The Allais Effect

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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The Allais Effect

Unread post by Sandokhan » Thu Apr 05, 2018 9:13 am




(it also shows that the effect was confirmed during the August 1999 solar eclipse)

The title of the paper is as follows:


"During the total solar eclipse of 11 August 1999, the existence of the Allais effect was confirmed."

The authors indicate that more measurements/experiments have to be undertaken during future solar eclipses.



The title of the article is as follows:

A confirmation of the Allais and Jeverdan-Rusu-Antonescu effects
during the solar eclipse from 22 September 2006 , and the quantization
of behaviour of pendulum

"The experiments made with a paraconical pendulum during annular solar eclipse from 22 September 2006 confirm once again the existence of the Allais effect."



Published in the Journal of Advanced Research in Physics

Given the above, the authors consider that it is an inescapable conclusion from our experiments that after the end of the visible eclipse, as the Moon departed the angular vicinity of the Sun, some influence exerted itself upon the Eastern European region containing our three sets of equipment, extending over a field at least hundreds of kilometers in width.

The nature of this common influence is unknown, but plainly it cannot be considered as gravitational in the usually accepted sense of Newtonian or Einsteinian gravitation.

We therefore are compelled to the opinion that some currently unknown physical influence was at work.


The Allais pendulum effect confirmed in an experiment performed in 1961:


Observations of Correlated Behavior of Two Light Torsion Balances and a Paraconical Pendulum in Separate Locations during the Solar Eclipse of January 26th, 2009: ... _26th_2009

Published in the Advances in Astronomy Journal

Another independent confirmation has been obtained of the previously established fact that at the time of solar eclipses, a specific reaction of the torsion balance can be observed. During a solar eclipse, the readings of two neighboring TBs seem to be correlated. This fact demonstrates the nonaleatory character of the reactions of TBs. Consequently, the reaction of these devices is deterministic, not random. A solar eclipse is such a determinant, since upon termination of a solar eclipse, the correlation becomes insignificant. This conclusion is supported by the PP observations. The PP graph and the TB graphs showed obvious similarity, with the coefficient of correlation of these two independent curves being close to 1.

In particular, we wonder how any physical momentum can be transferred to our instrument during a solar eclipse. Gravity can hardly suffice as an explanation even for understanding the results of the PP measurements. The gravitational potential grows slowly and smoothly over a number of days before eclipse and then declines smoothly afterwards without any sudden variations, but we see relatively short-term events. Moreover, gravity is certainly not applicable to the explanation of the results of the TB observations, since the TB is not sensitive to changes in gravitational potential.

The cause of the time lag between the response of the device in Suceava and the reactions of the devices in Kiev also remains unknown. What can be this force which acts so selectively in space and time?

The anomalies found, that defy understanding in terms of modern physics, are in line with other anomalies, described in a recently published compendium “Should the Laws of Gravitation be reconsidered?” [14].


Precise Underground Observations of the Partial Solar Eclipse of 1 June 2011 Using a Foucault Pendulum and a Very Light Torsion Balance

Published in the International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics Journal ... on_Balance ... erID=26045

Simultaneous observations of the solar eclipse on 06/01/2011 were carried out using a Foucault pendulum and a torsion balance. The instruments were installed in a salt mine, where the interference was minimal. Both instruments clearly reacted to the eclipse. We conclude that these reactions should not be considered as being gravitational effects.


Dr. Erwin Saxl experiment (1970) ... msg1892354

Published in the Physical Review Journal

Saxl and Allen went on to note that to explain these remarkable eclipse observations, according to "conventional Newtonian/Einsteinian gravitational theory," an increase in the weight of the pendumum bob itself on the order of ~5% would be required ... amounting to (for the ~51.5-lb pendulum bob in the experiment) an increase of ~2.64 lbs!

This would be on the order of one hundred thousand (100,000) times greater than any possible "gravitational tidal effects" Saxl and Allen calculated (using Newtonian Gravitational Theory/ Relativity Theory).


For the same masses/corresponding distances of the Earth, Sun and the Moon, during the Allais experiment, the pendulum's direction of rotation changed from clockwise to counterclockwise, at the end of the eclipse it resumed its normal direction of rotation.

In order to arrive at an explanation, M. Allais considered a wide range
of known periodic phenomena, including the terrestrial tides, variations in
the intensity of gravity, thermal or barometric effects, magnetic variations,
microseismic effects, cosmic rays, and the periodic character of human
activity. Yet, on close examination, the very peculiar nature of the
periodicity shown by the change in azimuth of the pendulum forced the
elimination of all of these as cause.

Dr. Maurice Allais:

In both cases, with the experiments with the anisotropic
support and with those with the isotropic support, it is found
that the amplitudes of the periodic effects are considerably
greater than those calculated according to the law of gravitation,
whether or not completed by the theory of relativity.
In the case of the anisotropic support, the amplitude of
the luni-solar component of 24h 50m is about twenty million
times greater than the amplitude calculated by the theory of
universal gravitation.

In the case of the paraconical pendulum with isotropic
support, this relation is about a hundred million.

In other words, the pendulum motions Allais observed during his two eclipses – 1954 and 1959 -- were physically IMPOSSIBLE … according to all known “textbook physics!”

"Allais used the phrase “a brutal displacement” … to describe the “sudden, extraordinary backwards movement” of the pendulum his laboratory chief had seen (and carefully recorded!), even while not knowing its “mysterious” cause ... until later that same afternoon.

Here (below) is what those “anomalous eclipse motions” in Allias’ pendulum looked like; this graphic, adapted from Scientific American, depicts the mechanical arrangement of Allais’ unique paraconical pendulum (below – left).

The three vertical panels to its right illustrate the pendulum’s “highly anomalous motions” -- recorded during two partial solar eclipses to cross Allais’ Paris laboratory in the 1950’s (the first in 1954, the second in 1959); the phase of each eclipse that corresponded with these “anomalous motions,” is depicted in the last three vertical strips (far right)." ... otions.jpg

"This normal, downward-sloping trend is abruptly REVERSED!

From there, things rapidly got even more bizarre--

As the pendulum’s azimuth motion continues in an accelerating, COUNTER-clockwise direction … for the next 45 minutes; then, after peaking, the pendulum motion REVERSES direction (moving clockwise again …), only to reverse BACK again (counterclockwise!) … briefly [as the Moon reaches “mid-eclipse” (the central green line)] -- before abruptly reversing once more, accelerating again in a CLOCKWISE direction … before eventually “bottoming out” … parallel to the ORIGINAL “Foucault/Earth rotation” downward-sloping trend line!"


Dr. Maurice Allais:

With regard to the validity of my experiments, it seems
best to reproduce here the testimony of General Paul Bergeron,
ex-president of the Committee for Scientific Activities for
National Defense, in his letter of May 1959 to Werner von

"Before writing to you, I considered it necessary to
visit the two laboratories of Professor Allais (one 60
meters underground), in the company of eminent
specialists – including two professors at the Ecole
Polytechnique. During several hours of discussion, we
could find no source of significant error, nor did any
attempt at explanation survive analysis.

"I should also tell you that during the last two years,
more than ten members of the Academy of Sciences and
more than thirty eminent personalities, specialists in
various aspects of gravitation, have visited both his
laboratory at Saint-Germain, and his underground
laboratory at Bougival.

"Deep discussions took place, not only on these
occasions, but many times in various scientific contexts,
notably at the Academy of Sciences and the National
Center for Scientific Research. None of these discussions
could evolve any explanation within the framework of
currently accepted theories."

This letter confirms clearly the fact that was finally
admitted at the time - the total impossibility of explaining the
perceived anomalies within the framework of currently
accepted theory.

An overview of the Allais effect (parts I - VII): ... msg1676115

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Re: The Allais Effect

Unread post by moonkoon » Sat Apr 07, 2018 1:38 am

... during the Allais experiment, the pendulum's direction of rotation changed from clockwise to counterclockwise, at the end of the eclipse it resumed its normal direction of rotation ...

You don't need an eclipse to change pendulum rotation, you can do it with a variation of an articulated pendulum. Get a plumb bob (or something with a bit of weight), attach it to a line about 5' long and suspend it from another string (again about 5' long) that is attached at both ends and sags about a foot or so in the middle. Set the bob rotating (clockwise or anti-clockwise) so that it describes a circle about 4' diameter.

The circular motion will will resolve into an ellipse and then ordinary pendulum oscillation. After a few swings back and forth the pendulum motion will develop to elliptical then circular motion in the opposite direction. The process will then repeat if the bob still has enough momentum.

It's a great 'amaze your friends' routine. :-), people stare in disbelief and want to try it for themselves.

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Re: The Allais Effect

Unread post by Sandokhan » Sat Apr 07, 2018 3:33 am

What you have in mind is a modified double multi-string pendulum (instead of two balls and two strings/rods, you have a single ball/weight, two strings, a slightly different suspension mechanism).

The chaotical motions of the double pendulum are well-established and have been studied.

By contrast, the Allais experiment used a SINGLE paraconical pendulum. Completely different situations/experiments.

The 2008 experiment used a SINGLE Foucault-type pendulum.

Saxl and Allen used a SINGLE torsion pendulum.

We know for sure the identity of two of the three heavenly bodies which take part in a solar eclipse: the Sun and the Earth.

The Allais effect could only be explained by taking into consideration that the planet which causes the solar eclipse is not the Moon.

Some of the most famous astronomers of the 19th century thought the Earth is orbited by two dark bodies:

That many such bodies exist in the firmament is almost a matter of certainty; and that one such as that which
eclipses the moon exists at no great distance above the earth's surface, is a matter admitted by many of the leading astronomers of the day. In the report of the council of the Royal Astronomical Society, for June 1850, it is said:--

"We may well doubt whether that body which we call the moon is the only satellite of the earth."

In the report of the Academy of Sciences for October 12th, 1846, and again for August, 1847, the director of one of the French observatories gives a number of observations and calculations which have led him to conclude that,--

"There is at least one non-luminous body of considerable magnitude which is attached as a satellite to this earth."

Sir John Herschel admits that:--

"Invisible moons exist in the firmament."

Sir John Lubbock is of the same opinion, and gives rules and formulæ for calculating their distances, periods.

Lambert in his cosmological letters admits the existence of "dark cosmical bodies of great size."

Photographs taken in 2003 in Antarctica by the world famous photographer Fred Bruenjes: the solar eclipse is not caused by the Moon. ... es_big.jpg ... osite2.jpg ... vidcap.jpg

It is the antigravitational effect of this third celestial body (Rahu, the Black Sun, Fenrir) which causes the counter-clockwise motion, the reversal of rotation of the single pendulum used in the experiments.

Dr. Maurice Allais:

In both cases, with the experiments with the anisotropic
support and with those with the isotropic support, it is found
that the amplitudes of the periodic effects are considerably
greater than those calculated according to the law of gravitation,
whether or not completed by the theory of relativity.
In the case of the anisotropic support, the amplitude of
the luni-solar component of 24h 50m is about twenty million
times greater than the amplitude calculated by the theory of
universal gravitation.

In the case of the paraconical pendulum with isotropic
support, this relation is about a hundred million.


Published in the Journal of Advanced Research in Physics

Given the above, the authors consider that it is an inescapable conclusion from our experiments that after the end of the visible eclipse, as the Moon departed the angular vicinity of the Sun, some influence exerted itself upon the Eastern European region containing our three sets of equipment, extending over a field at least hundreds of kilometers in width.

The nature of this common influence is unknown, but plainly it cannot be considered as gravitational in the usually accepted sense of Newtonian or Einsteinian gravitation.

We therefore are compelled to the opinion that some currently unknown physical influence was at work.

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Re: The Allais Effect

Unread post by kevin » Sat Apr 07, 2018 11:44 pm

TT Brown had ( still has) multiple deep underground/sea devices showing how all electrically charged bodies interact field wise.
Gravity been a consequence locally, not a force.

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Re: The Allais Effect

Unread post by Sandokhan » Sun Apr 08, 2018 8:45 am

Dr. Paul Biefeld (1941): “Yes,” Biefeld told the Denison campus newspaper, “when Einstein would forget to go to a class, he would come and borrow my notes to get caught up on what he had missed."

Biefeld-Brown effect: ... msg1852363 (vacuum tests) ... msg1913909 (latest Biefeld-Brown effect vacuum test) ... msg2031282 (Biefeld-Brown effect tested at the Honda R&D Institute) ... msg2033699 (hydrodynamic gravity equation, implosion of the atom)

Nipher effect: ... msg1852840

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Re: The Allais Effect

Unread post by kevin » Sun Apr 08, 2018 11:40 am


Solid geometric universe.

Displacement , not movement.

The hardest ( pun intended) part of detecting as a dowser is why nothing moves.
If the earths spinning as TOLD, then how come what I detect is totally stationary.

Of course one then becomes open to ridicule, good job I am a Yorkshire hard nose so and so.

TTB is My hero.

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Re: The Allais Effect

Unread post by Sandokhan » Sun Apr 08, 2018 10:32 pm

The 50+ pages thread on the ancient cataclysms does not include the information on the new radical chronology of history and the relationship of this subject to past catastrophisms. ... msg2001449 (new radical chronology of history) ... msg1640735 (isotopes vs. comets: the correct dating of the age of comets) ... msg1622182 (chicxulub supervolcano) ... msg1625605 (when was the Gizeh pyramid actually built) ... msg1683424 (Pompeii and Herculaneum were destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius at least after 1750 AD, five consecutive messages, maps, paleomagnetic dating, artifacts) ... #msg998158 (C. Pfister archive, who discovered that there was no human settlement prior to 1700 AD in Switzerland, and that all gothic/medieval buildings and all ancients documents pertaining to the period 500 AD - 1600 AD were actually created in the 18th Century AD) ... msg1830487 (C. Pfister archive II)

Abbildung 11: Italienische oder pompejanische Renaissance:
Tizian: Liegende Kurtisane (oben) und liegende Mänade aus
Pompeji (unten)
Abbildung der Mänade aus: Pietro Giovanni Guzzo: Pompei, Ercolano, Stabiae, Oplontis;
Napoli 2003, 75

Figure 11: Italian Renaissance and Pompeian:
Titian: Horizontal courtesan (top) and from lying maenad
Pompeii (below)
Figure out the maenad: Pietro Giovanni Guzzo: Pompei, Ercolano, Stabia, Oplontis;
Napoli 2003, 75

The well-known painting by Titian copied perfectly at Pompeii...

As Titian did not have at his disposal a space-time machine to take him back to the year 79 AD, we can only infer that the authors of both paintings/frescoes were contemporaries, perhaps separated only by a few decades in time.

"The use of Renaissance artists of identical details, same colors decisions, motives, general composition plans, the presence in the Pompeian frescoes of the things that emerged in the 15 to 17 century, the presence in Pompeian paintings of genre painting, which is found only in the epoch of the Renaissance, and the presence of some Christian motifs on some frescoes and mosaics suggest that Pompeian frescoes and the works of artists of the Renaissance come from the same people who have lived in the epoch. "Vitas Narvidas," Pompeian Frescoes and the Renaissance: a comparison, "Electronic Almanac" Art & Fact 1 (5), 2007."

The most important work on the extraordinary similarities between the frescoes discovered at Pompeii and the Renaissance paintings/sculptures (Raphael, Tintoretto, Da Vinci, Botticelli, Goltzius): ... tavka.html

English translation: ... edit-text= ... msg1707290 (faint young sun paradox) ... msg1672191 (not so ancient Parthenon) ... #msg758652 (Gauss easter formula applied to the chronology of history) ... msg1574605 (origin of calculus) ... msg1834389 (the use of the arctangent series at the Gizeh pyramid, four consecutive messages) ... msg1641885 (Christ was crucified at Constantinople and not Jerusalem, and from a chronological point of view, much more recently) ... msg1673763


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