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The absurdity of space-time curvature and geodesics

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:09 am
by mariuslvasile
Einstein's theory of gravity is based on the notion that space-time can curve, and uses geodesics to describe its curvature.

But space is not a physical object which can expand or bend. It is the lack there of. Attributing geodesics to space(time) makes no sense because a geodesic is, by definition, the shortest line between two points on a spherical or curved surface (Oxford def.)

Space has no surface, and time has no surface either, so space-time geodesics are a complete non-sense.

The notion of Geodesic comes from Geodesy, the science which studies earth's shape, which has a curved surface (Geo meaning Earth, obviously). It has nothing to do with space, which has no shape or surface. General relativity is based on a complete misuse and misunderstanding of the notion of geodesics. It is completelly illogical as it ignores the definition which requires a surface, which space obviously does not and cannot have.
Unless it is a physical object, like the solid sky firmament from the babble. Which is not what Einstein believed in, as he called it a book of childish superstitions.
Amen to that ! ... g.html?m=1