Star Formation

Plasma and electricity in space. Failure of gravity-only cosmology. Exposing the myths of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, and other mathematical constructs. The electric model of stars. Predictions and confirmations of the electric comet.

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Star Formation

Post by Lloyd » Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:46 am

* There's some new news below, but first I wanted to mention other similar threads on this forum. These are previous and current threads about Star Formation.
1. Magnetic Fields Dominate All Star Formation? ... f=3&t=1945
2. Electric Currents Critical to Star Formation? ... ?f=3&t=623
3. "Star Factory" Calls Galaxy Formation Theories into Question
4. Solar System and Planet Formation ... f=4&t=3857
5. Trigger-happy Star Formation: Radiation From Massive Stars ... f=3&t=2226
6. Filamentary Density Key To Star Formation ... =3&p=50320
7. Autralian astronomers observe star formation at a z pinch ... hp?p=28813

The following is the same topic as numbers 5 and 6 above, but with some different discussions.
Herschel Links Star Formation To Sonic Booms
[Sonic booms in the vacuum of space?] ... s_999.html ... 96-11.html
The journal article is called "Characterizing interstellar filaments with Herschel in IC 5146".
ESA's Herschel space observatory has revealed that nearby interstellar clouds contain networks of tangled gaseous filaments. Intriguingly, each filament is approximately the same width, hinting that they may result from interstellar sonic booms
... Such filaments in interstellar clouds have been glimpsed before by other infrared satellites, but they have never been seen clearly enough to have their widths measured. Now, Herschel has shown that, regardless of the length or density of a filament, the width is always roughly the same.
"This is a very big surprise," says Doris Arzoumanian, Laboratoire AIM Paris-Saclay, CEA/IRFU, the lead author on the paper describing this work. Together with Philippe Andre from the same institute and other colleagues, she analysed 90 filaments and found they were all about 0.3 light years across, or about 20 000 [AUs]....
Comparing the observations with computer models, the astronomers concluded that filaments are probably formed when slow shockwaves dissipate in the interstellar clouds.
* Someone said maybe they should look for Faraday rotation and magnetic field structures to see that the 'filaments' carry currents. '[W]e can actually see stars forming like beads on strings in some of these filaments,' says Goran Pilbratt, the ESA Herschel Project Scientist." "Beads on a string" is the phrase Peratt used to describe electrical star formation. The fact that the width of the filaments is a constant 0.3 LY suggests that the balance of attracting-repelling forces in a Birkeland filament could lead to a new constant in astrophysics.
* Sonic booms can only occur in air, not in space. So they have a different idea about space booms. Can you fathom this abstract on the matter? ... .1.52.5812
Cosmic Shock Waves on Large Scales of the Universe (1996)
In the standard theory of the large scale structure formation, matter accretes onto high density perturbations via gravitational instability. Collisionless dark matter forms caustics around such structures, while collisional baryonic matter forms accretion shocks which then halt and heat the infalling gas. Here we discuss the characteristics, roles, and observational consequences of these accretion shocks. The simulations of large scale structure in the universe, which include the evolution of baryonic matter as well as that of dark matter, have shown the formation of accretion shocks around the nonlinear structures such as supergalactic sheets, filaments, and clusters of galaxies (see, for example, Kang et al. 1994). Figure 1 shows the contours of baryonic density in a simulation performed with the cosmological hydrodynamic code described in Ryu et al. (1993). It is for a standard cold dark matter model universe in a box with (32h \Gamma1 Mpc) 3 volume using 128 3 cells and 64 ...

Robertus Maximus
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Re: Star Formation

Post by Robertus Maximus » Fri Dec 14, 2018 9:06 pm

Stellar fissioning caught in the act? ... 093827.htm

Some light reading required!

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Re: Star Formation

Post by celeste » Wed Dec 19, 2018 10:28 pm

Lloyd wrote:*
* Someone said maybe they should look for Faraday rotation and magnetic field structures to see that the 'filaments' carry currents.
This has been done, and it fits with the Bessel function magnetic fields as described by Don Scott.
As always, it helps to translate mainstream to EU terminology:
Filamentary gas clouds are know to have ionization gradients that vary with depth into clouds. That would be Marklund convection. They contain ionization fronts. That would be double layers. They see filamentary clouds streaming along magnetic fields. That would be the background field for a field aligned B.C. They see magnetic turbulence,with field reversals on regular distance scales. That would be the Bessel function field of the current itself. They see scintillation screens flowing with the cloud. That would be the electron flow.
Its all screaming at us from the mainstream.iterature, once you get past the language barrier.


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