"Stellar Beads on a String"

Plasma and electricity in space. Failure of gravity-only cosmology. Exposing the myths of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, and other mathematical constructs. The electric model of stars. Predictions and confirmations of the electric comet.
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"Stellar Beads on a String"

Unread post by BeAChooser » Thu Feb 22, 2024 2:25 am

Here’s a good example of the scam that astrophysicists are foisting on all of us taxpayers.

Chandra astrophysicists just announced (https://chandra.si.edu/press/24_release ... 22124.html) that ...
Astronomers have discovered one of the most powerful eruptions from a black hole ever recorded. This mega-explosion billions of years ago may help explain the formation of a striking pattern of star clusters around two massive galaxies, resembling beads on a string.
There's also a NASA announcement about this discovery (https://www.nasa.gov/image-article/stel ... -a-string/ titled "Stellar Beads on a String". Both announcements include this pretty picture or something close to it ...


Now the “string” in question is obviously a *plasma filament*. But you won’t find mention of either "plasma" or "filament" in either article above. No, now it’s all just gas, gas, gas, and dark matter. And the explanation offered for the stars being formed “on a string” is that “tidal effects from the two merging galaxies compressed the gas along curved paths.” I call that garbage.

They do mention evidence of an ancient jet (and “counter jet”) emanating from the region, but don’t ever explain how exactly those jets came to be, except to blame a “mega-explosion” by a black hole. Oh yeah, current astrophysicists have theories about that, but are they necessarily believable when they rely on gnomes and don't mention plasma and electromagnetism? I don't think so.

You know, folks, it must be great being an astrophysicist. You can live a nice comfortable life on taxpayer money describing your work poetically without ever really producing anything of real value to the people from which that money is taken. And you don't have to stand there alone, exposing yourself to the slings and arrows of those you've scammed, you can hide in the company of more than a score of other co-astrophysicists who have their names on your paper (like the current one).

And you don’t even have to be original. Do you know that Hubble astrophysicists were talking about these “beads on a string” back in 2014 (see announcement https://esahubble.org/news/heic1414/ and paper https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1 ... /2/L26/pdf) and even mentioned filaments in their announcement. In fact their description back then …
“The stellar infants — thought to be a result of the merger — are part of what is known as "beads on a string" star formation. This type of formation appears as a knotted rope of gaseous filaments with bright patches of new stars and the process stems from the same fundamental physics which causes rain to fall in droplets, rather than as a continuous column.

Nineteen compact clumps of young stars make up the length of this "string", woven together with narrow filaments of hydrogen gas. The star formation spans 100,000 light years, which is about the size of our galaxy, the Milky Way. The strand is dwarfed, however, by the ancient, giant merging galaxies that it inhabits. They are about 330,000 light years across, nearly three times larger than our own galaxy.”
… seems quite a bit more informative in terms of observation and physics than the current crop of astrophysicists deemed to provided us now, perhaps a measure of the distain current astrophysicists have for all of us taxpaying rubes. And why shouldn’t they feel distain given that they’ve obviously managed to study this for yet another 10 years at our expense and clearly aren’t any closer to understanding than they were before. And with the increasingly less astute TikTok public, I bet they can keep the scam going on for another 10 years at least, mining the taxpayers' pockets for all they can find. Just saying … :x

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Re: "Stellar Beads on a String"

Unread post by galaxy12 » Thu Feb 22, 2024 2:55 pm

Well written post. Your writing skills are top notch. Researchers seem to get paid for rediscovering old phenomenon as long as they give it a new name or use expensive equipment to “discover” it. In this article, Harvard rediscovers the Birkeland current or plasma filament and renames it the “Radcliffe Wave.”

https://phys.org/news/2024-02-astronome ... ating.html

To be truthful, i am a bit jealous. I wish i could get a 50 million dollar grant to rediscover electricity.

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Re: "Stellar Beads on a String"

Unread post by Maol » Thu Feb 22, 2024 9:24 pm

So, black holes are spitting out matter like colossal roman candles ?

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Re: "Stellar Beads on a String"

Unread post by BeAChooser » Fri Feb 23, 2024 12:44 am

galaxy12 wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 2:55 pm In this article, Harvard rediscovers the Birkeland current or plasma filament and renames it the “Radcliffe Wave.”

https://phys.org/news/2024-02-astronome ... ating.html
Good catch. That’s another great, recent example of what I’m complaining about … astrophysicists reinventing the wheel at taxpayer expense … our expense … and not even knowing they’re looking at a wheel. The truth is that most of folks working in the astrophysics department of Haaaaavard have probably never heard of Birkeland currents. I don’t think that subject is even taught any more because it’s not progressive enough for Haaaavard or most institutions of *higher* learning.

They all admit they don’t understand HOW the wave formed or why it oscillates. They have ill formed ideas … that it’s due to a smaller galaxy colliding with the Milky Way or dark matter (dark matter seems to be their solution for almost everything). But that’s all hand waving and I fear the understanding of plasma physics necessary to help them figure out the truth of the matter.

In fact, they have blinders on where that’s concerned. If you check, you’l find that Wikipedia and every article on this so-called Radcliffe Wave doesn’t mention plasma. It’s all just gas gas gas. Most of them don’t mention filaments either. And while they talk about the wave oscillating, I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out to be helical in nature.

The articles say the proximity of the wave to Earth has “surprised astronomers”. Alyssa Goodman, co-director of the Radcliffe Institute, said “No astronomer expected that we live next to a giant, wave-like collection of gas — or that it forms the local arm of the Milky Way.” That’s not true but then they don’t recognize anyone who doesn’t believe in their gnomes … who believe in plasma cosmology instead … as astronomers.

Still, the fact that they found the wave this close to earth might force them to conclude this sort of phenomena is ubiquitous. Worse, Goodman said “The Wave’s very existence is forcing us to rethink our understanding of the Milky Way’s 3D structure.” But don’t worry, folks, I don’t expect they’ll think outside the box and actually find the truth that been staring them in the face for a long, long time. There's too much money still to be made off the old meme.

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