The EM Universe

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:03 pm

How much energy does our Sun produce? According to NASA, about 4.1 × 10^26 W. But as well as light and heat, it also ejects, according to estimates of the solar wind density, about 100 billion tons of matter a day, about 1.18 million tons per second. If the Sun creates matter, as I believe, then we need to add in the energy needed to create that matter. So who can convert that, using E=MC^2, to watts?
In any case, I do not believe that there can be enough energy coming into the Sun by way of external sources, to allow for the calculated output energy. Surely it would be detectable, unless in a form we can not readily detect. The Sun is most likely being formed at the pinch of an intergalactic flux tube, and the magnetic field will be longitudinal at the core.

One of the still not fully understood features of cosmic magnetic configurations is
the universal presence of tubes of magnetic flux, i.e. filamentary domains in which
the magnetic field is concentrated. Parker [1] (chapter 10, p. 208) writes: “The
concentration of field into isolated flux tubes occurs spontaneously, in opposition
to the considerable magnetic pressure of the concentrated field. The phenomenon
challenges our understanding of the basic physics of flux tubes.

‎The pinch, IMO, is only the initiator of a process that allows for the 'tapping into' of the Vacuum energies. That's where the real power comes from. Known to the ancients as a magnetic light, or the light of creation. This is the basics of the ONLY ;) model of the Sun that can explain the magnitudes of the energies emanated by the Sun, but, heat and visible light are NOT emitted by our, or any other Sun!
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:04 pm

Because visible wavelength images of the Sun or Moon, planets or stars, from outside of Earths atmosphere, can not be provided by any space agency in the world, we have to look to other mechanisms for the propagation of EM energies in the vacuum. Complex hardware and software must be used to create images that are familiar to our eyes, and the present space based instruments rely on wave-front detection of self focusing soliton beams, which to me, indicates that the vacuum must be a non-linear medium.
As light and magnetism and electricity are still not fully understood, there are still many proposals for mechanisms that may be involved in the propagation of EM energies. The Evans photomagneton and a proposed longitudinal ghost field for example.
The photomagneton is a theoretical treatment of the unitary group in quantum field theory and quantum chemistry that effectively describes the experimentally observed inverse Faraday effect. When circularly polarized light travels through a plasma, the angular momentum associated to the circular motion of the photons induces an angular momentum in the electrons of the plasma. This angular momentum induces an associated magnetic field.
Exactly how this happens remains a subject of debate. For instance, if the so-called ghost field does not contribute to the free electromagnetic energy density in the plasma, then the electron must couple to something like a complex electric field. However, if the field induces a finite magnetic field in the absence of matter, then the implication may be a finite photon rest mass.
Wave-Particle Paradox and Evans Photomagneton ... cle18.pdf‎

Another is the x-wave.
In physics, X-waves are localized solutions of the wave equation that travel at a constant velocity in a given direction. X-waves can be sound, electromagnetic, or gravitational waves. They are built as a non-monochromatic superposition of Bessel beams. X-waves carry infinite energy. Finite-energy realizations have been observed in various frameworks.
In optics, X-waves solution have been reported within a quantum mechanical formulation.
And believing that the vacuum is a non-linear medium, I lean towards the Nonlinear X-wave, with it's bi-conical structure which suggests, to me, some other interesting functions..
At variance with X-waves, a nonlinear X-wave does exist in the presence of nonlinearity, and in many cases it self-generates from a Gaussian (in any direction) wave packet.
The distinctive feature of an NLX is its "biconical" shape, (see figure) which appears as an "X" in any section plane containing the wave peak and the direction of propagation.
So far, nonlinear X-waves have been only observed in nonlinear optics experiments, and have been predicted to occur in a variety of nonlinear media including Bose–Einstein condensates.
The x-wave can be generated without a lens, be of infinite aperture, and carry infinite energy, and unlike the Bessel beams which are single frequency the x-waves are ultra-wideband. Though the wavefronts travel at light speed, the peak group velocities can be superluminal, or even negative.

Perhaps there is something then to the Smarandache Hypothesis?
Smarandache (1998) proposed that as a consequence of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, there is no speed limit in the universe Eric Weisstein's World of Astronomy (i.e., the speed of light c is not a maximum at which information can be transmitted) and that arbitrary speeds of information or mass transfer can occur. These assertions fly in the face of both theory and experiment, as they violate both Einstein's special theory of relativity and causality and lack any experimental support.

It is true that modern experiments have demonstrated the existence of certain types of measurable superluminal phenomena. However, none of these experiments are in conflict with causality or special relativity, since no information or physical object actually travels at speeds v > c to produce the observed phenomena. ... hesis.html

So maybe we don't need Einsteins ideas after all to account for the apparent instantaneous effect of gravity in orbital calculations?
In the simple newtonian model, gravity propagates instantaneously: the force exerted by a massive object points directly toward that object's present position. For example, even though the Sun is 500 light seconds from the Earth, newtonian gravity describes a force on Earth directed towards the Sun's position "now," not its position 500 seconds ago. Putting a "light travel delay" (technically called "retardation") into newtonian gravity would make orbits unstable, leading to predictions that clearly contradict Solar System observations.

In general relativity, on the other hand, gravity propagates at the speed of light; that is, the motion of a massive object creates a distortion in the curvature of spacetime that moves outward at light speed. This might seem to contradict the Solar System observations described above, but remember that general relativity is conceptually very different from Newtonian gravity, so a direct comparison is not so simple.
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Tue Dec 24, 2013 12:09 pm

At this site there is a free pdf download of "Principles of Charged Particle Acceleration" by Stanley Humphries, Jr. In order to understand some of the machinery at work in an Electro-Magnetic Universe, this will probably be required reading.
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:12 pm

Spitzer and ALMA Reveal a Star's Bubbly Birth
Combined observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and the newly completed Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile have revealed the throes of stellar birth, as never before, in the well-studied object known as HH 46/47. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ALMA
As the instruments get better at seeing multiple wavelengths in space, the true EM structures generated at a pinch in a flux tube is becoming all too apparent. The dipole antenna is the first structure, and it's a biconical, and these are radio lobes alright, antenna field patterns, and as the instruments improve, we will see even more details.

The torus and hotspots are seen, along with the surface charge produced 'flames', which become the arms of the pinch initiated event. Charge does not like to be crowded, it will head off, seeking it's conterpart, and the self-interaction forces will lead to the formation of new flux tubes, which will themselves become pinched, so the process can repeat to eventually build up that large scale simulation of the Universe resembling a brain.
I'll post a much more detailed, and hopefully more coherent model before too long, but the structures we are now able to detect will eventually produce an image of what can only be a fully EM model, with all the mechanisms and processes already identified, some centuries ago, becoming evident.

So yes, they are correct in a bubbly birth, but their reasons are quite wrong.
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:42 pm

Between pinches, the flux tubes are tensed, a longitudinal magnetic tension. At the heart of the pinch, our Sun in this case, is a rotating magnetic field, whos surface speed is that of the speed of light. Aether drawn into the Sun through the poles is accelerated in the RMF to light speed , and flung out at equatorially. It can be shown by simple math that the speed of the solar wind, which is an aether wind, will correspond to the average speed of the solar wind measured at Earths distance from the Sun. We measure the proton speed and call it the solar wind, but the protons are carried by the aether wind, and may travel faster or slower than average depending on conditions of other solar phenomena such as coronal holes and sunspots.
"Since the spin velocity of the Sun at its equator has been found to be one revolution per 25 days or 4.63 x 10^-7 rev/sec., and the distance from the Sun to the Earth is known to be 1.49 x 10^11 meters, then the velocity of the Aether must be equal to:(2 pi r)x(spin velocity) or:
2 X 3.14 X 10^11m X 4.63 X 10^-7 rev/sec.=433Km/sec." (ref. Katirai)
The commonly used value is 460 Km/sec, but as the size of the Sun does vary, his figure does seem reasonable. Scaling things down and giving an electron similar properties, the spin of the electron then is found to be at minimum 10^32 rev/sec.

So how is the rotating magnetic field of the Sun produced from magnetically tensed flux tubes? Kids play.
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:18 pm

River of hydrogen flowing through space seen with Green Bank Telescope
Using the National Science Foundation's Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT), astronomer D.J. Pisano from West Virginia University has discovered what could be a never-before-seen river of hydrogen flowing through space. This very faint, very tenuous filament of gas is streaming into the nearby galaxy NGC 6946 and may help explain how certain spiral galaxies keep up their steady pace of star formation.
Read more at: ... k.html#jCp

As usual, they are seeing everything backwards. The Sun-like event occuring at the centre is creating hydrogen, which will flow down the arms and outwards. Some of the material in the arms will be formed into planet, moon and moonlet sized objects as Coulomb crystals. As the bodies are swept out along the arms, they undergo a constant process of thin film deposition, creating the familiar multi-layered appearance. The surfaces of the fresh objects will be riddled with discharge craters too. Expelled from the arms, they will find a stable place among the many other bodies that will inhabit the sphere of influence of the star, much as they do with the Oort shell of our Sun. Most of the millions or billions of Suns they believe they see out there are only planets or moons, and it is their total misinterpretation of what their fine instruments detect that leads them to such conclusions. Astronomers are the real relics of the cosmos, not the things they are looking at, whos age can never be determined.
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:23 am

Hubble Drills Deep Into the Universe
From the Worst Astronomer. More reinforcement of the standard view of the Cosmos. Thousands of Galaxies with Millions/Billions of stars each, based on their interpretation of information that is so tenuous as to almost not exist. Explain to us Mr Astronomer how the instruments really work, show us some raw data, and explain how that data becomes the pretty pictures NASA assures us are what is really out there. Viewed from an appropriate distance, data from our Solar system could no doubt be selectively included or excluded, enhanced, filtered, mathemagically reworked and tuned until a Galaxy would rise from the noise. That anyone can trust the images and explanations the boffins and media darlings put forward to be fact, rather than just a consensus amongst mutually back-patting groups of mis-educated 'scientists', just shows how mis-educated the unwashed masses are. My dis-respect for for the system and the individuals who peddle this purely assumptive model of the Cosmos grows daily. ... axies.html

And yet Mr Bogus Astronomer admits he doesn't' understand even simple night vision astronomy devices, but assures me they would work fine in space, but doesn't feel the need for evidence that they do? Sad, or as I prefer to believe, intentional deception by those who control our beliefs. And that' deception is far from being limited to just Astronomy.
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:45 am

The consideration of nature upon an electro-magnetic basis over a period of many years leads the mind to marvel ever more and more at the infinitude of design which has been achieved upon such com­paratively simple foundations, for it would seem that everything originates in electro-magnetic motion and the whole structure of the universe with all its form and beauty, life and joy, is held together and activated by one fundamental force.
Cause and effect operate rigorously as a supreme law, but scientists are now learning that the mutations are not impressed upon the scheme from the beginning upward as inherent consequences following a defined course to a predestinate end, but that the design can be modulated by ray control at any and every stage of its development.
The electron itself may or may not be a simple entity, but it enters into the composition of every atom and in a graded numerical system builds up those ninety-two foundation-stones which we call atoms, that in one form or another compose the complexities of all the substances and all the forms, both animate and inanimate, which constitute the world about us.
The electron may be simple, but the atoms are triumphs of design and the elaborate blending of these elements builds up the tenuous gases and the solid substance of the earth, whilst the specialization of the carbon compounds provides a basis for the wonderful invention of life.
In the inanimate world the structured rocks are chiselled into the hard geometric beauty of the crystal, with the sparkle of the diamond and the translucence of the ruby, or, piled mass on mass they are en-sculptured into hill and dale, mountain and crag, in the stupendous form that moulds the outline of the earth into an ever beauteous line.
In life, the electrons, the atoms, and the molecules are woven into textures so innumerable that the human mind in a lifetime can but grasp a tiny section of the detail of one constituent part. Consider the majestic mystery of the leaves, which season after season are produced in countless millions, in detail, structure, pattern, each perfect after its kind, which are then cast away to refertilize the earth. But while all are perfect according to kind, yet underneath, all are united in one funda­mental plan and the innumerable variations on this theme clothe the earth in beauty and give sustenance to life.
Consider also the infinite design in life. The delicate fragile structure of the insects, in varieties without end; the fish that swim in the seas and the lowly creeping things upon the earth; the birds and feathered fowl with all the patterned beauty of their kind, wrought into the perfect structure of the feather.
But it is in the adaptations from one form to another that the most perfect mastery of design is seen. The fish cast upon the shore becomes the amphibian. His vertebral structure develops wings and legs, and the earth becomes fecund with birds and running beasts. The adaptation of one skeletal form to meet the necessities of the sparrow and the hawk, the dogfish and the horse, is a triumph so amazing that familiarity can­not altogether hide its consummate genius.
It is not now indelicate to mention those complicated structures that build up the internal parts of man, and how perfectly they are made, how infinite is their function, and how completely self-acting is the ceaseless service that they render day by day to give the joy of life. So little is yet known of the working of the brain that the supreme mystery of its accomplishments will be but mentioned here, but how enthralling is the modern study of the functions of the glands and the electro-chemistry that guides the hormones to their appointed tasks; while the marvel of the eye and its self-adjusting lens, wrought to perfection through aeons of time, has ever extracted tributes from those familiar with its detail.
And all these structures, all these functions, all this design is developed from the ninety-two electro-magnetic elements of the fundamental state, and they too may be said to be developed from the electron. No musician has ever dreamed of variations so innumerable upon a single theme.
I bow in reverence to the magnificence of this noble conception. It is my high privilege and yours to co-operate in its advancement.

From: Cosmic Machinery in an Electro-Magnetic Universe, by Capt. H.A.Staples, M.C., F.R.Met.Soc. London, 1939.
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:20 pm

Lava, not water, formed canyons on Mars
The canyon-like scars which line Mars' crust are seen by many as evidence for liquid water. But a study now suggests that a different kind of fluid – one much less hospitable to life – may actually have carved these features.
The morphology of the lava flows Leone encountered suggest that the lava actually incised the valleys and channels in the first place. The MRO images seem to show that channels formed by the freshly erupted lava were later deepened and widened by the passage of liquid rock. This type of erosion, Leone argues, can explain the existence of the valleys and outflow channels without the need to invoke significant amounts of liquid water.

But where did all the lava that cut the features end up? The lava, IMO, is generated by way of microwave frequenccy ion acoustic waves interacting with the surface material, and the source of those waves is from mega-scale solar CME events. Even under 'normal' circumstances, solar flares are known to produce the microwave signatures of plasma waves being generated by thick-target, non-thermal electron beams, and scaled up perhaps millions of times at the onset of a probably fully spherical CME, and the theoretical multiplacation of those energies yet again by the introduction of lower frequency Langmuir waves, leads me to believe the modification of all the solar systems planetary and lunar surfaces is from processes well understood in the plasma sciences and used in many industrial applications. We just need to accept the horrendous magnitudes of such events, along with the implications for the fate of life on those planets. The ancient Greek legends tell us that there have been many past destructions, sometimes with no survivors, and that there are many more to come, and I believe these legends are actually true and accurate accounts, with evidence aplenty if only we choose to accept it for what it is.
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by seasmith » Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:21 pm

GaryN wrote:
ancient Greek legends tell us that there have been many past destructions, sometimes with no survivors, and that there are many more to come, and I believe these legends are actually true and accurate accounts, with evidence aplenty if only we choose to accept it for what it is
A bit OT (?) is this old Sumerian myth of the 'destinies' of the 40-some 'stones' catalogued in the exploits of Ninurta (son/grandson of Enlil, and a Mars figure).
A tale with myth, geology and catastrophe all mushed up, what more could we ask ? :D
What do you think the "stones" may be ?
iv.v. Ninurta’s “Inventory of the Stones”

The Enûma Eliš tell us that when Ninurta had possession of the Tablets after he had defeated Zu, he did not give them back to Khan En.lil as expected, but kept them for himself. Some scholars have interpreted this as if he didn’t want his father to have them and stole them from him, but in fact, he did an inventory of the “Tablets,” which now are referred to as “stones” in the text;[19] something which seems much more accurate. Perhaps there are tablets as well that include text, but the most powerful part of the Tablets of Destiny are the “Stones of Destiny;” stones that are most probably different kinds of crystals.

The Exploits of Ninurta[20] discusses Ninurta’s inventory at length and is very helpful when it comes to learning the names of the Stones and what he did with them. One of these Stones was...
While the Lord was fixing the destiny of the Mountains, as he walked about in the sanctuary of Nibru, the good lady whose powers excel all powers, Lady-creatrix-of-the-womb, Aruru, Enlil's elder sister, stood before him:

"Great Hero whose word like that of his father is unalterable, Lord: you have not fixed the destinies of the warriors that you have slain." ... a-exploits ... s.htm#iv.v

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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:37 pm

What do you think the "stones" may be ?
Sounds like something from a science fantasy novel, but I would not outright deny that there may be/have been advanced races, Gods we would call them, who had meta-materials with undreamed of powers. In a Universe that may be eternal, and where matter seems to anti-entropically arrange itself into ever more complex forms, who can imagine what types of beings may have been created?
I'm not familiar with the tales of Enlil or Ninurta, though the names I recognise, and not much up on Greek legends, but from what I have read, mainly by Plato about Critias, Timaeus, Socrates, the tales just seem to ring true with me. That there is cross-correlation with some Biblical accounts adds to my beliefs.
So in a nutshell, the Earth undergoes regular, periodic destructions, some of which leave no survivors. I suspect the disasters are natural (CME initiated), though again I wouldn't discount that there may be or have been beings with the power to create and destroy worlds. Plasma/electrical engineering on a very large scale doesn't seem an impossibility to me.
And after a total destruction, we were re-created. Again, not difficult for me to believe given the present progress of humans in that direction. Then cared for and nurtured until we were on our feet again, only to be seen to once more sink into the depraved kind of behaviour that was our original undoing.
And based on my interpretations of what I have read, those cyclical destructions are pretty regular, and one is due any time between now and the next 200 years. We may have a few days warning if the signs of the Tribulation occur as prophesied, and those will be the signs that the Sun is about to have a major CME (or CMC, Coronal Mass Creation)event. Perhaps in some cases a few people, on the side of the Earth away from the blast, could survive, and did so according to the Greek tales, but the history of past civilisations would be lost, as I believe has happened.
The legends recorded from many civilisations around the world I believe may have been implanted at the time when humans were being assisted in their recovery, as the nature of those legends and their telling creates a self-correcting story that can be passed down almost indefinitely while retaining the proper information, a feat that in itself suggests involvement of a higher level of understanding of language than should have been present at the time. So, slightly OT is fine with me in this case, as I think the tales point us in the direction of the true nature of the Sun, as the Creator and Destroyer, by way of the mega CMC/CME. Creating matter from pure light in the lab has been achieved, so the idea of the Sun being able to produce matter, especially during CMEs should not be questioned.
The Gutenberg version of the Critias tales is the one I'm most familiar with:
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by seasmith » Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:05 pm

Actually it's a Sumerian (Mesopotamia prior to the Babylonians) myth, and far predates Greek and Egyptian civilizations. When their clay cylinder tablets were finally interpreted, the Old Testament tales like of creation, Adam, and the Deluge were found to have been written there first, several millennia earlier.
The Greeks have smatterings of most older myths scattered within their prodigious storytellings, but they seem to have been the first psychologists and that perspective has colored and distorted the big events.

Those two links above i just threw in because they were easy reading.
Here's a link for Stephanie Dalley, a well respected Sumerian scholar, but the interpretations are a bit dry, and i wouldn't expect any follow-up; unless one was particularly interested in ancient mythology.

Brittanica links:

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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:11 am

but the interpretations are a bit dry
Rather. Much of what was portrayed though through word or symbols in the ancient times must have been created by and intended to be read by the Priest or Priestess class, so the meanings may be doubly difficult to determine, and may have been intentionally created in such a way as to make their true meaning impossible for the lesser classes to make the slightest sense of.
I just started reading a book I found on my book shelf entitled "the Secrets of Lost Atland". I'm not familiar with the author, Robert Scrutton, but apparently the book was based on the "Oera Linda", a controversial publication that was thought to be a fake, but has some interesting speculations anyway.
I searched for Atland on the TB site though, and did find this older thread that I will have a closer look at when I get a chance:

Ancient textual evidence for planetary catastrophe? ... =10&t=1026
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:39 am

Gigantic explosions buried in dust: ALMA probes environment around dark gamma-ray bursts
Observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have for the first time directly mapped out the molecular gas and dust in the host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs)—the biggest explosions in the Universe. In a complete surprise, less gas was observed than expected, and correspondingly much more dust, making some GRBs appear as "dark GRBs". ... nment.html

Dark GRBs are more likely to be not from the death of old stars, but the birth of new stars. Gamma rays can create matter, and lots of gamma rays, lots of matter. If the jets are really the visible (to the instruments) evidence for the presence of a magnetic filament that is being tensed and pinched down to the region where the vacuum energies are released, then again they have the model all backwards. Many other 'explosions' detected may be from the initiation of a pinch event, or perhaps even a surge or pulse of energy in the magnetic filament of an existing star, a CME as we would call it with Sol, but at a magnitude we hope our Sun never demonstrates, though conventional astrophysics say mega-class CMEs have been observed to occur with other Sol class stars.
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:17 am

Crab pulsar beams most energetic gamma rays ever detected from a pulsar

..Nepomuk Otte, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Santa Cruz, said that some researchers had told him he was crazy to even look for pulsar emission in this energy realm.

It turns out that being persistent and stubborn helps,” Otte said. “These results put new constraints on the mechanism for how the gamma-ray emission is generated.”

One possible scenario may be a process known as inverse Compton scattering, which involves energy transfer from charged particles to photons. “That seems to be a more likely scenario now, but we still don’t know the details of how this works ... -a-pulsar/

Curvature radiation can't do that, back to the drawing board.

Inverse Compton Scattering ... ation3.pdf
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller


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