mechanism of expanding Earth

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mechanism of expanding Earth

Unread post by ja7tdo » Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:37 pm

Hi, I am newbie from Japan.
I think Earth is expanding.
There are a lot of evidence on Google Earth.
Here is my thought conclusion. (I think Earth is born in Jupiter)
url links may be dead.

Origins of the ocean and atmosphere(sorry, this is translation of google from Japanese text)
The way the sea was made is now explained as follows. In the primitive Earth, a planet formed by collision of asteroids and formed by coalescence can be formed by repeated collision collision. The primitive Earth just created was the energy of the collision and the surface was the magma ocean. As the surface magma cooled down, countless volcanoes were erupting on Earth. As the eruption gas was predominantly carbon dioxide and water vapor, as the earth cooled down, a lot of rain fell. It is supposed to be making the sea.
When cyanobacteria are born later in the ocean, oxygen is produced by photosynthesis and supplies oxygen to the atmosphere. It is a story that iron ions melted in seawater are deposited as oxides, become hundreds of millions of years old and are now mined as iron ore.
However, nitrogen which accounts for the majority of the atmosphere is not explained in the conventional story though. Nitrogen is a rare substance in the solar system.
By the way, Hayabusa and Rosetta are exploration satellites that attempted to land on comets and asteroids. It taught us how difficult it is to landing under micro attraction. Even if the landing satellite approached the asteroid very slowly, it bounced and I could not land in the place I expected. Also in computer simulations that have advanced in recent years, we have found that it is very difficult for asteroids to collide and coalesce. If asteroids coalesce, it has been thought that there should only be very slowly and softly attached.
Therefore, the view that the primitive earth has never been a magma ocean with the kinetic energy of the collision has become mainstream. The primitive Earth was cold.

The origins of the ocean and atmosphere became unreliable on volcanic eruption carbon dioxide and water vapor. What is conceivable is the reaction inside the mantle that expands the Earth. According to the Earth expansion theory, there was no sea on the first Earth. There was no atmosphere either. Let's think about what kind of reaction occurred inside the mantle.
In the Earth's expansion theory, it is an explanation that the substance which constitutes the mantle, the peridotite melts and flows to the surface as a basaltic magma, at this time the volume expands and expands. It is unknown why the peridotite melts as it is. It is thought that the mantle contains a large amount of methane in addition to the peridotite. Methane is a common substance in the solar system. I will give the substance contained in the earth as an element. The element ratio is called Clark number.
① Oxygen 49.5 ② Silicon 25.8 ③ Aluminum 7.56 ④ Iron 4.70 ⑤ Calcium 3.39 ⑥ Sodium 2.63 ⑦ Potassium 2.40 ⑧ Magnesium 1.93 (%)
Among these, for example, the peridotites that make up the mantle are Si and O. These two account for 76%.
Recent studies have revealed that boundaries with different densities are divided into upper and lower parts in the mantle.

Http:// ... 04/040409/

The lower mantle is made of SiO 6 and the upper part is made of SiO 4 with the transition layer from 410 km to 600 km as the boundary. The upper mantle was found to have a sparse crystal structure and a low density. This is thought to be due to pressure difference, is that so? Even though the upper mantle also had the same crystal structure as the original mantle, can not it be thought that a reaction to lower the density occurred for some reasons?
Other studies have shown that neutral hydrogen is present inside the mantle.

"We discovered that the muon acting as a proton isotope in quartz high pressure phase mineral stone stone constrained one electron to become muonium and showed the possibility that hydrogen exists in the neutral atom state . "" Http://

Muonium is a positive mu particle. Mu particles are generated even if they collapse from neutrinos, so it is possible to get in deep into the earth. The possibilities are considered as follows. Since the lower mantle is SiO 6, mu particle (+) jumps into the SiO 6 incorporating neutral hydrogen. H (u +) collapses in a few microseconds.
2SiO6 + 2H (0) + 2H (u +) -> 2SiO4 + H2O + O2 + O - 2
Strip oxygen from SiO6. Water and oxygen are formed and it turns into SiO4 peridotite. If methane (CH) is present in the vicinity, the following reactions are considered.
CH + O - 2 + H (u +) -> C + H (u +) + O - 2 + H + -> N 2 + H +
If muonium is connected to C and O, the atomic radius of C and O may be fused because atomic radius is smaller than normal hydrogen. Carbon has 6 protons and 8 oxygen. Fourteen fused 14 protons are divided into seven and converted to nitrogen atoms. Muonium works as a catalyst.
In addition, if depleted H is deuterium, it is expected that He will be produced by muon fusion. Heat will also be generated.

Quartz, SiO4, stishophite, SiO6
Conversion from SiO 6 to SiO 4 changes the crystal structure and increases the volume. Oxygen and water are formed. Further nitrogen is fused to produce helium. Since energy is generated, heat also comes out. It is the occurrence of magma. Magma comes out on the ground including water vapor and oxygen. Oxygen may combine with carbon to become carbon dioxide. Along with nitrogen you can also methane compounds, natural gas and petroleum. You can see why nitrogen and helium are produced together with petroleum and natural gas.
By continuing this reaction for a long period of time, it is thought that the sea and the atmosphere were created while expanding the size of the Earth.

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Re: mechanism of expanding Earth

Unread post by johnm33 » Sun Oct 01, 2017 11:23 am

Here's another punt at an explanation, ...

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Re: mechanism of expanding Earth

Unread post by johnm33 » Sun Oct 08, 2017 9:05 am

This is the main link i have to Larin's work ... ng-en.html In the video above skip to 5:20 to see if your interested, he suggests the outgassing of hydrogen in the core/mantle, which then transforms other minerals in to less dense forms.
For my part I'm trying on Venus out of Jupiter, and trying to falsify it, but if i accept Venus being expelled from Jupiter, and Jupiter was recently found to have no solid core, then i have to consider that the other planets and moons were born out of the gas giants too, and the possibility that they were, long ago, suns in their own right. If thats the case then it seems possible if not likely that as the denser elements were created and sank to those suns cores they became impregnated with massive amounts of hydrogen ions which remained there when the cores were expelled during the catastrophic encounters with the present sun. I'm guessing that the platinum group metals allow the densest packing of hydrogen but that whatever elements are present will be forced into hydrogen bearing lattices, and that they remain fairly stable until disturbed. However whenever there's a serious electrical storm on the sun which disturbs the electric/magnetic flows in the earth then some amount of hydrogen is released, and depending on how much you may get a little increase in volume, or you may get a cascade of chemical events generating huge amounts of heat leading to a volcanic eruption. Accepting Ben Davidsons work as a given, then if simple alignments,oppositions etc. can cause massive storms on the sun, the impact of capturing another sun and having it's core break out and streak through the solar system would be massive. A close encounter with that core would be on another level altogether, given the probable double layer electric nature of the escaped core the current flowing between it's surface and the hydrogen ion rich core of the earth may liberate massive quantities of hydrogen, together with whatever the lattice holding it is made of. The result would be a surge in the expansion, plus the expulsion of all sorts of minerals from the vents opened by the electric currents from unusual volcanoes.

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Re: mechanism of expanding Earth

Unread post by johnm33 » Fri Oct 13, 2017 7:44 am

If the ancients were right and Saturn castrated Uranus [captured two moons?] and was in turn displaced by Jupiter, i'm guessing the Earth was once the core of Neptune.
It makes sense that the heavier elements would sink towards the core of any star, does it also make sense that at the very center, no matter what the pressure, there would emerge a tension, tugging atoms outwards. It may be that rather than the very densest elements, iron and nickel form the heart of the core, and just as W.Thornhill has the electron spending more time in the core facing part of it's orbit, in the emergent core the reverse happens, and once it happens there's a growing crystal with a positive core and negative surface, soaking up any hydrogen ions until the crystal lattice is similar in density to the surrounding heavy metals.
This would give us a planetary core with reverse polarity to the surface which would have to be resolved in the intervening layers. It would also lead me to expect some residual hydrogen suffused through iron meteorites. Once liberated from the star it may take some time before the hydrogen thus stored to percolate through to the surface, reacting and forming less dense minerals as it rises, but the change in pressure may not be all that significant, what is the mass of Neptune? and it may take some considerable [geological] time for significant quantities to appear.
If we were 'birthed' by Neptune then there have been three shocks to the system since [minimum] and it may be that during those events powerful currents flowed between the surface and the core liberating hydrogen in a series of surges, so if the earth is expanding is there evidence of three or more phases, are we due another? If the last dynamic encounter happened 3,200bp-3,500bc how long would it take for any hydrogen not catastrophically 'liberated' to surface? Larin suggests that Hydrogen began to vent about 150years ago and that the release rate is increasing. He also suggests that when it reaches the upper atmosphere it react with and depletes the ozone layer.

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Re: mechanism of expanding Earth

Unread post by katesisco » Thu Oct 19, 2017 3:22 pm

It is a little scary to think that any planet can 'birth' a body so I am confining the 'births' to Sol. U tube has some fascinating SOHO recordings of huge gas spheres detaching from the surface of our sun. I am thinking they are gas spheres--hugely magnetic gas spheres--that science would recognize as dwarfs, red, brown and white.
So maybe our collection was all birthed from Sol. And jostled around a bit. If you prefer the Jupiter birth there is the theory of Milton/DeGrazie that covers that.
Maybe our Moon was another gas sphere. But we inner planets are metalized so there would have to be an additional body like an iron meteorite added to the mix. Maybe a 3 body encounter of a gas sphere, Earth, and an iron meteorite that shattered contributing to the surface of the Earth, and made a solid shell for the gaseous Moon.
I have speculated as to how our Earth expanded and I think that if W Thornhill is correct and electrons are instantaneous, then the face centered crystal iron core of the Earth is overwhelmed with energy which find outlets thru a focus of the faceted iron crystal. The focus streams electrons up and thru the surface of the Earth where energy becomes matter. This nicely explains why our not-so-spherical Earth actually looks like a lumpy potato.
These gas spheres may acquire a small solid center. But as the magnetism wanes, the sphere loses coherence and dissipates into a cloud. It could be that gas clouds---I am reminded of Smith's Cloud---are or were gas spheres aka dwarfs that have lost coherence.

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Re: mechanism of expanding Earth

Unread post by johnm33 » Thu Oct 26, 2017 2:01 am

I'm guessing that all the gas giants were stars/suns in their own right and that when they were captured they shed their cores, and that later when other 'suns' were captured those shocks also led to further ejections from earlier 'captives' [as they were forced to ever wider orbits].
The primary ejections were the Earth-like planets/moons, iron/nickel cored, these cores being saturated with hydrogen, until the iron/nickel crystal approaches the density of the platinum group metals. Something akin to cold fusion [whatever that really is] takes place in the crystal and drives the cascade of chemical processes described in the first post of this topic. Probably a very slow process most of the time, but given the massive electric/magnetic shocks that occurs when a new star is 'captured' both from CMEs and close encounters, periodic accelerations take place.

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Re: mechanism of expanding Earth

Unread post by johnm33 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 9:06 am

This paper indicates that some unexpected hydrogen activity is going on at depth, whether it suggests much nucleosynthesis is the question.

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Re: mechanism of expanding Earth

Unread post by johnm33 » Fri Nov 10, 2017 4:06 pm

Couple more thoughts, i'm forming the impression that the earth has at least one double layer of charge, so the surface is the top of one and the second layer starts at about 6-700k deep and it's here that some of the transformations, whether they're fusion/nucleosynthesis or chemical/exothermic [or both], occur. Silane SH4 is likely involved, either being created as hydrogen ions/protons pass from the deeper layer or some near core reactions create the silane which follows protons towards the surface [perhaps of the inner double layer] bringing ores in their wake.
"Earthquakes are relatively abundant in the first 300 kilometers (180 miles) of a subduction zone, are scarce from 300 to 450 kilometers (180 to 270 miles), and then increase slightly again from 450 to 670 kilometers (270 to 400 miles). It is possible that these deepest quakes are related to sudden mineral transformations and resultant energy releases or volume changes. It has been theorized that earthquakes do not occur at depths greater than 670 kilometers because the subducting plate is not brittle anymore and has become hot enough to flow plastically." from ... -tectonics

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Re: mechanism of expanding Earth

Unread post by Webbman » Sat Nov 11, 2017 2:30 pm

don't forget the most important one!

Induction, or the reason why its hot in the first place.
its all lies.


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