Planetary orbits and spins

Historic planetary instability and catastrophe. Evidence for electrical scarring on planets and moons. Electrical events in today's solar system. Electric Earth.

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Re: Titus-Bode

Post by Eres » Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:09 am

Hi to everybody, I reappear after a long period :mrgreen: the matter is very interesting!
I know that exists an original work of Walter Murch on planetary orbital quantization on same way of the electron orbital quantization.
Unfortunately the author has not publicized never his job on the web but only in astrophysical lectures, for which I have not succeeded in finding something on Google on the modification of Murch of the original Titius-Bode formula.
Only exception this passage from the site of Halton Arp:
"Shortly afterward O. Neto, Agnese and Festa, L. Nottale and A. and J. Rubcic independently in Brazil, Italy, France and Croatia began pointing out similarities to the Bohr atom in the orbital placement of the planets. Different variations of the Bohr-like radius = n² or n² + 1/2n fits the planetary semimajor axes extremely well with rather low quantum numbers n. Most recently I have learned of to modification to the Titius-Bode law by Walter Murch where the planetary radii = 1 + 2^n + 2^n-1". ... ge_gravity

To me it seems very interesting this possible relationship of electric nature related to the circolarization and stability of the planetary orbits as it happens for the atomic nucleus.

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Re: Titius-Bode law?

Post by GaryN » Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:57 pm

Titus-Bode explained, or so he believes. A large but very well done pdf file:

Dr Phillips home page:
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What drives the planets, Electrical Energy?

Post by cbc » Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:51 pm

I have been wondering for a long time on what drives the earths rotation?

I was wondering if any one has any thoughts on where the energy comes from to rotate the earth on its axis?

I have some ideas?

The current that produces the auras have been described as sheets of current form the sun.

This energy has to impart some motive force on the object earth.

What kind power would be required to rotate the Kg mass of the earth?

Would this current flow be affected by what ever is causing the lack of Solar activity?

Would fluctuations of this current cause magnetic anomalies in the earth and magnetosphere?

Thanks any feedback would be cool!!

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Re: What drives the planets, Electrical Energy?

Post by bdw000 » Sat Sep 20, 2008 3:02 pm

I am no scientist.

My understanding is that no energy is needed to keep the earth spinning. According to Newton, once it IS spinning, it will continue to spin forever unless something stops it. There is no external friction with space (and the earth is obviously not resting on "the ground" like a toy top: so no friction there), so there are no obvious forces to slow the spinning down once it has started for whatever reason.

There are some finer technicalities, things like the moon slowing down the earth's spin rate (very, very slowly: less than a second per year, I think).

Mainstream astronomy claims that they "know" how earth started spinning. It is possible that they are correct, but it should be noted that it is pure speculation with no way to verify it "scientifically" (until a time machine is invented).

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Re: What drives the planets, Electrical Energy?

Post by Heftruck » Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:26 am

bdw000 wrote:I am no scientist.

My understanding is that no energy is needed to keep the earth spinning. According to Newton, once it IS spinning, it will continue to spin forever unless something stops it. There is no external friction with space (and the earth is obviously not resting on "the ground" like a toy top: so no friction there), so there are no obvious forces to slow the spinning down once it has started for whatever reason.

There are some finer technicalities, things like the moon slowing down the earth's spin rate (very, very slowly: less than a second per year, I think).

Mainstream astronomy claims that they "know" how earth started spinning. It is possible that they are correct, but it should be noted that it is pure speculation with no way to verify it "scientifically" (until a time machine is invented).
How does that make sense at all?

Basically, you're saying that nothing has to do anything in order for something to do something, namely spinning. That, in my mind, makes no sense at all.

What really happens is the question being pushed somewhere unaccountable, namely history. Not only is the historic point at which the Earth started spinning unverifiable, so is the (probably wrong) assumption that space is frictionless with nothing to slow objects down. There's a huge difference between asking "what made the Earth spinning" and "what makes the Earth spinning". Sadly, because of Newton, scientists have, for hundreds of years now, been asking the former instead of the latter question, thereby pushing any approach at determining what causes current motion out of reach. And because of that, they're allowed to make up fantasies that none can prove or disprove. God created the universe, the universe came into existence through a swirling mass of gas, the universe was created in the Big Bang, et cetera. They're all unverifiable ideas with all attempts to verify them stranding because of the same unverifiable motion that nothing moves something.

Claiming that there are no obvious forces to cause friction in space because 'the Earth is not resting on the ground' is just equally absurd.

Disclaimer: please don't feel offended by the tone of my writing, I am very aware that I sound quite aggressive, even though I don't mean it that way, it's nothing I can fix, I'm just like that.

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Re: What drives the planets, Electrical Energy?

Post by bdw000 » Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:07 am


I am not your enemy.

However, I think that is the standard line right now in physics and astronomy. I am not saying I "know" that is correct, but that is what I remember from high school physics. I make it obvious that I am not an expert.

Any REAL scientists want to verify or correct what I wrote above?

Also, personally I consider it quite possible that "reasons" could be found for things like the rotation of the earth, reasons that could possibly be electromagnetic. But that's just speculation.

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Re: What drives the planets, Electrical Energy?

Post by bdw000 » Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:11 am


I am not your enemy.

However, I think that is the standard line right now in physics and astronomy. I am not saying I "know" that is correct, but that is what I remember from high school physics. I make it obvious that I am not an expert.

Any REAL scientists want to verify or correct what I wrote above?
Claiming that there are no obvious forces to cause friction in space because 'the Earth is not resting on the ground' is just equally absurd
Please note that I did not claim that there are NO forces, just that the usual friction that we see with a top is not there.

Also, personally I consider it quite possible that "reasons" could be found for things like the rotation of the earth, reasons that could possibly be electromagnetic. But that's just speculation.

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Re: What drives the planets, Electrical Energy?

Post by cbc » Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:13 am

Thanks for responding:

But I agree with the latter,
There has to be some drag on this object, also wouldn't the birkeland currents impart some amount of torque on the earth?

If there is no torque imparted to the object, where does all that power go?, I have read hear on that the currents involved can range into the billions of amperes.

Just a thought, Don't planets precess, due to "gravatational pertubations" caused by other planets or galactic structures>

thanks again

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Re: What drives the planets, Electrical Energy?

Post by cbc » Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:20 am

Hi again,

Not only is the Earth and Planets and moons, rotating on their axis, they are also rotating through the solar system, rotating continuously through space.

Just wondering again what kind of force maintains this perfect system. As the speed slows down, wouldn't the planets slowly migrate towards the sun. As satellites and weightlessness in general are described as free falling towards the earth.

There are many forces acting on each planetary body, look at asteroids they seem to all have an inherent rotation on their axis?

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Re: What drives the planets, Electrical Energy?

Post by Heftruck » Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:27 am

bdw000 wrote:Heftruck:

I am not your enemy.
I am really, really sorry for sounding like that! Like I said in the small disclaimer thing at the bottom of my post; I don't know why I sound like that, but it's not my intention at all!

Ontopic: I'm pretty sure there's a thread around somewhere that details the possibility that celestial bodies rotate due to currents in space and such.

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Re: What drives the planets, Electrical Energy?

Post by junglelord » Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:16 am

A good starting point is the earths magnetic field.
Does it rotate?

I think herein lies the truth of the universe. Everything spins. Quantum spin is not unique but is fundamental. Primary angular momentum is always spinning, no matter how cold it gets. I believe the large functions like the small.
If Mead is correct and physics can be broken down into four different groups of thought based on charge and coherency, then the universe must be a quantum electric universe at some level on a galactic scale. I would imagine that voltage potential of space, the conductivity of the aether, the relationship of earth as it winds its spiral path around the sun is just like the electron as it spirals around the nucleus all fit together in some grand way of a unified field and fractal relationships that is comparable from atomic to stellar and galactic. It must be electric and based on negitive energy(supercold) as well as positive energy (superhot).

Mead divided physics into these four groups
1 Newtonian Mechanics, uncharged and uncoherent
2 EM is charged but not coherent
3 Thermodynamics which is coherent but not charged
4 Quantum States which are charged and coherent and therefore entangled
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
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Re: What drives the planets, Electrical Energy?

Post by Solar » Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:06 pm

cbc wrote:Hi
I have been wondering for a long time on what drives the earths rotation?
You might find the thread: "Obvious Truth? Precession due to companion star(s) to Sol" of interest
"Our laws of force tend to be applied in the Newtonian sense in that for every action there is an equal reaction, and yet, in the real world, where many-body gravitational effects or electrodynamic actions prevail, we do not have every action paired with an equal reaction." — Harold Aspden

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Re: What drives the planets, Electrical Energy?

Post by junglelord » Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:09 pm

Electric charge truly drives the universe and its spin is quantum to galactic and universal.
The standard model of star formation has stars condensing from an accretion disk of dust and gas as it contracts under self-gravitation. It has remained essentially unchanged for two hundred years despite having a number of problems. For a start, simulations and calculation indicate that peripheral matter in such a disk would disperse rather than coalesce into planetary clumps. Then there's the question of how the angular momentum – the property that makes a flywheel want to keep turning – comes to be concentrated in the planets – 98 percent of it in the case of our Solar System. A contracting disk should deliver most of its angular momentum to the central part, giving the Sun a rotation period of something like 13 hours instead of the 28 days that it has. And further, where did it all came from to begin with? Dispersed matter initially moving randomly should contain very little net angular momentum. Finally, for a star the size of the Sun, gravitational contraction won't produce a high enough density at the core to generate the temperature necessary for igniting the fusion reactions generally believed to be the power source. To make it work, various quantum mechanical improbabilities are wheeled in to allow things to happen that all the odds say shouldn't.

Stars are concentrated along the spiral arms of galaxies, which is also where new stars come into existence. The electric model proposes the arms to be the paths of currents traversing the galactic disk, and stars as the focal points of pinches occurring between them, strung like beads on threads. Electrical forces offer a far more effective means than gravity for gathering, compressing, and heating dispersed material. And, from what was said earlier, rotation is no longer an anomaly in need of explanation, but imparted naturally as a result of the process. Here's an example of where you can see it happening.

The Butterfly nebula. Embedded current cylinders converging and producing plasma glow discharge over a distance greater than the diameter of our Solar System. The close-up of the neck shows a dusty toroid occluding the central star. The physics of plasmas predicts such a torus.

On a larger scale, the same process explains galaxies. Electric galaxies were first proposed by the Swedish Nobel laureate Hannes Alfvén in the middle of the last century, who envisioned immense rivers of electricity flowing through space, of intergalactic extent.

Sequence from a supercomputer simulation at Los Alamos National Laboratories of the structure arising from a pinch between two plasma currents. Above, a real galaxy for comparison.

Galaxies don't rotate in the way that predictions from gravity-based cosmology say they should. With the amount of observed mass and the velocities measured at the rim, they ought to be flying apart. The solution of choice is to invoke "dark matter," never actually observed, but which can be given just the right properties and put in just the right places to produce the desired results. It has been called "cosmic duct tape" – capable of fixing anything. By contrast, the electric model holds that, far from being isolated, passive accumulations of mass revolving under their own momentum after being spun up by some unexplained cause, galaxies are active components in enormous cosmic power circuits. They're not flywheels, but motors, driven by forces easily able to hold them together without need of invisible glue. Inventing unobservables to hold up failed predictions is usually the sign of a theory in trouble.
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Re: What drives the planets, Electrical Energy?

Post by tesla » Sun Sep 28, 2008 5:44 pm

Another opinion on this topic!

First you have to first decide what model you agree with.
If gravity, good luck!
That only leaves electrical.
The EU model says that the universe is 99% plasma and that electrical currents on a massive scale drive the Universe. Have you noticed how everything in the Universe rotates? Clockwise or anti-clockwise depending on the direction of the current flow. If slowly rotating Birkeland cause the galaxies to rotate, (theory), then the same currents would cause the Sun to spin. Could it be that smaller Birkeland currents intersect the planets and as the Birkeland current spin, so does the planet? As the Birkeland currents would have to be Alternating Current for maximum efficiency, if A.C. current that passes thru the poles of a planet, and had the same wavelength as the diameter of the planet pole to pole, you would get your North & South Poles. That would also take care of another problem as to how planets generate a N & S pole.
Science is only a best guess. (heard that on a movie once!)
To solve the problem once and for all you would have to have a way to measure Birkeland currents in space.
I really can't see NASA doing this while they have their heads stuck in the sand!

Ah! nothing like a good discussion to bring out some passion!


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Re: What drives the planets, Electrical Energy?

Post by tolenio » Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:15 am


What causes the Earth to rotate? The relationship between oscillating, spherical, magnetic fields.

As the Sun orbits the galaxy it oscillates up and down ~14 degrees. It makes three complete osciallations in a galactic orbit.

As the sun osciallates it passes through the magnetic field of the galaxy. When sperical magnetic fields interact through oscillation of their fields rotation results.

You can perform this experiment on your kitchen table with two sperical magnets.

You can see an example of it here; ... field.html

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