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Gospels and Mars

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 4:20 pm
by Farmar

After reading, viewing, listening a lot of the TBP stuff and some other authors I started to reflect about the real meaning of the gospels under the TBP view and all of the sudden some lights lit up ;)

Although many have already pointed out that Jesus and Mary are obviously Horus/Mars, Isis/Venus, etc, and probably many details I bring here were already mentioned/decoded in other places but I've never read a full explanation of the key moments. So if it was already done read it as a compilation and see if you find anything interesting or new :)

So to the point: In my view the gospels are the tale of Jesus/Mars close encounter with Earth in a codified manner.

So, the first act which is the birth of course. I have two possible scenarios which I'm almost sure must be one of these: First scenario was that Mars went far away after the collapse of the original configuration in Sumerian time or after the collapse of the eye of Ra (I think both configuration might have happened once upon a time...), to the point that Mars was no longer visible in the sky, and on it's enlarged elliptical orbit passed near Earth, several times I think. The other scenario which globally fits better, with the exception of one of the miracles which at first view would invalidate it but might fit somehow, depicts a time when both Mars and Venus, and by extension Earth, were satellites of Jupiter aligned as the eye of Ra. What seems a bit more evident is that the archangel Gabriel appearing before Mary/Venus is Mercury magnetosphere lighting up and the mages and their "gifts" were very likely objects lurking around that lit up when the formation first started to destabilize.

Then 30 years passed before the two final acts. Does this mean that Mars took 30 years to really get close? Probably, even if the years were not exactly the same as today it surely must have taken a relatively long time, specially if we take my second scenario, the collapse of the eye of Ra, with Mars slowly descending toward Earth.

From the people surrounding Jesus I find that Judas and Mary Magdalen are the most important, which on my view were created as Jesus and Mary alter egos. Mary the virgin, Magdalen the adulterous sinner. Jesus the pure hearth, Judas the traitor, Jekyll & Hyde.

So focusing on the key moments:

-The baptism of Jesus:
I can't figure out who John the Baptist is but he pours "water" on everyone passing by so Baptist+waters are possible the waters of space mentioned in antiquity, and the details that seem to confirm that is Baptist talking about the holy spirit and fire, as they were, known as fire-waters, explained in the excellent documentary "The Jupiter Myth" by Julian West. If you haven't watched yet, I highly recommended it even if I have my doubts on some of his interpretations (I'm not an expert anyway :p))

The miracles:
-Turning water into wine: easy one, when Mars passed by the waters became red with Mars dust.

-Multiplying the breads: the land became very fertile for a while which might have produced incredible harvests. Not sure exactly but Mars dust might be good for plant growth so fertilized the land, who knows if it also didn't change the chemistry of the atmosphere a bit increasing nitrogen levels in the rain or something similar, also electromagnetic environment favorable to plant grow? One of those or a combination of factors is my best guess. Too far fetched? :p

-The miracle of the fishes: easy one, iron is an excellent fertilizer for the oceans as some algaes thrives when iron level is increased it seems, which then led to an incredible abundance of fishes as the basic food fish was very abundant.

-Walking on water: for an object that size the waters were for sure the ocean. So from the pov of the observers of the region it would indicate that Mars reached the horizon and stay on the water for a while (like the sun at sunset but for a longer period) or depending of the initial scenario (see birth of Jesus) Mars displacement path were along the horizon line, giving the impression that it "walked" over it.

-Lazarus resurrection: Jupiter in bands, Lazarus in bands? It might be that Mars also lit up, or something related made Jupiter active, temporarily at least (again, see the Jupiter Myth). Not absolutely about this interpretation.

-Healing of the sick: Heavy speculation but it seems there's something going on with planets and comets passing by and health. For comets it seems it's always a bad thing but for planets it seems the other way around. See the medicine wheel earthworks and the tale of the medicine man in North America for example. Some kind of electromagnetic effect depending if the celestial body his positively or negatively charged? Air quality related? Oxygen level? Dunno. But there's clearly no lies in the gospels. But coded for sure ;) Unless the healing refers to other celestials bodies but I don't see how, plus Mars was close to earth so I'm more tempted to say the effects were probably on real humans. Another possible view can be that it's at the spiritual level, as in non-believers becoming believers or something related, but this explanation doesn't seem to fit very well.

-The last supper-
Fits perfectly for a Mars scenario. The blood and flesh of Jesus is the blood and flesh of Mars. Translation: red dust and rocks falling over our heads when Mars closely approached earth. So in it's good nature he left us part of his blood and flesh so we can remember him ;) I'd bet the few bucks that I have that if we do an analysis of the red soils around the world and compare it with Mars soil samples we can find very interesting things. The holy grail seems obvious: Peratt's stickman, giving life as it's also the tree of life (from their pov). Which is confirmed in Arthur's legend, their quest is to find the lost stickman/sacred pillar/mountain/tree of life, for the return of the golden age.

Regarding Jesus/Judas betrayal(s) (in my pov) I don't know exactly what they wanted to express, but for sure one of his sins if not all of them which can be:
-Mars causing havoc on earth after a while and ended leaving without recreating the holy trinity, eye of Ra or whatever, the golden age is gone.

-Mars and Venus (Adam and Eve) caused the end of the garden of Eden. In that aspect Mary can also be interpreted as Eve and Mary Magdalen her alter ego (as in Greek mythology Aphrodite-Medusa). So that would make her... her son's wife! Let's develop: Mary is the fiancée/wife of Joseph/Joshua/Jupiter meaning she already committed a sin. Left Saturn to be with Jupiter. Mary Magdalen is adulterous and is both Joseph and Jesus wife, even if it's only a platonic love.
It remembers us another tale... Oedipus married his mother and inadvertently killed his father, which for me could be if we go back to the fundamentals something along as having destroyed the sacred temple/holy trinity and because of that action (playing with the serpent lurking around (search Tengri motives for a clear picture) his real father Saturn (Satan?!) vanished into the deep and to this day many are still waiting for his return (hopefully he doesn't, brrrr).

Also, a little detail of Oidipous story that might add to my speculation: "...Laius had the infant's ankles pierced with nails (whence the Greek name Oidipous, "swollen-foot") and had him exposed (placed in the wilderness to die...)", seems familiar doesn't it? ;) If we look at some of the countless petroglyphs/pictograms there's many which shows figures with big feets. Could it be related?

And we also know that Mary, the morning star, Lucifer, caused havoc too (Isiah 14-12) so both Jesus and Mary are not so innocent after all, hence my view that their alter egos are their evil side. They needed to redeem themselves, pay for their sins, be purified so they could recreate the holy trinity, bringing back the golden age and most importantly the garden of eden when life was good and planth grow excellent, leaving on earth their past sins. So Mary suffered the biggest pain that a mother can suffer, the lost of a child, but it was only temporary after all as she is essential in the holy trinity to bring back the garden of eden and Jesus suffered terrible pains and was finally crucified where he should belong.

Too much speculation? If I changed the names and told that it's a Greek tragedy no one would be surprised I nor offended I think xD

The last supper fits perfectly in my view too. The blood and flesh of Jesus is the blood and flesh of Mars, translation: red dust and rocks falling over our heads when Mars closely approached earth. So in it's good nature he left us part of his blood and flesh so we can remember him ;) I'd bet the few bucks that I have that if we do an analysis of the red soils around the world and compare it with Mars soil samples we can find very interesting things...

I jump then now to the final scene as there's many details that are hard to decode and are not that important in my view. And just to name a few, who/what was the rooster? The cockatrice? The "bird" over the stickman figure? What were the coins given to Judas/Jesus? Who really were the Romans in the story? What did they really wanted to say when Pontius Pilate watched his hands? etc. My only guess on the particular walk to the crucification site, the holy mountain: Could the peoples trowing things, stones, be an allegory meaning earth throwing things/rocks at Mars? ...

So the crucification seems also fit perfectly this small essay:

-Crucified in the holy mountain Check
-Crucified on a cross/stickman Check
-Injury made by the spear of the soldier -> Mars "wound/scar"? In that aspect maybe it was indeed the interaction of Mars with Earth that caused the Valles Marineris and the Grand canyon.
-Nailing his hands, the "hand of god" where the eye/Mars was? Plus this time he would stick in place so the holy trinity is firmly connected together :p Reaching to far? Possibly but they author(s) clearly loved riddles and symbolism and more often than not a symbol can have multiple meanings, so.
-The spiny crown, could it be a reference to the centipede/fish bone/plasma column? I say this because it seems that this Egyptian divinity was also associated as having been there when there was a cataclysm. So what a better way to purge your sin than to suffer with something that made us suffer too and probably appeared on other times, maybe when Venus passed by too, who knows. We also note that the centipede/leaf/maize/etc plasma column is very frequently present near the stickman/cross (see Tengri culture motives for example).
-And lastly but not least the mythic twin pillars, the god self (check if you have not). They sustained god's temple so they had to be also cleaned of their sins for their weakness? Reinforced with nails and ropes? :p

Speaking of riddles, and particularly one of the old testament: Could the story of Esau-Edom and Jacob be about Saturn and Jupiter and the plate of lentils be... moons?! Very small when compared to the size of the giants. Also it would fit Satan's story being expelled from heaven where he left with 1/3 of the angels. Food for thought :p

Hope you found something interesting. Many more things can be decoded under this light I'm sure but in the essential I think it draws a clear picture, in my opinion of course.

Some last notes regarding other cultures/facts:
Mayas loved blood it seems, so it is pretty evident why.
The red sea? I know algae again but maybe for that time it could be both (remember iron fertilizer and tainted with those colors).
Many cultures like to paint themselves in red, I think that's why we call native Americans red skins? They are not naturally that red :p We see also tribes in Africa etc.
Hercules in his free time liked to shoot arrows at little kids legend says if I'm not mistaken. Mars discharge toward small moons?
Near where I leave there's a big beach which is very interesting as it's cliff has alternating colors, alternating several times from more or less white color to more or less red color and are made of almost pure sand. I know that stratification can be done in even a few hours, contrary to what they say in mainstream, but it's seems more than that, my take is that it's the alternating depositions of Mars and Venus on their multiple approaches to Earth (nothing new as I think I read something like that elsewhere) but I didn't realize it regarding that particular beach until recently.

So is the TBP the revelation/apocalypse? xD It certainly will not please many people around the world and bring a tribulation period if most people were aware of the facts, I focused on the gospels but I'm sure it can be done for any religion and most importantly all the occult societies that rule the world that have the same symbols. Also, what excuse will royal families have to justify their rule? What excuse will have the chosen people? etc It's certainly Earth shattering information xD


Re: Gospels and Mars

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 2:00 pm
by Farmar
Just to clarify, and I might not have been very explicit in my initial post, semi intentional since I'd prefer that each one came to it's own conclusions, but anyway I'd like to develop what I think are the core message of the Gospels, specially to Christians that might read my initial post in the wrong way.

And, in my view, you should understand that the core messages aren't in anyway invalidated, on the contrary, they are clearly reinforced.

The geniuses authors told us everything. The physics aspect of the event but also the pain and moral consequences that it caused from it's misinterpretation.

And, as any devoted Christian know, the core message is that humanity needs, as they cleverly did for Venus and Mars, to redeem itself, to atone for thousands of years of worthless wars, to make penitence, to purify itself for all the senseless pain that it caused, and ultimately that we need to forgive ourselves for what we have done, even if it means to give the other cheek, we deserve it a thousand times. Ultimately it's the biggest peace and love message that can be. Geniuses :)

But, the downside, it's that at the same time it destroys the view that Christians, and by extension all of other religions have. That's why in my take the apocalypse is the revelation of these facts and they sure anticipated that it would cause years of tribulations, since they know human nature and evidently most will not accept the true until it's more than evident.

At least that's my interpretation of the texts :D