Dowsing and the lattice.

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:38 pm

Sumerian Tablet Translations Enki & Ninmah 22 ... nki-n_news

Genesis and the First Week of Enki on Earth ... 7663225453


Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:47 pm

Technology of the Gods ... tech02.htm
For thousands of years the height of mans technological achievement was the use of flaked stone tools. Then seemingly overnight, neolithic-nomadic hunters discovered agriculture, which in turn brought about the emergence of defined communities. One of the oldest known civilizations were the Sumerians. No one knows for sure where the Sumerians came from, because their language and culture have no traceable sources. However, they did things that no human beings had done before. Between 3900 B.C. and 3000 B.C., the Sumerians developed a society rich in art and technology never before seen in the annals of recorded history.

Many ancient peoples believed that their technology was a result of gifts from the gods. The gods would occasionally come down to Earth in times of great need, and assist humankind with various kinds of knowledge. This tale has been so often repeated in the past that the recent stories of acquired technology from a crashed flying saucer could be the modern version of gifts from the gods. Gods that still have an interest in mankind, their own creation.

Dr.V.Raghavan, retired head of the Sanskrit department of India's prestigious University of Madras, contends that centuries-old documents in Sanskrit (the classical language of India and Hinduism) prove that aliens from outer space visited Earth centuries ago.

"Fifty years of researching this ancient works convinces me that there are living beings on other planets, and that they visited earth as far back as 4,000 B.C., " The scholar says. "There's just a mass of fascinating information about flying machines, even fantastic science fiction weapons, that can be found in translations of the Vedas (scriptures), Indian epics, and other ancient Sanskrit text."

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by GaryN » Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:56 pm

lizzie posted:
I have come to the same conclusion. No puny humans could have built these colossal structures. Here I have been trying to “unearth” the “hidden technologies” that I thought ancient human societies used. Suddenly it occurred to me that these are “other worldly” technologies – technologies of advanced beings, or technologies from another dimension.
The Bent pyramid is going to be opened to the public, it seems. A rather different internal layout, but there does appear to be indications that cavitation has roughened some areas. As with other pyramids, the main sloping passage is the ram pump water inlet. ... terior.htm

The third pyramid at Gizeh is the most impressive inside, to me. What a piece of engineering, but why on earth(!) anyone would build it like that for a burial site is beyond me.


I'm with lizzie on this. Alien engineers rock!
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by kevin » Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:45 pm

Your questioning the usage of pyramids for burials, what burials?
The pyramids have not had any burials in them, it has just been constantly pushed that way, ASSUMED.
It is the same here in the UK and I suspect all around the globe with the megalithic sites, the archeologists find a few bodies , thus they can declare a place as a burial site.
This all comes right down to what I started this thread for, to try and reveal WHY these sites were built precisely to the geometry of this universal grid.
burial will be involved, as will re-birth, but not of the biological physical 3D bodies, but our true selves, we are electrical beings, in an electrical universe.


Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Apr 23, 2009 4:50 am

Kevin said: This all comes right down to what I started this thread for, to try and reveal WHY these sites were built precisely to the geometry of this universal grid. Burial will be involved, as will re-birth, but not of the biological physical 3D bodies, but our true selves, we are electrical beings, in an electrical universe. :D

In order to "maxamize the 'heaven/earth' energy flow", build your pyramid over the energy vortices (nodal points?) in the universal geomagnetic grid! :D

Orion Infrasound Pyramid at Resonance
The base length of the Great Pyramid informs the fundamental resonant tone created by the structures. Each base side of the pyramids has roughly been calculated at 760’, creating a fundamental frequency of about 1.5 hz when the pyramids are stimulated into high amplitude. The periodic pulsation of the pyramids operating at resonance creates a Fibonacci standing waveset centered on the 760’ wavelength bounded by the base of the pyramid. The angles of the standing waves exactly correspond to the slope of the pyramid’s faces: in the phi angle of 51.85 degrees. This baseline frequency of 1.5 hz has been described as the Tri-thalamic entrainment frequency shown to synchronize the pulsation of the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary gland into a unified functioning. This frequency is also the lowest frequency of Schumann Resonance, thus the function of the pyramids may indeed be to shift the fundamental frequency of the Earth down from its fluctuations near 7.3 hz to the tri-thalamic frequency of 1.5 hz.

This resonance structure is recognized as a solid-state global oscillator that functions in wavelengths of pure consciousness itself, entraining the human mind through redistribution and focusing of the global mind. Indigenous cultures across the globe recognize the Earth as a sentient being in itself, and as consciousness has a frequency that can be measured as the EEG, then the frequencies of Schumann Resonance can be understood as the vital pulse of Earth. Ancient wisdom passed on through the traditions of the Yaqui and Toltec cultures of present-day Mexico overtly describe the Earth’s emanations and the corresponding alignment of the emanations of humans, a notion described by modern science as the Frequency Following Response. The pineal gland contains microcrystalline calcite biomineralizations (Bacconier, Lang et al) that transduce frequencies of consciousness.

The HeartMath Institute has shown a regulated heart rate to be crucial to the formation of a coherent electromagnetic field of the heart, and to allow intentional relaxation of the DNA helix that is associated with positive emotions. The direct correlation between the stimulated beat frequencies of the granite box and a healthy infant heartbeat suggest the chambers’ design purpose.

Rather than a tomb for the dead, it appears the upper chamber and granite box were designed and used as a nativity center for stabilizing the biorhythms of the mother and child during their separation at birth. The ratio of the dimensions of the upper chamber, one-two, can also be considered a mathematical or acoustical symbolism which supports this hypothesis. Physical evidence that the chambers were designed for this purpose was discovered during early twentieth century investigations of the ascending shafts.

A balanced, full-spectrum infrasound environment has been shown to stimulate both emotional relaxation and DNA helical structural relaxation, or "denaturation". Vibrational research in Russia has demonstrated a nonlocal mode of DNA communication through an omnipresent field. The interaction has often been described as holographic and based on nonlinear coupling of DNA with electromagnetic fields, a topic to be expanded upon in this chapters conclusion. As the first months after birth are well known to be developmentally influential, perhaps exposure during and after birth to the full infrasonic range may increase DNA development and a biorhythm of balanced consciousness.

The cranial volumes of the Pharoanic families were extraordinary, most notably that of Akhenaton, Nefertiti and their children. Since the unusually elongated crania have been observed in statuary depictions of even the youngest children, the assumption has been made that it was genetically related. Perhaps, in light of the new acoustical data from the Great Pyramid’s chambers this assumption may be confirmed and understood to be a result of the infrasonic stimulation, the advanced art of genetic enhancement. The elongated skulls of the ruling families of ancient high civilizations may have been developed through gestational entrainment techniques under the Great Pyramid’s magnetic umbrella.
Make sure you use the correct sacred geometric form -- the pyramid :D

Pyramid Power
The pyramid puts things back the way they are supposed to be; it makes things more perfect. The one frequency that is common with all elements is the carrier wave. The vector angle of energy formed by the carrier wave frequency is 52.606º. This pyramid we have built is both a transmitter and receiver in one. This is why we can build a pyramid out of any material, and it will work. The elements in the material used for the pyramid start to oscillate.

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by kevin » Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:44 am

Wondefull links, as ever, I dub You queen Lizzie of new insights.
The link,
Gives a glimpse of the consequence of the geometry, how it forms points, it doesn't show the framework that it isw all created upon, but it does provide a good visual aid to think about this.
All of the norman churchs and cathedrals that I have checked, and that is countless, are constructed by utilising the available geometry that creates the adjacent point, You simply plot them out and connect the dots, there is far more fine geometry available, and the outer points are often external to the churchs, they have often left one such point marked with what are called preachers crosses normally the south of the church one is what is left standing.

The churchs are nothing much different than pyramids, they are resonant chambers to focus and uplift the available aether flows, I therefore KNOW I am following in the footsteps of very brilliant dowsers, who appear to have kept, or been kept very quiet about all of this, they were of course the wandering magi, the masons.


Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:51 am

Kevin said: This all comes right down to what I started this thread for, to try and reveal WHY these sites were built precisely to the geometry of this universal grid. Burial will be involved, as will re-birth, but not of the biological physical 3D bodies, but our true selves, we are electrical beings, in an electrical universe. Gives a glimpse of the consequence of the geometry, how it forms points, it doesn't show the framework that it is all created upon, but it does provide a good visual aid to think about this. ;)

The 2012 Synchronization of the Cosmic Energy "Step-down" Transformation"? :D

The Mechanism of the Wands of Horus with coal and Bja (ferromagnetic filling)
The knowledge embodied in the construction of the Wands of Horus with a filling of coal and "Bja", has its origins in the Tep Zepi era when, according to the ancient texts, "the gods dwelt on Earth and conversed with humans". :o

"The whole world that lies below has been set in order and filled with content with the aid of things that are placed above; because the things that are below lack the power to set in order the world above. Weaker secrets should yield to stronger ones; the systems of things above is stronger than the things below"

This simple text that is, however, chiefly perceived from positions of comparative philosophy expounds in the most general form the seminal theory of "synchronization" that is the foundation of the mechanism of evolution.

The true, deep-lying content of the text explains that:

"The whole world that is at a low level of development is structured (organized) and develops thanks to energies (nature) of a higher order; because energies of a lower nature do not have the power to create nature of a higher order. The organization and mechanisms for the development of lower nature are subordinated to the forces of the nature of a higher order; energies of a higher order are more complex in structural organization (nature) than those of a lower order."

The text cited contains the essence of the doctrine that the evolution of material and consciousness is a manifestation of nature of a higher order. The initiated eye will immediately spot the indication surviving in the text to the factor of synchronization "with the world that lies above", as a course predetermined by nature itself. The text of The Emerald Tablet of Hermes points directly to this:

"And as all things proceeded from the One through the agency of the One, so were all things born of this single essence through adaptation..."

Therefore the true and deliberate course of development (from the viewpoint of palaeo-science and palaeo-technology) requires synchronization with some evolution-stimulating energy belonging to a higher order of nature, the projection of which is the human being. :D

These fundamental scientific and cosmological ideas were expounded by the priests in the Ancient Egyptian texts and "Hermetical" manuscripts. They were all received in deep antiquity from the Metu Nefer (Nether) and Shemsu Hor (Shemse-Heru) and, reflecting the philosophy of "as above, so below", were aimed at telling how to turn cosmic forces to the Earth, which is an important step in humanity's striving to learn about the divine and the immortality of the soul.

Here is what was preserved on this matter in the book Hermes Trismegistos:

"And I, said Hermes, shall make humanity rational, give it wisdom and pass on the truth. I shall never cease working for the benefit of the life of mortals, each and every one, so that the natural forces acting within them might be in harmony with the stars that are above us."

The authorship of the "Hermetical texts" is attributed to Thoth, the Ancient Egyptian god of wisdom. In one of the remarkable passages , he tells his pupil Asclepius:

"Do you not know, Asclepius, that Egypt is a reflection of the sky? Or, to be more precise, in Egypt all the actions of the forces that rule and act in the sky, have been brought down onto the earth?"

The knowledge of the necessity for synchronization is of such profound significance for humanity that when received in ancient times it became the foundation of the Ancient Egyptian "Canon". Following the letter of the Canon, the idea of synchronization was perpetuated by the priests through the construction of a whole complex of pyramids on Egyptian soil in strict accordance with the pattern of the night sky. Thus the entire complex of pyramids is part of a great, but forgotten palaeo-technology, aimed at providing selected individuals with the chance to possess the secret of cosmic wisdom, connecting the Earth with the heavens by which means it is possible to overcome the "boundary of death".

The creation of a geographic (geometric) copy of the night sky gives nothing from the point of view of "concordance" or harmonic resonance, if only because the sky that we see is in reality different, with depth and curvature not observable from the surface of the Earth.

In actual fact the exact transfer of the night sky onto the Earth was carried out for one sole purpose - to record and perpetuate in architecture the idea of "synchronization". Therein lies one of the reasons why the predominant theme in the ancient texts is the heaven-earth dualism, interwoven with questions of resurrection and the immortality of the soul. The aim of harnessing the heavenly forces is, according to Thoth (Hermes) to make easier the "initiates'" search for immortality. :mrgreen:
The pyramid and alchemy

ORMUS and Pyramids
"The big secret of alchemy is what's known as the 'secret fire,' something that can, over time, dissolve gold into a white powder. It is said that the whole process is completed by this 'fire' without human interaction. It is also said that the process is 'child's play,' and it is. The secret fire which dissolves gold is an energy emitted by a pyramid shape. Not very surprisingly, the word 'pyramid' is translated as 'fire in the middle.' As I am writing this, I have a one ounce Canadian Maple Leaf gold coin hanging in the middle of a pyramid that I made from eight five-foot sections of copper pipe which form a pyramidal frame. The coin is exuding a liquid which dries into a white powder. It is not condensation as the coin is at air temperature, and the humidity is low. I have cleaned the coin, and the liquid/powder reappears. This is not a normally reported property of gold, but it is quite consistent with the first step of the alchemical process, obscurely related in the texts I have studied."
The pyramid as a magnifying transmitter and scalar interferometer

Pyramid Double Helix
Imagine three pyramids, the ones on the left and right are identical with smooth sides. The pyramid in the middle is a stepped pyramid commonly called a Ziggurat. All three pyramids have a shaft leading from the base down underground. These vertical shafts all connect to a common horizontal shaft. The walls of these shafts and the corridor were covered with these mystery tiles.

Doug said the pyramids on the left and right were normal pyramids while the center one was a ziggurat (stepped). Now if energy was in fact somehow received or transmitted by such a stepped pyramid, it would function as a lens commonly termed a FRESNEL.

Therefore, it appeared to be some form of SCALAR INTERFEROMETER with the left and right pyramids acting as either transmitters or receivers and the center acting as a concentrating lens or targeting lens.

Mary and Dean believe that the Ark was charged and placed into this recessed chamber. When the Ark was triggered to release its accumulated energy, it discharged upwards and formed the spiralling configuration that is now seen as the scorch marks on the wall.
The pyramid as an acoustic resonating cavity

Orion Infrasound Pyramid at Resonance
Rather than a tomb for the dead, it appears the upper chamber and granite box were designed and used as a nativity center for stabilizing the biorhythms of the mother and child during their separation at birth. The ratio of the dimensions of the upper chamber, one-two, can also be considered a mathematical or acoustical symbolism which supports this hypothesis. Physical evidence that the chambers were designed for this purpose was discovered during early twentieth century investigations of the ascending shafts. A carved stone tool was found sealed in one of the ascending shafts of the mid chamber. The artifact is interpreted to be a peshesh khaf, used in ancient times to sever a newborn’s umbilical cord, in the ritual act separating mother from child.

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by kevin » Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:20 am

This youtube link is in twelve sections, but well worth listening to, imo.
It could go in the schumann thread also?

I do not consider We need ET to set out the pyramids or anything else, it is all set out to the lattice universal grid, and it is so simple to do, that perhaps it requires a simple person to do it, or a hobbit, which I am?



Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Apr 24, 2009 7:59 am


There are three main Grids that operate through and around Earth; the first we will look at is the Crystalline Grid, which links the Crystals in the Earth. Where this Grid crosses are major portals, vortexes and dimensional doorways that connect the Inner Earth and Earth to other dimensional worlds, Stars and Planets in the Galaxy, Solar System and beyond. The Crystalline Grid keeps harmony within the Earth plane and at the portals links the Earth to the Stars and Universe to have harmony with our neighbours in space. Just us when the meridians are free and flowing and so we are in good health within our body and with other beings, so to with the Grids in the Earth. The Ancients were aware of this and so constructed Pyramids, Temples, Standing Stones, Stone Circles to align this energy with the Stars and Inner Earth and hold the beam as it were, as well as creating dimensional gateways for beings to travel from other worlds. These beings are from different Star Systems, Universes and Worlds, and all have an agenda with Earth. Many of them having been here for aeons, or actually starting the story of life on Earth.


The Light Grid is in the Causal and Higher mental planes around the Earth as it links us all in our Higher/Inner Self, so this is fifth and sixth Dimensional. This Grid is used often when you meditate to connect with others who are 'Lightworkers' or whatever name you want to give to those beings who are here in service to assist in the change in cycle and are either placed around the Grid at different locations synchronistically to anchor in higher energies at particular cosmic events. Or who through meditation link and in their higher state of consciousness see and know all beings as whole, healed and divine, thereby creating a higher level of consciousness to assist all humanity to make the shift. The shift is happening regardless of whether anyone wants it or not, just as day follows night, it is a cyclic event, a rather a grand one. This Grid connects everyone in their Higher/Inner Self level of being and often they are not conscious of what is happening as they work together often while asleep or through trusting in their hearts to go where guided on the Crystalline Grid to hold the energy.


Portals are vortexes of spiralling energy points, like chakra or acupressure points in a human, this energy moves clockwise with gravity and anti-clockwise with anti-gravity. There are Crystals within the Earth there that receive and transmit energy, assimilate it and send it through the Grids, as well as storing, amplifying and focusing energy. They are aligned to our Solar System, Galaxy and the Cosmos, often aligning to a particular Star System and are Electric, Magnetic or have both qualities. The Electric vortexes are male energy, giving emotional and physical charge and stimulating the consciousness. The Magnetic are female energy, which enhances psychic perception and the sub-conscious, or Electromagnetic vortexes that combine both energies providing balance.
Earth Grid Research
These standing waves pull from the central dimensional window multiple vortical conduits. Unlike a neutral center which has a null point in the middle of a sphere, these vortical conduits have a null axis inside a tubular vortex. They pierce the earth’s surface at the aforementioned node or antinode points.

Thus, there are dimensional window points spaced equally apart on the earth’s surface – these are the primary earth grid points and correspond to the vertices of the Platonic solids. Their electromagnetic configuration includes little if any magnetic, electric, or gravitational components except in special circumstances at special times. Their primary electromagnetic structure consists of potential fields, both magnetic, electric, and gravitational potential, which are not easily detectable.
Acoustic waves create electromagnetic waves

Electromagnetic waves generated by opposite acoustic waves
An acoustic wave of a combined frequency (formed upon the superposition of the opposite acoustic waves of close frequencies) from a moving source generates electromagnetic waves of the same frequency with the amplitude increasing in the longitudinal direction. The problem is solved for the first time, assuming the absence of electric charges and neglecting the frequency dispersion. It is shown that the running acoustic wave is accompanied by weak electromagnetic waves.
Sound creates matter

Origin and Formation of Matter
"Matter is the coagulation of sound."
Vibration can change the shape of the earth and alter DNA

Vibrations, Frequencies and Harmonics ... htm#shapes
Both the students of Buckminster Fuller and his protégé Dr. Hans Jenny devised clever experiments that showed how the Platonic Solids would form within a vibrating / pulsating sphere. If you have four evenly spaced nodes, you will see a tetrahedron. Six evenly spaced nodes form an octahedron. Eight evenly spaced nodes form a cube. Twenty evenly spaced nodes form the dodecahedron, and twelve evenly spaced nodes form the icosahedron. The straight lines that we see on these geometric objects simply represent the stresses that are created by the “closest distance between two points” for each of the nodes as they distribute themselves across the entire surface of the sphere.

The relationship between the polyhedrons and structure of crystals and minerals is well known. Table salt is an example of how two different elements, sodium and chloride bond together to form a Platonic Solid of the Cube. Though water is not a crystal in the liquid state, the water molecule is made up of two hydrogen and one oxygen atom that form together in the shape of a tetrahedron. Another example is fluorite crystals which form the octahedron, basically all crystalline structure in creation has a molecular structure based upon the tetrahedron, cube and octahedron.

All these crystalline structures are capable of conducting "electricity" to some degree or another.

When crystals are vibrated at certain frequencies, they change shape due to the ‘piezoelectric effect”
The Piezoelectric Effect
A piezoelectric substance is one that produces an electric charge when a mechanical stress is applied (the substance is squeezed or stretched). Conversely, a mechanical deformation (the substance shrinks or expands) is produced when an electric field is applied. This effect is formed in crystals that have no center of symmetry.

In order to produce the piezoelectric effect, the polycrystal is heated under the application of a strong electric field. The heat allows the molecules to move more freely and the electric field forces all of the dipoles in the crystal to line up and face in nearly the same direction

The piezoelectric crystal bends in different ways at different frequencies. This bending is called the vibration mode. The crystal can be made into various shapes to achieve different vibration modes. To realize small, cost effective and high performance products, several modes have been developed to operate over several frequency ranges. These modes allow us to make products working in the low kHz range up to the MHz range.
Squeezed crystals deliver more volts per jolt
A discovery by scientists at the Carnegie Institution has opened the door to a new generation of piezoelectric materials that can convert mechanical strain into electricity and vice versa, potentially cutting costs and boosting performance in myriad applications ranging from medical diagnostics to green energy technologies
Piezoelectric properties in biological systems
http://www.worldchiropracticalliance.or ... 03kent.htm
Crystalline substances, when subjected to mechanical stress, produce an electric current. This phenomenon is known as the piezoelectric effect. Closely related is biorheology, the study of the deformation and flow of matter in living systems. The potential clinical implications of biorheology and the piezoelectric effect challenge the imagination.
Electrifying biology; biological systems naturally produce electricity, and it seems to be important for their health ... -a03743626

Smart Structures and Piezoelectric Materials ... amle~F.pdf

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:59 am

Hi Lizzie,
That wandsofhorus link might just be the best you have ever posted. For once, the guy knows what he is taling about. There is more knowledge in the passage you posted than in any and everything Sitchin and his ilk have written. I shall be reading the site properly once I get the time.
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
and fear nothing but being sidetracked.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.
Tao Te Ching, 53.

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by GaryN » Fri Apr 24, 2009 1:38 pm

Hi lizzie, accoustics, resonance and electricity all seem to be part of the pyramid machine to me, but I think the idea that anyone was supposed to be inside them while they were operating should be discounted. The strength of the pressure waves would liquify your innards, I believe!
There are some smaller central american pyramids that seem to have similar wierd constructs inside, but on a scale much too small to fit a person through, and that have had to be opened up by treasure hunters to gain access. No treasures have ever been found, to my knowledge.
I would be accepting of the idea that the energies being tapped or generated by the pyramids were used for some as yet hidden functions, perhaps the 'wands' were resonant to the pyramids?
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:51 pm

Hi Gary,
Interesting line of thinking but what if the pyramids, and other such structures, were not for focusing energies inwards but for blocking energies? In other words, what if they were sensory deprivation chambers which allowed the user to access his/her mind without any of the usual input/output clutter from the brain and senses? Just a thought.
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
and fear nothing but being sidetracked.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.
Tao Te Ching, 53.


Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:45 pm

Be Kind to Your Web-Footed Friends
(To The Tune of "The Stars & Stripes Forever")
Be kind to your web-footed friends
For a duck may be somebody's brother
Be kind to the denizen of the swamp
where the weather is very very damp
Message to the Unborn
Thoth was also regarded as a deity who understood the mysteries of all that is hidden under the heavenly vault, and who had the ability to bestow wisdom on selected individuals. It was said that he had inscribed his knowledge in secret books and hidden these about the earth, intending that they should be sought for by future generations but found only by the worthy - who were to use their discoveries for the benefit of mankind.

The Egyptians and the Sumerian people of Mesopotamia worshipped virtually identical lunar deities, who were among the very oldest in their respective pantheons. Exactly like Thoth, the Sumerian moon-god Sin was charged with measuring the passage of time. The similarity between the two gods is too close to be accidental. It would be wrong to say that the Egyptians borrowed from the Sumerians or the Sumerians from the Egyptians, but it may be submitted that the literati of both peoples borrowed their theological systems from some common, but exceedingly ancient source.

The earliest Egyptian calendar was based on the moon's cycles, but later the Egyptians realized that the "Dog Star" in Canis Major, which we call Sirius, rose next to the sun every 365 days, about when the annual inundation of the Nile began. Based on this knowledge, they devised a 365-day calendar that seems to have begun in 4236 B.C., the earliest recorded year in history.

The calendar system of ancient Egypt is unique to both the cosmology of the Egyptians and their religion: Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, the star which became the marker of an important ancient Egyptian calendar, the star which according to some is at the centre of beliefs held by the Freemasons, is the star from where the forefathers of the human race may have come from.

The beginning of the year, also called "the opening of the year", was marked by the emergence of the star Sirius, in the constellation of Canis Major. The constellation emerged roughly on June 21st., and was called "the going up of the goddess Sothis". The star was visible just before sunrise, and is still one of the brightest stars in the sky, located to the lower left of Orion and taking the form of the dog's nose in the constellation Canis Major.

As can be seen from this historical material, our calendar has come to us from ancient Egypt. It is a calendar of Sirius, of the star Sothis and we continue to use it. Our civilization could not independently solve the problem of creating an exact calendar, having offered only uncountable "improvements". As a result, the Julian and the Gregorian calendars have lost the exact system incorporated in the ancient calendar of Thoth.

Unfortunately, this knowledge was lost and was not accessible to us. Our calendar reforms resulted in the loss of information once incorporated in the calendar of Thoth. I speak about that information, the existence of which we did not suspect. I speak about the Message. The ancient civilization of Egypt guarded this Message for thousands of years, and even after the end of its existence, transmitted it to us by way of the Calendar and the secret knowledge incorporated in it, thus ensuring that we keep this knowledge for future generations, yet unborn, for those who can understand its deep internal contents. I do not know if it was made consciously or not, but it was made.

Who could use higher mathematics on the Earth 6000 years ago? Who could leave us such a Message in the language of higher mathematics? Who was Thoth? What kind of technology, and what state of science and culture, would have been required to do a job like this? I get the feeling that everything was planned, intended, carefully worked out, that they were fulfilling a long-term objective.
Mesopotamian myths speak of amphibious beings, which have given knowledge to the people. The leader of these beings was named Oannes. Under a fish's head he had another head. In the Calendar-Message there is an image of Oannes.
Last edited by lizzie on Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:54 pm

Is it possible that if I activated these giant quantum stone resonators with actual energy from the capstones of the pyramids that I could create a stargate between the pyramids and the Orion Constellaton? - David Sereda
"The Orion Mystery" by R.Bauval and A.Gilbert focuses on the constellation Orion and its alignment to the three pyramids on the Giza plateau. The Orion Correlation theory says that the three pyramids correspond to the three stars of Orion's Belt.

That is not so. The forgotten civilization has left to us more exact and important information. I did not want to prove or to demolish this theory. I studied the ancient cryptogram and this information has helped me to find the Duat. Here I shall tell about it

The Duat sky region is the place through which the Pharaohs believed that their souls would travel after death. It was the starting point of the Pharaoh's journey back to the stars from whence he came. The Duat separates the land of the living from the land of the dead. The very similar "starry" myths were kept and on the American continent. The five-pointed star within a circle was the Egyptian symbol of the Duat. This image you can see on the top of this page.

G.Hancock wrote in the book "Heaven's Mirror":

"In fact the Duat had very specific celestial coordinates. ...the Duat had been conceived of by the ancient Egyptians as having been "localized in the eastern part of the sky" ...the oldest texts... tell us: "Orion has been enveloped by the Duat while he who lives on the Horizon purifies himself.

...This is a true observation of nature, and it really appears as though the stars are swallowed up each morning by the increasing glow of the dawn."

You may already know that many of the great monuments of early civilizations were astronomically aligned. The accurate cardinal orientation of the Great Pyramids at Giza in Egypt is outstanding examples. Giza seems to have been designed with very strict geometrical rules laid down from the start. If we want to understand the monuments of ancient Egypt, we have to think in terms of heaven and earth. "As above, so below", as the ancient hermetic texts put it.

The ancient Egyptians called the region of the heavens, of which Orion is a part, and which appears to be the pattern for the ground at Giza — the Duat

Four pyramids of Giza are built as model of four stars of the Duat sky region in a scale of one to sixty! (a scale of one second to one minute; or 1:60)

It is a well known scale. The ancient civilization had constructed at Giza an exact replica of the Duat sky region. The Duat stars have provided the model for the complex of Giza pyramids, of this mysterious ancient temple. The Giza Pyramids serve one ultimate purpose, to indicate the Gateway to the Underworld (Duat) by pure geometry. In my opinion, the builders were part of a Global Earth Civilization that broke up about 6,500 years ago, and the massive Giza Pyramids are their relics that survived from the end of their civilization. They have warned us.

Well, this explains the purpose of all ten pyramids of the Giza plateau:

Four pyramids are built as model of four stars of the Duat sky region. Three small pyramids near the Pyramid of Cheops, and three small pyramids near the Pyramid of Menkaure determine lines of the horizontal coordinate system (altitude and azimuth).

This image created by the astronomical program resembles the ancient Egyptian image "Eye of Horus" or "Eye of Re". The Eye of Horus came from a myth of his battles where Horus has lost his right eye.

The constellation associated with Osiris, Orion, stands at the corner of a Great Celestial Eye

The crossing of the Galactic equator and Ecliptic form a well known figure "Fish's Bladder". This geometrical construction was used in antiquity.

The Vesica Piscis or fish’s bladder is formed by the intersection of two circles or spheres whose centers exactly touch. The shape of the human eye itself is a Vesica Piscis. The ratio of the axes of the form is the square root of 3
Last edited by lizzie on Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:24 pm, edited 4 times in total.


Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:57 pm

The Riddles of the Sumerian and Mayan Gods
What are these gods holding in their hands? All these gods seem to be holding the same identical thing. It's a very specific and strange thing. Why do they always seem to be carrying this same thing? The Ancient Sumerians and The Maya have illustrated the same thing in their reliefs.

Such a thing could not have been a coincidence. Did Sumerians see the Mayan gods or did Maya see the Sumerian gods? These were two civilizations that were far apart (one in the Central America and the other in the Middle East, in an area that is now Iraq). How were these ancient civilizations connected?

What do you think about it?

The first answer - an extra-terrestrial origin.

Our cosmonauts (astronauts) always carry a suitcase. It is a part of their space suit. There is a tendency to carry the similar things with the similar outfits

The second answer - a terrestrial origin. We live on land. We use a survival suit for work under water. For example, a diver dresses in a protective suit (a wet-suit). And in contrast, if someone (or something) lives in water, they must dress in a survival suit to work on land. (Oannes was a water god)


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