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My Theory of Everything

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 4:37 pm
by Atlas
So I believe in a creator. We see the truth of the EUT and I don't believe it's by coincidence that it's not mainstream, I believe that's by design. Why was the EU deliberately concealed? Because we wouldn't have the world we do now if we understood it.

So here's what I believe is going on. Some EU proponents suggested the stellar theory of planetary formation, that planets are created in stars. I believe this to be true. I believe planets are created, they grow old and die, just like people. This progression of young to old represents the entirety of human history. So looking at our solar system we have the Sun. Inside it I believe there is a young planet preparing to be born (the Garden). Moving outward we have Mercury, important for the timing of things but that's it.

Moving further outward still we have Venus, a young planet with an abundance of energy (Heaven). I believe there is human life on Venus that is concealed from us, and they are currently in their Golden Age (the age of the gods). Then we have Earth, the old planet (Hell, the underworld). We are in the age of man. Then we have Mars, the deceased planet which shows evidence of a swift and violent electric destruction.

So how does creation come into it all? Well imagine our solar system as a planet-creating mechanism. A planet may exist for several tens of thousands of years over the course of its lifespan with humans doing their thing before it dies. Planets are churned out by our star, seeded with life. Our solar system might see anywhere between a few dozens to hundreds or thousands of planets created over the lifespan of our universe.

Now, imagine a goal for each planet is the creation of another universe. The gods erect a Great Pyramid, designing it using sacred geometry. Pyr-mid, fire in the middle. The universe is smaller than our own obviously, but is a perfect copy and will see the same number of planets created, born snd destroyed as our own. Time moves more quickly there so it's entire lifespan encompasses one of our own planets.

So say our universe will see 1000 planets like our own created. Each of these 1000 planets will create a universe that will create 1000 more planets, with each of those creating another universe and so on. That would make life fractal, propagating itself outward infinitely (or inward, since this would be chasing an infinitely smaller point).

This would be a way to escape the heat death of the universe. No Big Bang, just "let there be light". So I believe there is another Great Pyramid on Venus with a universe created within it. When the end comes Earth will be destroyed. Venus will take the place of Earth and a new planet born out of the Sun will take the place of Venus and these planets will be at their respective point in human history, and we tell the story again.

So what happens to the universe beneath the Great Pyramid when it is "powered down" so to speak? It ends. I'm sure the gods have a way of granting the inhabitants a happy ending. This is where I believe the Devil plays a role, but imagine how our consciousness and feelings might work on a fundamental level. Happiness is the opposite of sadness, pleasure the opposite of pain.

So imagine at the end of time they make a sacrifice of one human being or creature. They place them in a state of the highest torment and place them in the coffer of the Great Pyramid. Because this individual is afraid, the inhabitants of the universe feel at peace. Because they are sad the people feel happy. Because they are angry the people feel love. Because they are in pain the people feel euphoric. Then everyone dies suddenly.

But perhaps the individual sacrificed doesn't completely die there. Perhaps their mind is synchronized with the mind of the version of themselves in the universe below them, so in a sense they wake up an instant later to do it again. They continue this process down the infinite procession of universes for all eternity, a bottomless pit.

The End

Pic semi-related. It's an Alpha and Omega symbol discovered on the lid of the coffer of the Great Pyramid.

Re: My Theory of Everything

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:23 am
by danda
Interesting idea. Kinda fun to think about.

I also believe the universe is infinitely fractal, but in a different way. I won't go into that here.

first let clarify that I define "universe" as the grand sum of everything that exists.

> the heat death of the universe

I don't agree with this concept/prediction.

I believe that logically speaking the only possible universe is one that is infinitely old and of infinite size/extent. In other words, no beginning, no end, no boundary. There just... is... everywhere, always has been and always will be. The only logical alternative is that "nothing" could somehow "exist", and that at a certain "time", "something" came from "nothing".... which is absurd.

> So I believe in a creator

I don't, really, but I accept the possibility. Just as I can accept that everything we can see/detect may be part of "the matrix" computer simulation. And maybe "God" is the programmer or little kid playing the game.

But, I find none of those conjectures interesting because even if true, the same basic logic exists for the realm in which "God" resides. there is "something", not "nothing". and always has been. even if God is only part of another simulation.

So, Occam's razor, it just seems simplest that the universe we can see is the real/only one.

For me the fractal is all about scale. ie, our galaxies may be atoms in a higher level scale, etc. Basically I postulate that "something" exists everywhere, so even interstellar vaccum is infinitely dense, as is the space between protons and electrons, etc.


So in your conception then, was the great pyramid of giza created by God? or a different pyramid? And is it still working, or.....?

Re: My Theory of Everything

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 12:45 am
by Atlas
"I believe that logically speaking the only possible universe is one that is infinitely old and of infinite size/extent."

That seems intuitive because life is happening and we have no reason to believe there isn't an infinite that came before or an infinite that will continue after. But there is still a movement of energy/matter from one place to another that creates the perception of time. What happens when everything is done moving and achieves equilibrium?

I have no doubt that life will go on and that infinity exists, but I believe even universes have lifespans, which is why the gods create smaller universes with multiple planetary cycles as a workaround to this problem.

"So in your conception then, was the great pyramid of giza created by God? or a different pyramid? And is it still working, or.....?"

I believe it was created by the Most High God. I believe he laid in the coffer at the beginning and thought the universe into existence. I believe the Great Pyramid of Giza was an old universe-creating megalith and that it no longer functions as one. I believe the human life on Venus have created another Great Pyramid just like our own, and that it currently has another universe within it.

Think about the mind from an EU perspective. It is a storm of electricity, kind of like a tree with the leaves being our memories and the branches being the connections between them. What limits its growth? A combination of the internal electric conditions (our genes, how we treat our bodies, the food we eat and supplements we take).

There is also our external environment. These ancient sites around the world were chosen, and the temples and structures built using sacred geometry to artificially raise the ceiling for the growth of the mind. The gods had minds so powerful they glowed outside of their skulls, which is the imagery of the halo we see depicted in ancient artwork.

Re: My Theory of Everything

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 4:23 am
by danda
What happens when everything is done moving and achieves equilibrium?
I think that is only a hypothetical state (such as "absolute nothingness" or a singularity) that cannot exist -- never has or will exist. I think it presumes that "the universe" is somehow a closed system, while I contend that everything is an open, dynamic system without end. There is no such thing as a closed system, only more open or less open, eg a refrigerator or a planetary atmosphere or a blood cell are partially open/closed systems.

But let's take a step back. Overall, I would say that your view is compatible with mine. Again, I define "the universe" as "everything that exists". This is different than say "the observable universe". So for clarity let's use this terminology:

microcosm: observable universe. (everything that humanity ever has or will observe)
macrocosm: everything beyond and including the microcosm.

An infinite number of microcosm-size regions can exist within the macrocosm. A microcosm could be a partially closed system, and have a beginning and an end, as that particular partially closed system instance.

There is only a single macrocosm with no beginning or end, and no outer boundaries.

So basically I would say that you are theorizing about the origins and mechanism of our microcosm, which I am agnostic about. My logic/analysis applies to the entire macrocosm.

In my view, there could be many different microcosms with their own rules. Just as there are many different computer games/simulations that people play. But all exist within and adhere to the rules of the all encompassing reality, the macrocosm.

Re: My Theory of Everything

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 10:21 pm
by Atlas
danda wrote: ↑Thu Mar 09, 2023 4:23 am
I think that is only a hypothetical state (such as "absolute nothingness" or a singularity) that cannot exist -- never has or will exist. I think it presumes that "the universe" is somehow a closed system, while I contend that everything is an open, dynamic system without end. There is no such thing as a closed system, only more open or less open, eg a refrigerator or a planetary atmosphere or a blood cell are partially open/closed systems.
I think the universe is finite, but in my view based on the creation of new, smaller universes the gods create and endless precession of universes, a multiverse. Imagine creating a universe which will see the eventual creation of 100 planets like Earth, one after the other, each overseen by the Most High (Zeus) and his family. Each planet will create another Great Pyramid with a universe within it that will also create 100 planets, all within the lifespan of the single planet above it. And each of those will create another universe.

So down the infinite multiverse we go, chasing an infinitely smaller point. No worries about entropy. No worries about everything slowly coming to a halt. In a sense this is like the infinite you speak of. But somewhere up above us, in the universe above, all the way up the top I believe there is a universe that is coming to an end, and the gods prepare a sacrifice so that it's inhabitants may enjoy a happy ending.