Plasma and electricity in space. Failure of gravity-only cosmology. Exposing the myths of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, and other mathematical constructs. The electric model of stars. Predictions and confirmations of the electric comet.
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Unread post by BeAChooser » Tue Apr 30, 2024 7:13 pm

Irvine, Calif., April 29, 2024 — Computer simulations by astronomers support the idea that dark matter – matter that no one has yet directly detected but which many physicists think must be there to explain several aspects of the observable universe – exists, according to the researchers, who include those at the University of California, Irvine. 

… snip …

The test involved running computer simulations with both types of matter – normal and dark – to explain the presence of intriguing features measured in real galaxies. The team reported their results in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomy Society.

The features in galaxies the team found “are expected to appear in a universe with dark matter but would be difficult to explain in a universe without it,” said Mercado. “We show that such features appear in observations of many real galaxies. If we take these data at face value, this reaffirms the position of the dark matter model as the one that best describes the universe we live in.”

These features Mercado noted describe patterns in the motions of stars and gas in galaxies that seem to only be possible in a universe with dark matter. 
Notice in that article that there's no mention of plasma. No mention of electro- anything. No mention of magnetism. It’s just gravity, gravity, gravity and gas, gas, gas, even though they do acknowledge in the paper the existence of “ionized gas”, i.e., PLASMA.

Here is their paper (with EIGHT authors) … ... ogin=false. It too doesn't mention plasma or electromagnetism. And I bet the simulation tool they used, Fire-2, did NOT include the various effects of electromagnetism on plasmas that were discovered and posited by plasma cosmologists as important in shaping the universe.

Indeed, while the tool's website ( claims it models "magnetic fields and higher-order plasma physics”, except for that one mention of plasma and magnetism, nowhere else on their website are those phenomena mentioned. It’s all gas, gas, gas … gravity, gravity, gravity. So I seriously doubt their studies modeled Birkeland currents, double layers, plasmoids and a host of other important phenomena. And there-in lies the problem with their results.

If they won’t acknowledge that plasma behaves differently in the presence of electric currents and magnetic fields, which we know abound out there ... which they, in fact, refused to admit were ubiquitous out there until quite recently, then there's no possibility their study is anything more than garbage in and garbage out at taxpayer’s expense. But astrophysicists all expect to live high on the hog these days, thanks to taxpayers, so they are not about to give that up. They’ll lie to themselves and the public if that’s what it takes.

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Unread post by BeAChooser » Wed May 01, 2024 5:10 pm

Speaking of simulations ...
New Scientific Data Shows That Dark Matter Is Even Stranger Than We Thought

… snip …

Recently scientists have been working on the recipe for galaxy formation, running computer simulations with our knowledge of how the universe evolved but modifying the behavior of dark matter to see what might play out. Turns out, dark matter is even stranger than we thought.

… snip …

Mariangela Lisanti, a particle physicist at Princeton University, and her team have been improving the recipe for galaxy formation by running computer simulations using our knowledge of how the universe evolved but modifying the behavior of dark matter to see what would come out. The scientists were trying to see would happen if dark matter was more complex than researchers typically assume. Lisanti exchanged a small fraction of standard dark matter with something more compound. “We thought, we’re only adding 5 per cent, everything will be fine. And then we just broke the galaxy,” shared the scientist.

The team have found that transforming just 5% of cold dark matter into more complicated varieties made it impossible to form the Milky Way. “I think that was an interesting lesson. We need to be very careful when we think about new models. You don’t have to add very much of other forms of dark matter to your models to really mess up the astrophysics,” explained Lisanti.
Now if you ask me, that seems to suggest they are beginning to realize that all the new fangled DM theories that are being propose aren’t gong to solve their problem (not finding DM after billions and billions of dollars, decades and decades of searching. But is this causing them to rethink their fundamental assumption and take a closer look at the alternative proposed by plasma cosmologists decades and decades ago? No. Their solution is make their theory about DM even weirder and more complicated, thus totally violating the KISS principle. Just saying ...

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Unread post by Roy » Thu May 02, 2024 6:11 pm

A “simulation” is a freaking computer program! It behaves the way the programmer wants it to behave. I wrote and debugged enough programs in my younger days to know. Change the expected inputs, you get GIGO.

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Unread post by GaryN » Tue May 14, 2024 4:10 pm

Search "The Sun Is Electrically Charged & the Conundrum of the "Missing Mass" Is Explained" by Bernard R. Bligh
“I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me.” -Albert Einstein

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Unread post by Professional Skeptic » Wed May 15, 2024 1:11 pm

It seems to me that what the physicists are saying is that the ether does in fact exist while denying it exists by calling it mysterious dark matter that we can't detect. Perhaps they are simply looking for the wrong thing. Or purposely looking for the wrong thing so they don't have to admit they are wrong about the existence of the ether.

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