Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light? If you have a personal favorite theory, that is in someway related to the Electric Universe, this is where it can be posted.
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Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Unread post by mariuslvasile » Mon Jan 15, 2024 3:03 am

The theory of general relativity (which is the basis of the big-bang theory) is wrong, and I say this because, besides the fact that Einstein abberates that gravity is not a force, but a curvature of space and time, which is an absolute non-sense, not relative, and attributes geodesics to space and time, which is absolutely illogical because space does not have a surface (a geodesic is by definition related to a surface), and time does not have a surface either (the 'surface of time' is an aberration, as well as the 'surface of space', respectively the 'surface of space-time'), the experiments that have allegedly confirmed it are extremely illogical, if not downright stupid.

I will first reffer to the one in which the Nobel laureates, scientists Pound and Rebka, used a Helium bag and air to demonstrate that gravity produces the change in wavelength (one of the predictions of general relativity), as the emitter of the gamma ray was placed in helium 'to reduce scattering', and the detector was placed under the helium bag, in air.


Which in fact does not prove anything else except that Refraction, and by no means gravity, produces the shift in wavelength. Gravity only produces a need to add helium in order to produce a redshift from refraction. Because in the absence of refraction there is no redshift from gravity. And no Nobel prize for Pound and Rebka, who drilled the floors of their university for nothing.

It is ridiculous and also outrageous that these so called scientists received the Nobel Prize for that helium sham experiment, which can be debunked with relative ease as I will show, and that no scientist questioned its validity ever since (more precisely since 1960). Probably because no scientist knows or has not found out that refraction produces a redshift/blueshift:

'Astronomers know of three sources of redshift/blueshift: Doppler shifts; gravitational redshifts (due to light exiting a gravitational field); and cosmological expansion (where space itself stretches)' (wikipedia)

And the redshifts they know, with the exception of the Doppler one, are pure pseudo-science. Because they confused the refractional redshift with gravitational redshift, and the last from expansion collapses as general relativity collapses (since its prediction of gravitational redshift is false).

And this is relatively easy to prove with just two simple formulas, which show that refraction absolutely causes a redshift/blueshift:

f=v/lambda, and v=c/n

The frequency of light remains constant during refraction, but the speed of light varies according to the index of refraction, therefore the wavelength (lambda) also varies according to the speed of light:

-if the speed of light increases, then the wavelength will also increase and a Refractional Redshift will occur.

-if the speed of light decreases, then the wavelength will also decrease and a Refractional Blueshift will occur.

So the great Harvard scientists, awarded with the great Nobel Prize, confused an effect of refraction with one of gravity ! And I don't know if they did it out of ignorance, or with good knowledge and bad intent, to collect the laurels, money and the Nobel Prize. It is still hard to believe that they could be so stupid and that they added helium 'to reduce scattering from air', but somehow left the detector in air, as shown in the picture with the experiment, instead of placing both in the same medium of helium to reduce both scattering and refraction.

And the very addition of helium should have raised an eyebrow, since Einstein's theory of relativity has nothing to do with helium or other gases. And in fact the experiment should have been done in a vacuum, or in space, but the geniuses from Harvard were too busy drilling holes in the walls of the university and filling them with helium that this did not occur to them.

Regardless of their motivation, their gravitational experiment is actually a refractional one, and its result has nothing to do with gravitaty, or relativity, but with refraction. And the fact that in the absence of refraction there is no redshift/blueshift caused by the gravitational potential shows that Einstein's theory is simply wrong and that it was falsified by the very experiment which allegedly confirmed it. The implications of this are enormous, in physics and especially in astronomy, where general relativity is used heavily in the standard cosmological model. Which from now on should be called the standard cosmoillogical model.

It is now obvious that the measured redshift of stars has absolutely nothing to do with their gravitational potential, but with their gaseous atmosphere that refracts the light in space, which leads to the increase of speed and of the wavelength, which is a refractional redshift and not a gravitational one. And, since all galaxies are made of stars, that is why all galaxies appear redshifted.

In conclusion, mainstream scientists falsely and erroneously attribute to gravity effects of refraction, such as bending light and changing wavelength, while de facto using refraction in most of their so-called gravitational experiments, and foolishly confusing the effects of refraction with those of gravitation. And this is not only said by me, but also by a scientist who worked at NASA as an astrophysicist, Dr Edward Dowdie, who showed that light does not bend at all outside the solar corona, which refracts it, a fact that contradicts the theory of Einstein who illogically puts all these effects of refraction onto gravity.

And the pseudo-scientists who claim GPS proves Einstein right because the gps signal gets blueshifted by the Earth's gravitational potential dont understand refraction either. The reason of the blueshift has nothing to do with gravity, but with the refraction from the earth's atmosphere, which changes the speed and wavelength of the radio wave. Doooh ! 

See also: ... s.html?m=1 ... l.html?m=1 ... d.html?m=1
The only way to unify quantum field theory with general relativity is by throwing both at the recycle bin. Because they are both junk science.

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Re: Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Unread post by mariuslvasile » Wed Jan 31, 2024 1:05 am

Are there any scientists on this forum ? I would like them to peer review my game changing discovery, and if refractional redshift is real, as it appears to be since I have proved it logically and mathematically with 100% accuracy and no room for error, then I don't want a Nobel prize. I want Nobel Academy to apologise for awarding and promoting what is clear pseudo-science for decades. And stick to making dynamite, because they blew it off big time. And all pseudo-scientists who worship Einstein and the Nobel Academy and promote this complete pseudo-science as 'experimentally verified' should apologise as well.
And stick their Nobels where the sun dont shine, cause they aint worth a dime.
The only way to unify quantum field theory with general relativity is by throwing both at the recycle bin. Because they are both junk science.

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Re: Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Unread post by mariuslvasile » Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:26 am

I was expecting a little more enthusiasm given that I have discovered a new redshift and disproved general relativity and Big Bang theory with it. I was expecting Stephen Crothers coming to congratulate me for doing what hes trying for decades with super complicated maths, but I did it with elementary school maths that even a 10 year old can understand. Yes, its that easy to disprove Einstein's bullshit physics, which are at the basis of big bang bullshit theory.

I was also expecting Wall Thornhill to give me a hug, but he's not with us any more so at least he has a good excuse. But Robitaille, Crothers, Talbott, and the rest of the Electric Universe scientists are among us and have no excuse, other than they have covid or something. But I'll forgive them if they make an episode on my discovery after their recovery.
The only way to unify quantum field theory with general relativity is by throwing both at the recycle bin. Because they are both junk science.

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Re: Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Unread post by mariuslvasile » Fri Feb 16, 2024 2:21 pm

This experiment can also be explained by the Doppler effect, as Pound and Rebka used FLOWING HELIUM (from up to down) in their desperate attempt to produce redshift from 'gravitational potential'. So the helium molecules were moving away from the light source- which was placed above the helium bag, and towards the receiver- which was placed under the helium bag. Even if the receiver did not move relative to the source, the medium between them moved, so the gamma ray was absorbed and reemitted from a moving source. Which produced a Doppler shift, besides the refractional Vasile shift.

The only way to unify quantum field theory with general relativity is by throwing both at the recycle bin. Because they are both junk science.

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Re: Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Unread post by jacmac » Sat Feb 17, 2024 2:42 pm

mariuslvasile From Feb 14:You said:
"But Robitaille, Crothers, Talbott, and the rest of the Electric Universe scientists are among us and have no excuse,"
Why do you include Robitaille as an Electric Universe scientist ?
Ps. I don't know enough to comment on your redshift proposal.

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Re: Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Unread post by crawler » Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:24 pm

mariuslvasile wrote: Fri Feb 16, 2024 2:21 pm This experiment can also be explained by the Doppler effect, as Pound and Rebka used FLOWING HELIUM (from up to down) in their desperate attempt to produce redshift from 'gravitational potential'. So the helium molecules were moving away from the light source- which was placed above the helium bag, and towards the receiver- which was placed under the helium bag. Even if the receiver did not move relative to the source, the medium between them moved, so the gamma ray was absorbed and reemitted from a moving source. Which produced a Doppler shift, besides the refractional Vasile shift.

If gas (helium) is flowing then the flowing would produce Fresnel Drag in the direction of the flow.
Fresnel Drag drags photons we know.
Some say that FD drags aether -- NOPE.
But, does your refraction effect (RVS)(refractional Vasile shift) include FD?
Nearly forgot -- i think that it is ok to assume that FD affects the velocity of em radiation (eg radio) in the same way that it affects photons.
A gamma ray is made of gamma photons. I am not sure whether a gamma ray is a wave (waves). A wave (waves) would imply a formation (formations) of photons in phase, eg a laser kind of wave (waves). Or it might imply a chain of pulses rather than a wave (waves).
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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Re: Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Unread post by mariuslvasile » Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:59 am

crawler wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:24 pm If gas (helium) is flowing then the flowing would produce Fresnel Drag in the direction of the flow.
No, it would not produce Fresnel drag because it only worked with flowing water. Fizeau tried the experiment with flowing air and there was no drag. Helium has even lower density than air so we can assume there is no drag with it either.

'Fizeau indeed detected a dragging effect, but the magnitude of the effect that he observed was far lower than expected. When he repeated the experiment with air in place of water he observed no effect.'
Fresnel Drag drags photons we know.
Maybe you know. And what photons, yours or Einstein's ?
Some say that FD drags aether -- NOPE.
Fresnel said that, and Fizeau who did the experiment. Einstein was not around then, and neither was his photon (which denies the existence of aether)
But, does your refraction effect (RVS)(refractional Vasile shift) include FD?
No, because as Fizeau proved, it does not apply to gases. And the atmosphere of stars is supposed to be made of gases. If its made of (flowing) liquids then we can add Fresnel drag to it. I hear there's a new theory of liquid sun, might apply there.
The only way to unify quantum field theory with general relativity is by throwing both at the recycle bin. Because they are both junk science.

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Re: Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Unread post by crawler » Sun Feb 18, 2024 6:46 am

mariuslvasile wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:59 am
crawler wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:24 pm If gas (helium) is flowing then the flowing would produce Fresnel Drag in the direction of the flow.
No, it would not produce Fresnel drag because it only worked with flowing water. Fizeau tried the experiment with flowing air and there was no drag. Helium has even lower density than air so we can assume there is no drag with it either.

'Fizeau indeed detected a dragging effect, but the magnitude of the effect that he observed was far lower than expected. When he repeated the experiment with air in place of water he observed no effect.'
Fresnel Drag drags photons we know.
Maybe you know. And what photons, yours or Einstein's ?
Some say that FD drags aether -- NOPE.
Fresnel said that, and Fizeau who did the experiment. Einstein was not around then, and neither was his photon (which denies the existence of aether)
But, does your refraction effect (RVS)(refractional Vasile shift) include FD?
No, because as Fizeau proved, it does not apply to gases. And the atmosphere of stars is supposed to be made of gases. If its made of (flowing) liquids then we can add Fresnel drag to it. I hear there's a new theory of liquid sun, might apply there.
Prof Reg Cahill created the correct equation for the calibration of MMXs. His equation links fringe shift with the coefficient of refraction (n).
MMXs in vacuum mode show zero or almost zero fringeshift.
MMXs in gas mode show a small fringeshift (eg helium)(air).
Water mode would show a huge fringeshift (have there been any water mode MMXs?).
Demjanov made a gas mode MMX (1968-1972) that used twin media (air & carbon disulphide gas).

Fresnel Drag applies to my photons. It probly also applies to my Photaenos (which are the radiating half of every photon).

Re water mode MMXs, a Fresnel Drag X (water mode) can be an MMX if it is sensitive enuff for fringe shift.
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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Re: Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Unread post by Lloyd » Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:56 pm

The Compton Effect causes most redshifts. It's due to high ionization. I guess it's the same as what's called tired light. John Kierein says the Compton Effect doesn't scatter photons, but just slows down their frequencies.

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Re: Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Unread post by crawler » Mon Feb 19, 2024 12:18 am

Lloyd wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:56 pm The Compton Effect causes most redshifts. It's due to high ionization. I guess it's the same as what's called tired light. John Kierein says the Compton Effect doesn't scatter photons, but just slows down their frequencies.
Does the Compton Effect stretch the time interval between photons (waves)(pulses)? ... htm#Papers ... 0140205.11 ... Ranzan.pdf

Cosmic redshift in the nonexpanding cellular universe
Velocity-Differential Theory of Cosmic Redshift

Conrad Ranzan
DSSU Research, 5145 Second Ave., Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Email address: To cite this article:
Conrad Ranzan. Cosmic Redshift in the Nonexpanding Cellular Universe. American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 2, No. 5,
2014, pp. 47-60. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaa.20140205.11
Abstract: A review of the traditional possible causes of cosmic redshift —namely Doppler, expanding vacuum, gravitational, and tired light— is presented along with a discussion of why they failed. A new cosmic redshift mechanism is constructed based on a non-mass, non-energy, space medium (which serves as the luminiferous substrate) and the DSSU cellular cosmology (a remarkably natural problem-free cosmology). The cosmic redshift is shown to be a velocity-differential effect caused by a flow differential of the space medium. Furthermore, the velocity-differential redshift/effect is shown to be part of a much broader unification, since the very mechanism that causes the gravitation effect and sustains the Universe’s gravity-cell structure is also the mechanism that causes the λ elongation manifesting as the cosmic redshift. Agreement with the verifiable portion of the redshift-distance graph (z ≤ 5) is outstanding.
The main point is that intrinsic spectral shift occurs with a transit across/through any gravity well (sink). It is caused by the difference in propagation velocity between the axial ends of the photon or wave packet. Which, in turn, is caused by the difference in velocity of the aether flow, the flow differential of the aether, that occurs throughout a gravity well. And here the causal chain is linked to gravity: the change in velocity of the aether flow is what produces the effect of gravitation. The acceleration of the aether flow is the manifestation of gravity. Keywords: Cosmic redshift, Photon propagation, Gravity cell, Aether, Cellular cosmology, Redshift distance

Tired light. Turning to the “tired light” or “fatigued light” interpretation we find that it is a rather broad category. It includes all manner of mechanisms for distance or time dependent diminishment of the energy of light; but it notably rejects the mechanism of space-medium expansion or contraction. (I mention the latter because it will be shown later that contraction of the luminiferous medium can cause wavelength elongation.) When cosmological redshifts were first discovered, it was Fritz Zwicky who proposed the tired light idea. While usually considered for its historical interest, it is sometimes utilized by nonstandard cosmologies. The idea under this interpretation is that light from distant galaxies might somehow become fatigued on its long journey to us, in some way expending energy during its travels. The loss of energy is reflected in the stretching of the wavelength. Although there was considerable speculation by accredited experts (including George Gamow) intrigued by the tired-light idea seeking explanations by altering the laws of Nature and adjusting the constants of Physics, a convincing cause for the energy loss was, and is, missing. As astrophysicist Edward Wright has stated, “There is no known interaction that can degrade a photon's energy without also changing its momentum, which leads to a blurring of distant objects which is not observed.

The Compton shift in particular does not work.”[9]

Tired-light hypotheses and the cosmologies that depend on them are not generally considered plausible. Here is the irresoluble problem:

Even if the energy loss mechanism can be made to work, there is a critical feature that simply cannot be explained. There is no way to explain the increased delay between weakened pulses; the increased time intervals between redshifted light pulses. There is no explanation for the elongation of the "gaps" between photons!

Astrophysicists, including G. Burbidge and Halton Arp, while investigating the mystery of the nature of quasars, tried to develop alternative redshift mechanisms but were thwarted by the essential time-stretch feature. It was pointed out in Goldhaber et al "Timescale Stretch Parameterization of Type Ia Supernova B-Band Lightcurves" (ApJ, 558:359–386, 2001) that alternative theories are simply unable to account for timescale stretch observed in the emission profiles of type Ia supernovae. The tired-light hypotheses/mechanisms cannot explain (i) The elongation of the time interval between light pulses, (ii) nor the duration interval of the bursts of light, such as the duration of supernovae explosions. The more distant such events, the longer they appear to take —the greater their time duration seems to be. No weakened-light concept can deal with this reality.
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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Re: Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Unread post by mariuslvasile » Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:06 am

Lloyd wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:56 pm The Compton Effect causes most redshifts. It's due to high ionization. I guess it's the same as what's called tired light.

Compton scattering cannot explain the galactic redshift because as it's name implies it scatters the light in all directions, so the galaxies would appear blurred not as we see them.

And as I have proved, most redshifts are caused by refraction. Because of the increase in the speed of light which leads to an increase in wavelength when light is refracted into space, or even in the atmosphere because of the different layers with different indexes of refraction.
John Kierein says the Compton Effect doesn't scatter photons, but just slows down their frequencies.
And did he prove this experimentally ? Or he just said it ? Compton actually did experiments which allegedly proved the scattering effect. But of course so did Pound and Rebka for g-redshift, so experiments dont mean much if the people making them are just plain stupid and confuse effects of refraction with those of gravitation as they did.

And what happens to the photons amplitude ? Or they dont have one ? Because these pseudo-scientists say that amplitude is given by the number of photons, which means an individual photon has none. How does a photon wave then, if it has no amplitude ?? It's a complete non-sense.
The only way to unify quantum field theory with general relativity is by throwing both at the recycle bin. Because they are both junk science.

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Re: Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Unread post by mariuslvasile » Sun Feb 25, 2024 2:14 am

Ranzan wrote:When cosmological redshifts were first discovered, it was Fritz Zwicky who proposed the tired light idea. While usually considered for its historical interest, it is sometimes utilized by nonstandard cosmologies. The idea under this interpretation is that light from distant galaxies might somehow become fatigued on its long journey to us, in some way expending energy during its travels. The loss of energy is reflected in the stretching of the wavelength.

If aether exists, then any light wave will loose energy in its medium, just like any other wave. This happens to sound waves, and if light is a sound wave in the aether, as Maxwell actually proved, and as Tesla reiterated, then the mechanism is the same.
Although there was considerable speculation by accredited experts (including George Gamow) intrigued by the tired-light idea seeking explanations by altering the laws of Nature and adjusting the constants of Physics, a convincing cause for the energy loss was, and is, missing. As astrophysicist Edward Wright has stated, “There is no known interaction that can degrade a photon's energy without also changing its momentum, which leads to a blurring of distant objects which is not observed.
I just explained how that happens, without altering the laws of nature or the constants of physics as the 'experts' who deny aether do. For them is more reasonable to believe that light waves are particles in a vacuum, and that space expands, and alter the laws and constants of nature, than to accept the most obvious natural and rational explanation which is that light waves have a medium of propagation which immediately explains their loss of energy.

And just because one is ignorant and does not know how it happens, does not mean that it does not happen, or that others dont know how it happens. And photons don't exist, because aether exists, and cosmological redshift is a direct proof of its existence, along with the Doppler shift which is also medium dependent, (if there is no medium then there is no reference frame which Doppler clearly said is the medium of sound, which in the case of light is aether, as light is a sound wave in aether; and Fizeau who proved the Doppler effect for light took the aether medium into account); and also the dual slit experiment proves that aether exists. So Edward the 'astrophysicist' is dellirating in a big way, just like Einstein and all his fanboys who think his immaginary photons actually exist, and that aether doesn't. And that Maxwell and Tesla were idiots and they are smarter because they think light waves are particles with no mass which fly through vacuum at light speed, defying basic logic and physics.
The only way to unify quantum field theory with general relativity is by throwing both at the recycle bin. Because they are both junk science.

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Re: Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Unread post by mariuslvasile » Sun Feb 25, 2024 3:48 am

mariuslvasile wrote: Fri Feb 16, 2024 2:21 pm This experiment can also be explained by the Doppler effect, as Pound and Rebka used FLOWING HELIUM (from up to down) in their desperate attempt to produce redshift from 'gravitational potential'. So the helium molecules were moving away from the light source- which was placed above the helium bag, and towards the receiver- which was placed under the helium bag. Even if the receiver did not move relative to the source, the medium between them moved, so the gamma ray was absorbed and reemitted from a moving source. Which produced a Doppler shift, besides the refractional Vasile shift.
I have found this scientific paper on the Fizeau-Fresnel experiment which seems to confirm my theory mentioned above that it can be explained by Doppler effect: ... Experiment

Altough maybe it doesn't since it did not work with gas. But still, the ideea that I had seems to apply to water according to this paper.
paper wrote: 
A new wave explanation to Fizeau Experiment

This original registered paper demonstrates how, using the classic Doppler Effect within a wave analysis in an absolute-time and space framework with a total water-light drag coefficient, the 1851 and 1859 Fizeau’s experiments, can be theoretically explained making unnecessary to resort to Fresnel partial Aether-drag hypothesis, nor the Special Relativity velocity-addition formula to obtain the same consequence. In this sense, regarding the Fizeau experimental results point of view, both, the Fresnel dragging hypothesis as long as Special Relativity should become a non-necessary explanations for the experimental outcome.
The only way to unify quantum field theory with general relativity is by throwing both at the recycle bin. Because they are both junk science.

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Re: Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Unread post by crawler » Sun Feb 25, 2024 9:44 am

mariuslvasile wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 2:14 am
Ranzan wrote:When cosmological redshifts were first discovered, it was Fritz Zwicky who proposed the tired light idea. While usually considered for its historical interest, it is sometimes utilized by nonstandard cosmologies. The idea under this interpretation is that light from distant galaxies might somehow become fatigued on its long journey to us, in some way expending energy during its travels. The loss of energy is reflected in the stretching of the wavelength.

If aether exists, then any light wave will loose energy in its medium, just like any other wave. This happens to sound waves, and if light is a sound wave in the aether, as Maxwell actually proved, and as Tesla reiterated, then the mechanism is the same.
Although there was considerable speculation by accredited experts (including George Gamow) intrigued by the tired-light idea seeking explanations by altering the laws of Nature and adjusting the constants of Physics, a convincing cause for the energy loss was, and is, missing. As astrophysicist Edward Wright has stated, “There is no known interaction that can degrade a photon's energy without also changing its momentum, which leads to a blurring of distant objects which is not observed.
I just explained how that happens, without altering the laws of nature or the constants of physics as the 'experts' who deny aether do. For them is more reasonable to believe that light waves are particles in a vacuum, and that space expands, and alter the laws and constants of nature, than to accept the most obvious natural and rational explanation which is that light waves have a medium of propagation which immediately explains their loss of energy.

And just because one is ignorant and does not know how it happens, does not mean that it does not happen, or that others dont know how it happens. And photons don't exist, because aether exists, and cosmological redshift is a direct proof of its existence, along with the Doppler shift which is also medium dependent, (if there is no medium then there is no reference frame which Doppler clearly said is the medium of sound, which in the case of light is aether, as light is a sound wave in aether; and Fizeau who proved the Doppler effect for light took the aether medium into account); and also the dual slit experiment proves that aether exists. So Edward the 'astrophysicist' is dellirating in a big way, just like Einstein and all his fanboys who think his immaginary photons actually exist, and that aether doesn't. And that Maxwell and Tesla were idiots and they are smarter because they think light waves are particles with no mass which fly through vacuum at light speed, defying basic logic and physics.
Ranzan's explanation of cosmic redshift is magnificent, & accounts 100% for redshifts (except that it might have sidestepped the Arpian redshift).
There is no need for any other additional causes/explanations, but, there might indeed be other causes (i aint sure about the Arpian redshift).
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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Re: Refraction causes redshift, gravity does not. General relativity is wrong.

Unread post by mariuslvasile » Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:37 am

crawler wrote:Ranzan's explanation of cosmic redshift is magnificent, & accounts 100% for redshifts (except that it might have sidestepped the Arpian redshift).
There is no need for any other additional causes/explanations, but, there might indeed be other causes (i aint sure about the Arpian redshift).
I think it's pseudo-science. He divides the space into Voronoi cells, and claims that these space cells are expanding because Voronoi says so. Expanding space is science-fiction, not science-fact, and it's based on general relativity which is pure pseudo-science as I have demonstrated here. So any theory which is based on GR is pseudo-scientific and therefore wrong. Including the big-bang expanding universe, and Ranzan's expanding cellular universe.

And cosmological redshift is caused by aether, because of the wave attenuation in the aether medium, and by refraction as I have proved in my award non winning paper. Because I debunked the Nobel academy too, so I cant receive the Nobel award sorry.

But I may well start my own academy since I basically destroyed their academy and their Einstein god too. Problem is I dont have the funds to support it, cause my family didnt invent dynamite (how smart, they made a big firecracker), so I will have to invent something first I guess.
The only way to unify quantum field theory with general relativity is by throwing both at the recycle bin. Because they are both junk science.

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