I gotta 'fess up i'm an ELECTRO-BIOLOGIST really!

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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I gotta 'fess up i'm an ELECTRO-BIOLOGIST really!

Unread post by freemanjack » Wed Jun 29, 2016 3:57 pm

Looks like "mad Ideas' is the new home of my convenient avatar 'freemanjack' and as you all have been so tolerant and inviting, I thought I should really lay my cards on the table and just 'get it all off my chest'. No I'm not a secret CERN shill, I am a non-academic theorist, over the past 20+ years working on a formative hypothesis placing electricity as the route of plant (and very probably animal) morphology and behaviours. To some extent this has been a 'crowd sourced' affair with me doing my best to publish both my theories and real world results online and in the most public domains I have access to. I even, in a mad moment, emailed my second public airing of my primary hypothesis to our Wal Thornhill (potentially foolish as it was a slightly over inebriated delivery on a good friends New Years Eve radio show!) but I was rewarded by a reply on the 4th of Jan informing me that he had watched and enjoyed the recording and to 'Keep spinning', in response to the content of the pod. If any board members are interested in the subject or better still help advance my hypothesis please let me know in this thread or via pm.

In my life in Agriculture and Forestry, I began to be struck by the apparent
failings of what I knew at that time of the science of biology. My technical
understanding was relatively weak but despite this, every time I sought
clarification in the text books, I found little that explained what I saw with any
satisfactory description or explanation. For many years I fell under the spell of
the 'specialist' knowing best and assumed my failure to understand the
naturally complex, unfathomably diverse, natural systems I was observing,
was simply ignorance on my part of the science of Biology.

As I got older and my range of experience and access to available data
increased, I became more troubled by the failures of Biology to describe
realistically the mechanisms I sought to understand more deeply. One aspect
that would not leave my mind to rest was the evident geometry and arithmetic
expression of form that some species of plants clearly exhibited. First I found
myself closely studying the most basic plant life with the horsetail fern, with its
archaic body morphology intact after millions if not billions of years. It's lateral
symmetry was self evident and after some time studying these remnants of
our primordial forests, I began noticing these same strict symmetrical
relationships going up the plant evolutionary ladder and only becoming less
distinct as the evolutionary path towards complexity was climbed, being
almost impossible to make out on the most recent additions with the broad
leaf deciduous tree species.

These spatial relationships were evidently repetitive and appeared to
often adopt very similar route forms to that which high voltage discharge
adopts in coronal discharge events such as lightning. I have always, since my
very earliest memories of boyhood, had a deep fascination with lightning,
electricity and magnetism, especially at their extreme margins of high energy,
high voltage events. I would often sit and watch the storms roll around the
Thames valley on a summer evening, getting a ringside seat on the nightly
firework display. Then subsequently through my employment I became
conversant in high voltage, high amperage electricity, its uses and problems.
These two interests proved invaluable in arriving at my recent conclusions
about plant morphology and why plants so keenly adopt the same shapes as
coronal discharges at very high voltages.

Then in one of dozens of career changes I ended up working in both
organic agriculture and horticulture but also in commercial hydroponics
production facilities. It was in this last fully agro-chemical hydroponics
environment I was forced to finally pursue my initial doubts about plant
biology to an entirely new level. This was the birth of my Electro-Biology
research and I have now assembled a vast supporting library of data points
and empirical evidence that utterly contradicts the overly simplistic model of
Chemo-Biology as it is currently written in the text books. Specifically,
providing a model of plant morphology which appears to be almost entirely
derived from an interaction between the electrical properties of the
environment and the innate electrical properties that are evident in the actions
and shapes of all that surrounds us.

I realised as I was starting out, if my new understanding could not
reasonably map from theory to practice or if deeply contradictory evidence
were to present itself then my work would be for nought, entirely without value
or merit. However, some 3 yrs into this project and to date all I have found is
a direct ability to predict precisely the behaviour and electrical properties of
plants simply by using a model that relies on electrical gradients to supply all
the force, coherence and organising of material resources.

It was a protest against the overly heavy reliance on heavy agro-
chemicals in the hydroponic system where my work began to show real world
applications. We could not convince the owner of the system to convert, even
partially to organic supplements despite our showing clear benefits using tiny
quantities of Bat Guano in the feed water system, radically altering crop
health and crop flavour with an almost homeopathic dose of our organic
additive. We decided to ignore our absentee boss' strict feeding instructions
and gradually reduce artificial feed and replace it with our home made worm
castings that we were achieving quite some success with privately. This
situation persisted until the owner noticed the old canisters of agro-chemicals
were unused when he delivered the new ones at the expected required date.
I had to supply some detailed answers quick but all I could offer at that time
was the most tentative conclusions our experiments had indicated and the
vast improvement in crop health, disease resilience, water consumption and
crop quality. All these points made our argument self evident and on starting
a new garden he allowed us to instate and run a fully worm based bio-
energetic soil system, if only on a limited scale. We have subsequently
adopted a fully soil food web based system privately and am in the process of gathering as
much data from our results as humanly possible, including, layer by layer,
forensic analysis of our mistakes under a high power microscope and am
taking routine measurements of soil voltages as they are quite hard to explain
using PH or soil medium conditions alone and appear to spike markedly on
watering with a compost tea which does not seem to occur to anything like
the extent with dilute worm castings in plain water.

There is much I have yet to find confirmation or conclusive evidence to
support my suppositions but I am now satisfied I have made every effort to
find direct evidence to contradict my workings and found little or nothing that
concerns me overly and much that encourages me. Although I have been
publishing my work to a workgroup I have assembled and compile the
resultant text into legible monthly newsletters, much of my best work on this
topic has been done as spoken word as a guest on web radio shows. Far
from easy to gain credibility among academics by that route. I would, however
deeply appreciate an academic to review and correct my work and endeavour
to establish its legitimacy and efficacy or dismiss it should it be shown to be
entirely false or misguided.

Germination and seed development

   My current thinking is that a plants electrical field consists of two toroidal
(doughnut shaped) energy flows, one below the ground, one above it. These are the
electrostatic pump that drives plant biology. My thesis is that, the growth phase will
indicate higher voltages and flowering and seed production variations large enough to
be easily measured and logged. It is my working assumption that healthy vigorous
plants will display higher voltages than sickly diseased ones but I will need to collate
a lot of data in many different circumstances to draw any meaningful conclusions.
There also may be measurable voltage drops in diseased parts of plants in comparison
to healthy plants and this may be a strong enough effect to be predictive rather than
merely diagnostic. These working assumptions have so far been entirely upheld by
the readings I have been taking using a small digital volt meter.

     The soil is the proton transport medium through a known process referred to as
Cation Exchange; is the reason why plant food is primarily acidic or highly
positively charged. The air is a cathode or negatively charged and is filled with ions
(negatively charged atoms) which draw the positive Cations transported by the root,
through the stem, to the leaf, from where it is drawn in what most likely would look
like a fountain if we could image it. So plants do not drink or breathe as such. If the
plant opens a root pore, it opens a highly negative terminal towards which, nutrient
(positive charge) filled water, is drawn inexorably towards. Once in the negative root
tubule it has no choice but to be pumped to the leaf by the electro-static suck of the
ionized air on the end of what could be seen as a straw, attached to the pore in the
surface of a leaf.

  Germination is promoted by the electrostatic gradient of the local environment the
seed finds itself in and this can be varied by soil composition, water temp and
nutrient levels, light and possibly even the shape of the pot or plot, I presume, in the
natural world, this would be broadly determined by the local root systems of existing
plants, the myco-fungi that surround them and by the electrical properties of the soil
structure, which generally speaking needs to be neutrally charged particles which
exist within a broadly positively charged whole. This is so the nutrients (all carrying a
strong, if not double positive charge) are captured by the soil column rather than
being washed out by rainwater, these are then available as the proton pump that
literally drives the water and nutrients out of the soils weak negative grasp, into the
waiting arms of the exposed strong negative charge of the interior of the root or tip of
a roaming rhyzomal fungal hyphae. The plant does not drink as such, the water with
its (++ve) nutrients rush from the surrounding soils like opposite poles of a magnet
attracting, a similar exchange happens at the leaf where the negative ions of air suck
the water up and out from the pores on the leaf surface. This imparts a clearly
readable voltage of between 1/10th and 2/10ths of a volt by my current findings.
Much more with the addition of a compost tea brewed for 24 hrs.

     As the endosperm of a seed germinates and begins the process of differentiation, it
develops along a vertical axis upwards towards light and gasses and downward
towards water and minerals, It exploits this axis adaptively according to pre-
programmed cellular responses to the environment it encounters, specifically the
electrostatic environment from the air and soil being opposite electrical charges, those
charges are modulated by the availability of different gasses and gas temp/humidity
and in the soil by the acidity or alkalinity of the available water and ground minerals,
this sets up two opposing toroidal fields above and below the growing seed these
fields will have inherent spin and an angle of incident. This effectively creates two
funnel vortexes above and below the plant, these are the attractive and repulsive
charges the growing tips use as the energy source of their growth. These also impart
set angles and inter-nodal ideal charge separation which gives the rules of
mathematical bifurcation that produce the regular branching and budding, imagine
the whole tree as a pair of torus', the trunk and branches and leaves following the
natural electrical field lines upwards and outwards and the roots similarly following
downward outward spiralling energy routes.

On acquiring a new understanding of the action of nitrate fertilizers in plant biology
recently it just occurred to me that plant shapes follow the underlying electrostatic
field their biology initiates in the local field. i was thinking about fluid dynamics in
relation to electrostatic field effects and realised the electrical field of a seed is a
vertical axis with two opposing charged cones top and bottom, those cones must
connect at the edge of the field to complete the circuit so it makes a torus.
Soil and air have very diff charge capacities but here's the real eureka moment,
bifurcation is driven by the electrostatic exploitation of a pre-existing electrostatic
field, we are born in mid air as such so we exploit our electrostatic environment in all
directions but still along a vertical axis of symmetry and our shapes and sizes are
defined by our electrical charge environment. Branching, bifurcation is derived
directly as an expression of the efficient exploitation of an electrical field.
  This twin torus energy/electric fields i am suggesting surrounds all biology which
for this analogy i suggest looking at the toroids overlaid on an image of a milky way
like galaxy, then picture the galactic plane as the surface of the soil, the galactic
centre would represent the focused field lines created by the germinating seed, and
the lower torus as the proton pump of cation exchange in the soil and the upper torus
as the ionic pump of the negatively charged air created when the proton bearing sap
releases its waters through the pores on a leaf.

   I put it to you we have the potential to examine an entirely forgotten branch of
science and the best bit is, most of the hard science has been done for us. The discreet
elements of this are broadly  known and understood but the significance of the
individual components has been passed over in a potentially powerful predictive
model for biology. What i suggest here is a new approach to the natural sciences and
alternative health which entirely leaves behind the necessity for relying on
established principles which in turn largely rely on precedent which, without any
mechanism to explain observed effects, make reasoned improvements all but
impossible. Leaving much of Permaculture inexplicable and reliant on a suck it and
see methodology.

   My breakthrough (if i can call it that) has been a sudden realisation of the
misdirection through the standard model biology we have all received. Biology, as we
are taught it, is as a series of chemical transactions, with such complex science
behind them, that it becomes obscure and hard to fathom. My recent researches have
been  finding this is far from a complete picture but mainstream science is as usual
driving up a dead end as it has jumped over the simple explanation of electricity and
now ploughs head long down the 'quantum biology' route, which while possibly of
some interest, is hardly of broad applicability.  

    What i have found by looking at the electrical exchanges in the biological
processes and seeing biology as a sequence of exploitations of these electrical
properties of the bio-chemical processes, with a basic understanding of direct current
and static electricity, we might enable sweeping improvements to holistic health
practices and alternative horticulture and food production without pesticides,
fertilisers or pharmaceuticals.

   It would appear micro-organisms are key to this system and provide the huge
capacitant collection surfaces to carry out the conversions from chemical energy to
electrical motivation. On a cellular level all biology works as an assortment of
electrical shunts, gradients and pumps. The mechanisms of nature are far more
exquisite than ever before imagined and the mystic's insistence that our world is one
of vibrations confined by numerical geometries may prove to be an entirely more
satisfying model of our biological universe.

I already know a lot that is wrong or inaccurate in that ^^ but if it intrigues you, please join me in exploring it together.

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Re: I gotta 'fess up i'm an ELECTRO-BIOLOGIST really!

Unread post by GaryN » Wed Jun 29, 2016 10:54 pm

You may enjoy this book:
The Universe a Vast Electric Organism- by George Woodward Warder
http://www.gutenberg.org/files/36343/36 ... 6343-h.htm
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller

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Re: I gotta 'fess up i'm an ELECTRO-BIOLOGIST really!

Unread post by kevin » Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:12 am


I am a dowser.
When I approach a tree I can detect it's dual vortex spin field , above and below ground.
I can switch to detect the direction of spin above and below ground.
There is no such force as gravity.
At the equinox the softwoods reverse their field spins.
the water FALLS to the top of their field.
Then at the next equinox they revert to normal ( normal been as per the planets)

Nothing grows, all is transmutation empowered by consciousness ( electricity, plasma)

Universe is a perfectly packed and super conductive solid, the geometry of the packing is what so called growth occurs upon in 3D.

I would highly recommend Thomas Townsend Browns works with plants, will find some links, then consider that there is polarity and equator involved with all dual spin.
Thje equator is electromagnetic.
The polarity is electrogravitic.

The spin directions determine attraction displacement.


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Re: I gotta 'fess up i'm an ELECTRO-BIOLOGIST really!

Unread post by freemanjack » Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:14 am

GaryN wrote:You may enjoy this book:
The Universe a Vast Electric Organism- by George Woodward Warder
http://www.gutenberg.org/files/36343/36 ... 6343-h.htm
Thanks so much for the reply Gary, *published 1903!!! go figure, the only other publication I have found giving empirical evidence for my hypothesis was published in 1890! However I have found a London based academic who shares my thinking in every respect other that the action of atmospheric/planetary standing high voltage fields which was the subject of that 1890's study into anomalous growth of trees and crops in the north polar regions, impossible to attribute to light levels and postulated as being driven by the extreme geomagnetic field of the region. Looks like you and I are on the same hymn sheet, I'd not yet got around to populating my 'sig strip' on this forum but my usual sig is bucky's 'I am not a noun, I appear to be a verb, a force of nature.' :D
Should see how all my plants here grow too! sod 'organic' we need to be growin bio-dynamically with electro-biology as the science behind our horticulture.

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Re: I gotta 'fess up i'm an ELECTRO-BIOLOGIST really!

Unread post by freemanjack » Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:23 am

kevin wrote:freemanjack,

I am a dowser.
When I approach a tree I can detect it's dual vortex spin field , above and below ground.
I can switch to detect the direction of spin above and below ground.
There is no such force as gravity.
At the equinox the softwoods reverse their field spins.
the water FALLS to the top of their field.
Then at the next equinox they revert to normal ( normal been as per the planets)

Nothing grows, all is transmutation empowered by consciousness ( electricity, plasma)

Universe is a perfectly packed and super conductive solid, the geometry of the packing is what so called growth occurs upon in 3D.

I would highly recommend Thomas Townsend Browns works with plants, will find some links, then consider that there is polarity and equator involved with all dual spin.
Thje equator is electromagnetic.
The polarity is electrogravitic.

The spin directions determine attraction displacement.

Wow, thank you so much Kevin, direct confirmation of my bi-toroidal field, I was basing my conclusions on high energy plasmas in magnetic fields and extrapolating but if you say there is a measurable toroidal structure both above and below the ground that precisely fits my initial premise. And YES **the water FALLS to the top of their field. bingo! far more eloquently put than I had managed but that sums up my hypothesis in a sentence of 10 words or less! i am beginning to fall deeply in love with the denizens of this region of hyperspace.

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Re: I gotta 'fess up i'm an ELECTRO-BIOLOGIST really!

Unread post by kevin » Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:58 am


There were lots of free thinkers about similer to the excellent book posted by Garyn, especially Tesla.
The FIELD holds information, every new creation radios out for the required information ot needs to transmute into what it is encoded to become.
The field is of consciousness.
I can detect whatever I attune to, thus I can detect humans, they are self similar to ANU.....

Charles Leadbeater could THINK His way down into the finest detail of any field structure.....

Fibonacci is central to all of creation , as the solid perfectly packed universe is geometrically formed thus.

The branches of trees revolve about the trunk in Fibonacci sequencing, and the rate at which each branch route is located out from the central core is also sequenced relative to Fibonacci.
I have concluded that the softwoods alter the shape of their resonant cavities to reverse their field flow directions all to Fibonacci.

The hardwoods remain in permanent reversed field directions , but reduce their field strengths over winter.
they don't need to drop the lesser fluid content as they are far tighter grained, thus the ice expansion will not crack them as it would softwoods if they kept the water over winter.
trees have been here far longer than dopey humans.

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Re: I gotta 'fess up i'm an ELECTRO-BIOLOGIST really!

Unread post by freemanjack » Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:02 am

kevin wrote:freemanjack,

There were lots of free thinkers about similer to the excellent book posted by Garyn, especially Tesla.
The FIELD holds information, every new creation radios out for the required information ot needs to transmute into what it is encoded to become.
The field is of consciousness.
I can detect whatever I attune to, thus I can detect humans, they are self similar to ANU.....

Charles Leadbeater could THINK His way down into the finest detail of any field structure.....

Fibonacci is central to all of creation , as the solid perfectly packed universe is geometrically formed thus.

The branches of trees revolve about the trunk in Fibonacci sequencing, and the rate at which each branch route is located out from the central core is also sequenced relative to Fibonacci.
I have concluded that the softwoods alter the shape of their resonant cavities to reverse their field flow directions all to Fibonacci.

The hardwoods remain in permanent reversed field directions , but reduce their field strengths over winter.
they don't need to drop the lesser fluid content as they are far tighter grained, thus the ice expansion will not crack them as it would softwoods if they kept the water over winter.
trees have been here far longer than dopey humans.
Thanks again Kevin, it may save time if i post my most complete vid on the topic (the one Wal Thornhill said he enjoyed!) as it has a lot of video supporting my hypothesis added over the podcast audio.
Electricity, the Universe and Everything Animated
jack. :D

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Re: I gotta 'fess up i'm an ELECTRO-BIOLOGIST really!

Unread post by kevin » Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:31 am


The FIXED geometry had Me fumbling for a long time.
So called leylines I detect as been one inch in width, and never ever move.
They are always in sets of nine.
Three sets of three.
That's 3,6,9.

I can measure such, plot such to silly compass.
Our measure system is flawed, inchs are close.

This is a fixed solid universe , with the dimensions been the planes formed by the star tetrahedron packing.

Our physical universe is composed upon 3D.
It is all memory based.
I have discussed this with myself from 5D.

It's a wonderfull multi dimensional universe, with consciousness empowering memory.

There is a net inflow into creation upon this planet relative to a ratio of 55/34, that is what gravity is, there is no gravity in space, there is no light as light occurs in our consciousness field about the planet.

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Re: I gotta 'fess up i'm an ELECTRO-BIOLOGIST really!

Unread post by freemanjack » Sun Jul 10, 2016 4:30 pm

I have accumulated the majority of my writings and blog posts into one folder for anyone interested to read;
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing
Please feel free to comment/critique anything I publish as it helps me refine my general hypothesis.

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Re: I gotta 'fess up i'm an ELECTRO-BIOLOGIST really!

Unread post by Chromium6 » Wed Jul 13, 2016 8:59 pm

This is the first time zinc sparks have been captured in a human egg
(more at link....)
The size of the sparks is a direct measure of the quality of an egg
Its discovery has potential to help doctors choose the best eggs during IVF

By Victoria Woollaston for MailOnline
Published: 13:17 GMT, 26 April 2016 | Updated: 13:53 GMT, 26 April 2016

Scientists activated the egg by injecting a sperm enzyme into it to trigger calcium that increases within the egg and zinc to be released from the egg.

The eggs in the study were not fertilised with actual sperm because that is not permitted in human research under federal law.

'It was remarkable,' Woodruff said. 'We discovered the zinc spark just five years ago in the mouse, and to see the zinc radiate out in a burst from each human egg was breathtaking.

'All of biology starts at the time of fertilization, yet we know next to nothing about the events that occur in the human. This discovery required a unique partnership between biologists and chemists and non-federal dollars to support the research,' she said.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/ ... s-egg.html
On the Windhexe: ''An engineer could not have invented this,'' Winsness says. ''As an engineer, you don't try anything that's theoretically impossible.''

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Re: I gotta 'fess up i'm an ELECTRO-BIOLOGIST really!

Unread post by kodybatill » Tue Jul 26, 2016 7:50 pm

Hay freemanjack!

Interested in new plant studies? I am working on creating a machine that mimics the moon. I have this theory about how the moon has 7+1 main electric poles (amongst others) but these 7+1 main electrical poles equate to a single electric pole - and when taken individually, they create fractions of the complete electric pole. Out of 9+1 types of plasma, this is one type of plasma, and one whole electric pole - with 7+1 fractional parts.

One of the fractions is whats called phase conjugance - or more specifically, when electron neutrinos are stopped from breaking themselves apart, creating a ray. When all parts of these 7+1 fractional electrical poles are used, the phase conjugance is distributed across all of them, causing the phase conjugance to collapse, or give itself away instantly to everything similar to itself.

I believe that once I have created this device - Tests can be under-way in the most natural non-destructive method of controlling electron neutrinos - for the purpose of selecting what elements in an environment are capable of being taken in and used. Maybe a type of transmutation that effects energy states more than physical matter - being able to out-line a pathway that invisible energies take to one another or even physical things.

Here are what I believe these 7+1 fractional poles to be - and altogether as one represents one type of Universal plasma: 1st: line of green earthly minerals like hydrogen and sodium - at 90 degree angles to the white of silicon type elements. Causes all colors at 90 degrees to these 2, to become more noticeable. 2nd: 7+1 different types of carbon - with pure silicon and equal silicon isotope. This creates phase conjugate rays, or resonance - being able to reach back to the electron neutrinos these energies came from - with-out breaking the connecting line to those electron neutrinos. 3rd: solid inert gases - a type of memory. 4th: Tree sap - a material more inert than inert gases - solids - or liquids - steps to building a living home. 5th: All planetary or even earthly fire of material burning away - measuring. 6th: Water - feeding the out-side of something. 7th: UV radiation - feeding the inside of something. 7+1: What ever materials is made inside of all of these when brought together in the correct order. These produce boron type by-products in all parts of itself, when all of these are brought together.

These all equate together as one single type of plasma, which itself is a solely electric pole.


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