Introduction to Sub-photons

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light? If you have a personal favorite theory, that is in someway related to the Electric Universe, this is where it can be posted.
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Introduction to Sub-photons

Unread post by galaxy12 » Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:48 pm

1. This model proposes that both gravitational and electromagnetic waves are caused by the same extremely small particles whose size is a fraction of the smallest electromagnetic wavelength.
2. Gravitational and electromagnetic waves differ only in their wavelengths.
3. The Sub-photon is the newly introduced particle that is the building block for construction of both gravitational and electromagnetic waves.
4. Sub-photon is the particle that is the building block of elementary subatomic particles.
5. A sub-photon consists of a nucleus (sun) particle and rotating planetary particles.


Electromagnetic Waves:
1. Traveling sub-photons that are polarized (rotating) in alternating directions create both electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves.
2. Electromagnetic waves have a (typically shorter) wavelength that resonates with atoms or larger objects.
3. Sub-photon particles of electromagnetic waves originating in space have poor penetration into celestial objects compared to gravitational waves and predominantly resonate with atoms in the outer layers (atmosphere, crust) of celestial bodies. They tend to exert a force (radiation pressure) there.
4. Electromagnetic waves typically have a higher electromagnetic frequency than gravitational waves.
5. If an electromagnetic wave encounters matter and does not resonate, it can exert a weak radiation pressure, giving electromagnetic waves a similar weak interaction to a lower frequency gravitational wave.


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Re: Introduction to Sub-photons

Unread post by galaxy12 » Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:48 pm

Gravitational waves:
1. Gravitational waves are composed of sub-photons with an electromagnetic wavelength that is too long to resonate with atoms, molecules or most larger objects.
2. Gravitational waves typically have extremely long wavelengths. Since these waves have a wavelengths too long to resonate with most objects, they have little electrical interaction with matter they penetrate.
3. Waves of sub-photons can exhibit both gravitational wave effects and electromagnetic wave effects, especially for waves of low frequencies.
4. Sub-photons of gravitational waves weakly interact with matter and exert radiation pressure on elementary and composite subatomic particles.
5. The sub-photon planetary particles of electromagnetic and gravitational waves rotate at high velocities around their nuclei and have an extremely high inherent frequency. This high frequency of sub-photon planetary particle rotation gives it properties that resonate with elementary and composite subatomic particles.
6. Gravitational waves cause a weak radiation pressure when individual sub-photons resonate with subatomic particles.
7. Sub-photon particles of gravitational waves contribute to physical pressures in celestial bodies by a cumulative effect of weak interactions on large numbers of subatomic particles.
8. The repulsive forces and interaction by sub-photons of gravitational waves supports the stability of subatomic particles.
9. A gravitational wave will exert more pressure on atoms that contains larger numbers of subatomic particles.

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Re: Introduction to Sub-photons

Unread post by galaxy12 » Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:54 pm

Sub-Photon Interactions:
1. Sub-photons that are aligned along their planes of rotation and have planetary particles that are rotating in the same direction will have their sub-photon nuclei (sun particles) pushed together. The sub-photon's orbiting planetary particles will tend to follow the same path, causing a "shielding effect" around their respective sub-photon nuclei. This "shielding effect" provides the force that pushes the sub-photon nuclei together.


2. Sub-photons that are aligned on their planes of rotation but their respective planetary particles are rotating in opposite directions will repel each other.


3. Sub-photons that are aligned along their axis of rotation (electrical axis) will repel each other if their planetary particles are rotating in the same direction.


4. Sub-photons that are aligned along their axis of rotation and have planetary particles that are rotating in opposite directions will be pushed together.


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Re: Introduction to Sub-photons

Unread post by galaxy12 » Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:58 pm

Interactions between sub-photons and conductors:
1. Electrical current creates a rotating “cloud” of sub-photons around the conductor with their direction of rotation dependent on the direction of electrical current. The sub-photon nuclei of the inner layers of the "cloud" or "field" are integrated with the conductor.


2. If the current flow in a conductor reverses (alternating current), a layer of sub-photons with opposite polarization will be created inside of the existing sub-photon “bubble.” Since these layers of sub-photons are oppositely polarized and oriented along their planes of rotation, they will repel each other. This repulsion will cause the outer layer to be expelled into space, creating an electromagnetic wave.


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Re: Introduction to Sub-photons

Unread post by galaxy12 » Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:01 pm

3. Parallel conductors that have current flowing in parallel will have sub-photon “clouds” or "fields" rotating in the same direction and will be pushed together based on principles previously described. The integration of sub-photon nuclei into the atoms of the conductors creates a bond between sub-photon nuclei and the rotating "cloud" or "field" circulating around the conductor. This bond between the conductor and the sub-photon nuclei causes the conductors to be pushed together along with their sub-photon "clouds." This model is consistent with basic knowledge regarding attraction between parallel current carrying conductors that has been noted by historical researchers such as Ampere, Maxwell, Lorentz and Faraday.


4. Parallel conductors that have oppositely directed current flow (anti-parallel) will have sub-photon “clouds” that are rotating in opposite directions and will be repelled by principles previously discussed.


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Re: Introduction to Sub-photons

Unread post by galaxy12 » Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:04 pm

5. If sub-photons traveling together along a wave front of an electromagnetic wave are aligned along their planes of rotation and rotating in the same direction, these sub-photons will be pushed together and their nuclei will tend to clump. This force that pushes similarly polarized sub-photons together along a wave front creates a magnetic axis and “magnetic lines of force" in traditional nomenclature.


6. If an electromagnetic wave traveling through space encounters an antenna or other conductor, it creates an inductive "cloud" or "field" of rotating planetary particles around the conductor. As this outer "field" of polarized sub-photons surrounds the area around the conductor, the existing sub-photons of more interior layers are are polarized in opposing directions in reaction to the incoming field. This outer field compresses the inner field of oppositely polarized sub-photons and pushes them closer to the wire and their sub-photon nuclei are incorporated into the atoms of the conductor. Notice the outer electromagnetic wave is rotating counter-clockwise in this example. The oppositely polarized inner field is rotating clockwise.


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Re: Introduction to Sub-photons

Unread post by galaxy12 » Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:07 pm

7. After sub-photons are compressed along the antenna/wire, some sub-photon nuclei are incorporated into atoms of the wire. As the lower field of sub-photon planetary particles becomes compressed by the counter-rotating field above them, they are forced into an axial alignment. Once sub-photons are aligned axially and rotating in the same direction, the repulsion between sub-photon nuclei pushes these nuclei along the conductor in both directions.. Since these axially aligned sub-photons have planetary particles rotating in the same direction but they travel axially in opposing directions, the axially moving planetary particles form right and left hand helical structures as they move along the conductor in opposing directions. Sub-photons traveling as left-handed helical structures cause electrons to be pushed into this direction. Sub-photons traveling as right-handed helical structures cause the formation of “holes” , in agreement with common electrical terminology.


8. The illustration below shows the right hand rule for determining the direction of magnetic field lines based on conventional current flow. Notice how that direction of rotation of planetary particles conforms to the direction of magnetic field lines as given by the right hand rule. Conventional current flow (hole flow) is in the direction of the thumb and electron flow in the opposite direction.


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Re: Introduction to Sub-photons

Unread post by galaxy12 » Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:08 pm

Electromagnetic Forces:
1. Magnetic force is created between atoms when their bound sub-photons are rotating with their planes of rotation parallel to each other. Objects surrounded by fields of bonded sub-photons will be pushed together if their planetary particles rotate in the same direction along the plane of rotation. Objects will be pushed apart if their sub-photon planetary particles are aligned along their planes of rotation but are rotating in opposing directions.
2. Induction is an energy stored by the opposing force of the "bubble" of plane-aligned and rotating sub-photons. The rotating field of the conductor's bonded sub-photons create an outward force while sub-photons or smaller particles originating from space are impacting and pushing inward. This “bubble” of inductive energy can be created either by an electromagnetic wave of sub-photons originating from outside the conductor that travels near a conductor or by current passing through a conductor. The larger the area and the more concentrated the plane-aligned sub-photons in the "bubble" is, the more energy is stored in the “bubble” by induction. This visual model is consistent with basic theories of induction [5].
3. Electric current, electrostatic forces and capacitance [8] are phenomenon created when atoms have bound sub-photon nuclei with planetary particles that are aligned along their rotational (electrical) axis. If the rotation is in the same direction (parallel), the respective atoms of the bound nuclei are pushed apart (repulsed). If the rotation is anti-parallel, the respective atoms of the bound sub-photon nuclei are pushed together.

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Re: Introduction to Sub-photons

Unread post by galaxy12 » Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:09 pm

Energy storage in the electromagnetic wave:
1. As described earlier, the current flow in a conductor, atom, molecule or other structure creates a "field" or "bubble" of polarized sub-photons along the electrical axis of the sub-photons. This sub-photon "field" is bound to the conductor if electricity is in the form of direct current, creating a stable "bubble" or "field" of circulating sub-photons.
2. Energy is input into an electromagnetic wave in two ways. Higher electrical current in a conductor or object polarizes more sub-photons and forces them into a limited space, requiring energy. The sub-photon nuclei form dense "clumps" as they are compressed into a smaller space and share planetary particles. Higher frequency waves will force oppositely polarized "clumps" of sub-photons closer together, requiring energy. Once the direction of current flow within an object changes direction, the inner field of sub-photons will repel the outer field, releasing the sub-photons into space. This model is consistent with current formulas that correlate frequency with energy of the electromagnetic wave [9] and inductive reactance with current flow.


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Re: Introduction to Sub-photons

Unread post by crawler » Fri Feb 16, 2024 1:55 am

Your sub-photons are i suppose your version of aether, but u don’t mention aether by name.
Are u happy with the standard atom.
Are u happy with the standard sub-atomic particles.
Your sub-photons are in effect a smaller kind of atom.
U reckon that there is no basic difference between waves that give us gravity & waves that give us em forces. The difference being mainly due to frequency.
U reckon that some kinds of radiation give a push force. And some give a pull force.
I am not sure whether your aether works better than other aethers.
Your aether duznt seem to offer me any improvements over my own aether.
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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Re: Introduction to Sub-photons

Unread post by galaxy12 » Fri Feb 16, 2024 2:53 am

You state "Your sub-photons are i suppose your version of aether, but u don’t mention aether by name."

You could consider them a type of aether if it is easier for you to understand.

You state "Are u happy with the standard atom."
You state "Are u happy with the standard sub-atomic particles."

The sub-photon is the building block of electrons, neutrinos, protons, etc.
I have not yet provided a theory detailing how sub-photons are packaged into subatomic particles.

You state "Your sub-photons are in effect a smaller kind of atom."

Our universe is fractal in nature, with increasingly smaller and smaller particles that share similarities of larger structures. Sub-photons are similar to atoms. Atoms are similar to galaxies.

You state" U reckon that there is no basic difference between waves that give us gravity & waves that give us em forces. The difference being mainly due to frequency."

Electromagnetic waves interact with materials based on the frequency of the wave and lengths of structures within the material:

This image shows how an electromagnetic wave interacts with an atom's electron:


This table shows the frequencies of the photoelectric effect for different materials:


Lower frequency waves have wavelengths too long to resonate properly with most materials. Sub-photons of lower frequency waves have a very weak interaction (gravity) if they do not resonate.

You state "U reckon that some kinds of radiation give a push force. And some give a pull force."

No. All forces are repulsive. The repulsive force of gravity pushes sub-photons into structures such as neutrinos, electrons. If the repulsive force of gravity (radiation pressure from sub-photons) is not present, atomic particles will turn back into sub-photons.

You state "I am not sure whether your aether works better than other aethers."
You state "Your aether duznt seem to offer me any improvements over my own aether."

Please explain your aether theory so it can undergo scientific scrutiny.

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Re: Introduction to Sub-photons

Unread post by Cargo » Fri Feb 16, 2024 6:45 am

How do u sub a photon?
interstellar filaments conducted electricity having currents as high as 10 thousand billion amperes
"You know not what. .. Perhaps you no longer trust your feelings,." Michael Clarage
"Charge separation prevents the collapse of stars." Wal Thornhill

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Re: Introduction to Sub-photons

Unread post by galaxy12 » Fri Feb 16, 2024 1:03 pm

Cargo states "How do u sub a photon?"

I think I understand your point. The name "sub-photon" has been used before by different researchers with different meanings. In retrospect, I probably could have chosen an alternative name to avoid confusion. The name just seemed appropriate when I was developing my theory.

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Re: Introduction to Sub-photons

Unread post by crawler » Fri Feb 16, 2024 6:31 pm

galaxy12 wrote: Fri Feb 16, 2024 2:53 amYou state "I am not sure whether your aether works better than other aethers."
You state "Your aether duznt seem to offer me any improvements over my own aether."
Please explain your aether theory so it can undergo scientific scrutiny.
There is no need to try to unify gravity & em. Prof Reg Cahill (Adelaide) explained gravity. Gravity is due to aether accelerating into matter where aether is annihilated. Cahill duznt mention aether, he calls it dynamic space, or quantum foam (ie terms allowed in standard physics). Except that Newton was the first to explain gravity (aether is absorbed by matter).
Your own efforts (re unification) are a waste of time. Thornhill too tried to unify gravity & em, & failed (i have pointed out his blunder).
Re anti-gravity, i have explained a possible anti-gravity, it is my centrifuging of aether. Except that here Krafft (USA)(about 1963) has precedence over me. DePalma Podkletnov Tewari & Co failed to explain.

But your sub-photon electricity is of interest to me. It is very similar to my own elekton elekticity. U say that electricity is a surface effect, not some kind of internal electron effect. Very good.
Your shower/wave of radiating sub-photons giving us magnetism etc is very similar to my own radiating photaenos.
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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Re: Introduction to Sub-photons

Unread post by galaxy12 » Sat Feb 17, 2024 5:16 pm

Crawler states "There is no need to try to unify gravity & em."

If gravity and electromagnetism are caused by the same particles, it is extremely advantageous to unify the two phenomenon.

Crawler states "Your own efforts (re unification) are a waste of time."

My efforts are absolutely not a waste of time. Scientific theories have historically been many years behind experimental evidence. My theories can advance science many, many years ahead because they can help predict future experimental results. I have (pre) published some of my predictions already.

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