Promising Technology

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light? If you have a personal favorite theory, that is in someway related to the Electric Universe, this is where it can be posted.
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Promising Technology

Unread post by Lloyd » Thu Jul 28, 2022 2:54 pm

I just read this old post on the Curezone forum by Sloane. He mentions some interesting tech I hadn't heard of.
Maybe it would be fun & worthwhile to discuss tech here.

James Sloane re Suppression of Advanced Tech ... IWy-hAuk#i
12 years ago (2010?)

_X: Well, it's official. I just heard from my mother, and she says: "to date there is NO substance in the world that rebuilds cartlidge. NONE or the inventors would be richer than bill gates."

_JS: LOL!!! Reminds me of my sister who thinks I am a quack because I told her about all the cancer cures that are out there already. Her multi-degreed fool of a husband made the same comment. If I had a cancer cure I ... would be astronomically rich. Since he has so many degrees she thinks he cannot be wrong.
_What I ask people like this is if I had a pill that would cure any and all diseases and I sold it for $5.00 a pill with only one pill being needed how long do you think they would let me keep it on the market considering how much revenue disease generates? Unfortunately they still rarely get it.

_But it is like locally they want to now impose a per-mile tax on our driving because they are losing too much revenue with all the more fuel efficient cars and electric cars coming out. They already make sure to time the lights here so you hit one red after another, which greatly increases fuel consumption. This is the same reason we do not see the water powered cars, 200+ MPG engines, plasma engines, etc. that have been invented on the market.
_The first plasma engine put in to a car back in 1960 for example ran the car for 60,000 miles before they has to recharge the gases in the engine, which costs about $100. These engines burn no fuel and therefore have no emissions. I saw these engines in person once. The company making them had received a lot of threats and actually found their trucks booby trapped.
_I also talked to a local man who was also an inventor. He and his friends found a way to turn organic material (grass clippings, leaves, cloth, plastic, etc.) in to crude oil. The oil companies bought them out for $60 million and buried the project. I finally figured out how they did it and it is a pretty simple concept.
_Another example are the Nucell batteries. The largest battery was 18 inches by 32 inches and produced 100kw of electricity at full power for 50 years. I tried to contact the company within 2 years of obtaining their patent and they were nowhere to be found. This device could completely eliminate the power grid and need for power dams, wind turbines, etc. It could also power ever[y] one of our cars with [no] need to ever buy fuel and eliminating so much pollution. But again this was buried. Recent reports state a corrosion problem, which if you look at the patent you would see is impossible. And I recently found out that the military is using the same technology.
_These are just a few examples of some of the inventions that would have made people gazillionaires but the government and big business crushed the projects. Speaking of crushed, look up the history of the first electric car.
_Medicine is no different. They do not want disease cures because it [disease] generates way too much revenue. It has even been said that if a cancer cure were to be put on the market that every medical school in the nation would lose so many grants they would go under. Not to mention how many people would be put out of business. Think about what is involved in disease. There are the hospital personnel including those we normally don't correlate such as records keepers, janitors, laundry personnel, security, etc. Then there are the equipment manufacturers and their suppliers, and their suppliers........ Plastics companies, chemical companies, bed manufacturers, transportation companies, the mortician, etc. A cure for disease is not going to make anyone rich because it will seriously hurt the economy if ever allowed. Therefore it will never be allowed.
_With all the billions the American Cancer Society gets every year have they ever come up with a single cancer advancement? Not at all. In fact 95% of the money they collect goes to massive salaries at the top, executive travel, and advertising. Less than 5% is used towards research and helping individuals. And the grants do not go to people coming up with successful advances. And what about muscular dystrophy, which Rife was curing back in 1940. Yet we still have the annual telethon in which Jerry Lewis is paid handsomely for his appearance out of the donations. If he really cares about the kids then why doesn't he volunteer his time like the phone volunteers. And why do they fail to show the ex-"Jerry's kids" that cast to the side after they outgrew their cuteness? They protest the lack of help and the abandonment at every year at the telethon, but of course they never show this or talk about it. It is all about the money, not finding a cure.

COMMENT. Has anyone heard of the plasma engine or the nucell battery? My brother and I used to be interested in the Bourke engine. And I used to read about Joe Newman's magnetic motor, or something like that. I heard of an engine that ran on water. My brother does welding and he tried out a Brown's gas torch one time, which was somewhat impressive. It cut iron really fast. I hadn't heard of a way to turn organic material into petroleum, but I saw a Youtube video recently on turning plastic into diesel, I think. My brother used to use used vegetable oil mixed with diesel. I saw a demo video once on the Rife device that killed pathogens.

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Re: Promising Technology

Unread post by Lloyd » Thu Jul 28, 2022 8:41 pm

I found this, but I don't know if it's what Sloane was referring to.

Plasma vehicle engine
The invention relates to a plasma vehicle engine based on two high frequency ion sources which are arranged on a rotor in the form of a Segner wheel and are placed in a cage for removing waste gases. The inventive engine exhibits a high-cost-effectiveness in terms of the parameters thereof and the performance factor thereof ranges from 40 to 70 % with respect to the consumption of chemical energy of used fuels. Said fuels can be embodied in the form of different liquid and gaseous substances, including hydrogen. Solid fuels in the form of a fine powder are also consumable. The inventive engine is noiseless due to the fact that waste gases are discharged in the form of a continuous stream and in small quantities and not by high-volume jerks in comparison with a piston engine. High-speed rotation (20-40 thousands rpm) of the rotor are attainable by the entire engine construction low weight. The high-frequency plasmoid placed in the combustion chambers enables engine to be started under any extreme conditions and to reliably operate in a burny desert and on wide spreads of the extreme north.

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Re: Promising Technology

Unread post by Cargo » Fri Jul 29, 2022 5:17 am

That actually kind of makes sense, but I can't fathom the mechanics needed to do this with a plasma.

irt: organic material into petroleum
I recall when this broke out many years ago, maybe a decade or so. The inventor built one, it was about the size of a 20ft dumpster. You could put 'anything' including organic and plastics (even 'old/dirty' oil) in one end and out the other end came ready to process crude. It was said that it could almost eliminate the trash problem and of course provide a steady reuse stream of fresh crude (of good grade too). It would also power itself after a little while based on the output product.
After a few months of buzz, it went away, poof. But recently the last couple years, there are a few commercial systems that use the principle and do almost the same thing iirc. I haven't looked for them lately.
interstellar filaments conducted electricity having currents as high as 10 thousand billion amperes
"You know not what. .. Perhaps you no longer trust your feelings,." Michael Clarage
"Charge separation prevents the collapse of stars." Wal Thornhill

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Re: Promising Technology

Unread post by Lloyd » Mon Aug 01, 2022 1:56 am

Thanks, Cargo. If anyone finds that, please let us know.

There are quite a few videos on that. One says turn grass clippings into gasoline. Others say plastic into diesel. ... nto+diesel
Some say it's a fraud.

Here's one on grass to gas.

This one says plastic into diesel and gasoline. Also talks about aquaponics and making coconut soap etc.

The next one is about a plant in Indiana that turns plastic into fuel.

Here's a speechless video about turning water into diesel, which would be impossible, without transmutation, which would probably require very high temperature and pressure, or a powerful electric field. Actually, if water had CO2 dissolved in it, it could likely make a little hydrocarbon fuel. The one in the video could possibly turn water into hydrogen gas, but I don't think that would make a flame like the one shown. So I assume it's fake.

Next one claims to run a gasoline engine on water, so maybe that's like the one in the OP.

A few years ago I was finding frequent sci news articles on improving batteries. Lately, it seems that batteries almost never wear out in small gadgets, like alarm clocks, LED flashlights etc. Miles Mathis had an article in which he attempted to explain how the "charge" field recharges LEDs.

Here are some articles on Paul Brown's Nucell battery, apparently the one mentioned in the OP, which I guess used Strontium 90, turning 1 gram into 7500 watts of energy. The fuel for the two Voyager spacecraft are also said to be some kind of radioactive material. By the way, Mathis has a new paper today on Karen Silkwood, in which he claims that nuclear energy and nuclear weapons are both fake. I can imagine there could be some fakery, but it seems that nuclear energy is real, at least to some extent.



My bro has an auto repair shop, so I'll include this for him.


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Re: Promising Technology

Unread post by danda » Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:18 am

I once saw a demonstration of a Geet engine (in a parking lot after a convention), which they claim turns just about any fuel into plasma before combustion. Anyway, the thing ran on coca cola, vegetable oil, even water. The exhaust was cool.

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Re: Promising Technology

Unread post by Cargo » Tue Aug 09, 2022 5:11 am

Oops on the Brightmark Ashley plant. Too bad DM experiments don't end this way, we might get less of them.

But looking deeper, the actual device which 'anyone' could own, is only show for the very briefest of a second in that entire video. A shame really.
This is the core of the process, google images.

Here's another look at it I think. It's very well known now it seems. pyrolysis reactor.
This one is adding microwaves to the chamber for better heating. Hmm.
interstellar filaments conducted electricity having currents as high as 10 thousand billion amperes
"You know not what. .. Perhaps you no longer trust your feelings,." Michael Clarage
"Charge separation prevents the collapse of stars." Wal Thornhill

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Re: Promising Technology

Unread post by Lloyd » Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:28 pm

I found these two references easily:
1. GEET Small [Plasma] Engine Build Plans and Video Demonstration ... nstration/
2. Many Geet Engine Videos

I wonder if that's what my brother and I looked into in the late 1990s.
It looks like it might be simple enough to build. Does anyone want to try?

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Re: Promising Technology

Unread post by Lloyd » Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:49 am


I never heard of it before, but this video claims that spin-launch has already been built and tried out. It's supposedly a 3 day old video with over 740 thousand views. Is this whole thing fake? They sure are trying to make it seem real, if it ain't. Has anyone else heard of this before? Am I just behind the times? It looks like the structure for launching has been built, but maybe that's just CGI. Is it?

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Re: Promising Technology

Unread post by danda » Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:02 pm

This "free energy" device looks interesting, and they demonstrate how to build it at home.

I saw this a couple months back.... I dunno if there are any successful reproductions yet or not. If it's fake, it is a very well done fake.

Anyway, I'd be curious to hear opinions of folks here.

My own take, at a high level, is that the ether is infinitely dense (there is no such thing as "empty space" anywhere), and thus has immense power locked up in it. There must be a way to tap into that. I don't know if this is such a way or not, but my mind is open to the possibility, unlike many operating under "mainstream" preconceptions.

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Re: Promising Technology

Unread post by crawler » Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:58 pm

danda wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:02 pm This "free energy" device looks interesting, and they demonstrate how to build it at home.

I saw this a couple months back.... I dunno if there are any successful reproductions yet or not. If it's fake, it is a very well done fake.

Anyway, I'd be curious to hear opinions of folks here.

My own take, at a high level, is that the ether is infinitely dense (there is no such thing as "empty space" anywhere), and thus has immense power locked up in it. There must be a way to tap into that. I don't know if this is such a way or not, but my mind is open to the possibility, unlike many operating under "mainstream" preconceptions.
I doubt that there is any way to tap into the aether. The aether gives us energy via the photons that it creates -- they are a micro excitation of the aether -- a photon defies conservation of energy, being eternal. And the aether gives us energy via the bulk flow & acceleration of aether into photons, where aether is annihilated -- the acceleration of the aether inflow giving us gravity, ie gravitational mass & inertial mass.
So, other than thems, there is no way to tap into aether energy.

There were a number of over unity machines on youtube a few years ago when i used to look into this stuff. But nothing has emerged -- hence its safe to say all are fakes.
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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Re: Promising Technology

Unread post by BeAChooser » Thu Aug 11, 2022 1:45 am

Lloyd wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:49 am IS SPIN-LAUNCH REAL?

I never heard of it before, but this video claims that spin-launch has already been built and tried out. It's supposedly a 3 day old video with over 740 thousand views. Is this whole thing fake? They sure are trying to make it seem real, if it ain't. Has anyone else heard of this before? Am I just behind the times? It looks like the structure for launching has been built, but maybe that's just CGI. Is it?
It’s real. Based in New Mexico. But only a 1/3rd scale prototype has been built. It launches a projectile 10 feet long. A sub-orbital test flight in October 2021, at 20% of the accelerator’s full power, reached tens of thousands of feet. There was no rocket on board. They planned to launch about 30 sub-orbital flights during the first half of 2022. In May they launched a projectile (flight 38) with a camera on board. Here's the video: . Meanwhile they say they are finalizing design of the full scale launcher and they now have a contract from NASA to test it. The company hopes to perform its first orbital test flight in 2025. That’s if the country is still around then.

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Re: Promising Technology

Unread post by Lloyd » Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:14 am

Thanks, BAC.

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Re: Promising Technology

Unread post by BeAChooser » Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:43 am

Lloyd wrote: Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:14 amThanks, BAC.
One error above. The launch in May 2022 was #8, not 38.

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Re: Promising Technology

Unread post by Lloyd » Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:27 pm

Did you see this video, which says the other free energy videos are fake?

I haven't watched it yet, but maybe it answers your questions.

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Re: Promising Technology

Unread post by Lloyd » Sun Aug 14, 2022 3:53 am


Orgone Energy - Ancient Science Rediscovered?

That's another Randall Carlson video. He suggests that ancient mounds were built like Orgone Accumulators.

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