
Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light? If you have a personal favorite theory, that is in someway related to the Electric Universe, this is where it can be posted.
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Unread post by beekeeper » Thu Mar 16, 2023 2:22 am

Greatings EU Pilgrims, what if there was another possibility for the appearing of the human race and a lot later than the human evolution took according to the monkeys and cromagnonetc in million of years? I. have though of another possibility. A tribe of gorillas moves from Northerh India into the Paiku Co valley, in what is today Southern Tibet. We know now that the Paiku Valley is very rich in Uranium. If an earthquake accompanied by some tremendous lighting strikes that would relentlessly pound the ore body of Uranium, activating a tremendous flow of radiations on the land and water of the area exposing every living thing in the region. My gorillas are also sickened by these phenomenon half of the tribe runs South back where the came from the other half runs North to find better land. They got sick loosing their fur in patches while keeping moving many fell to the illness. The one who survived were weakened and had large patches of fur missing from their bodies, the female gave birth to furless still babie the only fur on the top of their heads. The second time the female gave birth the babies appeared to be in perfect health, but still with no furs except for the top of the head. Now if we look at the repartition of humanity on this planet, India to the south of Tibet has a population of 1.4 billions, to the north China has a population of also 1.4 billion people. The population density is such that almost 1 third of the world population is sitting on about 1 tenth of the habitable Land on this planet. A forest can grow from one three but the density of the forest grows as you approach it's origines. :evil:
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Re: Mutations,

Unread post by beekeeper » Thu Mar 16, 2023 7:47 pm

Greetings again, just an after thought, the Yeti Sasquash and other hairy humanoids maybe the offspring of such a mutation as well : :) :)
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Re: Mutations,

Unread post by spark » Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:42 pm

Not necessarily a mutation. Skulls and bones of Neanderthal, Erectus, Denisovans, etc. are the skulls and bones of Yeti, Sasquatch, Bigfoot, etc. Contrary to mainstream opinion, Neanderthals don't actually look anything close to humans, they actually look much closer to Gorilla in appearance. Humans are not related to any of the upright hairy humanoids except for artificial hybridization which could be why we have 4000+ genetic defects in gene pool collectively which other species don't have that many. Humans might be the aliens that invaded Earth 500,000 years ago which may explain why we are not that well adapted to Earth. Could humans have escaped to Earth from Mars or Ganymede? True origins of humans are unknown.

What Neanderthals Looked Like:
Hominoids: 20 Million Years of Suppressed History (2005) - Lloyd Pye:
2013 Bill Munns -- Texas Bigfoot Conference Presentation:

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Re: Mutations,

Unread post by beekeeper » Fri Mar 17, 2023 6:47 pm

Greetings Spark, what do you mean by artificial hybridization? In my mind I think of genetic manipulation. Could we in our, relatively, short time experiments with genetics, have created all these defects in our own gene pool?
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Re: Mutations,

Unread post by spark » Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:55 pm

Genetic manipulation. Lloyd Pye talks about it. Humans known as anunnaki came to Earth from space and with their knowledge of genetic engineering, with trial and error, they succeeded in hybridizing themselves with various species of upright hairy humanoids. In the process of cutting and splicing genes, also creating many genetic defects in gene pool collectively. They also fused the 2nd and 3rd chromosomes of upright hairy humanoids they were using as a base for hybridization, necessary in order to evenly match the number of chromosomes 23+23 instead of 23+24 mismatch. Hybridization allowed humans to quickly adapt to Earths natural environment. We look like the humans who originally came to Earth.

Human Hybridization Explained - Robert Sepehr:
Elongated Skull Phenomenon: Global Presence, DNA Analysis, Blood Type Anomalies And More: Elongated skulls might belong to humans who came to Earth from space.

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Re: Mutations,

Unread post by beekeeper » Sat Mar 18, 2023 12:36 am

I have a hard time believing in space farmers genetically manipulating the crops, please forgive my perspective. Before the industrial revolution, we were living in harmony with the planet. The natives around the world worship the mother earth, living off it and taking care of their environment. They were the offspring of this planet. And I believe that so are we. In our search for better living we distanced ourselves from our nest. Wars became more brutal not only for humans but also for the environment. In the first world War mustard gas and nerve gas were used to make the battle fields deadlier then ever. That the plague came at about the same time is in my view not a coincidence. From there our greed grew exponentially, and today in the hands of a few are weapons that have the potential of wiping life as we know it from this planet. I don't think it a coincidence either that this threat to all of us came on the heels of an obiously structured and directed pandemic, our leaderships forcing the populations to take a so called vaccine that has been proven to be very detrimental to the health of many. The greed of the masses are minuscule in comparison to the greed of the few. Today democracy has taken a back seat to some natocracy that have been pushing the boundaries of humane. From the Middle East to now europe with no regards for the cost of lives and suffering the Natocracy must live. In Ukraine the leadership of Nato pushed the leadership and military of a broken and divided nation to fight one of the three most powerful military on the planet, in the words of some of our leaders, in order to deplete the arsenal of a potential adversary they used the population of this country,, any population of a democratic nation would condem their government for such practices. We are the product of this planet and with it we live or die by our own hands. Any alien civilization that would have had anything to do with our creation would I think have given us the tools to avoid such fall into oblivion, regards Beekeeper
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