Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Historic planetary instability and catastrophe. Evidence for electrical scarring on planets and moons. Electrical events in today's solar system. Electric Earth.
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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by Brigit » Sat Jun 27, 2020 7:29 pm

nick c and jacmac, thank you so much for clarifying.

People are experiencing a lot of turbulence right now.
“Oh for shame, how these mortals put the blame upon us gods, for they say evils come from us, when it is they rather who by their own recklessness win sorrow beyond what is given…”

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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by Open Mind » Tue Oct 27, 2020 10:48 pm

Brigit wrote: Fri Jun 26, 2020 5:18 pm Planetary Scarring subtopic: future planetary catastrophism; polar reversals

Alfred Wegener first introduced his version of the hypothesis of continental drift in 1912, which, after years of abusive behavior from academia and Wegener's death on the Greenland ice sheet, was then inducted into the geology text books as a scientific fact.

Alexander Du Toit also did a lot of the early field work which attempted to match the fossils and geology of the east coast of South America with the fossils and geology of the west coast of Africa. Since his day, whatever doubt there may have been about the fit between the coasts has been cast aside in favor of confirmatory studies supporting the existence of the super continent.

One of the main supporting arguments for the theory of continental drift was the discovery of the mid-ocean ridges, and the magnetic striping along the abyssal plains. This, it is argued, clearly reflects a record of consistent polar reversals over hundreds of millions of years of Earth's natural history. It is now called seafloor spreading.

Nevertheless, in the space age, it is quite common to find examples of magnetic striping -- and other unusual magnetic structures -- on Mars, the moon, and other bodies in the solar system. The magnetism of the rocks and large scale patterns of magnetism are one of the (predicted) consequences of the electrical scarring of the planets and moons. So in this case, an alternative explanation for magnetic striping on the sea floor is that the striping is a result of an epoch of electrical scarring.

Therefore, I would like to suggest that the majority of those who agree with the theory of seafloor spreading and continental drift are not concerned with the imminent reversal of Earth's magnetic poles. Catastrophists, on the other hand, may not see the striping as an indication of regular polar reversals over vast periods of time. Instead they may interpret them as having been laid down rapidly, with some Catastrophists going so far as to postulate that the magnetic anomalies on the sea floor are the result of the sudden heating and cooling of the mid-ocean ridges in the presence of rapidly oscillating em fields from interplanetary bolts.

Depending on your interpretation, the present polar wandering may be more or less urgent.
I keep reading about this idea of those ridges possibly being electrical scaring. Although the expanding earth has a very interesting take on all this, and their claim is eerily substantiated by the curious coincidence of those ridges being perfectly spread around the earth with striping layers that all corelates quite well to the model that the earth has been expanding at those ridges for millions of years. Its really striking how the land masses do conform together nicely as you remove the stripes of those ridges one by one. It is a seemingly crazy idea that you can't bring up at a dinner party, but there's alot about that idea that is quite easy to comprehend, if your willing to consider the idea the subduction is a geologists construct to avoid that awkward dinner party moment.

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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by neilwilkes » Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:23 am

Brigit wrote: Tue Jun 16, 2020 3:57 pm
In my turn, I wouldn't recommend that. There's too much of regular misrepresentation of the cited papers, and a lot of conclusions from them are artificially stuffed into the guy's own apocalyptic propaganda.
It wouldn't hurt to see, sure (to get some useful links at least), but I'd recommend to retain some healthy skepticism.
Wow - another 'attack the messenger' approach. How unsurprising.
That's a really interesting disagreement in itself. It takes a long time to detect it and identify it, but within the Electric Universe there is a broad spectrum of degrees of Catastrophism.

Catastrophism is usually used as a historical term for an approach to geology. I think that there are some fine people right on this forum who actually do not see any need to question the Lyellian model of interpreting Earth's layered, buckled, and overturned strata. But in general, the majority of people who follow the science of the EU are catastrophists in their interpretation of the both the surface of the Earth and the planets and moons. But there is a second and equally important type of Catastrophism, and that is the catastrophism that includes future events.

What does the science of the Electric Universe say about possible future electrical interactions within our Solar System? I suspect paladin's term for these questions about future Catastrophism is "apocalyptic propaganda" -- but I am not really deeply familiar with the channel you are both discussing except to say that it has matured into a very nice production over the last 7 or 8 years. I personally believe that one of the clearest implications of the science of the Electric Universe is that there are many many sudden, global events that could befall the Earth at any moment. (There is a list around here somewhere!) The sun also is responding to its electrical environment almost instantaneously at all times. To sum, we all fall within different bands in the Catastrophist spectrum, not only respecting the past, but also regarding potential future cataclysms.
(With apologies for the lengthy delay in this reply - it's been a strange sort of year)
The phrasing I was referring to with my 'attack the messenger' comment was indeed the 'apocalyptic propaganda' snipe, as there is rather refreshingly no propaganda at all on any of Ben's channels or websites. His message is far from being one of doom & gloom as well - in his own words 'we are all descended from survivors of the last event' and the overarching message is one of hope & survival, not that which Paladin implies. Still, Paladin is obviously entitled to his opinion but it would have been much better to read something proving Ben wrong rather than just an attack on Ben himself, accusing him outright of deliberate misrepresentation of the facts (with absolutely nothing to back it up) which is simply outrageous.

Yes, Catastrophism has had a hard time of it, but one must wonder how much of the previous 'debunking' was pre-planned. Bear in mind that Charles Hapgood worked for the CIA long before he was writing books about Crustal Displacement Theory as a professor and in his role at the CIA he would have been well aware of the work of the 46th/72nd Reconnaissance Squadron in the Arctic (there is a point - trust me!) and he would have been well aware that his mechanism for the displacement of the crust was not feasible and easily debunked, thus throwing Catastrophism into the dustbin of history as the weight of the Northern Ice Cap on Greenland would never carry enough weight to decouple the crust from the Mantle - but a severe Solar event could easily induce sufficient current to do this, especially as our magnetic field has accelerated yet again in it's weakening to a new rate of 1% annually - an increase of 100% from 2017 when it was previously at 0.5% annually (or put another way, 5%/decade - see https://www.livescience.com/46694-magne ... akens.html).
So as our planetary defences weaken ever more rapidly this in turn says that it will take weaker & weaker solar events to cause serious problems - so much so that at the last given figure of 20% down it takes a relatively weak flare to get an evens chance our field might collapse altogether!
(Image from https://spaceweathernews.com/)

Given that a sufficient jolt is capable of staggering the entire planet in it's orbit, and also given that our magnetic field is rapidly weakening and finally add to this the uncomfortable fact that every planet in the Solar System is changing right now - Venus is stormier (and, interestingly enough, seems it might have life in it's atmosphere), Mars likewise, Jupiter has developed a new Spot & it's magnetic field was observed to be changing too over a year ago, Saturn is changing, Uranus & Neptune too - Barnard's Star is flaring (something it was previously considered to be too old to do as an 'old Red Dwarf' - http://www.sci-news.com/astronomy/activ ... 09011.html), Proxima Centauri is flaring more than it used to (https://phys.org/news/2019-09-frequent- ... i-bad.html) and I agree with Ben that the likely cause of this is the impact of the Galactic Current Sheet polarity change and if this is bringing with it a whole load of dust - electromagnetically attracted to the magnetic field (which in it's turn was created by another current and so on) which must have an effect on our own Star.

Underwater Scarring? (finally I get back on topic)
Why not - just because it is underwater now does not mean it always has been - mountains become sea beds & vice-versa. We even have what I suspect are historical records of this occurring (yes, I know they will be corrupted) derided as myth, or stories told by primitives with no understanding at all as they were far stupider than we are (oh, the arrogance of the Human Species - it will be our downfall) of the seas overtopping the mountains as the Sun stood still in the sky (we read this across the Middle East to China) or that the whole world shook in a never-ending darkness when the Sun did not appear (the West & Central/Southern Americas).
I would in all seriousness expect to see signs of scarring underwater - a serious event that penetrates to the lowest levels of the Global Electric Circuit - the Torus around the equator - may well be strong enough to produce a magnetar type reaction here on Earth with a monstrous discharge surge that would make mega-lightning seem like a Van der Graaf generator does to a serious Tesla Coil and if you can try to imagine a discharge powerful enough to carve out the Grand Canyon (which I believe to be Electrically created) then there could easily be remnants undersea.
A great thing for someone to do with Google Earth, maybe?
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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by Brigit » Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:09 pm

Catastrophism subtopic: a popular catastrophist channel on yt

by neilwilkes » Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:23 am
The phrasing I was referring to with my 'attack the messenger' comment was indeed the 'apocalyptic propaganda' snipe, as there is rather refreshingly no propaganda at all on any of Ben's channels or websites.

His message is far from being one of doom & gloom as well - in his own words 'we are all descended from survivors of the last event' and the overarching message is one of hope & survival, not that which Paladin implies. Still, Paladin is obviously entitled to his opinion
Hi neilwilkes, thanks for throwing light on that topic. I actually remember running across his channel a long long time ago. It's really changed in style and message since then, and I think its popularity today is very well-deserved. The channel owner's desire to apply Electric Universe scientific principles to today's problems is a step in the right direction. For example, he has worked on creating an app which may be of some help in discovering likely earthquake activity before it happens. My views on how this must be done are different from his, but it is a truly admirable goal; and besides that, there are many side-benefits to his daily space weather presentations -- which are absolutely gorgeous by the way. I wonder if he still makes daily videos on space weather? (There was some doubt at one time about continued daily output. ref: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3onmrm )

There is one way in which the channel has not changed since I first came across it, many years ago. This channel and its base have always been essentially Preppers before anything else, and still are. But in that case, that channel is only a small part of a movement that is, in my opinion, much broader than any of us realize.
prep·per /ˈprepər/ noun NORTH AMERICAN
a person who believes a catastrophic disaster or emergency is likely to occur in the future and makes active preparations for it, typically by stockpiling food, am*unit*on, and other supplies.
example "there's no agreement among preppers about what disaster is most imminent"
It's really interesting to sit down and have a think about why there are so many people who not only feel that "the other shoe is going to drop," but are actively preparing for it.
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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by Brigit » Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:21 pm

Catastrophism subtopic: the prepper movement

Here are some other examples of preparers/"preppers"
the off-grid movement
the tiny house movement (which may be part astroturf, ie, not genuine)
the nomad movement
the homestead movement
the cottage aesthetic
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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by Brigit » Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:50 pm

Catastrophism subtopic: the deep state

by neilwilkes » Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:23 am
Yes, Catastrophism has had a hard time of it, but one must wonder how much of the previous 'debunking' was pre-planned. Bear in mind that Charles Hapgood worked for the C1 A long before he was writing books about Crustal Displacement Theory as a professor and in his role at the C1 A he would have been well aware of the work of the 46th/72nd Reconnaissance Squadron in the Arctic (there is a point - trust me!) and he would have been well aware that his mechanism for the displacement of the crust was not feasible and easily debunked, thus throwing Catastrophism into the dustbin of history....
I happened to have "checked in" to the above mentioned channel several years ago, and I watched a video which discussed a document which was foia-ed or declassified. I have a tiny bit of familiarity with what you are referring to. Thank you.

Some might say that agency has been a far bigger catastrophe for us than any natural disaster.
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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by Brigit » Wed Nov 04, 2020 9:55 pm

by neilwilkes » Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:23 am
...and also given that our magnetic field is rapidly weakening,
and finally add to this the uncomfortable fact that every planet in the Solar System is changing right now
- Venus is stormier...
Mars likewise,
Jupiter has developed a new Spot & it's magnetic field was observed to be changing too over a year ago,
Saturn is changing,
Uranus & Neptune too
- Barnard's Star is flaring...
Proxima Centauri is flaring more than it used to...

and I agree with Ben that the likely cause of this is the impact of the Galactic Current Sheet polarity change and if this is bringing with it a whole load of dust - electromagnetically attracted to the magnetic field (which in it's turn was created by another current and so on) which must have an effect on our own Star.
And the Milky Way could also have an active galactic nucleus, in which case it could suddenly flare with intense radiation across the em spectrum.

I have never been very good at visualizing our solar system's movements within the Galaxy. I really appreciate the Space News by Gareth Samuel (also Eugene Bagashov & Co.) which discussed the precession of earth in relation to Sirius.* I am making some progress in understanding where we are in the Galaxy, especially as it becomes clear that there are lanes, aka Birkeland currents, which objects are traveling in. Very interesting, and a real challenge for some of us who may not test well in spatial reasoning. :cry:

**(Perhaps the editors could use just a little less rotation of images, to reduce a dizzying sensation for some viewers.)
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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by nick c » Thu Nov 05, 2020 3:31 am

I have never been very good at visualizing our solar system's movements within the Galaxy.
Fortunately you don't have to! That's what YouTube is for. Here is a nice video of the solar system's motion through the galaxy.
Well the scale is off as the Sun is way to large but I guess we have to give them some leeway on that.

Solar System 2.0 - the heliacal model

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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by Brigit » Thu Nov 05, 2020 6:55 pm

by nick c » Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:31 pm
"Fortunately you don't have to! That's what YouTube is for."

It couldn't be that easy, nick. Could it?! lol (:

Yes, that video shows the solar system as it travels above and below the galactic plane. And this is difficult for me to work out because of the time scales involved, and the possible arbitrary nature of the coordinates for a galactic plane. But I do enjoy the newer work which shows stars entrained in Birkeland currents.

Here's something for fans of planetary dimensions in spatial relation to earth!

"What would it Look like with all the planets between the earth and the moon?"
channel: yeti dynamics
dur. 4:50
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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by GaryN » Fri Nov 06, 2020 6:43 am

Monterey Canyon for sure is a large discharge, not cut by muck from the Colorado. Was it under water when it happened? I think the discharge could happen just the same underwater, the water would become a plasma.
Monterey Canyon is very similar in scale and shape to the Grand Canyon, but the process that has carved it out over time is remarkably different. The Colorado River cut the Grand Canyon by scouring the rocks as the surrounding plateau uplifted, widening and deepening the canyon’s axis over millions of years.
Bah, humbug.
https://www.mbari.org/science/seafloor- ... -sections/
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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by neilwilkes » Wed Nov 11, 2020 12:39 pm

@GaryN - sorry to be dumb, but it is not apparent whether or not you believe the Grand Canyon was cut by the Colorado River - can you please clarify?


Ben is indeed still doing his Daily News shows and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future too.
If you want to really get an idea of how the Sirius/Earth system seems to work - which also gives us a new explanation for precession as opposed to the ludicrous notion of the earth 'wobbling' on it's spin axis (which cannot happen without a downward force acting on it at the same time - Tim Peake proved this on the ISS) please see the following:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... TmWxEac2yM
The first 2 are the most important, as it clearly shows the reality - Sirius on one of the intertwined birkeland currents & the Earth on the other one.
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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by neilwilkes » Wed Nov 11, 2020 12:48 pm

Brigit wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:50 pm Catastrophism subtopic: the deep state

by neilwilkes » Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:23 am
Yes, Catastrophism has had a hard time of it, but one must wonder how much of the previous 'debunking' was pre-planned. Bear in mind that Charles Hapgood worked for the C1 A long before he was writing books about Crustal Displacement Theory as a professor and in his role at the C1 A he would have been well aware of the work of the 46th/72nd Reconnaissance Squadron in the Arctic (there is a point - trust me!) and he would have been well aware that his mechanism for the displacement of the crust was not feasible and easily debunked, thus throwing Catastrophism into the dustbin of history....
I happened to have "checked in" to the above mentioned channel several years ago, and I watched a video which discussed a document which was foia-ed or declassified. I have a tiny bit of familiarity with what you are referring to. Thank you.

Some might say that agency has been a far bigger catastrophe for us than any natural disaster.
There was an abridged version of the document in question declassified by the CIA on June 24th 2013 with the statement 'Declassified in part - Sanitized copy approved for release 2013 06 24' and I have managed to find a full, unabridged copy & one day will get round to listing the differences between the 2 versions to find out what it is that is still being hidden.

The real issue we face however is the ongoing collapse & reversal of the planetary magnetic field - it has accelerated yet again in 2017 from 0.5%/year to 1%/year now, and it will not take much now to collapse our field completely. See https://spaceweathernews.com/ for a chart detailing what the current state of the field is and what it will take to send us back to the Medieval era (hint - not nearly as much as you might think, sadly).
This has been swept totally under the carpet, and instead the idiots are banging on about CO2 (which is not a pollutant, never has been & never will be) - it is Plant Food and if anything planetary CO2 levels are dangerously low - certainly not excessively high! Nowadays we are higher than we had been and that is a good thing, not a bad one as we got within 50ppm of all plant life being unable to survive. CO2 is not the problem.
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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by paladin17 » Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:20 pm

neilwilkes wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:23 am there is rather refreshingly no propaganda at all on any of Ben's channels or websites.
His message is not the one of research ("let's examine this problem"), but of a pre-set agenda ("I know what is true, and I'm going to tell you"). That is propaganda in my books.
neilwilkes wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:23 am accusing him outright of deliberate misrepresentation of the facts (with absolutely nothing to back it up) which is simply outrageous.
By the same token, it is simply outrageous to claim I have nothing to back it up. Because I do have quite a bit.
See this video for more details, this e-mail exchange (me and Davidson) for much more details and this FB post for some background and additional info.
neilwilkes wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:23 am So as our planetary defences weaken ever more rapidly
I address this specifically here in the video.
neilwilkes wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:23 am Given that a sufficient jolt is capable of staggering the entire planet in it's orbit
How did you arrive at such conclusion?
neilwilkes wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:23 am every planet in the Solar System is changing right now
Which, given our lack of data on long-term dynamics (< 60 years of observation), shouldn't surprise anyone.
neilwilkes wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:23 am I agree with Ben that the likely cause of this is the impact of the Galactic Current Sheet polarity change and if this is bringing with it a whole load of dust - electromagnetically attracted to the magnetic field (which in it's turn was created by another current and so on) which must have an effect on our own Star.
There is still no mechanism of how exactly would this dust affect the Sun. Ben didn't even examine the models of how dust behaves in the IMF etc. (again, see the e-mail chain above). It's not a theory, it's a presupposition reinforced by cherry-picking the data and introducing unknown (magical) processes.
With regards to current sheet, in addition to what I said in the video above, there is another one.
Brigit wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:09 pm It's really interesting to sit down and have a think about why there are so many people who not only feel that "the other shoe is going to drop," but are actively preparing for it.
I address this (and the reason why the US is the center of these sentiments) here. I also forgot to mention there (I do it somewhere else later) that Velikovsky couldn't succeed elsewhere as much as he did in the US - exactly because of their "apocalyptic" culture.
Brigit wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 9:55 pm I have never been very good at visualizing our solar system's movements within the Galaxy.
This might help a bit (see the interactive simulation itself here). Unfortunately, the project stopped when one of the key crew members left. What you can see there was created from scratch in 1 month time.

Apologies for the offtopic. I encourage further discussions of the appropriate subjects to be moved to separate threads/PMs.

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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by Brigit » Thu Nov 19, 2020 8:15 pm

by paladin17 » Thu Nov 19, 2020 7:20 am
"I also forgot to mention there (I do it somewhere else later) that Velikovsky couldn't succeed elsewhere as much as he did in the US - exactly because of their "apocalyptic" culture."

Well maybe paladin17's right about that. About half of us Yankees like to pick our own catastrophes, rather than the invented ones.

Ask Dr Fauxi, lol

Also, thanks for the very very beautiful simulation of the Solar System in the Milky Way Galaxy. It's so nice! And I wanted to thank you for posting your thoughts on your recent "elections" -- I'd been wondering for some time what you would say.
“Oh for shame, how these mortals put the blame upon us gods, for they say evils come from us, when it is they rather who by their own recklessness win sorrow beyond what is given…”

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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by neilwilkes » Wed Jan 06, 2021 10:54 am

paladin17 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:20 pm
neilwilkes wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:23 am there is rather refreshingly no propaganda at all on any of Ben's channels or websites.
His message is not the one of research ("let's examine this problem"), but of a pre-set agenda ("I know what is true, and I'm going to tell you"). That is propaganda in my books.
neilwilkes wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:23 am accusing him outright of deliberate misrepresentation of the facts (with absolutely nothing to back it up) which is simply outrageous.
By the same token, it is simply outrageous to claim I have nothing to back it up. Because I do have quite a bit.
See this video for more details, this e-mail exchange (me and Davidson) for much more details and this FB post for some background and additional info.
neilwilkes wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:23 am So as our planetary defences weaken ever more rapidly
I address this specifically here in the video.
neilwilkes wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:23 am Given that a sufficient jolt is capable of staggering the entire planet in it's orbit
How did you arrive at such conclusion?
neilwilkes wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:23 am every planet in the Solar System is changing right now
Which, given our lack of data on long-term dynamics (< 60 years of observation), shouldn't surprise anyone.
neilwilkes wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:23 am I agree with Ben that the likely cause of this is the impact of the Galactic Current Sheet polarity change and if this is bringing with it a whole load of dust - electromagnetically attracted to the magnetic field (which in it's turn was created by another current and so on) which must have an effect on our own Star.
There is still no mechanism of how exactly would this dust affect the Sun. Ben didn't even examine the models of how dust behaves in the IMF etc. (again, see the e-mail chain above). It's not a theory, it's a presupposition reinforced by cherry-picking the data and introducing unknown (magical) processes.
With regards to current sheet, in addition to what I said in the video above, there is another one.
Brigit wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:09 pm It's really interesting to sit down and have a think about why there are so many people who not only feel that "the other shoe is going to drop," but are actively preparing for it.
I address this (and the reason why the US is the center of these sentiments) here. I also forgot to mention there (I do it somewhere else later) that Velikovsky couldn't succeed elsewhere as much as he did in the US - exactly because of their "apocalyptic" culture.
Brigit wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 9:55 pm I have never been very good at visualizing our solar system's movements within the Galaxy.
This might help a bit (see the interactive simulation itself here). Unfortunately, the project stopped when one of the key crew members left. What you can see there was created from scratch in 1 month time.

Apologies for the offtopic. I encourage further discussions of the appropriate subjects to be moved to separate threads/PMs.
Yeah, I just went through those conversations between you & Ben, and you really do keep putting words in his mouth - no wonder he lost patience with you, guy! I am not going to waste any more time with you - it's utterly futile.
You will never get a man to understand something his salary depends on him not understanding.

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