Dark Matter Directly Detected!

Plasma and electricity in space. Failure of gravity-only cosmology. Exposing the myths of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, and other mathematical constructs. The electric model of stars. Predictions and confirmations of the electric comet.
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Dark Matter Directly Detected!

Unread post by BeAChooser » Fri Feb 09, 2024 5:50 am

https://phys.org/news/2024-02-cosmic-da ... uster.html
The Subaru Telescope has spotted the terminal ends of dark matter filaments in the Coma cluster stretching across millions of light years. This is the first time that strands of the cosmic web spanning the entire universe have been directly detected.
“Directly detected”?
But dark matter, which accounts for most of the mass in the universe, is believed to exist as a web of long thin strands. But like a spider web, these strands can be hard to see, so astronomers have typically drawn conclusions based on observations of galaxies and gas stuck in the web.
Note the first part of the first sentence makes it seem like they now have proof DM exists. That it’s a certainty. Yet for 50 years they’ve been looking and still don’t know what it is … they have only inferred it’s there. And they speak of of “see”ing DM. But they’ve told us they can’t directly see DM for 50 years. Are they trying to confuse us?
Their paper, "Weak-lensing detection of intracluster filaments in the Coma cluster" is published in Nature Astronomy.
“Weak-lensing detection”. So I guess whatever they’ve detected is “weak” and they didn’t actually “directly detect” or “see” anything. And you may have noticed that you hardly ever see anything but artists conceptions or computer model results in these articles. If they could really “see” something you’d think they’d show folks a picture. But their goal is to convince the rubes paying for all these endless, worthless studies that they done ... hence the title of the article.

Here’s a second article on these cosmic filaments, claiming that the JWST detected a strand of the cosmic web:

https://www.space.com/james-webb-space- ... web-strand.

Notice they provide a “model” image rather than something the JWST actually recorded. And notice this paragraph in the article …
"I was surprised by how long and how narrow this filament is," Xiaohui Fan, an astronomer at the University of Arizona and a member of the research team, said in a statement. "I expected to find something, but I didn't expect such a long, distinctly thin structure."
So another *surprise*!

Isn't it interesting that the mainstream astrophysics community once denied that cosmic filaments were ubiquitous, something that plasma cosmologists at the time were predicting. Plasma cosmology’s detractors said ‘where’s your evidence?” That sort of thing used to happen of any forum discussing cosmology. How times change, but stay the same. Turns out they've found the evidence the PC community prediction was right, but they've just switched to claiming the filaments are due to DM ... with no real proof. So I ask, where's your evidence?

Here’s a third article from the science community declaring direct detection of dark matter filaments …

https://www.sciencealert.com/behold-the ... e-universe
Behold, The First Direct Images of The Cosmic Web in The Dark Reaches of The Universe
But what’s the first graphic they then show in the article? A “reconstruction of the cosmic web in 3D space.” So not a direct image at all. Then this article also claims this is the first detection of the vast network between objects, saying that “previously, our only detections of this vast network had been seen around objects such as quasars.”

The article does later provides a graphic titled “Narrow-band images showing filament detection locations. (Martin et al., Nat. Astron., 2023)” but without explaining how these images were derived and they just infer they are due to dark matter. But reading the abstract of that source, they were created from detection of Lyman-alpha absorption lines and it’s just assumed they correspond to the location of dark matter. But as Wikipedia notes, as light “travels through multiple gas clouds with different redshifts, these absorption lines are formed.” So all they really detected are gas clouds. The DM is just inferred. Meanwhile they ignore the existence of plasma (their "gas"?). It’s all “gas” “gas” “gas”.

Finally, here’s an article from 2012:

https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg ... web-found/
Dark matter underpinnings of cosmic web found.

The skeleton of dark matter that undergirds the cosmic web of matter in the universe has been clearly detected for first time. … snip … Now Jörg Dietrich at the University Observatory in Munich, Germany, and his team have detected the dark matter component in a filament in a supercluster about 2.7 billion light years from us, called Abell 222/223.
Wait? Didn't the latest study claim to be the first to clearly (as in directly?) detect the dark matter of the web? Were the authors of the earlier study lying or are the authors of the latest study lying? Maybe the the purpose of all these contradictory articles on DM is to confuse the poor taxpaying public so they’ll just keep shelling out their hard earned money for these worthless studies to the end of time?

By the way, if you really want to get lost in a forest, go read the literature about Lyman α forest. There appear to be hundreds of papers. It’s shocking how much taxpayer funded effort has been put into this and how little they really know after all that about what they're investigating. Plus what impact will any of it have on YOUR lives? Just saying ..

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Re: Dark Matter Directly Detected!

Unread post by BeAChooser » Wed Feb 14, 2024 3:09 am

Related article …

https://www.space.com/dark-matter-detec ... -telescope
Dark matter detected dangling from the cosmic web for 1st time

Can a so-called space science website publish an article with a stupider title?

It gets even worse. The first paragraph of the article is …
For the first time, astronomers have detected dark matter hanging from massive filaments that stretch across the universe and form a "cosmic web" that trap galaxies like morning dew on a spiderweb.
"Hanging" from filaments?

“Trap galaxies like morning dew on a spiderweb”?

Oh brother ... no wonder good science reporting is as DEAD as good science. Just saying ...

By the way, the author of the article, Robert Lea, calls himself a “science journalist”. He has a B.S. in physics and astronomy from the UK’s Open University. That means he likely took a course titled “Cosmology and the distant Universe” and that's really all he knows about it and you can be sure they didn't teach a thing related to PC/EU.

The Open University was founded by Prime Minister and Fabian Socialist Harold Wilson’s Labour government. That perhaps explains why it’s a big on gnomes … Climate Change (AGWalarmism), Pie In The Sky Fusion Programs, and of course the Astrophysics gnomes like Dark Matter. I will say, though, I much prefer this type of university to what the IVY leagues schools have become.

In other news, Pearl Jam will have a new album out in April titled “Dark Matter”. Wonder where they got the name? :D

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