materials in our world that have fallen into disordered incoherence can be restored or resurrected with this knowledge, if applied correctly. Thus, by restoring life back into the elements by restoring the Sacred Geometry into lockstep, we have a new world of regeneration at our finger tips! The Elixir of Life is coherent nutrients, and our DNA behaves like a wave, so we shall nourish our DNA with high potency nutrients that behaves like wave forms."

306 pairs of photons in Sacred Geometry braid the interference points into lockstep to form electrons. If the lockstep is scattered and out of Sacred Geometry, the electron dispenses into photons.

In this Sumerian Water combined with my own genetic material, I witnessed the emergence of a very ancient life form called the Chondriana. It was she that divided herself and gave birth to a male Chondrion. In this Chondriana, the DNA and RNA segments are the library of the past and the present, holding all the information needed for biological process and proliferation. The SMART Proteins in the DNA wrap around histones and provide the functional life-fields that activate the DNA. Enzymatic functions of genetic and chemical processes are controlled by these SMART Protein molecules. The SMART Proteins are produced in the recent cytoplasm located in the head of the spermatozoa, that is replicated in the undifferentiated cells and carried over to differentiated cells.
The degenerated remnants of these primordial, SMART Proteins synthesized in the ancient cytoplasm, resurrected themselves via the LIFE CRYSTAL.
Free Energy Scrolls
In the Synthesis of Life, Free Energy Scrolls form strands with matching frequencies of oscillation and equal wavelength. These strands of scrolls braid into photon vortexes; 918 pairs of photons (magic number) feed the vortex of an electron. Again a 917 pair (five pairs off) electron vortex copies a genetic trait to form the proton, and 918 electrons form the neutron. Every time an atomic vortex inverts through a black hole, the scrolls form a coherent field followed by pole splitting, which then reverts through a white hole that is followed by an incoherent field. Each absorbed scroll increases the mass of the host. However, due to the increased mass the spin will change on the host, followed by a change in wavelength and frequency of oscillation.

A three-dimensional vortex performing three-dimensional motion inverts through its poles, moving back and forth and changing signals constantly. After thirty years of fruitful research, including research of plant life in the last five years, I do have ample proof that Free Energy Scrolls are responsible for the basic functions of life.

Genetic crystals form a hollow unisphere, due to their magnetic properties. The surface crystal layers of the unispheres absorb light and turn black, except at their poles, as light passing through them creates a vortex of light. The absorbed light by the surface crystals is then transduced to higher energy level.
Pleo-morphism means many forms; many or more (pleo-), forms or bodies (morph-), capable of changing from one type of organism to another. This is in contradistinction (distinction by contrast) to Mono-morphism which means one (mono-) body or form.

Dr. George Merkl’s pleomorphic breakthrough was made possible by his discovery of Life Crystals:

". . .composed of tiny, pyramid shaped crystals of ATP, the chemical fuel that powers the machines of our bodies. ATP is the energy molecule of the body, the muscles 'burn' ATP when they contract. These crystals are what spawned in the oceans of all worlds to transduce Life down from the bi-directional electromagnetic wave structure in the scalar potential of vacuum". – Dr. George Merkl

Dr. Merkl subsequently realized that living genetic material, when placed within a Life Crystals solution and viewed under his own, custom designed microscope, would be magnified up to 80 million diameters. This unprecedented level of magnification was due to the Life Crystals acting as a “focalizing lens”, and allowed Dr. George Merkl to witness within his own genetic material the smallest, living particles yet discovered by man. He called these ancient ancestors in our blood “Chondriana”:

“. . .[Life] Crystals are what spawned in the oceans of all worlds to transduce Life down from the bi-directional electromagnetic wave structure in the scalar potential of vacuum. In this world Chondrianas form [and] are created continuously, in the body or in oceans." -- George Merkl, Genesis II, pg. ii

“The Chondriana are human in origin. They are our precursors. They are micro-organisms which have been synthesized from human DNA.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:28 pm

Mary, Mary Quite Contrary
In the small and otherwise little-known town of Rennes-le-Chateau in Southern France, near the Spanish border, stands a decidedly odd cathedral which has become a center of controversy, conspiracy theories and occult speculation for over a century. Although it belongs to the Roman Catholic church, and looks superficially orthodox from a distance, you don't even have to go inside to begin suspecting you have found the weirdest church in the entire Christian world.

If nameless awe and Lovecraftian fears of cosmic horror do not drive you back, you will proceed, and discover that this temple is dedicated to Mary Magdalene, the most poorly recorded yet ill-reputed of the disciples of Jesus. In the Bible itself, she appears as a name and only a name. According to long-held legend, she was a common whore; and even after she reformed, she remains a bit of an embarrassment to the more puritanical Christians, i.e, most of them.

Lest you think all this the work of the Monty Python crew, the Church of Mary Magdelene was built in the 1890s by the local parish priest, Father Beranger Sauniere, but where he got the money for the construction seems even more problematic than the eldritch edifice itself. Rennes-le-Chateau, a small town, could barely afford a priest, and Father Sauniere in his early days often survived on free meals from his congregation, yet he suddenly became rich. In addition to the church, he built a Tower, also dedicated to Mary Magdelene, and a bridge, and other public works, but nobody knows where he got the money.

Some legends soon grew in the village, claiming that Father Sauniere had found the lost treasure of the Knights Templar [who had a castle in the area] or that he had re-discovered the secret of alchemy. In L'Or de Rennes-le-Chateau [The Treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau], an odd bloke named Gerard de Sede claimed that Sauniere had discovered some old parchments containing a "priceless" historical and occult revelation. He even reproduces the alleged parchments, which consist only of two pages from the New Testament, in Latin.

We shall return to this dazzling revelation, or surrealist hoax, but first we will examine Father Sauniere a bit more deeply. This simple country priest often visited Paris and evidently mingled with the occult lodges there, including some of those associated with Aleister Crowley (a hint?). Before he died, Sauniere made a final confession, as a good Catholic should; but the priest who heard the confession found it so terrible that he denied the last rites and refused to grant absolution. According to Catholic dogma, Sauniere immediately went to Hell -- for an accursed church, a Scotchman at the Crucifixion, noon blue apples, and some aeon-old horror that allegedly makes sense of all this....

Gerard de Sede, whom I have already dared to call an odd bloke, produced another book, La Race Fabuleuse [The Fabulous Race], which deals with Stenay, a town far from Rennes-le-Chatteau, which happens to have the head of Satan on its Coat of Arms. Although de Sede prominently mentions [but never does explain] this blasphemy, he does have a lot of interesting things to say. Frogs often fall out of the sky onto Stenay, an annoyance to orthodox science, which cannot explain them.

The Merovingian kings, a dark age dynasty [c 400-700 c.e], had a falling frog on their Coat of Arms. [Less sinister than Satan, but more perplexing?] The church in Stenay is built so that on midsummer day you can stand at the altar, look through the arched doors and see Sirius rising behind the sun. And Dagobert II, a Merovingian king, was murdered by persons unknown in the Ardennes Forest on 23 December, 679 c.e.

De Sede finally offers us a revelation, or part of one, thanks to one Marquis de B. [All the best conspiracy books have sources who cannot be identified.] The Marquis, himself descended from Dagobert, tells de Sede that the spooky Merovingians resulted from matings between certain ancient Israelites of the Tribe of Benjamin and extraterrestrials from Sirius. They have lived in hiding and obscurity for many centuries, because a certain powerful conspiracy has tried to murder them all, just like they murdered poor old Dagobert. Although neither de Sede nor de B. name this conspiracy, the evidence seems arranged so as to point a strong finger of suspicion at the Vatican.

Another part of the puzzle emerges from a Swiss source -- journalist Mattiew Paoli, who, in a book titled Les Dessous [Undercurrents] exposed what he considered a conspiracy to restore monarchy in France, under the guise of two groups called respectively [a] the Committee to Protect the Rights and Privileges of Low-Cost Housing and the Priory of Sion. His evidence actually seems to indicate that both groups act as fronts for something even older and more esoteric.

But dig this: Paoli reproduces the front page of one issue of Circuit, the official journal of the Committee to Protect the Rights and Privileges of Low-Cost Housing and/or the Priory of Sion: it shows a map of France with a Star of David superimposed on it and a conventional "flying saucer" hovering above.

What was it de Sede claimed about ancient Israelites who mated with extraterrestrials from Sirius? Hmmm..

La Race Fabuleuse and Les Dessous both appeared in 1973. On 23 July that year, I had the first of a series of experiences which seemed like communications from Sirius, although, grown older and wiser, or at least more cautious, I now tend to attribute them to Too Much Acid. [See my Cosmic Trigger trilogy,] Early the next year, sci-fi supergenius Philip K. Dick had a set of similar experiences, which he at times attributed to communications from Sirius.

In 1976 appeared The Sirius Mystery by Robert K.G. Temple, a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, who evidently had felt the Sirius Vibe in his own academic way. His book argues that ancient intercourse between Earth and Sirius had occurred about 4500 years ago in the mid-East, but unlike de Sede he does not suggest sexual intercourse, merely the intellectual variety, and he locates the contact point in Sumeria, not Israel.... but still…

The real bombshell falls at the end, when the authors offer their own solution to these enigmas. Jesus, they claim, married Mary Magdelene and they had a son. After the Crucifixion, the widow and the widow's son fled to France, and he became the progenitor of the Merovingians. They even produce a photo of the sepulture of the widow's son, which is quite near Rennes-le-Chateau, and point out its strong resemblance to a similar tomb in the painting, Shepherds of Arcadia, by Nicholas Poussin.

But to return to the late Redeemer and his alleged paramour. Ms. Magdalene, if one accepts them as the ancestors of the Merovingians, as Baigent et al would have it, and if one accepts the divinity of Jesus, as most Christians do, then the medieval doctrine of "the divine right of kings" suddenly makes sense. The Merovingians seem to have intermarried with every other royal family in Europe so almost every king and queen of Europe from the middle ages onward has carried some of the holy "blood" of Jesus by way of the holy grail of Mary's uterus. If you translate "blood" as genes, this makes sense, sort of.

Maybe we should give up all the democratic heresy of the last 200 years and accept the genepool of Jesus and Mary Christ as our God-given rulers?

Baigent and his associates also produce a heap of genealogical charts showing who, in the modern world, belongs to the "divine" Merovingian genetic pool, together with an alleged list of Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion.

In 1985 David Wood produced GENISIS -- not a misprint, but a Joycean pun, [Gen-ISIS]. Based on the English science, or art, or group madness, called ley hunting, this book seeks a mystic secret in the geographical arrangements of the sites important in the Priory/Magdelene mystery. You do this by connecting all the key points with straight lines, and if nothing significant emerges, you may try curved lines if they are arcs of a circle. Using the right map and pencil, plus a few circles, Wood emerges with a design he calls the Vagina of Nuit.

Although it doesn't look like any human vagina I ever saw outside of a Picasso painting, the Vagina of Nuit does yield some interesting geometrical proportions.-- numbers significant in mystic tradition. From these, Wood deduces that Mary Magdelene never existed as a person; she is the Egyptian sky-goddess Nuit in disguise. Furthermore, the Merovingians came from Atlantis, not the stars, but the whole human race was genetically engineered by a group of extraterrestrial scientists from Sirius.

But, at this point, I cannot resist inserting the fact that several quite intelligent scientists have offered evolutionary theories as far out as Wood's. Sir Francis Crick, Nobel laureate and co-discoverer of the DNA molecule, has long argued that the DNA contains too much information to have happened by means of any finite series of "lucky accidents." Since the word "God" remains taboo in scientific circles, Crick claims the designer of DNA, and hence of all life on Earth, must be an advanced extraterrestrial race. Similar ideas have come forth from the distinguished astronomer, Sir Fred Hoyle, and from Dr. Timothy Leary, among others.

Inside the "Men's Club": Secrets of the Patriarchy, by "Hawthorne Abendsen" [no date: A-Albionic Research, Ferndale, Michigan] offers yet another perspective on all this weirdity. The Priory of Sion, Abendsen claims, controls all the other all-male secret societies you ever heard of, and thus all of our civilization. It worships Al-Shaddai [Lord of Battles], the god who appeared to Abraham, and it has created all later, gentler images of divinity [e.g., the God of Love] as deceptions to fool the masses.

"Hawthorne Abendsen," by the way, seems to have gotten borrowed or stolen from Phillip K. Dick, who used it as the name of the author of the book-within-the-book, in his sci-fi classic, The Man in the High Castle.

Yes: the same Phillip K. Dick who later decided he was receiving messages from Sirius.....


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:30 pm

Inside the "Men's Club" Secrets of the Patriarchy
http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listse ... 42428.html
There is at least circumstantial evidence in support of the hypothesis that the peoples whom we describe as patriarchal were once a special caste or "guild" in earlier Near Eastern civilizations. They seem to have been a 'taboo' group, 'branded" and set apart, like Cain --whose name, by the way, means 'expelled"-specializing in the risky skills of smelting (fire) and slaughter of animals (bloodletting) for ritual purposes.

Not only this, but, because of their indifference to pain and death, they provided manpower for the first militias of early Near Eastern Empires, developing eventually into a distinct warrior caste. Careful reading of texts from 2000 BC suggest that, from male-bonded and therefore exclusive solidarity among themselves, they became an autonomous power and at last rose in revolt against their own rulers, who were temperamentally unprepared to resist storms of violence. (Archeologists examining the corpses of their victims note that they seem to have submitted passively, without resistance.)

It is time now to reveal the identity of these two groups, who will play an important role (with other related groups) in further discussion here, and in the as-yet unwritten even more lengthy version, of the subject matter relevant to a history of the patriarchy.

The first group, whose trial and disposition has been described, is the Knights Templar, the ruling military and later economic elite (with the approval of Church and State) of Christendom for two and a half centuries, 1099-1314 AD.

The second group is the Freemasons, who were not parties to the above trial but who have suffered similar inquisitions on a smaller scale from the early 1700s (although their activities are documented at least a century earlier) to the late 1800s. There is good reason to believe that Templar cells (in Spain and Scotland, not subject to the laws of Rome) survived, and in time evolved into the Freemasons, since the two groups in fact make claim to the same history. Masons were central figures among the Founding Fathers, they were central in the French Revolution, and they were equally central in the administration of colonies by the British Empire.

For the survival of these archaic Semitic practices, we must look to "apostate" Jews such as the Knights Templar -- who seem to have preserved the original sacrificial rituals as well. These trustees of the Yahweh religion of Solomon's time (by their own account) claim descent from the ' lost" or exiled tribe of Benjamin, set apart--significantly for favoring sodomy.

However, among the Tribes of Israel, Benjamin also has several other important distinctions. He was the youngest of Jacob's sons and one of only two children born to Jacob's blessed wife Rachel -- the elder being Joseph.

In the Genesis account, Benjamin did to Joseph exactly what Judas did to Jesus: he betrayed him (sold him into slavery) for pieces of silver. His deed becomes all the more significant when we realize also that his brother Joseph (as High Priest under Pharaoh) is the earliest representative of the "Messiah' archetype.

Thus we find Benjamin alongside Joseph, the ruler of the Ten (Lost) Tribes, as well as alongside Judah, the "royal" tribe of the remainder.

When the Jewish people chose David as their king (II Sam 19:17), Benjamin as 'the house of Joseph," and rabbinical prophecy held that this tribe would provide Jewry's last king, just as it had provided its first, Saul.

By the way, careful reading of Genesis reveals the "royal" tribe to be that of Joseph, rather than Judah, which produces no kings until David is given preference as the result of bloodshed over the Benjamite Saul.

Rather than being an historical digression, the foregoing is necessary background for understanding the further claim made by the Knights Templar -- that they are sworn guardians of a "secret aristocracy" among elite Jews, composed of those descended from the "royal" line of Joseph (among the Ten Lost Tribes exiled in the West) and from the Western line of Kings of Judah [Judah is kingless in the East-]

If we are to believe such a claim, this 'secret society' of "apostate Jews" has secretly preserved not only the original rituals of patriarchal Judaism but, with equal secrecy, its ruling dynasty of priest-kings as well

Let us keep in mind, also, that in 1314 the Templars were an empire unto themselves, a military, banking and theological elite with thousands of members throughout Europe, monopolizing European industry and possessing the equivalent of billions of dollars. For over two centuries they --and the homosexual ethic they had espoused-- had literally ruled the Christian world.

To a degree in common with few other Western nations (except for France) Masonic rank seems a prerequisite for high political, intelligence, military or ecclesiastical office in England.

Around the turn of the century, financier Cecil Rhodes set out to revive the dying glory of the British Empire, threatened by the growing power of its "colony," the United States.

In partnership with the most exclusive Lodge of British Freemasonry (admitting only statesmen and diplomats), Lord Rothschild and his relative Lord Rosebury, and emissaries of American magnates J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie and J. D. Rockefeller, Rhodes created an order dedicated to crystallizing an Anglo-American "Empire" which would supervise Western administration of the Third World.

That patriarchal preoccupation, warfare, intelligence secret societies," homosexuality -- the same links we have elsewhere noted, again and again

The OTO possessed "secrets,' Crowley reported, including a method for acquiring magical powers through specifically homosexual acts, which had come down to them from the Near East India. This is consistent with what we already know of the or earlier Knights Templar.

In Europe, the OTO had a membership interlocking with other German "Secret societies" such as the Thule Gesellschaft and the Armaneri order, which espoused racist (Aryan, anti-Semitic) and nationalist views of history in addition to and consistent with their occult beliefs. Various Lodges of British Freemasonry had similar ties.

It was during this period that Germany (and much of the world) had become magnetized by that spurious' document, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," and had begun to dream of an Aryan (Indo-European) Empire which would resurrect the ancient Teutonic patriarchal system and its worship of Wotan -- a Nordic counterpart to Jehovah, the God of War, or as a 'mad god"-- Satan.

Such a "Thousand Year Reich" would require an absolute ruler, an Emperor, or more precisely, in German, a "Fuhrer" (Caesar, Czar, etc.)... The patriarchy was being reborn, but, from fear of a Zionist "conspiracy," divided' within itself -split between Indo-European and Semitic tribes.

The Priory of Sion --an occult-political order seeking the apocalyptic destiny we have described here numbers among its members the heir-apparent to the Holy Roman Empire, Otto von Habsburg, most of the reigning kings and princes of European states, diplomats of the Common Market, international bankers such as the Rothschilds, and so on – as well as an "Anglo-American" group composed of celebrated SIS and OSS operatives from WWII (possibly including the Dulles brothers) and Cold War statesmen.

The Priory of Sion claims to be the parent organization responsible for the Knights Templar and the Freemasons, as well as many other "secret societies" we have noted in passing, such as the Rosicrucians and the Hermeticists. They make the same claims we have attributed to the Templars and Freemasons in regard to their trusteeship of the original patriarchal traditions, the "true' interpretation of Christianity, and the living descendants of the House of David, Kings of Judah.

Their avowed goal at present which is being realized through their involvement in the tentative "United States of Europe" due in 1992 and the role they have played in raising Gorbachev to power in the USSR is the creation of a Western Judeo-Christian Empire (including the US, through Anglo-American union) centered on a Priest-King in Jerusalem.

The pattern is finally broken only when Joshua ben Joseph of Nazareth --Jesus the Christ-- assumes Godhead through a literal sacrificial death in submission to God the Father. This a symbolic gesture by which worldly power -- sustained only by Violence and destruction-- is renounced, by one who has all the credentials and all the authority to declare himself messiah – Priest-King of the Jews-- and thus all the right to exercise absolute rule. This "Lamb of God" sought no substitute.

Furthermore, rather than defining the Father as a God of Law under will, requiring the subjugation of all mankind through the Son-ruler's power, this King Jesus defined Him as a god of Love, wishing for all mankind to live in harmonious equality through identification with the compassion manifest in the Son-ruler's all-embracing love.

Moreover, this God of Love was no longer a masculine Father but was apparently androgynous, as much "feminine" as 'masculine" –evading anthropomorphism altogether, in the purest tradition of Judaism—given "His" identification with a Holy Spirit generally disembodied, although occasionally even feminine* In this God's image, Jesus the man was similarly androgynous, courageously masculine (but nonviolent) one moment and tenderly caring the next, honoring men and women alike as his siblings.

This new ego-ideal of man (and woman) constituted a great offense to the patriarchy -- and a threat.

Consequently, to preserve the patriarchal dignity of the imperial ruler (and his power elite), Christ had to be regarded as a rebel against God --a projection of the patriarchal male's own Luciferian resentment—and as punished by God, via the Emperor, for that rebellion. He had to be seen as defeated, rendered powerless in this world, exiled to an Afterlife where he would be harmless against patriarchal rule. He had to be portrayed as effeminate --a projection of the patriarchal ego-and as worthy of masculine contempt.

Above all else, the possibility of a higher spiritual value than worldly power, or a force more potent than aggression, had to be eliminated.

The patriarchal interpretation of Christianity--which the Romanized Church, the Judaizing Protestant Church, and the heretical 'Churches" of the Knights Templar and Freemasons all support, in progressive degrees--amounts to a denial of the symbolic message of Christ, a falsification of its psychology, and a complete inversion of its theology.

The patriarchal ego stands alone and defenseless, defending itself against the larger psyche and psychological forces beyond its comprehension. A "matriarchal" counterpole has surfaced to undermine it and ultimately brings it back into balance within a psyche, a social order, and a God which is neither male- nor female-dominated nor oppressor or oppressed.

The 'taboos' of the 'men's club' have been violated --have been seen through by those no longer under their 'spell'-- and the secrets of patriarchy have been revealed.

The end of the patriarchy is nigh. The death of patriarchal consciousness and power may occur, not from the bottom of the pyramid or at its outermost limits, as one might believe, but at the very apex of power and in the innermost core of the "men's club."

In our concluding chapter, on what may be the ultimate "secret" of patriarchy, we will suggest the reason why this is likely to be the case.

At the very beginning of this paper, we moderated our judgments of the "men's club" by proposing that what was true on high levels may not necessarily be true on the highest -suggesting that, while the symbolism may be the same, the meaning may be somewhat altered, perhaps in a more positive direction. This may or may not be true, but we are required to admit this benefit of a doubt, since conclusive evidence of what goes on in the innermost circle is lacking.

At the very apex of the pyramid of power, the conflicts inherent in the one-sided commitments of patriarchy become intensified and produce a psychological and spiritual crisis. At the apex, these imbalances challenge the very order of the psyche, in which ego and Will are but part of a larger whole. At this point, one must face the self- annihilation of madness or the possibility for self-transcendence and enlightenment.

According to the "matriarchal” metaphysics of the I Ching, and the universal principle of dialectic conflict which Jung termed enantiodromia, at the point of its most extreme expression one pole (Yin or Yang, masculine or feminine) transmutes into its opposite. In other words, at an extreme beyond which no further movement in the same direction is possible, consciousness undergoes a radical reversal of polarity, a "pole shift."

There, the possessors of near-absolute power must choose between two alternatives–

The first, an act of ultimate, irreversible violence, whereby power destroys all that it has power over, everything, and hence itself as well.The only other alternative, then, is the second: cessation from action, ego-death (not necessarily physical death) and a self-abnegating surrender to the opposite element --all that has been heretofore feared and resisted for all its "otherness"-motivated by an existential instinct for survival and self-preservation, accompanied (one imagines) by a veritable lightning-bolt of illumination revealing (or rationalizing) what this mean

It means for one thing, that one's human Self survives even when one's masculine ego is utterly destroyed, and that there is a humaneness and a God which has that form, beyond the biological division of labor which gender represents.

It also means that there is a higher form of consciousness and being greater than its division, on a lower level, into dualisms of patriarchal 'masculine' and matriarchal 'feminine,' half-consciousness limited in that power most be maintained not only by violence but by deception, through the 'taboos' and cover stories' promoted to blind potential opponents to the truth.

We must look beyond the respect and fear they have worked so cunningly to instill in us--through violence and threats of violence, through mystification, "magic" (such as technology) and manipulation of an ignorance for which they are responsible and, daring to accuse them of what they fear the most--weakness, stupidity, inferiority, unmanliness--LAUGH AT THEM.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:52 pm

The ancient civilizations of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas shared several intriguing characteristics:

1. They were extremely advanced scientifically and technologically.
2. Animal and human sacrifices were performed at an alarming rate, preceding their demise.
3. They believed they had acquired metaphysical knowledge from the "gods", whom they perceived as coming from the stars and also the subterranean level of the earth.
4. These cultures disintegrated or became abruptly extinct while at the pinnacle of their existence.

In Genesis 3 we read about the 'Nachash'; Hebrew word for 'Serpent'. The original Nachash was not actually a snake as most people believe, but an extremely intelligent, cunning creature, possessed with the ability to speak and reason. Another significant parallel from the Holy Bible is shown in Jeremiah 8:17, "Behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices among you, which will bite you, saith the Lord." The definition of a cockatrice is a reptilian bird-like creature or winged-serpent. This could very well represent the Phoenix, described in Egyptian mythology.

A theory proposed by Bible scholar I.D.E. Thomas asserts that the race of the "Nephilim" (meaning Giants and/or fallen ones), mentioned in Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 13:33, closely resemble the alien race of the blond Pleiadian Nordics, reported to be eight to nine feet tall. The Nazis attempted to revive this mystical Aryan race in the 1930's and 1940's. Mr. Thomas believes that a hybrid offspring culminated from relations between the Nephilim and the "daughters of man" resulting in increased wickedness upon the earth; and thus evoking God's wrath in the form of the "Great Flood".

Interviews taken of ex-Wiccans and Satanists (now Christians) indicate a high level of personal contact with various alien types, especially during coven meetings and holiday rituals. Those coming from the highest echelon of Satanism known as the Illuminati believe the original people who inhabited the earth descended from Mars via the Moon. They believe the first established civilization was Atlantis. Renowned for their superior intellect, the Atlanteans suffered the same fate as a few of the proceeding cultures already mentioned. The remnant people from Atlantis became the American Indians, according to their interpretation of history.

Dr. Richard Boylan has written extensively about E.T. encounters, and has found five common features of people predominately involved in UFO/alien sightings and abductions:

1 Individuals possessing a high degree of psychic ability;
2. Similar phenomenon occurring with other family members (multi or trans-generational).
3. Native Americans and/or indigenous peoples.
4. Children who have been subjected to severe abuse or trauma.
5. Individuals and/or family members affiliated to government and/or military intelligence agencies or departments.

In conjunction, a strong relationship exists between occultic ritual sites, top secret military installations, and UFO/alien sightings and abductions. There also appears to be a magnetic spiritual vortex (or vacuum) which has drawn many "New Agers" into these areas (Taos, NM; Sedona,AZ; Boulder, CO, etc.). One prime example is the area near Dulce, NM, where the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has a highly-secured underground complex on the Jicarella Indian Reservation — a region known for Native American shamanism. The facility is said to be used for genetic engineering, including cloning. Several witnesses who were employed there reported seeing different breeds of aliens.

Congruently, the Mojave Desert in California has its share of military bases involved in "black projects", ranging from research and development of "advanced" aircraft to MKULTRA mind control operations (Edwards AFB, Ft. Irwin, and China Lake Naval Weapons Center).

It was also the general location described in the book, Outside the Circle of Time (1980) by Kenneth Grant. A portion of the book states, "John Whiteside Parsons who specialized in jet propulsion and L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology and former Naval Intelligence Officer were involved in a special project during 1945 and 1946... This special project which was carried out in the California desert, was a part of magical ceremonies black witchcraft known as the 'Babylon Working', designed by Aleister Crowley, who died in 1947 year of the alleged Roswell UFO crash and the implementation of the National Security Act.

The purpose of the series of ceremonies performed by Parsons and Hubbard was to unseal an interdimensional gateway that had been sealed in antiquity thereby allowing other dimensional entities known as the 'Old Ones' access to our space/time continuum. The culmination of the ceremonies was reported to have been successful, having resulted in the establishment of 'extra-terrestrial contact'... Crowley left behind a drawing of his invisible mentors or as he called them, 'Secret Chiefs' spirit guides, entitled LAM. This entity has a very large head on a small body, a pointed chin, and a little slit of a mouth description compares favorably to the 'Greys'."

Another British occultist, Dr. John Dee, court astrologer for Queen Elizabeth I, would regularly summon alien-like entities.

Striking similarities are found in Egyptian Satanism, as graphically detailed in The Egyptian Book of the Dead.

Additional observations by some who have witnessed aliens recall distinct insignias or emblems on their uniforms. To no surprise, alien symbology is identical to that of the Mystery Religions of ancient Babylon.

A book describing the interaction between non-human beings from other planets and the "enlightened ones" (33rd degree Freemasons) is found in the book, The Hidden Life of Freemasonry. Mario Pazzaglini, Ph.D., published his meticulous research pertaining to alien symbols in a book titled, Symbolic Messages: An Introduction to a Study of "Alien" Writing. He effectively deciphered over 150 samples and concluded that a high percentage of the alien alphabets are similar to magical alphabets of Hermetic and Enochian origins.

Some skeptics have taken the position that the UFO/alien phenomenon can be best explained as a form of psychosis or hysteria as conceptualized within Jungian psychology. Others view it as an elaborate government hoax, designed to further confuse the American populace. I believe all the above explanations can exist simultaneously and need not be exclusive from one another. What better way to manipulate one's perception of reality by throwing out several different scenarios, thereby making it difficult to ascertain a consistent pattern or trend that would hopefully lead to finding the elusive "truth".


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:59 pm

Visionary fascism was, and indeed still is, exceptionally deeply fascinated by the Buddhocratic form of state. In the late thirties (as the various fascist systems bloomed in Europe and the whole world) Spencer Chapman, a traveler in Tibet, wrote that even in the days of the dictators one can only be amazed at what uncontested power the Dalai Lama possesses” (Chapman, 1940, p. 192). The idea of kingship of the world, the uniting of spiritual and secular power in a single person, the ideology of war in the Shambhala myth, the uncompromisingly androcentric orientation, the tantric vision of the feminine, the whole occult ambience and much more besides were specifically adopted by several fascist ideologists and welded together into an aggressive myth. As we shall soon see, entire fascist systems are based upon the adoption of Tibetan/tantric doctrines.

The myth of the “black sun” which was able to win a central place in the neo-fascist movement and displays similarities with the Tibetan Rahu myth from the Kalachakra Tantra, can be traced to the inspiration of Wiligut and his milieu among others. In a commentary on Wiligut’s runic writings, a pupil, Emil Rüdiger, mentions an invisible dark planet, Santur by name, which is supposed to influence human history and to be able to be microcosmically linked with the energy body of an adept. Appropriate yogic exercises (rune gymnastics) are recommended for producing “high intelligence effects” (Lange, 1998, p. 226). Just how seamlessly such “rune gymnastics” can be linked to tantric exercises can be seen in the writings of Miguel Serrano, the father of “esoteric Hitlerism” (Serrano, 1984).

In 1958 an American publisher released the book The Lightning and the Sun, by Savitri Devi (“Hitler’s Priestess”), which presents Adolf Hitler as an avatar (an incarnation) of the sun god, alongside Akhenaton and Genghis Khan. Devi does not mention a Nazi — Tibet connection, but introduces the “avatar principle” into the myth building surrounding Hitler that is seized upon by later authors so as to present the Führer as an incarnation from the kingdom of Agarthi/Shambhala

According to Jan van Helsing (Geheimgesellschaften und ihre Macht ... [“Secret Societies and their Power”], 1993), Tibetan monks worked together with Templar Knights who were organized in the highest lodge of the “black sun” on the establishment of the Third Reich. The secret order had (and still has) an important base underground in the Himalayas. The ruler of the underground kingdom is said to be “Rigden Iyepo”, the king of the world, with his representative on the surface, the Dalai Lama.

All these pillars of Tibetan Buddhist culture are likewise ingredients of the Kalachakra Tantra constantly practiced by the Dalai Lama and the Shambhala myth this evokes. For centuries they have determined the form of Tibetan monastic society, completely independent of any Western imaginings or influence. Hence the question about neo-fascism's inordinate interest in Tibet and its atavistic culture is easily answered: fascists of the most varied persuasion see their own “political theology” confirmed by the Tibetan Buddhist religious system, or discover new images and practices in it with which they can enrich and extend their ideologies.

A further example is the work of the Italian, Julius Evola (1898-1974), for a time Benito Mussolini’s chief ideologist (mainly in the forties). In numerous books and articles he has investigated and further developed the relationship between tantric rituals and power politics. He has followed “tantric trails” in European cultural history and come across them everywhere: among the Cathars, the troubadours, the Knights Templar, in the work of Alighieri Dante, the mysticism surrounding the holy grail, European knighthood, alchemy.

Using criteria drawn from Vajrayana, he propounds a cultural history of sexuality in his most famous book, Eros and the Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex. Evola was not just a theoretician; he also practiced sexual magic rites himself. There are unmistakable statements from him about the “tantric female sacrifice” and the transformation of sexuality into political power. Like almost no other, the Italian has openly named the events that unfold in the mysteries of the yogis and then confessed to them: “The young woman,” he writes, “who is first ‘demonized’ and then raped, ... is essentially... the basic motif for the higher forms of tantric and Vajrayanic sexual magic”.

In the Shambhala myth he sees a confirmation of the European tradition of the savior king, especially the myth of the grail: “At a particular time decreed by one of the cyclical laws, a new manifestation of the solar principle from above will occur in the form of a sacred ruler who gains victory over the ‘dark age’: Kalki Avatara. Symbolically Kalki will be born in Shambhala — one of the terms in the Indian/Tibetan tradition for the holiest hyperborean [Nordic] center” (Evola 1955, p. 56).

One of Serrano’s central themes is the relationship between sexual magic and political power (especially national socialism).

There are unmistakable statements from him about the “tantric female sacrifice” and the transformation of sexuality into political power. Like almost no other, the Italian has openly named the events that unfold in the mysteries of the yogis and then confessed to them: “The young woman,” he writes, “who is first ‘demonized’ and then raped, is essentially the basic motif for the higher forms of tantric and Vajrayanic sexual magic”.

In dictators like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini he saw the precursors of future Maha Siddhas who would one day conquer the world with their magic powers: “The magician, the ruler, the lord”, he proclaims in regard to Tantrism, “that is the type of the culture of the future!”

In the Shambhala myth he sees a confirmation of the European tradition of the savior king, especially the myth of the grail: “At a particular time decreed by one of the cyclical laws, a new manifestation of the solar principle from above will occur in the form of a sacred ruler who gains victory over the ‘dark age’: Kalki Avatara.

In his book, NOS, Serrano defines the kingdom of Shambhala as “one of the hidden subterranean cities in which are performed the tantric initiation that transforms, transmutes and transfigures matter. There are people who say that it was the capital of Agarthi”. Before Shambhala was relocated in the Himalayas by the hyperborean (Nordic) siddhas, it was a kingdom at the North Pole.

Shambhala and Agarthi are thus the two occult regions (or cities) from which the national socialist dictator, Adolf Hitler, was sent to our planet. According to Serrano the two locations lie in a magic realm beneath the surface of the Earth. “Thus the submerged Agarthi and Shambhala are to be found there, which the Tibetans and Mongolians speak of as the seat of the king of the world, and also the symbolic orient of the [Knights] Templar and the true Rosicrucians. Thus the unknown leaders of these two orders, as well the organization of esoteric Hitlerism [the SS], betook themselves there. And from there Hitler clearly received instructions”.

The pupil (Serrano) is prepared to go this way and is initiated into the tantras and the “laws of androgyny” by the master: “This knowledge has been passed on to us by the serpent [kundalini] that survived on the ocean floor as the world of the god-men was destroyed, in which the woman was not outside but rather inside and where man and woman were one. Until you are one with the woman, you will be no priest king.

This is never, the pupil learns, possible through chastity and asceticism. Rather, the man must encounter the woman in the “magic love” in order to divert her feminine energies.

As we know, this requires absolute control over the sexual act and above all the retention of the seed. In it the seed may not be issued outwardly and be lost in the woman, rather it must flow inwardly into the body of its owner in order to impregnate him with the androgyne, ... as one in the likewise symbolic language of alchemy”. If the man does not expel his sperm he can absorb the woman’s gynergies completely. “If the woman does not receive”, Serrano says, “she gives! Through her skin she exudes substances, a concentrated energy, which satiates you and penetrates into your blood and heart”.

But it can happen that the tantric experiment fails. If the sadhaka (the pupil) loses his seed during the magic sexual act then he is destroyed by the aggressive femininity: “The spider devours the male who fertilizes her, the bees murder the drones, the fearsome mother wears the organ of generation tied around her neck. Everything female devours. In one way or another, the man is consumed”.

It is thus a matter of life and death. Ultimately, according to Serrano the “killing” of the external woman (the karma mudra) is therefore necessary, so that the inner woman (the maha mudra) can be formed. The author does not shrink from discussing the “tantric female sacrifice” directly.

For Serrano the tantric initiation is the central rite of a “hyperborean” (Nordic) warrior caste. Shambhala counts as the supreme mystery site for the initiation of the “priest-warriors”. “In Shambhala”, the author says, “the use of the force through which the mutation of the earth and the people can be carried out is taught, and the latter [the people] are introduced into the martial initiation, which makes this possible

The author is convinced, of course, that sexual magic rites were practiced in the SS (the “new aristocracy of the Aryan race”). For Serrano, tantric practices and the cult life of a fascist/esoteric warrior caste are one.

Additionally, the sexual magic of the SS was connected with racial experiments. These aimed at a mutation of the human race, or better, a regaining of the formerly high-standing Aryan god-men who had in the dim and distant past tarnished themselves through “ordinary” sexual intercourse with human women and produced a lesser race.

“In Shambhala they attempted to produce a mutation of their kind which would allow them to return to that which they were before their interbreeding with the sons of man...” — when they still had a white, almost transparent body and blonde hair.

Just like the Knights Templar, the inner occult core of the SS were incarnations of the guardians of the holy grail, and “the grail of the siddhas [the magicians], of the solar and martial initiations” is to be found in Shambhala. The Hyperboreans (the gods of the north), we may read, “emigrated to two secret cities in the Himalayas, Agarthi and Shambhala. In Shambhala they practiced the magic of the giants which made the monumental buildings possible”.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:17 pm

Imperial High Command of the DraconiGenae Verus
Among all Ancient peoples the Serpent was accepted as the Symbol of Wisdom and/or Salvation.

The Serpent is True to the Principle of Wisdom, for it gives humanity the knowledge of the True S-Elf.

The Tree of Life growing in the midst of the 'Garden of Eden' is symbolic of the spinal column.

The Knowledge of the Use of this spinal energy or 'Serpent Fire' (Kundalini) is the great Gift of the Serpent It-S-Elf.

The Initiates of the Mysteries were often referred to as Serpents or Pythons, and their Wisdom was very highly regarded.

The Coils of the Serpent symbolize DNA.

The 'Dragon' or 'Serpent', also represented the geomagnetic grid of the Earth or 'ley lines', also called 'dragon lines', along with the electro-magnetic energy forces, they contain.

China has a science, which they have known about and studied for centuries, dedicated to the 'use' of landscapes, following these dragon lines, called 'Feng Shui'. It is known, for example, that 'free energy' can be harnessed from these energy grids.

Ancient Astrologers referred to the North Node of the Moon as 'Caput Draconis' or the 'Head of the Dragon', and the South Node of the Moon 'Cauda Draconis' or the 'Tail of the Dragon'

The symbol of the 'Orphic Egg', (the Serpent twisted around the Egg), which was common to many of the Ancient Mystery schools, represented both the motion and also the orbits of the celestial bodies, the motion of the Sun around the Earth ...

... And also the magnetic field of the Earth ... the bands of Astral Light, or the Great Magical Agent, (visible as the Aurora and Australis Borealis) which move and writhe around the planet incessantly ...

On an Alchemical level, the Black Serpent embodies the Lunar Circuit ...�the feminine mystery of creation and is related to the Void, the Source from which all things are created ... The Gold Serpent, embodies the Solar Circuit ... the male aspect of creation and is related to Light ...

Being symbolic of Universal Force, the Serpent was emblematic of both good and evil.

The Serpent with its tail in its mouth, the 'Oroborus', is the Symbol of Eternity, for in this circular position the body of the Serpent has neither beginning nor end ...

It is said that in the beginning of the world, Winged Serpents reigned upon the Earth. These were the demigods which predate the historical civilization of Every Nation.

The title 'Seraphim' meaning 'Winged Fiery Serpents' was given to one of the hierarchies that ruled the Earth during its early formation.

A point which must not be overlooked in connection with Reptiles in symbolism is the fact that Reptiles possess two Pineal glands ... an anterior and a posterior ... of which the posterior remains relatively undeveloped, while the anterior forms a rudimentary, cyclopean eye.

Draconian Magick is thus a Path into the Abyss to awaken the life force. Christian dogma and the 'dragon slayer' myths are not only descriptions of how the Ancient Pagan Traditions were suppressed and conquered by the monotheistic religions, but also how the life force is deactivated.

The Serpent in the Garden of Eden is one of the most powerful archetypes of initiation. It corresponds to the Kundalini, which certainly is the bringer of knowledge and a hidden teacher. The serpent in the garden of Eden (Lilith) personifies this Kundalini aspect, the dynamic life force.

All Magick which involves the use of Kundalini can be said to be 'sex magic'.

However, this is not 'sex' in a mundane way ... rather it is the utilization of tantric techniques and workings with the different aspects of Kundalini such as Prana, Chi, Vril, Od …etc

Arousal of Kundalini produces ecstasy, triggers superconsciousness, opens the occult faculties, and releases waves of healing energy that balance physiological and hormonal secretions throughout the body. Activated Kundalini is also a powerful protection against negative forces.

This Draconian pulse is pure energy, and the Magician can direct the Journey with his Will and is not a passive passenger. To work with this Force is truly a Great Work.

Everyone can awaken 'Kundalini', but to channel this force in a magical work demands great effort. The outcome of this work is closely related to the system in which the Magician works.

In the Hermetic Lore of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery schools, this process of achieving Enlightened Consciousness was of express importance, with spiritual regeneration taking place by degrees through the thirty-three vertebrae of the spinal column (including the tail bones or sacrum and coccyx), until reaching the Pituitary Gland which invokes the Pineal body. The science of this regeneration is one of the 'Lost Keys' of Freemasonry, and it is the reason why ancient Freemasonry was founded upon thirty-three degrees.

The prominent Egyptian Mystery school, the Great White Brotherhood of Rameses III (c. 1450 BC) - so called, it is often said, because of their white raiment or white aura, but actually named because of their preoccupation with a mysterious white powder, which through 'high-spin' atomic attunement enabled them to accomplish many feats, including the levitation of huge stone blocks.

According to the Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, there were thirty-nine men and women on the High Council of the Brotherhood, who sat at the Temple of Karnak in Luxor.

A branch off this Order became more generally known as the Egyptian Therapeutae, who in Heliopolis and Judaea, were identified as the Essenes.

It was into this White Brotherhood of Wise Therapeutiae and Healers (the original Rosicrucians) that Jesus was later initiated to progress through the degrees, and it was his high standing in this regard which gained him the often used designation of 'Master'...

During the rise of patriarchal religion, the Serpent Brotherhood was forced to go 'underground' in the western countries, but it never completely disappeared.

In Europe, for example, it evolved into numerous Secret Societies, the best known of which were the Knights Templar, the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians ...

And in the East, the Serpents survived within the traditions of the Sufis, the Chinese Taoists, the Tibetan Lamas, and especially within the Tantric sects of India, from which Kundalini Masters have come for countless numbers of years.

The Foundational Wisdom of all these branches of the Serpent Brotherhood is focused on how to awaken and develop the Kundalini ... the latent Serpent Power located at the base of the spine, through the practices of Yoga, Meditation, and Alchemy.

All of these are disciplines that originated within the Ancient Goddess Tradition.

Many books tell of the Hermetic Mystery school of Tuthmosis III of Egypt, who reigned about 1450 BC.

However, it is not generally known that the school he originally inherited was the 'Royal Court of the Dragon', which had been founded by the Priests of Mendes in about 2200 BC.

The DragonCourt was subsequently established more formally as a pharaonic institution by the Twelfth Dynasty Queen Sobekh Nefru (c. 1785 BC), to provide an institution for the study of the work of the 'Dragon of Al-Khem' otherwise known as Thoth or Hermes. From Al-Khem we have Alchemy, the Great Work of the Dragon.

These Temples incorporated Al-khame workshops and it was the obligation of the Temples to maintain the spiritual welfare of the pharaohs, while ensuring the purity of a continuing Royal Bloodline which progressed through the Dragon Queens of the Matrilinear Grail succession ...

This line had descended through the Tuatha de Danaan (the Dragon Kings of Anu) on the one hand, and the Egyptian Dragon Dynasty of Sobek on the other. The latter strain included the Bloodline of the Davidic House of Judah who married into the descent of the Merovingian Kings of the Franks.

The Tenets of the Grail and Dragon traditions are implicit in defining that we should be at one with the earth, and cannot, therefore, presume dominion over it ... (Unlike those who wish to profit unjustifiably from dubious Merovingian descent.)

This philosophy is embedded in the concept of Individual Sovereign Gnosis, and lies at the very Heart of Draconian Culture.
Consilium Ordo Draconis Antiquitas
In order to further develop and explore 'Dragon Consciousness', we draw on the wealth of both the Eastern and Western Mystical and Magickal Traditions. We welcome the Kinship of all who seek the Grail, whatever the inclinations of their Path.

The Tenets of the Grail and Dragon traditions are implicit in defining that we should be at One with the Earth, and cannot, therefore, presume dominion over it.

This Philosophy is embedded in the concept of Individual Sovereign Gnosis, and lies at the very Heart of the Draconian Culture. It is entirely evident in all aspects of Life Itself.

Emanating from the Ancient Lore of the Elven Ladies and Lords of the Forest, this Ancestral Legacy forms the Foundation upon which this Court and all legitimately related Dragon Courts were originally founded.

The Great Enlightenment of the ’Grail Code’ of service was condemned in a series of brutal Inquisitions from 1203, and anything even remotely connected with the Female Draconian Ethic was twisted, suppressed, inverted, deemed 'heretical' and condemned as 'devil worship' and 'witchcraft'.

It was commonplace for property and lands belonging to these 'heretics' to be seized/stolen and/or destroyed. Any of those who supporting, sympathising or even remotely connected to these 'witches' were regularly hunted down, and often the husbands, offspring - even babies and pet animals were imprisoned, tortured and/or executed in horrible ways. Older Women, in particular, were singled out and victimised.

Prior to the deliberate distortions which continuously control and severely limit Concensus Reality and the Collective Unconscious, and which have brought disastrous consequences to every being on Earth, the Nature of 'Kingship' was entirely different.

'Kingship' was founded upon the ideal that all people were Adherents of the Earth, and that the Earth bestowed Sovereignty upon its first born people, the Elven Tribes.

They were represented by a Dragon Queen, and she empowered the Grail King, who could not be a king without her.

In this environment, the right to kingship emanated from the Female, since Mother Earth was herself deemed to be Female.

The overriding function of a Queen and her King was to maintain a Spiritually Transcendent Intelligence within the Realm, thereby enabling the organism (the 'kingdom') to function and develop in Symbiosis with its surrounding environment.

In Reality, the practical application of the Grail Code of Service and Guardianship was and is geared to the Hermetic Principle, ’As above, so below’. It recognized that no sane mind would, for the sake of short-term profit, disenfranchise the body upon which it depends.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:05 pm

Esoteric Rennes
http://www.sunstar-solutions.com/AOP/es ... oRenne.htm
Certain types of knowledge are kept secret either because that knowledge, if it were to fall into the wrong hands, would be abused and used to control humankind for evil purposes, because it would be challenged by conventional wisdom and overwritten or erased, or because it was intended for a specific time and would have little meaning before that time. But secret knowledge, the type that is kept secret by mystery religions, has no time handle on it. The knowledge kept secret by the Knights Templar, which was handed down to them through a lineage of more ancient esoteric societies, is of the type that contains messages for humankind and our survival in the future. It is about a previous cycle in human evolution and a past civilization that had reached a high level of technological capability. In myth, that civilization is called Atlantis. But that civilization was brought to an end by major Earth changes and global catastrophes at the end of a solar cycle, such as those revealed in the ancient Mayan calendar.

The overall message in GenIsis and GeneSet is about the periodicity of cycles much longer than cycles of human civilization (e.g. Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations), and about when the next cycle might end through forecasting the future. Such forecasting has been handed down to us in various forms. Apocalyptic Prophecy was one way of sending a message to future generations. Similar forecasting of End Times was encoded into the Great Pyramids of Egypt, and awaited the development of our sciences and archaeology before great minds were able to recognize and decode the messages. In order to insure that the messages survived, they were encoded in myth and legend, and passed on from generation to generation in secret societies that preserved lost knowledge as sacred geometry. But if that knowledge was meant for the End Times, then the originators intended it to be revealed or made known to the world at the appropriate time. But no one individual had the Key to that appropriate Time.

Wrapped in myth and fiction, Apocalyptic Prophecy forecasts the end of a cycle as if the initiator or originator knew exactly when that time would be.

In order to understand GenIsis, one has to understand that we are not talking about ancient Egypt and the religion of the Pharaohs. We are talking about the occult and the way ancient knowledge has been interpreted and modified by different mystery religions during the last 2,000 years. It is not the myth and stories used to wrap and conceal sacred geometry that are important. It is the sacred geometry and its mathematical proofs discovered by Wood that are important.

In order to understand the Knights Templar, you have to understand Gnosticism. Wood talks about the Cathars, a Medieval French gnostic sect that lived in the Valley of Rennes, who were nearly exterminated by Catholic soldiers and the Church during the 13th Century. It is through the Cathars that gnostic wisdom was handed down to the Knights Templar. There were two opposing viewpoints about Christ and His Resurrection. "Gnostics believe that, as God's Son, Christ was a spirit and could not have been crucified.

"Scholars investigating the Nag Hammadi find discovered that some of the texts tell the origin of the human race in terms very different from the usual reading of Genesis: the Testimony of Truth, for example, tells the story of the Garden of Eden from the viewpoint of the serpent! Here the serpent, long known to appear in Gnostic literature as the principle of divine wisdom, convinces Adam and Eve to partake of knowledge while "the Lord" threatens them with death, trying jealously to prevent them from attaining knowledge, and expelling them from Paradise when they achieve it. Another text, mysteriously entitled the Thunder, Perfect Mind, offers an extraordinary poem spoken in the voice of a feminine divine power [Isis]:

"Why were these texts buried - and why have they remained virtually unknown for nearly 2,000 years?

Within the Valley of Rennes in France exists a puzzle laid out initially as sacred stones, stone circles, and other artifacts of the Druids, who continued the religious practices of the ancient Egyptians (Brotherhood of the Serpent), and who were instructed to place these markers in precise location.

David Wood (GenIsis, 1986) thinks, and with good reason, that there is a strong link between the geometric figures he has revealed and ancient Egypt. But whoever placed these markers, which have since become sites for churches, castles, towns, and sacred or mythological features, did so with a technology that today would require satellite mapping to a precision of feet over a 40 square mile, rugged mountainous terrain.

Wood discovered that someone, probably at least as far back as the 1st Dynasty of ancient Egypt (2920-2770 B.C.E.), left to future generations of humans a message of symbols with proofs, a message encoded in the universal language of mathematics, a message so complex that only a society with satellite mapping capability could accurately decipher the entire message or puzzle. And therein lies the Time Handle, which would guarantee that the secrets of the Valley of Rennes would not be revealed until we had recovered technologically from the last period of Earth catastrophes about 11,000 years ago.

Somehow the ancients knew that we would not reach our current level of recovery until very near the end of the next cycle. But how could they have known that unless they had some control of events in our history which would prevent, until the appropriate time, the rapid technological development that we experienced in the last century. But the answer to that question may very well lie hidden in the mystery religions and with those initiates entrusted as gatekeepers and guardians.

Not only did Wood uncover a connection between the myths and legends associated with the Valley of Rennes and the ancient gods and goddesses of Egypt, but also a connection to Jesus, Mary Magdelene, and the Virgin Mary. Aspects of this mystery were preserved first by the Druids, then by the Cathars or Gnostics, the Knights Templar, and today by the Freemasons, despite attempts by the Roman Catholic Church in the early part of the second millennium (1209-1249 C.E.) to destroy all knowledge of or information about this mystery and its secrets.

By sleuthing Wood (1986) was able to see a pattern to the many clues to this mystery, which led him to recognize numbers and figures pertaining to a secret doctrine, which had been concealed in the imagery of various famous paintings. Wood decoded the title MONA LISA in the following manner: "LISA is simply L'ISA and Godfrey Higgins tells us quite clearly that ISA is the Eve or Isis.

The persistent references to the Black Madonna or Mary Magdalene, the demonic statue erected by Sauniere which stands in the doorway of the church at Rennes-le-Chateau, the rock carved into and named "the armchair of the devil," the isolated position and geometric construction of Poussin's stone tomb, and clues in cryptic passages from the book, Le Serpent Rouge, among many other clues, led Wood to realize that he was dealing with hidden references to the Egyptian gods Ra and Set, and goddesses Isis and Nephthys. Through his research and understanding of the various mystery cults and their secrets, particularly the clues which had surfaced concerning the secrets of the Knights Templar, he began to see an intimate link between the myths and legends about the gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt and the myths and legends of the Bible concerning Satan and the Serpent, and the real life characters, Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

Through his persistence and mapping of key sites and positions in the valley, he ultimately revealed the diagrams of giant circles, an unusual extended pentagram surrounded by figures that resembled an ark and a boat, and a hexagram which was mated to the extended pentagram with interlocking circles that enclosed both star figures. The extended pentagram is unusual in that it preserves the star angle of 36 degrees at each point, while allowing the arms of the figure to be of different sizes or lengths. Wood pointed out that you will not find such a figure in any geometry or mathematics book, and the mathematicians he contacted were incredulous that such a geometric figure could maintain a 36 degree angle in each arm. But Wood not only had proved that such a figure exists, he revealed that to have such a previously unknown and yet possible pentagram laid out in the valley meant that someone of very high intelligence, power, and technological capability had to have been responsible. He further recognized that this extended pentagram symbolized the female body with two legs, two arms, and a large (extended) head. The associated hexagram with its six points, which was discovered later, represents the male body with its external genitalia. The joining (mating) of these two figures forms a composite star, which he calls the Star of Set.

Through his persistence and mapping of key sites and positions in the valley, he ultimately revealed the diagrams of giant circles, an unusual extended pentagram surrounded by figures that resembled an ark and a boat, and a hexagram which was mated to the extended pentagram with interlocking circles that enclosed both star figures. The extended pentagram is unusual in that it preserves the star angle of 36 degrees at each point, while allowing the arms of the figure to be of different sizes or lengths.

"The Paris meridian is the original European marker of longitudinal measurement, established around 1670. It was replaced in 1884 by the British Greenwich meridian.

"The fact that an occult society with sufficient funds could arrange churches in the 12th and 13th centuries to form this image over such terrain was unbelievable enough - but how could they have anticipated the position of the Paris meridian, which was not established until the 1600s? "A geometric figure of these proportions threaded through mountainous terrain to coincide with a meridian to this degree of accuracy would require 'star-fixes' using sophisticated equipment. After all, meridians are not lines painted on the ground for all to see. But quite apart from this, we are confronted here with a chronological impossibility: when the churches were built the meridian was not there! Or was it? Was even this to be doubted? Had someone established a global grid reference long before we could even imagine?

"As I have already suggested, most historians now believe that the Templars were innocent of heresy, but if they were guilty, just what was the nature of their strange cult? Confessions make frequent reference to worshiping a devil named Baphomet. Baphomet's origins are obscure, and it appears in no other Medieval demonologies. The most obvious derivation is that Baphomet is a mispronounced 'Mahomet', and that the Templars had begun worshiping the prophet of their Islamic foes.

"Odd as this sounds, it isn't impossible, as Arabic culture at this time was far in advance of European and, if the Templars brought back other fragments of Islamic culture [from the Crusades](mathematics, architecture, medicine etc.), then why not Eastern religion? The Order was long accused of getting too close to their heathen enemy, and to the Christian Church the gods and prophets of other religions were devils. So if a group like the Templars set up an idol to their version of Mahomet alongside the cross, then charges of devil worship are unsurprising.

But now let us return to the huge skull Baphomet. Could it be a gigantic skull which would prove beyond doubt that a being of such proportions had actually lived on this planet? Was this truly the source, or origin, or father of the human race? Could this be one of the secret artifacts hidden in the valley of Rennes-le-Château?

"Is it being implied that Baphomet is Satan? In order to conceal his identity, has Satan [and therefore Isis] been intentionally associated with the Devil? [The facts that Christianity intentionally excludes the female gender from the Holy Trinity, and links Lucifer to the Morning Star (Venus is also a symbol for Isis) are prima facie examples in support of this concept.]

I have little doubt that the final investigation of the Baphomet skull will reveal it to be female; possibly the actual, or the symbolic equivalent, of the skull of Isis - the Supreme feminine intellect responsible for our elevation from animal form.*

*Publisher's Note - Immediately prior to our going to press, the author's findings have been substantiated by Hugh Schonfield in The Essene Odyssey, published by Element Books (p. 164). He showed that by applying the Hebrew Atbash code to the name Baphomet, the name Sophia, female wisdom, is revealed. Sophia is equated with Isis by Plutarch."

The word Cross is an anogram; two pairs of letters and an O make up this ancient symbol. O symbolizes the Circle of Being, or the Cycle of Life, and the CR symbolizes the Christ Resurrection, while the double SS symbolizes the Seed of the Serpent in each of us. Only together and as a whole do they represent the Total, or God.

Some have speculated that if Jesus had no human father, he would have been female, or at least had female attributes, such as breast development. Whether such speculation is appropriate or not, the Sabbatic Goat (Baphomet) above is shown with enlarged breasts. But what is even more interesting is that the image that appears on the Shroud of Turin also shows a male with enlarged breasts. Below those breasts is a faint pattern that resembles the Caduceus, which occurs in the same position on the Sabbatic Goat. Are these similarities intentional, indicating that whoever designed the Sabbatic Goat was aware of these features? (see Deering, 1996: GOD, was she a man or is he a woman? The politics of religion)

Revelation 21:16: "I Jesus have sent my angel to you with this testimony for the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright morning star." In other words, Jesus is saying that he is the offspring of the Morning Star (Venus), implying that he is the Son of Isis. But the Son of Isis is the mythological Horus.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:00 pm

Were some of our original “creator gods” androgynous beings? Were the first humans androgynous? Was the ancient pagan androgynous saviour of the Dogon later adopted by the Christians and incorporated into the male figure of Jesus Christ?

Is Sirius C (emme ya) the Sun's binary twin? Could Nibiru be be the planet of Sirius C called "the star of woman"?

The Master of Speech
"Mitochondrial Eve" is the name given by researchers to the woman who is believed to be the last common matrilineal ancestor of all human beings living today. A member of a population of humans living around 150,000 years ago in Africa, this "Eve" was identified through "mitochondria organelles" that are only passed from mother to offspring.1

The religion was created in an oral culture and its symbolic language is connected through a spherical pattern with no beginning or end. The spherical pattern of the Dogon religion is different from what we are used to today, as most written literature is presented in a linear fashion with a beginning and end. By using the globular structure in its creation, the Dogon religion provides us with a metaphor for immortality. It focuses on immortality because the key spiritual figures, the Nummo, were immortal. According to the Dogon, these fish-tailed serpent-like beings came to Earth from another star system. When they died and were reborn, they could remember their previous existence. There wasn't any intelligent life on the planet when the Nummo first came to Earth; there was some suggestion in the mythology the Nummos' world had been dying, which is why they ended up here. They had planned to live on the Earth and combine their DNA with the animals they found here to create a new life form they could inhabit. What Dogon mythology tells us is that the Nummos' experiment failed. Not only was humanity born from this failure, but as a result, humans became forever twinned to the alien Nummo. According to the Dogon, our communication with them exists on a deeply spiritual level through symbols found in the unconscious.

Even though the spiritual Nummo were androgynous, they were identified as being feminine and were symbolized by the sun in the Dogon religion. They had horns or casques like chameleons. They had noses that looked like cow's noses, and they had slanted eyes and only auditory holes for ears. Evidence indicates that because they spent more time in water than on land, they communicated using sonar.

In my first book, The Master of Speech, I wrote about the similarities between the alien Nummo and goddesses of Greek and Egyptian mythology. I also mentioned the serpent goddess statues found in Ur in southern Iraq. These statues date from the Ubaid period, around 4500 BCE. These goddesses have the same lines across their fish- and serpent-like bellies that were mentioned by the Dogon elder Ogotemmêli, when describing the alien Nummo.

When the Nummo combined their DNA with the animals of Earth, the experiment seemed to be successful at first, and an androgynous being was born self-fertilizing and immortal like the Nummo. It wasn't until a single-sexed male was born that they realized the experiment had failed. I speculated in The Master of Speech, that the Nummo procreated much like the amphibious, androgynous killifish do on Earth. Male killifish are born periodically to provide genetic diversity to the species. When the first male hybrid had been born during the Nummos' experiment, he had been born completely separated from the Nummos' spiritual essence. He had been tied to the underdeveloped spiritualism of the Earth. The Dogon thus viewed him as having been born soulless.

Unlike the androgynous Nummo, who were immortal, the being born as a single-sexed male had no knowledge of a previous existence. This male was identified as the Jackal and represented the evil in the Dogon religion. There was some suggestion in the mythology, that there was more than one male born like the Jackal and that these individuals eventually rebelled against the Nummo and their androgynous siblings. The androgynous beings born at the same time as the Jackal, represented the good element in the religion. They were associated with the sacred feminine, the Nummo, and the goddess. According to Ogotemmêli, the sun and the female number four symbolized the Nummo and those first perfect androgynous beings. The moon and the number three symbolized males and the Jackal.

In order to correct the mistake of the first experiment, the Nummo tried a second experiment. They took the DNA of the Jackal and his androgynous sibling and combined them together to create the eight ancestors. The second of the eight ancestors was identified with the Jackal, and the seventh was identified with his androgynous sibling. The seventh ancestor was known as the Master of Speech and was perceived to be the perfect combination of human and Nummo. The Master of Speech represented the number four associated with the sacred feminine and the Nummo, and the number three associated with males and the Earth. These numbers represented an aspect of the genetic engineering process. The Master of Speech's DNA was supposed to allow all humans to eventually evolve into immortal and androgynous beings like the Nummo. This was explained through the sacrifice of the Master of Speech.

My research indicates this ancient, pagan, androgynous saviour was later adopted by the Christians and incorporated into the male figure of Jesus Christ. There is evidence to indicate that the Christian Mary Magdalen may have been associated with the original Master of Speech figure. Because they were self-fertilizing and could perform genetic engineering, the Nummo were associated with virgin goddesses, and Mary Magdalen was identified with the virgin in early Christianity. The town of her birth was called Magdala Nunayya, "Magdala of the Fishes," and identified with the Greek name Taricheæ. Like the Master of Speech, Magdalen was also identified with the number seven. In The Gospel According to Mark, Jesus expelled seven demons from her. Margaret Starbird associates her name with Magdal-eder, meaning "tower of the flock," suggesting a vantage point for a shepherd watching over his sheep. The Nummo were identified with sheep. Another interpretation could be "tower of the sheep." In their spaceships, the Nummo were known as celestial rams.

The sister-bride, the name associated with the Magdalen, was also identified with the colours red and white. In the Dogon religion, the Master of Speech was identified with the colour red and the Jackal with the colour white. To medieval alchemists, red and white were considered a union of opposites.

The Master of Speech was also symbolized by the red dwarf star, Sirius C. The Jackal, on the other hand, was symbolized by the white dwarf star, Sirius B. The colours red, for the Master of Speech, and white, for the Jackal, also appear in the Celtic religion as red and white dragons and in later secret societies as red and white roses. Red and white roses also appeared as emblems during civil wars between branches of the Plantagenet royal house (1444-1487). The House of Lancaster used the red rose, the House of York, the white rose. They also used the symbols of a red dragon and a white boar in place of the roses on the battlefield. The Nummo were associated with dragons, and the boar is a Jackal figure. Henry VII eventually united the two royal houses and the two roses, creating the red and white Tudor rose, which later became the symbol of England. In their uprisings following 1688, the Jacobites adopted the white rose. The colours were also represented in the geography of Egypt, where they were identified with the Red Sea and the Dead Sea.
Androgyny in Gnosticism
http://www.gnosticliberationfront.com/a ... ticism.htm
The main objective of this study is to explore androgyny in Christianity, to uncover new material and make it available for public debate. It offers not only an introduction to androgyny in Christianity, but also to the - mostly unknown - authors on the subject, who are important for the history of Christian Gnosticism, Mysticism, Pietism and Theosophy. This is particularly the case with Jacob Boehme, who is generally regarded as very inaccessible and difficult. Although this study does not explicitly describe the structure and function of androgyny from a systematic point of view, it provides the basis for such a description. The same is true with regard to the relation between androgyny and the official Christian doctrines. This study does not deal with the Jewish traditions of androgyny (with the exception of Philo of Alexandria) although very important relations between Jewish and Christian traditions are clearly visible; nor does it discuss the Islamic traditions. Questions of historical dependence are also not dealt with extensively; the third part of this Summary contains a sketch of some important historical perspectives. The first part of this Summary lists the main findings and points for further discussion and research. This list is not exhaustive, but to be viewed in connection with the rest of the SummaryGunning finds in the androgyny of the first.
Sirius – A Triple Star System
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/unive ... irio07.htm
“It Sirius B [Digitaria] is composed of a metal named sagala, a little brighter than iron, and of a weight that everyone on earth cannot lift it. The star weighs 480 mule loads (about 35,000 kg), or all grains, or all the iron on earth, if they were theoretically the size of a stretched cow hide or a mortar board." -- p287

"But Digitaria is not the sole companion of Sirius: the star emme ya, 'Sorghum Female,' more voluminous than it, but four times lighter than it, follows a vaster trajectory in the same direction and the same time as it (50 years). Their respective positions are where their rays make right angles." -- p287

"It [emme ya] also emits rays which have the quality of solar rays." -- p288

"It [emme ya] is accompanied by a satellite which is named "star of Women," nyan tolo" -- p288

It has been hypothesized that Sirius C became visible in the 1920s because of flaring. Red dwarf flaring was discovered on October 12, 1994 by a team led by Dr. Jeffrey Linsky at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) in Boulder, Colorado, in another observation of faint objects with the Hubble Space Telescope.

The star Gliese 752b (VB10) and its companion star Gliese 752a make up a binary system located 19 light-years away in the constellation Aquila. Gliese 752a is a red dwarf that is one-third the mass of the Sun and slightly more than half its diameter. By contrast, Gliese 752b is physically smaller than the planet Jupiter and only about nine percent the mass of our Sun.

This very faint star is near the threshold of the lowest possible mass for a true star (0.08 Mo), below which nuclear fusion processes cannot take place according to current models, and "brown dwarf" stars result.

Using Hubble's Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) to look for solar flares as occur on our own sun, there was surprise that while the larger red dwarf was flaring as predicted, tiny Gliese 752b, 0.08Mo, normal temperature 4,500 degsF, also produced a flare of 270,000degsF, despite not having a radiative core, meaning that it must have a strong magnetic field or "dynamo."

Hence Sirius C, a star said to be of similar size, could also flare.
Sirian Revelations
http://sirianrevelations.net/the-source ... onnection/
Sirius C: Anu

This, the third of the Sirian stellar family, did also ascend from the third dimension at the time of the Sirian shift.

Although the scientific community has not confirmed the existence of Sirius C, the Dogon knew of it by the name, Enome Ya, and they described it too as revolving around Sirius A.

Of the planets that orbited Anu, one did not achieve ascension when the star, which remains in the fourth dimension, did not: that planet is Nebiru, the home of the Annunaki.

Nebiru was flung out of Sirius, was captured by our sun, and ricocheted back to Sirius and it is to this day caught between the two star systems, on an elliptical journey that takes approximately 3,600 years to complete.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:48 pm

The Shepherd's Monument: A Masonic Altar Associated With the Merovingians
I was first interested in Shugborough at Staffordshire in Lichfield, England because the three key figures of the ancient African Dogon religion appear on the Shugborough coat of arms.(See Figure 1) This indicated to me that Shugborough had an association with the ancient African Dogon religion. Further research has proven these connections and has also found that the Dogon religion has strong associations with the carvings found in Rossyln Chapel in Scotland and with the Cathars, the Merovingians, and Rennes-le-Château of Southern France, suggesting that all of these groups were connected to each other through their religious beliefs.

The Nummo were associated with both the Pleiades and the Sirius star systems. It is suggested in Dogon mythology that the Nummos' world was dying, which is why some of them came to Earth. When they came here there wasn't any intelligent life on the planet and their plan was to create a new life form here using the animals of Earth. They had planned to move their souls into those animals and live on the planet. What Dogon mythology tells us is that the experiment failed. Not only was humanity born from this failure but some Nummo souls were also lost to the Earth.

The myths about the Merovingian ancestor Merovée associate him with the Dogon religion. According to beliefs, Merovée was a semi-mythical person born of two fathers. One was a king named Clodio, the other, a sea monster. The Merovingians were also said to have been descended from aliens who were the offspring of nephilim, or fallen angels. Because of their ancestry, Merovée and his descendants were reputed to have supernatural powers and unnaturally long lives.

In The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail, Lincoln, Leigh, and Baigent assert that the objective of the Knights Templar was to protect the Merovingian bloodline because they thought the Frankish royal family was descended from Jesus and Mary Magdalen. Merovingian kings became kings through sacred right on their twelfth birthdays. They were priest-kings rather than ruling kings. My research, however, ties the Merovingians to myths about the Dogon ancestors.
The Ancient Relgion that is the source of the Masonic Society
In my previous article I described the connections between the Masonic Society, the Rosicrucians, and the Merovingians. Three key areas where these groups met were Rennes-le-Chateau in Languedoc, France; Shugborough in Staffordshire, England; and Rosslyn Chapel in Roslin, Scotland. (The Italian Villa Palombara in the Piazza Vittore Emmanuele may have also been another common location.) I believe these groups were associated with an ancient religion that was also known to the Dogon people of Africa. The Dogon religion is based on the fact that amphibious fish-tailed aliens, known as the Nummo, came to Earth from another star system.

There is evidence to indicate that the Masonic society may have evolved from the Sigui society in the Dogon religion. This male society was identified with the Jackal and Smith figures of the Dogon religion, who were earlier versions of the Greek Hermes. In the Dogon religion, the Jackal was a symbol of the Nummos' first failed experiment and humanity's separation from truth and immortality.

In the Dogon religion the androgynous, amphibious Nummo were identified as "Heaven's Smiths". Their spaceships were described as being in the shape of a hammer and anvil and were identified with a smithy because they emitted fire. The Dogon Smithy was also the Granary, a place of human creation and regeneration.

Dogon mythology tells us that humans were created and regenerated in the mythical Smithy in what were known as omphalos or navel stones. On 7 Verso in The Book of Kells, which is the Folio of the Virgin and Child, there are pictures of twin men curled up inside omphalos stones beside the Virgin. In the Dogon religion the Nummo were hermaphrodites but identified with the sacred feminine. Because they were self-fertilizing beings they were identified with the virgin goddess.

According to Robert Graves, by the time the "Biblical legend of Adam and Eve reached North-Western Europe, the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was understood as an apple, not as a fig, despite the fig-leaf context." The apple tree was considered the tree of immortality and "the poets of Wales were always aware of its spiritual pre-eminence… Where did King Arthur go to be healed of his grievous wounds? To the Isle of Avalon, the secret 'island of apple trees.'"

By eating the apple, or being regenerated with the Nummo's DNA, the Earth animals gained intelligence but lost their immortality. According to the Dogon, it was the Nummos' failed genetic engineering experiment that caused humans to become separated from immortality. If humans had been left alone to evolve naturally, spirituality and immortality would have eventually evolved on Earth

Literature relating to the Apprentice Pillar refers to Scandinavian mythology, where the eight dragons of Neilfelheim were said to lie at the base of Ygdrasill, which bound together heaven, earth, and hell. As I see them, the eight dragons are associated with the eight ancestors of the Dogon religion, which contain the genetic inheritance of humanity. Heaven is the Nummo and their world; Earth, the world of humans before Nummo experimentation; and hell, the Earth and humans after the experimentation. The eight ancestors' DNA is the DNA of the Earth. The ancestors were created during the second "word," or second genetic experiment, which was supposed to correct the mistake of the first experiment, or first "word."

The Apprentice Pillar (Figure 2) appears to be a replication of DNA, complete with the ladder-like lines connecting the spirals. At the base of the pillar, vines emerge from the mouths of the eight dragons (ancestors) and wind around the pillar. The vines, which form the DNA spirals, may be associated with the Dogon regeneration process and perhaps also the cord of God that was wrapped around an individual being regenerated.

What we learn from analyzing Dogon mythology is that our spiritual essence is connected to our DNA. This was something the alien Nummo didn't know and which caused the Jackal to be born without a soul. They mistakenly believed the soul could not be found in any being that was devoid of intelligence. What they discovered was that intelligent beings could be born without souls.
Aristophanes's Speech from Plato's Symposium
In the first place, let me treat of the nature of man and what has happened to it. The original human nature was not like the present, but different. The sexes were not two as they are now, but originally three in number; there was man, woman, and the union of the two, of which the name survives but nothing else. Once it was a distinct kind, with a bodily shape and a name of its own, constituted by the union of the male and the female: but now only the word 'androgynous' is preserved, and that as a term of reproach.
Characteristics of type1, type2 and Lyran-Reptilian Earth cultures
Two polarities were set up at the beginning of the galactic incarnational game: the lightside polarity and the darkside polarity. For these two camps, a (lightside polarity) humanoid race based on dolphin energies evolved in the Lyran constellation while a (darkside polarity) humanoid race based on reptilian energies evolved in the Draco constellation. The souls that incarnated into these two camps started it all.

Emerging type1 and type2 cultures

The emissaries of the Supreme Creative Forces of this galaxy created humanoids whose purpose was to factor in a third option -- the potential for reaching a balance between the two polarities. These humanoids started off on their own but were then influenced by both light and dark factions. The ancestors of present day Earth humans were of this kind. These type1 cultures, when they came into contact with either the Lyran-dolphin lightsider extraterrestrials or the Draco-reptilian darksider extraterrestrials became influenced to become a type2 culture. There is also a possibility that the type1 culture could change over a long period of time without interference to become a type2 culture.

Ancient and contemporary Earth humans

The first humans brought to this planet started off as a type1 culture. They were the ideal state, yet they had full potentiality. Accessing this full potentiality depended on which Spirit/soul inhabited those physical bodies. Then along came the Orion reptilians to Earth (and later on their Sirian buddies) who interfered with this ideal type1 culture to create a type2 culture (the Lemuria of very long time ago, about 900,000 years ago). The humans who lived on Earth after the original ancient prototype can rightly be called 'elves', like the ones shown in Lord of the Rings. They were not all androgynous like those of the ancient prototype, yet they were practically immortal. So on this world, the 'elvish' culture was started after the reptilians came here to interfere with the natural order set up by the emissaries of the Supreme Creative Forces. They split the original androgynous human into male and female.

After that long ago reptilian interference, other extraterrestrial humans from dolphin-humanoid star systems (particularly the Pleiades) also came here to set up a counter polarity. They formed a type2 culture, the Atlantis of the long ago time, which was populated by type2 Earth humans and ETs.

There was then a period of major wars in this solar system and the emergence of a new incarnational game, the current one we have today (see The Akan, section 7.4). This new era started off where the type2 Atlantis and type2 Lemurian cultures had left off. As the new incarnational game became established, these two type2 cultures spiraled out, leaving today's unique time period, with its European-dominant world culture.

All races and cultures on the planet were created out of the original 12-strand DNA imprint of the ancient prototype, however some cultures have significant DNA influences from a number of ET and other sources. Those of African descent have Sirian and Homo Erectus influences (The Akan, section 7.4). Some other indigenous/native type1 humans have more of the Pleiadian, or Sirian etc.

The type2 cultures that have appeared on this planet during this new incarnational game (Arabia-Mesopotamia-Turkey, China, Egypt, Greece-Celtic, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Philipines, etc) reflect type2 cultures from elsewhere in the galaxy and also from our own planet. Mexico for instance is a reflection of type2 Atlantis while the Philipines is reflections of type2 Lemuria. China and Japan have Andromedan and Rigelian reflections while India has Centaurian and Pleiadian reflections. Greece has Pleiadian-Sirian reflections. Egypt in its hey day was a reflection of Sirian type2 culture from the Sirius star system.

People of European descent (as a whole) have a strong Lyran-dolphin-humanoid heritage, however Europeans are a very eclectic group. There is everything from the strongly Germanic groups (significant Lyran-dolphin-humanoid heritage) to groups close to Asia and Africa that have mixed with more type1 and type2 oriented human groups. Indigenous groups such as Native Indians, Native Asians, Native Africans, Native (Malayo)-Polynesians are all (at least originally) very eclectic, and so are those who belong to type2 Earth cultures (examples given in above paragraph). This is all part of the current Earth incarnational design.

All races on this planet have had some reptilian DNA admixtures. While this is the case, it is not necessarily the case that each ethnic group within a race or each individual will have similar or comparable levels of reptilian DNA. There are also different kinds of reptilian DNA influences (from various reptilian groups). All of these combinations are known to the Higher Self that chooses to incarnate in a particular Earth human physical body.


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:53 pm

The Origins of Humankind
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/exopo ... ZZZZZY.htm
Curiously, Darwin could trace the evolutionary process of animal to man up to a point but confessed that in the jump from ape to man there prevailed a conspicuous gap for which he could not, in all honesty, account – a gap so glaringly obvious and disparagingly blatant that it became derisively dismissed by his critics as the “missing link”.

The key to this mystery lies in the human cell and its genetic coding locked into our DNA, which each and every normal human being carries within himself or herself. Until recently, and following its discovery by two scientists, Englishman Dr Francis Crick and American Dr James Watson from Cambridge University, we understood 3 per cent of our DNA and dismissed the remaining 97 per cent as junk DNA.

But the junk DNA is now being unlocked and although much of the research appears to be highly classified, some of the information is leaking out.

The exposure is likely to prove earth shattering. Dr J Craig Venter has been one of the pioneering researchers in cracking the DNA code. A mediocre high school performer and Viet Nam veteran, he is now a world famous American biologist and multi-millionaire businessman running the Institute for Genomic Research. He was a leading member of the team which proved instrumental in mapping the human genome, a project jointly conceived in 1990 by the US Department of Energy and the US Department of Health.

One might well ask why the Department of Energy? Thanks to the dropping of the atomic bombs in 1945 scientists have tried to understand what radiation does to human bodies and what mutations it generates in human DNA. Work in this arena could prove definitive in addressing these issues.

Effectively, Dr Venter and his colleagues on the Human Genome Project are unlocking the hitherto mysterious 97 per cent of our 125 billion mile long, ten atoms wide DNA chain. Whilst this was originally disregarded as junk DNA by scientists, HGP researchers are now convinced that this 97 per cent comprises non-coding sequences in human DNA, untraced in other life forms on the planet and emanating from off planet or extra-terrestrial life forms.

In other words the over-whelming majority of human DNA is off-world in origin. The apparent “extra terrestrial junk genes” merely “enjoy the ride” with hard working active genes, passed from generation to generation. The implication is that humanity constitutes a contrived hybrid species certainly involving traceable terrestrial DNA and a supreme injection of off-planet DNA.

DNA, the molecule that contains the script of life, encodes its data in a four-letter alphabet. This would be an ideal medium for storing a cosmic calling card. In many organisms, human included, genes make up only a tiny fraction of their DNA. Much of the rest seems to be biological gobbledy-gook, often called “junk DNA’. There is plenty of room there for ET to etch a molecular message without damaging any vital genetic organs.

Is there the remotest historical and archeological evidence emerging at this point in time to justify such an assertion? The astounding answer is yes and it is emerging at the same time as the HGP scientists are cobbling together their reassessed analysis of the origins of man

Dr Zecharia Sitchin, a Jewish student of ancient Sumerian, born in Russia, brought up in Palestine and educated in England is translating the cuneiform hieroglyphs in some 500 000 Sumerian clay tablets reckoned to be 6 000 years old. Four hundred of these elaborate tablets were found at Sippar neatly stored on shelves in a 9 foot by six foot room comprising a peculiar type of time capsule in southern Iraq, where Sumeria, the first recorded human civilization, was founded, located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.[13]

This culture seemed to have emerged from nowhere, flourished and then vanished as oddly as it appeared. Its influence stretched from the Indus valley to the Nile delta. In 2400 BC it was invaded from the north west by Semitic tribes and by about 2350 BC was under the iron fist of Sargon the Great, founder of the Semite Akkadian dynasty whose rule gave way to Hammurabi of Babylon, founder of the famous code of laws bearing his name.

At about this time the island of Santorini off Greece “exploded”, the first forms of the ancient Egyptian civilization manifested along the Nile, the inhabitants of Easter Island disappeared and the Mayan civilization began to emerge.[14

The crucial question must be asked as to whether there is solid evidence that these events are linked and if so, in what way. The Sumerian tablets seem to carry the answers. In the first instance the tablets reflect an intimate working knowledge of space involving the completion of a 25 950 year zodiacal cycle which is only now being confirmed by the Hubble telescope.

In the second instance, the tablets maintain that everything the Sumerians achieved they obtained from their gods, and that these gods were a galactically traveling race who landed on earth to mine gold in order to salvage their own planet, Nibiru, from the same solar radiation currently threatening our earth. Nibiru, called by some the 12th planet, apparently orbits our sun roughly every 3 600 years in a vast elliptical track swinging way out of our solar system and then back in again, its proximity causing mayhem with the conventional closer planets including our own.[15]

The author, Neel Freer, is of the opinion that, in light of the evidence already obtained through the use of Pioneer 10 and 11 and two Voyager space craft, the Infrared Imaging Satellite (IRAS, ’83-84) and the data available to Dr Robert S. Harrington and T.C. van Flanderen of the US Naval Observatory when consulting with Sitchin, that Nibiru has already been identified.

It is worrying that Harrington sent an appropriate telescope to Black Birch in New Zealand to obtain visual confirmation based on the data leading to the expectation that it would be located below the ecliptic in the southern skies at this point in its orbit. He died prematurely from accelerated esophageal cancer after launching the project.

One concerned and anxious observer noted that “he was hardly cold” before his team were recalled and the program summarily shut down.

In short, the residents of Nibiru, alluded to as the Anunnaki, created the DNA combine mix for us humans in their own (god’s) image working in East and southern Africa.

The intention was the invention of a sub-Anunnaki slave labour caste to mine the earth’s gold for its use as an atmospheric protecting screen (much like Rolls Royce use a small filament of gold on the windscreens of their luxury cars for a similar radiation and heat conduction purpose) on Nibiru (work eminently too strenuous for the Anunnaki).

At first the earthly sub clones could not mate as they only had 22 chromosomes without the X and Y sex chromosomes. A young scientist by the name of Ningishzidda performed a potentially dangerous surgical procedure involving extracting the sex chromosomes from Enki and his beautiful half sister, Ninmah, implanting the reproductive chromosomes within the rib cages of Tiamat and Adamu. Henceforward humans had 23 chromosomes.

To put it mildly, the ensuing saga of the Anunnaki during their earthly sojourn leaves much to be desired, involving a grotesque record of infighting, murder, treachery, war and backstabbing combined with inter-racial coupling with “the attractive daughters of men”, thereby donating towards the creation of earthly aristocratic and royal bloodlines.

The up shot of all this was that about 6,000 years ago a decision was taken by Anu, the over all leader of Nibiru on a visit to Earth, to abandon the earthlings to their fate, but leave behind knowledge of the secrets of the universe, science and life up to a measure and organize an en masse exodus to Nibiru before its orbit carried it well beyond the capacity of their technology to make the inter-planetary trip back home

As Michael Tellinger points out the most compelling argument against the mythological gods theory is that roughly 9,000 years BC prior to the appearance of Sumer, the Mayan civilization suddenly emerged and astoundingly showed the same predilections towards agriculture, planting, harvesting, social organization, trade and commerce as Sumeria, all attributable to the teachings of the gods. It is possible, even likely, that more than one Et group or groups have left their mark on earth.

In retrospect there can hardly be any other rational explanation for how so many diverse religions developed on this planet in so brief a time period. Biblical and cuneiform scholars must agree that the two histories complement each uncannily. Sadly, the first earthly wars fought by humans (cannon fodder for the Anunnaki) were over religion and/or land acquisition sponsored by our god like progenitors.

If there is a positive note in all of this it must lie in the fact that humanity appears to have been genetically programmed to be more peaceful than its ancestors and is progressing with an evolutionary alacrity which even surprised the Anunnaki in the early days. Tellinger poses the profound question as to whether our violent nature is genetic or learned behavior from our gods. Is it nature or was it nurture?

All the emerging evidence points to the fact that the great religions were established as critical and manipulative instruments of social control by various Anunnaki “gods” if not as outright tools of oppression by avaricious and power hungry priests exploiting a subtle and insidious combination of fear and faith to their own practical, financial and political advantage and to the terrible detriment of mankind’s progressive enlightenment and advancement.

Humanity would still be mired in a form of spiritual stone age but for the fact that tampering with our DNA is not only illuminating the most revealing secrets of our origins but simultaneously unlocking spiritual dimensions and enhanced consciousness, the breath and depth of which will astound mankind and mark a catalytic turning point in history.

Moreover, in every part of the world small groups of spiritually aware people are experiencing a tangible shift in consciousness from the third dimension to the fifth dimension as the remarkable capacities and capabilities of mankind are unraveled from the labyrinthine coils of humanity’s DNA and humanity gently comes to terms with its physical and spiritual origins.

It is probable that certain national intelligence agencies in the major powers of the world are well aware of this evolving research, both ancient and modern, and certain private sector/government/quasi government actors of immense wealth and enormous influence are also up to speed with the nature of the human condition and its transformation. Certainly key individuals within NASA would be abreast of the ongoing archeological research in Iraq and in the field of the human genome.

What is as extraordinary as it is exciting is that modern science is now confirming ancient revelations.

For the first time humanity stands on the brink of not only understanding the origin of human life itself on earth, but in the process its own inter galactic origins – a frightening but also inspiring prospect – which academic and intellectual information will simultaneously assist mankind to pragmatically make incomparably significant advances across the broadest possible spectrum of human existence.
Junk DNA Possible ET Origin
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienc ... noma03.htm
R-Complex: The primal limbic thinking complex which gives rise to aggression, war, territorialism, social hierarchies, etc.

Deformity from Radiation

Radiation blasts were harming fetuses and newborns which terrified the populace. But, one of the most striking and telltale lines here is that Skanda became “goat-faced.” We shall see this from the Vedas to the goat-lined sphinx’s at Karnak and in every ancient text, always the mark of the evil one, just as mythology has told us.

The lineages from Indra were all dolichocephalic (long headed) while the original Niburians were lion-faced, or mesocephalic (moderate headed). Our Satan, in the Bible, or Indra, is suffering from an acute pathocrine disorder, probably acute acromegaly. His thyroid and pituitary has either been in contact with radioactive properties and/or affected by the magnetic reversal.

Always he is represented with mishapened horns like a goat, no doubt fibromas and the most identifying trademark, his offspring are androgynous. To these people, what we take for granted, was a disaster to them

It is believed by one researcher that DNA is itself an electromagnetic generator with RNA as an amplifier, the cell wall a noise filter and amino acids and enzymes as effectors of signals

Junk DNA

The big surprise to the scientists was that active genes make up only tiny fractions of the entire genome. Incredibly, they only make up 3 percent of the total DNA in our chromosomes. The genes are either alone or clustered together in larger groups, but in between each gene sequence, there are long stretches of DNA which do not appear to contain any type of code for anything.

These stretches have now been referred to by scientists as “Junk DNA,” mainly because they have not figured out what secret message it contains.
Michael Tellinger (Slave Species of God)

Alien DNA group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project will be announcing soon that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called non-coding sequences (97%) in human DNA is no less than a genetic code of an unknown extraterrestrial life form.

Unlike normal genes, which carry the information that intracellular machinery uses to synthesize proteins, enzymes and other chemicals produced by our bodies, non-coding sequences are never used for any purpose. They are never expressed, meaning that the information they carry is never read, no substance is synthesized and they have no function at all. We exist on only 3% of our DNA.

Working evenings and weekends, Lipshutz managed to show that non-coding sequences are not all junk, they carry information. Combining massive database of the Human Genome Project with thousands of data files developed by geneticists all over the world Lipshutz calculated Kolmogorov entropy of the non-coding sequences and compared it with the entropy of regular, active genes.

Kolmogorov entropy, introduced by the famous Russian mathematician half a century ago, was successfully used to quantify the level of randomness in various sequences.

"To my surprise, the entropy of coding and non-coding DNA sequences was not that different", continues Lipshutz. "There was noise in both but it was no junk at all."

He noticed that all non-coding sequences are usually preceded by one short DNA sequence. A very similar sequence usually followed the junk. These segments, known to biologists as alu sequences, were all over the whole human genome. Being non-coding, junk sequences themselves, alu are one of the most common genes of all.

Trained as a cryptographer and computer programmer, and having no knowledge of microbiology, Adnan approached the genetic code as of computer code. Dealing with 0, 1, 2, 3 (four bases of genetic code) instead of 0s and 1s of the binary code was a sort of nuisance, but the computer code was what he was analyzing and deciphering all his life.

If the non-coding sequences are parts of the program that were rejected or abandoned by the author, there is a way to make them work. The only thing one needs to do is to remove the symbols of comments and if the portion between the /*......*/ symbols is a meaningful routine, it may compile and execute! Following this line of thought, Adnan selected only those non-coding sequences that had exactly the same frequency distribution of symbols as the active genes.

Researchers began searching Human Genome Project databases for the four genes they isolated from junk DNA. Eventually, three of the four were found there.

However, the closing */ symbol at the end of "jhlg1" was there. This explained why "jhlg1" was not expressed in the depth of the junk DNA but worked fine in the normal, active part of the genome. The one who wrote the basic genetic code for humans excluded portion of the big code by embracing them in /*... */ but missed some of the opening /* symbol.

However, the closing */ symbol at the end of "jhlg1" was there. This explained why "jhlg1" was not expressed in the depth of the junk DNA but worked fine in the normal, active part of the genome. The one who wrote the basic genetic code for humans excluded portion of the big code by embracing them in /*... */ but missed some of the opening /* symbol. His compiler seems to be garbage, too: a good compiler, even from terrestrial Microsoft, would most likely refuse to compile such program at all.

Prof. Sam Chang with his students began searching for genes associated with various cancers, and almost in all instances they discovered that those genes are followed by the alu sequence (i.e. protein as a comment closing symbol */), but never preceded by the comment opening /* gene!

"This explains why diseases result in cell damage and their death, whereas cancers lead to cell reproduction and growth. Because only few fragments from the big code are expressed, they never lead to coherent growth

What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a big code and basic code. First fact is, the complete program was positively not written on Earth; that is now a verified fact. The second fact is, that genes by themselves are not enough to explain evolution; there must be something more in the game.

The third fact is, no creator of a new work, be it a composer, engineer or programmer, from Mars or Microsoft, will ever leave his work without the option for improvement or upgrade. Ingenious here is, that the upgrade is already enclosed - the "junk DNA" is nothing more than hidden and dormant upgrade of our basic code!

The third fact is, no creator of a new work, be it a composer, engineer or programmer, from Mars or Microsoft, will ever leave his work without the option for improvement or upgrade. Ingenious here is, that the upgrade is already enclosed - the "junk DNA" is nothing more than hidden and dormant upgrade of our basic code!

The complete program is elegant, very clever self-organizing, auto-executing, auto-developing and auto-correcting software for a highly advanced biological computer with build-in connection to the ageless energy and wisdom of the Universe. Software wise, within us is either short and diseased life, or potential for a super-intelligent super-being with a long and healthy life.

This triggers puzzling questions - was the reduction to the basic code done by sloppy programmers in a rush (as it appears to us), or was the disabling of the big code purposeful act which can be cancelled by a "remote control" whenever desired?"


Re: On “gods”, genes, alchemy, bioluminesence, and longevity

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:30 pm

Is there a massive “gravitational vortex” at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy? Can “black holes” and “dark matter” be understood as a function of “Superlight”?

In 1999, an announcement was made by NASA that "black holes" likely existed at the centre of all spiral galaxies, including our own Milky Way.
http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable ... light.html

SuperLight is magnetic light; it is magneto–electric radiation. Regular light is electric light or electro–magnetic radiation. There is parity or symmetry the Universe; everything has an equal and opposite mirror–image counterpart, the Ying and the Yang, right and left, matter and anti matter, the electron and the positron. Why not light?
Is the Sun’s binary twin the Black Sun or Santur (aka Planet X)? Is Planet X really Sirius C? Is Nibiru really Emme Ya’, a planet of Sirius C?

Or is Santur a twin sun of Saturn? Could Santur be Maldek, a planet of Saturn? Is Maldek really Nibiru? if so, then Marduk would be Jupiter. During the "celestial battle" between Saturn and Jupiter, it could have been the planet Maldek (Nibiru) that was ejected from our solar system and returns periodically to visit its sun, Saturn.

"Wiligut described an ancient sun called Santur ... a second sun that shone 23,000 years ago upon the Hyperboreans in the North Pole and promoted their spiritual development. Santur still orbits in the vicinity of our planet today as an extinct star, thus invisible, but as a Black Sun.

Rüdiger speculates that this was the center of the solar system hundreds of millennia ago, and he imagines a fight between the new and the old Suns that was decided 330,000 years ago. Santur is seen as the source of power of the Hyperboreans.
Is the “central fire” a reference to the Earth’s “inner sun”?

By this point, the Nazi occultists were not only looking outward, beyond the known planets, but also inward, toward Philolaus' "Central Fire."
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/socio ... vril07.htm

In Pythagorean teachings, the Earth itself geometrically unfolds from a void in the center. This void has been recognized by many ancient groups, including the Sumerians, as the Black Sun. In this sense, Thule is synonymous with this Black Sun.

In freemasonry symbolism has a rich heritage. As with any secret fraternity or occult brotherhood, symbolism is heavily allegorical with various and layered interpretations. I propose that the realm of the hollow earth is one of the central mysteries concealed by the occult secret societies and is represented by the pictogram of the point-within-a-circle or the ancient sun symbol (the central point represents the inner sun within the surrounding crust of the earth). In this way, the occult orders behind the power plays of world history veil the true meaning of science and reality beneath cryptic interpretations of symbols that 'hide in plain sight'.
Historical and Esoteric History of the Schwarze Sonne
"Wiligut described an ancient sun called Santur ... a second sun that shone 23,000 years ago upon the Hyperboreans in the North Pole and promoted their spiritual development. Santur still orbits in the vicinity of our planet today as an extinct star, thus invisible, but as a Black Sun it still emits a powerful intelligence ..."
http://loveforlife.com.au/content/09/01 ... tor-victor
The myth of the “black sun” which was able to win a central place in the neo-fascist movement and displays similarities with the Tibetan Rahu myth from the Kalachakra Tantra, can be traced to the inspiration of Wiligut and his milieu among others. In a commentary on Wiligut’s runic writings, a pupil, Emil Rüdiger, mentions an invisible dark planet, Santur by name, which is supposed to influence human history and to be able to be microcosmically linked with the energy body of an adept.

Rahu and Ketu–The Invisible Planets
In Hindu astrology Rahu and Ketu are known as two invisible planets. They are enemies of the Sun and the Moon, who at certain times of the year (during conjunction or opposition) swallow the Sun or the Moon causing either a solar or a lunar eclipse. Rahu and Ketu are the astronomical points in the sky respectively called the north and south lunar nodes.
Grey Lodge Occult Review™
http://www.greylodge.org/occultreview/g ... irians.htm
In occult tradition, Sirius is the Hidden God or "the sun behind the sun". As the moon reflects the sun, so does the sun reflect Sirius. According to the ancient Egyptians, there was a special occult link between Sirius and the Earth when they were at their closest distance.
The Final Secret of the Unicorn
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/merov ... ios_03.htm
The Star Sirius, apart from its archaic popularity, plays a central role in our Meruvingian unfoldments. It brings in an extraterrestrial and hyperdimensional influence.

Emmanuel related that Sirius and our sun were part of one "virtual neuron" which they called “Oversoul Sun”. They related much in regards to the role of Sirius.
Those Clever Sirians
"The constellation of which Sirius was the chief star was once named the Phoenix [this constellation probably corresponded to the complex of stars now known as Cygnus and Aquila].
Star Majik
A series of magickal workings by the Pittsburgh Group directed toward contact with LAM and the Maatian Current has produced an astral vision of "the Black Planet where there are 2 Suns". Emme Ya, planet of the Sirius binary star-system, would be just such a planet with two suns.
The Planet Xylanthia
The planet Xylanthia is located in the Sirius Star System, which is comprised of three stars; Sirius A, B and C. Sirius A and B orbit around Sirius C. Planet Xylanthia orbits around Sirius C, which is a black dwarf star. Xylanthia is the home-planet of the extraterrestrials that visited Earth and founded Atlantis.
The Sirius - Dogon Connection
The full Sirius system is important to the Dogon. Ironically it is the unseen portion of the system that is linked to the essence of their religion. Sirius C, translated from the Dogon language (and then into English) is called the "Sun of Women".

A rather unique factor about the Dogon belief system is the legend related to Sirius C and the planet that orbits about that sun.

The planet that orbits the Sun of Women has a unique name, the "Star of Women".

Sirius C (the Sun of Women) is described by the Dogan as "the seat of the female souls of living or future beings". Its symbol contains two pair of lines that are relevant features of a Dogan legend. They believe that Sirius C "sends out two pairs of beams" and that the beams represent "a feminine figure". "It is the only star which emits these beams".
Spiral Symbols, ancient and modern
To begin our discussion, we have to rewind the clock back to very ancient times, to the "Grooved Ware" or "Clovis" people of the late Megalithic period, around the time of the end of the last north-hemisphere ice-age. These were the people who erected megalithic stone monuments and who left carved petroglyphs etched in stone.

Consider the fact that many of the sites where the spiral or maze motif has been found have astronomical alignments visible from that spot at different significant times during the year. These sometimes occur as natural rock formations, and other times are man-made stone structures.

Of particular interest should be the ancient structure of Stone Henge in England, which represents what may be the oldest structure of raised and hewn stones in the early neo-Lithic period. The outlines and layout of the blocks remaining standing today indicates a pentagonal inner arrangement surrounded by thirty smaller pillars. The inner blocks and outer pillars align with the sunrise and sunset on certain dates, such as Equinoxes and Solstices, and indicate not only a high level of technological Masonry in the edifice’s carving, but also an extremely high level of precision in the structure's original design.

The earliest known use of this symbol comes from China, with the formation of the original Yin Yang coupling of dual opposites as black and white spirals. Note particularly here that the Yin Yang spiral follows a "clockwise" rotation.

The second oldest use of this symbol comes from S. America, and the Mayan culture. The "Hunab Ku" symbol, only recently rediscovered by modern Quiche and Mayan descendents as an authentic traditional symbol, depicts what modern Mayan scholars and Astro-Archaelogists understand as the 2012 alignment of the sun, earth and galactic core.

And, in discussing the use of the "crooked cross" or "Swastika" symbol, we cannot exclude the symbol of Fascism in Germany, the Nazi Blutfahn or "blood flag. During the first half of the 20th century Anno Domini, the Swastika logo was employed by the "Third Reich," whose inner-most order was the "THULE" cult of the “Black Sun”. This cult studied anti-gravity propulsion craft as a means of achieving space-travel, and believed these same sorts of craft were responsible for the stories of "Vimana" in the ancient Sanskrit and Farsi.

The Milky Way galaxy is best known as the wide band of stars that cuts across our night-sky at a 23.5° angle from our own solar system's ecliptic. As such, the Milky Way occurs in ancient mythology in the form of the semen of Ptah in Egypt, the "sea of milk" eternally being churned into butter in India, and the River Styx in Greece. In S. America, the Milky Way was the "Way of the Dead," and venerated in the Aztec capitol of Tenotitchlan. The juncture point between the solar system's ecliptic and the hub of the Milky Way was, in the Popul Vuh, the "World Tree" that grew at the intersection of the realms of the living and the dead.

It was postulated by scientists as recently as the 19th and 20th centuries AD that the concept of the Milky Way galactic hub is the edge-on view of a massive spiral galaxy containing billions of stars similar to our own. Thus, the six arms of our galaxy were not discovered until extremely powerful telescopes managed to pierce the distances of our galactic hub and ascertain the shape of our local universe and our place in it.

Of particular interest to our research should be the "central bulge" at the middle of the galactic hub, because it is this "central bulge" that is at the core of our spiral galaxy.

Here is a depiction of the star cluster forming the "central bulge" at galactic core seen in infrared. Notice the central core is located to the left in this picture, and that a small spiral of stellar nebulae has formed around the exact central point of our galaxy, which appears here as a small, bright white star at the centre of the spiral on the left.

Here is an enlargement focusing in on only that particular star and its surrounding area in space. The star, called Sagittarius A, is the closest star to the central point of our entire Milky Way galaxy.

Despite the astronomical observations already made of Sagittarius A, it remained a hotly contested debate as to how this small star could have warped the entire galaxy to form as a spiral being pulled ever inward toward it. It simply didn't have enough gravity to account for the effect. In the late 1990's physicist Stephen Hawking proposed the theory of "black holes" or imploded stars. In 1999, an announcement was made by NASA that "black holes" likely existed at the centre of all spiral galaxies, including our own Milky Way. Only a "black hole" could account for the massive gravity needed to form a galaxy.

Here is an artist's depiction, again from NASA, of a black hole. Notice that the poles of the black hole is operative at 90° from the "accretion disk" surrounding its equator and projects "gas jets" above and below.

However, if we combine these two concepts we can recognise a fundamental concept, hinted at by this image, also by a NASA artist, which depicts the superluminal particles of the black hole's polar gas jets as bending and warping around to form a torus with points on its accretion disk. The meaning of this is simple and obvious: our stars form at the points where these tachyonic arcs connect around the galactic hub.

In the classic depictions of the Yin Yang motif, the spirals are always oriented in a "clockwise" rotational pattern. Whether we see Yin or Yang as being "above" or "below" the other, the orientation remains the same regarding their relative positioning to one another either way. So long as the "S" pattern down the middle of the circle is backwards, the rotation of the spirals will represent a "clockwise" orientation.

The significance of the Yin Yang being "clockwise" is that it represents the Milky Way as seen from above the North galactic pole.

As we can see, from above the "north" pole of galactic core, the arms of the spiral Milky Way galaxy are being pulled ever inward toward the black hole at its centre in a "clockwise" fashion. Of course, we must remember if we were looking at our galaxy from below the "south" pole, we would see these arms spiralling in the opposite direction, "counter-clockwise," and this picture would be reversed.

Let us consider the symbol of the Mayan Hunab Ku, which was specifically associated in their mythology with the concept of the "world tree" at the cross-roads of our solar system's ecliptic and the hub of the Milky Way galaxy. In 2012, this position will align with the core of the Milky Way, and the sun will align from earth with the black hole at galactic central core. Note that the Hunab Ku symbol presents a similar spiral to the Yin Yang, but is "counter-clockwise" in orientation. Recall also that the Maya dwelt in the "southern" hemisphere of earth as well.

Our last example in this consideration brings us back to the most recent researchers of the "THULE" symbol of the ancient alphabet of the Lost Language shared once by all mankind. The "THULE" symbol of the spiral or crooked-cross motif can now be accepted as representing the arms of the spiral Milky Way galaxy, and so it should also be accepted that the "Black Sun" studied by the Nazis was, indeed, the "black hole" of galactic central core. Moreover, note that the "Swastika" symbol of the Nazis was inverse from the same motif used in Buddhism, and, unlike their Tibetan neighbors in the northern hemisphere, the German inversion of this symbol brought them extreme bad luck.

The concept of the "Black Sun" can be dated at least as far back as to European Alchemical traditions during the later Dark Ages. Representing the first of the seven stages of the Alchemical process of transubstantiation of lead into gold, the concept of the "Black Sun" was occasionally represented also by the symbol of the double-headed eagle, such as in the Hapsburg crest, the 33rd degree motif of Free Masonry.

For those interested in Pythagorean mathematikoi and akousmatikoi, Philolaus, loyal follower of Pythagoras, born but one generation after the Master himself, was apparently influenced to postulate his concept of a "Central Fire" as not only heliocentrism but also of a dual-loci of focal points, including a "dark star" gravitational pivot point affecting earth's orbit to render it elliptical.

Although it is believed the inverted (or "unlucky") crooked-spiral cross motif was authentically a design of Adolph Hitler, it is known that the reverse of this appeared first on Tibetan Buddhist monastery wall-paintings several hundred years before it first appearing in Celtic Ireland. In both places the triskele, or triple-cross / spiral, and the swastika, or quadruple-cross / spiral are both considered symbols of the Milky Way galaxy as seen from above or below one of its poles. This symbol is also equivalent to the double- cross / spiral of Yin Yang and Hunab Khu. Its correct pronunciation, however, has obviously since been lost. Instead now it is called "Thule."

The Name of the Black Sun is "Thule," and the depiction of Thule is the Swastika. Each symbol depicts a symmetrical repetition of one of a series of Runes, the "Armanic" rune-lore designed by Guido Von List. Thus, the "swastika" of the Nazis was a pair of mirrored runes for the letter "S." Here we see the double "S" of the Swastika replaced by a double "T." Thus, we see 16 rays surrounding the central runes. Remember that all these symbols represent the "Black Sun," and the name of the Black Sun was "Thule."

While this notion of a "new" or "revived" form of "Pagan Chrisianity" was being considered among the inner-most circles of the occultist "intelligentsia" of 1920's Germany, the foundations for such wild speculations had already been laid by earlier, legitimate scientists, in search of more planets within our own solar system than were then known. Long before Pluto had been discovered, the search for the furthest planet of our solar system was begun by the same man who believed he'd seen "canals on Mars," apocryphally ridiculed by history for having seen merely imperfections in the grain of his own spectcles.

In 1894, with the help of William Pickering, Percival Lowell, a wealthy Bostonian aristocrat, founded the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. In 1906, convinced he could resolve the conundrum of Uranus's orbit, he began an extensive project to search for a trans-Neptunian planet, which he named Planet X. The X in the name represents an unknown and is pronounced as the letter, as opposed to the Roman numeral for 10 (Planet X would, at the time, have been the ninth planet). Lowell's hope in tracking down Planet X was to establish his scientific credibility, which had eluded him thanks to his widely derided belief that channel-like features visible on the surface of Mars were canals constructed by an intelligent civilization.

In short, the likelihood of there being a real "Planet X," that is specifically the "size of earth," and thus theoretically capable of sustaining life in an elongated elliptical orbit around our sun is not only a Nazi neo-myth, but it is also a currently accepted scientific theory among the esteemed community of astro-physicists.

The Kuiper belt terminates suddenly at a distance of 48 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun (by comparison, Neptune lies 30 AU from the Sun), and there is some speculation that this sudden drop-off, known as the "Kuiper cliff", may be attributed to the presence of an object with a mass between that of Mars and Earth located beyond 48 AU.

Astronomers have not excluded the possibility of a more massive Earth-like planetoid located further than 100 AU with an eccentric and inclined orbit. Computer simulations have suggested that a body roughly the size of Earth ejected outward by Neptune early in the Solar System's formation and currently in an elongated orbit between 80 and 170 AU from the Sun, could explain not only the Kuiper cliff but also the peculiar "detached" TNOs such as Sedna.

The idea of an alien inhabited "Planet X" that had passed near our own earth and tampered with our evolution was already a well enough established theory by the time of the earliest Irminen Thulist proto-Nazis. By this point, the Nazi occultists were not only looking outward, beyond the known planets, but also inward, toward Philolaus' "Central Fire." While many were already then beginning to ponder from which direction this "Planet X" could approach earth from next, others were already attempting to conceive of the more distant focal loci point that marked the elliptically elongated orbit of Planet X.

Compare these concepts of Karl Wiligut to the modern theory of a Black Sun...

Rüdiger speculates that this was the center of the solar system hundreds of millennia ago, and he imagines a fight between the new and the old Suns that was decided 330,000 years ago. Santur is seen as the source of power of the Hyperboreans.

Nemesis is a hypothetical red dwarf star or brown dwarf, orbiting the Sun at a distance of about 50,000 to 100,000 AU, somewhat beyond the Oort cloud. This star was originally postulated to exist as part of a hypothesis to explain a perceived cycle of mass extinctions in the geological record.

Another hypothesis argues that long period comets, rather than arriving from random points across the sky as is commonly thought, are in fact clustered in a band inclined to the ecliptic. Such clustering could be explained if they were disturbed by an unseen object at least as large as Jupiter; possibly a brown dwarf. The hypothetical planet—or companion of the Sun—would be located in the outer part of the Oort cloud.

Thus the double "S" of the Swatika can be seen to symbolise the dual-solar nature, one light, one dark, alike twinned stars. However the double Runic "T" of the "alternative design" of the Black Sun symbol merely indicates that it is a note in the same scale, however of a different order, rank and file than the Swastika symbol. Both represent the same concept: the Black Sun. However, the base-4 Swastika and the base-16 rays of the "alternative design" simply represent two different definitions for what "Black Sun" each means. The double "S" Swastika has been described as representing the dual nature of the sun, as if the "main sequence" of star growth were the same sequence as the "transmutation" of alchemical metals. Likewise, the dual "T," base-16 "Black Sun" symbol also represents a dualistic aspect to the sun our star. However in this case it relates to the black hole at galactic core.

I believe the ultimate solution to decoding this mysterious arrangement of a Nazi version of the Arthurian "Round Table" Romance will come as a break through using mirrors, aligned along the indicated axes of the central runes, to reflect each letter by letter, as if they were symmetrical along a vertical axis, an exact replication down the middle of each, all around the circle.
Has an “invisible planet” been observed in the north polar region?
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 330#p36787

Here is a link to a discussion on the “observation” of some viewers by infra-red photography of a planetary-shaped body as seen on the Icelandic webcam.


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