History of the Earth

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light? If you have a personal favorite theory, that is in someway related to the Electric Universe, this is where it can be posted.
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History of the Earth

Unread post by moses » Mon Apr 20, 2020 5:49 am

End of previous topic "History of the Earth":
https://www.thunderbolts.info/forum/php ... 60#p128260

So here is the basics of my theory.
Earth and Mars and possibly Ganymede were orbiting out where the asteroid belt is now, in the Precambrian. Then some huge electrical current occurred which produced the Earth's oceans, the Martian crust erosion, the geological column with the fossils, the asteroids, and the Earth's magnetic field. The Atlantic Ocean seems certain to have been gouged out by a North-South Birkeland current producing the typical raised section in the middle and the typical sloping section at the edges.

After the breaking apart of this system the Earth went into a very elliptical orbit producing the ice ages. The Sun and the stars appeared for the first time thus being the Creation. Probably two interactions with Mars produced the Younger Dryas, and a wobbly Earth. After this came the circle and the cross formed by Venus and it's very dusty magnetosphere reflecting sunlight producing the crescent. Then came Noah or the Gilgamesh flood which was an interaction with Venus at distance, which wrecked carbon dating and changed from a 360 day year to our present 365.24 day year marked by the Great Pyramid.


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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by Cargo » Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:32 am

I like it. There's a lot which is likely pretty close. Of course, the oceans part is still a little iffy, and I think there are still other possibilities for how it actually happened. Including total local transformation. Of course this would be still connected to whatever solar environment was going on, including even Earth looking like a 'gas planet' for an unknown amount of time. We really don't know how long some of these in-between processes took.

Imagine a plasma aurora going full arc mode to the ground, for days, months... years? And then walking across the horizon. Perhaps starting, and stopping in hours or days long displays. I'd carve that in a rock.

The actual solar orbits were hugely different in early human time. And for the pre-man eras, it is very likely that Earth orbited a different Star (take your pick of those two out there gasing away) and such, the other sisters/god planets would be hugely visibly, and longer in view.

The prehistoric age, was in a completely different multi-star solar system.
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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by moses » Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:47 am

Hi Cargo,
Actually I feel that the ocean gouging is the best part of the theory. Are you saying that the Earth had a greater atmosphere? I agree that there might have been long periods in between gougings.

I am thinking that the auroras would have been so intense that no stars or the Sun would have been visible. However if there was a current between Mars and Earth that might have been visible. I think that the rock carvings, petroglyphs, came after the break up of the old configuration.

My theory has the origin of Earth back before the Precambrian, which means that Earth was in some orbit about the Sun in Precambrian times.

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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by moses » Sun Aug 02, 2020 3:02 am

If dinosaurs had cells that could have just about all water pumped out of such a cell, then the density of the dinosaur could be drastically reduced and so approach the density of air under 3 to 5 atm. There are structures on the cell surface that allow or disallow molecules to move in or out of a cell. Thus such a structure will allow water out of the cell but prevent water moving into the cell. If the cell structure or tensegrity is very strong then a near vacuum could be produced.

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ocean formation

Unread post by moses » Tue Aug 04, 2020 3:29 am

We continually discuss Earth expansion and how the oceans formed. I feel the need to put the whole case for the oceans being electrically gouged out. This idea came from a member of the Thunderbolts crew but is rarely discussed by them. I think it is the master key of the past.

The shape of the crater formed by an electrical discharge from space is well known. It is circular with a raised section in the centre of the circle. There is formed a ridge on the edge and the land in the crater slopes away in a recognizable pattern. Now if the electric current moves across the surface then an "S" shape will occur due to it being a Birkeland Current. Also the raised middle section will be a line or ridge and the recognizable sloping pattern will be seen.

So what we would predict is very like the Atlantic Ocean. It is so close to it that we feel compelled to consider the consequences. Like the excavated rock forming sediment and also escaping Earth's gravity and forming asteroids. And then there is the remanent magnetic field such a current would produce thus explaining Earth's magnetic field. Now a much thicker atmosphere can be depleted through loss to space through the EDM process. Also water follows the electric current even if it not strong enough to move much rock so there would be lots of salty rain that would flow back into the ocean and be raised up again.

To me the Atlantic ocean does no show any evidence that it was formed by America being moved away from Europe. Perhaps a rift could have formed and then they separated. A very difficult model to produce today's result. The problem is that the Earth cracked up and the crust moved across the middle section of the Earth. Poleshift. This leads one to think that a continent could split in half and the halves move across the surface of the Earth separately. However I feel that the oceans were formed first and later the Earth cracked up with a crust-moving poleshift due to an interaction of Earth with Mars, probably.

There is a huge amount of theory to follow but it mostly stems from the theory that the oceans were electrically formed.

Poppa Tom
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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by Poppa Tom » Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:44 am

moses wrote: Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:47 am Hi Cargo,
Actually I feel that the ocean gouging is the best part of the theory. Are you saying that the Earth had a greater atmosphere? I agree that there might have been long periods in between gougings.

I am thinking that the auroras would have been so intense that no stars or the Sun would have been visible. However if there was a current between Mars and Earth that might have been visible. I think that the rock carvings, petroglyphs, came after the break up of the old configuration.

My theory has the origin of Earth back before the Precambrian, which means that Earth was in some orbit about the Sun in Precambrian times.


I was wondering...could it be that when Mars and Earth were interacting that Earth gained Mars' oceans by the 'water bridge' electrical connection?

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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by moses » Mon Sep 14, 2020 2:16 am

"I was wondering...could it be that when Mars and Earth were interacting that Earth gained Mars' oceans by the 'water bridge' electrical connection?" Poppa Tom

"Aloha ... is used to define a force that holds together existence." Wikipedia

G'day, I have not decided upon where the Earth got water. The big rise in sea levels around the Younger Dryas is explained by the melting of really big polar ice deposits. So we have to go back before the ice ages to determine the source of the ocean water. Was the water associated with the gouging out of the oceans. Ocean water and atmosphere would be lost in the gouging process and the Earth does not look like it was totally covered in water in the Precambrian so that leaves Earth interacting with a watery planet during the gouging out of the oceans.

I have written, probably in this topic, that new creatures came from another planet during an interaction via a bridge, and creatures mean water. I have not seen that video before but it certainly increases the likelihood of such a planet to planet bridge. Now, was it Mars. Or perhaps Ganymede.

At this stage we need to refer to one's overall model of Earth's history. I will leave it for now but a bridge between interacting planets has received a boost.


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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by moses » Fri Sep 18, 2020 2:25 am

Bridge between planets.
Having atmospheric pressure in the bridge does not seem like a big problem. Keeping oxygen in the bridge is interesting. The oxygen might be very reactive perhaps helping maintain a non-freezing temperature. Maybe there is a quiet region in the bridge with double layers accelerating particles into this quiet region thus increasing the temperature of the region.

So maybe a lot of life could have survived the journey. It is fascinating to consider that planets pass wholesale material between each other on occasions. If Mars came near Earth would it's orbit change to near an Earth year? Well if Mars took a long time to do this then electrical effects between Mars and Earth would affect the velocity of Mars and Earth, so as Mars nears Earth they could both be travelling at about the same speed. And they would be rotating the same (24hr) so if Mars flipped there would be a correspondence between a point on Mars and a point on Earth, such that a bridge could form.

A stimulating subject.

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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by moses » Sun Sep 20, 2020 12:40 am

Rather than the flipping of Mars and then being side by side with Earth, which the big gouge on Mars seems to suggest, Mars could come in and sit on top of the Earth. This would create stable conditions if Earth and Mars spun at the same rate, and would allow a bridge to be formed at the North Pole of Earth. Also an electric current could flow past Mars and past and through Earth.

As Mars and Earth spin at about the same rate this agreement in spins could well be due to such an interaction. In other words the spins of the two planets could have been adjusted in such an interplanetary interaction. Thus 360 days to 365.24 days may well have occurred due to this. Seeing how the Great Pyramid depicts the 360 to 365.24 day shift it might well tell the story of the interaction with Mars.

This story would dominate the psyche of humanity or Jung's shadow. Some of Jung's Archetypes could be such stories. Humanity is propelled to keep repeating such stories involving past catastrophes. Stories that interfere with human interactions. To at least limit such interference we need to understand these stories and that means working out what really happened.


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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by moses » Mon Sep 21, 2020 2:43 am

We have to ask was there a bridge between Earth and another planet involved in the Younger Dryas. I considered that such a bridge could have been heated to allow more creature survival, but a really super-cold bridge could have caused the flash freezing of mammoths, etc.

The nature of interactions between planets needs consideration. So let's use Mars coming towards Earth as a example. We assume that Mars is further away from the Sun but maybe not. First it would be the conjunctions Sun-Earth-Mars that produce increased electrical currents which may produce visible effects on Mars. After many years Mars will get quite close to Earth with the electrical current moving through glow mode into arc mode with lightning between Mars and Earth. Also the 'scar' on Mars would be visible on Earth. How that scar got there we will leave.

Here the nature of the interaction becomes occult. The planets can flip and go side by side, or one planet can sit on top of the other, and the red dust on Australia can be well explained by Earth on top of Mars with a bridge between them, so maybe there is a dance of the two planets.

The other likely possibility is Mars closer to the Sun than Earth. And this would involve interactions of Mars with Venus. This undoubtedly happened but maybe Mars got to Venus via Earth.

More could be written and then there are the ocean floods and falling rocks and lightning attacks. An awesome subject!

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Younger Dryas flood

Unread post by moses » Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:20 am

Could the Gilgamesh story have been handed down from the Younger Dryas? So the Younger Dryas wipes out nearly everyone but the survivors tell the story and the story gets handed down for thousands of years as the children of the survivors slowly build a civilization. Then this new civilization starts writing on clay and has 'sacred texts' which are added to texts about past kings.

Suddenly we are pushing the flood back to say 8-10,000 BC and we get Atlantis disappearing in the Younger Dryas events, which is the flood. And we agree with the mainstream datings! So the previous civilization was before the flood.

Maybe the 40 days of rain was due to Mars, at a guess, coming close to Earth and becoming a moon of Earth for this time. And then the petroglyph datings are in the ball park. Much to consider.


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Younger Dryas flood

Unread post by moses » Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:35 am

So if we have the ice ages being due to Earth being in a very elliptical orbit and so the ice ages are over pretty quickly, then the Younger Dryas events, at the end of the ice ages, may well have nearly wiped out humanity. This puts the previous civilization before the ice ages with the Earth in a different orbit with a different planetary configuration.

So the Earth could have had more atmosphere and a much greater magnetic field allowing for a different gravity which would assist the mastodons, etc, and help with the large stones used in construction. Also human giants would have been more likely.

Although most of those constructions using large stones, mostly pyramids, would then have been constructed before the ice ages, the Great Pyramid, depicting the change from a 360 day year to a 365.24 day year, probably was not.

Sea level considerations lead one to think that before the ice ages the sea level would have been much higher than today. Then towards the end of the ice ages the sea levels would have been very low but the events of the Younger Dryas produced large falls and rises of much land. The ice ages would have been very difficult to live through with massive temperature variations and non-stop rain for weeks. So there is not an exact match with the Atlantis story but still the Younger Dryas events could easily have sunk much evidence of a previous civilization.


Poppa Tom
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Re: Younger Dryas flood

Unread post by Poppa Tom » Thu Dec 31, 2020 9:05 am

moses wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:20 am Could the Gilgamesh story have been handed down from the Younger Dryas? So the Younger Dryas wipes out nearly everyone but the survivors tell the story and the story gets handed down for thousands of years as the children of the survivors slowly build a civilization. Then this new civilization starts writing on clay and has 'sacred texts' which are added to texts about past kings.

Suddenly we are pushing the flood back to say 8-10,000 BC and we get Atlantis disappearing in the Younger Dryas events, which is the flood. And we agree with the mainstream datings! So the previous civilization was before the flood.

Maybe the 40 days of rain was due to Mars, at a guess, coming close to Earth and becoming a moon of Earth for this time. And then the petroglyph datings are in the ball park. Much to consider.

Orrrrr maybe the 40 days of rain was when we passed through Saturn's rings as we exited its atmosphere?(Purple dawn) Mars could have been struck by the brunt of the cosmic lightning bolt then. While Earth, receiving less of a jolt, took on the oceans? Luvit, making my head spin. So much possibilities!

Poppa Tom
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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by Poppa Tom » Thu Dec 31, 2020 9:10 am

Imagine, Earth and Mars, both populated with billions,\ within Saturns plasma sheath in an interplanetary system? They would be much closer than now, possibly orbiting each other. This would explain a lot of the inter-connectedness of cultural construction familiarities. Sorry, I also dabble in the Moon Mars anomalies conspiracy/thingy. Can't help not seeing stuff there.

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Re: History of the Earth

Unread post by moses » Fri Jan 01, 2021 12:52 am

Poppa Tom, thanks for the comments.
It is exciting to consider the amazing possibilities that the past offers. I'm sure there is stuff on the Moon but Mars is more difficult to work out. The loss of material on one hemisphere of Mars would be by a massive interaction with another body, or by a lesser interaction over a long time.

In my model I have the lesser interaction over a long time sort of like Io and Jupiter, whereas the massive interaction theory would still take some time and if Mars was rotating then only a polar attack would have created a circular edge zone for the removed material. So both models imply that the axial pole of Mars has shifted since then which negates one of the Saturn System evidence.

Also if Mars had water and abundant life then that would have been before such an interaction with another planet/body. So by simple thinking we would have a wet Mars interacting (somehow) with another body some time in the past. So we would be looking for such a body in the Solar System. Indeed this could have happened outside the Solar System but let us first look for evidence in the Solar System.

Firstly there was a lot of material lost from Mars so is there any evidence of such material in the Solar System. Well there is the asteroid belt. And is there a planet that has evidence of erosion maybe like the erosion on Mars. Well Earth has oceans that could have been eroded, and Earth has a lot of sediment on it's surface. Perhaps some of that eroded Earth material became part of the asteroid belt and the current gathering of asteroid material is most interesting. So my model became Earth and Mars interacting out where the asteroid belt is now, but when.

Just after the Precambrian there was an explosion of fairly sophisticated creatures and this leads to the idea of transfer of these creatures from Mars. Later there were more such transfer events with the creatures having changed somewhat. This complicates matters as if this happened over a long time then this is very difficult to explain orbitally. But I will leave my theories on this now.

Eventually Mars lost all it's water and creatures and any evidence of humanoid habitation was wiped away. The Mars 'face' is just a boulder in a field of boulders. Maybe there is evidence underground and maybe humanoids transferred to Earth around then. But evidence on the surface of Mars is most unlikely.


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