Electric Sight

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light? If you have a personal favorite theory, that is in someway related to the Electric Universe, this is where it can be posted.
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Electric Sight

Unread post by Ukkoskivi » Sat Jul 03, 2021 10:39 pm

Hi everyone!
Maybe this is a place to share this kind of thought...
Since years, I wonder how is it possible that if you are somewhere in public space, doing whatever you do, shopping, for example. All of a sudden you feel that someone is watching you. You turn around and you are watching in someone's eye's, even though the other person is on the other side of the shop and you have never seen him/her before, a total stranger.

So, now comes the sketchy part, since I am no doctor/PhD or anything like that, I know I might reach to far. I actually don't feel comfortable to put this here. But I try anyway!

I have been told that the pupil is a hole where light goes in, hits receptors wich cross from left to right and vice versa. After that it's in the hands of our brains to make something out of it and so on.
Long before I found the Electric Universe i was convinced that there are no singularties. Through the EU this thought got only confirmed.
Our eyes are embedded in the probably most powerful electromagnetic field "producer" of our body, the brain. There's a huge amount of all kinds of liquids, nerves and other things wich are profoundly important in order to maintain at least a certain level of consciousness, ability to interact with the environment (wich includes also the ability to see). The eye's nerv is really largely and complicated connected with our brain. All parts of the brain, even the "reptilian" brain.

I have been told that humans can only use about 4,5% of their brain capacity, something like that. People with a higher IQ are able to use more percentage of their brain capacity. Always I wondered that why would nature provide something like that? What a waste of resources! All those magnificent brains use so much space for such a small number like 4,5%. Sounds almost like the dark matter theory where everything there is, is just 4% of everything there is. Doesn't make sense to me.

The eye nerve is, I guess, something very special, wich has many parts with many funny names. There are liquids everywhere, especially in the eye ball. Something is even called plasma. The liquid in the eyeball is crystalline in structure. We have the "blind spot" where the nerv is connected.
Basically we have this kind of bio fiberglass pipe thing (nerv), a sphere under pressure, filled a crystalline fluid (eye ball) and we have a large generator of a electromagnetic field, almost around the whole system (brain).

Since there are no singularituies, it must be impossible that there is only light going into the eye but NOTHING is coming out.

The feeling you get when you all of a sudden notice that you might be watched...
Things that matter, matter because they trigger a fysical reaction so the thing wich was just a bunch of information, gets transformed into something physical. Emotions are physically measurable (adrenaline etc...)

Is our "sight-beam" (by this I mean the area of the things you see wich are in focus, not the blurry stuff around it) possibly somekind of a "information emitter"?
How else it would be possible to FEEL someone's conscious stare over distances?

Thank you for reading

Let's see how that goes...

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Re: Electric Sight

Unread post by moses » Sat Jul 03, 2021 11:44 pm

That optic nerve has pulses of electricity travelling to somewhere in the brain. Then how do we see if these pulses are translated into colour. I mean on the one hand we have pulses and on the other we have the experiencing of colour. One could not imagine two things so different.

The experiencing is life, the pulses are physical. If the pulses are gone does the life still exist. Or is life separate from the physical brain and just responds when pulses occur. Maybe some pulses just induce a small amount of experiencing and there is no awareness of this small experiencing. Maybe just occasionally there is awareness of these odd things.


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Aw:Re: Electric Sight

Unread post by Ukkoskivi » Sun Jul 04, 2021 8:21 am

Are those pulses related to the blood flow or the frequency of our brain? According to some, if you have a higher frequency (Risen awareness) you hit the truth more often because your wavelength is short but strong. Low frequency means that the wave "height" is low and the distance from peak to peak is relatively big.
If it's related to consciousness it should be possible to willingly influence it, at least to some degree. If it is related to the blood flow it might be more something reactive, a reaction to the environment in form of a changed heart rhythm and content of the blood (adrenaline etc...)
The perception of color is also very interesting because they provoke, depending on the color, calmness, alertness and such things. I don't this might also relate to the different wavelengths of different colors.
We humans are not able to see UV and most other parts of the spectrum of light, at least consciously. Many animals, like birds, can see it. A female bird looks to the human eye "boring", it's gray or brown while the male is blue, green, yellow and red. In UV light, the female bird gets all of sudden really colorful (of course, not all birds are like that but many).

Maybe there's this kind of similar thing with humans. Our eyes are like antennas wich react in a way to certain electromagnetic signatures from other people on the unconscious level. That could explain why we find ourselves all of sudden staring at someone without a real reason or intent and of course vice-versa.
The "sight-beam" gets catched up in something we cannot see or grasp because of its unconscious nature.

If you compare the to a blackhole (I know, they don't exist but it works good as an example, hopefully...) they say that everything gets sucked into it, nothing can escape. But still, they detected strong emissions from blackhole centers, sudden bursts of energy.
So, is the eye like a blackhole wich only takes in and never gives something back? Until there is a sudden burst of energy coming out of it...
No singularities

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Re: Electric Sight

Unread post by moses » Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:48 am

When light hits the retina electrical pulses are released which travel into the brain. So somewhere in the brain there is this transformation into the experiencing of light or colour. So it is the actual conversion of a code into experiencing. One could think of this like dot dot dash dot dash being converted into the experiencing of blue.

If a colour produces calmness then this is due to a physical effect of that segment of coded electrical pulses or it is due to calmness arising from the actual experiencing of that colour. So there is always these two possibilities and so it is so when considering an awareness of someone looking at you.

Mainstream science only considers the physical possibilities and not the possibility of effects arising from the experiencing.

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