Dare_Science reddit

Has science taken a wrong turn? If so, what corrections are needed? Chronicles of scientific misbehavior. The role of heretic-pioneers and forbidden questions in the sciences. Is peer review working? The perverse "consensus of leading scientists." Good public relations versus good science.
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Dare_Science reddit

Unread post by D_Archer » Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:42 am

I was really disappointed with reddit* and how it works and how it is mostly an exclusionary platform. It builds close minded communities, if you have something to say on astronomy you can not post at the astronomy reddit...

So i have started a new reddit community, called Dare_Science, the catch phrase is Dare To Science.

It is free for anyone to post what they want!


With all good things, i exepct a lot of s**t but i hope the good and free spirit of science can thrive on this reddit.

Kind regards,
Daniel Archer

* i do not do any socal media and never gave reddit a thought before, did not even know what it was exactly, i quickly discovered....
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