An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Unread post by MerLynn » Thu Jan 05, 2017 4:14 pm

Grey Cloud wrote:So your scientific investigations extend all the way to a blog, Rense and youtube. Wow.

I have no idea what you talking about vis-a-vis the fossils on supermarket shelves. My point was that if the Pacific was dead or dying then its produce would not be appearing on supermarket shelves on the other side of the planet. At the very least the price would have rocketed if there was a shortage.

At least you can console yourself with the knowledge that all these conspirators will be as dead as Dillinger in 10 years and their evil plans thus thwarted. There's no pockets in a shroud Mr Rothschild.

You seem to get your understanding of what alchemy is from the likes of Rense.

You ignore my other comments because you cannot answer them.

Any Pacific coast Americans here who have noticed anything strange on their beaches?

Unbelieveably slow on the uptake...

Guess some just have to be spoon fed..

so here "fukushima extinction event" in google ... 8geOyJPYDg
will give you 77,000 hits to crack your grey matter and open it up

Grey Cloud
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Re: An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:00 pm

You really think any of those links are sources of intelligent, reliable information? Wow.

Take the first hit from your link. An composite image composed in Photoshop; hyperbolic, superlative riddled text with refs to a Wordpress site that is no longer available; images of allegedly dead sea lions on a beach somewhere taken who knows when.
There have been 'mysterious' die-offs, dead creatures washing up on shores and birds falling from the sky since well before the nuclear age let alone Fukashima.

Even the more mundane events such as major oil spills produce all sorts of alarmist claims by the sky is falling brigade. Nobody is denying that Fukashima was a bad thing and will have consequences for years to come.

You put your faith in Rense and Youtube, I'll put mine in Nature.
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
and fear nothing but being sidetracked.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.
Tao Te Ching, 53.

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Re: An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Unread post by MerLynn » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:32 pm

took 5 years for these results and the rate of contamination is still as ongoing as when it started...

It has only just begun. ... fic-grove/
perhaps a forum member lives near here... anything found on the net cant be assimilated by some peoples GREY matter.

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Re: An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Unread post by MerLynn » Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:04 am

For an on the spot and up to date report of California's beaches...

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Re: An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Unread post by kevin » Fri Jan 06, 2017 1:17 am

MerLynn wrote:
kevin wrote:
If I could offer a suggestion about fukashima .......
Instead consider that the outfall is radiating inwards to go to rest at the normal rest condition at the surface zone of this planet
It will therefore strip away the source it requires to go to rest of any field it encounters, thus causing death to such.

What is Radio Kevin? Its part of the Electro Magnetic Spectrum.. Thats about the extent of mans real understanding of Radio. The rest is just theory.

When did Tesla invent the remote control?
As early as 1892, Nikola Tesla created a basic design for radio. On November 8, 1898 he patented a radio controlled robot-boat. Tesla used this boat which was controlled by radio waves in the Electrical Exhibition in 1898, Madison Square Garden.

So some clever sparks began fine tuning their "radio" receivers. and then in 1902 Marie Curie came along and it was discovered radio tuners reacted to her Radium. So these 'emissions' of Plasma were given the name 'radioactivity'. Most of humanity only know of the harmful effects of Plasma emissions from man made 'hyperchargeing" or enrichment of the heavier 'earths' or more magnetically attracted plasmatic structures to the earths magnetic field.

But its possible to hypercharge or enrich the natural harmonic of plasmatic structures (plain water) for Healing and make Elixirs of Life. See my post of the ... 10&t=16095
See also another Elixir maker.... ... 10&t=15930

In effect these devices make 'radio active' water that is beneficial to life. Not xray or radium, plutonium, cesium, uranium etc, radio activity which is non beneficial to Life. Because we all know water is Life

John and Nancy are playing music to the oceans.
John had a massive "download" of information to build a device, he has.
Don't be miss lead by His alternate personalities, he has endured much.

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Re: An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Unread post by MerLynn » Fri Jan 06, 2017 4:38 pm

I dont get any vids or pics at

even his links to life ray and fixing fukushima radiation dont work...

In fact every time I try it locks up mu comp forcing a restart !!!!

do they for you?

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Re: An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Unread post by MerLynn » Fri Jan 06, 2017 4:47 pm

Grey Cloud wrote:You really think any of those links are sources of intelligent, reliable information? Wow.
Well yes I do...

heres another from a resident of California...

But please... there is always another side of the story, I personally place more in the vids that show no life left in the tidal pools all over the west coast. But I'm sure this is easily discounted too. Th

Note the CPM count is in the "Restrict Access" range if it was humans...

But the sea life, well they have 24/7 giving them extinction levels.

So what does your highly Alchemy educated grey matter say to this... Given this is but one of hundreds of examples.

I might add that the good old govt authorities RAISED the CPM counts for safety levels after Fukushima so people will still eat the sea food or whats left of it. Relegating any reports on the level of bio contamination of Fukushsima in the Fake News category so people can stick their heads in the beach sand and sleep easy.

The real problem is that this Fukushima extinction event will be blamed upon global warming and ocean temps rising as this is already happening...

for some university studies...

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Re: An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Unread post by MerLynn » Fri Jan 06, 2017 5:24 pm

Grey Cloud and other skeptics

This is how NBC (mainstream fake news) down plays the extinction event.

But remember this extinction event has just begun it has another 40,000 years to continue.

All Fish from Pacific Tested Positive for Fukushima Radiation

Some comments are aware of the extinction. "This news clip PROVES that the media is controlled by the GOVERNMENT. If you can't see that, than I feel very sorry for you. Please read on, it'll be worth your time: The Fukushima multi-core meltdown is exponentially worse than any other nuclear event to ever occur on this planet."

This is what Hot Fusion has given the planet, from the belief that Energy can only be derived form Protons, Electron and Neutrons. None of which existed in The Olde Alchemical Belief of a Plamsa Based Universe.

see COLD FUSION ... 10&t=15926

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Re: An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Unread post by seasmith » Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:14 pm

re Fukushima:

Here's the website for Woods Hole Institute's "radioactive oceans" center.
Real experts in the field, who are continually testing US west coast sites for Fukushima contaminates.

Some less than encouraging facts:
Yes, the current regime in Washington DC Did raise "acceptable level" standards, after the accident.

Apparently the USG has never had a program to test coastal waters for radiation levels and Declined to offer any funding for it when asked
(too busy bailing out the world banking cartel and funding the world military industrial cartels, i suppose). They have tested the atmosphere since the sixties bomb tests.

Woods Hole has had to resort to crowd-funding for the testing, which involves shipping 5 gal jugs of water from coast to coast !

The US seafood industry spokesmen are incommunicado, as are state agencies who should be picking up the ball.

The establishment media and outgoing White House are too busy making up fake news to be bothered with food safety, unless it's large sugary drinks, which can be taxed.

Maybe GaryN could tell us what the situation is in BC Canada ??

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Re: An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Unread post by GaryN » Fri Jan 06, 2017 10:05 pm

Maybe GaryN could tell us what the situation is in BC Canada ??
I never followed the issue right from the start, except to keep an eye on the price of salmon. So expensivenow, and I was hoping the radiation scare might have slowed sales and lead to a price reduction. I'd have stocked up, as I believe we need more radiation than most people get in their daily lives.

Radiation hormesis: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I don't wear these as my basement radon levels should be sufficient, but here is a chap who swears by his beads:
Radiant Beads

And people in Japan still flock to their radon hot springs and claim lots of health benefits, go figure.

The hunreds of billions of dollars spent to clean up both Chernobyl and Fukushima is criminal, and the money has gone to organised crime. They could have put a relatively chep geodesic dome over the sites to prevent any remaining hot particles escaping, bulldozed the works, put a 2 ft. thick layer of clay over it, then some good soil, planted tropical gardens and openit it up as a year round attraction.

Fusion should have been the answer to all our energy needs and still could be, with small modular reactors, mass produced, and distributed around the country, greatly reducing the chances of some natural or manmade event compromising the very fragile main power grid.
There is no such thing as nuclear waste. ... ear-waste/

I'd have nuclear power stations run by the military, trained to the standards of the operators of the seemingly very safe and reliable units used in the US Navy. The power grid should be an absolute priority as far as the well being of America goes. and I know of one man who would likely jump at the idea.
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller

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Re: An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Unread post by MerLynn » Sat Jan 07, 2017 4:44 pm

Finally the IAEA after 5 years is admitting that.

“The area potentially affected may encompass much of the Pacific Ocean, which covers one third of the area of the globe.” ... radiation/

Dont forget they raised the safe levels so as to not alarm the extincting fish. Humans are too stupid to understand.

And its only just begun.......

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Re: An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Unread post by Webbman » Sat Jan 07, 2017 6:08 pm

some would call it justice that the whole world is poisoned by the very same weapon that needlessly destroyed and terrorized so many innocent Japanese not too long ago. Not supposed to remember that atrocity I guess.

mysterious ways indeed.
its all lies.

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Re: An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Unread post by seasmith » Sat Jan 07, 2017 6:28 pm

You may want to stick with the OP topic of " electricity and magnetism'.
This apparent obsession with Fukushima is affecting your credibility.

First off, that goofy image linked in the previous post: ... radiation/
is a NOAA computer projection of potential Tsunami Wave Heights that has been spread falsely by the fear-meme websites repeatedly,
and has been debunked repeatedly
(that 'fear-meme' is currently the flavor-of the-day fake news agenda here in the states as well) : ... axplot.png

Secondly, anyone who's ever looked a map of world ocean currents would just laugh at that adolescent article.

Thirdsly, quoting those paid sock-puppets at the IAEA is definitely "drinking the kool-aid".
These are the same clowns who were Wrong in Iraq, and lately Wrong in Iran.
Though established "independently" of the UN through its own international treaty, the IAEA Statute,[1] the IAEA reports to both the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council. -wiki

That out of the way, your plasma-water analogies are well worth pursuing, imho...

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Re: An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Unread post by MerLynn » Sat Jan 07, 2017 9:27 pm

That might be but there's always method in my madness.

There are a number of ways to open minds. and the Fukushima expose however suspect with computer generated pics
and fake news coverups and the rejection of any evidence or whatever, is that this is mans pinnacle of achievement for energy production? What the fark?

something that over and over again ruins people lives? all for a quick buck. now threatening the whole planet with extinction?

There are still some who this this is the future if controlled by the military industrial complex. How stupid is that?

And here we are debating the Electric Universe all the while toxifying the little bit we live on with its production. Because no one here truly understands what electricity and magnetism is.

So until we totally destroy the myth that using enriched ores to spin magnets is safe can we really move on to the alternative ways of electricity and magnetism.

get the drift?

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Re: An alternative view of electricity and magnetism

Unread post by kevin » Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:36 am

Try their life ray link.

Kevin hobbit


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