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The theory that electric discharges create water clouds from oxygen and hydrogen ions

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:26 pm
by BipedalJoe
Gerald Pollack suggests that the positive charge of the Earth's atmosphere comes, at least in part, from hydrogen ions forming a part of oxygen-nitrogen clathrates, with a 4:1 ratio of nitrogen and oxygen (and as many H+ as N2. ) He writes about this in his 2013 book The Fourth Phase of Water. In case it happens to be right that there is a bunch of hydrogen ions dispersed throughout the atmosphere, and, there is also a lot of oxygen gas, then all that is needed for "oxygen reduction reaction" is electricity. 4 H+ and O2, with 4 electrons, creates water. That got me thinking that what if the clouds in thunderstorms follow the electric current rather than the other way around? Water produced from H+ and O2, when electricity is added, that then rains down from the sky.

Re: The theory that electric discharges create water clouds from oxygen and hydrogen ions

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 3:09 am
by GaryN
I have seen it happen though can find no similar event in any meteorological publications. A tiny dense dark grey hockey puck profiled cloud way up in an absolutely clear bright blue South African sky just east of Johannesburg in 1975. 4 of us witnessed it, and descending from the little puck was a narrow, non rotating column of the heaviest rainfall I have ever seen, and as it came right over our car it went very dark with a greenish tinge and we had to stop as we could see nothing. It passed over us in about a minute and continued its slow drift into the distance. There was no rotation of the rainspout and it was dead calm on the ground, but the little cloud clearly had a few thin, intermittent streaks of electrical discharge or glowing plasma encircling the cloud just under the surface. It is absolutely impossible that so much water could have been in the tiny cloud, we watched it approach for perhaps a couple of miles and then continue on its way still dropping huge amounts of water.
I also consider it likely that the last ice age was produced by a very large scale polar vortex that was due to protons coming in over the Baufort Sea, scavenging electrons from atmosphere and the land surface, oxygen from the air, and creating tiny ice crystals which would be exothermic and at -170C, thus allowing for the flash freezing of the animals in the far north. Ice and snow in the north, a deluge in the more southerly regions.

Re: The theory that electric discharges create water clouds from oxygen and hydrogen ions

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 10:02 am
by vector369
I mentioned in here before, under a previous username, the notion/theory that thunder rain was "freshly condensed from the cosmos". I *think* it was from reading Steiner that I heard this. My impression at the time was that it was completely new matter (created) or matter coming in from outside of Earth. But the idea presented also sounds quite logical. There seemed to be a distinction implied with the specific term "thunder rain" as if, ordinarily (w/o lightning), rain would come just from the cloud, perhaps. Is then the hydrogen and oxygen used to make new rain, with electricity added, from old rain? Did it all come from Saturn's rings?

Re: The theory that electric discharges create water clouds from oxygen and hydrogen ions

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 12:00 am
by JP Michael
Velikovsky mentions an origin of Earth's water/oceans possibly being from a Saturnian hydrogen dump on the earth at the time of the Deluge. There was a paper recently that mentioned that the deuterium/tritium ratio in Saturn's ring water is very similar to Earth's ratio.