Electric Volcanoes

Historic planetary instability and catastrophe. Evidence for electrical scarring on planets and moons. Electrical events in today's solar system. Electric Earth.

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Re: Electric Volcano

Unread post by redeye » Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:27 pm

One of the regular posters to TB, I think, linked to a file which described a ships captain observing a volcano where large chunks or plates of rock were rising silently into the air, and the whole event, magma rising and all, was taking place in an eerie silence. I'm wondering if whoever posted it, might re-post it. Thanks.
I don't remember the post (and from your description I would have remembered it), do you think this is what the Captain may have been describing:




I'm talking about the lenticular cloud, half way up the eruptive column. I'm not sure why this cloud appears but I had an idea that it may be formed when the eruptive column puches through the tropopause.

Sea Captains were aware that the earth was round long before it became an accepted fact, mainly because the eruptive column of a volcano is visible, above the horizon, long before the volcano that produced it appears. So one should always listen to sea captains.

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Re: Electric Volcano and Sarychev Peak Volcano eruption

Unread post by MattEU » Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:38 pm

Image Image
left image Atomic bomb explosion - right image Volcano eruption

While trying to imagine a "Thunderbolt from the Gods" the only thing I could think of was an Atomic Bomb explosion. It would release a lot of energy and the cloud column would seem to be energised gas (plasma). When looking at photographs and videos of Nuclear explosions you can see flat circular clouds appearing above and around some of them. I guessed this was an energy/electrical discharge or some sort of EU thing.

Image Image

These are recent images of the Sarychev Peak Volcano eruption and it seems to have some vague similaritites to an Atomic explision or release of energy. The white cap, cloud column and the circle at the bottom.

I never expected to see the images that redeye has linked to (do you know the name of the volcano where this happened?) :) The idea that they could be related to lenticular clouds is interesting. If clouds are electric and a form of discharge then it links in or is a helpful step along the way.

I have posted an article on the Volcanic eruption of Sarychev Peak and related stuff here. It has to many images and ideas to post in this thread but if anyone wants to discuss any parts of it further in this thunderbolts thread then I would be happy to.

You can also find more photographs of the Sarychev Peak Volcano here and a lot of "extra" images that are related to the post mentioned above.

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Re: Chile's Chaiten Volcano Eruption (lots of lightning pics)

Unread post by allynh » Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:25 pm

Ah, I see, the volcano threads have been consolidated. I wondered where my post had gone.

I was disappointed by the NBC disaster movie _Meteor_, it was dumb. I love, and collect, disaster movies, but I won't buy that one; that is saying a lot when you consider the bad disaster movies I have bought. Bad movies are fun, dumb ones aren't worth the time.

Movies like _Armageddon_ are bad but fun to watch over and over. They are filled with bogus science but they have great visual effects. The ABC movie last week was _Impact_. None of it made sense, but the images of the Moon being hit and split in half were awesome. In two weeks the movie will be _The Storm_, where they use electricity to control the weather, and things get out of control. [insert mad scientist laugh]
allynh wrote: I wonder if you guys have stopped to realize how scary all this EU stuff really is.
I hate to point this out guys, but some of the responses answers my question.

The Discovery Channel made a great docudrama of the Yellowstone supervolcano. It was shown in England, then not shown here in the US because that was when the Indonesian tidal wave happened. I was able to track the DVD down and order it direct from Discovery.

Supervolcano - It's Under Yellowstone. And It's Overdue.
http://store.discovery.com/detail.php?p ... =discovery

The key point was when the park rangers took a reporter into the middle of Yellowstone and pointed out that the wall on the edge of the horizon 15 miles away was the caldera wall.

Yellowstone Caldera
The major features of the caldera measure about 55 kilometers (34 mi) by 72 kilometers (45 mi) as determined by geological field work conducted by Bob Christiansen of the United States Geological Survey in the 1960s and 1970s.
- In essence, the caldera was so big, that nobody realized that they were standing in the middle of it.

New Mexico, where I live, is one vast chain of supervolcanos. You can't drive anywhere without seeing old cones, lava fields, etc..., and nobody realizes that most of our main cities are built in the calderas of those supervolcanos.

And that's the problem, everything is too big for us to see, or we are looking right at active EU events and don't realize it. Just as the people at Yellowstone "ohh" and "ahh" over Old Faithfull, never realizing they are in a supervolcano that is due to blow in its current life cycle.

The EU stuff isn't safely in the past or in the future. Read the various TPODs or Forum post about any weather event or earthquake or comet or solar CMEs or the variability of the Sun itself and realize that EU events are happening right now, all around you.

When you take your walk tomorrow look up at those clouds and realize what you are looking at. Look at the ground beneath your feet as well (but also look out for that car that is about to run you over because you're not watching where you are going! (Whew! That was close.)) and think of the forces that are building even now.

Remember the TPODs about the Chicago fires that happened just a century ago, and that just a year ago Comet Holmes puffed out larger than the Sun.

Think about the Sun and the fact that we've had a series of major CMEs in the past few years. It wouldn't take one much larger than what has happened to wipe us out.

Also, because the Sun is electric, and variable, it can dial up in brightness and dial down just as well without any warning. It wouldn't take much of a change in solar brightness and life ends.

All I'm saying is:

- Stop assuming that nothing will happen for thousands of years, or that we'll see it coming.

Now, I'm going to go watch _Knowing_ again. That movie really scares me. Nicholas Cage actually smiles, yikes!

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Re: Chile's Chaiten Volcano Eruption (lots of lightning pics)

Unread post by redeye » Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:43 am

The Discovery Channel made a great docudrama of the Yellowstone supervolcano. It was shown in England, then not shown here in the US because that was when the Indonesian tidal wave happened. I was able to track the DVD down and order it direct from Discovery.
I really enjoyed that one, it's a bit fanciful but that's why disaster movies are such fun. I read a synopsis of "Impact" and it's sounds ridiculous...I can't wait to see it.
Also, because the Sun is electric, and variable, it can dial up in brightness and dial down just as well without any warning. It wouldn't take much of a change in solar brightness and life ends.
I totally agree. The scary thing for me is that any change in the Sun would be driven by events outside of the Heliosphere, which we wouldn't be aware of and probably wouldn't recognise if we were!

p.s. Comet Holmes didn't puff out till it was bigger than the Sun, the Sun is huge...it puffed out till it appeared bigger than the Sun in our sky as viewed by the naked eye...or words to that effect.

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Re: Chile's Chaiten Volcano Eruption (lots of lightning pics)

Unread post by allynh » Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:28 am

2008—Year of the Electric Universe
1. The electric comet.
On October 24th, periodic Comet Holmes (17P) brightened by nearly a million times overnight. For no apparent reason, it erupted from a very dim magnitude 17 to about magnitude 2.5 and its coma expanded to 2 million km diameter. Formerly, the Sun was the largest object in the Solar System. Briefly, Comet 17P/Holmes held that distinction.
When I was a kid Comet Kohoutek was the lead story every night on the news. They told us to go out and watch it every night, because it was the "comet of the century". It was lame. You had to go outside of town just to see it with binoculars.

On my evening walks, October 2007, I watched a pearl of light in the western sky, and nobody mentioned it on the news. It was this bright glowing ball, clear as a bell, visible long before the sun went down and the stars came out, and no one mentioned it on the news.

It took me weeks to track down what I saw in the sky. It was Comet Holmes, so like I said:
allynh wrote: I wonder if you guys have stopped to realize how scary all this EU stuff really is.
If that don't send a chill up your back, nothing will.

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Re: Chile's Chaiten Volcano Eruption (lots of lightning pics)

Unread post by redeye » Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:54 pm

do you know the name of the volcano where this happened?
The first and second images are Mount Redoubt and the third image seems to be the same as the first, only from a different angle (I thought I had posted images of three different volcanoes...oops).

Mount Redoubt's eruptive column rose to a height of 14,000 meters, the tropopause is around 11,000 meters at the poles and around 17,000 meters at the equator. I think that this is what causes the mushroom cloud to get it's flat cap (the same manner in which thunderclouds get their "anvil" head), i.e. the main body of the eruptive column cannot cross the tropopause. So, I think the lenticular cloud that forms around the eruptive column seems to be located, roughly, in the middle of the troposphere - which is where the cloud deck is usually situated.

I had never noticed the similarity between atomic mushroom clouds and eruptive mushroom clouds before.
and that just a year ago Comet Holmes puffed out larger than the Sun.
You've got me there Allynh..but I still don't believe that Comet Holmes' coma grew to that extent. In fact, the Holoscience article shows a picture of the coma with the nucleus clearly visible (it does state that this is 5 months after perihelion and the coma is 1.4 million miles at this point), this doesn't add up to me...but what do I know.

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Re: Chile's Chaiten Volcano Eruption (lots of lightning pics)

Unread post by jjohnson » Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:42 am

re: Chaiten's lightning colors: in the extremely thick dust around the rising ash column I wouldn't be surprised if the blue end of the lightning spectrum was fairly well absorbed, leaving the lower frequencies (longer wavelengths) to penetrate it and reach the camera.

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Re: Chile's Chaiten Volcano Eruption (lots of lightning pics)

Unread post by MarcusDrake » Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:51 pm

Being big electrical geeks that you are I figured you would have known why electrical disharges are different colors already!

The reason lightning bolts are different colors is because different gases emit different colors of light when ionized. Most lightning appears white because it is intensely bright, but it's actually a bluish color. The red, violet and green bolts are simply passing through different gases in the cloud. It's even possible, I suppose, that the electrical activity inside the cloud is causing the gases released by the volcano to clump together and thus creating columns of like ionized gases which then discharge and create uniquely colored bolts.

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Eyjafjallajökull volcano lightning

Unread post by apophasis » Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:26 pm

Greetings! First post here; hello and please forgive any blunders. ;)
Can anyone explain this volcano lightning for me?

Thread title corrected for spelling error- Moderator

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Re: Eyjafjallajökull volcano lighning

Unread post by Solar » Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:09 pm


Volcanic Lightning

Thank you kindly for posting this.
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Re: Eyjafjallajökull volcano lighning

Unread post by keeha » Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:19 pm

More amazing pictures!
My favourite: http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/j/MSNBC/Compo ... s_full.jpg
The Iceland volcano Eyjafjallajokull continued to erupt on April 19, sending out a plume of ash and lightning and offering a rare glimpse at the mysterious electrical phenomenon known as a “dirty thunderstorm.”

...In “dirty thunderstorms," scientists believe that static charges are ignited by ice particles, as well as ash and rock fragments from the volcano.

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Re: Eyjafjallajökull volcano lighning

Unread post by kevin » Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:32 am

more great pictures here,
http://www.boston.com/BIGPICTURE/2010/0 ... okull.html

To answer the question posed , I would offer...Change of state.

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Re: Eyjafjallajökull volcano lighning

Unread post by MrAmsterdam » Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:55 am

The Iceland volcano Eyjafjallajokull continued to erupt on April 19, sending out a plume of ash and lightning and offering a rare glimpse at the mysterious electrical phenomenon known as a “dirty thunderstorm.”

...In “dirty thunderstorms," scientists believe that static charges are ignited by ice particles, as well as ash and rock fragments from the volcano.
Change of state? States of matter? Are you guys talking about dust plasma's again? ;-)
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Re: Eyjafjallajökull volcano lighning

Unread post by Shelgeyr » Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:25 am

I am not clear - from an EU perspective - on the "cause and effect" relationship here. And by "here" I mean with volcanos in general. Is the EU's position that volcanos are caused by being part of a discharge path (I assume between telluric currents and the ionosphere)? Or is the position that volcanos function as a convenient discharge path once formed, for a variety of reasons including but not limited to heat and pressure's effects on the conductivity (or lack thereof) of the affected rock layers or veins? Or is it more of a chicken/egg causative spiral where we can't currently determine which makes which?

Can anyone help clarify this? I can see either scenario being true, but frankly have no idea if either are.

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Re: Eyjafjallajökull volcano lightning

Unread post by psychegram » Sun May 02, 2010 9:08 am

Personally I'd go for the stronger 'is caused by' theory.

Heliospheric current enters the telluric current through the auroral circuit paths. If charge neutrality is to be maintained, that current must discharge somewhere. Lightning is an example of this (and of course, lightning strikes grow more frequent with proximity to the equator.) Lightning is a relatively common phenomenon, occurring due to the continual current flux through the poles (itself driven, ultimately, by Galactic currents.)

However, surges in current density could overwhelm portions of the telluric circuit, with energy being converted from electrical to mechanical at certain critical points in the circuit, leading to earthquakes and volcanism. Almost every geotectonic event exhibits electromagnetic anomalies (at least all those where anyone's bothered to check), and generally these anomalies precede the event, often by up to a day. There are conspiracy theories that blame this sort of the thing on HAARP, and while I won't say HAARP might not have been designed with some intention of affecting this system I think it more likely that they appear due to the unaccounted-for geotectonic circuit.

Since virtually all the current passing through the Earth is passed on from the solar current (where it is processed as it flows in from the local interstellar current, itself a tributary of the Galactic current) a logical corollary would be that solar behaviour would be correlated to tectonic events, ie CMEs might be followed sometime later by earthquakes or volcanoes; spectacular auroral displays should be followed by lightning; that kind of thing. I'm not aware if any such thing has been looked for, however there is the well-known sunspot-climate correlation providing at least one indication that solar activity can be a predictor of terrestrial conditions.

Does anyone know if there's any work out there looking for a correlation between solar weather and geotectonic activity? I'd be fascinated to see it. Alternatively, if you know where information on CME, solar flares or auroral displays is archived, perhaps we could search for such a correlation ourselves.


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