Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Unread post by querious » Sat Jul 29, 2017 9:34 pm

kodybatill wrote:
querious wrote:
kodybatill wrote:Heheh, I to think that plasma is not electrically charged gas........ it is more akin to it's own energy complex, of electrical like energies. Even before matter, but so then to during matter - plasma con closer and refracting and reflecting like a mirror. Can someone help me out here? This I supposed to be Co-creation - and inspiration........... Also I happen to know ALMOST all of this. Lol

I believe that layers or complexes of all of this are required for plasma, and mind you under certain conditions with the Niton inert gas, Muonic Hydrogen's signature can be radiated out to very far distances. There is a lot of Niton in space, and maybe just enough Muonic Hydrogen. The basic Nuclear reactor research........... I am not a Physicist. I eat grass......
Hey Kody, very well stated. There were a couple places where my understanding isn't quite up to snuff, but I get the gist of what you're saying, that plasma is not charged gas. Have you applied your keen and unique perceptive to the problem of why charged foils don't seem to react to the Earth's dipole-generated electric field?
Thank you querious!!! Joy and health to your thoughts!

Mhmmm...... possibly because there is more near-infra-red inert gas (the electron of moving closer to infra-red replaced by the electron neutrino of taking positrons, the kind found penetrating Muonic Hydrogen) - type information helping to compose the Earth and stars - than there is in the spaces in-between the Earth and the stars - and so space originating positrons and electric information is absorbed by them before they can reach the foils. Some rare foils might react. There are other things that react with the Universal electric dipole though.
Kody, duh, that part is obvious!

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Re: Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Unread post by kodybatill » Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:06 pm

If there was a Like button I would be loving you right now. ^_^

But guess what......... want to know the literal truth???.......

I learned all of this directly from the ancient Vey Ed Rus creation story in book 4, Co-creation, of the documentary, The Ringing Cedars of Russia books............

Also how I accurately predicted the specific-general after effects of a nuclear bomb, a while ago on this forum........... I have my shortcut to this website, on that specific page.

But not all of my predictions were true. I recently sent a message to Dan Winter, former analyst of IBM, and a Physicist, in which I described the 13 tones of muonic hydrogen - and my predictions were wrong, which now I still have the core of, but not necessarily any specific letters from the Muonic Hydrogen......... But I do have many other significant letters that represent in real time, each element on the periodic table............ besides the 54 transition material.......... unless a combination of far off isotopes represents each transition element. I honestly don't know right now though........

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Re: Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Unread post by kodybatill » Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:11 pm

Dan Winter is part of a LENR team. Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.

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Re: Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Unread post by neilwilkes » Sun Jul 30, 2017 4:50 am

Bob_Ham wrote:Jack, I specifically asked people with physics degrees to comment here. I appreciate your interest in the subject, but I am looking to talk to those with physics degrees. Thank you.
Bob, this is another classic example of fudging as you will doubtless be fully aware that anybody who even looks into what the mainstream consider as heresy would never get awarded their degree because of the way the whole system is structured. We see similar things happening in the world of scientific publications as well.
It is a shame that Hannes Alfven is no longer with us - he had several degrees & even a Nobel prize yet he was more than willing to debate with people who did not have a Nobel Prize.
If you want a good understanding of some of the theoretical underpinnings of what you terms "EU Theory" then I recommend the following books:
1 - Cosmic Plasma (Hannes Alfven)
2 - Physics of the Plasma Universe (Antony Peratt)
3 - Quasars, Redshifts & Controversies (Halton Arp)
4 - Seeing Red (Halton Arp)
5 - The Big Bang Never Happened (Eric Lerner)
All of these are easily found and they all give everything you could ever ask for. Moreover, even you cannot deny these people's qualifications.

Demanding a certain qualification is in itself an absurdity. Arp lost all telescope time because he refuted the Big Bang - and he was also consistently refused publication because of the biased Peer Review system blocking it. I could give many similar examples if you are interested but I want to close this post by asking you who awarded biology degrees to Edward Jenner & Louis Pasteur? Who awarded physics degrees to Maxwell? (his degree was in maths, not physics). As far as I can ascertain, Kristian Birkeland had no physics degree either but he did not let that hold him back and we shall return to him later in this post.
To ignore the experimental side of all Plasma Physics is to run the almost certain possibility of misunderstanding and oversimplification & Alfven understood this clearly so I will close out with a direct quote from the great man himself:
Alfven, Cosmic Plasmas wrote:The crushing victory of the theoretical approach over the experimental approach lasted only until the theory was used to make experimentally verifiable predictions. From the theory, it was concluded that in the laboratory, plasmas could easily be confined in magnetic fields and heated to such temperatures as to make thermonuclear release of energy possible. When attempts were made to construct thermonuclear reactors, a confrontation between the theories and reality was unavoidable. The result was catastrophic. Although the theories were generally accepted, the plasma itself refused to believe in them. Instead, the plasma showed a large number of impoirtant effects which were not included in the theory. It was slowly realized that one had to develop new theories but this time in close contact with experiments
The "Thermonuclear crisis" did not affect cosmic plasma physics very much. The development of the theories continued because they largely dealt with phenomena in regions of space where no real check was possible. The fact that the very basis of several of the theories had been proved to be false in the laboratory had very little effect and one even said that just because they were false in the laboratories did not mean they must also be false in the cosmos!
(my italics)
The end result of all the theorizing is an elaborate construct that is entirely speculative with no empirical support. Theory is of value only when developed in close contact with reality.
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Re: Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Unread post by Webbman » Sun Jul 30, 2017 4:55 am

I have degrees in science and am an electrician.

but I suppose since ive only done a few courses in physics so I shouldn't comment....on a site dedicated to electric universe ideas.

how many electrical courses do you think the average guy with a physics degree has?

physics degree will only magnify your ignorance and stifle you imagination and we all know this is true. Youll get bogged down in equations which have crap uncertainty, and thus meaningless results.

People often attack the discontinuity of the ideas on this board but this is what discourse should look like. If its top down authoritarian, heavily censored and ideas have to be "approved", then you know what you are.

you see here the wisdom will come eventually and for free. With you it will never come.
its all lies.

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Re: Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Unread post by neilwilkes » Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:04 am

Webbman wrote:
how many electrical courses do you think the average guy with a physics degree has?
An extremely good point - a lot of the relevant material is published in the IEEE journals and serious amounts of this are proper, empirical science.
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Re: Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Unread post by jacmac » Sun Jul 30, 2017 6:29 am

I said :
Fact 2: Plasma is electrically charged gas,
Higgsy said:
And I thought that the people on the Plasma Universe forum would know what plasma is.
Well, I screwed that up, giving the wrong impression, trying to be brief. Of course many of the individual particles are charged. Thanks Higgsy.
From Wiki:
Plasma is an electrically neutral medium of unbound positive and negative particles (i.e. the overall charge of a plasma is roughly zero).
However; I welcome any one with a physics degree to respond to my last comment.
If the theory relies on GRAVITY ONLY , what difference does the degree make ?
Higgsy ?
Last edited by jacmac on Sun Jul 30, 2017 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Unread post by Bob_Ham » Sun Jul 30, 2017 6:33 am

Webbman wrote:how many electrical courses do you think the average guy with a physics degree has?
Being someone with a physics degree, I can tell you that we have three different courses on electricity and magnetism, two on quantum mechanics, and typically courses covering plasma physics and nuclear physics as well. In addition, we take several labs dealing with electricity and magnetism.

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Re: Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Unread post by Bob_Ham » Sun Jul 30, 2017 6:39 am

Here's the running tally (not including myself):

Physics degree holders here: 1
Physics degree holders here who accept EU: 0

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Re: Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Unread post by BeAChooser » Sun Jul 30, 2017 8:45 am

Bob_Ham wrote:
Webbman wrote:how many electrical courses do you think the average guy with a physics degree has?
Being someone with a physics degree, I can tell you that we have three different courses on electricity and magnetism, two on quantum mechanics, and typically courses covering plasma physics and nuclear physics as well. In addition, we take several labs dealing with electricity and magnetism.
So Bob, why are you running from my post to you on filaments? Does something about it stymie you? :)

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Re: Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Unread post by Metryq » Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:47 am

Bob_Ham wrote:Being someone with a physics degree, I can tell you that we have three different courses on electricity and magnetism, two on quantum mechanics, and typically courses covering plasma physics and nuclear physics as well. In addition, we take several labs dealing with electricity and magnetism.
Excellent! We finally have someone on the board who can explain magnetic reconnection.

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Re: Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Unread post by Higgsy » Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:11 pm

Bob_Ham wrote:
Webbman wrote:how many electrical courses do you think the average guy with a physics degree has?
Being someone with a physics degree, I can tell you that we have three different courses on electricity and magnetism, two on quantum mechanics, and typically courses covering plasma physics and nuclear physics as well. In addition, we take several labs dealing with electricity and magnetism.
Similar story here. It would be impossible to do a physics degeree without a good grounding in electromagnetism, as it is fundamental to so much in physics. In my institution, all physics undergrads do a course on classical electromagnetism, along with labs. Then there are several more advanced courses in electromagnetism and related subjects, such as electrodynamics, physical optics and other electromagnertic wave/matter interaction, QED, atomic and nuclear physics and plasma physics.
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Re: Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Unread post by Michael Mozina » Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:18 pm

Higgsy wrote:
Bob_Ham wrote:
Webbman wrote:how many electrical courses do you think the average guy with a physics degree has?
Being someone with a physics degree, I can tell you that we have three different courses on electricity and magnetism, two on quantum mechanics, and typically courses covering plasma physics and nuclear physics as well. In addition, we take several labs dealing with electricity and magnetism.
Similar story here. It would be impossible to do a physics degeree without a good grounding in electromagnetism, as it is fundamental to so much in physics. In my institution, all physics undergrads do a course on classical electromagnetism, along with labs. Then there are several more advanced courses in electromagnetism and related subjects, such as electrodynamics, physical optics and other electromagnertic wave/matter interaction, QED, atomic and nuclear physics and plasma physics. ... p?t=193096 ... ost7721887 ... count=1107
Clueless Clinger:
No. You can recreate the magnetic reconnection shown in Dungey's Figure 1 even if there is no plasma. Dungey himself alludes to that fact. Since the magnetic reconnection can occur even without plasma, your insistence that magnetic reconnection is really a "discharge" in plasma is nonsense---and obvious nonsense, at that.
As explained above, your argument is nonsense. The magnetic reconnection described by Dungey occurs even if there is no plasma.
And yet six years later, and I've still never seen Clinger's mythical non-existent math formula to describe a non-zero *rate* of "magnetic reconnection" inside of his vacuum contraption as promised, nor did a single EU/PC hater "self correct" his bonehead mistakes during the whole year of that particular debate, or explain it to him since that debate. You guys and gals talk a good talk about your so called "education", but you don't seem to understand even the most rudimentary and basic aspects of plasma physics, starting with the need for plasma! Oy Vey!

You (cumulatively) don't even seem to know the difference between the transfer of magnetic field energy into particle acceleration known as magnetic reconnection and ordinary magnetic flux in a *pure vacuum*! For God sakes, how can you folks even *be that ignorant*? ... =3&t=16787

Let's see you put that information to good use.

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Re: Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Unread post by Higgsy » Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:47 pm

Michael Mozina wrote:
And yet six years later, and I've still never seen Clinger's mythical non-existent math formula to describe a non-zero *rate* of "magnetic reconnection" inside of his vacuum contraption as promised, nor did a single EU/PC hater "self correct" his bonehead mistakes during the whole year of that particular debate, or explain it to him since that debate. You guys and gals talk a good talk about your so called "education", but you don't seem to understand even the most rudimentary and basic aspects of plasma physics, starting with the need for plasma! Oy Vey!
I am not going to comment on your ancient discussion with some third party that I don't know, but I have said before and I will say again that the EU's obsessional (and entirely impotent) vendetta against the concept of magnetic reconnection is blind, wrongheaded and ignorant.

And the idea that the people on this forum collectively understand plasma physics while professional plasma physicists do not is just, well, silly. MHD is a mathematically heavy theory, and I am yet to meet one EU promoter on this forum who has the mathematical toolkit to quantitatively solve problems in plasma physics.

Indeed, it has been clear since I joined this forum with a genuine interest in understanding what the EU brings to the table, that no EU supporter is interested in quantifying anything at all.
"Every single ion is going to start cooling off instantly as far as I know…If you're mixing kinetic energy in there somehow, you'll need to explain exactly how you're defining 'temperature'" - Mozina

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Re: Are there any EU followers here with physics degrees?

Unread post by Webbman » Sun Jul 30, 2017 1:06 pm

so you have novice level training with limited practical application, assuming you elected to do all the courses you could regarding electricity, assuming also that the approved material in the textbooks was actually true and also assuming that you had some basic interest in it other than to pass the tests.

of course then we have to factor in the ladies and the alcohol, and I'm guessing most of the actual learning is reduced to that which you must memorize in order to get through since all these factors combined wouldn't leave much time for pondering.

not to say your experience was anything like that, but suffice to say its not a very sturdy gate.
its all lies.


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