Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light? If you have a personal favorite theory, that is in someway related to the Electric Universe, this is where it can be posted.
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Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Unread post by Zathras » Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:29 pm

There are ancient languages originally called wave languages, and these describe the animals, forests and how life was built from inside and outside the solar system, including the shape and layout of structural organic molecules, for Thai this evolved into a healing language later on. Egyptian is the most well known and possibly the most misunderstood but this post will cover Thai words, sentences and expressions that will help see how people from thousands of years ago understood nature and the Natural Machine of the Cosmos.
Word of mouth and meaning from grand parents has been gradually passed down, but now is a critical time because this is really the last generation, most of whom are nearly 100 years old which hold this knowledge (Some is found in the older buddhist temples) but sadly much of which has not been written down, the oldest generation still believe that we came from Jupiter. And before you ask, yes Saturn takes a critical role but not quite in the same way as the Electric Universe understands it.
Unfortunately mobile phones and wifi are expunging cultures that contain this information around the world as we speak.

For example in Thailand it is still remembered that dinosaurs existed within living memory of humans, hence the carvings on Ta Phrom temple, ask an old Thai person about this and you might be surprised by the answer, but unfortunately the younger generation with 'smart' phones have forgotten this and it will not be passed on for much longer, even some of the phrases here would be misunderstood, compare like old english with alchemy words, would you understand what they meant?

The Thai language came from Sanskrit(the original buddhist texts in India are in Sanskrit) which in it's self is thought to have come from ancient Egyptian as the roots (both represent nature and the stars). The number system each has an animal to represent them. On the old Thai calander there were 13 months, the weeks were shorter, and it is still taught in the buddhist monestaries that the Earth originally had only 6 months in a year with 12 hours for a full day, meaning they think it had 4 hours of daylight and 8 hours of darkness (the planets were thought to be much closer together than they are now with the stars looking differently, we were originally close to Jupiter and Saturn with the day and night or gravity not yet balanced or settled)

In order to understand the wording, a short incomplete key is provided here, if the meaning is not obvious and often it is not because there is no literal translation by google translate, please ask and I will try to translate and elaborate more.
Thai is not an easy language especially the writing, the modern letters are not even the same as they were 100 years ago so some of the meaning has already been lost. As it goes deeper, people will more understand why this is difficult, it requires a multiplicity of subjects, sciences and angles to marry an ancient language into a modern form english speaking people will understand. There are old english words that cover some of this I think, but I am not fully aware of them as yet, if people have suggestions I will cross referance them in a large english to thai dictionary I have.
(I don't have a good thai to english dictionary which I think is because it is difficult to translate the meaning of literal single words used in a long sentance. Much presented here has a meaning only really as a full sentence but seen as single words this will add to comprehension when an online translation is run, that is if there exists a word, some thai words just do not translate as far as I know)

Some Introductory Terminology

Element:- Elements is a word often used in alchemy, examples include Earth, wind, planets, moons, blood, organs, carbon dioxide, eye or hair colour, states of plasma, consciousness.
(Note:- Consciousness is the only Element that can reach across time and bind all of the other Elements and temporal destinations together)

Decoration:- This is how well decorated a planet or cell for example is. What this means, imagine you have an empty room in your house, it is plain and dull, now this is a blank sheet for decoration, if you paint it in many colours, put shelves up, add a door and some cupboards, then you have added to it's decoration, it has stronger decoration, so a highly decorated planet means many species of plant and animal. With cells, it means the diversity of vibrational sets for generation of lets say how many colours on a parrot or the colour of someone's skin or hair, the amplitude of the vibration means a stronger colour, longer finger nails or more curly hair.

Gravity Valleys:- A gravity valley is like a magnetic flux tube that joins 2 masses together as a line of force, kind of like a multi-coloured delicate spider's thread. Along this thread, vibrations as scalar waves representing molecules seen as molecular signatures can be sent, typically it operates downhill like a river. A mainstream motive example of these are called space manifolds, they connect moons and planets together vibrationally, but this applies to all life which can be considered as a giant interconnected gravitationally linked hyper-web of information. ... erhighways

Okay, with that being said, here are some examples of translations, in quotes are the online literal translations, try not to take them too literally, there are deeper meanings that native speakers will understand.

ดาวหาง - 'Comet'. Has consciousness, the Elements, awareness and the bringer of life.

อุกาบาศ - 'Meteorite'. Destroyer of worlds (is the same word is for the Nazi swastika, which in the opposite spin direction is a healing symbol for life, it is corrupted)

เครื่องจักรธรรมชาติ - 'Natural Machine'. Means to build our body's circuit from outside of our solar system.

มนุตย์ (manut) - 'Mummy'. different kind of human, meaning another type of vibrations than a normal human.

- ‘vines accompanying trees’. This is about the vines reaching deep through the clay in the ground to the rocks and then bringing the sounds up to the trees to sustain them with energy. All habitated planets should have trees with climbing vines. The translation means more than the google translation which is an over simplification.

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Re: Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Unread post by Zathras » Sun Sep 12, 2021 12:05 am

These are more advanced, kind of the medium level. :)

จักวาลไสพานไฟฟ้า - 'Tai Phan Electric Universe' or 'Electric planing Universe'. If you translate this, it will say to interact with or scrape against the electricity of something offered by a buddhist monk. This is used about the rings of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, these have spokes which act as antennas. They are like umbrellas which go across the solar system via the gravity valleys. They join like a punch support (jointed), the signal is said to come like dripping water but it does not come as one to a single ring.
The rings are faced to the microwave background of the solar system, and this is where they get the Sound (as scalar waves).

สัตว์ทุกชนิดและมนุตย์ทุกคนบนโลกคึอฃัพยากรธรรมชาติของจักรวาล - 'Every animal and every human being on Earth is the natural resource of the universe'. This is taught to children in school in Thailand. We are the result and how our nature is sets up the aether.
Here is another translation attempt to give an idea. ... 2%E0%B8%A5

Open Mind
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Re: Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Unread post by Open Mind » Sun Sep 12, 2021 2:54 pm

You would be interested in Laird Scrantons new book just out. See my Thunderbotls post inquiring if anyone has read it yet. ... ?f=5&t=587

It centers on the Dogon tribes ancient writings and its demonstrated scientific knowledge, but it touches on several other ancient civilizations and their corroborating writings as well. There is no digital downloadable version so I haven't received one yet, and am unsure if he touches on Thai writings.

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Re: Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Unread post by Zathras » Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:33 am

Open Mind wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 2:54 pm You would be interested in Laird Scrantons new book just out. See my Thunderbotls post inquiring if anyone has read it yet. ... ?f=5&t=587

It centers on the Dogon tribes ancient writings and its demonstrated scientific knowledge, but it touches on several other ancient civilizations and their corroborating writings as well. There is no digital downloadable version so I haven't received one yet, and am unsure if he touches on Thai writings.
Thanks for the link to the Dogons, I have heard of them but don't know much about them. The Buddhist view is similar to the amazon synopsis which says the universe was created by thought and consciousness, the symbolism would be interesting if you post it, I might be able to have a couple of friends translate some of it because Thais are good at seeing the meaning of symbols such as the Egyptian heiroglyphs because they have a wave language, they make natural Egyptologists, I am occasionally working on some of the symbols from the Pyramids but don't have a enough to post yet, although it does overlap with some thai words. Angkor Wat is interesting to study and will help understanding of the Pyramids, the Thais believe they descended from the Egyptian Pyramid builders.

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Re: Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Unread post by Zathras » Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:43 am

เปรด (bpray) = jinn.

A longer word description of the bpray is here with the attempted translation to give you the idea.
เปรดที่มีตัวสูง = ... 9%E0%B8%87

The Jinn existed in South East asia until at least the 20th century, they apparently disappeared when the jungle was cut down (pronounced 'bpray', jinn is a western approximation of dubious accuracy, better to use the Thai word bpray really, but jinn is a word people have heard of and the online dictionary finds this word or bpray) .
They had really long arms down to the ground as long or longer than their long legs and were said to be taller than a 2 storey building. They were incredibly strong and had elliptical eyes and mouth.
A villager friend I know actually saw them about 60 years ago. he witnessed them get into an argument with each other and one pulled up a tree and kicked it like a football into the sky further than he could see (they spoke a language that Thais could not understand).
The Jinn helped the Egyptians build the Pyramids, when the villager saw them move heavy objects, they would throw them to each other with their long arms used like giant scissor swings, as the gravity was thought to be less, this is presumed to be how the large blocks were constructed for the Pyramids. The Egyptians used the Jinn to help them fight in the great war against the Mummys (the Egyptians liked to have humans around because they thought of us as a pure breed where as they were half cat and half human hybrid, as depicted on the Pyramid walls literally. The first Thai King long before Buddha was said to be a half cat hybrid just as they drew). The Jinn were scared of humans and thought they were aliens and used to run off from them into the jungle.

I don't know of any photos that exist, they might in a museum or temple somewhere but I do know of buddhist parks and gardens where there are statues, they are truely incredible to look at, and I wouldn't have believed they exist myself if I had not acually met somebody who had witnessed them first hand (in fact most of the old people in the village still remember them but they haven't seen them for a long time)
if you translate it as preta which means hungry ghost, this is the wrong translation, look for and search the images for bpray or jinn in Thai (เปรด) and you will find them (not in English, its corrupted and doesn't work properly as a rule)
Here are some pictures. ... %e0%b8%95/
and ... %E0%B8%95/
The more accurate statues have the amazingly long fingers and arms which should reach down to ground level almost.

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Re: Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Unread post by Zathras » Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:41 pm

จุดจบของโชคชะตา = 'Squatter man' or 'end of projection destiny'

No doubt Electric Universe fans recognize the ubiquitous squatter man or stickman on stone that appears on the rocks around the world. What 'end of projection destiny' means is that the scalar waves inside the body have no future destination having lost the ability to project and see their destination and this results in missing Elements in the human. The missing Elements are indicated by the double spots on either side of the stick human, a missing Element might be less fingers, no nails, hair colour is missing or infertility, it means the human is not fully formed or completed properly (notice the squatterman on the top right has 2 pairs of legs on 1 body)
This is an archaic alchemy symbol about when the solar system's grand cycle changed from one molecular signature to the next one, and during this transition period hybrids will be produced, legendary examples include the minotaur, the centaur, half cat/human (on the Pyramids), half penguin/human (cave wall in France) or mermaids. Here is a long list of historical examples. ... n_folklore

As this is a transitionary period and because the molecular signatures that help build and order our molecules are produced by the solar system, there will be an energy depletion onto some of the species still stuck on the old cycle resulting in reduced lifespan. (Their cells will not be in resonance with the new setting of the solar system, for example in scalar wave biology imagine a frequency introduced into your body via a carrier wave and this scalar wave sound goes against your natural vibrations inside the biofield thus steadily weakening the body and draining it of sound energy).
Remembering that genes respond to codes inside the light, this will cause rapid extinctions of certain animals and produce spurious results but it will depend on what cycle they initially arrived at and the type of switch over to the new cellular energy reinforcment by the scalar waves inside the background of the environmental field. ... 111920.htm

The scalar waves are temporal longitudinal waves and can derive energy across time, this means they are potentially unlimited and the lower the frequency the better because lower frequencies have longer wavelengths resulting in larger periods which stretch scalar waves across more time domain. (Please read some Tom Bearden about time energy if you want to research this)

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Re: Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Unread post by Zathras » Fri May 06, 2022 2:17 pm

กล้องเสียงของวงจรไฟฟ้าเกล็ดหินน๋้าวนได้หุ้มเสียงและสื่อสารของพืชผักสีเขียวได้ - ‘The sound camera of the stone-crystal circuit encapsulates the sound and communication of green vegetation‘

This sentence can be used when a person picks up a fresh fruit or vegetable and holds it in their hands. It means to absorb the Qi lifeforce tonal energy from the vegatable into the human resonance. The more accurate translation (than google) is that the human body (as a crystal) acts as a scanner of the environmental natural energy from all living things.
(Note: the word for water is inside this sentence in thai but it does not appear in any translations, it is important to remember that water maintains structure and memory and this allows the sounds to flow properly around the body, google translate is getting quite smart with seeing the whole thai sentence and not just single words now)

The first part of the sentence represents solely the human circuit and this translates a little differently and its interesting to separate this as how our circuit works.
กล้องเสียงของวงจรไฟฟ้าเกล็ดหินน๋้าวน - ‘Audio camera of the stone scale electrical circuit’
So this is saying that the body acts like a sound camera scanner and that the body scales the sounds in terms of weight and density.

To clarify, the plant has active resonance when it is in the ground but when the leaf, fruit or vegetable is separated from the oscillation with the Earth's circuit by cutting it, this will only leave Qi energy. The Qi energy has the sound which has become trapped because it has nowhere to vibrate to, by holding it the human will get some of the sound transfered into them, this is why people can feel better for being around and touching nature.

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Re: Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Unread post by Roshi » Sun May 08, 2022 7:15 am

Very interesting. That is an advanced civilization - one that has a phrase for such a subtle thing.

We (modern humans) do not have time for these experiences, or time to think about them and name them.
Everything comes ready thought about, only science knows the correct answer, and what science can't measure - it does not exist, humans do not need to think or experience.

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Re: Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Unread post by Zathras » Tue May 17, 2022 1:07 pm

Roshi wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 7:15 am Very interesting. That is an advanced civilization - one that has a phrase for such a subtle thing.

We (modern humans) do not have time for these experiences, or time to think about them and name them.
Everything comes ready thought about, only science knows the correct answer, and what science can't measure - it does not exist, humans do not need to think or experience.
Yes, unfortunately its being lost in this generation of Thais with smart phones. Regarding the sound energy absorption by humans from plants, it is better done at night to avoid the corruption of the Sun, the sounds will typically last 2 days inside a severed tree limb but longer inside picked fruit which is the result of the circuit and not the circuit itself so it’s more powerful (have you ever noticed a cut bush loses it’s vitality, with sagging leaves and starts to die after about 18 hours, this is the draining of the essential life force, but a fruit will generally last longer, aluminium foil will reflect the Qi as a mirror and help keep the sounds sustained for longer)

The great grand parents of the grand parents a long time ago now in Thailand had a healing method in order to fight viruses and disease. They would form a circle around a tree, each person would hold hands touching open palms to palms (to get the sounds carried by the heat directly), they fully connect around the tree. They construct an infinite sound scanner scaling antenna loop system to the cold energy in the outer solar system using the tree as the antenna to the gravity valleys. The aim is to absorb more life building molecular sounds which will strengthen their own primary and secondary circuits (the oscillating hot and cold areas of the body, the hot part is the lungs, heart and brain, cold is down below especially the liver). This will make the body more efficient as an oscillator and increase it’s electric charge which will ward off viruses.
(Watch out for my magnifying the human charge post for more explanation to make sense of this, its not a short explanation and requires many angles)

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Re: Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Unread post by Zathras » Sat Jun 18, 2022 10:33 pm


‘Like the cool multicolored powder of a comet gravitationally down to Earth. ‘

Here is a reasonable word breakdown by another translation. ... 5%E0%B8%81

◦ ดุจdùt the same as ; like
◦ เกล็ดglèt scale ; flake
◦ ผงpŏng powder ; dirt ; dust
◦ หลากหลายlàak lăai various ; several ; a lot of
◦ สีsĕe colour ; color
◦ ความเย็นkwaam yen cold ; coolness
◦ ของkŏng of
◦ ดาวหางdaao hăang comet
◦ ที่têe to ; at
that ; which ; who
◦ ได้dâai[to] get ; receive ; obtain
can ; be able to
got to ; did ; get to
◦ โน้มถ่วงnóhm tùuang[to] have gravitation ; have force of gravity
◦ ลงlong[to] write down ; note down ; register
down ; downward
[to] go down ; reduce ; descend
[to] get out off ; get off (e.g. a vehicle)
[to] enter (into ; down into)
[to] apply ; use ; put down
◦ มายังmaa-yang
◦ โลกlôhk world ; earth

So this is saying the cold Comet as a vehicle gets into the force of gravity as colours and dust which is put down into or under the Earth.
(The ''cold'' and cold energy is always further away from the Sun than the Earth and the second circuit of the solar system are the outer planets starting with Mars and most importantly are Jupiter and Saturn as the primary ring antenna system for the molecular of life)

There are old stone walls in Thailand which have written in a language that nearly no-one understands and the meanings have been passed on by word of mouth by generation to generation, this is the precursor and true origin of the Thai language. Written on the walls are sentences like this about Comets bringing into the gravity valleys of Earth, various colours and sounds that sink into the Earth’s gravity valleys. When the Comets seed the Earth, specific colours and sounds will go to certain areas on the aether gravity net which is a web that forms discreet zones around the world.

(Note: Raw Comets are defined as coming from in front of the Sun, meaning that the Sun drags us behind it, this means they are more dangerous and not processed as they have not been part of the electrical circuit or vibrational aether of the outer solar system, they are the ‘black goo', which can cause the Sun Disease and great pestilence. Ones that come from the outer solar system are processed internally using local life as a construct and come from the cold molecular side, these are safe and were used by the ancients to make things such as Tutankhamun's dagger. Lab research people think it's safe to meddle with all Comets because they see no difference)

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Re: Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Unread post by Zathras » Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:26 pm

This is the old more descriptive word for the Sun, this is not an easy translation and when I was told about the Elemental ‘storage containers’ deep inside in the cold area by the elders in the village, I didn’t fully understand the conception until I saw a Sky Scholar (Dr. P.M. Robitaille) video about the ‘warrickball’ and how sounds are emitted from the Sun that are held in separate compartments, then it clicked and I realised they were both talking about the same thing.
(at 14 minutes here

น้ำมันเงินน้ำมันทองเงินไหล = ‘silver oil, gold oil, silver flow’

Pronounced as ‘náam man ngern náam man tong ngern lăi ’
(ngern or nun is the word for money but it also means silver, they are the same thing, tong is gold)

There is a kind of oil in the middle of the silver and the gold shell on the outside, this is a liquid metal. If the north pole changes this flashes on the oil and makes it change to the opposite direction, the opposite pole is connected to this.
One ‘pole’ can be thought of as silver and the other ‘pole’ as gold, although this is not exactly correct as the outside shell is gold and there is some gold on the inside as well. Silver is a cloud colour and gold is the black.
Between the gold and silver colour, the metal oil can bend the magnetic field. The bendy metal oil mediates the flashing between the silver and the gold.Think of gravity and the magnetic field as having colours and these are 2-tone bistables at the silver and the gold. (The oil makes the machine work more efficiently by a kind of electro-lubrication, compare various ferrite types inside a transformer or lutein and palladium in the body).

The black colour for the gold is because it is an Element and has something inside which are fragments of meteorites.
The magnetic pole shift is caused by Jupiter. When it comes closest, this sends a ripple on the gravity valley to inside the Sun to the silver and gold which conflict to each other and this flips the magnetic pole.

The containers are further inside, the containers contain the sounds that create the Elements and these are carried out by the light rays as longitudinal waves. The containers have to be cold to store the information otherwise they will corrupt and destroy themselves (magnetic fields can not stay ordered in high temperatures)

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Re: Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Unread post by Zathras » Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:43 pm

The body uses hot and cold environmental energy with 2 circuits that oscillate together.
(See Tesla’s cold electricity and my liver flush post for some further explanation, after a liver flush, the cold energy will be boosted because the hot and cold circuits have been temporally separated)


‘’The cold flame coming from the inside of the diaphragm in the body ‘’

The diaphragm is where the cold energy comes from in the body, this is the origin pure energy when people have no sugar reserves, where as sugar is the hot energy. The diaphragm separates the first and second circuits in the body, it is required to have hot energy to function and this comes from the lungs (as a fractal antenna)

The cold energy is inside the microwave background as sound, and the heat is the microwave photon itself. The lungs can extract energy back along the microwave wave path all the way to the source of the exploding galaxy to tap an infinite source of energy, this is longitudinal based temporal energy which helps to power our cells and all living planets.

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Re: Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Unread post by Zathras » Mon Sep 12, 2022 12:03 am


‘calculation sound mirror outside the membrane of the Earth that spins all the time and integrates with the sounds of the metals which are soft and bend in different shapes with the voice itself near and far’

(This is the most accurate translation done a word at a time via thai speakers, large dictionaries and reverse word lookups, it took some time to bind it all together as at first I didn’t know what words like steel, membrane or insulation meant, I had to find the modern correct meaning and try to understand the science behind it to properly convey the original thai structure across)

See here for comparision look at the evolution of google translate, it gives a different answer and meaning as the algo advances it’s AI understanding of the thai language over the past year.

Old google translation from June, 2021:-
‘The shifts and sounds of the shifts around the world rotating constantly, combined with the sound of soft iron, stretch and bend the sound and force near and far. ‘

New google translation, August, 2022

‘The strength and sound of the constantly rotating glass periphery of the earth combine with the sound of soft steel, flexible and bending the sound and the force and the distance itself.’

(Note: When the word iron or steel appears in the translation this usually means a strong metal sound, a magnetic field or a plasma. The membrane is what protects the Earth from debris and radiation much like a cell membrane does in the body, it is around the ionosphere, the insulation is the magnetosphere. Glass could be taken to mean a crystal which has potential splintering or polarization of the shards of the aether)

The sound changes the shape of the metal on the inside and outside of the membrane, the energy of the mirror brings the sound from outside into the Earth.

The ‘Sound Mirror’ alters the gravity valley of the meteorite or comet approaching Earth and will change their course. The sound mirror can make them come more by changing the angle and size of the gravity valley and aether in space, also the Earth’s aether can be altered in the process. The 2-way sparkling sound mirror will put the energy (as vibrational density) of the meteorites back onto themselves and the larger they are the more powerful that is.
This is normally only for planets with life but is also under Jupiter as it’s the producer and the scale of the solar system. Thus Jupiter also has a powerful sound mirror which will make more meteorites and comets come to it like a giant hoover. The sound mirror acts inside the insulation.

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Re: Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Unread post by Zathras » Thu Jan 26, 2023 3:15 pm

The Thai Ankh Symbol

ไทย พวงมลัย - 'Thai Phuang Malai'
พวงมลัยรอยดอกจำปี - ‘annual floral garland’

This is the flower arrangement of the Thai Ankh. ... 893363130/

The Thai Ankh is the symbol for highness and for how the stars and planetary layout makes the circuit happen, the circuit means the circuit for the creation of life of all the interstellar universe.
This is used in the temples as a blessing and put in the hand of the dead people to show as part of where they come from. This came from Egypt to Thailand a long time ago.
On a local solar system level it is interpreted as requiring 3 planets in a triangle forming gravity valleys that share vibrations inside gravity between each other transmitting the molecular signatures required for life using a circuital loop. The Sun is on the handle as the circle and forms the hot part of the primary circuit supplying the Elements as sounds inside light, the Earth as the target in the middle where as the other 3 planets on the tips connect to the secondary circuit of the outer solar system for the cold energy of the molecular (mostly Jupiter and Saturn). This is always strongest at closest path approach as the gravity valleys are thicker and eclipses make the gravity valleys flip upside down which acts as a trigger and will send a bunch of molecular signatures at once.

Compare the flower arrangement to the Egyptian Ankh here.

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Re: Archaic Thai Translations and Phrases for Electric Cosmology and Life

Unread post by Zathras » Mon Jan 30, 2023 3:13 pm

Gravity Valleys

เถาแรงโน้มถ่วง = ‘gravity vine’ or 'gravity valley'

The gravity valleys are like strings or tubes that are sound carrying vines that connect galaxies, solar systems, planets and moons together, compare this to the blood capillaries in the body that carry the signal for the human resonance, this appears as noise (1/f flicker noise) but its not and contains important cell building molecular information.
Typically used to describe the link with the Sun’s noisy vibrations conflicting to Jupiter and its moons, this gives the name gravity valley or vine as it forms part of life.
The adaptive plasma ring antenna system of Io and Jupiter uses the microwave background to conflict with the cold energy of the molecular stored inside Jupiter and this is transduced into the gravity valleys connecting Jupiter to the Sun in order to make molecules for the life. The microwave background already has stored the galaxy’s vine information which are exhibited as the hardy climbing plants that first pioneer a planet.

Adaptive plasma ring antenna.
https://volcanohotspot.files.wordpress. ... age003.jpg

Here is a picture of a gravity vine on an Egyptian wall.
On the top left and right hand sides dropping down are the cords connecting the planets and star which are hooked to the Elements of life (animals, vibration sets etc) and sharing these all around inside gravity. These are the gravity vines of life and tell how the solar system works. Below King Tut and humans, the highest density are the highest Elements which are the birds at the top, underneath are the buffalo and at the bottom are the simplest squares and rectangles Elements which are used to build as building blocks for the more complicated higher life forms. ... r~20688900

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