Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Historic planetary instability and catastrophe. Evidence for electrical scarring on planets and moons. Electrical events in today's solar system. Electric Earth.
Open Mind
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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by Open Mind » Tue Oct 18, 2022 7:03 pm

To paladin17 re: your email exchange between you and Ben Davidson.

Its impossible for me to comprehend if Ben is a wacko and you rode in on a white horse to save us all from his crazy, Or if he's onto something and you're stuck in literal interpretation and reacting like a mainstream debunker.

The best I could do to comprehend this exchange is to read through several other's interpretations of the remarks on those email exchanges by several others in several other colours perhaps.

Is there a full open debate between many people on your exchange in a post string here in one of these forum pages? I'd be interested to at least know if you represent a clear majority of opinion on Ben, or at least to what degree that opinion is shared. All I know is, he makes some bold claims that play into the pre-warmed market of preppers, so all his fan base share a preexisting condition, which makes them difficult to count towards 'academic support'.

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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by jackokie » Wed Oct 19, 2022 6:42 pm

Reading through this thread, @Brigit's interest in earthquake prediction reinforced my conviction that now is exactly the time to promote the Electric Universe model.
Brigit wrote:
jacmac wrote:
With all the catastrophes we are already dealing with now,
why are you asking...
Maybe this is not the best possible time to bring up the potential future dangers in the solar system. (:
The questions are related to geology and the surface of the Earth in comparison with various moons and planets, and what the most distinguishing electrical scars actually are on our planet.
It was suggested recently on this forum that an electrically-powered sun does not necessarily require an anode/cathode format, since plasma organizes into other structures that may be a better fit. Betelgeuse's "supernova" false alarm is a telling example of the confusion of the BB vs the plausibility of electrically-powered stars; it grew increasingly dim in 2019 and 2020, recovered, and has recently emitted a huge CME. This latest example of variability in the cosmos suggests the variability in our solar system's web of currents could also result in dangerously powerful electric discharges, even those required for Electric Arc Machining.

With better forecasts for earthquakes, volcanoes, and weather, derived from a proper understanding of the electrical influences on our planet, the potential savings in lives and property are immeasurable. Early warnings for CMEs could save billions in damage to infrastructure. This is why the true nature of the cosmos is not merely an academic debate with no real consequences for earth’s inhabitants; it is potentially much more consequential than "Climate Change" or defenses against asteroids. This is why Eric Lerner deserves every help we can offer in supporting his courageous act of heresy. And this is potentially the lever to pry away the funding from the BB fantasy and divert it to useful research in Plasma Cosmology.
Time is what prevents everything from happening all at once.

Open Mind
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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by Open Mind » Sun Nov 06, 2022 1:49 am

Thornhill says in the latest (old) youtube, that if electrical crater, then it can't be used to date the crater. Why is that?


37:53 time stamp for claim

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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by Arcmode » Sun Nov 06, 2022 3:49 pm

Hi Open Mind,

I think what Wal is referring to is the way geologists assume all craters are due to impacts from space, assume a constant rate of impacts from space over time and then count the number of craters to determine how old the surface is, or how long it’s been experiencing impacts. Where there are a lot of impacts they will assume a long period of constant impacts. In the case of fewer impacts in a region, they will assume a younger surface or later re-surfacing covering existing craters. It’s a form of uniformitarianism.

Electric craters don’t necessarily accumulate in the same way because they are due to electrical interactions and not a steady rate of random impacts from space. They may all be created across a planet’s surface in a single event, or in local clusters at different times, or one at a time etc. For this reason we cannot determine the age of a surface simply by counting how many craters there are.

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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by paladin17 » Sat Dec 03, 2022 11:07 pm

Open Mind wrote: Tue Oct 18, 2022 7:03 pm To paladin17 re: your email exchange between you and Ben Davidson.
I'd be interested to at least know if you represent a clear majority of opinion on Ben, or at least to what degree that opinion is shared.
So much for all the criticism of "mainstream groupthink". :D

Open Mind
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Re: Dry, Wet and Underwater Electrical Scarring

Unread post by Open Mind » Sat Dec 03, 2022 11:34 pm

"So much for all the criticism of "mainstream groupthink". :D"

I know, I know. Pretty sad looking for consensus, but its all I got without that Cosmology PHD in my back pocket.

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